Grassland Science 2021

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Received: 20 July 2020 | Revised: 8 September 2020 | Accepted: 16 September 2020

DOI: 10.1111/grs.12311


Chemical composition and calorific value of elephant grass

varieties and other feedstocks intended for direct combustion

Anderson Carlos Marafon1 | André Felipe Câmara Amaral1 |

Juarez Campolina Machado2 | Jailton da Costa Carneiro2 |
Adriana Neutzling Bierhals3 | Victor dos Santos Guimarães3

Unit of Research and Development,
Embrapa Coastal Tablelands, Rio Largo, Abstract
Brazil Perennial grasses display several positive attributes as suitable energy crops for use
Embrapa Dairy Cattle, Juiz de Fora, Brazil
as a solid fuel for direct combustion, such as high annual production of dry matter
Agricultural Sciences Center, Federal
University of Alagoas, Rio Largo, Brazil
per unit area, perennity and high harvest flexibility. This study aimed to character-
ize the chemical composition and calorific value of 18 elephant grass (EG) varieties
Anderson Carlos Marafon, Unit of Research
(Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) and 10 other potential bioenergy feedstocks in-
and Development, Embrapa Coastal tended for direct combustion. Samples were obtained from 6-­month-­old EG and
Tablelands, Highway BR 104, Km 85, Rio
Largo, AL 57100-­0 00, Brazil.
sorghum and 3-­year-­old eucalyptus, Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia, and bamboo plants.
Email: Sugarcane bagasse and straw, rice husk, corn stover, coconut husk, and fiber samples

Funding information
were also evaluated. The elemental composition, lower heating value (LHV), and cel-
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa lulose (CEL), hemicellulose (HCEL), lignin (LIG) and ash contents (% dry matter) were
Agropecuária, Grant/Award Number:
analyzed. The results indicated that the EG genotypes showed significant differences
when compared with other evaluated biomasses, but showed no differences among
themselves. The EG varieties showed a mean LHV (16.7 MJ/kg) superior to that of
rice husk, sugarcane bagasse, and sorghum and similar to that of sugarcane straw,
coconut fiber, and corn stover. The EG varieties showed a mean ash content (4.74%)
inferior to that of rice husk, sugarcane bagasse, coconut fiber, and sorghum; a mean
CEL content (36.0%) similar to that of sugarcane straw, coconut fiber, corn stover,
sorghum, and Mimosa caesalpinifolia; HCEL; a mean HCEL content (30.3%) superior
to that of rice husk, bamboo, eucalyptus, M. caesalpinifolia, coconut husk, and fiber;
and a mean LIG content (8.80%) superior to that of corn stover and similar to that
of sorghum, sugarcane bagasse, and straw biomass. The significant capacity of EG
to accumulate dry matter was associated with the biomass quality attributes (LHV
and CEL, HCEL, LIG, and ash contents), thereby making it an excellent alternative to
lignocellulosic feedstock for direct combustion.


bioenergy, biomass attributes, Pennisetum purpureum Schum., thermal energy

Grassland Science. 2021;00:1–9.

© 2021 Japanese Society of Grassland Science | 1
2 | MARAFON et al.

1 | I NTRO D U C TI O N grasses can also be pressed into pellets, briquettes and cubes, which
can be used as heating fuels to replace or complement fuels made
Energy production from plant biomass is an important strategy for re- from wood fibers (Fedenko et al., 2013).
ducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, especially for countries that Perennial rhizomatous grasses that utilize the C4 photosynthetic
have favorable conditions to grow cellulosic biomass, such as high solar pathway have great potential to provide large quantities of cellulosic
radiation, diversity of climatic zones and biodiversity, large available biomass and display several positive attributes as suitable energy
areas for agriculture and satisfactory rainfall distribution to achieve crops for use as a solid fuel in co-­fired coal power plants and as a
significant production, such as Brazil (Goldemberg, 2009). Renewable choice feedstock for advanced biofuels such as cellulosic ethanol.
energy production is one of the greatest challenges for reducing de- Compared with other biomass sources, such as woody crops and other
pendence on fossil fuels, such as oil and coal, which are finite sources, C3 crops, C4 grasses may be able to provide more than two times the
and contributing to the mitigation of GHG emissions on the planet. annual biomass yield in warm and temperate regions because of their
Currently, there is a renewed interest in power generation based on more efficient photosynthetic pathway (Sanderson & Adler, 2008).
energy crops mainly because of the high costs of fossil fuels and the The main desirable characteristics that make perennial grasses at-
need to mitigate climate change through carbon dioxide (CO2) capture. tractive for use as solid biofuels are their high-­yield potential associ-
Energy crops are more environmentally sustainable alternatives to the ated with their high LIG and CEL contents, which are associated with
intensive use of fossil fuels because biomass can be used in biofuel, the advantage of strongly lignified crops that remain upright with a
electric and/or thermal energy segments (Fontoura et al., 2015). low water content (Chandrasekaran et al., 2013). Among the tropi-
Biomass presents a long-­term opportunity for green energy cal grass species, elephant grass (EG) (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.,
production. It is considered a clean and renewable energy source synonymy of Cenchrus purpureus (Schum.) Morrone) has significant
because during the combustion process, it releases an equivalent potential as a renewable biofuel feedstock in tropical and subtropical
amount of CO2 to the atmosphere that is consumed during its growth. areas because it is a fast-­growing energy plant with a high photosyn-
Among the renewable energy resources, biomass has the advantage thetic efficiency, which results in a significant capacity to accumu-
of being stored and utilized on-­demand, which is contrary to dis- late dry matter that often exceeds 40 Mg ha−1 year–­1 in tropical areas
continuous solar and wind energy resources (Vávrová et al., 2017). (Flores et al., 2012; Morais et al., 2009; Woodard & Prine, 1993). Aside
The use of biomass as feedstock for energy purposes can be realized EG, other dedicated energy crops also showed elevated biomass
according to four basic platforms, namely (a) direct combustion for yields. The dry matter production of bamboo species ranged from
thermal energy production (steam) and electricity co-­generation; (b) 2.3 Mg ha−1 year−1 in a 1-­year-­old plantation to 49.6 Mg ha−1  year−1 in
chemical or enzymatic hydrolysis to obtain fermentable sugars and a 6-­year-­old plantation (Shanmughavel et al., 2001). Eucalyptus har-
produce liquid fuels; (c) gasification for the synthesis of gas (carbon vested with 3-­year-­old showed a dry matter yields varied from 13.3
monoxide and H) or biogas generation (methane [CH4]); and (d) py- to 19.9 Mg ha−1 ha−1 year−1 (Guerra et al., 2016). Sorghum biomass va-
rolysis to obtain bio-­oil or charcoal (Demirbas, 2004). riety showed a dry matter yield average of 53.1 Mg ha−1 ha−1 year−1
Direct combustion is the main technology applied for heat and (Almeida et al., 2019). Moura et al. (2006) estimated a dry biomass
mechanical energy production from biomass (Samson et al., 2005). production of 10.1 Mg ha−1 ha−1 year−1 in an 8-­year-­old Mimosa cae-
The energy contained in a fuel is directly proportional to its calorific salpiniaefolia Benth plantation. The biomass yields of residual feed-
power; thus, it is important to know this property for the evaluation stocks used to bioenergy production are directly related to the crop
of biomass as an energy input. Biomass used as a source of thermal yields, which varies depending on the cultivar, environment and man-
energy in combustion processes should have high lignin (LIG) and agement system adopted.
cellulose (CEL) concentrations (Gani & Naruse, 2007), a high calorific EG is a tropical warm-­season grass native to tropical Africa that
value, high carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio, and low levels of moisture, produces robust, creeping rhizomatous plants that have a perennial
ash, and N (McKendry, 2002). The process of thermal utilization of growth habit and form bamboo-­like clumps that can grow up to 7 m
solid biofuels is influenced by the kind of solid biofuel used, its phys- in height. This species grows best in regions with hot temperatures
ical characteristics (e.g., particle size, bulk density, moisture content) (30–­35°C) and has an annual precipitation demand of over 1,000 mm
and its chemical composition (Obernberger et al., 2006). (Anderson et al., 2008).In the wet tropics, EG is a major forage crop.
Conventionally, most solid biomass heating fuels originate from Traditionally, this crop has been managed for forage production for
agroindustrial waste, forests and forest product industries (wood- dairy cattle because of its high yield and protein content. However,
chips). However, there are other potential feedstocks for bioenergy for bioenergy purposes, apart from its high dry matter production, the
production, including agricultural wastes, wood, short-­rotation woody plant material should be suitable for achieving an optimal energetic effi-
crops, short-­rotation herbaceous species, wood wastes and industrial ciency, which means high levels of fibers and LIG and low N and ash lev-
residues, among others. Herbaceous crops, specifically for energy, els (McKendry, 2002). Laurent et al. (2015) evaluated 36 lignocellulosic
have gained widespread appeal, and perennial grasses present new crops and concluded that the most productive crops for power plants
renewable energy options. In recent years, the establishment of pe- are Miscanthus × giganteus, giant cane, and EG. Ra et al. (2012) com-
rennial grasses as energy crops has emerged as a viable option mainly pared the annual biomass yield of seven grass species, namely Erianthus,
because of their comparative ecological advantages over annual en- Johnson grass, switchgrass, sugarcane, maize, sorghum and EG, and
ergy crops. In addition to generating thermoelectric power, perennial found EG to out-­yield the others by a significant margin.
MARAFON et al. | 3

Aside from morphoagronomic traits, the chemical composition of Research and Development located in the municipality of Rio
and calorific value are fundamental to define the quality of biomass Largo, AL, Brazil.
for heat generation because they can influence the entire conver- Elemental analyses to determine the C, H, and N contents (%)
sion process and thermal utilization. EG biomass has the potential were conducted using approximately 3 mg of moisture-­free sam-
to be used as a solid biofuel for direct combustion, but also as char- ple in a CHNS Flash 2000 analyzer (Thermo Scientific). The ox-
coal, alcohol or even for CH4 production owing to its extremely high ygen (O) content was determined by the following equation: O
positive energy balance (Strezov et al., 2008). In this context, the (%) = 100 − (C + N + H + ash). The ash content (%) was determined ac-
objective of this study was to characterize the biomass chemical cording to the NBR 8112 (Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas
composition and calorific value of EG varieties and other potential [ABNT], 1986) using 1 g of moisture-­free sample, which was placed
bioenergy feedstocks intended for direct combustion. in a porcelain crucible without a cap, dried and preheated in a muf-
fle previously heated to 600 ± 10°C. After the samples were com-
pletely burned, they were cooled in a desiccator and then weighed in
2 | M ATE R I A L S A N D M E TH O DS a precision analytical balance.
The higher heating value (HHV), expressed as mega joules per ki-
2.1 | Feedstock sampling logram (MJ/kg) of oven-­dried sample, was determined using a static
jacket bomb calorimeter (IKA C2000) according to the MB-­2850
Twenty-­eight potential bioenergy feedstocks intended for direct method (Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas [ABNT], 1990).
combustion were evaluated, including eighteen EG (P. purpureum) According to the HHV and H content (%), the LHV was calcu-
varieties, two other grasses, two woody species and six agroindus- lated following the equation (Schmatz et al., 2016): LHV (MJ/
trial residues (sugarcane bagasse, sugarcane straw, rice husk, corn kg) = HHV − (54 × H).
stover, coconut husk and coconut fiber). The CEL, hemicellulose (HCEL) and LIG contents in percent-
The samples of EG varieties, namely sorghum (Sorghum bicolor age of dry matter (% DM) were analyzed according to Van Soest
(L) Moench), eucalyptus (Eucalyptus urophylla S.T. Blake), M. cae- et al. (1991). The HCEL content was calculated as the difference
salpiniaefolia Benth. and bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris Schrad.), were between the neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber (ADF)
collected from experimental areas at the Engineering and Agrarian contents, and the CEL content was determined by subtracting the
Sciences Campus of the Federal University of Alagoas, Rio Largo, acid detergent LIG content from the ADF content. The LIG content
AL (9°27′59″S, 35°49′37″W; 417 m a.s.l.). This study was properly was obtained by subtracting the ADF content from the ash content.
registered in official database of Brazilian Genetic Heritage and
Associated Traditional Knowledge (SISGEN) under access num-
ber A2D24A1. The evaluated EG varieties (BAGCE 2, BRS Canará, 2.3 | Statistical analysis
BRS Capiaçu, Local, Local 2, Piracicaba, Cuba 116, Pinda, Guaçu,
King Grass, Madeira, Napier, Panamá, Porto Rico, T241, Taiwan A-­ The experimental design was a completely randomized scheme with
144, Taiwan A-­25 and Vrukwona) were obtained from the National 28 treatments (feedstocks) and three replications. The data were
Center for Dairy Cattle Research (Embrapa Dairy Cattle). subjected to variance analysis with a treatment means comparison
The EG varieties and sorghum samples were obtained by harvest- by the Scott–­Knott test at a 5% level of significance (p ≤ .05) with the
ing integral biomass of 6-­month-­old plants from 1 m2 of cultivated area R statistical program (Fox, 2005).
in three randomized points. Eucalyptus, M. caesalpiniaefolia and bam-
boo samples were obtained by harvesting whole stems of 3-­year-­old
plants. Three samples were collected from each species, and one sam- 3 | R E S U LT S A N D D I S CU S S I O N
ple was composed of ground and homogenized stem radial disks from
the stem apical, middle and basal portions. Residual feedstocks were There were significant differences in the LHVs and C, H, N, CEL,
collected from sugarcane (bagasse, rice husk, coconut husk and fiber) HCEL and LIG contents between feedstocks. However, the EG varie-
and cultivation areas (sugarcane straw and corn stover). ties showed no significant differences among themselves with re-
For the analytical procedures, all the raw materials were oven-­ spect to these attributes.
dried (105°C for 24 hr) and triturated in a Wiley mill coupled with a
35 mesh (500 μm) sieve.
3.1 | Elemental analysis and ash contents

2.2 | Analytical procedures The C, H, N and ash contents showed significant differences between
feedstocks. The mean C content of EG varieties (43.8%) was higher
Chemical composition and lower heating value (LHV) analyses were than that of rice husk but lower than that of M. caesalpiniaefolia, eu-
conducted at the Multifunctional Laboratory of the National Center calyptus, bamboo and coconut husks. The C contents of M. caesal-
for Coastal Tablelands Research (Embrapa Coastal Tablelands) Unit piniaefolia, eucalyptus, bamboo and coconut husks were higher than
4 | MARAFON et al.

those of all the other materials. Rice husks showed the lowest C con- TA B L E 1 Elemental composition and ash contents of elephant
tent. The H contents in the rice husks, coconut fibers and coconut grass (EG) varieties and other energetic feedstocks

husks were significantly lower than those in all the other feedstocks. % dry matter
The M. caesalpiniaefolia, coconut husk and eucalyptus N contents
Feedstock C H O N Ash
were significantly lower than those of all the other feedstocks. The
b a a b
sorghum samples showed the highest N contents. The EG ash con- EG BAGCE 2 44.2 5.90 45.8 0.63 3.40 c

tents showed no differences among themselves, with values rang- EG BRS Canará 43.7b 5.83a 45.5a 0.57b 4.41c
b a a b
ing from 3.21% (EG Madeira) to 6.14% (EG Panamá). The mean ash EG BRS Capiaçu 43.4 6.07 46.3 0.46 3.81c
content of the EG varieties was similar to that of corn stover, bam- EG Local 44.6b 5.90a 45.1a 0.49b 3.90 c
boo and sugarcane straw. The rice husk samples showed the highest EG Local 2 44.8 b
5.90 a
44.2 a
0.53 b
4.50 c
ash contents, followed by those of sorghum, sugarcane bagasse and EG Piracicaba 41.9b 5.91a 46.6a 0.57b 5.10 c
coconut fiber, which were significantly higher than those of all the EG Cuba 116 44.3 b
5.94 a
44.5 a
0.49 b
4.80 c
other feedstocks. The coconut husk and M. caesalpiniaefolia ash con-
EG Pinda 43.2b 5.90a 46.8a 0.52b 3.60 c
tents were lower than those of all the other feedstocks, except for b a a b
EG Guaçu 44.0 5.92 44.4 0.59 5.10 c
eucalyptus, which showed the lowest ash content (Table 1).
EG King Grass 43.7b 5.85a 44.0a 0.84b 5.67c
Considering the great potential of EG to produce 40.0 Mg dry
b a a b
EG Madeira 43.9 5.77 47.4 0.66 3.21c
biomass ha–­1 year−1 in tropical regions (e.g., Flores et al., 2012;
EG Napier 43.6b 5.87a 44.3a 0.65b 5.50 c
Morais et al., 2009; Woodard & Prine, 1993) and the high C content
b a a b
of EG varieties (43.8%) verified in our study, it is possible to calculate EG Panamá 43.8 5.85 43.4 0.76 6.14c

an accumulation of 17.5 Mg C ha−1 year–­1. Compared with the C con- EG Porto Rico 44.4b 5.84a 44.3a 0.53b 4.90 c
b a a b
tent of fossil fuels (over 87.0% on a dry basis), biomass showed less EG T241 43.7 5.89 45.6 0.51 4.30 c
C (from 36.9% to 50.1%) and more O (from 43.5% to 57.4%). For this EG Taiwan A-­144 42.4b 5.90a 44.3a 0.71b 6.11c
reason, biomass shows high volatility and reactivity during the com- EG Taiwan A-­25 43.7 b
5.94 a
44.4 a
0.52 b
5.40 c
bustion process, thereby resulting in a LHV than that of fossil fuels EG Vrukwona 44.6b 5.93a 43.6a 0.44b 5.50 c
(Demirbas, 2004). Manouchehrinejad et al. (2020) verified that the Rice Husk 36.9c
5.18 b
42.1 a
0.45 b
total GHG emissions for the combined heat and power (CHP) gener-
Coconut Husk 48.7a 5.56b 44.1a 0.34c 1.31d
ation plants based on EG biomass were approximately 8% and 18% b b a b
Coconut Fiber 44.3 5.35 42.2 0.46 7.70 b
of those of natural gas-­fired and coal-­fired CHP plants, respectively.
Sugarcane Bagasse 44.1b 6.07a 41.3a 0.46b 8.06b
The mean ash content (4.74%) of the EG varieties was within a b a a b
Corn Stover 44.0 5.96 47.4 0.62 2.90 c
desirable range for use in direct combustion. High levels of ash in
Sugarcane straw 45.4b 6.24a 44.6a 0.59b 3.20 c
biomass (>5%) are undesirable in the combustion process given that
b a a a
Sorghum 44.4 5.97 40.5 1.10 8.13b
the calorific value of fuels is inversely proportional to the ash con-
tent and directly proportional to C content, which is the main con- Bamboo 47.0a 5.78a 43.6a 0.49b 3.13c
a a a c
stituent of LIG (Llorente & Garcia, 2008). Mohammed et al. (2015) Eucalyptus 47.4 5.80 46.2 0.20 0.47e
also stated that EG biomass shows, among other desirable attributes M. caesalpiniaefolia 50.1a 5.99a 42.2a 0.36c 1.26d
for thermochemical conversion, a low ash level. Morais et al. (2018) Distinct letters in the same column differ from each other by the Scott–­
found ash contents from 1.76% to 3.79% in leaves and from 3.95% Knott test (p ≤ .05).
to 5.00% in stems of EG varieties. Although ash is undesirable in
the combustion process, it may be used for soil fertilization of grass
fields, thereby diminishing external fertilizer inputs. markedly reduce their performance. Moreover, a high ash content in
Depending on its magnitude, the ash level reduces the energy the raw material also causes high abrasion during grinding and den-
available in the material and thus reduces the conversion efficiency. sification (Chandrasekaran et al., 2013).
Rocha et al. (2017) presented negative correlations between the Compared to stem wood, grasses are usually characterized by
ash content (–­0.89) and CEL/LIG rate (–­0.70) and the LHV. These a higher ash content and a large variation in the composition of
results indicate that the selection of genetic materials with a high ash-­forming elements. Therefore, its use as fuel generally requires
LHV should be mainly aimed at materials with lower CEL/LIG rates greater maintenance of the boiler owing to the particular charac-
(more lignified) and ash contents. Vassiliev et al. (2010) stated that teristics of this type of biomass. Reduction in ash levels and rela-
the ash and residues from biomass combustion are composed of in- tive amounts of critical elements can also be achieved by blending
organic and metal substances, or slag, which may clog the furnace with less problematic biomass fuels such as wood (Zeng et al., 2016).
grates. During the combustion process, higher Cl and K levels, which Moreover, Dayton et al. (1999) verified that pressed, rinsed and re-­
are very undesirable in power plant fuels, vaporize and form salts on pressed processes combined with EG biomass enables the removal
boiler walls, which can form incombustible residues in systems and of approximately 32% of ash and more than 80% of chloride.
MARAFON et al. | 5

3.2 | Lower heating value generation from biomass sources has become increasingly sig-
nificant in the national panorama, supplying approximately 8.5%
The LHV showed significant differences among the evaluated feed- of the electricity matrix in 2018. Sugarcane bagasse is the most
stocks; however, there were no differences among the EG varieties, commonly used feedstock because of the large number of sugar-
with values ranging from 16.29 MJ/kg (Piracicaba) to 17.28 MJ/kg cane mills. However, there was a considerable increase in other
(Madeira). The mean LHV of EG (16.7 MJ/kg) was similar to that biomasses in energy grid generation and exports, including black
of sugarcane straw (17.26 MJ/kg) and bagasse (16.0 MJ/kg), coco- liquor, biogas, forest residues, firewood, rice husk and EG (Empresa
nut fiber (17.0 MJ/kg) and corn stover (16.9 MJ/kg) samples. The de Pesquisa Energética, 2019).
LHV values of M. caesalpiniaefolia (18.8 MJ/kg) and coconut husk
(18.8 MJ/kg) samples were significantly higher than those of all the
other biomasses, followed by eucalyptus (18.0 MJ/kg) and bamboo 3.3 | Cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin contents
(17.6 MJ/kg). The LHVs were significantly higher than those of all
the other feedstocks. Rice husk (15.3 MJ/kg) and sorghum (15.9 MJ/ The mean CEL content of EG varieties (36.0%) was lower than that
kg) samples showed the lowest LHVs among all the feedstocks of eucalyptus (59.2%), rice husk (49.0%), bamboo (45.3%) and sug-
(Figure 1). arcane bagasse (43.8%), while it matched that of all the other bio-
The LHV corresponds to the effectively available energy per masses (Figure 2).
unit mass of moisture-­free sample and is directly influenced by the The mean HCEL content of EG varieties (30.3%) exceeded that
moisture content of the fuel because in the burning process, part of of coconut husk (24.0%), bamboo (22.7%), coconut fiber (20.4%), rice
the energy released from combustion is spent on evaporating water husk (19.9%), eucalyptus (17.6%) and M. caesalpiniaefolia (13.9%), but
(Schmatz et al., 2016). In general, the LHV of lignocellulosic fuels in- was lower than that of corn stover samples (44.0%) and matched
creases with the increase in their LIG content. For this reason, the that of all the other biomasses (Figure 3).
presence of high fiber and LIG contents in biomass is desirable for its The EG varieties showed higher HCEL contents than rice husk,
use as a solid fuel in the combustion process because of the high C bamboo, eucalyptus, M. caesalpinifolia, coconut husk and fiber. For
content in LIG (approximately 64%) and the fact that lignified crops direct combustion, HCEL is less important than the other fibrous
remain viable even with a low water composition and can be har- fractions of biomass because of its low thermal stability and lower
vested late, thereby increasing the quality of the biomass (Jenkins activation energy (Chen et al., 2015). This fraction is more import-
et al., 1998). ant, along with CEL, in the production of alcohol in the second-­
In our study, the mean LHV of EG varieties (16.7 MJ/kg) was generation process, in addition to co-­products produced by the
similar to the value found by Rengsirikul et al. (2011), who eval- biorefinery (Fontoura et al., 2015).
uated three EG cultivars harvested at 6 months of age. They also The mean LIG content of EG varieties (8.8%) exceeded that of
did not observe differences among them, which meant that the corn stover (4.7%), was lower than that of coconut husk (29.5%), co-
LHV was 15.8 MJ/kg. In Brazil, the participation of thermal power conut fiber (27.0%), M. caesalpiniaefolia (25.9%), eucalyptus (20.2%),

F I G U R E 1 Lower heating value of elephant grass (EG) varieties and other bioenergy feedstocks. Distinct letters between columns differ
from each other by the Scott–­Knott test (p ≤ .05)
6 | MARAFON et al.

F I G U R E 2 Cellulose contents of elephant grass (EG) varieties and other bioenergy feedstocks. Distinct letters between columns differ
from each other by the Scott–­Knott test (p ≤ .05)

F I G U R E 3 Hemicellulose contents of elephant grass (EG) varieties and other bioenergy feedstocks. Distinct letters between columns
differ from each other by the Scott–­Knott test (p ≤ .05)

bamboo (19.4%) and rice husk (19.1%) and matched that of sorghum combustion of these fibers, thereby limiting their contribution to the
(6.9%), sugarcane bagasse (6.4%) and straw (6.3%) (Figure 4). heat created during burning (Dorez et al., 2014).
The LIG content of woody biomass ranges from 25% to 30%, The 18 evaluated EG varieties showed average contents of
whereas in herbaceous biomass, this value ranges from 6% to 10% 36.0% CEL, 29.3% HCEL, 8.20% LIG and 4.69% ash. These data cor-
(Morais et al., 2009). Despite the fact that the EG varieties showed roborate those of other authors who found similar CEL, HCEL, LIG
inferior LIG contents to those of woody feedstocks, our results re- and ash contents in EG varieties. Our results corroborate those of
vealed similar EG LIG contents to those of traditional feedstocks other studies. Morais et al. (2018) evaluated five EG varieties and
such as sugarcane bagasse, which is mainly used as a raw material found CEL and LIG contents ranging from 22.9% to 33.9% and from
in thermal power plants in Brazil. Biomass LIG/CEL ratios affect the 9.7% to 13.5%, respectively. Sousa et al. (2016) evaluated eight EG
efficiency of thermal conversion processes. Lower CEL/LIG ratios varieties and found average contents of 40.3% CEL, 28.5% HCEL,
in biomass are important to the combustion process because the 8.8% LIG and 4.4% ash. Rocha et al. (2017) evaluated 62 variet-
presence of a low LIG content and high CEL content influences the ies with mean contents of 40.7%, 27.1%, 10.2% and 6.7% for CEL,
degradation pathway of CEL and leads to charring and incomplete HCEL, LIG and ash, respectively. Ansah et al. (2010) found that the
MARAFON et al. | 7

F I G U R E 4 Lignin contents of elephant grass (EG) varieties and other bioenergy feedstocks. Distinct letters between columns differ from
each other by the Scott–­Knott test (p ≤ .05)

HCEL, CEL, LIG and ash contents of four varieties ranged between varieties adapted to restrictive environments and (c) the develop-
19.5%–­25.2%, 36.0%–­42.0%, 8.9%–­13.8% and 6.0%–­6.9% of dry ment of highly efficient thermochemical technologies for biomass
matter, respectively. Rengsirikul et al. (2011) evaluated three EG cul- pretreatment and conversion. Among the characteristics that hin-
tivars harvested at 6 months of age and obtained average contents der efficient biomass handling, storage and transport, the two main
of 44.7% CEL, 23.6% HCEL, 12.5% LIG and 7.3% ash. characteristics are (a) a high water content (70%–­8 0% w/w) and (b)
a low bulk density (120–­130 kg/m3). Possible alternatives to densifi-
cation of EG biomass are briquetting, pelletizing or baling processes
4 | FI N A L CO N S I D E R ATI O N S (Manouchehrinejad et al., 2018). Water content reduction can be
obtained in two ways, namely (a) drying (induced by dryers and/or
EG biomass has practical feasibility as a source of raw material for by natural sun exposure) to remove the moisture as vapor or (b) de-
the generation of thermal energy because of its desirable qualitative watering (crushing in mills) to remove all or part of the contained
characteristics similar to those of sugarcane bagasse, which is the moisture from biomass as a liquid. In this study, EG biomass presents
main feedstock used in Brazil. EG combustion is possible as stand-­ an opportunity for fractionation into solid and liquid streams where
alone biomass-­firing or co-­firing with other fuels such as coal, natural extruded cellulosic fibers can be used for the production of biofuels
gas or wood. EG biomass can supply biomass to generate energy and and the nutrient-­rich juice can serve as a substrate for co-­product
steam in thermal plants and can also be transformed into briquettes generation (e.g., biofertilizers).
or pellets through compression or even serve as a raw material for
cellulosic ethanol.
Fast-­growing EG varieties offer the advantage of greater flexibil- 5 | CO N C LU S I O N S
ity over short-­rotation woody crops because it is much easier to plow
up a field or change to annual crops than to remove tree stumps. The EG varieties differed from the other feedstocks in at least one
Moreover, the return on investment for fast-­growing grasses begins of the evaluated bioenergy quality attributes (elemental composi-
in the first year of planting. Furthermore, EG can be cultivated on tion, LHV and CEL, HCEL, LIG and ash contents); however, they were
marginal lands unsuitable for continuous crop production, on open similar among themselves.
rural lands that are underutilized, or to recover degraded areas. The The LHVs of EG varieties were superior to those of rice husk,
insertion of EG in the National Energy Matrix can be a strategic tool sugarcane bagasse and sorghum and similar to those of sugarcane
for decentralizing energy production, thereby enabling the gener- straw, coconut fiber and corn stover. The ash content of EG vari-
ation of electricity and the production of biofuels in places where eties was inferior to that of rice husk, sugarcane bagasse, coconut
the construction of hydroelectric plants and/or the cultivation of fiber and sorghum. The HCEL contents of EG varieties were superior
traditional biomass is not possible. The main challenges to consoli- to those of rice husk, bamboo, eucalyptus, M. caesalpinifolia, coco-
dating the commercial production and use of EG biomass for bioen- nut husk and fiber. The CEL contents of EG varieties were similar to
ergy purposes are as follows: (a) the definition of land use through those of sugarcane straw, coconut fiber, corn stover, sorghum and
agroecological zoning, (b) the development of new highly productive M. caesalpinifolia samples. The LIG contents of EG varieties were
8 | MARAFON et al.

superior to those of corn stover and similar to those of sorghum, of Cleaner Production, 96, 85–­93.​
sugarcane bagasse and straw biomass.
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pyrolysis and combustion characteristics for several types of bio-
ties and Federal University of Alagoas for cooperation during the
mass. Renewable Energy, 32, 649–­661.
study. renene.2006.02.017
Goldemberg, J. (2009). Biomassa e energia. Química Nova, 32, 582–­587.
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Anderson Carlos Marafon https://orcid. Guerra, S. P. S., Oguri, G., & Spinelli, R. (2016). Harvesting eucalyptus
energy plantations in Brazil with a modified New Holland forage har-
vester. Biomass and Bioenergy, 86, 21–­27.
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How to cite this article: Marafon AC, Amaral AFC, Machado
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