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Name of Teacher Jessel R.

Grade Level Grade 7
Time & Building 7:15 AM - 12:30 PM
Time Frame 55 minutes
A. Content Standards: The learners should be able to: Demonstrate an understanding of the relation of
geographical location of the Philippines to its environment.
B. Performance Standards: Analyze the advantage of the location of the Philippines in relation to climate,
weather and season.
C. Learning Competencies Objectives:
• Distinguish the difference between latitude and longitude;
• Identify how places on earth may be located using coordinate system;
• demonstrate how places on earth may be located using a coordinate

II. CONTENT/ SUBJECT MATTER Latitude and Longitude

A. References
1 Textbook pages Science 7 Teacher’s Guide, pp 268-272
2. Materials from Learning Resources (LP) SCIENCE 4th Quarter- Module 1: Locating Places on Earth using Coordinate
System- Lesson 1: Latitude and Longitude
B. Materials Visual Aids , Globe
Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

Classroom Management:
Before we start our prayer, please arrange your chairs and pick (Student's will arrange thier chairs and pick up some clutters
- up some clutters on the floor. on the floor?

You may not take you seats. Thank you ma'am.

Let us all pray. (The students will start the prayer)

Goodmorning Class! Good morning teacher Jessel.
Say good morning to ma'am Cuarez. Good morning ma'am Cuarez.
a. Distinguish the difference between
Classroom Management: latitude and longitude;
So for our class rules, I want you to: b. Identify how places on earth may be
located using coordinate system.
•Listen carefully when I am talking.
•Do not be noisy when doing activities unless necessary.
•Come to me if you have questions or clarifications.
•Raise you hand if you want to answer or excuse yourself.


Yes teacher Jessel.

So last meeting you had your examination, I hope you guys got
a high score. - Transverse Wave and Longitudinal Wave.
As a review let us play a game "un-shuffled me!".


Before we start our discussion I want you to go to your group in 20seconds. I see that everyone is settled so for our initial activity
today, as a group match column A with column B.

Match Column A with column B

Answer Key

1. D

2. A

3. C

4. B

Base on the activity you had, what do you think will be out
topic today? -

Have you ever wondered why different places have different

whether? Why other countries experience snow while here in - Because of the position of a place or country on the Earth.
the Philippines we doesn't experience snow?

Very good this phenomenon has something to do with the

position of a place or country on Earth.

But how can we find the position of a place? - Use compass, radar ,gps, globe,map

okay every good later on we will know how to locate or find

the position of a place using our available material which is
the globe.

A globe is a three dimensional spherical model that

represents the whole earth .

Class observe the globe , what do you notice? - it has lines

-Lines interesect with each other

Can we see this line on our Earth? - no because it is just an imaginary line. And is important in
locating places on Earth.
Class what do you think this Horizontal line is called? -Latitude
How about this Vertical line? -Longitude

Very good when we say Latitude? -Horizontal line from east to west of a map or a globe.

How about this line here located at the center what is this? -Equator the starting line of Latitude, read as 0° Latitude. It
Divides the earth Northern and Southern Hemisphere.
Where do you think os the Northern and Southern
Hemisphere? -Nothern is located about the equator up to the north pole,
extend above the equator to 90° going up.
- Southern is located below the equator down to South pole,
This Notable latitude are given special names. And the extends below 90° going down.
latitude of a place has something to do with it's Climate.

The part of the world between tropic cancer and Capricorn is

called tropics countries in this area experience what -Tropical climate where annual temperature is above 18°C.
climate ? This is the reason why Philippines is a tropical county

And between tropical Cancer and Arctic Circle is the northern

temperature zone.

And between a Capricorn and Antarctic Circle is the southern

temperature zone. And County that are located here
experience 4 seasons, who can name this 4 season?
-winter,spring,summer, autumn

Areas within the Arctic circle and Antarctica circle are called
polar/ frigid zone. What do you think is the temperature they
-They experience cold temperature all year round.
So base on this we can say that the closer the Latitude to the
Equator,the warmer the temperature. And the closer to poles
the colder the temperature.

Now we have here the Vertical line, what do you think this
line is called?
The vertical imaginary line from north to south, this line extend
When we say Latitude we call this like Equator, how about in form pole to pole.
-Prime meridian
- Located on 0° refered to as 0° Longitude.
-Divides the Earth into another pair of hemisphere the
When we say Western Hemisphere it is from Prime meridian Western and Eastern Hemisphere.
meridian to 180° going left.

How about Eastern Hemisphere?

-from prime meridian to 180° going right
This time we are going to locate a place using

Geographic Coordinate system

- System to locate places using the degree of latitude and
-Uses the equator as reference point for Longitude.
-And uses the prime meridian as reference point for longitude.
so to locate a place we need to know the coordinates of point
through which the latitude and longitude intersects.

ex. 30°S, 60°W

1st: Specify which Hemisphere
-Since the given is 30°S then we locate it below the equator.

2nd: Determine the value of Latitude

- In this case it is 30° so the location of latitude is in this point.

3rd: Draw a horizontal line from the point

4th: Find the location of Longitude

- Since it is 60° W , therefore is is located on the left side of
prime meridian.

5th: Determine the value of Longitude

- And in this case we have 60° so the point is in this area.

6th: Draw a Vertical line from 60° point.

7th: The point where the Horizontal and Vertical line intersect
is the place that we are looking.
Group Activity

Locate the Country using 13°N, 122° E coordinates



-Latitudes and Longitude represent degrees and represent

the exact place on Earth.

- When Latitude and Longitude are combined, we can locate

any place on a map or globe.

-There are two imaginary lines, the longitude and latitude.

-The equator is located on zero-degree Latitude, dividing the

globe into the northern and southern hemisphere.

-The prime meridian is also located on zero-degree latitude,

divide the globe or map into western and southern

Evaluating learnings: Formative Assessment

True or False

F 1. Latitude and Longitude coordinates cannot help locate a country .

T 2. Prime Meridian is the starting point of Longitude.
T 3. Latitude does not meet the pole.
F 4. Longitude are Parallel to the equator.
T 5. Equator The Starting Line of Latitude.

Prepared by:

Jessel R. Jabiniar

Student Teacher

Checked and observed by:

Benedicta Cuarez

Teacher III

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