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Unit 3 : Creative, Inventive Minds

Modern Technologies

Benefits Drawbacks
 Technology is used in various domains:  Can lead to distraction from work and studies.
✓ Banking system  Can cause shorter attention span.
✓ Health care  May result in less real-life interaction, social
✓ Education isolation, and even autism.
✓ Transportation  Excessive dependency on technology.
✓ Manufacture  Addiction to smartphones and social media
✓ Agriculture platforms.
✓ Marketing  Modern technologies use up lots of energy,
✓ Business which can further pollute the environment and
✓ Entertainment drain energy resources.
 Thanks to technology independent learning  Promote physical inactivity and unhealthy
has become easier and more effective. eating habits.
 More interactive learning tools and engaging  The extensive use of technology can lead to a
coursework. number of health issues:
 Robots facilitate our life and do hazardous ➢ Poor eyesight
tasks with less risks and greater precision. ➢ Backache
 Thanks to them, our world has become more ➢ Headache
connected (a global village). ➢ Obesity
 Inventions keep the economy moving ➢ Asthma (due to the fumes released by
forward. factories, motor vehicles, and cars)
 They improve living standards. ➢ Sleep-related issues (insomnia).
 Life is longer and healthier owing to medical ➢ phycological disorders
advancements.  Loss of jobs to machines/ robots. → increase
 Computers enable us to write and save in unemployment.
documents, store information, share files,  Cybersecurity, hacking, scams, and loss of
exchange knowledge, etc. personal information.
 Satellites transmit telephone calls and T.V.  Cyberbullying.

Unit 3 : Creative, Inventive Minds
 Cell phones allow us to communicate more  The Internet and social media platforms allow
efficiently, anytime, anywhere. misinformation or fake news.
 Through smartphones, one can send  Cell phones and the net have made cheating
messages, emails, pictures, videos, easier.
documents, and audio files.  The Internet and computers can lead to
 They enable us to build bridges between developing poor study habits and laziness.
nations.  The increased risk of being overpowered,
 They have improved our life and made it outsmarted, and even demolished by AI
simpler and easier. (Artificial Intelligence).
 They have facilitated research and  Dangerous inventions, such as weapons, the
modernization. atomic bomb, etc.
 They have brought about a myriad of
scientific advancements and achievements
that have saved thousands of lives.
 Miniature cameras that can be
swallowed to allow doctors to
diagnose medical conditions without
having to perform risky surgeries.
 Machines and devices meant to help
the disabled.

Unit 3 : Creative, Inventive Minds
Video Games

Advantages Disadvantages
 Means of entertainment.  Teach violence/ aggressiveness and
 Improve multitasking, increase mental indifference.
flexibility and adaptability, and even reverse  Undermine moral sensitivity.
the mental decline that occurs as people age.  Encourage smoking, drug abuse, and alcohol
 Lengthen attention spans. consumption.
 Enhance rapid decision-making abilities and  Can have a negative influence, especially on
hand-eye coordination. youngsters.
 Enhance concentration.  May increase stress, depression, and anxiety.
 Stimulate interactivity.  Might aggravate antisocial behavior.
 Develop analytical skills.  Lead to the neglection of studies and work.
 Boost cognitive skills.  Can be addictive.
 Promote sociability, teamwork, and  Potential exposure to pornography and highly
cooperation. sexualized content.
 Can enhance executive functioning, which  Can contribute to attention deficit disorder.
refers to a person’s ability to solve problems  Sleep deprivation.
rapidly and efficiently.  Risk of social isolation.
 May help ease tension and anxiety.  Confusing fantasy with reality.
 Could limit academic progress.
 Increase stress and irritability.
 Adverse health effects: seizures, muscular
disorder, postural defects, skeletal disorders,
obesity, etc.
 Emission of radiation: the WHO classified
cell phones and other wireless devices as a
class 2B risk (possible carcinogen) due to the
emission of electromagnetic radiation.

Unit 3 : Creative, Inventive Minds
Brain Drain

It describes the migration of educated or talented people from less economically advanced areas to
more advanced areas, especially to richer countries.

Push Factors Pull Factors

 Escaping wars, political and religious  Political stability, intellectual freedom, strong
persecution, lack of freedom, etc. work ethics, etc.
 Political instability.  Modern education system.
 Corruption.  Greater chance of advancement.
 Discrimination at the workplace.  Irresistible academic opportunities and
 Economic underdevelopment or stagnation. modern research facilities.
 Unemployment/ joblessness.  Research funding.
 Limited job market.  Valuable training.
 Limited career prospects.  Availability of expertise and support.
 Low wages/ salaries/ pay/ remuneration.  Better working conditions.
 Lack of research facilities.  Higher standards of living.
 Lack of scientific development.  Better economic prospects.
 Poor working conditions.  Higher salaries/ financial gains.

Pros Cons
 Allows lots of highly skilled people to find  Poor countries waste billions of dollars
well-paying job opportunities outside their educating their people only to be lured by the
native countries, enjoy better standards of irresistible opportunities in the first-world
living, and take advantage of research countries. → Brain waste.
facilities. → This can alleviate the burden on  Developing countries rely on their brilliant
the developing countries’ job markets by students and highly qualified workers to
reducing unemployment rates. revolutionize them. However, they lose them
 Stimulates education. to the more developed world.
 Brain circulation can transfer knowledge and  Exodus of skills and knowledge.
build connections.

Unit 3 : Creative, Inventive Minds
 Induces remittance flows.  Shortage of skilled and competent people in
 Developing countries can benefit from the underdeveloped countries, especially in health
remittances (the sums of money sent home by care, education, and engineering.
expatriates).  Reduces the stock of human capital and
 Generates benefits in source countries from induces occupational distortions.
both returnees and the diaspora abroad.  Economic stagnation or even decline due to
 The money sent back home can be used to the loss of qualified employees.
fund vital sectors, such as education,  The unregulated and unequal movement of
investment, health, infrastructure, etc. workers dramatically affects third-world
 Reduces international transaction costs. countries, as they continue to lag behind the
 Brain drain could be reversed (brain gain): first-world ones.
bringing expertise, skills, and knowledge  Less opportunities for development and
home. increased poverty rates in underdeveloped
 Cultural impact on other countries. nations.
 Developed countries open their doors for the
brightest minds to get use of their innovations
and creativity.
 Rich countries benefit from the talented and
highly skilled/ qualified workers.
 Foreign-born qualified workers fill in the gap
of shortage of labor and workforce in the
developed world.

Unit 3 : Creative, Inventive Minds
Women Opt Out

Opting out: leaving corporate positions for alternative career paths, especially entrepreneurship.

Why are more and more women opting out?

 Inflexible working hours.

 Hostile work environment.
 Rising demands in the workplace.
 Corporations not valuing or recognizing their contributions.
 Lack of acknowledgement.
 No rewards.
 Low salaries.
 Gender discrimination and sexism.
 Gendered and masculine-dominated workplace.
 Lack of promotions.
 Inability to climb the career ladder.
 Glass ceiling.
 Women's underrepresentation in high-ranking offices and key positions.
 Lack of freedom.
 Stagnation.
 Inability to establish a family-work balance.
 Eagerness to pursue other personal and professional goals.
 Looking out for new challenges.
 Failure to meet their professional needs.
 Lack of meaning in their old jobs and loss of satisfaction.
 Wanting to become entrepreneurs/ businesswomen.
 Desire to secure financial safety.
 Desire to gain more freedom, independence, and recognition.

So, what are the pros and cons of opting out and starting one’s own business?

Unit 3 : Creative, Inventive Minds
Pros Cons
 Flexibility.  No dividing line between work and personal
 Independence. life. → Work consumes the person’s days
 Ability to create a home-work balance. and nights.
 Avoiding all types of discrimination and  Lots of efforts, sweat, and tears to start from
sexism. scratch.
 Avoiding sexual harassment.  Financial obstacles, like needing a specific
 Proving gender stereotypes wrong. capital to establish the business.
 Creating a women-friendly work  Pledging personal assets to get a loan to
environment. fund the business. → Risky
 Strong sense of satisfaction and  Having more expenses: office, employees,
accomplishment. salaries, bills, taxes, etc.
 Sharpening one’s skills thanks to taking  Losing the financial security that a monthly
risks and facing new challenges. paycheck offers.
 Being involved in all aspects of one’s  No guarantees and no sense of security.
business brings about invaluable learning  The business world is full of unpleasant
surprises, financial setbacks, and crises. →
 Opportunity for creativity and innovation.
risks and uncertainty.
 Being in control of the entire operation of
 The business may not go as well as
the business.
expected and may even fail.
 Doing what one really wants and is good at.
 Full commitment and responsibility. →
 Greater possibility of achieving significant
Loads of duties, especially in the beginning.
financial rewards than working for someone
 Time commitment can place a strain on
family and friends and add to the stress of
 Creating one’s own wealth.
launching a new business venture.
 Building equity, which can be kept, sold, or
 Having to take care of all the nitty gritty
passed on to the next generation.
details and making sure that everything is
 Creating job opportunities for others.
well orchestrated.
 Helping other women climb up the
professional and social ladders.

Unit 3 : Creative, Inventive Minds
 Inspiring other women and opening the door  The ongoing challenge of finding
for those who aspire to become successful competent, skilled, and trustworthy
entrepreneurs. employees.
 Having one’s own business is prestigious.  Stress and burnout.


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