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Water Conservation
In all actuality, water has become something that we take for granted. Water has now turned
into something we waste on a day to day basis without realising. We need to stop water
wastage. Out of 100%, only 1% of the water on Earth is drinkable. Water is precious and we
need to do something to st
Let’s get to the main point. How can we conserve water? We’ve always been told use the half
flush when flushing the toilet. One way to minimise your toilet flush usage is by installing an
energy-efficient toilet. But what if you’re on a budget? Another way to minimise your water flush
usage is by putting a brick in the toilet water tank. You flush a normal of 20 gallons of water a
day down the toilet. An option to save water in your washing machine is to only wash clothes
when the washing machine is full. Commonly 15-40 per cent of indoor home water usage
originates from washing clothing. You can spare water by simply washing in full loads! Of
course, washing in full loads is not always an option. In this case, we can save water by making
sure to adjust the settings on your machine to the proper load size. Also if you’re buying your
first washing machine try buying a front loading washing machine as these generally use less

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