Ocean Conservation-1

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Ocean conservation is protection, restoration, and sustainable management of marine

environments, including oceans, seas, and coastal areas. Marine ecosystems, which include

oceans, seas, and coastal areas, are under increasing pressure due to climate change. Climate

change impacts the ocean in various ways, including ocean acidification, coral bleaching, and sea

level rise (Wilson, Kristen L., et al., 2018). These changes not only harm marine life but also

have broader consequences for human societies that depend on ocean for food, livelihoods, and

other ecosystem services. In response, ocean conservation effort is crucial to mitigate these

impacts and preserve the health and resilience of marine ecosystems.

Impact of climate change on marine ecosystems, including ocean acidification, coral

bleaching, and sea level rise.

Ocean acidification, as atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels increase, more CO2 is

absorbed by ocean, leading to ocean acidification. Ocean acidification poses a threat to marine

organisms with calcium carbonate shells or skeletons such as carols, mollusks and some

planktonic species. Acidic conditions make it more difficult for these organisms to build and

maintain their structures, potentially leading to reduced population and impacts on entire marine

food webs.
Coral bleaching, corals are highly sensitive to changes in water temperature and acidity.

When water temperatures rise, corals expel the algae living within their tissues, resulting in coral

bleaching. Prolonged bleaching events can lead to coral death, which can have cascading effects

on the entire ecosystem, impacting biodiversity and fisheries.

Sea level rise, global warming leads to the melting of polar ice caps and glaciers

contributing to the rising of the sea level. Sea level rise increase the risk of coastal flooding,

erosion and loss of coastal hesitance. Change in sea level also affect ocean circulation patterns,

impacting marine ecosystem and species distributions.

Importance of ocean conservation efforts.

Ocean conservation efforts are essential to address the impacts of climate change on

marine ecosystems. Conservation measures can include protecting and restoring marine habitats,

implementing sustainable fishing practices, reducing pollution and promoting climate resilience.

Healthy marine ecosystems are crucial for sustaining marine biodiversity, supporting fisheries

and providing ecosystem services like carbon storage and coastal protection. Effective ocean

conservation can help build resilience in marine ecosystems, enabling them to better cope with

the impacts of climate change.


In conclusion, climate change poses significant challenges to marine ecosystems and it is

essential to prioritize ocean conservation efforts to mitigate these impacts. Protecting and

restoring marine habitats, promoting sustainable practices and reducing greenhouse gas

emissions are critical steps to safeguarding the health and resilience of marine ecosystems for

current and future generations.


Wilson, Kristen L., et al. “Incorporating climate change adaptation into marine

protected area planning ."Global Change Biology ,26(6),3251-3267.

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