SECTION 5 Short Passages: Ductivity of Telecommuters. The Other Choices

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connected to the next. Choice d offers an exam- 138. d. The first sentence indicates that sushi was
ple of how a man can be thrown overboard once available only in a handful of eating
and must rely on his crew to cut their whale establishments.
loose and come back and get him. Only choice 139. c. Choice b may seem attractive at first, but the
b does not make any connection to the men. passage doesn’t offer the opinion that the pur-
pose of the shopping mall is important, it sim-
ply tells us what the purposes are.
 SECTION 5 Short Passages 140. d. The directions mention nothing about
131. a. Choice d may seem attractive at first, but the 141. c. The third sentence specifically mentions that
passage simply says that the local media does the pointed side goes up and the root side faces
not adequately cover local politics—it doesn’t down. This means that there is an up side and
discuss the reason for their neglect. a down side and that it is possible for the bulb
132. c. Sentence 3 indicates the importance of organi- to be put into the soil upside down if someone
zation and design. The other choices, even if didn’t know better. The other choices may be
true, are not in the passage. true but are not mentioned in the passage.
133. b. Both sentences in this passage support the idea 142. c. The directions indicate that the city prefers, but
that the emphasis on the low-carb/low-fat does not require, use of its new container, and
debate is misleading and might distract us from that the customers may use more than one con-
other important ideas.The other choices are tainer if they purchase an additional one.
not supported by or developed in this passage. 143. b. The directions state use of the new containers
134. b. The other choices are wrong because the pas- will expedite pick-up of recyclables. This indicates
sage is not concerned with how sanitation that the new containers will make the recycling
workers should deal with sharp objects but with program more efficient.
how everyone should dispose of sharp objects 144. b. See the second and third sentences for the steps
in order to avoid hurting sanitation workers. in making ratatouille. Only choice b reflects
135. d. See the second sentence of the passage. Choices the correct order.
a and b are not in the passage. Choice c might 145. d. The main part of the passage describes how to
seem attractive, but the passage does not say cook vegetables. Only choice d indicates that
that mediation is the best way to resolve a con- vegetables are included in the dish. The other
flict, simply that it is an alternative way that choices are not reflected in the passage.
might prove effective. 146. d. See the final sentence of the passage.
136. c. See the final sentence of the passage. The other 147. c. See the second sentence, which defines ksa. The
choices might be true but are not in the passage. other choices are refuted in the passage.
137. a. The second sentence speaks of the greater pro- 148. d. This answer is implied by the statement that
ductivity of telecommuters. The other choices redistribution is needed so that people in
may seem attractive on the surface because they emerging nations can have proper medical
contain words and phrases from the passage, care. Choices a, b, and c are not mentioned in
but a closer look will show them to be incorrect the passage.
or absent from the passage. 149. c. This choice is the best answer because the para-
graph indicates that the new knitters are of


varying ages and are not just women. Choices obstacles, but it does not say that they
a and b may be true, but they are not supported absolutely require outside help to succeed, just
by the paragraph. Choice d is a prediction that that it is available.
is not made in the paragraph. 158. d. This choice encompasses the main informa-
150. d. The paragraph specifically states that age makes tion in the passage. Choices a, b, and c are not
a person less able to respond to long exposure mentioned.
to very hot or very cold temperatures. This 159. a. The title should express the main idea of the
would mean that older people are more sus- passage. The passage, as a whole, focuses on
ceptible to hypothermia. Choices a, b, and c appropriate and inappropriate uses of e-mail.
are not supported by the information given in The other choices address more specific ideas
the paragraph. expressed in the passage but are not its main
151. c. The third sentence is the main idea. It is a idea.
general idea that answers the only question 160. c. The first and second sentences reflect this idea.
posed in the passage. The other choices are not The passage does not say that Native American
in the passage. art is dreamlike (choice a). Choices b and d are
152. d. The passage states that health clubs have under- too limited to be main ideas.
gone a major transformation due to people’s 161. a. This idea is expressed in two of the three sen-
interest in taking care of their minds, bodies, tences in the passage and sums up the overall
and spirits. Choice a is incorrect because the meaning of the passage.
paragraph doesn’t say exercise is less impor- 162. d. This is stated in the final paragraph. The other
tant. It simply says the focus and type of exer- choices are not reflected in the passage.
cise have changed. Choices b and c are not 163. c. This choice most nearly encompasses the pas-
supported by the paragraph. sage and is reflected in the final sentence.
153. c. This choice is closely related to all three 164. b. The passage defines an ecosystem as a commu-
sentences of the passage. Choice a is contra- nity within which all members interrelate. (See
dicted in the passage. Choices b and d are not the first three sentences of the paragraph.)
in the passage. Choice a is only one example of an interaction.
154. a. The entire passage relates to this idea. The other The other two choices are too limited to sum up
ideas are not reflected in the passage. ecosystem activities.
155. a. This is the main idea of the passage because all 165. b. This is the only choice that reflects the idea of
the sentences relate to it. The other choices may interaction among all members of the group
be true but are not reflected in the passage. spoken of in the first sentence. The other
156. c. This idea is expressed in the final sentence and choices are only physical settings.
wraps up the passage, speaking of the impor- 166. c. The entire passage supports this idea. Choice a
tance of creating a balance. The other choices is incorrect because the business aspect of alter-
are not in the passage. native medicine is not discussed in the passage.
157. c. The support for choice c is given in the second Choices b and d reflect accurate supporting
sentence. No support is given for choices a and statements that do appear in the passage, but
d. Choice b is incorrect because the paragraph they are not encompassing enough to reflect the
states that women business owners face unique main idea.


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