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The Role of Imagery in Performance

Chapter · January 2012

DOI: 10.13140/2.1.3274.5925

76 39,965

2 authors:

Jennifer Cumming Sarah E Williams

University of Birmingham University of Birmingham


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The Role of Imagery in Performance

Jennifer Cumming and Sarah E. Williams

Imagery is both a fundamental cognitive process for producing motor actions and a performance-
enhancing technique widely used by athletes and dancers. In this chapter, we review findings from
basic and applied research to comprehensively define imagery and describe its key characteristics.
Using a cognitive neuroscience explanation, we discuss how imagery is involved with motor
skill performance and the practical implications for this explanation in planning more effective
interventions through application of the PETTLEP model (Holmes & Collins, 2001). We also focus on
the development of imagery ability, an important individual difference variable impacting the value of
imagery, and discuss how certain aspects of this characteristic can be improved. We then describe
other imagery outcomes and offer a revised model based on our review to guide further research
and application. We conclude with future directions for imagery research and its practical use for
performers, including contemporary issues to be addressed by researchers in the field.
Key Words: Functional equivalence, modality, perspective, agency, angle, deliberation, learning,
performance, application, PETTLEP, applied model of imagery use

Imagery is a cognitive process fundamental to neuropsychology, neurophysiology, neurorehabili-

motor learning and performance. When we con- tation, motor learning, motor control, and physio-
sciously internally represent an action through therapy (Lotze & Halsband, 2006; Munzert et al.,
imagery, the same brain areas involved in the 2009; Murphy & Martin, 2002).
unconscious planning and execution of movements Imagery is also a mental technique that can be
are activated (Lotze & Halsband, 2006; Munzert, refined with practice and utilized in many ways. It is
Lorey, & Zentgraf, 2009). Importantly, imagery a well-known performance-enhancing strategy and
shares neural and behavioral similarity to the gen- extensively used in applied fields, particularly sport,
uine experience. This functional relationship pro- dance, and exercise psychology (for a review, see
vides researchers with a direct approach to studying Cumming & Ramsey, 2009; Murphy, Nordin, &
covert motor processes important in everyday life, Cumming, 2008; Weinberg, 2008). A main func-
such as anticipating the effects of an action, pre- tion of imagery is to aid self-regulation of thoughts,
paring or intending to move, learning or relearning feelings, and behaviors, and it is a characteristic
motor skills (e.g., recovery after stoke), or remem- of successful performers (e.g., Cumming & Hall,
bering an action (Jeannerod, 1995). Due to this 2002; Orlick & Partington, 1988; Salmon, Hall, &
wide application and ability to gain insights into Haslam, 1994). Many anecdotal reports exist from
underlying mechanisms, imagery is of interest to elite athletes and dancers describing the significant
a range of fields including cognitive psychology, role played by imagery in their preparation for top


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performances. For example, sprinter John Regis varies depending on the purpose for which the
described training for a major championship by, imagery description is used” (p. 14), which makes
“imaging the perfect race and the feeling I got when it difficult for authors to select a single conceptu-
I was running the perfect race. When that happens alization of the construct. A consistent theme is to
it’s called being in the zone, because you just don’t consider imagery as a mental activity involving the
seem able to lose or run badly” (Grout & Perrin, internal representations of information without the
2004, p. 103). stimulus present (Moran, 2009). Recently, Holmes
In this chapter, we pull from varied research areas and Calmels (2008) adapted Morris et al.’s working
to offer different perspectives on imagery and more definition to account for neuroscientific evidence of
fully describe this dynamic, complex, and ubiqui- the shared neural activation between imagery and
tous construct. We begin by providing a definition physically executed behavior:
to explain five key characteristics of the imagery
Imagery, in the context of sport, may be considered
process. Using a cognitive neuroscience explanation,
as the neural generation or regeneration of parts
we discuss how imagery is involved with motor skill
of a brain representation/neural network involving
performance and the practical implications for cre-
primarily top-down sensorial, perceptual and
ating more effective imagery. Our discussion then
affective characteristics, that are primarily under the
broadens to include other imagery outcomes, and
conscious control of the imager and which may occur
we offer a revised model to guide further research
in the absence of perceptual afference functionally
and application. We conclude with several contem-
equivalent to the actual sporting experience.
porary issues to provide direction for future investi-
(Holmes & Calmels, 2008, p. 433)
gations in the field.
We will use this definition as the starting point
Defining Imagery and Its Characteristics for describing five key characteristics of the imag-
Defining the term “imagery” has not proved to be ery process: modality, perspective, angle, agency,
a simple or easy task. Many definitions offer different and deliberation (see Table 11.1 for a summary).
descriptions of what imagery entails and explana- Although a sport setting is specified, this definition
tions about its many functions. Morris, Spittle, and applies to the range of performance circumstances
Watt (2005) explain “the focus of each definition discussed in this chapter.

Table 11.1 Key characteristics of the imagery process

Characteristic Definition Components

Modality The sensory modality (or modalities) involved. Auditory


Perspective The visual perspective adopted. 1PP (internal visual imagery)

3PP (external visual imagery)

Angle The viewing angle when imaging in 3PP. Above

Side on (from right or left)*

Agency The author or agent of the behavior being imaged. Self


Deliberation The degree to which imagery is consciously and purposefully Spontaneous or triggered
employed. Deliberate mental practice

For a more extensive list of viewing angles, see Callow, N. & Roberts, R. (2010). Imagery research: An investigation of three issues. Psychology
of Sport and Exercise, 11, 325–329.

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At its most basic level, Holmes and Calmels Particularly in the case of the 3PP, single or mul-
describe imagery as a top-down, knowledge-driven tiple angles can be adopted to provide individuals
process. The starting point for image generation is with additional visual information about the move-
typically, but not necessarily, when individuals close ment to be performed (Holmes & Calmels, 2008).
their eyes (Holmes & Camels, 2008). Information Professional dancers interviewed by Nordin and
is then retrieved from long-term memory to use Cumming (2005b) described seeing themselves
within working memory to create or recreate an from above and/or diagonally, as well as experienc-
experience (e.g., Morris et al., 2005). It is here ing both visual perspectives simultaneously. More
where other imagery subprocesses occur, namely recently, Callow and Roberts (2010) reported ten
image transformation (i.e., rotate or modify the different viewing angles employed by participants
characteristics of an image), image scanning (e.g., when they completed the external visual imagery
detect details in the image), and image maintenance subscale of the Vividness of Movement Imagery
(e.g., sustain images for a period of time). Imagery Questionnaire-2 (VMIQ-2; Roberts, Callow, Hardy,
is therefore dynamic in nature, involving other cog- Markland, & Bringer, 2008). The four most reported
nitive processes such as memory. It is also not lim- angles were behind, in front, side on from the left,
ited to recalling information from the past, but also and side on from the right. From this research and
allows individuals to create new experiences that anecdotal reports (e.g., Holmes & Calmels, 2008),
have not yet occurred (Denis, 1985). it is evident that performers transform or rotate
Another element of Holmes and Calmels’ images to take advantage of different viewing angles.
(2008) definition is the idea that imagery is a quasi- They also alternate between viewing perspectives as
sensory or perception-like process happening in it suits the nature of the task and/or their stage of
the absence of any external stimulus input (also see learning.
Kosslyn, Thompson, & Ganis, 2006; Richardson, Although hypotheses are less advanced for view-
1969). The imagined perceptual experience can ing angle, 1PP has been found to benefit simple,
occur in different sensory modalities; namely, audi- well-learned tasks and those depending on percep-
tory, gustatory, kinesthetic, olfactory, tactile, and tual information (e.g., anticipating the direction of
visual. Visual imagery is experienced as seeing with the ball when receiving a serve in tennis) whereas
the “mind’s eye,” auditory imagery is experienced 3PP is more useful for tasks emphasizing technical
as hearing with the “mind’s ear,” tactile imagery is form or body shape (e.g., the precise body move-
experienced as feeling with the “mind’s skin,” and so ments involved in performing a spiral sequence in
on (Kosslyn et al., 2006). Further, defining imagery figure skating) (Hardy, 1997). It is plausible that
as a multisensory construct is also consistent with specific or multiple angles may further enhance the
how athletes, dancers, and exercisers describe their effects of 3PP for form-based tasks by providing the
imagery experiences (Driediger, Hall, & Callow, imager with visual information not otherwise acces-
2006; Munroe, Giacobbi, Hall, & Weinberg, 2000; sible to them in 1PP. For example, a ballet dancer
Nordin & Cumming, 2005b; Short, Hall, Engel, & may image herself from behind, the front, and the
Nigg, 2004). side to analyze her body position when performing
When imagery pertains to simulating an action an attitude or développé. Further, utilizing differ-
or movement, the focus is typically on visual and ent viewing angles might aid in the learning and
kinesthetic modalities. The visual representation memorization of tactics and strategies. As another
contains information about what the individual example, viewing the football pitch from above may
“sees” in the image (e.g., your club head making help a player to understand where his needs to be
contact with the ball when playing golf ), and this positioned in relation to his teammates.
can be viewed from either a first-person (1PP) or In addition to viewing perspective and angle, it
third-person perspective (3PP). In 1PP, also known is also important to clarify the behavioral agency
as internal visual imagery, the movement is imaged or authorship of the visual image. Individuals can
as if the individual is taking part in the actual action; image their own performance or that of another
that is, through their own eyes. By comparison, the person (Holmes & Calmels, 2008; Ruby & Decety,
individual would occupy the position of an observer 2001). 1PP is typically associated with the self being
in the 3PP and image the action from outside of his the agent of one’s behavior, but this can also refer to
or her own body; that is, as if watching themselves adopting the perspective of someone else. The latter
performing on television or on a stage. For this rea- allows the individual to put him- or herself in the
son, 3PP is also known as external visual imagery. place of another person (e.g., “put yourself in their

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shoes”) to predict and understand the actions of their imagery experiences. For the sake of clarity in
others (Jeannerod, 2006). In 3PP, either the self or research, as well as applied settings, what is meant
another person can be seen as the agent of the behav- by “feel” should be specifically defined for, or by,
ior. For example, a basketball player might mentally participants.
create a scene involving his or her team member A conceptual distinction between imagery modal-
successfully performing a foul shot and view it from ity and perspective is also needed because the term
the position he or she normally occupies on the “internal imagery” has historically been equated
court. Imagery research can sometimes be ambigu- with kinesthetic imagery. The confusion likely stems
ous as to whether 3PP is referring to the self or other from Mahoney and Avener’s (1977) seminal paper
performing the action, and this lack of distinction highlighting imagery as an internal characteristic of
may potentially confound study results. At a neural successful gymnasts at the 1976 U.S. Olympic tri-
level, behavioral agency can be distinguished with als. Although Mahoney and Avener defined internal
brain imaging techniques such as functional mag- imagery as “being inside his/her body and experienc-
netic resonance imaging (fMRI), positron emission ing those sensations which might be expected in
tomography (PET), or transcranial magnetic stimu- the real life situation” (p. 137), the gymnasts were
lation (TMS). Using PET, Ruby and Decety (2001) asked whether they experienced what the image
asked participants to image either themselves or the would feel like in their muscles (i.e., kinesthetic
experimenter performing a given action, in this case, imagery). Subsequent research has not always found
acting with a particular object (e.g., a razor, shovel, internal imagery to be favored by successful per-
or ball). Although an overlap in neural networks formers (Ungerleider & Golding, 1991). It is also
was found, distinctive areas were activated during now well established that individuals are capable of
the internal representation of self-produced actions experiencing kinesthetic sensations when imaging
compared to when simulating the actions generated from an external visual perspective (Cumming &
by others. Imaging oneself making the action mir- Ste-Marie, 2001). For these reasons, imagery per-
rored the pattern found during actual execution of spective is now more appropriately considered the
the movement, whereas imaging others generating viewpoint that an individual takes during imagery
the action was akin to activation occurring when rather than the sensory modality involved (Hardy,
individuals watch the movements of others. 1997; Morris et al., 2005).
The kinesthetic modality of movement imag- Importantly, individuals can detect a difference
ery involves representing the sensations of how it between visual and kinesthetic imagery, but these
“feels” to perform an action, such as the tension in modalities do not occur in isolation. It is possible
your muscles when they contract as you run up a to experience more than one modality simulta-
flight of stairs. This internal feel involves an aware- neously and shift attention between modalities as
ness of the position and movements of the parts of instructed (Munzert et al., 2009). When complet-
the body, known as proprioception or kinesthesia, as ing the Movement Imagery Questionnaire-Revised
well as the force and effort perceived during move- (MIQ-R; Hall & Martin, 1997), participants are
ment and effort (Callow & Waters, 2005). It may asked to rate their ease of “seeing” and “feeling”
also consist of other types of feelings relevant to the four movements (knee raise, arm movement, waist
performer or nature of the task. Qualitative research bend, and jump). Although scores for visual and
suggests that imaged feelings also include physio- kinesthetic imagery ability tend to be positively cor-
logical responses (e.g., changes in heart rate or body related with each other, the strength of this relation-
temperature), pain and healing (e.g., imaging how a ship is only moderate in nature (r = .44; Hall &
ligament tear feels and how it heals during the reha- Martin, 1997). From a psychometric point of view,
bilitation process), emotions (e.g., feeling happy), visual and kinesthetic imagery of movement appear
rhythm and timing (e.g., imaging in slow or fast to be separate but related constructs.
motion), weight (e.g., feeling light or heavy), and Further, there is evidence that visual and kines-
spatial awareness (e.g., bodily position and/or posi- thetic imagery are neurally discernible (e.g., Guillot
tion in relation to other objects) (Callow & Waters, et al., 2009). Using fMRI, Guillot et al. revealed
2005; Driediger et al., 2006; Nordin & Cumming, a divergent pattern of increased brain activation in
2005b). Thus, many interpretations may result skilled imagers following instructions to first-person
when performers are asked to rate how easy or dif- visually or kinesthetically image a finger sequence
ficult it is for them to feel an image, such as when consisting of eight moves. Both types of imagery
asked to complete manipulation checks about shared common activations related to movement

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(i.e., lateral premotor cortex), but areas involved activity is under voluntary control and requires skill,
with visual perception (i.e., the occipital regions and effort, and concentration on the part of the indi-
the superior parietal lobules) yielded more activity vidual to generate, transform, inspect, and maintain
during visual imagery, whereas kinesthetic imagery images (Cumming & Hall, 2002; Cumming, Hall,
resulted in greater activity in structures associated & Starkes, 2005). Performers, particularly those at
with motor processes (i.e., the inferior parietal lob- an elite level, will engage in regular imagery ses-
ule). The authors concluded that individuals are able sions that are planned in advance (e.g., what they
to selectively attend to one sensory modality when will image and for how long) (e.g., Nordin et al.,
generating an image, but will still have a general 2006; Orlick & Partington, 1988). These variations
mental representation of the movement regardless in deliberation led Cumming and Ramsey (2009)
of whether the sensory modality is visual or kines- to caution researchers in their employment of “use”
thetic. This finding also helps clarify the concept when describing performers’ imagery. This term
of motor imagery, which Moran (2009) argues has implies that deliberate intention was involved in the
been too narrowly defined by cognitive neuroscien- imagery process, when the images may have been
tists. It is a commonly used term, but there is no unexpectedly generated.
definite agreement on how it should be defined. For In conclusion, the many definitions and concep-
example, Decety (1996) describes motor imagery as tualizations of imagery have enabled us to describe
being comparable, “to the so-called internal imagery this complex and multifaceted cognitive process,
(or first person perspective) of sport psychologists” with particular attention paid to five key charac-
(p. 87). Jeannerod (1994) takes a more general teristics to consider in research and applied settings
approach by explaining motor imagery as the men- (i.e., modality, perspective, angle, agency, and delib-
tal representation of an overt action without associ- eration). In the next section, we turn our attention
ated movement. The extant fMRI evidence makes it to explaining how imagery is involved with perfor-
clear that motor images do consist of both visual and mance by further expanding on the neuroscientific
kinesthetic representations. Thus, motor imagery is evidence introduced earlier.
probably most appropriately defined by describ-
ing content rather than the modality, perspective, How Imagery Is Involved with Performance
or agency involved. However, to avoid confusion, To elucidate how imagery can enhance perfor-
these latter characteristics should be specified when mance, in this next section we introduce its hypoth-
providing instructions to research participants or esized functional equivalence to motor behavior and
performers in applied settings. describe the different brain processes involved. We
The final characteristic of imagery discussed here define neural plasticity and explain how the brain
is that it differs from dreaming because individuals changes when we learn a skill. The role played by
are awake and conscious when generating images imagery during the acquisition and execution of
(White & Hardy, 1998). How aware and purpose- physical skills is discussed with specific mention
ful individuals are about this process ranges on a to the use of pre-performance imagery to prime or
continuum of deliberation (Nordin, Cumming, stimulate subsequent movement. Finally, we explain
Vincent, & McGrory, 2006). At one end of the how the degree of functional equivalence between
continuum, images are spontaneously generated in imagery and physical performance affects imagery
response to a trigger and not necessarily experienced effectiveness.
at a high level of awareness (Nordin & Cumming,
2005b). Triggers can be internal, including perform- Functional Equivalence
ing actions, talking to oneself, a particular sensation Imagery has long been acknowledged to bene-
(e.g., hearing a piece of music), or physiological fit motor learning and performance, but few theo-
responses (e.g., heart beating). External cues might ries have satisfactorily accounted for how it works
involve watching others live or on videotape, as well (Murphy et al., 2008). As neuroimaging techniques
as writing, reading, watching television, or a viewing (e.g., PET and fMRI) have become more widely
a photograph. Most images that people experience available, advancement into the underlying mecha-
on an everyday basis are spontaneous in nature and nism has been made by the detection of a degree of
not generated with any particular purpose in mind neural overlap between imagery and the preparation
(e.g., Vecchio & Bonifacio, 1997). In contrast, at and production of actual movements. This similar-
the other end of the continuum is deliberate and ity is known as functional equivalence because imag-
systematic imagery practice. This type of mental ery is in some ways equivalent to motor behavior

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(Johnson, 1982). Both share common brain areas with greater walking distance (Decety, Jeannerod,
and many of the same properties (Lotze & Halsband, & Prablanc, 1989). This speed–accuracy tradeoff,
2006; Lotze & Zentgraf, 2010; MacIntyre & described as Fitt’s Law, demonstrates how imaged
Moran, 2010; Munzert et al., 2009). Applying also movement adheres to the same biomechanical rules
to observation of movement (see McCullagh, Law, as actual movement.
& Ste-Marie, 2012, Chapter 13 this volume), when A perceptual functional equivalence also exists
we image movement, the motor and motor-related with imagery and like-sensory modalities (e.g.,
areas of the cerebral cortex are activated, including vision and visual imagery). An overlap in neu-
the primary motor cortex (M1), premotor areas ral activity has been demonstrated for imagery of
(e.g., supplementary motor area, premotor cortex), specific senses, including visual imagery (Kosslyn,
primary somatosensory cortex, parts of the parie- Thompson, & Alpert, 1997), auditory imagery
tal lobe, and subcortical areas of the cerebellum and (Halpern & Zatorre, 1999), and olfactory imag-
basal ganglia. There is some dispute over whether ery (Djordjevic, Zatorre, Petrides, Boyle, & Jones-
activation in the primary motor cortex is due to Gotman, 2005). Therefore, to see with the “mind’s
imagery or caused by inhibition of movement exe- eye,” hear with the “mind’s ear,” and so on, the same
cution (Lotze & Halsband, 2006). It is also nota- neural processes involved in actual perception are
ble that distinctions can be made between imagery drawn upon to recreate these experiences (Murphy
and execution in specific brain areas. For example, et al., 2008). These findings led Kosslyn et al. to
Gerardin et al. (2000) observed different parts of conclude that “imagery, in many ways, can stand in
the striatum active. Even though imagery and exe- for a perceptual stimulus or situation” (p. 641).
cution share many anatomical substrates, it would
therefore be misleading to suggest these were iden- Effect of Imagery on Physical Performance
tical or to claim complete functional equivalence After establishing the many similarities between
(Holmes & Calmels, 2008). movement imagery and actual movement, we
Functional equivalence is also evident by the will next consider how this co-activation leads to
physiological responses elicited during imagery mir- improvements in movement execution and sport-
roring actual behavior. Electromyographic (EMG) ing performance. When learning a new motor skill,
activity recorded during imagery of sporting scenar- various changes are thought to occur in the brain,
ios is reflective of the muscle activity expected in the including a strengthening of neuronal connections,
actual situation (e.g., Bird, 1984). During mental the addition or removal of connections, and new
imagery of lifting a dumbbell, Guillot et al. (2007) cell formation. This reorganization is often termed
found EMG activation in the nine upper arm mus- plasticity and includes both short- and long-term
cles to correlate with actual physical movement. changes (for a review, see Holmes, Cumming, &
Further, responses generated in the muscle cells dur- Edwards, 2010). Short-term changes appear to be
ing imagery were reflective of task demands. When a result of the strengthening in neural connections
participants imaged lifting a heavier weight, they leading to changes in the borders of motor maps.
experienced a greater increase in EMG activity com- For example, participants who physically performed
pared to imagery of a lighter weight. Imagery also repetitive synchronized thumb abductions and foot
produces cardiovascular and respiratory responses. extensions experienced a shift in the thumb motor
Again reflecting the imaged content, Wuyam et al. map toward the foot motor map (Liepert, Terborg,
(1995) reported individual’s breathing frequency & Weiller, 1999). Liepert et al. explained the change,
during imagery of themselves exercising to correlate which occurred after only 120 synchronized move-
with the imaged exercise intensity. ments, as being due to the interactions between the
Further support for the functional equivalence areas of hand and foot representation in the motor
hypothesis is by the preservation of the tempo- cortex. Long-term changes are thought to occur
ral characteristics of movements during imagery. from the development and formation of synapses
Mental chronometric studies have showed that (Holmes et al., 2010). There also appears to be more
movement imagery duration is similar to the time economic neural activity following extended skill
it takes to execute that same movement (Guillot learning. Hatfield, Haufler, and Spalding (2006)
& Collet, 2005). A classic example involved proposed that skilled performers eliminate task-
blindfolded participants either walking or imag- irrelevant cerebral cortical and subcortical connec-
ing walking a variety of distances. Results revealed tions to experience a reduction in the complexity of
both actual and imaged movement times increased motor control processes organization. Thus, brain

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activation of a skilled performer will appear differ- studies have consistently demonstrated the benefits
ent when performing a motor skill from their set of of using imagery immediately prior to movement
expert skills compared to a novice performer. execution for different sport skills, including golf
All these changes in neural plasticity, both putting (Short et al., 2002), dart throwing (Nordin
short- and long-term, are due to activation of the & Cumming, 2005a), table tennis (e.g., Li-Wei,
relevant neural areas through execution of the Qi-Wei, Orlick, & Zitzelsberger, 1992), and ten-
movement. Imagery may also contribute to brain nis (e.g., Robin et al., 2007). It should be noted
reorganization, as suggested by Kosslyn, Ganis, and that, as well as facilitating performance, Nordin
Thompson (2001), “imaging, making movements and Cumming (2005a) demonstrated how imag-
might exercise the relevant brain areas . . . which in ery can also prime a debilitation to performance.
turn facilitate performance” (p. 639). Only a few In their study, when participants imaged incorrectly
studies have investigated whether imaging move- performing a dart throwing task, they experienced a
ments leads to permanent neural plastic changes subsequent reduction in performance.
(e.g., Nyberg, Eriksson, Larsson, & Marklund, When considering together the immediate
2006). For example, Nyberg et al. (2006) found effects imagery can have on performance and those
imagery of a novel finger tapping sequence to pro- benefits occurring from changes in neural plastic-
duce neuroplastic changes in the absence of physi- ity over time, this research tells us that the areas of
cal practice, demonstrating perhaps why imagery is brain activation during imagery should be as sim-
an effective method for the learning of skills. These ilar as possible to those active during execution of
important findings have also led to imagery being the desired outcome. In the case of observation to
more commonly employed in the rehabilitation set- prime movement, a greater congruency between the
ting, particularly for helping stroke patients relearn prime (observed action) and subsequent execution
basic movements (for review, see Page, 2010). After of the action leads to better execution (e.g., Brass,
a stroke, individuals experience a reduction in motor Bekkering, & Prinz, 2001). The effectiveness of the
cortex excitability and decreases in the size of corti- observation prime is attributed to the greater over-
cal representations of paretic muscles (Liepert et al., lap in areas of brain activity during the prime and
1998). Through repetitive, task-specific, affected- the movement execution. A similar principle also
limb practice, the size of the brain regions repre- applies to imagery when it serves to prime move-
senting that particular limb increase and functional ment execution. Put another way, functional equiv-
changes occur (Dean & Shephard, 1997). Imagery alence can be increased at the representational level
is used as a supplement to this physical practice to by having images as congruent as possible to the
facilitate the neuroplasticity alterations obtained by movement to be performed. By creating greater
further activating the brain areas involved (Jackson, neural overlap during movement imagery, more of
Doyon, Richards, & Malouin, 2004). the neural processes involved in movement execu-
As well as leading to long-term changes in per- tion will be activated and subsequently strength-
formance, the co-activation between movement ened. We will explore how this may be done in the
imagery and execution allows imagery to provide subsequent section focusing on how to maximize
more immediate effects to subsequent performance the effectiveness of imagery interventions.
through its ability to “prime” the movement execu-
tion. Imagery is thought to activate and strengthen How and What to Image: Maximizing
the mental representations responsible for actual Effectiveness of Imagery Interventions
performance of the movement (Murphy et al., Having a better understanding of the mechanism
2008). Through this activation, the neurons respon- underlying imagery’s beneficial effects on perfor-
sible for movement are likely to be more prepared to mance enables researchers and practitioners to more
correctly activate during movement execution. This adequately apply imagery in a variety of settings. In
type of priming has been found for the neurally the following section, we discuss the practical impli-
similar cognitive activity of action observation; cations of the neuroscientific explanation presented
that is, observation of an action subsequently pro- above by reviewing the evidence for a model based
duced quicker and more accurate movements of upon it. The model, termed PETTLEP (Holmes &
the same action (e.g., Craighero, Fadiga, Umilta, & Collins, 2001, 2002), aims to improve imagery inter-
Rizzolatti, 1996). Less motor control research has ventions by maximizing the overlap in brain activa-
investigated the “priming” effects imagery has on tion between imaged and genuine behaviors. Our
movement execution. But, within the sport setting, main focus is how this model informs performance

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enhancement, but we also consider PETTLEP with & Ramsey, 2009; Holmes & Collins, 2001, 2002).
regards to the important role played by imagery as a The model also incorporates Lang’s (1977, 1979)
rehabilitation strategy. bioinformational theory by encouraging the ele-
Further capitalizing on the neuroscientific expla- ments to contain propositional information about
nation, we also examine how individual differences the stimulus (i.e., specific details concerning the
in imagery ability influence the impact of imag- stimuli in the environment including multisensory
ery interventions. It is apparent that high imagery information), response (i.e., the cognitive and behav-
ability is an advantageous attribute for performers ioral response of the individual to this stimulus),
but less clear is how this quality can be systemati- and meaning (i.e., the subjective interpretation of
cally improved. We propose methods for enhancing the response) of the imaged scene. To continue with
imagery ability based on cognitive neuroscience evi- the tennis example, the player might use imagery to
dence and outline the burgeoning evidence for this compare how he or she responds to easy and diffi-
research direction. cult serves and the resulting positive and/or negative
PETTLEP Model Evidence broadly supports the PETTLEP model
To maximize the potential for overlap in neu- and indicates its importance within sport settings.
ral activation between real and imaged behaviors, The physical and environment elements have been
the PETTLEP model encourages individuals to manipulated, either individually or in combination,
create conditions for imagery rehearsal that mim- to produce marked benefits compared to no imag-
ics as closely as possibly the circumstances of phys- ery placebo controls or traditional imagery condi-
ical practice or performance (Holmes & Collins, tions (Callow, Roberts, & Fawkes, 2006; Guillot,
2001, 2002). The model outlines seven elements Collet, & Dittmar, 2005; Smith, Wright, Allsopp,
to amplify the equivalence at the representational & Westhead, 2007; Smith, Wright, & Cantwell,
level between imagery and actual performance, with 2008). Less conclusive are the findings from stud-
every element represented by a different letter of the ies with a focus on the timing or emotion ele-
PETTLEP acronym: Physical, Environment, Task, ments (Forlenza, 2010; O & Munroe-Chandler,
Timing, Learning, Emotion, and Perspective. A def- 2008; Ramsey, Cumming, Edwards, Williams, &
inition of each element is provided in Table 11.2 Brunning, 2010). The PETTLEP model explains
and illustrated with the example of a tennis player that imaging in real time is desirable because it
attempting to improve return of serve via imagery closely mimics actual task demands. Yet, O and
(for further description elsewhere, see also Cumming Munroe-Chandler found improvements on a soccer

Table 11.2 Elements of the PETTLEP model

Element Definition Example

Physical Physical nature of imagery, including body Occupy position to receive serve while wearing
position, clothing, and sport equipment tennis clothes and holding his/her racquet.
specific to task/situation.

Environment Physical environment where imagery is Perform imagery on the tennis court where match
performed. will occur.

Task Characteristics of the task and expertise level. Preview shots typically made in response to serve.

Timing Temporal nature of imagery. Perform imagery in real-time.

Learning Imagery content evolves with learning and Makes technical correction to shots in response to
refinement of behavior. feedback.

Emotion Affective and emotional response to Feel positive, confident, and in control of the
situation. situation.

Perspective Visual perspective adopted (1PP vs. 3PP). View images through 3PP analyze body position
then switch to 1PP to anticipate service reception.

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dribbling task regardless of whether participants elements serves to closely approximate the real-life
imaged in real-time, slow-motion, or beginning in situation. However, Cumming and Ramsey (2009)
slow motion and concluding with real-time imag- pointed out certain circumstances, such as when ill,
ery. Because the task was novel for the perform- injured, traveling, or unable to access facilities, when
ers, slow motion imagery may have benefited their it may not be practical for performers to image in
learning to the same extent as the other timing con- the environment or be physically involved with the
ditions (Holmes & Collins, 2001). Whether imag- movement. In these situations, imagery has been
ing in slow motion similarly affects performance of advocated as a flexible substitute to physical prac-
well-learned tasks still remains to be investigated, tice for maintaining skill level, motivation, and self-
but Calmels and Fournier (2001) have shown that confidence (Hall, 2001). To optimize functional
experienced gymnasts will vary their imagery speed equivalence, performers could alternatively use
depending on the situation (e.g., training vs. com- pictures, sounds, video clips, and sport accessories
petition) and the function of the imagery (e.g., (e.g., clothing, equipment) to provide stimulus and
learning vs. managing pre-performance anxiety). response information for their imagery.
Their finding suggests that the timing element likely The amount of PETTLEP imagery also seems
needs to be considered in conjunction with other to matter. Wakefield and Smith (2009) found that
PETTLEP elements, particularly task and learning. imaging 20 netball shots three times a week was
The emotions experienced in response to a perfor- more effective than once or twice a week. Further,
mance situation are part of the network of response PETTLEP imagery is more effective when com-
propositions that individuals access for more vivid bined with physical practice (Smith et al., 2008).
and meaningful imagery (Lang, 1977, 1979). The Experienced golfers practiced 15 shots twice per
PETTLEP model advocates the inclusion of equiva- week for 6 weeks either by engaging in PETTLEP
lent emotions to those felt during the real-life situa- imagery only, physical practice only, or alternating
tion. This premise was tested by Ramsey et al. (2010) between PETTLEP imagery once per week and phys-
by comparing soccer players who received imagery ical practice once per week. The combined PETTLEP
scripts describing the same stimulus information but imagery and physical practice group significantly
differing in emotional content only. Both groups outperformed the other two groups at post test, with
performed their imagery four times a week for no differences found between PETTLEP imagery
6 weeks and significantly improved their penalty kick only and physical practice only groups. Both studies
performance compared to the control group who did reinforce imagery as a form of deliberate practice and
stretching exercises. No beneficial effects were found its value as a supplement to regular physical practice
for self-efficacy or interpretations of anxiety symp- (Cumming & Hall, 2002; Hall, 2001).
toms, but the authors recognized limitations in their An issue not yet extensively explored with
choice of testing environment (i.e., a regular training PETTELP is what effect manipulating the elements
session rather than a real-life match). Although there has on imagery ability. As we will see in the next
is experimental evidence indicating that individuals section, individuals vary in their ability to generate
can elicit feelings during imagery of hypothetical and manipulate images, and these differences will
competitive situations mirroring those experienced impact the magnitude of intervention effects (Hall,
pre-competition (Cumming, Olphin, & Law, 2007; 1998). In the same way that PETTLEP imagery
Williams, Cumming, & Balanos, 2010), interven- can manifest greater performance improvements, it
tions are still needed to substantiate whether imag- is also likely that greater functional equivalence will
ing equivalent emotions benefits actual emotional also aid individuals in creating more vivid images.
self-regulation. Gould and Damarjian (1996) suggested that hold-
Because the elements interact, the value of a ing a piece of equipment relevant to one’s sport and
PETTLEP approach also increases when more replicating the physical movements made during
elements are included in the intervention (Smith actual performance (i.e., physical element) might
et al., 2007). For example, a full PETTLEP inter- increase imagery vividness by enabling performers
vention with all seven elements was more effective to more easily recall appropriate kinesthetic sensa-
for improving performance of a difficult gymnastic tions. Using Schwartz and Holton’s (2000) concept
skill (i.e., turning straight jump on the beam) than of representational updating, Callow et al. (2006)
less functionally equivalent imagery containing only argued further that this type of dynamic imag-
the timing and perspective elements (Smith et al., ery will help individuals to image how one move-
2007). As proposed by the model, incorporating all ment (e.g., the starting position) causes a second

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movement, thereby updating the representation to become more proficient in imaging. Thus, a per-
held in working memory. Because imagery vivid- son’s capability to generate and control images is
ness is reflected in the richness of the representation partly fixed and partly modifiable, with the former
displayed, the increased vividness resulting from the reflected by the developmental changes occurring
representational updating might therefore lead to as a result of maturation. Through the use of men-
performance benefits. In other words, Callow et al. tal rotation tasks, it is apparent that children from
suggest that imagery ability may mediate the effects as young as 5 or 6 years of age can perform move-
of PETTLEP imagery on performance. In sup- ment imagery (e.g., Kosslyn, Margolis, Barrett,
port, skiers in their study gave higher vividness rat- Goldknopf, & Daly, 1990; Marmor, 1975). But,
ings when their imagery incorporated physical and compared to adults, young children have a tighter
environmental elements of the PETTLEP model. link between their perceptual and sensorimotor
Whether imagery ability does explain PETTLEP processes (Piaget, 1954). As a result, motor pro-
effectiveness and what role is played by elements cesses contribute to children’s imagery even more so
other than physical and environmental is still to be than they do to adults’ movement imagery (Funk,
determined by future research. However, the model Brugger, & Wilkening, 2005). This may be why
does help fill a void in the literature by providing visual and kinesthetic imagery develops in children
specific strategies to researchers and practitioners at different rates (Livesey, 2002), with children 6
for enhancing imagery ability. years and younger being kinesthetically poor (e.g.,
Research on the PETTLEP model has mainly Ashby, 1983). An individual’s capability to image
focused on sport settings to date. Model testing is does not fully develop until 14 years of age (Kosslyn
still needed with samples diverse in age (e.g., young et al., 1990), but it can have a substantial impact on
athletes) and across a variety of performance situa- the development of movement capabilities. Children
tions (e.g., dance, music, exercise). Also warranted is with developmental coordination disorder have an
the exploration of PETTLEP imagery within clinical impaired ability to generate and monitor internal
populations for rehabilitation purposes. It is likely models of action compared to their typically devel-
that enhancing the impact of imagery interventions oping peers. This deficit is thought to contribute to
by manipulating the seven elements will also benefit why these children find it difficult to execute vari-
motor problems in individuals with cerebral palsy, ous everyday tasks such as tying a shoe lace, pouring
developmental coordination disorder, and Parkinson a glass of water, or catching a ball (Wilson et al.,
disease; recovery of lost function and motor skill 2004). The ability to image continues to develop
relearning following stroke or spinal cord injury; across the lifespan, but from age 50 onward there is
and pain management and increased strength and an apparent reduction in an individual’s capability
flexibility following athletic injury. Another critical to image (Isaac & Marks, 1994).
development would be to examine what changes
occur in the brain following PETTLEP imagery and Components of Imagery Ability
to provide evidence for increased functional equiva- An individual’s ability to image is represented by
lence at the representation level. an amalgamation of components and characteristics
(Morris et al., 2005). Two of the most commonly
Imagery Ability discussed are vividness and controllability (e.g.,
The ability to generate and control images is pre- Denis, 1985; Moran, 1993; Murphy & Martin,
sent in all individuals but to varying degrees. More 2002). Moran described vividness of an image as
successful athletes, for example, report greater viv- “its clarity and ‘sharpness’ or sensory richness,”
idness of movement images (Roberts et al., 2008). and controllability as the “ease and accuracy with
Although frequently termed “imagery ability” in which an image can be transformed or manipulated
many books and journal articles, as we discuss in in one’s mind” (p. 158). Vividness is an aspect of
this chapter, imagery is also a collection of skills that imagery concerned with the actual generation of
are modifiable with training and experience rather the imagery, whereas controllability refers to the
than simply a general, undifferentiated fixed abil- transformation and maintenance of the image once
ity (Hall, 2001; Kosslyn, Brunn, Cave, & Wallach, it has been generated. Other components include
1984). We propose that although some individuals the ease with which individuals are able to gener-
inherently find it easier to image than others, char- ate a scenario (Hall & Martin, 1997; Williams &
acteristics/elements associated with imaging can be Cumming, 2011) and the level of emotion associ-
honed and improved. In other words, it is possible ated with it (Gregg & Hall, 2006). To maximize

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what can be viewed during imagery, we would also improve motor performance (Goss, Hall, Buckolz,
like to suggest the aptitude for switching between & Fishburne, 1986) and motivational outcomes,
visual perspectives (1PP, 3PP) and viewing angle as including self-efficacy (McKenzie & Howe, 1997).
another form of imagery ability. Few studies have In a study to improve service return accuracy in ten-
considered this component, but a dancer inter- nis, for example, Robin et al. (2007) found imagery
viewed by Nordin and Cumming (2005b) described use in conjunction with physical practice improved
her ability to switch visual imagery perspectives to performance for both good and poor imagers, but
meet task demands. the better imagers improved more.
Another aspect of performers’ imagery abil- Because individual differences in imagery ability
ity is the capacity to generate different imagery are important to consider, it has become common
content. Williams and Cumming (2011) recently practice to screen performers prior to interventions
demonstrated that athletes’ ease of imaging will (Cumming & Ramsey, 2009). Athletes who dis-
vary depending on the content of the imagery sce- play poor imagery ability are usually either excluded
narios. The athletes in their study found it signifi- (e.g., Callow, Hardy, & Hall, 2001) or provided
cantly easier to image scenes describing the feelings with training exercises to facilitate their imagery
associated with performing (affect imagery ability), generation (e.g., Cumming et al., 2007; Williams
compared to images associated with performing et al., 2010). To accomplish this task, however,
skills (skill imagery ability). In turn, these images researchers must have access to valid and reliable
were significantly easier to generate compared to means to assess imagery ability. As Lang (1977)
images associated with performing strategies (strat- indicated, because imagery can only be observed by
egy imagery ability), achieving specific goals (goal the person performing it and not by others, mea-
imagery ability), and mastery-type images describ- suring an individual’s imagery ability is not a simple
ing remaining in control in the face of adversity process. The most common method is to use self-
or in tough situations (mastery imagery ability). report questionnaires, with the two most popular
Consequently, information about a performer’s and well-established being the VMIQ2 (Roberts et
ability to image particular imagery content will not al., 2008) and the MIQ-R (Hall & Martin, 1997)
likely generalize to all types of imagery content that to measure visual and kinesthetic ability to image
might constitute an intervention. A similarly over- simple movements and actions. A recent develop-
looked characteristic is performers’ “meta-imagery” ment in imagery ability measurement has resulted
processes, which refers to their knowledge of their in the Sport Imagery Ability Questionnaire (SIAQ;
imagery skills and experiences and the control they Williams & Cumming, 2011). The SIAQ assesses
have over it (for a review, see MacIntyre & Moran, athletes’ ability to image five different sport-specific
2010). An athlete who is more aware of his imagery imagery types: skill, strategy, goal, affect, and mas-
capabilities is likely to have a greater understanding tery. Consequently, a range of measurement tools
of not only the type of imagery he finds to be most are available to meet researchers’ needs.
beneficial, but also self-regulate when and how he
is able to maximize his imagery experiences (e.g., Improving Imagery Ability
use the viewing perspective and angle most suitable Improvements in imagery ability have typi-
for the task demands) to achieve desired outcomes. cally been assessed by administering questionnaires
When asking athletes about the effectiveness of prior to and following an intervention. For exam-
their imagery, for example, those who imaged more ple, Rodgers, Hall, and Buckolz (1991) reported
frequently also found it more effective for a vari- significant improvements in figure skaters’ visual
ety of functions and easier to image (Nordin & ease of imaging after 16 weeks of imagery train-
Cumming, 2008). ing. However, current imagery ability measures
are not able to fully capture all the various dimen-
The Importance of Imagery Ability sions that constitute an individual’s ability to image
and Its Assessment (Cumming & Ste-Marie, 2001; Murphy & Martin,
An individual’s ability to create and control 2002). Furthermore, these different components
vivid images will influence his or her effectiveness may vary in how susceptible they are to improve-
at achieving intended outcomes (Martin, Moritz, & ment. It would appear that whereas some character-
Hall, 1999). Interventions have been found to be istics of the imagery process are innate and emerge
more effective for individual’s displaying a higher through childhood and adolescence (i.e., an abil-
level of imagery ability when using imagery to ity), certain aspects are more suitably classified as a

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skill that can be modified through various training four different conditions: (1) movement prime (the
exercises. MIQ-3 was completed in its usual format, in which
Greater knowledge and understanding of imag- participants physically perform the movement
ery ability components and how these can be before imagining the scenario and then rate the ease
measured will aid our understanding of which with which they are able to image the movement);
components can be improved and how this can (2) external observation condition (same format as
be achieved. Despite research and various models the movement prime condition but movement exe-
highlighting the importance of imagery ability (e.g., cution was replaced by observation of the move-
Holmes & Collins, 2001; Martin et al., 1999), sur- ment from an external observation perspective);
prisingly little attention has been paid to how imag- (3) internal observation condition (same format as the
ery ability is effectively developed. Stimulus and external observation condition but the observation
response training, based on bioinformational the- was from an internal perspective); and (4) image-
ory (Lang, 1977, 1979; Lang, Kozak, Miller, Levin, only condition (the MIQ-3 was completed without
& McLean, 1980), and creating imagery in layers prior movement or prior observation; participants
are approaches becoming more popular in the lit- simply imaged the scenario and rated the ease with
erature (e.g., Cumming et al., 2007; Evans, Jones, which they were able to do this). Results revealed
& Mullen, 2004; Williams et al., 2010). We have that MIQ-3 scores were significantly higher during
already suggested using the PETTLEP model as a all three prime conditions compared to the image-
way to enhance imagery by increasing the overlap only condition. Observation was successful in prim-
in neural activity between movement imagery and ing and enhancing imagery ability, but for visual
execution. imagery, the imagery perspective needed to be con-
Due to common areas of brain activation, imag- gruent with the observation perspective adopted.
ery ability can also be enhanced through observation That is, both the imagery and observation needed
(Williams, Cumming, & Edwards, 2011). Studies to be done from the same perspective for maximum
have described imagery and observation as similar benefit (i.e., 3PP observation and 3PP imagery or
but distinct processes (McCullagh & Weiss, 2001), 1PP observation and 1PP imagery).
and similarly to imagery, observation is used by ath-
letes to enhance skills, strategies, and motivational Beyond Skill Performance: Other
aspects of performance (Cumming, Clark, Ste- Outcomes of Imagery
Marie, McCullagh, & Hall 2005). Video modeling Most of this chapter has been concerned with
has been commonly employed to aid image gener- the effects of imagery on motor skill performance,
ation in applied settings, but research investigating but many other beneficial effects can be achieved
the interaction between these two cognitive activi- from imagery relating to motivation, attention,
ties is less frequent (Morris et al., 2005). Even less arousal and emotional control, confidence and
attention has been paid to the potential benefits of self-efficacy, problem-solving, memorization, plan-
observation on imagery’s effectiveness, but evidence ning and creative thought, reviewing and evalu-
suggests a combination of imagery and observation ation, strength, flexibility, and healing (Bernier
in the absence of physical practice also appears to & Fournier, 2010; Munroe et al., 2000; Murphy
produce greater performance enhancements com- et al., 2008; Nordin & Cumming, 2005b, 2008;
pared to imagery on its own (e.g., Atienza, Balaguer, Ranganathan, Sieminow, Liu, Sahgal, & Yue, 2004).
& Garcia-Merita, 1998). By observing a model, an Within the applied model of imagery use (see
individual receives a clear and vivid instruction of Figure 11.1; Martin et al., 1999), these outcomes
what he or she is required to image (Lang, 1979). mainly fall under three major categories: facilitating
Videos of the self or others performing also include the learning and performance of skills and strate-
specific sensory information to incorporate into an gies; modifying cognitions; and regulating arousal
image to improve its quality (Gould & Damarjian, and competitive anxiety.
1996). This model explains that, as governed by the sit-
Investigating whether observation could serve as uation, athletes should image the affective, behav-
a prime to imagery ability, Williams et al. (2011) ioral, and cognitive changes they desire to achieve.
asked individuals to complete the MIQ-3 (the In other words, “what you see is what you get.” A
MIQ-R was revised by these authors to separate number of theoretically and conceptually mean-
visual imagery into 1PP and 3PP, resulting in three ingful relationships have emerged between types of
subscales including kinesthetic imagery) under imagery and the outcomes achieved (for a review,

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Situation Function/Type Outcome

Imagery Ability Figure 11.1 Applied model of

imagery use.

see Cumming & Ramsey, 2009). For example, skill- imaging considered interchangeable with “why” (for
based images have led to skill learning (e.g., Nordin discussions on this issue, see Cumming & Ramsey,
& Cumming, 2005a), goal-based images have 2009; Murphy et al., 2008). Hall (2001) has since
increased motivation (e.g., Martin & Hall, 1995), argued that function should not be presumed by the
and confidence-based images have enhanced beliefs content of athletes’ imagery. For example, the SIQ
about one’s abilities (e.g., Callow et al., 2001). Thus, item “Before attempting a particular skill, I imag-
it appears beneficial to match imagery content to ine myself performing it perfectly” may be done
anticipated outcomes. for its intended cognitive specific function (e.g., to
Growing evidence also suggests that imagery will develop the skill), but also can serve motivational
bring about other unintentional results. That is, there specific (e.g., to preview goal achievement), moti-
is more to imagery content that what meets the eye vational general-arousal (e.g., to ease worries and
(Nordin & Cumming, 2005a; Short, Monsma, & tension about progress), and motivational general-
Short, 2004). Indeed, numerous investigations have mastery (e.g., to build confidence) functions for
found more than one outcome resulting from using the performer. Alternatively, it is possible that the
a type of imagery (e.g., Callow & Hardy, 2001; respondent does not consciously generate this image
Callow et al., 2006; Callow & Waters, 2005; Evans for any specific purpose. Instead, the image might
et al., 2004; Nordin & Cumming, 2005a, 2008). occur spontaneously in response to a cue (Murphy
For example, skill-based imagery can also serve as a et al., 2008; Nordin et al., 2006).
source of performance accomplishment to increase Noting the potential ambiguity caused by equat-
self-efficacy beliefs (Nordin & Cumming, 2005a), ing content with function, Short et al. (2004) mod-
and both goal-based and confidence-based images ified the SIQ to ask athletes to indicate why they
can improve skill learning (Martin & Hall, 1995; used each type of imagery listed on the question-
Nordin & Cumming, 2005a). naire by choosing from five functions: to assist the
Rather than content determining what outcomes learning and performance of new skills or strategies,
are achieved, the benefits of an imagery interven- or to effect motivation, arousal/anxiety, or confi-
tion depend instead on the function of this con- dence. All imagery types were found to serve their
tent for the individual (Callow & Hardy, 2001). designated functions, but five of the 30 items were
For example, a dancer might use imagery to feel perceived as serving an unintended function, and
more confident (function), and the result of this all items were perceived as serving several functions
imagery might be increased confidence (outcome). to some extent. Other investigations have also con-
Paivio (1985) proposed that imagery has both cog- firmed that performers employ the same image for
nitive and motivational functions, and each oper- different reasons, thus a conceptual distinction is
ates at specific and general levels. The resulting 2 × now made between the terms “type” and “function”
2 framework (cognitive specific, cognitive general, (Bernier & Fournier, 2010; Cumming & Ramsey,
motivational specific, and motivational general) 2009; MacIntyre & Moran, 2010; Murphy et al.,
formed the basis of early explorations into why 2008; Nordin & Cumming, 2005b, 2008). The
athletes image (Salmon et al., 1994) and led to the consensus is that type denotes what performers’
Sport Imagery Questionnaire (SIQ; Hall, Mack, image and function explains why. With this differ-
Paivio, & Hausenblas, 1998). As part of the ques- ence in mind, the subscales of the SIQ are likely best
tionnaire’s validation, motivational general was fur- considered imagery types rather than functions.
ther divided into arousal and mastery function, and
all five measured functions represented by different Revised Applied Model of Deliberate
subscales. What has led to subsequent confusion Imagery Use
was the decision to define the imagery functions by With clarification made to type and function, we
their closely related content, with “what” athletes are now need to separate them in the applied model of

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imagery use (Martin et al., 1999). We agree with enable individuals to perform functionally equivalent
Fournier, Deremaux, and Bernier (2008) that func- imagery that is personally meaningful to their goal
tion rather than type should form the central fea- achievement (Cumming & Ramsey, 2009).
ture and propose a revised model (Figure 11.2) to
build on their thinking and those of others (e.g., Why, What, and Personal Meaning
MacIntyre & Moran, 2010; Murphy et al., 2008). Our model specifies that the function (rather
Since its inception, the applied model has been than type) of performers’ imagery will determine
embraced by researchers and practitioners alike as a affective, cognitive, and behavioral outcomes via
simple, practical, and testable framework. It provides the content generated. Consistent with Martin et
specific predictions and guidance for the selection al.’s conceptualization, these relationships will be
of variables to include in experiments. The model theoretically and conceptually meaningful, thus
also ensures that interventions are designed with allowing for specific predictions and testing. A key
specific goals or outcomes in mind. There is also difference in our thinking is that the function will
diverse evidence favoring its basic tenets (Cumming be served mainly, but is not restricted to, content
& Ramsey, 2009). reflecting this function. This allows for imagery
The revised model embraces these strengths and types that do not fit within Paivio’s cognitive and
remains true to its original by representing “where,” motivational imagery framework to be included,
“when,” and “why” performers use imagery to as well as the combination of imagery types (e.g.,
achieve desired outcomes. It also demonstrates how skill-based and confidence-based imagery might
this is influenced by the performers’ capability to be combined to serve the function of feeling more
image. Additionally, we have answered Martin et confident of performing a certain skill consistently
al.’s call to elaborate on the model by adding “who,” well). We also presume that performers’ are imaging
“what,” and “how” to its components. But probably with some degree of conscious intent or delibera-
the most important refinement we have made is to tion in order for the imagery to serve a function.
acknowledge personal meaning as the link between Spontaneous imagery will generate content and
imagery function and type. Although we refer to achieve outcomes but will be experienced with no
performers (e.g., athletes, dancers, musicians), this particular function in mind.
model has broader application to the same clinical In many circumstances, the performers’ imag-
populations mentioned in the PETTLEP imagery ery function will match the type of imagery used
section. We thus encourage testing of the revised to achieve the desired outcome. However, as already
applied model in a range of settings, including exer- pointed out, these relationships are not always
cise, dance, and rehabilitation, and with different straightforward as predicted in the original applied
populations. For several model components, we also model. Imagery is a highly personal experience, and
discuss how these can be informed by elements of the what is imaged can carry different meanings to dif-
PETTLEP model to maximize imagery effectiveness ferent individuals, as has been emphasized in some
further. An intervention combining both models will imagery models, notably Ahsen’s triple-code model

Where &

Why What (Type)

(Function) & How

Who Imagery Ability

(Individual) Figure 11.2 Revised applied model
of deliberate imagery use.

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(Ahsen, 1984) and Lang’s bioinformational theory an exhaustive list but provided as a starting point
(Lang, 1979). Although mentioned by Martin et al. for researchers to develop testable predictions. For
(1999) in their development of the original applied example, knowing that an athlete is high in ego ori-
model, this concept is absent from the framework. entation might explain why she perceives images
We consider the personal meaning attached to of herself outperforming others to be motivational
the imagery experience as the key for determin- (Harwood, Cumming, & Fletcher, 2004).
ing what content corresponds to function. Thus,
in our revised model, we portray personal mean- How to Image
ing as a bridge between function and content. To When planning an imagery intervention or
illustrate why, in their case study of an elite rugby experiment, it is also important to think about how
union player, Evans et al. (2004) describe his pref- the performers will image. Because this concept is
erence for technical and tactical images to increase so closely related to what performers’ image, they
his confidence, control anxiety levels, and prepare are represented together in Figure 11.2. As dis-
effectively for matches rather than the affective- or cussed at the outset of the chapter, the imagery pro-
mastery-based content prescribed by the “what you cess will be characterized by modality, perspective,
see is what you get” principle. angle, agency, and deliberation. Qualitative research
Consequently, a key consideration when devel- (Munroe et al, 2000; Nordin & Cumming, 2005b)
oping imagery interventions is not only the desired also informs us of other characteristics, such as the
outcome, but what type(s) of imagery will serve the amount, duration, speed, vividness, and color of the
function for the intended person. For this reason, imagery. The PETTLEP model elaborates on how
Short and Short (2005) advocate deciding on the external or internal cues can provide individuals
imagery function first, before determining with the with a starting point for image generation. These
performer what content will facilitate it. Although triggers can serve a reminder to prompt greater
more time-consuming for the researcher/practitio- image use and adherence to the intervention. Also
ners, the pros of finding out this information will necessary to consider is how performers can develop
likely outweigh the cons. When an intervention their images by adding clarity and layers of detail to
is personalized to the specific needs of the per- make fuzzy or simple images more vivid or complex
former, it will carry greater weight and he or she (Calmels, Berthoumeiux, & d’Arripe-Longueville,
will likely find it more enjoyable and easier to per- 2004; Evans et al., 2004; Nordin & Cumming,
form (Cumming & Ramsey, 2009). In doing so, the 2005b). Finally, the degree to which performers
imagery function will not only correspond theoreti- approach their imagery in a deliberate, structured,
cally to intervention goals, but the content will also and planned way (e.g., what they will image and for
be meaningful for the individual. how long) constitutes another aspect of this compo-
nent of the revised applied model.
Where, When and Who: Imagery
Antecedents Imagery Ability
The situation is retained in the revised applied The last component of the model is imagery
model as having a direct influence on the reasons ability, which we propose will directly influence
that performers image (Martin et al., 1999). This what and how a person images. Individuals vary
component encourages consideration for where and in their ability to image different types of cognitive
when imagery takes place when planning an inter- and motivational content (Williams & Cumming,
vention, and performers report doing so at diverse 2011). For example, some people might find it eas-
times and locations (Munroe et al., 2000; Nordin ier to image emotions than skill execution. When
& Cumming, 2005b). From PETTLEP imagery it comes to selecting content to serve a particular
research, it is already established that being in the function, it is likely that people will choose imag-
environment where the actual or intended behavior ery content they find easier to generate. In support,
will occur maximizes imagery effectiveness (Callow Williams and Cumming (in press) found that the
et al., 2006; Guillot et al., 2005; Smith et al., 2007). ability to image certain content significantly pre-
We also include the individual (i.e., who) as another dicted how frequently individuals use imagery of
antecedent composed of factors such as the person’s that content. Imagery ability may also similarly
age, gender, experience, disposition (e.g., achieve- influence the modality, perspective, angle, or agent
ment goal orientation, self-determination, perfec- of behavior imaged, as well as other characteristics
tionism), and general ability to image. This is not such as the amount, duration, speed, and color of

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the imagery. This is because individuals who find cognitive neuroscience helps explain how imagery
it easier to image in a certain way (e.g., in real time is involved with motor skill performance, includ-
from a first-person perspective) may also be more ing the concepts of functional equivalence and neu-
likely to use this preference to determine how they ral plasticity, and helps guide the planning of more
image. effective interventions through application of the
Because imagery ability will influence what and PETTLEP model (Holmes & Collins, 2001). We
how individuals image, it will also indirectly affect also discussed the role played by imagery ability and
what outcomes are achieved (i.e., mediation). Take, made suggestions for how this skill can be trained.
for instance, the visual imagery perspective adopted. Finally, we described other imagery outcomes and
Individuals who are unable to form images from a offered a revised applied model of imagery use.
certain viewpoint (e.g., 3PP) will correspondingly Although our chapter has discussed on many con-
be unable to generate certain types of content (e.g., temporary issues, challenges still remain for imag-
viewing what one looks like performing a movement ery researchers, and we touch on these in the final
from behind or the side). If a certain visual perspec- section.
tive is more desirable for the task (e.g., form-based
movement), the outcome achieved by the imagery Future Directions
might therefore be hampered by the individual’s How Personalized Do Imagery
lack of ability to image from that perspective. Interventions Need To Be?
In keeping with Martin et al.’s (1999) original Applied sport psychologists recommend the need
conceptualization, imagery ability is also considered to plan the content of imagery interventions with
to moderate the relationship between what perform- the individual needs of the performers in mind.
ers’ image and the outcomes achieved (as reflected Particularly within consulting sessions, the func-
by the dashed line in Figure 11.2). Whether imagery tion and content of imagery are elicited through
ability is best considered a mediator, a moderator, discussions about personally meaningful stimulus
or both, requires further testing. When the applied and response propositions. This information pro-
model was published, only movement imagery abil- vides material for writing imagery scripts or devel-
ity had been tested as a moderator between skill- oping cues to trigger the imagery process. Not to
based imagery and performance outcomes. Mainly be overlooked is also the performers’ preferences for
due to limitations in imagery ability measurement how to image, which could form part of the inter-
(Hall, 1998), research has been slow to test whether vention goals (e.g., developing greater vividness or
this relationship also holds true for other types of the ability switch perspectives). In other words, it is
imagery and other outcomes (e.g., Cumming, 2008; possible to individualize every aspect of the inter-
Nordin & Cumming, 2008). However, the available vention from content to delivery (Cumming &
data strongly point to individual differences con- Ramsey, 2009). However, it is not always feasible
founding imagery interventions, thus indicating a or appropriate to do so. For example, in experimen-
need to measure imagery ability as part of screening tally designed studies, researchers may choose to test
procedures and to assess changes occurring through- theoretical hypotheses by providing different sets of
out. Also to be considered are other components to instructions to participants. Currently unknown is
imagery ability mentioned earlier in this chapter, what effect these research-driven instructions have
including imagery perspective and angle switch- on imagery compared to the more participant-
ing, as well as meta-imagery processes. Finally, we driven scripts characteristic of consulting work or
encourage researchers to include measurements of field-based interventions. A solution to this prob-
imagery ability before, during, and after interven- lem may fall in the middle of these two extremes,
tions to measure any improvements made. using procedures for partially individualizing imag-
ery by asking participants to provide stimulus infor-
Conclusion mation based on their past experiences combined
In this chapter, we have described imagery as with researcher-driven response information (e.g.,
both a fundamental cognitive process for producing Cumming et al., 2007; Williams et al., 2010).
motor actions and a performance-enhancing tech-
nique widely used by athletes and dancers. Using How Do We Know Someone Is Imaging?
Holmes and Calmels’ (2008) definition as the basis, Due to imagery being a covert and subjective
we focused on key characteristics of the imagery experience, imagery researchers have long been
and the imagery process. Research from the field of troubled by the problem of knowing whether a

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person is actually imaging, and, if they are imag- whether these techniques can bring about any reten-
ing, whether their accounts about their imagery tion effects or whether they simply act as a prime
experiences are accurate. These limitations have cre- by facilitating neural activation during the imagery
ated doubts about explicit forms of imagery (i.e., process.
conscious internal representations of behavior) and
the use of self-report measures (e.g., questionnaires, References
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participants to provide precise verbal reports of psychophysiology. Journal of Mental Imagery, 8, 15–42.
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