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Professional Persona Executive Summary

Being able to reflect on your personality is The word umbrella pictured below
crucial in the business world in order to consists of a multitude of adjectives
properly evaluate your strengths and that my peers used to describe me in
weaknesses. In addition to this, knowing how the Self-Perception survey. The
your peers view you is equally important. adjectives in dark blue are the
The information provided below is a synopsis adjectives that both myself and my
of both how I perceive myself and how I am peers rated me, and the adjectives in
perceived by my peers. Here I will draw light blue are the ones that my peers
comparisons to the data collected from both used to describe me in addition to the
the PeopleStyle survey and the Culture Map dark blue.


According to the PeopleStyle self-perception

survey that I took, I was placed into the
Amiable category. I agree with the result of
this survey because Amiable people tend to
be more relaxed and agreeable, especially in a
setting where teamwork is required.
However, in the survey I sent to my peers, I
was deemed to be more of a Driver. In
additon to being labeled a Driver, I was also
put into the categories of Analytical and
The graph to the left displays the
Expressive, but interestingly enough, nobody
results of the survey that was sent to
categorized me as Amiable.
my peers. The four cateogries consist of
Driver, Analytical, Expressive, and
Amiable, and these are categorized on a
scale of Assertiveness and
Responsiveness. The red dot indicates
my personal rating, the blue dots
indicate my peers’ ratings, and the
green dot is the respondent average
Communication is
Key “Paige is very
puncutal. This is great
According to the Culture Map results from because it allows us to
the survey, I had high scores in the get our work done
Evaluating and Trusting categories. A high efficiently.”
score in the Evaluating category indicates
that I am likely to consider the recipient’s
feelings and emotions when delivering “Given the time you had
negative information. A high score in the to find information, the
Trusting category shows that I prefer to
build trust with people outside of a work-
solutions were
related setting. In addition to these high impeccable! Glad to have
scores, I received a low score in the you on our team.”
Communicating category. This information
indicates that I prefer more clear and
simple messages when communicating with
someone instead of nuanced or layered
messages. I tend to agree with all of these
scores, and knowing this information will After analyzing this information, I am
help me to better understand my strengths more eager than ever to continue to
and weaknesses for the future. develop my professional persona. As
mentioned previously, it is important
Thanks to the results from the survey to know your strengths and
I took and sent to my peers, I can weaknesses, but it is equally as
confidently say I have a better important to know how others view
understanding of how I am perceived these traits so you can continue to
by others. When initially analyzing grow. Seeing how my peers described
the results and seeing that nobody me is incredibly encouraging because
categorized me as Amiable other than many of the adjectives listed are what
myself, this was surprising to me. I I strive to be every day.
typically view myself as reserved yet
involved, and seeing that people view
me as “social” and “leaderlike” show To keep in touch, please feel free to
me that I may not know how I am send me a message via LinkedIn or
perceived by others, but now I have a email.
much better understanding.

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