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Formative assessment

Objective: Students will compare the setting of the The Story of the Leprechaun with their own environment with examples of physical
characteristics and human characteristics.

Details: There will be a whole group discussion about the differences of setting between the story and students' own lives, before the
read aloud is begun students will have the opportunity to think-pair share some of their own ideas with a partner. They will share 2-3
examples of setting in the story and their own physical characteristics of the world around them and if any overlap. They will then
share with the class their ideas and create a whole class venn diagram

Rationale: It aligns with the objective because students will use the academic language and ideas of setting in the story and their own
lives to draw comparisons. They will talk and write down the distinct ideas from both the story and what they can see outdoors and
contrast what is similar and what is different.

Scoring guide: This activity will be scored as a discussion and will be scored
based n the information the students give

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