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1-Ahmed had an accident and the doctor said that his left triceps muscle was injured. Ahmed
will have a trouble in ……. of his left elbow joint.
a) Extension
b) Flexion
c) Abduction
d) Adduction
e) Circumduction
2-Acromio thoracic artery is a trunk arise from…...of Axillary artery
a) 2nd part
b) 1st part
c) 3rd part
d) 4th part
e) 5th part
3-The root value of median nerve is:
a) C5, 6, 7, 8 & T1
b) C6, 7, 8 & T1
c) C5, 6 & 7
d) C5, 6, 7 & 8
e) T4, 5 & 6
4-Regarding the elbow joint?
a) The capitulum articulates with the head of the ulna
b) The trochlea fills the trochlear notch of ulna
c) The annular ligament is attached to radial notch of ulna
d) The radial nerve lies behind the capsule of the joint
5-In respect to the elbow joint:
a) It is a plane type of synovial joint
b) It is strengthened by the radial and ulnar collateral ligaments
c) It is supplied by the cephalic and basilic arteries
d) It is innervated by the median and axillary nerves
6-The glenoid cavity articulates with the head of the humerus by a:
a) Fibrous articulation
b) Cartilaginous articulation
c) Plane synovial articulation
d) Ball and socket synovial articulation
7-One of the following is a branch of the second part of the axillary artery:
a) Lateral thoracic artery
b) Anterior circumflex humeral artery
c) Posterior circumflex humeral artery
d) Superior thoracic artery
8- The nerve supply of teres minor muscle is:
a) Median nerve
b) Ulnar nerve
c) Radial nerve
d) Axillary nerve
e) Medial pectoral
9-The termination of axillary artery is:
a) Brachial artery
b) Ulnar artery
c) Radial artery
d) Profunda brachii artery
e) Subclavian artery
10- Which of the following muscles belongs to a superficial group of forearm flexors?
a) Flexor digitorum profundus
b) Pronator quadratus
c) Palmaris Longus
d) Flexor pollicis longus
11- The apex of the radial collateral ligament of the elbow joint thatched to which structure?
a) Medial epicondyle of humerus
b) The olecranon process of ulna
c) Styloid process of radius
d) Lateral epicondyle of humerus
12- Main muscles responsible for flexion of the wrist joint are:
a) Flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi radialis & palmaris longus
b) Flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi radialis & palmaris brevis
c) Flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor digitorum profundus & palmaris longus
d) Flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor digitorum profundus & palmaris brevis
13- Deep extensor muscles of forearm supplied by:
a) Posterior interosseous nerve
b) Anterior interosseous nerve
c) Deep branch of ulnar nerve
d) Axillary nerve
e) Musculocutaneous nerve
14- Abduction of the shoulder joint from 0 to 15 is performed by:
a) Supraspinatus muscle
b) Infraspinatus muscle
c) Teres major muscle
d) Deltoid muscle
e) Pectoralis major muscle
15– Which of the following not belong to the rotator cuff muscle:
a) Teres minor muscle
b) Pectoralis minor muscle
c) Supraspinatus muscle
d) Infraspinatus muscle
e) Subscapularis muscle
16 – Protraction of the scapula caused by:
a) Coracobrachialis muscle
b) Teres major muscle
c) Latissimus dorsi muscle
d) Serratus anterior muscle
e) Teres minor muscle
17- One of these nerves is not a branch of the posterior cord of brachial plexus:
a) Median nerve
b) Radial nerve
c) Nerve to latissimus dorsi
d) Axillary nerve
e) Upper subscapular nerve
18- Which of the following structures could be damaged in association with a fracture of the
medial epicondyle?
a) The radial artery
b) The ulnar nerve
c) The brachial artery
d) The ulnar artery
e) The median nerve
19- Injury of the long thoracic nerve can produce one of the following conditions:
a) Ape hand
b) Winging of the scapula
c) Partial claw hand
d) Complete claw hand
e) Loss of medial rotation of upper arm
20- Fracture middle shaft of humerus usually produces injury into:
a) Ulnar nerve
b) Median nerve
c) Radial nerve
d) Musculocutaneous nerve
e) Axillary nerve
21- Which muscle flexes the shoulder?
a) Teres major
b) Pectoralis major
c) Teres minor
d) Pectoralis minor
e) Latissimus dorsi
22- The carpal bones sharing in the formation of the wrist joint are:
a) Scaphoid, lunate & triquetrum
b) Trapezium, trapezoid & pisiform
c) Scaphoid, lunate & pisiform
d) Trapezium, trapezoid & triquetrum
1 A 12 A
2 A 13 A
3 A 14 A
4 C 15 B
5 B 16 D
6 D 17 A
7 A 18 B
8 D 19 B
9 A 20 B
10 C 21 B
11 D 22 A
1- Which one of the following is true regarding hyaline cartilage?
a) It is vascular
b) Contain NO collagen
c) Chondrocytes are present in perichondrium
d) Get nutrition by diffusion
e) Present in semilunar cartilage of the knee joint
2- White fibro-cartilage:
a) Is covered by perichondrium
b) The chondrocytes are arranged in rows
c) Is rich in collagen type III
d) Is present in laryngeal cartilage
e) Its matrix is rich in elastic fibers
3- Which of the following structure connects tow Haversian canals?
a) Osteogenic layer of periosteum
b) Inner circumferential lamellae
c) Haversian system
d) Volkmann's canal
e) Endosteum
4- Which of the following is true about osteocyte?
a) Developed from osteoclast
b) Can divide and give osteoblast.
c) Connected by gap junctions.
d) Present in periosteum
e) Can form cell nest
5- Specific “structural units” of compact bone are:
a) Interstitial lamellae
b) Circumferential lamellae
c) Haversian systems
d) Volkmann’s canals
e) Bone trabeculae
1 D
2 B
3 D
4 C
5 C
1- Cholinesterase enzyme present in:
a) Nerve axon
b) Motor end plate
c) Brain stem
d) Synaptic cleft
e) Nephron
2- Regarding cholinergic receptors at NMJ:
a) Stimulated by adrenalin
b) Are ligand gated ion channels
c) Allow Na+ efflux
d) Present in nerve terminal
e) Are blocked by acetylcholine
3- Regarding muscle contraction:
a) Troponin cover active site
b) Ca bind to Troponin c
c) Ca bind to myosin
d) Myosin stimulate ca release
e) Magnesium released from SR
4- Regarding muscle relaxation:
a) Passive process
b) Active process
c) Ca bind to tropomyosin
d) Ca doesn’t return to SR
e) Thin filament includes myosin
1 B
2 B
3 B
4 B

1- Which of the following is NOT a common complication of osteomyelitis in adult?

a) Toxemia
b) Chronic osteomyelitis
c) Pathological fracture
d) Septic arthritis
e) Septicemia

2- Concerning acute hematogenous osteomyelitis, which of the following is correct?

a) Trauma and bacteremia is essential in pathogenesis

b) Commonly occurs in compound fracture
c) Occurs in diaphysis of long bone
d) Subperiosteal abscess is not common
e) Usually occurs in flat bone
1 D
2 A
1- What is the infective stage of trichinosis?
a) Eggs
b) Chrysops
c) Simulum
d) Larva
e) Musca
2- What is the intermediate host of trichinosis?
a) Anopheles
b) Chrysops
c) Simulum
d) Pig
e) Culex
3- What is the definitive host of trichinosis?
a) Man
b) Chrysops
c) Culex
d) Simulum
e) Fasciola
4- What is the most important test diagnosis of trichinosis?
a) Urine
b) Sputum
c) CSF
d) Muscle
e) Animal inoculation

5- What can the Blackman's test diagnose?

a) Trichinosis
b) Fasciola hepatica
c) Giardiasis
d) Visceral leishmaniasis
e) Entamoeba
6- What is the mode of trichinosis infection?
a) Ingestion of pork with larvae
b) Inhalation of larvae
c) Penetrations of skin
d) Sand fly biting
e) Blood transfusions
1 D
2 D
3 A
4 D
5 A
6 A

1- Which of the following side effects occur in children with influenza virus infection?
a) Allergy
b) Analgesic nephropathy
c) Bleeding
d) Gastritis
e) Reye's syndrome
2- Which of the following effects is characteristic for aspirin versus other NSAIDs?
a) Irreversibly inhibits COX
b) Prevents gouty arthritis
c) Reduces fever
d) Causes Analgesic nephropathy
e) Contraindicated in peptic ulcer

1 E
2 A

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