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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region IX

Zamboanga Peninsula Polytechnic State University

College of Teacher Education

Lesson Plan in Social Studies 4A’s Approach

By the end of the lesson students are expected to:
a. Understand the purpose of ASEAN and its member countries.

b. Identify key historical events that led to the formation of ASEAN.

c. Explain the principles and goals outlined in the ASEAN Charter.


a. Topic: Introduction to ASEAN
b. References:
c. Materials: PPT, YouTube Video, Laptop and wide screen

 Preparation
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Kamustahan and ask the students to sit properly
 Check the attendance
 Energizer (ppt presentation to catch students attention)
 Review (let students recall last meetings activity)
 Presentation (present the lesson intended for the day)
 Activity
 Begin with a brief discussion on what students know about Southeast Asia.
 Discuss any prior knowledge or stereotypes they may have.
 Present a short video or a series of images showcasing the diversity of ASEAN
 Present PPT Presentation intended for the class

 Facilitate a quick Q&A session to address immediate questions or observations.

 Divide students into small groups and provide each group with a different
ASEAN country to research. Students should explore the country’s history,
culture, and its role in ASEAN.
 Analysis
 Encourage questions and discussions among students.
 Let the students Identify key historical events that led to the formation of
 As students collaborate to piece together, they will also discuss and share the
information they gathered from the research
 Implement a peer feedback session where students provide positive feedback and
ask questions
 Abstraction

• Facilitate a class discussion on the importance of regional cooperation, tying

back to the lesson’s objectives.
• Teacher should emphasize the importance of critical analysis in understandin
ASEAN’s impact.

(Discuss to the students the following)

- The purpose of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) is to
promote regional cooperation and stability among its member countries.
It aims to foster economic growth, social progress, cultural development,
and peace in Southeast Asia. Through collaboration, ASEAN seeks to
address common challenges and enhance the well-being of its member
- The formation of ASEAN was influenced by key historical events,
including the signing of the Bangkok Declaration on August 8, 1967.
This declaration was a response to regional concerns such as the threat of
communism, conflicts in Vietnam, and the desire for economic
development and political stability. The end of the Konfrontasi between
Indonesia and Malaysia in 1966 also played a pivotal role, fostering an
environment conducive to regional collaboration. Overall, these events
contributed to the establishment of ASEAN as a platform for collective
security and economic cooperation in Southeast Asia.
- The Principles and goals outlined in the Charter
1. Adherence to the Purposes and Principles of the UN: ASEAN
members commit to principles of sovereignty, territorial
integrity, and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs,
aligning with the United Nations.

2. Respect for the Rule of Law and Good Governance: Members

emphasize the importance of democratic values, rule of law,
and good governance to ensure stability and development.
3. Enhancement of Peace, Security, and Regional Stability:
ASEAN seeks to promote peace, stability, and security in the
region, addressing conflicts through peaceful means and
cooperative security mechanisms.

4. Promotion of a Just, Equitable, and Inclusive Social and

Economic Development: The Charter underscores the goal of
narrowing development gaps, fostering social progress, and
enhancing economic cooperation for the benefit of all member

5. Strengthening of Democracy, Enhancing Good Governance

and the Rule of Law: ASEAN is committed to promoting
democratic principles, good governance, and the rule of law as
essential foundations for regional cooperation.

6. Promotion of Sustainable Development: The Charter

emphasizes sustainable development, environmental
protection, and addressing climate change as integral to the
region’s well-being.

7. Preservation of a Southeast Asian Identity and the Cultivation

of Regional Peace, Tolerance, and Understanding:** ASEAN
aims to foster a sense of regional identity, promoting peace,
tolerance, and mutual understanding among its diverse
member nations.

8. Maintenance of Close and Beneficial Cooperation with

External Parties: SEAN values partnerships and collaboration
with external entities to enhance regional peace, stability, and

 Application
 Teacher will give a short quiz to assess students understanding
about the lesson and
 Students will write a brief reflection on what they’ve learned and
its relevance to their understanding of regional cooperation.

 Assignment:
Teacher will assign reporters for next meeting to report the principles
and goals of the ASEAN CHARTER
Prepared by: Yvonnie Mea F. Tingson

PEC 101, Batch 039

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