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20050906-3015 Issued by FERC OSEC 09/06/2005 in Docket#: P-1975-021



Idaho Power Company Project Nos. 1975-020 and 1975-021



(Issued September 6, 2005)

On August 12, 2004, and September 28, 2004, respectively, the Idaho Power
Company (IPC) filed copies of a right-of-way grant from the Bureau of Land Management,
and a revised exhibit G drawing for the Bliss Project No. 1975. In addition, IPC requested
that the Commission revise the number of federal lands occupied by project transmission lines
as set forth in license Article 201(B) and clarify license Article 201(C) by breaking down the
acreage by county. The right-of-way grant was filed pursuant to ordering paragraph (F) of the
new license for the Bliss Project and the revised drawing was filed in compliance with
ordering paragraph (G) of the same order.1 The project is located on the Snake River in
Gooding County, Twin Falls, and Elmore Counties, Idaho.


Ordering paragraph (F) of the Order Issuing New License states that non-primary
transmission lines located on federal lands described in the text of the order, will be deleted
from the license when the licensee files copies of all permits and approvals from the Bureau
of Land Management (BLM) for continued use of BLM-administered lands with the
Commission. The licensee filed on August 12, 2004, the right-of-way grant IDI-34249 from
the BLM documenting its right to use the BLM lands. IPC, then filed on September 28, 2004,
a letter detailing the amount of federal lands occupied by the project transmission lines as
required by license Article 201(B) and requesting that license Article 201(C) be clarified by
delineating the acreage, for other than transmission line use, by county. In this order, under
license Article 201(B) the amount of federal lands occupied by project transmission lines will
be revised from 1,306.57 acres to 104.08 acres. License Article 201 (C) will be revised to
delineate the acreage by county.

The licensee is required by ordering paragraph (G) of the Order Issuing New License
to file with the Commission, within 60 days of the effective date of the deletions of the non-

See 108 FERC ¶61,128 (2004).
20050906-3015 Issued by FERC OSEC 09/06/2005 in Docket#: P-1975-021

Project Nos. 1975-020 & 021 2

primary transmission lines revised exhibit G drawings for Commission approval. In addition,
a statement should be filed indicating the revised amount of federal lands occupied by the
project so that the Commission can amend Article 201 of the license regarding the licensee’s
payment for the use of federal lands. IPC filed a revised Exhibit G drawing, which reflects
the deletion of the non-primary transmission lines. We are labeling the revised exhibit as G-5.
This order approves the revised Exhibit G drawing which conforms to the Commission’s
rules and regulations. Ordering paragraph (B) of this order requires the licensee to file copies
of the approved Exhibit G in aperture card and electronic file format.

The Director orders:

(A) The following exhibit, filed on September 28, 2004, is approved and made part
of the license.

Exhibit FERC Drawing Title Superseded

No. Drawing
G-5 1975-1019 Transmission Line- Detail 1975-1012

(B) Within 45 days of the date of issuance of this order, the licensee shall
file the approved exhibit drawing in aperture card and electronic file formats.

a) Four sets of the approved exhibit drawings shall be reproduced on silver

or gelatin 35 mm microfilm. All microfilm shall be mounted on type D (3-1/4” X 7-
3/8”) aperture cards. Prior to microfilming, the FERC Project Drawing Number (i.e.
P-1975-1019) shall be shown in the margin below the title block of the approved
drawing. After mounting, the FERC Drawing Number shall be typed on the upper
right corner of each aperture card. Additionally, the Project Number, FERC Exhibit
(i.e., F-1, G-1, etc.), Drawing Title, and date of this order shall be typed on the upper
left corner of each aperture card. See Figure 1.
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Project Nos. 1975-020 & 021 3

Figure 1 Sample Aperture Card Format

Two of the sets of aperture cards along with Form FERC-587 shall be filed with the
Secretary of the Commission, ATTN: OEP/DHAC. The Third set shall be filed with
the Commission’s Division of Dam Safety and Inspections Portland Regional Office.
The remaining set of aperture cards and a copy of Form FERC-587 shall be filed with
the Bureau of Land Management office at the following address:

State Director
Bureau of Land Management
Land Services Section (ID-943A)
1387 S. Vinnell Way
Boise, ID 83709-1657
ATTN: FERC Withdrawal Recordation

b) The licensee shall file two separate sets of exhibit drawings in electronic raster
format with the Secretary of the Commission, ATTN: OEP/DHAC. A third set shall
be filed with the Commission’s Division of Dam Safety and Inspections Portland
Regional Office. Exhibit G drawings must be identified as (NIP) material under 18
CFR §388.112. Each drawing must be a separate electronic file, and the file name
shall include: FERC Project-Drawing Number, FERC Exhibit, Drawing Title, date of
this order, and file extension in the following format [P-1975- ####, G-5, Project
Boundary, MM-DD-YYYY.TIF]. Electronic drawings shall meet the following
format specification:

IMAGERY - black & white raster file

FILE TYPE – Tagged Image File Format, (TIFF) CCITT Group 4
RESOLUTION – 300 dpi desired, (200 dpi min)
20050906-3015 Issued by FERC OSEC 09/06/2005 in Docket#: P-1975-021

Project Nos. 1975-020 & 021 4

DRAWING SIZE FORMAT – 24” X 36” (min), 28” X 40” (max)

FILE SIZE – less than 1 MB desired

Each Exhibit G drawing that includes the project boundary must contain a minimum of three
known reference points (i.e., latitude and longitude coordinates, or state plane coordinates).
The points must be arranged in a triangular format for GIS geo-referencing the project
boundary drawing to the vector (or polygon) data, and must be based on a standard map
coordinate system. The spatial reference for the drawing (i.e., map projection, map datum, and
units of measurement) must be identified on the drawing and each reference point must be
labeled. In addition, each project boundary drawing must be stamped by a registered land

c) The licensee shall file two separate sets of the project boundary data in a geo-
referenced electronic file format (such as ArcView shape files, GeoMedia files,
MapInfo files, or a similar GIS format) with the Secretary of the Commission, ATTN:
OEP/DHAC. The filing shall include both vector (or polygon) data and all reference
points shown on the individual project boundary drawings. A single electronic
boundary vector data (or polygon) file is required for the project boundary. The geo-
referenced electronic boundary data file must be positionally accurate to ±40 feet in
order to comply with National Map Accuracy Standards for maps at a 1:24,000 scale.
The file name(s) shall include: FERC Project Number, data description, date of this
order, and file extension in the following format [P-1234, boundary vector/polygon/or
point data, MM-DD-YYYY.SHP]. The filing must be accompanied by a separate text
file describing the spatial reference for the geo-referenced data: map projection used
(i.e., UTM, State Plane, Decimal Degrees, etc), the map datum (i.e., North American
27, North American 83, etc.), and the units of measurement (i.e., feet, meters, miles,
etc.). The text file name shall include: FERC Project Number, data description, date of
this order, and file extension in the following format [P-1234, project boundary
metadata, MM-DD-YYYY.TXT].

In addition, for those projects that occupy federal lands, a separate geo-
referenced vector (or polygon) file(s) is required that identifies transmission line
acreage and non-transmission line acreage affecting federal lands for the purpose of
meeting the requirements of 18 CFR §11.2. The file(s) must also identify each federal
owner and federal acreage affected by the project boundary. Depending on the geo-
referenced electronic file format, the vector (or polygon), point, and federal lands data
can be included in a single file with multiple layers.

(C) Parts (B) and (C) of License Article 201 are revised to read as follows:

(B) Recompensing the United States for the use, occupancy and enjoyment
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Project Nos. 1975-020 & 021 5

of 104.08 acres of lands for transmission lines.

(C) Recompensing the United States for the use, occupancy and enjoyment
of 183.95 acres of lands which consist of 8.99 acres within Elmore County,
48.97 acres within Twin Falls County and 125.99 acres within Gooding
County, other than for the use of transmission lines.

(D) This order constitutes final agency action. Requests for rehearing by the
Commission may be filed within 30 days of the date of issuance of this order, pursuant
to 18 C.F.R. §385.713.

Mohamad Fayyad
Engineering Team Lead
Division of Hydropower Administration
and Compliance

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