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Mock 1 Examination/ English B/DP 2/SL /Paper 2 Reading Comprehension/ February 2024



Date 26.02.2024 Grade DP 2

Session Morning Subject English B

Duration 1h Level SL

Marks __ / 40 Paper Reading Comprehension

Candidate Name: _____________________________________________________________

Question and answer booklet – Instructions to candidates

• Write your session number in the boxes above.

• Do not open this examination paper until instructed to do so.

• Answer all questions.

• Answers must be written within the answer boxes provided.

• All answers must be based on the appropriate texts in the accompanying text booklet.

• The maximum mark for this examination paper is [40 marks].


Invigilator’ Teacher’s
s Signature Signature

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Mock 1 Examination/ English B/DP 2/SL /Paper 2 Reading Comprehension/ February 2024

Text A-Manorexia: Men with eating disorders on the rise

Find words or phrases in the text which are similar in meaning to: [6]

1. vomiting (line 2)

out of reach (line 8)

body (line 9)

necessarily (line 15)

impediment (line 16)

customized (line 18)

Answer the following questions [4]

7. What are some risk factors mentioned in the text that are specific to men in developing eating disorders?

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Mock 1 Examination/ English B/DP 2/SL /Paper 2 Reading Comprehension/ February 2024
8. What is the primary trigger for the development of eating disorders in men?


Why do some men with eating disorders go undiagnosed, according to the text?


What is the term used in the text to describe the pressure men feel to achieve a lean and muscular physique?

Choose the correct answer [5]

11.What is a big indicator of body dysmorphic disorder, one of the leading causes of eating disorders?

a) Acceptance of one's body

b) Preoccupation with perfection

c) Lack of interest in physical appearance

d) Indifference to societal standards

12.What is a crucial step for men seeking help for eating disorders in the text?

a) Ignoring the problem

b) Seeking treatment tailored to men

c) Avoiding medical intervention

d) Continuing with 'normal' male activities

13.How does the preoccupation with physical perfection contribute to eating disorders among men?

a) It leads to excessive exercise and steroid use

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Mock 1 Examination/ English B/DP 2/SL /Paper 2 Reading Comprehension/ February 2024
b) It promotes healthy lifestyle choices

c) It results in increased appetite

d) It has no impact on eating behaviors

14. According to the 2007 Harvard University study, what percentage of people suffering from anorexia or
bulimia are men?

a) 10%

b) 15%

c) 25%

d) 30%

15. What is suggested as a contributing factor to the increase in the number of men with eating disorders?

a) Decreased societal pressure

b) Lack of awareness

c) Reluctance to discuss body image issues

d) Genetic factors

TEXT B-Social Relationships

Match the headings with the paragraphs in the text. Write the appropriate letter in the boxes
provided. [3]

A.It’s a jungle out there. Be human.

B. Respond to everyone who reaches out. Don’t drop the ball.

C. It’s difficult out there. Never give up.

D .Make a strong impact to let people remember you. 16.

E. Invite friends to follow you and comment on your blogs. 17.

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Mock 1 Examination/ English B/DP 2/SL /Paper 2 Reading Comprehension/ February 2024
F. Re-tweet, link to and talk about what other people have to 18.


G. Accept all the requests you receive. Don’t ignore any.

H. Have an open mind when dealing with them.

The sentences below are either true or false. Tick the correct response and then justify it with a
relevant brief quotation from the text. Both a tick and a justification are required for one mark. [5]

19. The writer responds to any person’s tweet by following him/her.

True False


20. You can remain acknowledged even if you fail to interact with others.

True False


21. Personalizing request notes is usually unproductive.

True False


22. Posting frequent comments makes you an asset in a virtual environment.

True False


23. By isolating yourself from others, you end up having a small number of followers.

True False


Which words go in the gaps [24]–[28]? Choose the words from the list and write them below. [5]

before proposal reinforcement capital interaction but

recognized post overlooked relationship for towards

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Mock 1 Examination/ English B/DP 2/SL /Paper 2 Reading Comprehension/ February 2024






Text C-Clean Water Campaign

29. From statements A–H, select the three that are true according to the text. Write the appropriate
letters in the boxes provided.[3]

a. Text A is an advertisement for bottled water.

b. Text A is about an essay competition.
c. The competition offers money prizes to winners.
d. It costs $25 to enter the contest.
e. Everyone living in Metropolitan North Georgia can take part in the contest.
f. Text A introduces a new writing competition that is organized for the first time.
g. The competition is aimed at students in Atlanta.
h. With the contest, the organizers hope to raise people’s awareness of how water is used.

Find the words in the text which mean the following. [2]
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Mock 1 Examination/ English B/DP 2/SL /Paper 2 Reading Comprehension/ February 2024

30. put a stop to (line 13)

31. tell (line 20)

Which words go in the gaps between lines 42-46 ? Choose the words from the list and write them
below. [2]

all each none an every the



What do the following words refer to in the text? [5]

34. 500 (line 2)

35. 1 (line 9)

36. 30 (line 34)

37. 25 (line 44)

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Mock 1 Examination/ English B/DP 2/SL /Paper 2 Reading Comprehension/ February 2024
38. 15 (line 43)

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