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Samantha Ruano

Professor Shahrazad Encinias

CAS 113A

13 February 2024

P1.1 Central American Migrants Are On A World-Of-Mouth Exodus To The U.S

In “Central American Migrants Are On A World-Of-Mouth Exodus To The U.S” by

Tracy Wilkinson, in the article Tracy Wilkinson interviews migrants who describe the terror,

horror, and danger migrants go through when coming here to the U.S. First, In the article there is

an image of a mother breast feeding her baby while she sits on the floor. Tracy Wilkinson

explains how that same mother has been traveling from Honduras with her 10-month old baby on

top of a train. Of course she and her baby are not the only ones to do such dangerous trips on top

of trains. In fact, these are but one of the dangers migrants face when coming to the U.S. One of

the other dangers the migrants face is called “La Bestia.” La Bestia is a train that countless

Central American migrants ride to travel and the danger they face is many, they face murder,

rape, beatings and other dangers. Migrants are willing to take these dangers because of many

struggles and those struggles are in their homeland. Tracy Wilkinson interviews many migrants

who explain what those struggles are and with the same answer from them she gets that “At

home they face gang violence, poverty, and no jobs.” With these struggles of course they would

want to leave their home land and come live somewhere else. Where their chances of leaving a

better and safe life is possible. This is why many migrants come to the U.S with this same hope

in mind. In the article it is stated that many migrants believe there are bigger chances of being

allowed to stay in the U.S if they are carrying kids. A mother was interviewed who’s willing to

turn herself in stated that she will pray and believe GOD will help her stay in the U.S. All the
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migrants can do is hope. Yet they face another danger, and it is the Mexican authorities. Once

they are detained by the Mexican authorities they are put to detention facilities. There they are

starved, beated, and tortured. Lastly, another fact from this article is kids can be left behind when

traveling to the U.S. In the article it explained how a 5 year old was abandoned by their father

and that poor boy was continuing on the trip alone. Thank GOD that boy was found later on but

still these migrants face some many dangers when traveling to the U.S. In conclusion, this whole

“Central American Migrants Are On A World-Of-Mouth Exodus To The U.S” article explains

the struggle, experience, and risks migrants take to travel here to the U.S.

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