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I. Learning Competency
Investigate the relationship between the amount of force applied and the mass of
the object to the amount of change in the object’s motion. S8FE-la-15

Directions: Read, understand and analyze the following items, choose the letter of
the BEST answer. Write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.

1.What is the relationship between force and acceleration, according to

Newton's Second Law?
a. Inverse
b. Direct
c. Random
d. No relationship
2.Inertia is the resistance of an object to change its:
a. Position
b. Color
c. Shape
d. State of motion
3. Newton's First Law states that an object in motion will remain in motion unless
acted upon by:
a. Friction
b. Gravity
c. Unbalanced force
d. Inertia
4. What is the unit of measurement for force?
a. Kilograms
b. Newtons
c. Meters per second
d. Joules
5. According to Newton's Second Law, if the mass of an object increases, what
happens to its acceleration (assuming constant force)?
a. Increases
b. Decreases
c. Remains the same
d. Becomes zero
6. What does Newton's Second Law equation (F = ma) represent?
a. Force equals motion
b. Mass equals acceleration
c. Acceleration equals force
d. The relationship between force, mass, and acceleration

7. How does the number of players in tug-of-war relate to mass in Newton's
Second Law?
a. Directly proportional
b. Inversely proportional
c. No relationship
d. Random
8. What is inertia a measure of?
a. Speed
b. Force
c. Resistance to change in motion
d. Acceleration
9. According to Newton's First Law, what happens to an object at rest if no force
is applied?
a. It remains at rest
b. It accelerates
c. It moves randomly
d. It disappears
10. How does the mass of an object affect its inertia?
a. Inversely proportional
b. Directly proportional
c. No relationship
d. Random
11. If a force of 30 N is applied to a 5 kg object, what is its acceleration?
a. 6 m/s²
b. 35 m/s²
c. 150 m/s²
d. 5 m/s²
12. A 200 N force is applied to a 40 kg object. What is the acceleration of the
a. 5 m/s²
b. 8 m/s²
c. 10 m/s²
d. 200 m/s²
13. A 1000 N force is applied to a 500 kg object. What is its acceleration?
a. 2 m/s²
b. 0.5 m/s²
c. 500 m/s²
d. 1000 m/s²
14. If an object has a mass of 10 kg and experiences an acceleration of 5 m/s², what
is the force acting on it?
a. 2 N
b. 5 N
c. 10 N
d. 50 N

15. A 50 kg object experiences a net force of 100 N. What is its acceleration?
a. 0.5 m/s²
b. 2 m/s²
c. 5 m/s²
d. 100 m/s²

II. Learning Competency
Infer that when a body exerts a force on another, an equal amount of force
is exerted back on it. S8FE-la-16

Directions: Read, understand and analyze the following items, choose the letter of
the BEST answer. Write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.

1. What is the essence of Newton's Third Law of Motion?

a. Objects in motion stay in motion
b. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction
c. Force equals mass times acceleration
d. Gravity pulls objects toward the center of the Earth
2. In a game of tug-of-war, if both teams pull with equal force, what happens to
the rope?
a. It stretches
b. It stays still
c. It breaks
d. It moves in the direction of the stronger team
3. Why does a bird in flight experience an upward force when it flaps its wings?
a. Due to the bird's lightweight design
b. Due to the downward motion of its wings
c. Because the air pushes the bird down
d. Newton's Second Law in action
4. What is the significance of the equal sign in Newton's Third Law?
a. It means one force is stronger
b. It indicates the forces act in the same direction
c. It signifies that the forces have the same magnitude
d. It represents the force of gravity
5. Does the ground feel the force of a person jumping?
a. No, the ground is too massive
b. Yes, but the effect is negligible
c. No, because jumping is not a forceful action
d. Yes, and it causes earthquakes
6. In rocket propulsion, what force propels the rocket upwards?
a. Gravitational force
b. Frictional force
c. Equal and opposite reaction to expelled gases
d. Magnetic force
7. Why might a kick to a soccer ball seem less noticeable on the ball than on your
a. The ball has less mass
b. The ball absorbs the force
c. The ball's larger mass makes the effect less noticeable
d. The foot is more sensitive to force

8. When swimming, how does the water enable forward motion?
a. Water exerts a force in the opposite direction
b. Water pulls the swimmer forward
c. Water's buoyancy lifts the swimmer
d. Water provides resistance against the swimmer
9. Is force about "winning" in a tug-of-war?
a. Yes, the stronger team wins
b. No, it's about the balanced exchange of forces
c. Yes, the team with more mass wins
d. No, it depends on the length of the rope
10. How does Newton's Third Law apply even when forces seem "unequal"?
a. The larger force always wins
b. The reaction force is always stronger
c. The unequal forces result in a net force
d. Both forces have equal magnitude but act on objects with different
11. Express Newton's Third Law mathematically using vectors. If force A acts on
object 1, what is the corresponding force on object A by object 1?
a. A = B
b. A + B = 0
c. A = -B
d. A x B = 0
12. If two forces, A and B, are equal and opposite, what is the resultant force
when they are added together?
a. A + B
b. A - B
c. 2A
d. 0
13. In a tug-of-war scenario, if Team A pulls with a force of 100 N to the right,
what is the force exerted by Team B to the left?
a. 50 N
b. 100 N
c. -100 N
d. -50 N
14. If an object exerts a force of 20 N to the east, according to Newton's Third
Law, what is the force exerted back on the object?
a. 20 N east
b. -20 N east
c. 20 N west
d. -20 N west
15. If an object with a mass of 5 kg experiences a force of 10 N, what is its
acceleration according to Newton's Second Law?
a. 0.5 m/s²

b. 2 m/s²
c. 50 m/s²
d. 15 m/s²

III. Learning Competency
Identify and explain the factors that affect potential and kinetic energy.S8FE-la-17

Directions: Read, understand and analyze the following items, choose the letter of
the BEST answer. Write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.

1.How does the potential energy of an object change when it is lifted higher
above the ground?
a. Increases
b. Decreases
c. Remains constant
d. Depends on the mass of the object
2. Why does a heavier object have more potential energy when lifted to the
same height compared to a lighter object?
a. Because gravity acts more on heavier objects
b. Because the mass directly affects the strength of the gravitational field
c. Because more work is required to lift a heavier object
d. Because potential energy is independent of mass
3.How does the kinetic energy of an object change as its speed increases?
a. Increases linearly
b. Decreases linearly
c. Increases exponentially
d. Remains constant
4. Why does doubling the speed of an object result in a fourfold increase in its
kinetic energy?
a. Due to the square of the velocity in the kinetic energy formula
b. Because kinetic energy is inversely proportional to speed
c. Because doubling speed doubles mass
d. Because kinetic energy is directly proportional to speed
5. How does the stiffness or spring constant (k) of a stretched spring affect its
elastic potential energy?
a. Higher k results in lower potential energy
b. Lower k results in higher potential energy
c. k does not affect potential energy
d. Elastic potential energy is not related to the spring constant
6. In a gravitational field with stronger gravity, how does the potential energy of
an object at the same height compare to a weaker gravitational field?
a. Higher in the stronger gravitational field
b. Lower in the stronger gravitational field
c. Equal in both fields
d. Depends on the object's mass
7. How is the total mechanical energy of a system conserved in the absence of
a. Total energy decreases

b. Total energy increases
c. Total energy remains constant
d. Total energy depends on the speed of the system
8. Can an object have kinetic energy without having any potential energy?
a. Yes, because kinetic energy is independent of potential energy
b. No, because kinetic energy is always derived from potential energy
c. Yes, but only if the object is at rest
d. No, because kinetic energy and potential energy are always
9. How does the height of an object affect its potential energy, assuming mass
and gravitational field strength remain constant?
a. Higher height results in higher potential energy
b. Lower height results in higher potential energy
c. Height does not affect potential energy
d. Potential energy is inversely proportional to height
10. Explain why potential energy is often referred to as "stored energy."
a. Because it is stored in the object's mass
b. Because it is stored in the object's speed
c. Because it is stored in the object's configuration or position
d. Because it is stored in the object's kinetic energy
11. Calculate the potential energy of a 5 kg object lifted 15 meters above the
a. 735 J
b. 7350 J
c. 147 J
d. 1470 J
12. If the gravitational field strength is 10 m/s², what is the potential energy of
a 8 kg object at a height of 25 meters?
a. 2000 J
b. 1000 J
c. 2500 J
d. 500 J
13. A spring with a constant of 500 N/m is compressed by 0.2 meters. Calculate
the elastic potential energy stored in the spring.
a. 20 J
b. 50 J
c. 100 J
d. 200 J
14. A car with a mass of 1200 kg is moving at a speed of 25 m/s. Calculate its
kinetic energy.
a. 15000 J
b. 18750 J
c. 22500 J

d. 30000 J
15. If the velocity of an object is doubled, how does its kinetic energy change?
Provide the mathematical relationship.
a. KE doubles
b. KE quadruples
c. KE halves
d. KE remains constant
IV. Learning Competency
Investigates the effect of temperature on the speed of sound. S8FE-la-18

Directions: Read, understand and analyze the following items, choose the letter of
the BEST answer. Write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.

1. What is the primary nature of sound waves?

A. Transverse
B. Longitudinal
C. Electromagnetic
D. Standing
2.How does higher temperature affect molecular motion in a substance?
A. Slows down molecular motion
B. Has no effect on molecular motion
C. Increases molecular motion
D. Stops molecular motion
3. Which medium shows significant temperature dependence in the speed of
A. Solids
B. Liquids
C. Gases
D. Plasma
4. In the speed of sound formula v = √(RT/M), what does 'R' represent?
A. Refraction
B. Resonance
C. Gas constant
D. Radian
5. Why do gases like air exhibit significant temperature dependence in the speed
of sound?
A. Due to their density
B. Because of molecular packing
C. Faster molecular motion
D. Lower kinetic energy
6. What real-world application relies on understanding sound speed changes
with temperature in water?
A. Satellite communication
B. GPS navigation
C. Sonar technology
D. Solar energy conversion
7. How do temperature variations in the atmosphere affect sound waves?
A. Increase amplitude
B. Create sound mirages
C. Decrease frequency
D. Eliminate refraction

8. Which factor influences the tuning of string and wind instruments with
changing temperatures?
A. Wavelength
B. Density
C. Temperature
D. Amplitude
9. What happens to the speed of sound when temperature increases in a gas?
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Remains constant
D. Fluctuates randomly
10. Which equation represents the relationship between sound speed (v),
temperature (T), and gas constant (R)?
A. v = RT/M
B. v = √(RT/M)
C. v = R/T
D. v = √(MT/R)
11.If the speed of sound in air at 25°C is 340 m/s, calculate the adiabatic bulk
modulus (B) using the formula v = √(kBT/m).
A. 1.78 x 10^5 Pa
B. 2.45 x 10^5 Pa
C. 3.12 x 10^5 Pa
D. 4.02 x 10^5 Pa
12. For a gas at 15°C with a speed of sound of 315 m/s, determine the adiabatic
bulk modulus (B) using v = √(kBT/m).
A. 1.22 x 10^5 Pa
B. 1.89 x 10^5 Pa
C. 2.55 x 10^5 Pa
D. 3.08 x 10^5 Pa
13. Given the speed of sound in a gas at 30°C (303 K) is 400 m/s, calculate the
adiabatic bulk modulus (B) using the formula v = √(kBT/m).
A. 1.94 x 10^5 Pa
B. 2.37 x 10^5 Pa
C. 2.82 x 10^5 Pa
D. 3.14 x 10^5 Pa
14. What is the change in sound speed (Δv) if the speed of sound in air at 20°C is
343 m/s and at 30°C is 355 m/s?
A. 8 m/s
B. 10 m/s
C. 12 m/s
D. 15 m/s
15. If the temperature increases by 40 K and the change in sound speed (Δv) is
20 m/s, calculate the constant 'k' in the equation Δv = k * ΔT.

A. 0.5 m/s²K
B. 1.0 m/s²K
C. 1.5 m/s²K
D. 2.0 m/s²K


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