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Jul 13, 2020 09:45 AM Virginia Department of Education Page: 1 of 15 2019 - 2020 Discipline , Crime , and Violence Verification 124 - Roanoke City Public Schools SUBJECT Verification Report - Discipline, Crime and Violence (DCV) 2019 - 2020 mitted by your school division, These data are public information. rofile ag well as in he Annual Report on Discipline, Crime and the division and school totals. f you discover any errors, please ‘make the corrections and re-submit the revised text file. ‘This division is in compliance with the Code of Virginia 22.1-279.3:1 that states “The division superintendent shall annually report all such inadents to the Department of Education for purpose of recording the frequency of such incidents on forms that shall be provided by the Department of Education.” This aision en compiance with the Codes of Vigna 22.-27707, expulsion of students under cortsin cumstances, and 22-277.08 expulsion of students for certain drug offenses. “The division has reported a description of each incident, the name ofthe school concerned, the number of students expelled from each school, Zand the type of frearm used in each instance of expulsion to the Virginia Department of Education in compiance with the provisions under 4001-Part A - Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 ‘This schoo! division has a policy in place that requires referral to the criminal justice or juvenile delinquency system of any student who brings @ firearm or weapon to schoo}. Al incdorts were reported fr (1) ll equ codes regardless of sanction and (2) llendes invlving suspension ae expulsion (3) licens ‘occurring on schoo! property for a total School year of 365 days, 7 days a week and 24 hours (7/24), All incidents were reported from all division schools, centers and regional centers involving required offenses, ‘All incidents involving serious offenses have been reported to law enforcement and are included inthis report. 428] Total number of incidents reported to faw enforcement. ‘Total number of reported faw enforcement charges file. Total number of IEP Permanent Change in Placement. Fa Number of suspensions that met aggravating circumstances definition, ‘Jul 13, 2020 09:45 AM Virginia Department of Education Page : 2 of 15 2019 - 2020 Discipline , Crime , and Violence Verification 4124 - Roanoke City Public Schools 424- bere Por ar ae ja Description 7 Number of Students lcode Public Schools TCR USE 7 z z awe TT BET 7 - r ergata TED as She Tess eRe [SSeS a ST Jul 13, 2020 09:45 AM Virginia Department of Education Page : 3 0f 15 2019 - 2020 Discipline , Crime , and Violence Verification 124 - Roanoke Cit ILL Tneldents that occu in-school suspension for ALL students. a ‘Number of Students from Number of Incidents ~~ jontense—] Offense Descripton a | ode lawsion 124-Reanoke cy Paquring vision (24. | Soe scrsae é " {FF t = | roo Parapet Soe ors = 3 Tea + 7 {re ‘GSROTE TETRIS {POSESTON, UBD, SA, TTBTIOAT 3 — ar Public Schools (124) to include in-school suspension for ALL students. [Dre nse | Offense Descripton ~ Number of Students “trom lumber of Incidents: code ing in dvision (404 - lgvision 124- Roanoke City REC ALYERNATIVE PLUS a =LF PROJECT/ROANOKE C.. [Public Schools __BELE PROJECTIROANOKE C.. = | = | 1 + Jul 13, 2020 09:45 AM Virginia Department of Education 2019 - 2020 Discipline , Crime , and Violence Verification 124 - Roanoke City Public Schools Tricidents that occurred Prbite Schosts (128) to include in-school suspension for ALL students. Page : 4 of 15 fonts enrol [omens /OMtense ‘Deseripton Number of Students from [umber of Incidents division 124-Roanoke City Peeing. in division, (404- |Public Schools ELF PROJECT/ROANOKE C.. ky —— fi wan Case oF Uo VLALON NO COVETERTH THES COSEE : _ c OTT CTE (POSTS, Se OSTEO 1 1 or Tora Ue 1 i | Jul 13, 2020 09:45 AM Virginia Department of Education 2019 - 2020 Discipline , Crime , and Violence Verification 124 - Roanoke City Public Schools Division : 124 Name : Roanoke City Public Schools Non-Student and Unknown offenders No Nen-Student or Unknown Offender found Page : 5 of 15 Jul 13, 2020 09:45 AM Division : 124 Safety Information Verification for the Schoo! Quality Profile Fall 2019 Virginia Department of Education Page : 6 of 15 2019 - 2020 Discipline , Crime , and Violence Verification 4124 « Roanoke City Public Schools Name: — Roanoke City Public Schoo's Beginning with the 2006-2007 school year, the SQP data Is based on the school where the incident took place. Foca Wenger BBY OT BOT BOE BOT WIP WAP WAP WEP WOP WIPO WPT WRZ ViPS WS WPS WET WPS WPS WST WIT ane Soa FREER BRE HOD HOE SOK SBT SH? SKE SKB SKE TH fear BAT BAZ HOT HOS SIX SBT SXT SHG SETH ~~ | a lua BUi BU2 ETi Et2 EX! FIT FAI FA2 GiB HiZ HRI Kit RBT RB2 ROT STI SXO SX7 Relaied to ATOD ACT AG2 AGS ALIALCOTALCOZALCOS DIO _Dii DIZ DIS DIS DIS Di? O19 DW DIG DEG OGG DGI DG2 DGS DGS DGS Bor Bae OGe DAI Dee DA3 Dea DRO TAB TB: TO? TC! TC2 TCS Raaied wo Prosery BRT AST ASE ASS GRY ERE BRT TET THE TES TEU TRO TH THE VAT UNT VRE WH | jodie Bohaver ~— PTC-D26 DIC DAC DSC DEC DAC DCT DOS BOT GAT AGT GE ATT TRT [Technology IM CaM CaM TiC T2c TIC THC _ 7 ther |ATOOT OT! Siv Sav Sav pero Name and Number T Virginia Report Card Data Related to | Against] Against | Agalnat [Related to [Related o |Rdlated o [Technology Other Weapons | Student Person |" ATOD. | Property | Behavior BRECRINRIDGE WD 7 3 a % ° m7 3 7 [CRYSTAL SPRING EL oo o 0 T oO 7 0 oo “AIRVIEW ELEM(OST 2 2 ao D o 52 o T “ALLON PAI =M(0050) o 7 0 D 0 B o 15 TSHBURN PARK ELEM(O380) o 7 7 o o 12 0 oo FOREST PARK ACADEMY(0560) 0 2 2 T oO |e o T SDEN ITY ELEMOSD0) Loe z % z vs a T i o 3 i 7 7 o Z| 7 ° 3 3 z 7 7 7] 3 3 a o 7 7 7 z a z T I T 70 S T 17 2 a Jul 13, 2020 09:45 AM 2019 - 2020 Discipline , Crime , and Violence Verification Division : 124 Name: Virginia Department of Education 124 - Roanoke City Public Schools Roanoke City Public Schools Safety Information Verification for the School Quality Profile Fall 2019 Beginning with the 2006-2007 school year, the SQP data is based on the school where the incident took place. Page : 7 of 15 [Soho Nari ana Wamber [ ‘Virginia Report Card Data ~ [ [Rated io] Against | Against | Against [Related to [Related to [Related to [Technology Other ‘Weapons | Student | “Stat” | Person | ATOD | Property | Behavior - JOAN P, FISRWICK MIDDLE(@Z30) T 3 7 2 2 7 7 EINGOLN TERRACE ELEM(O340) ° z a 7 2B c 7 [LUCY ADDISON AEROSPACE WAGNET 3 5 Toe oT a 30 WONTEREY ELEMOs70r o o ° B ° o RORNINGSIDE EL=M(0080) | 7 1 a 7 o o NOECC-TAYLOR ACADEMY AT OARTAN 7 v o o o 7 [PATRIGR ENRY HIGH0300) Eg ios 7 z ez 3 | STON PARK ELEM(O240) 3 z a o o 6 o T Fomor renew? FORWATHESGIE| 2 7 3 o o a7 3 7 FOUND FILL ELEM(O320) T v © v e 2 7 3 ° o o 3 @ o o 7 o z 7 v o o 7] 3 7 e v z o Z| re ae a z o | 3 2 a 0 3 ° a L= 107 305 we | 3 z i Virginia Department of Education Page : 8 of 15 2019 - 2020 Discipline , Crime , and Violence Verification 124 - Roanoke City Public Schools Federal Gun-Free Schools Act Report Jul 13, 2020 09:45 AM Wvision: 124 Name: _ Roanoke Cty Puble Stoos ‘School Level Handguns | Rifles/Shotguns | “Weapon, Expels. Possession Use of Explosive | “Other Firearms | (WP) (WP2) a ‘wea Explosive Device Device (WP7) (WP6) 4) (wP6) meni Schools | 0 a fa a a a ni Hah Scoots | 0 a a 0 A 0 enor igh smote | 0 @ 0 ° 0 o i AE Bog Ge ov or St ST Jul 13, 2020 09:45 AM Virginia Department of Education Page : 9 of 15 2019 - 2020 Discipline , Crime , and Violence Verification 124 - Roanoke City Public Schools Division : 124 Name: Roanoke City Public Schoots Category I- Any incident is en Automatic Caution (AC). Category It - Each incident equals 2 points. This catagory includes the foloning offense codes: .udes the following fence codes: HO1, HO2, HO3.HOS, SX3, SX4,SX5, SX6, WPT, BA1, BAS, ROY, KI1,BA5,SXE, \WP1,WP2.WP4,WPE,WP8.ORA. ‘choot ‘School Name Fal ‘ategory l| Number of Points [Category I Number off Points [Category Il Number of Points| nr er sass Tinaonis | (oedee"nctones | "* ease” fncaents 2” PRVSTEC SPREE ~ at Tbe Treo PARTON PARENT — Sp oA [0060 HORNINGSIDE ELEN [2a 0 v v oY oro fonen nets ean te oi oe op nef as 3 ote oe |UTTO FIGHTAND PARK ELEM er T tT v v v STE ROCERORT ESOT ° |e TET RECRNRIOGE MDDTE | 79 o— ope t—a—to S22 OANORE SADE FOES o— tt ote SFO PSATER ODT - o—} ve op = 75 3 oo ws = - De a we + oh se fs ote re, oe ope " _ + of | ea a of Soro fsa ee ma oo ap ‘SOO PICT FLEMING FIG 878 ROT = ce v ft ! of fo 5 t ote a 7 oe ee : Dot cote | tora is Jul 13, 2020 09:45 AM Division : 124 Students With Disabilities Name : Roanoke City Pubic Schools Virginia Department of Education 2019 - 2020 Discipline , Crime , and Violence Verification 124 - Roanoke City Public Schools Page : 10 of 15, fons, Short-term suspans )ANOKE GITY PBLC SCHS (124) resuling in suspensions ‘defined as a single suspension offen days or less. Long-term jays o 364 days, Exaukion is dofned as 965 days. In-School suspension 6 defined as a single ‘Suspensions ‘otal in-School | Total No. of Short-term] ‘Suspensions Fetal No. of Long-term ‘Suspensions ‘otal No. of| Expulsion Total No. of jodified Expulsion) T | T T z v v 7 o o a o v — wo oT 7 7 7 z ] ot 7 v v v 1 T_T v o 7 o— mr ci T 7 TJ or 8 — 7 3 ] TT a v 7 v 1 = 3 a v v ] u v 7 7 ] oo 8 v v T | 7 r v T T | a | a 5 T 7 oT ze 7 7 v | T Es T v 7 | 7 a o v T 2 = r 7 o Tw 4 [oss — FISRUR 7 T ov 7 | GH el Te v TI | - | ® 7 v 7 | OHTT 7 L J v = v | [20 HORT PARK ELEN 0 — T | [RHO PAMES MADISON MIDDLE v =e T v T 1 [ Jul 13, 2020 09:45 AM Virginia Department of Education Page : 11 of 15, 2019 - 2020 Discipline , Crime , and Violence Verification 124 - Roanoke City Public Schools Division : 124 Name: — Roanoke City Public Schools Students With Disabilities [Student invelved n dents enrolled in Roanoke City Public Schools (124) and cocuring in REG ALTERNATIVE PLUS SELF PROJECTIROANOKE CITY (404) Jeauting in suspensions (in-school short-term or ong term), expulsions or fPodifed expulsions. Shor-lerm suspension is defined as a single suspension of ten days oF less, Long-term suspension is deined as a single suspension of eleven (11) days to 364 days. Expulsion is defined as 366 days. In-School suspension is defined as @ single susgensioa fora student witha disabiity of at least one day. [School School Name TTotal In-School [Total No. of Shortterm|Total No. of Long-term otal No. of] Total No. of Number ‘Suspensions | Suspensions ‘Suspensions | Expulsion Modified Expulsion] TIS m oT 0 T o v T o T v o WAGRET MI o o o oT = °V HIGH o o T o v 00 MING HIGH v 0 T T T Jul 13, 2020 09:45 AM Division : Virginia Department of Education 2019 - 2020 Discipline , Crime , and Violence Verification 124 - Roanoke City Public Schools 128 Name: — Rosnoke City Public Schools Non -Disabled Students fexoulgione o single suspension of eleven (11) days io 364 days. Expulsion Page : 12 of 15 SSUTTG W SISPONONS (SNOT) plonof on cays oress Long ten suspension f dees £8 8 ‘School [School Name Total No. of Total No. of Total No.of [Total No. of Number | Short-term | _Long-term Expulsion Modified Suspensions | Suspensions | ___Exputsion ‘O20 —| CRYSTAL SPRING EER T v v v v ‘DSU —| FALCON PARK ELEMT = v w T v ‘DOGT—] MORNINGSIDE ECEW i ¥ v 7 v 0070 —] VIRGINIA FEIGHTS ECENT v v v vo WORT | WASENA ECENT v v ‘OTTO FIGACAND PARK ELEN? T v v —o 0150 —] WOODROW WILSON MIDDLE; 13 v v v | [Oz BRECKINRIDGE MIDDLE — wr 73 v Tv aa | ~w220-—| RORNORE ACADEMY FOR MATES «| 22 ov wv 7 ‘0230 | JORN P-FISAWICR MIDDLE) or a v v 4 ‘UZAT | PRESTON PARK ELEMT 7 5 a aor ‘0280 LUCY ADDISON REROSPACE MAGNE ae a5 v v Tv 4 ‘0300 | GARDEN CITY ELEM v wT 7 v 0 UST | GRANDIN COURT ELEM o v 0 v | 0320 [ROUND RIEL ELEM v 6 oT o v USAT] CINCO TERRACE ELEM v a v o v USS] WESTSIOE ELEM v v 7 v 570 —| MONTEREY ELEMt 5 7 v a7 | ‘USE| FISHBURN PARK ELEN 5 al v | v US9T| FATRICK HENRY HIGH 195 a5 v vy WAU] ILLIA FLEMING FIG 7 285 v I o [0410 FAIRVIEWECENT : 7 v | iu Ta, ‘UR HURT PARK ELEM 08 v v v ‘C50 — [JAMES WADISON MIDDLE ~j T v T v Jul 13, 2020 09:45 AM Virginia Department of Education Page : 13 of 15 2019 - 2020 Discipline , Crime , and Violence Verification 4124 - Roanoke City Public Schools Division : 124 Name: — Roanoke City Public Schoo!s Non -Disabled Students a ooaIrITGT R ‘expulsions, Short-term suspension Do 8 Shgle Suspension on days ce leae faye 0 964 days. Expulson s defined 6s 365 days. resulting in srgpensions (shor sagt suopension defines 35 ‘School —] School Name Total No. of Total No. of Total No. of Total No. of Total No. of Number In-School ‘Short-term Long-term Expulsion Modified Suspensions | Suspensions | Suspensions Expulsion [0150 —| WOODROW WICSON MIDDLE T v v v v TZ BRECKINRIOGE MIOOLE v T v v T ‘0280 LUCY ADDISON AEROSPACE WAGRE T v v W590 — PATRICK HENRY HIGH z T v J T ‘DOO WICCTART FCENTING GH 7 v v v Jul 13, 2020 09:45 AM Virginia Department of Education Page : 14 of 15 2019 - 2020 Discipline , Crime , and Violence Verification 124 - Roanoke City Public Schools Division : 124 Name: — Roanoke City Public Schools Alort ~The following statoments reflect possible errors. Please review each message to ensure that information was correctly reported. If you discover any errors, please make corrections and re-submit the revised text file. Division Level Errors Field Name Reported Value Additional Information ‘Number ar enses nor Toaded (SY oenge Were Tol TORENT DOCaTES WEY NAY SANGIN UUTOT OTS COIS Tal should not be reported with sancti, (0400 - WILLIAM FLEMING HIGH Field Name Reported Value Additional Information (0390 - PATRICK HENRY HIGH Field Name Reported Value Additional Information (0400 - WILLIAM FLEMING HIGH Fiold Name Reported Value Additional Information 0420 - HURT PARK ELEM Field Namo Reported Value Additional Information SSE VEFIY Gas suspended and verity that aggrava 358 VaFIY GaVs suspended and verity that aggrava ‘Jul 43, 2020 09:45 AM Virginia Department of Education Page : 15 of 15 2019 - 2020 Disi Grime , and Violence Verification 124 - Roanoke City Public Schools Division : 124 Name: — Roanoke City Public Schools Alert - The following statements reflect possib! ‘correctly reported. If you discover any errors. rs. Please review each message to ensure that information was e make corrections and re-submit the revised text file. 0350 - WESTSIDE ELEM Field Name Reported Value Additional Information J BgTANATIG GAGUTHETETIOEE TA OT V. BEATE VERT days suspended and verify that aggrava arava CCUMSTATCES 0390 - PATRICK HENRY HIGH Field Name Reported Value Additional information 0280 - LUCY ADDISON AEROSPACE MAGNE ... Field Name Reported Value Additional Information Application Name Discipline, Crime and Violence (CV) Division Name. Roanoke City Public Schools Division Number 124 The following 12 pages), the VERIFICATION REPORT for ROANOKE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS, reflects the data approved and submited to DOE on the day and time listed below. Reviewed and Approved By ‘Submitted By Mr. Archie Freeman Ms. Hayley Poland Date: Aug 13, 2021 12:18 PM Date: Aug 12, 2021 04:34 PM

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