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ED 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning Subject Area Dramatic Arts

Grade Level Level I (Grade 7)

Unit Assessment Plan
Topic Speech
Length of Unit 10 days
Rachel Nibogie, January 31st, 2024 (days)

Stage 1: Desired Results

General Outcomes (in full):
Speech is the exploration of talking and speaking to meet the demands of verbal communication. It examines
interpretation, the mechanisms of control of vocal delivery, and acknowledges the importance of listening
critically. The focus of speech instruction in junior high is on the effective communication of ideas, rather than
on the technical aspect of speech.
Understandings: Essential Questions:
● To meet the demands of verbal ● How does speaking in a spontaneous way help you to develop
communication your voice?
● Interpretation and exploring the ● What do you have to consider when doing breathing exercises,
mechanisms of control of vocal vocal warmups and protecting your voice?
delivery. ● How can the use of volume change and enhance verbal
● An Environment that fosters communication?
effective communication of ideas, ● How can experimentation with the potential sound effects of
rather than on the technical voice result in the communication of ideas rather than
aspects of speech. technical aspects of voice?
● How can volume, articulation, projection, rate, pause,
phrasing, pitch, and intonation meet the demands of verbal
● How can the mechanisms of control and vocal delivery
enhance storytelling within Drama?
Specific Outcomes (in full): Prior understanding…
Level I ● Students could have known about instances such as,
1.) Speak Spontaneously spontaneous speaking and the concept of warm up from other
2.) Use Vocal Relaxation and Warm units within drama for Jr. high.
Up Techniques ● How much students know depends on if they were taught
3.) Use Effective Breathing drama in elementary school. The elementary curriculum goes
into breathing exercises, articulation, storytelling, radio shows,
4.) Recognize the need to control and
protect the voice.
and vocal warmups/ tongue twisters.
5.) Use volume appropriate to the ● It should be noted however, that this unit is likely the first
situation. introduction to voice for many students as drama is typically
6.) Create vocal sound effects to not a focus in elementary school. Therefore, this unit should be
explore voice potential. treated as an introduction of voice.
7.) Understand volume, articulation, Where does this lead? (Future outcomes in the same course, following
projection, rate, pause, phrasing, grade-level classes, etc.)
pitch, and intonation. - In Level II students explore more about how volume,
articulations and projection achieve clarity. They also focus on
mood, phrasing of words, the stage whisper, pitch, and
experiment with character voices.
- In Level III students will focus more on voice and character
interpretation, movement in relation to speech, interpret personal
pitch, rate, volume, and intonation and vocal qualities through
EDUC 3604 – Unit Assessment Plan Template
Adapted from Understanding by Design (2005) by Wiggins and McTighe
ED 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning Subject Area Dramatic Arts
Grade Level Level I (Grade 7)
Unit Assessment Plan
Topic Speech
Length of Unit 10 days
Rachel Nibogie, January 31st, 2024 (days)

critical listening, and apply skills in a variety of speaking


EDUC 3604 – Unit Assessment Plan Template

Adapted from Understanding by Design (2005) by Wiggins and McTighe
ED 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning Subject Area Dramatic Arts
Grade Level Level I (Grade 7)
Unit Assessment Plan
Topic Speech
Length of Unit 10 days
Rachel Nibogie, January 31st, 2024 (days)

Stage 2: Assessments
Teacher Share/ Four Student Final Journal
Title Exit Slips
Observation Class Corners Participation Performance Entries
Learning Outcomes Discussions
Formative Formative Formative Formative Summative Summative Summative
Weighting N/A N/A N/A N/A 20% 30% 50%

1.) Speaking spontaneously X X X X X

2.) Use vocal relaxation and warm up

techniques. X X X X X

3.) Use Effective breathing techniques X X X X X

4.) Use techniques of storytelling. X X X X X X

5.) Recognize the need to control and protect the


6.) Use volume appropriate to Situation X X X X X X

7.) Create vocal sound effects to explore voice


8.) Understand volume, articulation, projection,

rate, pause, phrasing, pitch, and intonation.
ED 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning Subject Area Dramatic Arts
Grade Level Level I (Grade 7)
Unit Assessment Plan
Topic Speech
Length of Unit 10 days
Rachel Nibogie, January 31st, 2024 (days)

Assessment Assessment Assessment OF

Brief Description FOR Learning Learning
Allow time for students to work on certain techniques
that have been introduced in the class on their own. As
they work, take notes on how individuals and the class
are interacting with the material and if they seem to be
Teacher grasping the concepts. This can also be an opportunity
Observation to take notes on student participation (therefore could
lead to formative assessment). If students are not
understanding what they are meant to be doing,
re-explain. Use this opportunity to give teacher
feedback accordingly and to teachers' own discretion.
To be conducted at the end of each class to get an
understanding of where students are at with the
Questions can be related, modified, or the same as the
essential questions. For example,
● How do breathing exercises and warmups control,
protect and aid in the delivery of our voice?
● A more open-ended question related to this one
Exit Slips FOR
could be: What kind of techniques were the most
helpful for you when protecting your voice?
If students have not grasped the concept from the
last class based on the exit slips, revisit the
material in the next class.
This will be a part of the formative assessment as
students will have the option to make their exit
slips as part of their journal entries.
Classroom discussions on its own allows students the
opportunity to bounce ideas off one another and have
their minds focused on the topic at hand. The
think-pair-share is an additional aid during classroom
discussions that has everyone involved and allows
students to share their ideas with peers. This also
gives the teacher an idea to what extent the classroom
e/ Classroom FOR
understands the concepts that are being taught in that
- I applied this assessment strategy to outcomes
that lend themselves better to less physical
action and outcomes that needed some
explaining before getting up on feet.
An example of a question to ask the class is:
ED 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning Subject Area Dramatic Arts
Grade Level Level I (Grade 7)
Unit Assessment Plan
Topic Speech
Length of Unit 10 days
Rachel Nibogie, January 31st, 2024 (days)

- “What role can volume play when using our

voice in a theatrical way?”
“Four corners” is another activity that can lend itself
well to classroom discussions but has been applied to
outcomes that could be taught in a more physical way
as part of the process.
An example of a question to ask the class is:
“Who thinks they know the proper routine for
Four Corners FOR
a breathing exercise?”
“Those who are confident they know got to
“this corner”, those who don’t “this corner”,
those that think they might know but are not
confident “this corner”, Those that might know
a little bit “This corner”.”
Students will be marked based on how much they
participate or engage in the material of the unit. If
students are shy, they can complete another
assignment or talk to the teacher if their involvement
is low. OF
This should encourage students to be attentive in the
material and engage in the process of developing one’s
voice. Drama is very much about the process and if
you are not involved there is less learning happening.
Students will create a story using their voice. They
will have to write a 5-minute monologue, soundscape,
or a mix of these two to demonstrate what kind of
Final voice techniques they have learned.
Performance Students should use the opportunity to demonstrate
the outcomes of the voice unit that are more technical.
The teacher will mark them based on how well they
implement what we have learned in class.
Students will have kept a journal throughout the unit
and will have time in class to reflect on what they
have learned throughout the class. In their journals
students will have the opportunity to first write their
exit slip. The teacher will read what they give written
feedback on how they can expand on their learning.
Journal Entries OF
Students then have time to go back and expand on
what they have written. Journal entries should be
about 100 words.
On the day of presentations, as opposed to a 100 word
journal entry, students will have to provide feedback
on each of their peers' presentations. This could be a
ED 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning Subject Area Dramatic Arts
Grade Level Level I (Grade 7)
Unit Assessment Plan
Topic Speech
Length of Unit 10 days
Rachel Nibogie, January 31st, 2024 (days)

one sentence piece of feedback with the sentence stem

“Don’t take for granted…..”

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