Beige Scrapbook Art and History Museum Presentation

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Po li ti c a l

fa ct o r s o f
th e v io le n c e
in Co
Mariana Martinez, Natalia Montero, Leonardo
Beleño, Hugo Nieves, Paula Muñoz
Political inequality in Colombia has been a longstanding and complex issue,
contributing to social unrest, violence, and challenges in achieving sustainable

Limited Political Participation

key aspects Power Concentration
Violence and Intimidation

Political inequity
Drug Trade and Cartels
For almost four decades, drug trafficking has been perceived and confronted as a
security problem in Colombia. This perception originated in the 80s of the last
century, when the criminal organisations that engaged in this illegal activity - the so-
called "posters" - began to use violence, not only to resolve the conflicts that were
generated between them, but against agents of the State and civil society

now, why’s a political factor?

drug trafficking and the State have been linked for decades creating the so-
called: Narcostate. And this illicit practice has scourged the different structures
that make up our society such as the economy and the government itself.
The multiple and diverse phenomena of privatisation of violence and
security in Colombia have prevented the consolidation of the State in the
territories and are currently a threat to the implementation of peace. In 40
years, paramilitary groups were responsible for 21,000 murders.

Main Paramilitary groups:

AUC (autodefensas unidas de colombia)

AGC (autodefensas gaitanistas de colombia)

Paramilitary Groups
Peace Processes and Reconciliation Efforts
Peace processes and reconciliation efforts have played a
crucial role in addressing the long-standing violence in
Colombia. Over the years, various initiatives have been
undertaken to negotiate an end to armed conflicts, foster
reconciliation, and build a more stable and peaceful society

Negotiations with FARC, Implementation

Challenges, Peace Talks with ELN
nThe Corruption is often related to violence because the
weakening of political institutions and economic inequality
generates dissatisfaction within society, contributing to the
emergence of armed groups, also because some crimes are not
properly punished
Thank you

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