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Step 1

Collect your Evaluation Report of Uni Assist.

Step 2
Visit Campus Office Online ( )

Step 3
Create your application account at Campus Office Online Portal.

For creating an account click on ‘Apply for an account’.

You will find it under ‘Navigation’.

Step 4
Fill out all the mandatory boxes of “ Your Personal Details”

After filling out this page click on “Save”.

Then you will receive an email with login details at the given email address.
Use that login details for your 1st Log in.
Then you have to change the password for further Log in.
Step 5
For changing password click on ‘Change Password’
You will find it under ‘Navigation’.

Then this page will appear.

Fill out all these boxes and then click on ‘Change Password’
Step 6
Click on ‘Enrollment/Application procedure’ which will be below ‘Applicants Electronic
You will find it under ‘Navigation’.

Step 7
Afterward this page of CLX.Evento will appear. Input your login details here and click on the
round ash button to sign in.
(This ash button will appear green after inputting login details)

Step 8
After signing in to CLX.Evento, this online subscription page will appear.
Here, click on ‘Course’.
Step 9
Click on ‘Open Subscription’

Step 10

Fill out ‘Personal Details’

Fill out ‘First enrollment at Germany’ (This is only relevant for those who are already enrolled at
a German university)

Data for the preparatory college. (Skip this)

University Entrance Qualification

1) Select ‘Fachhochschulreife, Erwerb der HZB im Ausland’ for type of university entrance
2) Enter ‘99’ for the Grade of university entrance qualification.
3) Select the HSC/A Levels result publishing date.
4) Select Bangladesh as country (Vereinigtes Konigreich for A Levels)
5) The number of Waiting Semesters means the time that has passed since you have gotten
your university entrance qualification. As one semester is 6 months you can calculate it this way.
Example: Finished school/university in August last year = 1 waiting semester.
Input your data from Uni Assist

Upload File
1) University Entrance Qualification
● HSC Certificate & Transcript and 25% Transcript
● A Level Certificate and Statement of Result (If you have English Language in AS
Levels then AS Level Certificate and Statement of Result)
2) Passport size photo
3) Proof of language proficiency.
Declaration of enrollment

Financing your studies

punishable by a prison sentence of

up to 3 years or a fine.No
Privacy policy

Step 11
Click on ‘Next Step’

After clicking on ‘Next Step’ your application will be done.

Don't provide any false information or documents. Providing

false information of documents is punishable by a prison
sentence of up to 3 years or a fine.

Good Luck!!

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