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(Harvinz & Marcus enters scene)

Harvinz - Good Morning, I’m Dr. Pineda and this is my assistant, Mr. Mabagos.

Marcus - Good Morning.

Harvinz - I’ll be your therapist for today as my assistant notes down your experiences. So tell
me, what’s been bothering you, Mr. Eugenio?

Laurence - Well, Doctor. Things have been bad at home recently.

Ever since my mother died, my father has been coping with alcohol. Every day, he leaves early
in the morning and returns home drunk. He then lets out his anger on me, beating me up and
blaming me for my mother’s death.

Then, when people at school notice the new bruises I get every day, I just lie and say I tripped
and fell. I’m scared to tell my situation to other people because my dad might find out sooner or

Harvinz - I see, your father’s in distress due to the death of your mother. I suggest talking with
him when he’s sober and getting him into rehabilitation for his alcoholism. Try also to attend
counseling to fix your bond with one another.

Laurence - Thank you, Doctor. I’ll make sure he gets professional help.

(Laurence leaves, Johan enters)

Johan - Good Morning, Dr. Pineda. The same problem has been on my mind for a long time.

Harvinz - You can always share it with me.

Johan - My classmates always bully me because of my family’s financial situation. But what
they don’t know is that my parents are having difficulty in finding jobs. They couldn’t finish
their education, so in the end, most people won’t hire them. They can’t afford the latest things,
but what matters to them the most is to enroll me in a good school. I’m still very grateful for
them, but my classmates are the opposite.

Harvinz - If you usually have free time, you can help your parents by having a part-time job.

Marcus - Don’t listen to your classmates and instead focus on making your family’s situation

Johan - Thank you so much. I’ll do my best.

(Johan leaves, CG enters)

Harvinz - Good Morning, uhh.. (looks at notebook) Mr. CG! What brings you today? You seem
very down.
CG - Well, uhm, doctor.. I don’t think I can do this anymore. Everything’s a mess. School, home,
nothing is safe anymore. First, I’m being bullied, then my parents are suddenly torn apart, and
I’m always being underestimated. With so many things going on, I just don’t know how to deal
with all of it. I just.. wish life would be more peaceful.

Harvinz - Bad things will always come to an end, Mr. CG. What life requires you to do is to be
strong, to be able to get through these tough times. But if ever things still seem difficult, you can
always come to me. Know that this is your life, you have the power to change it for the better.

CG - Thank much, doctor, for the bit of hope. I’ll come back again for another

Harvinz - Always happy to have you here!

(CG leaves, Aiera enters)

Aiera - Doctor, I can’t take this anymore!

Harvinz - Hold on, what seems to be the problem, Ms. Aiera?

Aiera - Every day, I’m being underestimated and viewed as weak, all because I’m a girl?! Us
girls are the most hardworking people. But because of this male-dominant society, us females are
given less privileges. It doesn’t make sense at all! First, my classmates, then, my male relatives!

Harvinz - I might not be the right person to give advice, but as long as you still do your best in
everything, their views on you won’t matter. It’s better to keep striving and fight for what’s right.

Aiera - Thanks for understanding, doctor. I’ll prove to them that women can do the same things
men can do, that we have equal strength!

(Aiera leaves, Charles & Reanne enter)

Harvinz - Any problems with your relationship? Mr. Anagao and Ms. Dumaging?

Dumaging - A very obvious problem, doctor. It’s him, he’s the problem!

Charles - Can you stop always blaming me?! All you do is get angry for no reason!

Dumaging - You never do anything right! I always have to ask for correct treatment!

Charles - I’m not a mind reader, how else would I know what you want?!

Dumaging - If you really liked me, you’d do things naturally!-

Marcus - Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh- 🤫
Harvinz - Not necessary but thank you, Mr. Mabagos.
What I’m seeing is both of you have problems you need to fix. For Ms. Dumaging, it isn’t bad to
expect but you have to understand that communication is important. Your partner won’t know
what’s happening without you speaking up, but make sure to do it gently.

For Mr. Anagao, if you really like your partner, you’d want to make them happy and give what’s
best for them, right?

For example, let’s say that one day, your partner seems sad, and then you choose between doing
nothing and giving her something to cheer her up. Of course, you’d choose to give something!
So it’s better to do things for her with your own intentions so she feels loved and appreciated.

Charles - Noted, Doctor. I’ll be better for us.

Reanne - Thank you, Doctor. We’ve learned from our mistakes.

(Charles & Reanne leave)

Harvinz - (sigh) Nakakapagod naman.

Marcus - Ako nalang magiging therapist mo 😁. No more problems for you, the end!

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