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21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World


SY 2022-2023

I. Choose the letter of the best answer from the pool of terms in each categorized definition or description.
A. Bird C. Low Art
B. Familiar D. Martines

1. It means tale-telling; an entertainment without a value

2. A demon supposedly attending and obeying a witch (or a mysterious entity or a nature spirit) often said to assume
the form of an animal
3. Animal that symbolizes eternal life or death.
4. A bird that served as a reminder for the villagers to remember so that the village would continue to flourish.
E. Bushido F. Genbuku
G. Nakodo H. Seppuku (Harakiri)

5. A brutal way of suicide that Japanese finds honorable when they failed their mission or duty.
6. The go-between or the matchmaker who is literally an intermediary or middle person who charges a fee to provide
pictures and resumes of potential mates for rich, cultural, and well-educated.
7. The seven principles or virtues of the samurai (way of the warrior).
8. Japanese boys ages 13-15 took part in this ceremony as he received an adult name, a haircut shaved, and styled
into a topknot, and a suit of armor.
I. artisans M. peasants
J. daimyo N. ronin
K. emperor O. samurai
L. merchants P. shogun
9. They are at the bottom of the feudal social class of Japan. They sell whatever the farmers and laborers
10. The highest official or authority but has less power and act only as the figure head.
11. The lost warriors who were deprived of their sponsorship due to untimely death of their warlords. 12. The
farmers who cultivate and till the soil who comprise most of Japan’s population.
13. The laborers who earn through wages. They are either craftsman, armor or swords smiths who produce
things through the skills of their hands.
14. Considered to be more powerful than the emperor for they are mighty and skilled warriors (generals) of the
imperial court.
15. Warriors belonging to a category of elite shi families priests. They are extremely loyal to their feudal lord.
16. The provincial leader, feudal lord or warlord who owns most of Japan’s vast lands.

II. Find the relationship between the term given and the reason for having applied the name. Give the letter
of the best answer.

17. The Fujis are samurai warriors. What seems so special about them is that:
A. Fuji is an active volcano that is associated with strength.
B. Fuji has the sweetest apples which peasants produced to feed the samurais.
C.Fuji has plains which became ideal for family of samurais to live and exchange trades.
D. Fuji became the training ground of all samurai warriors since 1198 during the Kamakura feudal

18. The mysterious woman stranger in the village where Totoy and Richard live:
A. Blessed the lands with wonderful nature that fulfilled the village.
B. Cursed the lands that caused the village to live in poverty.
C. Had an affair with their grandfather and had a child.
D. Planted seeds that grew into acacia trees.

19. The mysterious woman had only one condition:

A. A condition of remembering so that the village would continue to flourish.
B. If their offspring forget, they shall be reminded
C. Only A and B
D. To till the soil and water the plants in the village.
20. Richard at the end of the story:
A. was left by his cousin Totoy in the dark house unconscious with arms and feet bounded
B.realized his horrifying destiny as the keeper of the
secret in their family C. martines ate him
D, both A and B

21. What proved Chie’s agreement to the go-between process at the end of the story?
A. She liked the way Kan looked at her in their first meeting.
B. They loved the teahouse as the venue of the matchmaking.
C. Chie flashed a glance of surprise when she heard
Kan’s interest to marry her.
D. When Chie absent-mindedly though halfheartedly said yes to Kan’s marriage proposal.

22. What could probably drove Chie into such agreement?

A. She liked the way Kan blushed upon seeing her.
B. She wanted to annoy her parents for always turning down a proposal.
C.She didn’t want to experience another long series of failed arrange-marriage meetings.
D.She looked at Kan as a submissive husband who was willing to allow her to have it her way.

23.Stockholm Syndrome is characterized by a captive or victim’s sympathy and eventually submission to her captor
(kidnapper, rapist). Malinche being affected by this is then considered to be a:
A. hero C. temptress
B. traitor D. victim
24. What could probably motivated Malinche to serve as
“The Tongue” of Hernan Cortes?
A. She fell in love with Hernan Cortes at first sight.
B. That was her only way out of slavery for she was sold by her own mother.
C.Being with a conquistador was such a privilege and an honor to be in control.
D.She deliberately tempted Hernan Cortes to choose her as she can speak three languages.

II. A. Choices A-D. Match each statement in each item with the term used in the literary text below the
items. Select the most appropriate letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each item.
__ 25. Beauty is dictated by the society in Japan, this is an unusual kind of beauty to many.
__ 26. Aztecs believed this could please their god and will give them a bountiful harvest afterwards.
__ 27. Aztecs captured people from other tribes, made them warriors and those who lost they imprison.
__ 28. Description of the woman who suddenly appeared in the village (story in Martines).
A. slavery
B. strange
C. blood sacrifice
D. blackening of teeth (Ohaguro)

Choices E-H. Each item is the description of either stated tradition or custom and literary facts while choices
below the items are the traditions or customs and literary facts described.

__ 29. A traditional Japanese custom where single individuals are introduced to each other to consider a possibility
for marriage.
__ 30.Philippine custom of meeting of the families of the couple to talk about the wedding and other arrangements.
__ 31.The God of the Aztecs who they believed would come back to their lands in the form of a white man.
__ 32. The native language of the Aztecs.
E. Nahuatl
F. Omiai or Miai
G. Pamamanhikan
H. Quetzalcoatl

Choices I-N. Each item is the description while below the items are pertaining to countries culture, and
personalities stated on the descriptions.
(Country from numbers 33-35)
__ 33. They capture men from other tribes and convert them into warriors, make them fight for entertainment or
sacrifice them if they were killed.
__ 34. Dating and marriage is a social function and responsibility.
__ 35. Celebrating the death anniversary of a loved one through babang luksa or lungkasan.

(Personality from numbers 36-38)

_ 36. The warlord who reigned from 1606-1869, the longest era and the start of the decline of the samurais.
__ 37. The Tongue of the Aztec Empire who contributed to the downfall of one of the greatest civilizations of
__ 38. The leader of the Aztec Empire who was subdued by the Spaniards and stoned to death by his own people.

J. Malinalli or Malinche or Doña Marina
K. Mexico
L. Montezuma
M. Philippines
N. Tokugawa Ieyasu
III. A. From the choices given, give the counterpart of the following pairs. Write only the letter of your
39. Christopher Columbus: America; Hernan Cortes:
Mexico; Ferdinand Magellan: _____________
A. China C. Philippines
B. Japan D. Thailand
40. Interpreter: Beauty pageant:; Pocahontas: Indians;
Malinalli: ___________ A. Aztecs C. Mayans
B. Incas D. Vietnamese
41. Prenuptial agreement: Americans; Pamamanhikan:
Philippines; Omiai or Miai: _____________;
A. Chinese C. Koreans
B. Japanese D. Thais
42. Filipino: Philippines; Nipponggo: Japan; Nahuatl:
A. Brazil C. Colombia
B. Chile D. Mexico

From the choices below, analyze which is implied by the statement. Select only the letter of the nearest
A. Death
B. Factoids (invented fact believed to be true)
C. Faithful
D. Jeering (making fun) on her
E. Rampage

43. What the storyteller felt about Penelope when Odysseus was gone for twenty years and was thought to have
cheated on her.
44. The reaction of the suitors every time Penelope announces the delay of her decision to choose a husband. 46.
One admirable trait of Penelope despite the long absence of her husband Odysseus.
47. Situation where Penelope is in the story “A Low Art”
48. What people started to believe about Penelope’s
Which of the choices is pertained by each description? Write only the letter of the appropriate answer.
F. Apple
G. Shroud
H. Trojan War

49. The main reason why Penelope and Odysseus were away from each other for a long time.
50. The device used by Eris, the goddess of discord that made Paris to choose love and beauty that caused the
21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World
SY 2022-2023


a.explain the literary biographical, linguistic, and
sociocultural contexts and discuss how they
enhance the text’s meaning and the reader’s 5 15% 8 9-16
understanding EN12Lit-IIf-28

b.examine the relationship between text and

context EN12Lit-IIg-35 17-24
5 15% 8
c.understand literary meanings in context and
the use of critical reading strategies 4 8% 4 25-28
d. infer literary meaning from literal language
based on usage EN12Lit-Id-26 1-8
4 15% 8
e. explain the texts in terms of literary elements,
genres, and traditions EN12Lit-IIb-32 4 8% 4 29-32

f. situate the text in the context of the region,

nation, and the world EN12Lit-IIc-29 4 8% 3 33-35
g. appreciate the cultural and aesthetic diversity 4
of literature of the world EN12Lit-IIc-33 8% 3 36-38
h. compare and contrast the various 21st
century literary genres and their elements, 5 8% 4 39-42
structures, and traditions from across the globe
i.distinguish the literary uses of language from 5 15% 8
the non-literary and understand their use as well 43-50
as the formal features and conventions of
literature EN12Lit-IIe-34

40 100% 50

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