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Aquat Ecol (2022) 56:573–584

https://doi.org/10.1007/s10452-021-09921-x (0123456789().,-volV)
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Changes in species composition of cyanobacterial

and microalgal communities along a temperature gradient
in Tapovan Hot Spring, Garhwal Himalaya, Uttarakhand,
Sana F. Ikram . Vaishnavi Uniyal . Dhananjay Kumar

Received: 28 May 2021 / Accepted: 29 October 2021 / Published online: 25 November 2021
Ó The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. 2021

Abstract To investigate how the water temperature temperatures ([ 38 °C). These species need to be
influences diversity and distribution pattern of studied further for their under-operating cellular
cyanobacteria and microalgae in a thermal spring, mechanisms and encompassing robust biomolecules
algal samples were collected from Tapovan Hot that might be proven useful in diverse biotechnolog-
Spring of Garhwal Himalaya, Uttarakhand, India, ical processes.
along the gradient of 52–30 °C. A total of 71 algal
species belonging to different algal groups like Keywords Algae  Beta diversity  Cyanobacteria 
Cyanophyta (34), Bacillariophyta (31) and Chloro- Gamma diversity  Shannon diversity  Thermal spring
phyta (6) were identified from the collected samples.
Among cyanophytes, five species were heterocystous,
while others belonged either to non-heterocystous
filamentous (20) or to unicellular forms (9). The Introduction
species richness decreases as temperature increases
towards the source point of the spring (i.e. from subsite Cyanobacterial and microalgal communities inhabit-
S5 to S1). However, Shannon’s measured diversity ing thermal spring ecosystems are in limelight these
varied little across the subsites except witnessing a days as they can be a potential source of ther-
sudden drop at S2. Whittaker’s components of diver- mostable biomolecules and bioactive compounds
sity, such as beta and gamma diversity, successfully (van Den Burg 2003; Dobretsov et al. 2011; Malavasi
reflected the major changes in the species composition et al. 2020; Singh and Kumar, 2021). Since these
of cyanobacterial and microalgal communities resid- communities perform oxygenic photosynthesis effi-
ing in different thermal subsites. Some green algae and ciently at elevated temperatures, deciphering their
diatoms were found thriving well at elevated diversity would be of immense importance in the
context of global warming and the gradually increas-
ing concentration of CO2 in the environment. These
Handling editor: Ted Harris.
communities might be the source of genes suitable for
raising transgenic crops having resistance to various
S. F. Ikram  V. Uniyal  D. Kumar (&) abiotic stresses including thermal stress (van Den Burg
Laboratory of Algal Biotechnology, Department of 2003; Dobretsov et al. 2011; Malavasi et al. 2020;
Botany and Microbiology, School of Life Sciences,
H.N.B. Garhwal University, Srinagar,
Ikram et al. 2021). However, exploring these organ-
Garhwal 246 174, India isms for any such applications must require an
e-mail: drdkumar83@gmail.com


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574 Aquat Ecol (2022) 56:573–584

adequate understanding of their diversity, distribution algal diversity along the temperature gradient. Such
patterns and ecological adaptations along the temper- kinds of information, however, help to devise appro-
ature gradient. priate strategies to culture these organisms in the
Waring et al. (1965) categorized thermal springs laboratory and explore them for large-scale biotech-
into different categories like hottest, hot and warm nological applications (Ikram et al. 2021; Singh and
types. The hot springs may further be grouped into Kumar 2021). Therefore, the main aim of this study
high-, moderate- and low-temperature categories was to investigate the distribution and structural
depending on their respective water temperature at composition of cyanobacterial and microalgal com-
the source sites (Dimri 2013; Poddar and Das 2017). munities inhabiting the different thermal clines of
The high-temperature hot springs are well known to Tapovan Hot Spring (hereafter referred as to THS) of
sustain the growth of cyanobacteria as and when their Garhwal Himalaya, Uttarakhand, India.
source water cools down with the downstream flow
and attains a temperature of moderate range (i.e.
75–55 °C) (Ward et al. 2012). Moreover, other Materials and methods
photosynthetic forms, such as green microalgae and
diatoms, can also contribute a considerable share in Study site
constituting the photosynthetic communities, particu-
larly in low-temperature hot springs and in similar The study site, THS, is located approximately 16 km
thermal clines of high- and moderate-temperature hot from Joshimath on the Joshimath-Malari Road in the
springs (Franks and Stolz 2009; Ghozzi et al. 2013; vicinity of Shiva-Parvati temple in Tapovan
Jonker et al. 2013). Although cyanobacterial and (30.491663 N, 79.637189 E), Garhwal Himalaya,
bacterial diversity of high- and moderate-temperature Uttarakhand, India. The approachable stretch of the
hot springs and clines has often been studied by stream was divided into five subsites, namely S1
previous workers (Lau et al. 2009; Ward et al. 2012), (52–49°C), S2 (\ 49–45°C), S3 (\ 45–41°C), S4
similar reports for low-temperature hot springs are (\ 41–38°C) and S5 (\ 38–30°C), considering the
limited. The studies conducted so far remained downstream water temperature gradient. Figure 1
confined to documenting only cyanobacterial strains provides the map of the study area that clearly shows
along the temperature gradient. The quantitative the upstream and the downstream positioning of
estimates of biodiversity and relative abundance of different subsites. Sample collection was done during
different cyanobacterial taxa along the temperature April 2018.
gradient have been sporadically investigated (Som-
pong et al. 2005; Ghozzi et al. 2013; Jonker et al. Physicochemical parameters
2013). Likewise, the species richness and distribution
patterns of green microalgae and diatoms in these Physical parameters of thermal spring water, such as
habitats have been overlooked by researchers except temperature, pH, EC and TDS, were recorded using
for a few reports (Franks and Stolz 2009; Ghozzi et al. mercury bulb thermometer, pocket pH tester
2013; Jonker et al. 2013). Thus, it is imperative to (HANNA Instruments), electrical conductivity meter
determine the microalgal and cyanobacterial diversity (Multi-Parameter TestrTM 35 Series, Eutech Instru-
of low-temperature hot springs. ments) and TDS metre (HM Digital TDS-3), respec-
Uttarakhand Himalaya has several low-temperature tively. Calibration of the pocket pH tester was
hot springs (Sharma 2012; Dimri 2013). In the recent performed before each use using standard buffer
past, some of them have been studied for their solutions of pH 4.01, 7.01 and 10.01. The water
bacterial diversity (Arya et al. 2014; Pandey et al. samples were collected in clean autoclaved bottles,
2015), but their microalgal diversity hitherto remained and analyses of various cations and anions were
unexplored. Some earlier workers (Prasad and Srivas- performed in the Central Laboratory of ICAR-Indian
tava 1965; Vasishta 1968; Bhardwaj and Tiwari 2010; Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Dehradun,
Bhardwaj et al. 2011) studied the distribution of for measuring the concentration of iron (atomic
cyanobacterial taxa in a few of these thermal springs absorption spectrophotometry), nitrate (cadmium
but failed to offer an adequate quantitative estimate of reduction method), chloride (Mohr’s method),


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Aquat Ecol (2022) 56:573–584 575

Fig. 1 Location map of Tapovan Hot Spring (THS), Garhwal Himalaya, Uttarakhand, India

calcium and magnesium (versenate EDTA method), Cox 1996), Algaebase (http://www.algaebase.org) and
sulphate (indirect EDTA titration), phosphate (ascor- ANSP algal image database (http://diatom.acnatsci.
bic acid method) and sodium and potassium (flame org/AlgaeImage/) were consulted for the identification
photometry) following standard protocols. of algal genera and species. The relative abundance of
chronicled taxa was calculated in terms of cell count,
Identification, relative abundance which was done using Spencer’s Bright-Line haemo-
and categorization cytometer. Unicellular alga and diatoms were counted
as a unit, whereas each cell of the filament was con-
The algal samples were scraped from stones, pebbles sidered a single unit in the case of filamentous algae
and adhering soils using forceps and spatula by and chain-forming diatoms. The essential rectification
randomly laying 10 9 10 cm2 quadrats (Ikram et al. to count the total number of cells of the filaments for
2021). The morphological features, such as cell shape, their curve placing on haemocytometer grids was
presence or absence of heterocyst, constrictions at made following corrections suggested by Olson
cross-walls, length and width of cells, heterocyst, (1950) and Lawton et al. (1999). An area of 5 9 5 lm2
presence or absence of sheath around the filaments, was counted as a single unit for colonial and aggregate
were considered for the identification of genera and forming species. For small cyanobacterial forms, with
species from the collected samples. A compound light no clear transverse walls, a 5 lm length was taken as
microscope (CX21i-LED; Olympus) attached with a one unit employing the methodology described else-
digital camera (Magnüs, MIPS-5 MP, MagCam DC where by other workers (DeNicola et al. 2006; Passy
Series, Noida, India) was used for this purpose. The and Larson 2011; Yadav et al. 2018). Based on the
standard literature (Desikachary 1959; Phillipose relative abundance of the recorded taxa, along with the
1967; Prescott 1978; Rippka et al. 1979; Cox and different subsites, algal/cyanobacterial species were


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576 Aquat Ecol (2022) 56:573–584

categorized as absent, rare, frequent, abundant and algal samples were collected, varied from 52 to 30 °C.
dominant forms following Singh et al. (2008). The However, excluding upstream site S1, all the subsites
Berger–Parker dominance index (Berger and Parker (i.e. S2 to S5) also comprised some intermittent
1970) and the Shannon diversity index were calculated patches of low-temperature water due to the intermix-
as described elsewhere (Ikram et al. 2021). ing of a cold water stream running side-by-side of the
main hot spring. The pH of the spring water increased
Estimation of Whittaker’s components of diversity from 6.4 to 7.4 along the thermal gradient of 52–30 °C.
(b and c diversity) The luxuriant growth of cyanobacterial mats was seen
in the spring, which is obvious as these photosynthetic
Whittaker’s components of diversity, such as beta systems are well known for inhabiting such aquatic
diversity (b) and gamma diversity (c), were estimated habitats (Ward et al. 2012). Similarly, Bhardwaj et al.
considering subsequent pairs of thermal subsites (2011) and Ikram et al. (2021) reported the growth of
according to the methodology described by Titmus cyanobacterial forms in the hot spring of Badrinath,
(1981). Here, the alpha (a) diversity of each subsite Uttarakhand, India. Bhattacharya et al. (2016) and Roy
was calculated using the Shannon function. Subse- et al. (2017) documented cyanobacterial growth in hot
quently, the gamma diversity (c) of successive pairs water springs located in some other states of India like
was also computed using the same function, but this West Bengal and Jharkhand. Likewise, hot springs of
time the compiled data of two successive subsites were Thailand (Sompong et al. 2005), Tunisia (Ghozzi et al.
used. The beta (b) diversity, which reveals the degree 2013), South Africa (Jonker et al. 2013), Sri Lanka
to which the species composition changed between the (Rajapaksha et al. 2014) and Greece (Zarikas et al.
thermal subsites, was calculated simply by taking the 2014) have also been studied and reported for their
difference between c and a diversity values. dwelling cyanobacterial diversity.
The EC and TDS of THS ranged from 185 to 201 lS
cm-1 and 267 to 279 mg L-1, respectively. These
Results and discussion observations matched well with the ranges mentioned
elsewhere for the Himalayan hot springs (Vasishta
The variations in the physicochemical parameters of 1968; Bhardwaj et al. 2011). The concentration of
THS water are given in Table 1. Water temperature of sulphate in THS water varied slightly, from
the approachable portion of the hot spring, from which 25.00 to 26.78 mg L-1, across the thermal gradient,

Table 1 Gradients of different physicochemical parameters measured for THS across the sampling subsites
Parameter Range Tendency
(from source to downstream)
(S1 ? S5)

WT ( °C) 52 ± 0.8 ? 30 ± 0.64 Decreasing

pH 6.4 ± 0.2? 7.4 ± 0.1 Increasing
EC (lS cm-1) 185 ± 0.85 ? 201 ± 0.92 Increasing
TDS (mg L-1) 267 ± 1.44 ? 279 ± 1.47 Increasing
Na? (mg L-1) 9.68 ± 0.38 ? 11.2 ± 0.2 Increasing
? -1
K (mg L ) 6.42 ± 0.19 ? 8.6 ± 0.35 Increasing
Ca2? (mg L-1) 16 ± 0.5 ? 19.7 ± 0.35 Increasing
Mg2? (mg L-1) 10.56 ± 0.26? 11.8 ± 0.6 Increasing
NO3- (mg L-1) 0.6 ± 0.01? 0.51 ± 0.05 Decreasing
PO43- (mg L-1) 1.48 ± 0.07 ? 1.98 ± 0.07 Increasing
Cl- (mg L-1) 8.52 ± 0.04 ? 9.43 ± 0.04 Increasing
SO42- (mg L-1) 25 ± 0.46? 26.78 ± 0.07 Increasing


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Aquat Ecol (2022) 56:573–584 577

which is comparable with the concentration range to Bacillariophyta. It reflects that though cyanobacte-
reported in Saldhar Hot Spring (viz. 24.60–31.3 mg ria are prevailing forms, diatoms also comprise a
L-1, unpublished data), located only 3 km away from significant share in constituting the photosynthetic
this site. Contrarily, sulphate concentration reported in communities of this hot spring. This particular obser-
THS was considerably higher as compared to Badri- vation is unique in the sense that most of the earlier
nath Hot Spring (4.5–5.1 mg L-1), which is also studies conducted so far to explore the diversity of
situated in the same geothermal field but secluded by photosynthetic forms in hot springs maintained
certain mountains (Ikram et al. 2021). The elevated cyanophytes as the dominant incumbents (Sompong
level of sulphate in thermal springs is supposed to be et al. 2005; Debnath et al. 2009; Jonker et al. 2013).
due to the chemical reaction of trapped SO2 with hot Perhaps, moderate temperature and intermittent mix-
water (Torres-Ceron et al. 2019). Some bacterial ing of cold water of parallel running stream in THS are
communities inhabiting these systems are known for the responsible factors for this colonization. In this
reducing sulphate into sulphide, which might have context, it seems pertinent to mention that although the
adverse impacts on oxygenic photosynthesis of dif- diversity and distribution of diatoms in hot springs
ferent algal forms, including cyanobacteria (Ward have sporadically been studied by the workers, they
et al. 2012). The detailed scheme of reduction of are not unusual life forms in these environments.
sulphate into sulphide by bacterial communities Ikram et al. (2021) documented several species of
residing in hot spring environments is well elucidated diatoms from the famous hot spring of Badrinath,
elsewhere (Muyzer and Stams 2008; Kushkevych Uttarakhand, India. Other workers, such as Balashova
et al. 2021). Moreover, several cyanobacterial species, (2011) and Nikulina et al. (2019), reported diatom taxa
particularly oscillatoriales, are recognized for having from the hot springs of Kyrgyzstan Mountain and the
extraordinary tolerance to elevated levels of sulphide Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia, respectively. Likewise,
(Ward et al. 2012; Ghozzi et al. 2013). The dominant Pathan (2014) studied the algal flora of thermal springs
presence of various oscillatoriales taxa was also of the Konkan region of Maharashtra, India, and
noticed in THS. These organisms can be investigated documented several species of bacillariophyceae from
for the mining of genes and proteins responsible for there.
offering such capabilities. A considerable amount of Figure 2 represents the species richness of different
Na?, K?, Ca2?, Mg2? and PO43- was present in THS. algal divisions along the thermal gradient of THS. The
The availability of these ions in the hot spring water is graph depicts that the species richness of all the three
due to the leaching of minerals in the hot water, which algal classes decreased considerably when we moved
is facilitated by the hydrolysis of adjoining under- upstream beyond 41 °C. It is obviously due to the
ground rocks (Torres-Ceron et al. 2019). A substantial detrimental effects of elevated temperature on the
concentration of these ions has also been reported in growth and colonizing ability of microalgal and
different hot springs of the world and the Indian cyanobacterial species. A decline in cyanophycean
subcontinent (Ghozzi et al. 2013; Jonker et al. 2013; species richness with increasing temperature has
Rajapaksha et al. 2014; Zarikas et al. 2014; Torres- previously been reported by various workers (Som-
Ceron et al. 2019). pong et al. 2005; Debnath et al. 2009; Roy et al. 2014).
Table 2 shows a complete list of algal taxa However, the adverse effect of temperature, as
chronicled from THS along the downstream temper- revealed in the present study, was more prominent in
ature gradient of 52 °C to 30 °C. Based on the relative the case of green algae as compared to cyanophytes.
abundance of the recorded taxa from the different The green algae were eliminated from the subsites
subsites, algal species have been categorized as where water temperature reached C 45 °C. It supports
absent, rare, frequent, abundant and dominant forms. the generalized view that green algae are temperature-
In total, 71 algal taxa belonging to three algal sensitive photosynthetic forms. Alternatively, some
divisions, namely Cyanophyta (34), Bacillariophyta cyanobacteria and diatoms were found flourishing in
(31) and Chlorophyta (6), were identified. Although the elevated-temperature zones. The ecological adap-
the maximum number of algal species was identified tations of cyanophytes to grow at high temperatures,
for Cyanophyta (34), the considerable number of taxa even up to 72 °C, are reported elsewhere (Ward et al.
under frequent and abundant categories also belonged 2012). However, the ability of diatoms to grow at


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578 Aquat Ecol (2022) 56:573–584

Table 2 Cyanobacteria and microalgae documented from different subsites of THS

S. No. Taxa Subsite
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
(52–49°C) (\49–45°C) (\45–41°C) (\41–38°C) (\38–30°C)

Cyanobacteria (Blue-green algae)

1. Anabaena circinalis * *
2. Anabaena unispora * *** ***
3. Anabaena variabilis *
4. Aphanocapsa thermalis *
5. Aphanothece minutissima *** *** *** *
6. Arthrospira jenneri * *
7. Chroococcus minor *
8. Chroococcus minutus ** **
9. Chroococcus turgidus **
10. Gloeocapsa livida *
11. Gloeocapsa sp. ** **
12. Leptolyngbya sp. * *
13. Lyngbya arboricola *
14. Nostoc muscorum * *** ***
15. Nostoc linckia **
16. Oscillatoria granulata *
17. Oscillatoria obscura **
18. Oscillatoria princeps * *
19. Oscillatoria pseudogeminata * * ***
20. Oscillatoria sancta *
21. Oscillatoria simplicissima *
22. Oscillatoria amphibia * **
23. Oscillatoria sp. **
24. Oscillatoria subbrevis **** * ** *
25. Oscillatoria subsalsa * *
26. Oscillatoria tenuis * ** * *
27. Phormidium ambiguum * **
28. Phormidium cebennense * * *
29. Phormidium formosum * * * **
30. Planktolyngbya circumcreta *
31. Pseudanabaena limnetica * *
32. Pseudanabaena mucicola *** *
33. Synechococcus bigranulatus * * ***
34. Synechocystis sallensis * ** * **
Bacillariophyta (Diatoms)
35. Achnanthes exigua * ** **
36. Achnanthidium minutissimum *** ** ** * **
37. Aulacoseira granulata **
38. Cocconeis lineata * *
39. Cocconeis placentula ** **
40. Craticula sp. * *
41. Cymbella lanceolata **


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Aquat Ecol (2022) 56:573–584 579

Table 2 continued
S. No. Taxa Subsite
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
(52–49°C) (\49–45°C) (\45–41°C) (\41–38°C) (\38–30°C)

42. Diadesmis confervacea * *

43. Diatoma ehrenbergii ** ** **
44. Diploneis sp. * ** * *
45. Fragilaria capucina *
46. Fragilaria mesolepta **
47. Fragilaria virescens * ***
48. Gomphonema sphaeophorum **
49. Meloneis akytos * ** **
50. Melosira varians ** ***
51. Navicula lanceolata **
52. Navicula oblonga ** ** **
53. Navicula radiosa *
54. Navicula tripunctata **
55. Navicula veneta ** * **
56. Nitzschia amphibia * **
57. Nitzschia clausii ** ** **
58. Nitzschia obtusa **
59. Nitzschia palea *** ** *
60. Nitzschia sigma *
61. Nitzschia sp. **
62. Pinnularia acrosphaeria **
63. Pinnularia parvulissima *
64. Pinnularia viridis * **
65. Synedra ulna **
Chlorophyta (Green algae)
66. Chlorella sp. **
67. Cladophora vagabunda *
68. Closterium moniliforme **
69. Elakatothrix sp. **
70. Scenedesmus dimorphus **
71. Zygnema sp. *
Asterisks represent different categories of relative abundance [*Rare (less than 1% of the total cell count), **Frequent (1-10%),
***Abundant (10-30%), ****Dominant ([30%)], while empty cells reflect absence of the taxa.

elevated temperatures is an interesting observation of Pinnularia viridis, which were chronicled from high-
this study and thus demands more focused investiga- temperature subsite (i.e. S1, 52–49 °C) need to be
tions. Diatoms, such as Achnanthes exigua, Achnan- explored further for their under-operating cellular
thidium minutissimum, Cocconeis lineata, Craticula mechanisms and robustness of encompassing biomo-
sp., Diploneis sp., Meloneis akytos, Navicula oblonga, lecules. An abrupt decrease in species richness of
Nitzschia amphibia, N. clausii, N. palea and diatoms and cyanophytes was noticed for the subsite


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580 Aquat Ecol (2022) 56:573–584

non-filamentous forms included Gloeocapsa sp. and

Synechococcus bigranulatus. In the diverse literature,
the highest temperature limit for genus Synechococcus
has been reported to vary from 58 to 72 °C (Ward et al.
2012). In this study, this genus was found to inhabit
from 41 to 52 °C, which is consistent with the findings
reported from Yellowstone National Park (Ward et al.
2012). Nevertheless, it might be attributed to the
different morphotypes of species and the chemical
properties of the spring water.
Figure 3 shows order-wise representation and dis-
tribution of algal species along the temperature
gradient. The size of bubbles increases with an
increase in the number of representative species of a
Fig. 2 Species richness of algal groups documented from THS
particular order at a particular thermal subsite. For
along the thermal gradient of 52–30 °C and across the subsites
S1 to S5 different subsites, it varied from 0 to 12. The smallest
visible bubbles (dots) indicate a representation by a
S2 (\ 49–45 °C). Perhaps, it is due to the severe single species, while the largest bubble noticed in the
shading of this subsite that promotes the overgrowth of case of Oscillatoriales for the subsite S4 reflects the
Oscillatoria subbrevis. Some other factors, such as the highest number of dwelling species (i.e. 12). More-
leaching of chemical substances from adjacent rocks over, this graph reveals that in lower-temperature
and sands, might also be responsible for helping zones, the species representation of cyanophycean
Oscillatoria subbrevis to outcompete the other orders, like Oscillatoriales and Nostocales, is consid-
cyanobacterial and microalgal species at this specific erably higher than that of the other algal orders. Here,
site. diatoms and green algal orders were represented only
The green algal taxa reported in this study were by a limited number of species. In elevated-temper-
Chlorella sp., Cladophora vagabunda, Closterium ature clines, the representation of green algal orders
moniliforme, Elakatothrix sp., Zygnema sp. and was absent. However, diatoms and cyanobacterial
Scenedesmus dimorphus. All these above-listed forms orders were presented by comparable numbers.
were chronicled from the thermal range of 30 to 45 °C. Figure 4 shows the variations in the Shannon
Similar green algal forms have also been reported diversity index and the Berger–Parker dominance
earlier from the hot springs of Bulgaria (Stoyneva index of microalgal and cyanobacterial communities
2003), South Africa (Jonker et al. 2013) and Odisha, along the temperature gradient in THS. The changes in
India (Bhakta et al. 2016). Insofar as the distribution of the overall species richness across the thermal gradient
cyanobacterial taxa is concerned, the species richness have been mentioned in the circles placed over the
(SR) of filamentous forms (SR = 25) in the spring was bars. Results reveal that the species richness of the
considerably higher compared to the unicellular forms inhabiting communities declined significantly as the
(SR = 09). However, among 25 filamentous species, temperature exceeded 41 °C. However, the Shannon
only five were heterocystous. The dominance of non- measured diversity varied little except witnessing an
heterocystous filamentous cyanobacteria in hot abrupt decline at the subsite S2 (\ 49–45 °C). On the
springs has also been reported by several other other hand, the Berger–Parker index displayed its
workers (Pentecost 2003; Ionescu et al. 2007; Ward highest value for this subsite (S2). It is perhaps related
et al. 2012; Ghozzi et al. 2013; Bhattacharya et al. to the fact that the Berger–Parker dominance index
2016). The important filamentous forms inhabiting provides extraordinary weightage to the dominance of
elevated-temperature zones of THS were Anabaena the species, and at this particular subsite, Oscillatoria
circinalis, Anabaena unispora, Arthrospira jenneri, subbrevis dominated the community (relative abun-
Nostoc muscorum, Oscillatoria pseudogeminata, Os- dance [ 30%; Table 1). All-time low species richness
cillatoria tenuis and Phormidium formosum, while the and the Shannon diversity of subsite S2 (\ 49–45 °C)


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Aquat Ecol (2022) 56:573–584 581

Fig. 3 Bubble plot showing species representation of algal species (dot, single species; the largest bubble, noticed in the
orders in different thermal clines of THS across the subsites S1 case of Oscillatoriales, 12 species)
to S5. The size of bubbles reflects the number of representative

Fig. 4 Temperature-dependent changes in the Shannon measured diversity and the Berger–Parker dominance index of photosynthetic
communities inhabiting THS. The numbers given in the circles placed over the bars show species richness

are also attributed to the prominent growth of Oscil- Conversely, not much difference was seen in c
latoria subbrevis, as explained earlier. diversity. It suggests that the total diversity of
To check the variations in diversity at successive inhabiting communities changed little from S5-S4 to
thermal subsites, values of beta (b) diversity were S4-S3. Both b and c diversities dropped precipitously
plotted against the total diversity (c) of subsequent from S4-S3 to S3-S2. It pinpoints that the species
pairs of thermal subsites (Fig. 5). The b diversity composition of the S2 subsite is entirely different from
decreased significantly from S5-S4 to S4-S3 depicting the other three subsites (viz., S5, S4 and S3). This is
the magnitude of multiplicity between the stations. exactly what is revealed by all-through data shown in


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582 Aquat Ecol (2022) 56:573–584

found suitable in identifying the thermal gradient-

dependent changes in the species composition of the
photosynthetic communities residing in THS.

Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to the Head,

Department of Botany and Microbiology, H.N.B. Garhwal
University, for providing the necessary facilities. SFI thanks the
University Grants Commission, New Delhi, for providing
financial support in the form of University Research
Fellowship. We are thankful to Mrs. Sarita Gupta, Senior
Technician, ICAR-IISWC, Dehradun, for the analysis of water
samples. We thank Dr. Narendra Kumar, Department of
Geography, H.N.B. Garhwal University, for making the study
area map.

Fig. 5 Changes in Whittaker’s components of diversity (b and c Authors’ contributions SFI planned and executed
diversity) in THS. The values were calculated considering the experiments, prepared a draft of the manuscript and finalized
subsequent pairs of different thermal subsites, such as S5-S4, S4- it for submission. VU helped in conducting experiments and
S3, S3-S2 and S2-S1, following Titmus (1981) preparation and finalization of the manuscript. DK was involved
in conceiving the idea, planning the experiments, presenting and
discussing results, and submission of the manuscript. All authors
Figs. 2, 3 and 4. Further, a steep increase in b diversity read and approved the final manuscript.
was observed from S2-S3 to S2-S1, which conveys a
considerably diverse species composition of commu- Funding The study is funded by the University Grants
nities colonizing S2 and S1 subsites. Thus, Fig. 5 Commission, New Delhi, India, HNB Garhwal University,
Srinagar, Garhwal, India.
enables easy detection of changing patterns of species
composition of the inhabiting communities along the Data availability The data sets analysed during the current
thermal gradient in THS. study are available from the first author on reasonable request.

Conflict of interests The authors declare that they have no
competing interests.
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