Definition Paragraph Assignment # 2

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“What does Friendship mean to me?

an Karim

Friendship, the emotions or behaviour of friends, the state of being friends. The meaning

of friendship has a deep significance behind it. In my opinion the word “friendship” is

something we should appreciate since it benefits our understandings, beliefs and feelings. A

strong friendship; which takes time and patience, whom you could share your thoughts freely

has an importance because it gives us freedom to be who we really are. I strongly claim that a

friendship is essential for the successful happiness of every person both physically and

mentally. For example, I am currently studying in post secondary school (Mohawk College). For

me to succeed, I would want friends within my program to help me, so I could ask for help if

need. Without a friendship, not all, but a lot would be hidden in a person. Hidden

characteristics, meaning non-truthful friendships; would result in loneliness or desolation. This

is why having mutual friendships with anyone, even family is significantly vital. In conclusion, a

friendship is the sense of expressing your feelings or your freedom with someone you trust and

have belief in. I feel like having a friendship is an immense importance of life since it will help

you succeed in the future.

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