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Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 80 (2017) 286–305

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Review article

Habituation is altered in neuropsychiatric disorders—A comprehensive T

review with recommendations for experimental design and analysis

Troy A. McDiarmida,c, Aram C. Bernardosa,c, Catharine H. Rankinb,c,
Graduate Program in Neuroscience, University of British Columbia, 2215 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6T 1Z3, Canada
Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia, 2136 West Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6T 1Z4, Canada
Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health, University of British Columbia, Rm F221, 2211 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6T 2B5, Canada


Keywords: Abnormalities in the simplest form of learning, habituation, have been reported in a variety of neuropsychiatric
Habituation disorders as etiologically diverse as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Fragile X syndrome, Schizophrenia, Parkinson’s
Neuropsychiatric disorders Disease, Huntington’s Disease, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Tourette’s Syndrome, and Migraine.
Disorders of Habituation Here we provide the first comprehensive review of what is known about alterations in this form of non-asso-
Autism Spectrum Disorder
ciative learning in each disorder. Across several disorders, abnormal habituation is predictive of symptom se-
Fragile X syndrome
verity, highlighting the clinical significance of habituation and its importance to normal cognitive function.
Parkinson’s disease Abnormal habituation is discussed within the greater framework of learning theory and how it may relate to
Huntington’s disease disease phenotype either as a cause, symptom, or therapy. Important considerations for the design and inter-
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder pretation of habituation experiments are outlined with the hope that these will aid both clinicians and basic
Tourette’s syndrome researchers investigating how this simple form of learning is altered in disease.
Sensory processing
Adaptive filtering

“Together, nonassociative learning and nonassociative gating constitute response decrement resulting from repeated stimulation that cannot be
an intelligent ‘firewall’ that constantly triages vast amounts of sensory explained by sensory adaptation or motor fatigue, and has conserved
information into actionable and non-actionable categories in order to behavioural characteristics present in all organisms studied (Table 1,
prioritize. This firewall mechanism shields the mind from the vast adapted from Rankin et al., 2009). In lay terms, habituation may be
amounts of inundating sensory information that constantly compete with described as the ability to “ignore the familiar, predictable, and in-
one another for attention, and spares it the trouble of having to respond consequential,” a process almost ubiquitously presumed to be crucial
to every tingling except the most salient ones. The triage process not only for normal cognitive function. For this reason, habituation is con-
helps to preserve mental sanity but also conserve physical energy, both of ceptualized as a “building block of cognition,” essential to attention,
which are important for survival.” saliency mapping, and more complex forms of learning and memory.
Poon and Young (2006) This is supported by the observation that there is a correlation between
the rate of habituation in infancy and later IQ scores (Kavšek, 2004;
McCall and Carriger, 1993).
1. Introduction
Despite its ubiquity and importance to normal cognitive function,
remarkably little is known about the cellular and molecular processes
Although abnormal habituation has been observed in numerous
underlying habituation (Giles and Rankin, 2009; Glanzman, 2009;
neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders a comprehensive review of
Ramaswami, 2014; Schmid et al., 2014; Wilson and Linster, 2008).
how this form of non-associative learning is altered in each disorder is
Indeed, several lines of evidence suggest that this elementary form of
lacking. Habituation is a non-associative form of learning, defined as a
plasticity is mediated by multiple mechanisms which are recruited by

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C.H. Rankin).
Received 14 December 2016; Accepted 29 May 2017
Available online 01 June 2017
0149-7634/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T.A. McDiarmid et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 80 (2017) 286–305

Table 1 researchers investigating habituation and disease. Understanding the

The ten behavioural characteristics of habituation (Rankin et al., 2009). habituation deficits in one disorder may serve as a catalyst for studies of
another disorder. An additional goal of this review is to provide ex-
The Behavioural Characteristics of Habituation
perimental design and interpretation guidelines that will allow for more
1. Repeated application of a stimulus results in a progressive decrease in some consistent observations across studies. An accurate understanding of
parameter of a response to an asymptotic level. This change may include how habituation is altered in a disorder will facilitate the use of habi-
decreases in frequency and/or magnitude of the response. In many cases, the
tuation as a tool for differential diagnosis and will allow for more ac-
decrement is exponential, but it may also be linear; in addition, a response may
show facilitation prior to decrementing because of (or presumably derived from) curate animal models to investigate the cellular and molecular me-
a simultaneous process of sensitization. chanisms underlying these learning impairments.
2. If the stimulus is withheld after response decrement, the response recovers at least
partially over the observation time (“spontaneous recovery”). 2. Neuropsychiatric disorder inclusion criteria
3. After multiple series of stimulus repetitions and spontaneous recoveries, the
response decrement becomes successively more rapid and/or more pronounced
(“potentiation of habituation”). Not all neuropsychiatric disorders show abnormal habituation,
4. Other things being equal, more frequent stimulation results in more rapid and/or however a surprising number do. To generate a list of the most pre-
more pronounced response decrement, and more rapid spontaneous recovery (if valent neuropsychiatric conditions for which there is also a substantive
the decrement has reached asymptotic levels).
literature investigating habituation we queried PubMed for each of the
5. Within a stimulus modality, the less intense the stimulus, the more rapid and/or
more pronounced the behavioural response decrement. Very intense stimuli may disorder categories listed in DSM-V (American Psychiatric Association,
yield no significant observable response decrement. 2013) and the 12 disorders listed as the most common neurological
6. The effects of repeated stimulation may continue to accumulate even after the disorders according to Hirtz et al. (2007). Only disorders with more
response has reached an asymptotic level (which may or may not be zero, or no than five empirical research articles comparing habituation in a clinical
response). This effect of stimulation beyond asymptotic levels can alter
population to habituation in one or more control groups were included
subsequent behaviour (e.g., by delaying the onset of spontaneous recovery).
7. Within the same stimulus modality, the response decrement shows some stimulus in this review. The disorders that met this criterion were: Autism
specificity. To test for stimulus specificity/stimulus generalization, a second, Spectrum disorder, Fragile X syndrome, Schizophrenia, Parkinson’s
novel stimulus is presented and a comparison is made between the changes in the disease, Huntington’s disease, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,
responses to the habituated stimulus and the novel stimulus. In many paradigms
Tourette’s syndrome, and Migraine. Despite the diverse etiology of
(e.g., developmental studies of language acquisition) this test has been
improperly termed a dishabituation test rather than a stimulus generalization
these disorders the degree of habituation alteration correlates with
test, its proper name. symptom severity in most of the disorders suggesting that under-
8. Presentation of a different stimulus results in an increase of the decremented standing the alterations in habituation might lead to new approaches to
response to the original stimulus. This phenomenon is termed “dishabituation.” It understanding, diagnosing, and treating these disorders. To our
is important to note that the proper test for dishabituation is an increase in
knowledge, the neuropsychiatric disorders reviewed here represent all
response to the original stimulus and not an increase in response to the
dishabituating stimulus (see point #7 above). Indeed, the dishabituating stimulus disorders for which there are five or more studies examining habitua-
by itself need not even trigger the response on its own. tion in human patient populations.
9. Upon repeated application of the dishabituating stimulus, the amount of
dishabituation produced decreases (“habituation of dishabituation”).
3. Study selection criteria
10. Some stimulus repetition protocols may result in properties of the response
decrement (e.g., more rapid rehabituation than baseline, smaller initial responses
than baseline, smaller mean responses than baseline, less frequent responses than This work heavily focuses on studies investigating non-associative
baseline) that last hours, days or weeks. This persistence of aspects of habituation learning alterations by comparing differences in response plasticity to
is termed long-term habituation. repeated stimulation in two or more groups. To delimit the scope this
review and provide a cohesive narrative, we excluded studies of habi-
tuation to drugs in addiction research. For disorders with pre-existing
different stimuli and training paradigms (Giles and Rankin, 2009;
reviews examining habituation alterations (e.g., ASD, Schizophrenia,
Rankin and Broster, 1992). Although studies using animal models have
Migraine), the reviews are briefly summarized and work published
revealed that both short- and long-term forms of habituation can be
since the most recent review are covered in detail. For disorders
observed (Castellucci et al., 1978), this review will focus on short-term
without a pre-existing review focused on alterations in habituation all
habituation reflecting the focus of the clinical literature to date. While
studies are reviewed.
short-term habituation develops within a single training session, long-
We have included only articles whose authors explicitly stated they
term habituation persists across training sessions and requires spaced
were investigating altered habituation in a neuropsychiatric disorder
training and protein synthesis for its production and maintenance
group compared to one or more control groups. However, it is im-
(Ramaswami, 2014; Rankin et al., 2009). Despite being the simplest
portant to note that any response change due to repeated non-asso-
form of learning there is very little known about the cellular mechan-
ciative stimulation is the sum of putatively independent underlying
isms of underlying habituation. Studies using Aplysia and rats show that
sensitization (incremental) and habituation (decremental) processes
short-term habituation can result from homosynaptic depression of
which are integrated to produce the final behavioural response (Groves
excitatory neurotransmission (Armitage and Siegelbaum, 1998;
and Thompson, 1970). Therefore, the observed changes in habituation
Castellucci et al., 1970; Castellucci and Kandel, 1974; Farel and
discussed here could in principle reflect changes in sensitization.
Thompson, 1976; Kupfermann et al., 1970; Weber et al., 2002) and
studies using Drosophila have shown that habituation can also manifest
4. Methods for studying habituation in humans
at the network-level by potentiation of inhibitory synapses (Das et al.,
2011; Glanzman, 2011).
The training paradigms and methods used to study habituation in
Consistent with the ubiquity, adaptive importance, and diversity of
humans are as diverse as the diseases and disorders they have been used
underlying mechanisms of habituation, habituation abnormalities have
to study. In order to facilitate accessibility to a broader scientific au-
been implicated in numerous etiologically diverse neuropsychiatric
dience we have provided a description of the common methods used to
disorders. The purpose of this review is to bring together accounts of
study habituation in adult humans: acoustic startle, event-related po-
habituation and neurological/neuropsychiatric disorders with the hope
tentials, electrodermal activity, and functional magnetic resonance
that this will lead to insights about both habituation, and the neu-
imaging (Table 2). The methods described in Table 2 are not ex-
ropsychiatric disorders in which habituation is altered. It is our hope
haustive, but rather represent the most common methods that re-
that this review will serve as a resource for both clinicians and basic
searchers build upon when designing more complex habituation

T.A. McDiarmid et al.
Table 2
A brief description of common methods for the analysis of habituation in humans.

Common paradigm titles Brief description of method Commonly used eliciting stimuli Response metrics Detailed Studies using this
description of method to detect
method abnormal habituation

Startle reflex habituation or Intense stimuli are presented to induce a startle response: Usually brief intense auditory stimuli (loud Behavioural output (most commonly the Davis (1984), Koch Geyer and Braff
Acoustic Startle Reflex eye-lid closure (blink) and a contraction of facial, neck, tones presented through headphones). probability of blinking). Electromyographic (EMG) (1999) (1982), Braff et al.
(ASR) habituation and skeletal muscles. Habituation is observed as a Somatosensory and visual stimuli may also recording of the orbicularis oculi muscle (1992), Meincke et al.
decrease in startle response magnitude and/or probability be used to elicit a startle response. responsible for the blink reflex is common.a (2004)
with repeated stimulation. Recording ERPs (described above) following startle-
inducing stimuli is also common.
Event-related potential (ERP) Stimuli are presented to participants while event-related Simple discrete auditory, visual, and Voltage (i.e., microvolts) is measured from several Luck (2012) Coppola et al. (2013),
habituation or changes in voltage are measured from several electrodes somatosensory stimuli, as well as various different areas across the scalp (e.g., frontal, de Tommaso et al.
Cortical evoked potential placed across the scalp (i.e. Electroencephalography). nociceptive stimuli. Complex visual stimuli parietal, etc.). Various components of the ERP may (2014)
habituation Habituation is observed as a decrease in the latency or (e.g., checkerboard patterns) be isolated and analyzed individually. For example
amplitude of various components of the ERP wave with the negative deflection that occurs ∼100 ms after
repeated stimulation. the stimulus (N100) or the positive deflection that
occurs ∼300 ms after the stimulus (P300)b
Electrodermal activity (EDA) Stimuli (usually weak auditory tones) are presented to Simple discrete auditory, visual, Changes in skin conductance (i.e., micro Siemens) Dawson et al. Schoen et al. (2008)
habituation, participants in a standard laboratory or clinical setting. somatosensory stimuli, as well as various generated by eccrine sweat glands is measured (2007), Boucsein

Event-related skin Stimulus-evoked changes in skin conductance are nociceptive stimuli using two electrodes placed on the skin of the hands (2012)
conductance response measured. Habituation is observed as a decrease in the or fingers
(ER-SCR) habituation, or probability or magnitude of skin conductance response
Skin conductance with repeated stimulation.
orienting response
(SCOR) habituationc
Functional magnetic Stimuli are presented to participants inside the MRI Simple discrete auditory and visual stimuli BOLD contrast Breiter et al. Holt et al. (2005),
resonance imaging scanner via computer screens and speakers. Stimulus- (e.g., tones and shapes), complex visual (1996), Plichta Kleinhans et al. (2009)
(fMRI), Blood oxygen evoked BOLD contrast responses are recorded throughout stimuli (e.g., emotive faces) et al. (2014)
level stimulus repetitions. Habituation is observed as a decrease
dependent (BOLD) in evoked BOLD contrast with repeated stimulation
contrast habituation, or

Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 80 (2017) 286–305

Specific brain region
habituation (e.g.,
amygdala habituation)d

We have also provided references where a detailed description of the method can be found as well as examples from this review where the method has been used to detect abnormal habituation in the context of a disease or disorder.
The EMG blink response induced by weak stimuli that do not induce a startle response (e.g. supraorbital electrical stimulation) is also common (see Penders and Delwaide, 1971). The R2 component of the blink response EMG is most often
studied because it shows the greatest amount of habituation.
Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is often used to measure event related field (ERF) habituation in order to gain greater spatial resolution compared to EEG.
Galvanic Skin Response is an antiquated term referring to electrodermal activity, the term is no longer used for reasons discussed in Boucsein (2012).
Also referred to as fMRI adaptation, repetition suppression, and repetition attenuation.
T.A. McDiarmid et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 80 (2017) 286–305

paradigms. provide support for the notion that habituation deficits arise early in the
development of ASD and persist into adulthood.
5. Impaired habituation is an endophenotype of Autism Spectrum The newest approach for investigating abnormal habituation in ASD
Disorder comes from a series of fMRI studies assessing the functional neural
correlates of face processing deficits. Hypotheses describing the neural
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a heterogeneous neurodeve- circuitry underlying abnormal face processing in ASD have centered on
lopmental disorder characterized by fixated interests, inflexible rou- hyperexcitability of the amygdala to social stimuli. However, studies
tines, stereotyped behaviours, as well as difficulties with communica- examining amygdala activity in response to social stimuli in ASD pa-
tion and social interactions. Despite the large phenotypic variation tients have found both increased activity (Dalton et al., 2005; Nacewicz
present within the autism spectrum, improper processing of sensory et al., 2006) and decreased activity (Ashwin et al., 2007; Critchley
stimuli appears to be a shared phenomenon that has recently been et al., 2000). In a seminal paper, Kleinhans et al. (2009) hypothesized
added to the list of diagnostic criteria (American Psychiatric that the amygdala response to social stimuli in ASD patients could be
Association, 2013; Sinclair et al., 2017). Over 96% of individuals with best characterized not by simple over- or under-activation, but instead
ASD report hypo- or hypersensitivity to stimuli across sensory mod- by decreased neural habituation. In other words, while the amygdala
alities (Crane et al., 2009; Leekam et al., 2007; Minshew et al., 2002; response to faces habituates in healthy controls (Fischer et al., 2003),
Sinclair et al., 2017). Indeed, hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli is so they expected this response to exhibit little plasticity in ASD in-
common in ASD it has inspired the influential “altered salience” and dividuals. To test this, Kleinhans et al. (2009) employed a paradigm
“intense world” theories of ASD (Markram et al., 2007; Ramachandran where adult ASD patients and controls were shown two sets of neutral
and Oberman, 2006). These and other “hyperarousal” or similar “de- faces in two sets of fMRI scanning runs. In the first scanning run both
creased inhibition” theories suggest 1) children with ASD are more groups showed similar levels of amygdala activation while in the
easily aroused by sensory stimuli and/or 2) that they show reduced second the authors observed significantly greater activation in the
habituation to repeated stimuli compared to other children amygdala of ASD patients. Importantly, the authors show that the
(Ramaswami, 2014; Rogers and Ozonoff, 2005). In support of these amygdala activation in the ASD group never exceeded the activation in
theories, a variety of studies employing different stimulation paradigms the control group. Instead, while amygdala activity in the control group
and modalities suggest that habituation deficits arise early in the de- decreased with repeated stimulation, activity in the ASD group did not.
velopment of ASD and persist into adulthood. Intriguingly, post-hoc analysis demonstrated that the habituation im-
Face-processing deficits are among the earliest reported social def- pairment correlated with the level of social dysfunction in the ASD
icits in ASD. When repeatedly presented images of faces typically-de- individuals (Kleinhans et al., 2009). This study illustrates a recurring
veloping children will habituate to the images by decreasing the issue between brain activity measures (i.e. ERPs, BOLD, EMG) and
amount of time spent looking at each stimulus. Assessing the duration habituation. Many brain activity measures rely on averaging multiple
of face-directed gaze, Webb et al. (2010) showed that 18–30 month-old scans to get a detailed picture of activity in different brain areas.
children with ASD, and their siblings, take longer to habituate to images However, processing the data this way lends itself to simple inter-
of faces than age-matched controls. These findings provide evidence for pretations of hyper- or hypo-activity and may mask underlying ab-
decreased habituation at the earliest age that ASD can be reliably di- normalities in plasticity such as habituation.
agnosed, but deficits in habituation may be present even earlier in This finding of reduced amygdala habituation to faces in ASD has
development. An EEG study showed that 9-month-old infants at high provoked several follow-up studies investigating the extent and nature
risk for ASD (i.e., possessing an older sibling diagnosed with ASD) of this deficit. Swartz et al. (2013) found deficits in amygdala habi-
displayed decreased habituation of auditory evoked potentials when tuation in youth with ASD using shorter presentation times as well as a
compared to age matched low-risk controls (Guiraud et al., 2011). correlation between reduced habituation and social dysfunction. Fur-
Behavioural and electrophysiological studies of habituation in ther, Swartz et al. (2013) found that decreased amygdala habituation in
adolescents and adults with ASD have provided less consistent results the ASD group correlated with decreased activation in the ventromedial
due to increased heterogeneity of age in the patient population and the Prefrontal Cortex (vmPFC) compared to controls, suggesting a possible
diversity of stimulus presentation paradigms employed. In an attempt role for reduced vmPFC activity in the habituation deficits observed.
to address this, an electrodermal study first separated adolescents with Indeed, the vmPFC has been implicated in top-down inhibition of the
ASD into high-arousal or low-arousal subgroups based on their resting amygdala during habituation (Hare et al., 2008). Another study from
skin conductance before administering several blocks of stimuli across the same group investigated the relationship between face habituation
all sensory modalities. This study revealed a trend where the high in ASD patients and serotonin transporter genotype (Wiggins et al.,
arousal ASD subgroup showed reduced habituation while the low 2014). They found that individuals with ASD and low-expressing ser-
arousal ASD subgroup displayed enhanced habituation, as compared to otonin transporter genotypes displayed greater deficits in amygdala
controls (Schoen et al., 2008). Importantly, this study demonstrates the habituation to sad faces than ASD individuals with high-expressing
large differences that can exist for individual habituation patterns serotonin transporter genotypes. While these findings offer some me-
within the heterogeneous ASD group. Further investigation of habi- chanistic insight into the cause of decreased habituation in ASD, they
tuation in ASD has come from recent studies primarily focused on are more broadly impactful as they illustrate that the endophenotype of
measures of sensorimotor gating (e.g., pre-pulse inhibition or P50 habituation deficits in ASD may be more amenable to genetic analysis
suppression). Many of these studies use an acoustic startle paradigm than the heterogeneous ASD diagnosis itself. Green et al. (2015) also
where acoustic tones are delivered to participants through headphones showed decreased amygdala habituation in ASD patients that coincided
and the subsequent eye-blink response is recorded directly by ob- with decreased functional connectivity between the vmPFC and the
servation or by electromyography (EMG). A range of results have been amygdala. Intriguingly, the severity of decreased habituation correlated
obtained from subjecting ASD individuals to this procedure, including with increased sensory overresponsivity (Green et al., 2015). Finally, in
reduced habituation (Perry et al., 2007), increased sensitization a recent study Kleinhans et al. (2016) replicated their initial finding of
(Madsen et al., 2014), as well as increased baseline response followed reduced amygdala habituation in response to emotional faces and
by normal habituation (Kohl et al., 2014; Takahashi et al., 2016). It is showed that this deficit was specific to face processing as ASD in-
likely that the conflicting findings arise from a combination of the dividuals showed normal habituation to images of houses.
heterogeneity of the patient populations and differences in stimulus It is interesting to note that recent studies strongly support the no-
presentation paradigms used (Sinclair et al., 2017). Despite contra- tion of decreased habituation in ASD, while older reports produced
dictory findings, recent behavioural and electrophysiological studies conflicting results (Rogers and Ozonoff, 2005). One possibility is that

T.A. McDiarmid et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 80 (2017) 286–305

the diagnostic criteria for ASD have shifted the phenotypes of the pa- 1992). Interestingly, treatment with the broad spectrum antibiotic
tient population. Indeed, sensory overresponsivity has only recently minocycline has recently been shown to increase global functioning,
been added to the DSM-V criteria for ASD (American Psychiatric improve performance on tests of anxiety and mood-related behaviours,
Association, 2013; Lai et al., 2013). Since patients with ASD do not all as well as ameliorate EEG-recorded sensory abnormalities and reduced
necessarily display decreased habituation, further analysis into the habituation in individuals with FXS (Leigh et al., 2013; Schneider et al.,
cause of individual differences for this deficit is needed. Habituation 2013). Using a mouse model of FXS, Bilousova et al. (2009) demon-
measurements could become an additional tool of differential diag- strated that minocycline promotes dendritic spine maturation and im-
nostics for subtypes within the ASD group. Given the evidence for de- proves behavioural deficits by inhibiting the enzyme MMP-9 (matrix
creased habituation as a tractable endophenotype of this disorder metalloproteinase 9). This has led to the suggestion that a similar me-
(Guiraud et al., 2011; Webb et al., 2010; Wiggins et al., 2014) further chanism may underlie the clinical improvements that occur following
molecular and systems level examinations into how this simple form of minocycline treatment of FXS (Schneider et al., 2013). Indeed, a recent
learning and sensory filtering is disrupted in ASD are warranted. study reported that FMR1 knock-out mice displayed decreased auditory
In summary, habituation impairments have been observed in ASD N1 habituation that was rescued by additional knock-out of MMP9
throughout development and in adulthood. Several recent fMRI studies (Lovelace et al., 2016).
have demonstrated impaired amygdala habituation to emotive faces in Another FXS deficit that has been studied in the context of habi-
ASD and made positive correlations between with habituation impair- tuation is the propensity to avoid eye contact (Cohen et al., 1989;
ment and social dysfunction. This is intriguing as it suggests that the Farzin et al., 2009). A recent study by Bruno et al. (2014) compared
habituation impairment is not limited to simple stimuli (e.g., auditory individuals with FXS to individuals with idiopathic developmental
tones) but extends to complex social stimuli (i.e., faces) and may have delay, intellectual disability, or learning disability but no known ge-
social repercussions. Further, these studies have begun to elucidate the netic or neurological disorder, on an fMRI habituation task. Participants
neural circuit and genetic abnormalities that lead to impaired amygdala were repeatedly presented 4 different neutral faces in two orientations
habituation in ASD. Given the prevalence of drugs used to treat certain such that half of the images were looking at the participant while the
aspects of ASD (e.g., antipsychotics used to treat irritability), it will be other half were looking away. In individuals with FXS the BOLD re-
interesting to see if these drugs also affect habituation. sponse in the cingulate gyrus, fusiform gyrus, and frontal cortex ex-
hibited significantly reduced habituation (and significant sensitization)
6. Habituation deficits in Fragile X Syndrome to all faces as compared to controls. So, despite the observation that
individuals with FXS avoid eye contact, they showed reduced habi-
Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is the most common monogenic cause of tuation to faces regardless of whether the images are looking at the
intellectual disability (Hagerman et al., 2009; O’Donnell and Warren, participant or not (Bruno et al., 2014). It is also interesting to note that,
2002; Sinclair et al., 2017). FXS is caused by expansion and hy- similar to Miller et al. (1999), Bruno et al. also found a correlation
permethylation of CGC repeats in the promoter region of the Fragile X between increased FMRP expression and decreased habituation.
mental retardation 1 (FMR1) gene which results in reduced or abolished Taken together, studies of habituation and FXS point to habituation
FMRP expression. Decreased FMR1 expression has been shown to alter deficits that are present across sensory modalities, and like individuals
protein synthesis dependent synaptic plasticity and dendritic spine with ASD, occur along with basic sensory abnormalities as well as more
growth, processes critical to early neurodevelopment (Greenough et al., complex deficits in social processing of face stimuli. To date, there have
2001; Irwin et al., 2001). been no studies assessing habituation abnormalities throughout devel-
FXS is also the leading monogenic cause of Autism Spectrum opment in FXS. Recent studies have shown that minocycline treatment
Disorder (ASD) with approximately 15–33% of individuals with FXS induced marked improvements in symptom severity that correlate with
meeting the diagnostic criteria for ASD and 5% of ASD cases being improved habituation in individuals with FXS. These studies are pro-
attributed to FXS (Bailey et al., 1998; Cohen et al., 2005). Additionally, mising as they suggest the neurodevelopmental abnormalities that re-
individuals with FXS alone (i.e., not comorbid with ASD) often show sult in reduced plasticity in FXS are reversible with an acute pharma-
characteristics reminiscent of ASD, including deficits in social beha- cological intervention. Moving forward, it will be interesting to
viour, delays in language development, sensory over-responsivity, and determine whether other monogenic disorders associated with altered
decreased habituation (Barnes et al., 2009; Berry-Kravis et al., 2007; neurodevelopment and autistic symptoms (e.g. Rett syndrome, Cowden
Hagerman et al., 1986, 1991; Roberts et al., 2007; Rotschafer and syndrome, etc.) display impaired habituation as well.
Razak, 2014).
In a preliminary study, the electrodermal responses to repeatedly 7. Habituation deficits in Schizophrenia
presented olfactory, auditory, visual, tactile, and vestibular stimuli
were compared between individuals with FXS and normal controls. Impaired attention and information processing are among the core
Consistent with the habituation phenotype of ASD, individuals with FXS cognitive deficits of schizophrenia. Indeed, a reduced ability to filter
displayed both enhanced electrodermal responses at baseline and de- out irrelevant stimuli has been implicated in schizophrenia for over a
creased habituation compared to controls. Intriguingly, this habituation century (Bleuler, 1950) and remains a prominent research interest
phenotype was observed across stimulus modalities and was shown to today. Much of the modern interest in this field has been fueled by the
correlate with the level of FMRP expression (Miller et al., 1999). influential clinical reports of McGhie and Chapman (1961), who pro-
Studies using electroencephalogram recordings (EEG) have also posed that people must be able to filter out information in order to
found reduced habituation in FXS. Castrén et al. (2003) reported in- maintain “perceptual constancy” in a world of otherwise chaotic
creased magnitude and decreased habituation of N100 event-related overstimulation (Geyer and Braff, 1987). They further suggested that
potentials in response to trains of auditory tones in individuals with impaired inhibitory processing in schizophrenia leads to “sensory
FXS. This finding was subsequently supported by three additional EEG overload” and subsequent “cognitive fragmentation.” Research into the
studies that also found reduced N100 habituation in response to re- cause of impaired inhibitory processing in schizophrenia has focused on
peatedly presented auditory tones (Ethridge et al., 2016; Schneider cataloguing and understanding impairments in two related yet distinct
et al., 2013; Van der Molen et al., 2012). Reduced N1 habituation was phenomena: sensorimotor gating and habituation. Sensorimotor gating
also associated with parent reports of heightened sensory sensitivities is the ability of a neural system to selectively filter intero- and ex-
and social communication deficits (Ethridge et al., 2016). The present teroceptive stimuli that drive a motor reflex. It is often operationally
findings should be interpreted cautiously, however, as other groups defined as pre-pulse inhibition (PPI), i.e., the ability of a weak pre-
have failed to dishabituate N100 response decrements (Barry et al., stimulus (pre-pulse) to transiently inhibit the response to a closely

T.A. McDiarmid et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 80 (2017) 286–305

following strong stimulus (test pulse) (Braff et al., 1992). Habituation, schizophrenia published in the last ten years that continue to use pulse-
in contrast, is a decrement in response following repeated presentations alone trials mixed with pre-pulse trials to assess habituation. It is per-
of the same stimulus. While sensorimotor gating and habituation are haps not surprising then that the results of these studies remain in-
both forms of inhibition, the former is often considered to be pre-at- consistent, with several finding impaired habituation, and others failing
tentive and un-learned whereas the latter is an established form of to find significant differences between patients and controls. To prop-
learning with specific behavioural characteristics (Braff et al., 2001, erly assess habituation it is important to design studies in a way that
1992; Swerdlow et al., 2008; although see Quednow et al., 2006a who optimizes the proper assessment of habituation. One potential altera-
suggest that PPI may be subject to learning; Rankin et al., 2009 and tion to the standard paradigm would be to increase the number of
Table 1). pulse-alone stimuli delivered within the first block and assess response
Since the pioneering work of Geyer and Braff (1982), most studies of plasticity within that block before pre-pulse pairings are delivered
habituation and schizophrenia have used the acoustic startle response (Lane et al., 2013). This would allow for a more direct analysis of short-
as a paradigm to understand habituation. Using this paradigm, Geyer term habituation and mitigate the confounding effects of pre-pulse
and Braff (1982) demonstrated that schizophrenic patients habituate stimuli.
more slowly to acoustic startle as compared to normal controls. This Despite these issues, some of the recent PPI-intermixed startle ha-
study represents an unfortunately rare example of the use of con- bituation studies have found deficits in habituation and have made
sistently spaced identical stimuli to directly compare habituation be- intriguing correlations between habituation abnormalities and a variety
tween patients, patient controls, and healthy controls without any in- of genetic variants implicated in schizophrenia. Of note, a relatively
tervening irregular stimuli or changes in stimulus intensity. large study (81 schizophrenic patients and 71 controls) investigated the
Despite the clarity of this initial finding, results of subsequent stu- relationship between decreased habituation and seven “top-ranked”
dies have been inconsistent. Several groups replicated Geyer and Braff’s gene variants implicated in the etiology of schizophrenia (Hokyo et al.,
original finding of significant habituation deficits in schizophrenia pa- 2010; Allen et al., 2008). There was a significant interaction, with pa-
tients (Akdag et al., 2003; Bolino et al., 1994, 1992; Greenwood et al., tients homozygous for the schizophrenia-associated rs1019385 (T200G)
2011; Hokyo et al., 2010; Ludewig et al., 2003; Moriwaki et al., 2009; variant in the GRIN2B gene showing significantly decreased habituation
Parwani et al., 2000; Takahashi et al., 2008); Several more found a non- compared to controls. There were no interactions between the other
significant trend towards decreased habituation (Braff et al., 1992; schizophrenia-associated gene variants and habituation (Hokyo et al.,
Ludewig et al., 2002a, 2002b; Perry et al., 2002, 2001), while others 2010). Another large study by Greenwood et al. (2011) assessed 94
did not detect habituation deficits in schizophrenia (Braff et al., 1999; candidate genes associated with schizophrenia and evaluated whether
Cadenhead et al., 2000; Csomor et al., 2009; Hasenkamp et al., 2011; each gene associated with both the qualitative diagnosis of schizo-
Kumari et al., 2002, 2000; Quednow et al., 2008, 2006b; Wang et al., phrenia as well as impaired habituation. Using a sample of 203 patients
2013; Xue et al., 2012). with schizophrenia and 119 controls, impaired habituation was found
Two key factors have been suggested to account for this discrepancy to be associated with mutations in the genes GRIN2B, NRG1, HTR2A,
(Meincke et al., 2004). First, the majority of these studies were opti- COMT, NOS1AP, SLC6A1, GRID2, GRM2, and NEUROG1. Intriguingly,
mized to assess PPI rather than habituation. In the most common design many of the genes analyzed in this study have been shown to interact at
the average response to a block of identical pulses at the beginning of the molecular level and several displayed pleiotropy, with several single
the experiment is compared to that elicited by a second block of pulses gene mutations showing associations for multiple schizophrenia phe-
at the end of the experiment in order to assess habituation (Fig. 1). In notypes (Greenwood et al., 2011). Overall, these studies support the
between these two habituation blocks, PPI is assessed by delivering large body of research implicating dopaminergic and glutamatergic
weak pre-pulses followed by test pulses that are identical to the pulses signaling abnormalities in the cognitive deficits of schizophrenia as well
delivered in the habituation blocks. During this phase the interstimulus as a role for these neurotransmitter systems in impaired habituation in
interval is varied and test pulses can occur with or without pre-pulses, schizophrenia.
and the intensity of prepulse can vary. In this protocol habituation is Although the acoustic startle paradigm has been the most commonly
usually assessed by comparing the average response in Block 1 (Base- used paradigm to study habituation phenomena in schizophrenia, sev-
line Response) with the average response in Block 3 (Habituated Re- eral groups have also investigated habituation using other behavioural
sponse). While this protocol has become standard practice for assessing and physiological responses. Perry et al. (2009) documented decreased
habituation it is problematic because altering the interstimulus interval habituation of locomotor activity in an open-field paradigm using an
and stimulus intensity within the same period (as in the middle pre- automated human behavioural pattern monitor. An early series of stu-
pulse block) are known to affect habituation (e.g., see Broster and dies examined differences in the electrodermal skin conductance or-
Rankin, 1994; Meincke et al., 2004; Rankin et al., 2009). A further ienting response between schizophrenic patients and controls. The most
concern is that condensing habituation trials into blocks fails to take reliable finding from these studies is that a large portion of schizo-
into account any potential initial sensitization to the startle-eliciting phrenic patients do not respond to the series of repeatedly presented
stimuli. The possibility of an initial period of sensitization prior to ha- stimuli during a habituation task (Bernstein et al., 1982; Dawson et al.,
bituation is well-documented (Groves and Thompson, 1970; Rankin 2007). More central to this review is the relatively understudied finding
et al., 2009). Indeed, Meincke et al. (2004) found habituation deficits in that the schizophrenic patients who did respond to the repeated tones
schizophrenic patients but only when the effects of sensitization were displayed abnormal skin conductance habituation (Dawson et al., 2007;
removed from analysis. Therefore, intermixed pre-pulse and habitua- Gruzelier and Venables, 1972; Schiffer et al., 1996). However, some
tion stimuli, masking due to sensitization, and bias due to focus on PPI electrodermal studies found reduced rates of habituation while others
are issues that may underlie the inconsistencies in the literature. Fi- found more rapid rates of habituation. This discrepancy may have been
nally, using blocks of responses to assess habituation can mask a dif- caused by a lack of controlling for differences in baseline responsive-
ference if habituation is very rapid (often the biggest response decre- ness and differences in scoring methods between groups (Bernstein
ment is over the first 2–3 responses) and if the early responses are et al., 1982; Dawson et al., 2007; Depue and Fowles, 1973; Spohn and
averaged with decremented responses the actual decrement is mini- Patterson, 1979). Still, it is worth noting that the degree to which ha-
mized or lost (i.e., Fig. 1, Block 1). bituation was reduced in these patients was correlated with poor per-
Unfortunately, the majority of studies of habituation phenomena in formance on several neuropsychological tests, including the Wisconsin
schizophrenia over the last decade have been carried out without re- Card Sorting Task and Trail Making tests (Bartfai et al., 1987; Schiffer
gard for these issues in their experimental design. There have been et al., 1996).
more than 30 studies focused on PPI of the acoustic startle reflex in Holt et al. (2005) were the first to use fMRI to examine whether the

T.A. McDiarmid et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 80 (2017) 286–305

Fig. 1. Typical protocol for assessing habituation and sensorimotor gating within the same time period. The mean eye-blink response intensity to a block of identical test pulses (usually
auditory) at the beginning of the experiment is compared to that elicited by a final block of identical test pulses at the end of the experiment in order to assess habituation. In between
these blocks are the prepulse inhibition trials containing test pulses at various interstimulus intervals, some preceded by weaker pre-pulses, some not. Additionally, some protocols also
vary the intensity of pre-pulses (not shown in figure). This design is problematic given that it a) may mask potential sensitization that occurs initially (see response to block 1) and b)
incorporates a pre-pulse inhibition block which means that both the interstimulus interval and stimulus intensity are changed throughout the experiment. Such changes in the manner of
stimulus presentation are known to significantly affect habituation profiles (Meincke et al., 2004; Rankin et al., 2009). Of note, both the interstimulus interval and stimulus intensity may
vary drastically from study to study. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

decreased habituation found in schizophrenia would also manifest at examining the functional neural correlates of face processing. Indeed,
the level of activity in specific brain regions. In particular, they ex- abnormal neural habituation to social stimuli may represent a trans-
amined the hemodynamic response of the medial temporal lobe − in- diagnostic biomarker for social impairment (Blackford et al., 2015).
cluding the amygdala, hippocampus, and parahippocampal gyrus to In summary, there have been more studies focused on habituation
repeated presentations of fearful faces in male schizophrenic patients abnormalities in schizophrenia than in any other neurological disease.
and controls. As hypothesized, patients with schizophrenia failed to Despite this extensive research program, the acoustic startle habitua-
display temporal lobe habituation in any area, in response to fearful tion studies that constitute the majority of the work in this field remain
faces whereas control subjects displayed neural habituation in the inconsistent. The current standard of assessing acoustic startle habi-
anterior right hippocampus (Holt et al., 2005). Based on the large body tuation with intermixed pre-pulse stimuli has confounding variables
of research in schizophrenia demonstrating sensorimotor gating deficits that precludes unambiguous interpretation of the results. More studies
(Braff et al., 1992; Light and Braff, 2005) and the evidence for per- focused directly on habituation to repeated stimuli are needed. Further,
turbed processing of faces (Javitt, 2009), Williams et al. (2013) hy- comparing habituation responses across other sensory modalities will
pothesized that neural habituation in response to neutral faces may also allow for a more holistic picture of how this elementary form of
be reduced in the primary visual cortex and the fusiform face area learning is disrupted in schizophrenia. Recent fMRI studies measuring
(FFA). Interestingly, patients with schizophrenia displayed reduced neural habituation to complex face stimuli provide more evidence for
habituation of both the hippocampus and primary visual cortex but not decreased habituation in schizophrenia. A more complete depiction of
the FFA. These habituation deficits were specific to faces, as they were how habituation is disrupted in schizophrenia will greatly facilitate the
not observed when participants viewed objects (Williams et al., 2013). utility of this learning deficit as a phenotype for basic research into the
In a direct follow-up study by the same group, Blackford et al. (2015) underlying cause of the disorder.
showed that the same sample of schizophrenic patients also displayed
selectively impaired habituation to opposite-gender faces in the
8. Enhanced habituation may underlie perturbed attention in
amygdala, visual cortex, and hippocampus, providing evidence for
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
abnormal processing of more complex social information such as
gender-based out-group bias. Importantly, all of these studies correlated
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by
decreased neural habituation with diminished performance on beha-
deficits in executive function not limited to attention, memory, and
vioural tests of either visual memory, verbal memory, or social im-
response inhibition. Few ADHD studies exist which are optimally de-
pairments (Blackford et al., 2015; Holt et al., 2005; Williams et al.,
signed to assess habituation phenomena. Of the studies which do report
2013). Taken together, these findings suggest that habituation in dif-
habituation phenomena in ADHD, several find enhanced habituation
ferent brain areas may be mediated by different mechanisms, some but
(Iaboni et al., 1997; Shibagaki et al., 1993; Zahn and Kruesi, 1993)
not all of which are disrupted in schizophrenia. It is also interesting to
others deficient habituation (Jansiewicz et al., 2004; Massa and
note that, similar to ASD, the most consistent recent evidence for de-
O’Desky, 2012), whereas several other studies report no habituation
creased habituation in schizophrenia comes from fMRI studies
abnormalities (Conzelmann et al., 2010; Feifel et al., 2009; Holstein

T.A. McDiarmid et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 80 (2017) 286–305

et al., 2013; Ornitz et al., 1999, 1997, 1992). point while a competing dot lies in the peripheral field of view. In-
Reports of enhanced habituation come from experimental para- dividuals are asked to report when the peripheral dot disappears (as is
digms which appear to involve more active decisions by participants expected). In comparison to age-matched controls, Jansiewicz et al.
and which include participants with comorbid diagnoses [i.e., conduct (2004) and Massa and O’Desky (2012) found that children and adults
disorder (CD) and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)]. Using a re- with ADHD took longer to report fading of the peripheral stimulus. The
petitive motor task in which participants were rewarded each time they authors hypothesize that decreased habituation to peripheral stimuli
inactivated a constantly moving target, Iaboni et al. (1997) demon- may account for the common difficulty ADHD individuals have with
strated that the heart rate of ADHD children habituated more quickly to focusing on task-relevant stimuli. While it is tempting to describe these
rewards than controls. In this same paradigm, removing rewards ap- results within a habituation framework, the design of the Troxler
peared to dishabituate the heart rate of ADHD children to levels similar paradigm precludes the observation of a graded decrement in response
to controls. It is worth noting that infant cognition studies also use heart to successive stimulus presentations that is the cornerstone of habi-
rate to measure visual attention albeit with a different paradigm tuation phenomena.
(Colombo et al., 2010). In sum, reduced, intact, and enhanced habituation has been re-
Using an acoustic reaction-time task, Zahn and Kruesi (1993) de- ported in ADHD. These assessments of learning phenotype derive al-
monstrated that, compared to controls, children with disruptive beha- most exclusively from studies using skin conductance response and
viour disorder showed accelerated habituation of skin conductance heart rate measures and, as such, would greatly benefit if additional
responses to signal stimuli but not to passive stimuli. Analysis of di- measures were used (e.g., fMRI). Both reduced and enhanced habitua-
agnostic subgroups (i.e., ADHD, ODD, CD) further showed that en- tion have been suggested to contribute to the impairments in attention
hanced habituation manifested equally across the disruptive behaviour and associative learning observed in ADHD. There are, however, several
spectrum. It is curious that in both of these studies, enhanced habi- issues with the method used to assess habituation in ADHD that make
tuation was selectively observed in tasks that demanded sustained at- interpretation of the learning phenotype difficult. These include inter-
tention. This is consistent with reports that attention deficits in ADHD mittent assessment of PPI, group-specific differences in response base-
are primarily attributed to impaired early top-down processes as op- line, and block-based analysis which confounds sensitization effects
posed to late top-down or bottom-up processes (Conzelmann et al., (although see Herpertz et al., 2003). Importantly and revealingly, all of
2010; Hawk et al., 2003). To complicate this picture, however, Herpertz the studies that reported no habituation phenotype measured habitua-
et al. (2003, 2001) found that children with CD and children comorbid tion of the electromyographical eyeblink response in tandem with PPI.
with both CD and ADHD exhibited reduced basal skin conductance Future studies which address these issues are required to clarify the link
responses and enhanced habituation to passive acoustic stimuli (both between enhanced habituation and deficits in attention and instru-
orienting and startling) compared to children with ADHD alone or to mental learning in ADHD.
normal controls. While heart rate and eyeblink response were also
measured, the authors did not assess these metrics for habituation, 9. Tourette’s Syndrome − habituation as therapy?
making it difficult to compare these results to Iaboni et al. (1997).
Moreover, Shibagaki et al. (1993) found that ADHD children showed Tourette’s Syndrome (TS) is a heritable neuropsychiatric disorder
reduced basal skin conductance responses and more rapid habituation diagnosed in childhood and characterized by motor and vocal tics.
to passive but not to active acoustic stimuli. However, this study did not While its biological basis remains elusive, dysfunction of cortico-striato-
report whether ADHD children were comorbid with other conditions. pallido-thalamic pathways are thought to be involved (Felling and
A number of other studies suggest that novelty and task qualities Singer, 2011). The majority of people with TS report that their tics are
such as colour are quicker to lose their stimulating effects in ADHD often preceded by aversive physical sensations. Described by patients as
individuals (reviewed in Douglas, 1999; although see Tegelbeckers an itch, pressure, tension, or ache (Reese et al., 2014), these sensations
et al., 2015). While it is tempting to interpret these results as examples are known in the research community as premonitory urges; their in-
of enhanced habituation, it is important to note that these studies are tensity has been shown to increase during bouts of tics after which, they
not systematically designed to measure a graded, stimulus-driven re- decrease (Brandt et al., 2016). Of note, many TS patients report that tic
sponse decrement within a particular behaviour which is a criterion of execution provides relief from these urges. Since tics can be voluntarily
habituation. Rather, these studies coarsely compare motor activity or suppressed, it has been suggested that habituation to premonitory urges
task performance across two experimental conditions (e.g., reading may provide a means to treat and reduce tic behaviour. On this basis,
performance with high- vs. low-stimulation or coloured vs. non-co- two behavioural therapies − habit reversal therapy and exposure with
loured stimuli). Taking these results with caution, Lloyd et al. (2014) response prevention therapy − have been employed with remarkable
have suggested that rapid habituation to reinforcers may account for levels of success to reduce the severity of tic behaviour (Hwang et al.,
the performance deficits ADHD individuals display in tasks requiring 2012). Both of these treatments encourage the patient to refrain from
sustained attention and associative memory. According to this theory, ticking in response to the premonitory urge. However, while exposure
excessively rapid habituation diminishes the efficacy of reinforcers and, with response prevention therapy more directly promotes habituation
thereby, interferes with the acquisition of reward contingencies leading to premonitory urges by encouraging patients to expose themselves to
to overall task impairment. Curiously, this implies that the difficulties premonitory urges, habit reversal therapy is designed to replace the tic
in higher forms of learning normally associated with ADHD may in fact with another behaviour that competes with or delays the tic.
be explained by enhancements in lower forms of learning. Lloyd et al. In support of the urge habituation hypothesis, a series of studies
(2014) provide evidence that stimulant medication slows habituation to have found that exposure with response prevention therapy and habit
reinforcers and suggests this may account for their frequent use in reversal therapy reduced the intensity of premonitory urges within
treating ADHD. The suggestion that habituation may modulate instru- and/or across treatment sessions (Capriotti et al., 2014; Hoogduin et al.,
mental learning is in line with its presumed role in attention and further 1997; Verdellen et al., 2008). However, another study reported rela-
stresses the importance of habituation to normal cognitive function. At tively stable urge intensity levels across treatment sessions in spite of
present, more direct studies examining the rate of habituation to re- the fact that tic behaviour was still significantly diminished (Specht
peatedly presented reinforcers are needed to support this view. et al., 2013). Of note, these studies used different self-report meth-
In contrast to findings of enhanced habituation, Jansiewicz et al. odologies to measure premonitory urges including the Premonitory
(2004) and Massa and O’Desky (2012) reported reduced visual habi- Urge for Tics Scale (Capriotti et al., 2014), Subjective Units of Distress
tuation in children and adults with ADHD as indexed by a Troxler task. Scale (Verdellen et al., 2008), Visual Analogue Scale (Hoogduin et al.,
In this task, individuals are instructed to focus on a central fixation 1997) and the Urge Thermometer (Specht et al., 2013). If urge intensity

T.A. McDiarmid et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 80 (2017) 286–305

remains unaltered after treatment (Specht et al., 2013), a more complex been proposed to underlie the efficacy of certain behavioural therapies
mechanism than habituation may underlie the efficacy of habit reversal used to treat urge-tic behaviour in TS although this notion has been
therapy and exposure with response prevention therapy. Indeed, while challenged by recent pharmacological and behavioral-therapy studies.
habituation to premonitory urges may contribute to exposure with re- Various theories have been proposed to account for reduced habitua-
sponse prevention therapy and habit reversal therapy, another possi- tion in TS, including increased excitability of brainstem interneurons
bility is that the contingency between the tic behaviour (i.e., the con- (Smith and Lees, 1989), increased dopaminergic tone (Gironell et al.,
ditioned response) and cessation of premonitory urges (i.e., the 2000), and interference of habituation by negative reinforcement of tics
conditioned stimulus) is disrupted (Capriotti et al., 2014; Specht et al., (Beetsma et al., 2013). In addition, there is some evidence that tics may
2013). Given the heterogeneity of TS and the fact that a spectrum of reflect exaggerated startle reflexes which are evoked by inappropriate
learning strategies exists across individuals within operant conditioning stimuli (Turpin, 1983). As such, reduced habituation may reflect, in
paradigms (Morrison et al., 2015), it is possible that both non-asso- part, generalization of anxiolytic or aversive stimuli. However, there
ciative and associative learning processes contribute to treatment out- are a number of aspects of tic behaviour that cannot be easily explained
come either within one individual or in a manner that segregates across by a simple habituation model, including the obvious fact that tics may
patients. be voluntarily suppressed [for review of tics as exaggerated startle, see
Using a simulated premonitory urge model involving air puffs de- Turpin (1983)]. To further complicate this picture, Smith and Lees
livered to the eye, Beetsma et al. (2013) demonstrated that having (1989) found reduced habituation in approximately half of TS patients
participants tick (deliberately blink) following an urge (operationalized with no clinical differences distinguishing them from patients ex-
as air puffs on the eye) reduced the subjective annoyance of the urge, hibiting normal habituation. Future studies will have to take into ac-
while simultaneously extending the duration of the R2 EMG component count individual differences when assessing the contribution of learning
(of the eye muscles) and blocking its habituation. Although this study processes to TS phenotypes.
used healthy participants, the extended duration and impaired habi-
tuation of R2 EMG component matched that of another electro- 10. Habituation deficits in Parkinson’s Disease − a diagnostic tool
physiological study using TS patients (Smith and Lees, 1989). In this
study, paired electrical stimulation of the supraorbital nerve produced Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the most common neurodegenerative
an R2 EMG response which was more resistant to habituation in TS movement disorder and is characterized by resting tremor, bradyki-
patients than controls. Reduced habituation was also found in another nesia, rigidity, and postural instability. The disease also presents with
study which used a reaction time (i.e., go/no) paradigm in which non-motor symptoms, including psychiatric (e.g., apathy, depression),
acoustic startle stimuli were presented at the same time and un- sensory, and sleep disturbances, as well as cognitive impairments.
expectedly with signal stimuli (Gironell et al., 2000). Although TS pa- These non-motor symptoms often precede the movement impairments
tients exhibited a greater EMG response, a greater degree of spread with by several years and may develop progressively. Diagnosis of PD can
respect to responsive muscles, and reduced habituation compared to only be confirmed post mortem by the observation of dopaminergic cell
controls, it is important to note that variable interstimulus intervals loss and Lewy body pathology in the substantia nigra pars compacta
were used in this study, a feature known to affect the rate of habituation (Stern et al., 2012; Volta et al., 2015; Weintraub et al., 2008).
(Rankin and Broster, 1992). The study of habituation in PD is unique because decreased habi-
Pharmacological studies have also advanced our understanding of tuation has been used as a diagnostic tool for several decades. The
the relationship between premonitory urges and behavioural tics. glabellar tap sign is a clinical test where a patient is repeatedly tapped
Injection of botulinum toxin has been shown to diminish both tic be- on the forehead to elicit a blink response. Normally, the blink reflex will
haviour and premonitory urges (Kwak et al., 2000; Marras et al., 2001). habituate after a few stimulus repetitions, but in PD there is virtually no
While these observations can be explained as pharmacological facil- response decrement to repeated glabellar taps (Garland, 1952; Pearce
itation of habituation and/or extinction, the selective efficacy of eco- et al., 1968; Rao et al., 2003; Rushworth, 1962). Habituation deficits in
pipam (a dopamine antagonist) to reduce tics but not urges presents a PD have also been shown to manifest in the eye-blink response to re-
challenge to the urge habituation hypothesis (Gilbert et al., 2014). peated supraorbital electrical stimulation. In particular, the late R2
Together, these suggest that multiple processes may exist for treating tic EMG component of the blink reflex does not habituate as readily in PD
behaviour some of which are independent of premonitory urges as it does in controls (Penders and Delwaide, 1971; Rushworth, 1962).
(Houghton et al., 2014). Importantly, the R2 component can still habituate in PD patients, but
Another series of studies investigated more directly whether there is patients must be stimulated at a much higher frequency (i.e. shorter
abnormal habituation behaviour in TS patients using startle response interstimulus interval) than controls (Esteban and Giménez-Roldán,
paradigms. Using a light and sound stimulation paradigm, Bock and 1975; Ferguson et al., 1978; Messina et al., 1972; Penders and
Goldberger (1985) found that the tonic but not phasic skin conductance Delwaide, 1971; Rushworth, 1962; Sanna and Messina, 1967). The
response of TS patients habituated more slowly than controls: i.e., both degree to which R2 habituation is altered in PD has also been positively
the initial response level and habituation rate was smaller than in correlated with the severity of motor symptoms and this has provided
controls. Analyzing four single-case studies of TS patients, Turpin and the basis for its use as a diagnostic tool (Matsumoto et al., 1992;
Powell (1984) found intact habituation of the skin conductance re- Messina et al., 1972; Penders and Delwaide, 1971). Interestingly,
sponse to auditory stimulation both between and across sessions. Fi- treatment with amantadine and L-DOPA, but not anticholinergic drugs,
nally, a series of acoustic startle studies assessing EMG habituation of has been shown to normalize habituation in PD patients (Klawans and
the eye and other muscles found no differences between TS patients and Goodwin, 1969; Messina et al., 1972; Penders and Delwaide, 1971; Rey
controls (Castellanos et al., 1996; Sachdev et al., 1997; Swerdlow et al., et al., 1996). These medications, indeed, may explain the failure of
2001) although see Stell et al. (1995) who reported no acoustic startle more recent studies to identify acoustic startle eye-blink habituation
habituation in 2 out of 8 TS patients but normal habituation in all deficits in PD patients since neither the type nor dose of medications
controls. However, it is important to note that by virtue of their pro- used was controlled (Kofler et al., 2001; Putzki et al., 2008; Zoetmulder
tocol design or focus on PPI, these latter studies did not maintain a et al., 2014). These findings have led to the notion that reduced blink
consistent stimulation regime either in terms of stimulus strength or reflex habituation in PD stems from degeneration of dopaminergic
interval. neurons in the substantia nigra. This hypothesis has received support
In sum, reduced and intact habituation phenotypes have been re- from animal studies demonstrating that 6-hydroxydopamine lesion of
ported in TS populations, using skin conductance and electro- dopaminergic cells in the substantia nigra leads to an increase in in-
myographical response measures. Habituation mechanisms have also hibitory substantia nigra output to the superior colliculus. Increased

T.A. McDiarmid et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 80 (2017) 286–305

inhibition of the superior colliculus results in decreased excitation of causes the toes to be stretched upwards. In this procedure, the center of
tonically active nucleus raphe magnus neurons which, in turn, de- mass (COM) is measured to indicate shifts in posture and ability to
creases tonic inhibition of trigeminal neuronal responsiveness, which regain balance. Using this paradigm, Nanhoe-Mahabier et al. (2012)
leads to blink reflex hyperexcitability and reduced habituation (Basso noted that acutely unmedicated PD patients had a larger COM dis-
et al., 1996, 1993; Basso and Evinger, 1996). placement in response to the first unexpected balance perturbation and
Habituation of various components of event-related potentials a slower rate of habituation to repeated balance perturbations than
evoked by auditory stimuli have also been studied in PD. Teo et al. controls. Importantly, two earlier studies by the same group did not find
(1997) found decreased habituation of the P1 component of the audi- balance perturbation habituation abnormalities in PD, likely because
tory evoked potential in PD patients. Moreover, post-hoc analysis re- they tested patients on medication and used blocked averages to mea-
vealed the degree of decreased habituation to be correlated with the sure habituation (Bloem et al., 1998; Nanhoe-Mahabier et al., 2012;
severity of symptoms. It should be noted, however, that decreased ha- Visser et al., 2010). The first trial reaction and slowed rate of habi-
bituation was again found only at shorter interstimulus intervals but tuation assessed using standardized dynamic posturography may offer a
not longer intervals and that averaged blocks of only two stimuli were more reliable diagnostic tool for impaired balance than the commonly
used to measure habituation (Teo et al., 1997). In a follow-up study, employed retropulsion test (Nanhoe-Mahabier et al., 2012).
Teo et al. (1998) investigated whether decreased auditory P1 habitua- Overall, the literature on PD points to multimodal habituation
tion would be altered by bilateral pallidotomy, an antiquated treatment deficits that manifest in a variety of physiological responses. Unlike
for dyskinesia in advanced PD. Pallidotomy involves ablating a portion other disorders, interest into habituation abnormalities in PD has ori-
of the globus pallidus by means of a surgically implanted electrical ginated in a clinical context for diagnostic purposes. Pharmacological
probe (Ghika et al., 1999; Merello et al., 2001). In line with their pre- studies in patients and animal models suggest reduced blink reflex
vious study, Teo et al. (1998) found a pre-operative deficit in P1 ha- habituation in PD stems from degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in
bituation that correlated with symptom severity. Following bilateral the substantia nigra that leads to subsequent reduced tonic inhibition of
pallidotomy, patients showed a significant improvement in both habi- the trigeminal nerve. It is interesting to note that all blink reflex studies
tuation and symptom severity. However, these results are contentious only found habituation deficits when PD patients were not taking L-
considering bilateral pallidotomy has subsequently been shown to in- DOPA, whereas all auditory potential studies found habituation deficits
duce severe apathy and depression along with slurred, unintelligible in patients taking L-DOPA, without testing when patients were off of
speech, drooling, and pseudobulbar palsy (Ghika et al., 1999; Merello medication. This suggests that distinct mechanisms may underlie ha-
et al., 2001). Indeed, the treatment efficacy of bilateral pallidotomy is bituation deficits in the eye-blink reflex and the auditory-evoked elec-
so low and the side effects are so severe that it is rarely performed troencephalographic response in PD patients.
today, with deep brain stimulation being the surgical treatment of
choice (Ghika et al., 1999; Hickey and Stacy, 2016; Merello et al., 11. Habituation deficits in Huntington’s Disease
2001). Still, the findings of Teo et al. (1998) are intriguing as they re-
present an extremely rare opportunity to examine the effects of a Huntington’s Disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disorder char-
controlled neural lesion on habituation in humans. acterized by impairments in motor coordination and cognition. In
Combining auditory stimulation with electroencephalography, particular, muscle chorea often manifests in the extremities and gra-
Jiang et al. (2000) found that PD patients exhibited increased latency of dually progresses to all muscles. Expansion of CAG triplet repeats in the
N100 and P300 potentials, reduced P300 amplitude, and no response Huntingtin gene is thought to underlie this phenotype by contributing
decrement of N100 latency. A similar study published the same year to the progressive degeneration of medium spiny neurons within the
also found reduced amplitude and increased latency of P300 potentials striatum (Lemiere et al., 2004; Ross and Tabrizi, 2011).
in PD and further found that P300 amplitude did not habituate in PD Electromyographical (EMG) studies suggest that the gross psycho-
patients (Tsuchiya et al., 2000). Further analysis revealed P300 ab- motor abnormalities associated with HD may also manifest as ab-
normalities to be correlated with decreased performance on the Wis- normalities in the habituation of reflex responses. All studies assessing
consin Card Sorting Task, a common test of executive functions. A third the eye-blink response evoked by repeated supraorbital electrical sti-
independent study published in the same year also reported reduced mulation have found significantly enhanced habituation of the late
P300 habituation and impaired performance on the Wisconsin Card component (R2) in patients as compared to controls (Agostino et al.,
Sorting Task (Hozumi et al., 2000). However, in contrast to the two 1988; Caraceni et al., 1976; Esteban and Giménez-Roldán, 1975, 1981;
studies discussed previously, Hozumi et al. (2000) reported reduced Ferguson et al., 1978). In contrast, no significant abnormalities have
P300 latency in PD patients. The consistent observation of P300 ab- been shown in the rate at which the early component (R1) habituates.
normalities in PD − be they latency or readiness to habituation − has This selectivity may simply reflect a more robust circuitry for the R1
prompted the suggestion that P300 waveform may provide a clinically component given that it does not readily succumb to habituation or
useful marker for frontal lobe dysfunction in this neuropsychiatric po- fatigue in healthy individuals (Lindquist and Brown, 2004). Of note, the
pulation (Tsuchiya et al., 2000). R1 component of the blink reflex occurs ipsilaterally through an oli-
Abnormal habituation in PD may also contribute to primary central gosynaptic pathway in the pons whereas the R2 component occurs bi-
pain (i.e., pain with no identified cause) found in some PD patients. laterally through polysynaptic connections.
Using nociceptive laser “pinprick” stimuli, Schestatsky et al. (2007) In contrast with the foregoing studies which looked at the eye-blink
demonstrated that PD patients with primary central pain have lower response, Abbruzzese et al. (1990) investigated the reflex response of
laser pinprick thresholds, higher laser-evoked potential (LEP) ampli- wrist muscles stimulated by repeated pneumatic motor torque. In ad-
tudes, and reduced habituation of laser-induced skin conductance re- dition to a delayed onset and reduced size, the late component (M2) of
sponses. Interestingly, L-DOPA normalized LEP amplitudes which are the stretch reflex was found to be impaired in extent of habituation.
recorded centrally, but did not normalize the reduced habituation of However, the authors note that a baseline confound may account for
laser-induced skin conductance responses, which are recorded periph- this finding, given that the size of the M2 component was significantly
erally. Taken together, these findings suggest that PD patients with reduced in HD patients. One additional study assessing habituation of
primary central pain suffer an abnormal modulation of afferent pain electrodermal response of fingers to acoustic stimuli found no sig-
inputs to autonomic centers (Schestatsky et al., 2007). nificant difference between HD and normal controls (Iacono et al.,
Late-stage PD patients also often have trouble maintaining balance, 1987). It is important to note that the modality of stimulation in these
making injurious falls more common. One way to measure a patient’s last two studies (i.e., acoustic or tactile) was different than the pre-
ability to balance is to use dynamic posturography in which a platform ceding studies of the eyeblink reflex (i.e., electrical). Taken together,

T.A. McDiarmid et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 80 (2017) 286–305

these studies suggest that the impact of HD on habituation is selective 2016; Sand et al., 2009). The most frequently argued reason for this
not only with respect to reflex type (i.e., wrist or eye-blink) but to inconsistency is lack of blinding to diagnosis, although this explanation
waveform component (i.e., short- or long-latency). The connection remains an area of debate (Brighina et al., 2016; de Tommaso et al.,
between reflex habituation abnormalities and clinical state in HD re- 2014; Omland et al., 2016).
mains controversial. Esteban and Giménez-Roldán (1975) found no Interestingly, it appears that habituation abnormalities in migraine
association between degree clinical state and the R2 response whereas patients vary with the cycle of their symptoms − namely, deficits are
Agostino et al. (1988) and Ferguson et al. (1978) report a positive associated with lapses in acute symptoms both in episodic and chronic
correlation between R2 habituation and chorea severity and duration migraine patients. In episodic migraine, habituation of evoked poten-
respectively. tials is absent during the interictal phase. However, in the 12–24 h
In sum, in the relatively scant literature exploring habituation in HD preceding and during a migraine attack, evoked potential habituation
the majority of studies point towards an enhanced habituation pheno- normalizes (Coppola et al., 2013, 2009; de Tommaso et al., 2014). In
type. This observation of enhanced habituation is intriguing since re- line with these observations, chronic migraine patients who frequently
duced habituation is the most common habituation phenotype reported experience attacks display normal evoked field habituation, in a
across neuropsychiatric disorders. A more definitive assessment of this manner reminiscent of episodic migraine patients during an attack
learning phenotype will be provided when habituation is assessed using (Chen et al., 2011). Moreover, when these attacks become less frequent
paradigms other than electrodermal and electromyographical response chronic migraine patients begin to display a cyclic interictal evoked
to acoustic/electrical stimuli. Enhanced habituation of the eye-blink field habituation deficit characteristic of episodic migraine (Chen et al.,
response in HD has been interpreted to reflect over-inhibition of do- 2012).
paminergic receptors in the striatum (Caraceni et al., 1976; Esteban and Although the neural basis of habituation abnormalities in migraine
Giménez-Roldán, 1975). In support of this theory, both apomorphine (a remains largely unknown, a prevailing theory implicates thalamocor-
dopamine receptor agonist) and nicotine (a dopamine stimulant) reduce tical dysrhythmia (Coppola et al., 2007; de Tommaso et al., 2014).
the amplitude of the eyeblink reflex and increase the latency of the R2 Thalamocortical dysrhythmia refers to alterations in the frequency of
component in controls (Evinger et al., 1993). synchronous oscillatory firing between thalamic and cortical cells such
that they display putatively pathogenic low-frequency oscillations
12. Cyclic habituation abnormalities in episodic migraine (Llinás et al., 1999; Llinás and Steriade, 2006). Coppola et al. (2007)
has proposed that decreased serotonin input from the brainstem to the
Migraine is a primary headache disorder characterized by recurrent thalamus and cortex causes thalamocortical dysrhythmia and subse-
headache attacks accompanied by a hypersensitivity to visual, auditory, quently decreased habituation in migraine. In support of this theory,
and somatic stimuli. Most people afflicted experience episodic migraine early high-frequency oscillations of somatosensory evoked potentials,
− a recurring cycle of sequential prodromal symptoms that start sev- which are thought to reflect the firing of cholinergic thalamocortical
eral hours before the headache attack. Some people, however, develop afferents, have decreased frequency between attacks (when habituation
chronic migraine (i.e., ≥15 days of headache per month with at least is decreased) and normalize during attacks (when habituation is
8 days of typical migraine headache) (de Tommaso et al., 2014). In at normal) in migraine patients (Coppola et al., 2005; Sakuma et al.,
least 20% of migraine patients headache attacks are preceded by 2004). Further, excitatory stimulation of the cortex using 10 Hz rTMS
transient neurological symptoms called auras (Pietrobon and Striessnig, normalized high-frequency oscillations and the interictal evoked po-
2003). Auras are often visual disturbances but may also involve other tential habituation deficit in migraine patients (Bohotin et al., 2002;
senses or disturb language (Pietrobon and Striessnig, 2003). Since there Coppola et al., 2012; Fumal et al., 2006). An fMRI study also demon-
are no obvious neuroanatomical abnormalities in those with the dis- strated that migraine patients had reduced habituation of BOLD con-
order, migraine is considered a functional brain disorder. Most theories trast in response to trigeminal-nociceptive stimulation but normal ha-
suggest migraines result from increased activation of the main pain bituation in response to olfactory stimulation, a discrepancy that the
signaling system in the brain, the trigeminal vascular system (de authors attributed to the fact that olfactory pathways bypass the tha-
Tommaso et al., 2014; Pietrobon and Striessnig, 2003). lamus (Stankewitz et al., 2013).
There is a large body of literature investigating habituation ab- Overall, the cyclic polymodal habituation deficit observed in mi-
normalities in migraine that has been reviewed extensively (Coppola graine patients is intriguing. It would be interesting to see if habituation
et al., 2013, 2009; de Tommaso et al., 2014). As such, findings will be observed in other disorders follow a similar cyclic correlation with
discussed only briefly here. symptoms − i.e., if habituation impairments for a particular individual
The majority of studies have demonstrated that migraine patients get worse as their symptoms become more severe and vice-versa.
show no response decrement to repeated stimuli when tested during the Further, the use of rTMS stimulation to test hypotheses about neural
period between headache attacks (i.e., the interictal phase of episodic circuit malfunction underlying impaired habituation is a further
migraine). More specifically, migraine patients typically display a strength of the Migraine literature that researchers of other neu-
normal to low response to initial stimuli, followed by stable response ropsychiatric disorders might find useful. While the data supporting the
amplitude (i.e., no response decrement) or a slight response increase presence of thalamocortical dysrhythmia and subsequent habituation
(i.e., sensitization) after repeated stimulation. This abnormality is ob- disruption in migraine are compelling, it remains unclear how dys-
served in a large number of evoked potential studies that use visual, rhythmia would lead to activation of the trigeminovascular system and
somatosensory, and auditory stimulation paradigms and various re- induce a migraine attack. The cellular and molecular abnormalities that
sponse metrics (Coppola et al., 2013, 2009; de Tommaso et al., 2014). may cause thalamocortical dysrhythmia also remain largely unknown.
Habituation of evoked potentials induced by noxious stimuli, including Further independent replication of results, as well as additional neu-
laser, thermal, and electrical stimulation of Aδ and C fibre nociceptors roimaging and genetic studies will more clearly elucidate the nature
has also been shown to be substantially reduced in migraine (de and implications of habituation deficits in the etiology of migraine.
Tommaso et al., 2014, 2005; Di Clemente et al., n.d.; Ferraro et al.,
2012; Katsarava et al., 2003). Further, reduced habituation of reflexive 13. Discussion
behaviours (e.g. the blink reflex) in response to innocuous and noci-
ceptive stimuli has also been observed in migraine (Coppola et al., Abnormal habituation has been repeatedly observed in Autism
2013, 2009; de Tommaso et al., 2014). It should be noted however, that Spectrum Disorder, Fragile X syndrome, Schizophrenia, Parkinson’s
numerous studies have failed to replicate the visual evoked potential disease, Huntington’s disease, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,
habituation deficit in migraine (Oelkers et al., 1999; Omland et al., Tourette’s syndrome, and in Migraine. Depending on the disorder and

T.A. McDiarmid et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 80 (2017) 286–305

paradigm, habituation has been implicated as a cause, symptom, or visual, somatosensory, etc.). 5) Perform a dishabituation test, an in-
therapy. Abnormal habituation is predictive of symptom severity across terstimulus interval dependent spontaneous recovery test or a stimulus
diverse neuropsychiatric disorders. Reduced habituation is the most generalization test to confirm that the response decrement is indeed
commonly reported phenotype across paradigms and disorders, al- habituation. Although this would be ideal, we recognize that in studies
though enhanced habituation has also been observed. The exact cause with clinical populations these types of parametric studies are not al-
of altered habituation in any of the disorders is unknown, and remains ways possible and some response measures do not lend themselves to
an area of extensive research. Remarkably, there are instances where this type of analysis. The challenge then becomes to optimize the design
treatments have been found to normalize the habituation deficit present for the response and population being studied. For example, in imaging
in the disorder and several of its associated symptoms. studies where individual responses are highly variable, it is important
In addition to the disorders covered in this review there are reports to average together as few responses as possible in order to fully ob-
of decreased habituation in Epilepsy (Brazzo et al., 2011; Rogozea et al., serve the course and range of response plasticity (i.e., learning) pro-
1992), Down syndrome (Hepper and Shahidullah, 1992; Schafer and duced by stimulus repetition (Kleinhans et al., 2009). When there are
Peeke, 1982), Panic disorder (Ludewig et al., 2005; Ludewig et al., differences in initial sensitization between groups (as in some Schizo-
2002a, 2002b; Roth et al., 1990) and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder phrenia acoustic startle paradigms) comparing the final response to the
(Gillette et al., 1997; Rothbaum et al., 2001). However, given the first trial, instead of comparing final responses to the first block will be
limited number of studies, further research is needed for these disorders more accurate (see Meincke et al., 2004). It is hoped that when re-
in order to support these findings. Similar to Tourette’s Syndrome, searchers consider the behavioural characteristics of habituation they
habituation has also been used as a treatment for Post Traumatic Stress will design experiments and analyze data in ways that take these
Disorder (Vaughan et al., 1994; Vaughan and Tarrier, 1992) and other characteristics into account.
neuropsychiatric disorders. Although extinction rather than habituation In addition to experimental design and analysis considerations, we
is more commonly thought to underlie exposure therapy, the two have suggested guidelines for the classification of altered habituation
learning processes share many fundamental characteristics and both are phenotypes (Fig. 2). We have drawn idealized lines that represent
likely to contribute to the attenuation of conditioned responses (for prototypic habituation curves for hypothetical data, and illustrate the
review, see McSweeney and Swindell, 2002). Finally, it is interesting to most common ways that normal habituation can be altered. All of the
note that, in contrast to the disorders described in this review, habi- different phenotypes provided in Fig. 2 are important distinctions, and
tuation and attention appear to be spared in Alzheimer’s disease while offer a systematic nomenclature to classify the ways that habituation
associative learning and memory are severely and progressively im- can be altered in a disease (beyond the label of “altered” or “ab-
paired (Hejl et al., 2004; Langley et al., 1998). normal”). Use of this classification system will allow for more targeted
replication experiments using both clinical populations and animal
13.1. Considerations for the design and interpretation of habituation models in order to understand what disease-relevant cellular and mo-
experiments lecular changes result in a particular habituation phenotype. Fig. 2A
presents a typical habituation curve depicting a decrease in behavioural
It is important to point out that although many of the studies cov- response to repeated stimulation. While most habituation curves follow
ered here report altered habituation, with the exception of acoustic a negative exponential decrement as displayed here, linear habituation
startle, very few demonstrate that the response decrement being studied curves have also been observed. In addition, a period of sensitization to
fits the criteria of habituation as outlined by Thompson and Spencer the first few stimuli before habituation begins has also been observed
(1966) and Rankin et al. (2009). A dishabituation test is the simplest (Groves and Thompson, 1970). The vertical red line in Fig. 2A re-
and most definitive way to determine if the response decrement being presents the administration of a dishabituating stimulus (usually a
measured is the result of habituation (i.e., learning) and not sensory novel or noxious stimulus) to demonstrate that the observed response
adaptation or motor fatigue. A second way to distinguish habituation decrement is due to habituation and not sensory adaption or motor
from sensory adaptation or motor fatigue is to assess spontaneous re- fatigue. The response increase following the dishabituating stimulus
covery from habituation which is faster following training at fast in- can be partial, full, or greater than the baseline initial response (Rankin
terstimulus intervals and slower following training at slow inter- et al., 2009). Fig. 2B illustrates curves that have the same initial re-
stimulus intervals − this is the opposite of what would be expected if sponse magnitude and that show increased and decreased habituation
the response decrement were due to fatigue or sensory adaptation phenotypes. In the decreased habituation group, the ability to decrease
(Rankin et al., 2009). Finally, response specificity of the decrement can the magnitude and/or probability of responding to repeated stimulation
be used to rule out sensory adaptation or motor fatigue (Rankin et al., is significantly reduced. The opposite is true for the increased habi-
2009). To be definitively called habituation the response decrement tuation example. In these phenotypes the change in response magnitude
being measured must pass one of these tests. from initial to final is lower in the decreased habituation group and
Across disorders, and in schizophrenia in particular, there has been higher in the increased habituation group when compared to control.
extensive focus on habituation of the acoustic startle response. Further Fig. 2C shows curves that have the same initial response magnitude and
studies assessing habituation across sensory modalities are necessary in the same final level of habituation, however they have different rates of
order to assess to what extent habituation impairment is a global or decrement and thus have increased and decreased rate of habituation
local phenomenon. Indeed, there are examples where one type of ha- phenotypes. In the increased habituation rate example, the total
bituation is altered in a disease but not another (e.g., in Parkinson’s amount of habituation (or change in response from initial to final) is the
disease eye-blink habituation is altered but not acoustic startle habi- same as control but the rate of decrement or slope is higher/faster than
tuation). control. The opposite is true for the decreased habituation rate ex-
Taking all of these points into consideration the ideal way to com- ample. Fig. 2D illustrates hyper- & hypo-responsive phenotypes. These
pare habituation between a patient and control group is to: 1) curves show different initial response levels, and different final re-
Administer repeated identical stimuli at a regular interstimulus interval sponse levels, but the same rate of decrement and total amount of de-
and measure the response of each participant to each stimulus; 2) crement. This is not considered a habituation deficit per se, but as a
Calculate the group mean response to each stimulus; 3) Test different change in sensitivity to the stimulus such that the organism is hyper- or
interstimulus intervals in different experimental sessions in order to hypo-responsive without any change in the plasticity of the response.
determine if habituation is altered across interstimulus intervals or only Sometimes responses do not decrement and Fig. 2E illustrates no re-
at certain interstimulus intervals (as is the case in Parkinson’s disease); sponse decrement phenotypes and floor effects. In the no response de-
4) Test different stimulus modalities at different times (e.g. auditory, crement example, there is no significant decrement in response in the

T.A. McDiarmid et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 80 (2017) 286–305

A Prototypic Habituation Curve B Increased & Decreased

15 Habituation Phenotypes
Control/normal 15
Response Parameter

Response Parameter
Decreased habituation
10 10 Increased habituation

5 5

0 0
0 5 10 15 0 2 4 6 8 10
Stimulus # Stimulus #
Increased & Decreased
C Habituation Rate Phenotypes D Hyper- & Hyporesponsive
15 15
Control/normal Control/normal
Response Parameter

Response Parameter
Decreased Hyperresponsive
10 habtuation 10 Hyporresponsive
5 habituation 5

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Stimulus # Stimulus #

No Response Decrement
E Phenotypes & Floor Effect
F Disrupted Habituation
15 15
Control/normal Control/normal
Response Parameter

Response Parameter

No response decrement Disrupted habituation

10 No response decrement & 10 with normal initial
hyperesponsive response
Disrupted habituation
No response decrement & with abnormal initital
5 hyporesponsive 5
Floor effect
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Simulus # Stimulus #

Fig. 2. Guidelines for interpreting habituation curves. A) An idealized prototypic habituation curve depicting a decrease in behavioural response to repeated stimulation. Note: The
dishabituation portion of the curve has been excluded from the remaining figure panels for clarity. B) Increased and decreased habituation phenotypes. In the decreased habituation
example (red), the ability of the experimental group to habituate, or decrease the magnitude and/or probability of responding to repeated stimulation is significantly reduced. The
opposite is true for the increased habituation example (blue). C) Increased and decreased rate of habituation phenotypes. In the increased habituation rate example, the total amount of
habituation (or change in response from initial to final) is the same as control but the rate of decrement is higher/faster than control (blue). The opposite is true for the decreased
habituation rate example (red). D) Hyper- & hyporesponsive phenotypes. E) No response decrement phenotypes and floor effects. In the no response decrement example, there is no
significant decrement in response in the experimental group throughout the training session. This may occur along with a hyper- or hyporesponsive phenotype. In the case of a floor effect,
the experimental group does not respond to the same stimulation as the control group. F) Disrupted Habituation. In this case the experimental group shows no predictable pattern of
response to repeated stimulation.

experimental curve throughout the training session. This may occur reported as such.
along with a hyper- or hyporesponsive phenotype. In the case of a floor Having a systematic nomenclature to describe habituation curves is
effect, the experimental group does not respond to the stimulation. the first step to more systematically categorizing habituation deficits in
Floor effects make it impossible to determine whether there is a habi- neuropsychiatric disorders. The second critical factor is determining the
tuation abnormality in the experimental group without further study best way to display and analyze the data: in particular, whether to
(i.e., finding a stimulus that both the control and experimental group present raw or normalized data. Indeed, in many of the studies on ha-
respond to). Finally, some responses do not change systematically over bituation raw data are not presented, instead they are normalized
the course of repeated stimulation; thus, Fig. 2F illustrates what we are across groups (i.e. presented as a percentage or proportion decrement
calling disrupted habituation. In this case the experimental curve shows relative to the initial score). This may be done because initial response
no predictable pattern in response to repeated stimulation. This may be levels are different between groups, or because of high levels of
due to increased variability in the experimental group, suggesting the variability between subjects. It is important to recognize that normal-
possibility that an increased number of participants would allow for izing may influence the conclusions drawn from the data. In Fig. 3 we
detection of the true habituation phenotype. However, it is also possible present both raw and normalized data and demonstrate the ways that
that the experimental group displays a replicable disrupted habituation normalizing can alter the interpretation of the data. Although normal-
phenotype. If this is the case the results should be reported as “dis- izing the initial response across groups is common, it masks any dif-
rupted” habituation and not “decreased habituation” or “no response ferences in initial response between the experimental and control
decrement”. Of course, combinations of two or more of these pheno- group. In the context of disease it is important to determine if the pa-
types are possible. For example, if the experimental group has a sig- tient group is more or less sensitive to stimuli than controls. Fig. 3A
nificantly larger initial response than control followed by a significantly shows hypothetical habituation curves of raw data for a control group
increased rate of habituation compared to control then it should be displaying a prototypic habituation curve, an experimental group

T.A. McDiarmid et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 80 (2017) 286–305

Normalized to Initial Response

A Raw Data B (Proportion of Initial Response)

Proportion of Initial Response

15 1.5
Control/normal Control/normal
Response Parameter

Hyperresponsive Hyperresponsive/
10 Hyporesponsive 1.0 decreased habituation
Floor effect
increased habituation
5 0.5 Floor effect/
no response decrement

0 0.0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Stimulus # Stimulus #

Raw Data Habituation Percent Change Habituation

C D [(Initial - Final) / Initial] x 100
(Initial - Final Response)
15 100
Control/normal Control/normal

Response Parameter
Response Parameter
Absolute Change in

Hyperresponsive 80 Hyperresponsive/

% Change in
decreased habituation
Hyporesponsive 60 Hyporesponsive/
Floor effect increased habituation
5 Floor effect

0 0
Group Group
Initial Response Before
E Standardizing
Response Parameter

10 Hyporesponsive
Floor effect


Fig. 3. Considerations for the assessment of habituation using normalized initial responses vs. raw data. A) Hypothetical ‘raw data’ habituation curves for a control group displaying a
prototypic habituation curve, an experimental group displaying a hyperresponsive phenotype (red), an experimental group displaying a hyporesponsive phenotype (blue), and an
experimental group displaying a floor effect (green). B) The same “raw” data from panel A) normalized to the initial response of each group. C) Habituation phenotypes when habituation
is assessed as the absolute change in response from initial to final response. D) Habituation phenotypes when habituation is assessed as the percent change in response from initial to final.
E) Raw Data for initial responses.

displaying a hyperresponsive phenotype, an experimental group dis- information about differences in initial response. As such, we suggest
playing a hyporesponsive phenotype, and an experimental group dis- that it is important to always include raw initial response data as shown
playing a floor effect. Fig. 3B shows the same data normalized to the in Fig. 3E if normalizing is performed. Having knowledge about the raw
initial response of each group by setting each group’s initial response initial response allows for a more complete interpretation of the nor-
1.0 and subsequent responses are plotted as a proportion of the group’s malized data. Ideally, all raw data would also be presented (For ex-
initial response. Note the changes in the slopes or rate of decrement of ample see Davis and File, 1984; Typlt et al., 2013). Awareness of these
the hyper- and hypo-responsive groups. In the raw data they appear to alternative interpretations of habituation may allow for more consistent
show the same rates of response decrement whereas in the normalized observations across studies and may reconcile apparent discrepancies in
data they appear to show significantly different rates of decrement; in the literature.
addition, note the large change in the floor effect group. One way to
assess habituation is to calculate the change in response magnitude 13.2. Future directions
from the initial response to the final response: Fig. 3 shows this cal-
culation using raw data (3C) or normalized data (3D). From Fig. 3C the Given that multiple mechanisms underlie short-term habituation at
conclusion would be that there is no difference in habituation across the different interstimulus intervals, future studies should test at multiple
groups; however, normalizing the same data would yield significant interstimulus intervals to give a better picture of how habituation is
differences in habituation across all of the groups. Thus, normalizing disrupted in each disorder. Similarly, fMRI studies of habituation could
alters the interpretation of the data. Note that we have discussed tests expand their analysis beyond their a priori determined regions of in-
that compare initial to final levels of response to assess habituation terest (Lombardo et al., 2009). The possibility remains that if whole
because they are by far the most commonly used. Alternative methods brain analysis were conducted, other areas would show habituation
to assess habituation, including repeated measures analysis of variance, deficits as well. Another way in which future studies could strengthen
group regression, and individual regression and their relative strengths our understanding of how habituation is altered in disease is to provide
and weaknesses are discussed at length in Petrinovich and Widaman further analysis of individual differences of people who display ab-
(1984). normal habituation versus those who do not (Sinclair et al., 2017).
While it may be necessary to normalize data in order to mean- There are correlations between symptom severity and the degree of
ingfully compare groups, this treatment of data removes any decreased habituation in many disorders − but the correlations are not

T.A. McDiarmid et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 80 (2017) 286–305

perfect. Further analysis of people with severe symptoms but normal conditioning, and extinction (Cevik, 2014; Lloyd et al., 2014;
habituation and vice versa may shed light on the cause of decreased McSweeney and Swindell, 2002). Therefore, habituation is predicted to
habituation and its role in the disorder. In addition, correlating specific have broad and diverse clinical implications when disrupted. If the
types of habituation deficit (i.e., final habituated level vs. habituation relationships between habituation and other forms of learning are ex-
rate) with other characteristics of a disorder may identify specific ha- perimentally supported, we would expect that ameliorating habituation
bituation phenotypes for diagnostic use in a clinical setting. With the impairments should lead to functional improvements in other tests of
constantly decreasing cost of genome sequencing it will soon be feasible learning and memory in neuropsychiatric populations. In line with this
to conduct genome sequencing and link different mutations in a patient notion, decreased habituation often correlates with symptom severity
population (or individual in the case of rare variants) to decreased across neuropsychiatric disorders, including deficits in more complex
habituation. forms of learning and memory (e.g., the Wisconsin Card Sorting Task).
Moreover, treatments that improve short-term habituation also improve
13.3. The significance of altered habituation in neuropsychiatric disorders other symptoms and cognitive deficits observed in neuropsychiatric
disorders. Further, several studies suggest that infants with decreased
This review should make it clear that there is not a single central habituation have greater instances of central nervous system dysfunc-
core mechanism of habituation that mediates response plasticity to all tion and lower adult IQ scores as adults.
types of stimuli in all situations. It is far more likely that habituation to
stimuli in different sensory modalities is mediated by different circuits 14. Concluding remarks
and/or mechanisms. In light of this, it is not surprising that the results
of studies claiming “impaired habituation in disorder x” are incon- Abnormal habituation has been repeatedly observed in numerous
sistent. Limiting interpretations to the paradigm studied will un- etiologically diverse neuropsychiatric disorders. Across several dis-
doubtedly yield more replicable results. For example, the title “im- orders, abnormal habituation is predictive of symptom severity. Yet, for
paired short-term acoustic startle habituation but intact short-term most disorders remarkably little is known about what causes the ha-
mechanosensory habituation is disorder x” is more descriptive and bituation deficit and even less is known about the mechanisms under-
immediately provides testable hypotheses. It is our hope, that by lying the relationship between habituation alterations and neu-
bringing together all disorders where habituation is studied we can ropsychiatric symptoms. Conclusions about the role of habituation in
influence the largest audience to promote a more systematic and precise neuropsychiatric disorders are made more difficult by inconsistent and
description of how habituation is altered in a disorder. Acknowledging problematic methods used to assess and interpret habituation altera-
this diversity of habituation mechanisms and providing more precise tions. In this review we have provided suggestions for appropriate re-
descriptions not only helps to reconcile the apparent inconsistencies in search protocols to assess habituation and guidelines for how to de-
the field but will also guide research that 1) produces reliable diag- scribe different types of habituation abnormalities with the hope that
nostic markers and 2) elucidates the neurobiology underlying habi- this will help clarify the field. The fact that habituation has clear sig-
tuation in both intact and disease-compromised nervous systems. nificance to neuropsychiatry should now catalyze researchers to more
There are hundreds of papers documenting decreased habituation systematically and appropriately assess habituation to determine how it
across several neurological diseases, so what does reduced habituation can be used for diagnosis, treatment, or understanding the mechanisms
tell you about the disorder? Generally, reduced habituation suggests the underlying neuropsychiatric disorders.
hypothesis that one or more sets of synapses in a neural circuit gov-
erning the behaviour is/are less plastic in response to repeated stimu- Acknowledgements
lation. This could be due to altered neuronal development (i.e., the
circuit is not built the same way) or it could be due to disease specific TM is supported by a CIHR CGSM. AB is supported by an NSERC
changes in synaptic gene expression or even degeneration of the neu- CGSM. CHR is supported by a CIHR (operating grant #CIHR MOP
rons comprising the circuit. Decreased short-term habituation could 130287) and an NSERC Discovery grant (NSERC RGPIN 1222216-13).
suggest either an impaired ability to decrease excitatory neuro- We would like to thank Dr. Evan Ardiel for comments and suggestions
transmitter release, or a deficit in the ability to increase the firing of on the manuscript.
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