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I am a student. I studied hard to pass the high school examination 6 months ago.

And all my efforts paid off, I was accepted into my dream school - Yh High
- I'm studying a lot of subjects such as maths, literature, physics, chemistry,
history...I think I'm not really good at social studies so I choose grade A.
I also study English because English is very important. I want to pass University
Entrance Exam with an IELTS certificate.
No, I haven't. because of covid 19, we can't study at school and meet classmates, I
have only talked with some people. They are very friendly and kind. I hope covid
19 will be ending soon.
- I plan to eat more vegetables and do more exercise. I think doing exercise is very
important while the covid 19 are more and more serious. eating vegetables not only
help me stay healthy but also reduce the amount of animal that will be killed. I also
think I should go to bed early. You know, I have so much homework every day,
and I have to stay up late to do it.
- No, I don't. I'm too busy to do exercise. I think after I pass the exam, I will do
exercise more. And if I can, I will study to play basketball because Basketball is
said to increase height. my height is not really good so I think basketball is a good
I was extremely active when I was a child so I was into cycling. I used to bike
racing with the neighborhood children when I was 7 years old. I played many
games with them. We played hide and seek, badminton,...
active helps kids maintain healthy body weight. Regular physical activity helps
build and maintain strong, healthy bones, circulatory. it also improves the quality
of sleep.
I like cloudy weather. I'm not into rainy weather because it makes everything
inconvenient. We don't want to go out in the rainy weather. I also don’t like hot
weather for when it’s too hot, you get stressed out
yes, I have. In Vietnam, the weather is hotter and hotter. the winter in recent years
is not as cold as the winter before because of the global warm. the summer is very
hot, the temperature often reaches 40 points C.
In the winter, the weather is very cold so I like to stay at home and sleep with a big
and cozy blanket.
I'm living in a house. because of covid 19, my parents give me to my grandma's
house. I have stayed here for 3 months. We have a garden, fresh air, many trees.
I am still a student, and I have a daily routine that mostly circles around my
classes, friends, and studies.

I get up early in the morning, mostly at around 6 am, and have breakfast at 6:30
am. I reach my high school at 7:00 am and attend the classes till 11 am. after that,
I go back home, have lunch and relax. I attend the IELTS class at 4 pm and end at
5:30 pm. I return home and have dinner with my family. Then I do my homework
and take some rest after a long day. I usually go to bed at 11 pm or sometimes is 12
am because there are to much homewwork

discharge into the environment

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