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Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences

General Academic Strand

Name: Date:

Performance Task No. 2

The Development of Disciplines in the Social Sciences

Learning Standards

Content The learners demonstrate an understanding of the emergence of the social

Standard sciences and the different disciplines.

Performance The learners shall be able to connect the disciplines to their historical and
Standard social foundations.

The goal of this unit performance task is to trace the historical foundations and social
contexts that led to the development of social science disciplines. This task helps you to
see the connection between the various disciplines and the real world. In this sense, this
unit performance task connects the historical aspects of the social sciences and your
everyday experiences.

This activity should be done i n d i v i d u a l l y . You will take on the role of a teacher who will
provide an introduction to the different social science disciplines by explaining the timeline
to Grade 7 students.

The audience of this product are Grade 7 students.

Unit 1: Emergence of the Social Sciences 1

Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences
General Academic Strand

Through creative visualization, this task aims to help younger students understand how
social science disciplines developed.

Create a timeline of the social science disciplines following the guidelines below:

1. In the upper section of the timeline, list the disciplines according to the order of
their emergence.
2. In the lower section of the timeline, list the social event that led to the establishment
of each discipline.
3. List three pioneers of each discipline below each segment of the timeline.
4. At the back of the long linen board, analyze the timeline and relate it to a current social
phenomenon. Reflect on this question: Will the phenomenon you have identified give rise to a
new social science discipline?

5. Submit the timeline on February 29, 2024 (Thursday)

Alternative Digital Output

As an alternative digital output, the group may create a video presenting the
timeline of the social sciences following the guidelines above and these
additional instructions:
1. The video must be three to five minutes long.
2. Upload the video to a free video streaming website and share the link to
the class so that they can view and comment on the output outside class

Unit 1: Emergence of the Social Sciences 2

Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences
General Academic Strand

Standards and Criteria

Performance Levels
Criteria Suggested
1 2 3 4 Score
Beginning Developing Proficient Advanced
Proficiency Proficiency Proficiency

Content The Some of the Most of the All of the

Accuracy and information information information information

Completeness presented in presented in the presented in the presented in the
the timeline is timeline is timeline is timeline is ×3
inaccurate and inaccurate and accurate and accurate and
incomplete. incomplete. complete. complete.

Analysis of The connection The connection The connection The connection

Social between the between the between the between the

Phenomena social social social social
phenomenon phenomenon phenomenon phenomenon
and the and the timeline and the timeline and the timeline
timeline is can still be is is clear, and the
weak, and the improved, and understandable, explanation ×2
explanation the explanation and the provided makes
provided provided makes explanation a strong
makes a weak a fair argument. provided makes argument.
argument. a good

Presentation The The The The

of Ideas presentation of presentation of presentation of presentation of

the timeline the timeline the timeline the timeline
does not lead leads towards a leads towards a leads towards a
towards a partial idea; the general idea but whole idea; the
whole idea; it is manner in needs polishing; timeline is ×1
presented in a which the the timeline is presented in a
disorderly timeline is presented in an well-organized
manner. presented can organized manner.
still be manner.

Creativity and The timeline is The timeline is The timeline is The timeline is
Visual Quality not creative slightly creative creative and very creative ×1

Unit 1: Emergence of the Social Sciences 3

Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences
General Academic Strand Humanities and Social Sciences

and makes and makes makes good use and makes

poor use of average use of of different excellent use of
different visual different visual visual elements. different visual
elements. elements. elements.

Total Possible Score 28

Unit 1: Emergence of the Social Sciences 4

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