Agrarian Reform

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Name: Sun, Ricci Pristine P. Oct, 21’ 2023


Research about Agrarian reform:

These reforms are a set of government policies and programs that are centered around
restructuring and redistributing lands and resources in rural areas in agricultural sectors
and address issues of ownership of lands, tenures, and uses in order to achieve social
equality and economic justice; in the Philippines CARP was initiated in 1988 and has
since then been expanded through Comprehensive Agrarian reform program extension
with reforms in 2009 which entails to redistribute agricultural lands from large landowners
to the landless and farmers to improve livelihoods in the communities.

There are 8 components of the Agrarian reform; which are Land redistribution, Land
tenure security, Support for small farmers, Compensation and valuation, voluntary land
transfers, exemptions and retention limits, support services, and social justice.

● Land Redistribution: The core objective of CARP and CARPER is the redistribution of agricultural
lands. Landholdings that exceed a certain size were identified for redistribution to tenant farmers or
qualified beneficiaries.

● Land Tenure Security: The program provided legal recognition and security of land tenure to small
farmers, often through land titling and land reform laws.

● Support for Small Farmers: Small-scale farmers received support through access to credit, technical
assistance, and infrastructure development, aimed at increasing agricultural productivity.

● Compensation and Valuation: Landowners were compensated for the lands acquired for
redistribution, with the government setting the criteria for valuation to ensure fairness.

● Voluntary Land Transfers: Some landowners voluntarily participated in the program, choosing to sell
or transfer their lands to beneficiaries in exchange for government incentives.

● Exemptions and Retention Limits: Not all lands were subject to redistribution, as certain exemptions
and retention limits were allowed for lands used for certain purposes, such as those with
commercial, industrial, or residential use.
● Support Services: The program also offered support services like farmer training, provision of farm
equipment, and credit assistance to help beneficiaries make productive use of the land.

● Social Justice: The program aimed to reduce rural poverty, address inequality, and improve the
welfare of rural workers.

"If you are given a chance to become a president and create a bill or law that
correlates in agrarian reform what will it be? And how will you implement it?"

First I'd like a fair consultation between small farmers, big land owners, government
agencies, and the professionals or experts in the field because this isn’t or shouldn't be
onesided where there are biases or “may ma lulugi” in a lack of a better word to also
hear what they have to say how we can fairly get to a conclusion in where we’d find
potential solutions to any challenges that we might identify throughout it because id
hate for this to cause a division of those with power and the ones powerless we need to
give them an opportunity to voice our their visions or opinions about it because they are
part of our growing nation. I'd like to implement transparent and comprehensive
monitoring as well as reporting to see if everything is still in line with our actual values in
that way that no one gets stepped on as social injustices are so prevalent with a
corrupt government and we don’t want things to be like that. Give support to our local
farmers and specialists in agriculture because they are the ones providing resources
and innovations to feed the country.

I’d implement this by approaching this in phases like having adequate funding, land
acquisitions and if unwilling providing incentives and proposing a negotiation, building
the manpower staff, personnel, and experienced farming leaders.


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