Preparation Slot 12

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MKT1907_Group 2_Slot 12_Pre

Thành viên nhóm 2:

1. Dương Tịnh Y
2. Nguyễn Hoàng Bảo Ngọc
3. Nguyễn Thanh Mai
4. Trương Phụng Nghi
5. Nguyễn Thị Minh Hiền
6. Lê Thanh Thiên

Market-skimming pricing:
 Setting a high price for a new product to skim maximum revenues layer by layer
from the segments willing to pay the high price; the company makes fewer but
more profitable sales.
 Market skimming makes sense only under certain conditions. First, the product’s
quality and image must support its higher price, and enough buyers must want
the product at that price. Second, the costs of producing a smaller volume cannot
be so high that they cancel the advantage of charging more. Finally, competitors
should not be able to enter the market easily and undercut the high price.
Market-penetration pricing:
 Setting a low price for a new product in order to attract a large number of buyers
and a large market share.
 Several conditions must be met for this low-price strategy to work. First, the
market must be highly price sensitive so that a low price produces more market
growth. Second, production and distribution costs must decrease as sales volume
increases. Finally, the low price must help keep out the competition, and the
penetration pricer must maintain its
low-price position. Otherwise, the price advantage may be only temporary.

customer value perceptions:
 If consumers perceive less value relative to competing products, the company must either
charge a lower price or change customer perceptions to justify a higher price.
Market Competition :
 In highly competitive markets, companies may engage in price wars to gain a competitive
edge. Price cuts can attract price-sensitive customers and help the company maintain or
increase its market share.
External Factors:
 If a company relies on imported goods or materials affected by currency fluctuations or
changes in commodity prices, they may adjust their prices accordingly to maintain profit
Repositioning in the market:
 Companies may use price cuts as part of a broader strategy to reposition their brand or
product in the market, targeting a different customer segment or changing their perceived
value proposition

Competitive Pressure:
- To be competitive and hold market share, businesses may need to match competitors
that cut their prices or provide discounts. If you don't, you risk losing business to rivals
who provide better prices.

Clear Excess Inventory:

- Price cuts are often used to clear excess inventory that may have accumulated due to
overproduction, changes in consumer preferences, or seasonal fluctuations in demand. Lowering
prices helps to sell off surplus stock and prevent inventory obsolescence.

Retain Market Share:

- In fiercely competitive marketplaces, businesses may strategically employ price reductions as a
means of protecting or preserving their market share. It could be required to temporarily lower
rates in order to keep clients from moving to rival businesses that provide better deals or

Reach New Market Segments:

- Products that have been priced lower may now be more affordable for consumers in price-
sensitive markets who were previously unable or unable to buy the product at its original price
point. This could increase the company's clientele and spur development.

Bảng đánh giá

Tên Tịnh Y Bảo Ngọc Minh Hiền Phụng Nghi Thanh Thiên Thanh Mai

% 100 100 100 100 100 100

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