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Prepared by:
Ayab, Ervin John
Aven, Giancarlo L.
Cano, Xander Edrian M.
Medoza, John chessler
Sarte, Rollen Quinn
Armando, Estefani

PROJECT DETAILS: The people in our barangay LIPUTOK doesn’t know what to do
or where would they put their waste because our barangay is lacking of garbage truck
to collect our waste. Because of the lack of garbage trucks to their barangay, they
instead burn their solid waste which can cause a serious harm to nature. This project
will not only benefit the people but also the nature because the less air pollution in
the environment.

SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY: In this project, the barangay officials will hire a
garbage truck to collect the waste of the people in community and will be collecting
in a Monday, Thursday and, Sunday schedule. The officials will also make a rule and
ban the activity of people setting their waste on fire.

ANTICIPATED EXPENCES: The estimated cost of this air pollution prevention

project in a barangay LIPUTOK Is ₱12,000, including technology, materials, and
monitoring equipment. The project's scope is limited to only one barangay, so the
cost is estimated to be around ₱5,000. The project’s implementation is estimated to
be around ₱2,000, with additional expenses for miscellaneous tasks. Monitoring
equipment costs around ₱3,000, and community engagement activities are estimated
at ₱1,000. The total cost is ₱12,000.



This air pollution prevention project with our team will surely help the barangay
LIPUTOK, with a help of the garbage trucks that our team will provide, it will help
them to decrease their solid waste to secure a healthy, clean environment around
them. This will also help the community to have a sense of realization that their
doings were wrong and that can harm our own nature. We will try our best in this
project and we need help a cooperation to the barangay LIPUTOK to help us to
guarantee this project to be organized and effective to your community.

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