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1) 15 January 2019 – Deluded youth on the march

Deluded youths on the march

To succumb to a system of hatred and pain
Poisoned air, poisoned water and poisonous
Is their soul now, vile is their heart now.
A transformation that has happened,
Not over the years but in minutes,
In their hands they hold the baton
Of toxic masculinity and hyper sensitivity.
What have we bred for? Not for survival of course.
But for domination and manipulation.
Carving a path of destruction,
Hungry youths are on the march.
Wake up world and see it through,
We are killing our own crew!
Wake up world and see it through,
We are killing the likes of me and you!

2) Permission to be free
Walked out of the gates of hell
From a place where premature demise
Of creativity and compassion
Of strength, agility and freedom
Is commonplace and celebrated.
Alas! I said my last goodbye.
As the tears roll down
The red cheeks of Tiffany
The waitress at the coffee counter
Whose coffee was compensated
By a bright smile and a flirtatious wink,
The pig had an interim smug
As he took it as a win over my freedom.
Now the pig knows I have nowhere to go
I will walk to and fro, door to door
Where will I go?
How will I face my mother's woes?
Or my father's disappointed eyes.
It was a mistake
A mistake that nearly cost me my life
I chose this for my self
I gambled my freedom,
Falling prey to social norms
Failing to recognise who I am.
How will I now pay my bills?
Lighten the days of my friends?
Order a coffee at Starbucks and say,
Hey! my friend, it's not a very bad day.
Days after nights after days I strove
To meet the targets the pigs decide.
Blurry visions, they say,
Is a part and parcel of the game! Haha!
Never did I celebrate a holiday with my family
Never even asked for a raise.
Nor did I mingle at the corporate parties
With people of fractured morals and broken dreams!
The moolah and moksha, someone said,
Are never meant to be together, I am afraid.
I got up today, with a jolt of a lifetime
A dream that made me shudder and creep
Where did my hands that used to sketch
The moments of truth and lies go?
Where are my legs that ran around
The open fields on the mountain tops?
How are the days so dark and gloomy, and
Nights are brightened by artificial lights?
Why don't I dream a pleasant dream anymore?
Crawling out of the bed, I uttered
Fuck it, today I am going to leave.
Today I don't need your permission, Mr. Pig
Today I will be free to live.

3) Shadows lurking behind me

Waiting to consume me
Part by part devour me
Slit my throat and violate me
As I walk alone in this alley
All of them want a piece of me
All of their faces are known to me
Their sole purpose is to defile me
For them, my bare back that defines me
I am their mother, I am their daughter
I am the reason of their manic laughter
You promised to protect me,
Where are you my father?
You promised to shroud me
When the clouds are darker
Yet I am lying on the pavement, naked
Bleeding from what's left of me
The shadows came and defiled me
And merrily danced around my corpse
Carved a smile for another day
Hungry and waiting for their next prey
Because they know it is easy to hide
My father, from your blind side
Under your nose they will thrive
And wait for the next fruit to ripe.
Wake up my father, burn their homes
Not another shadow can tear another womb
And Then I shall rest in this cold tomb
4) When does the season stop blushing red?
When the pine trees dry and the puddles are lifeless
When sanity is a question and beauty is no more
The answer.
Streams of love flow backwards towards the origin.
The origin is unreal and non-existent, yet the chase is real.
Is the starlit sky dimmed by our hopes so high?
Maybe, it is the parallel visions that have dimmed the sky.
The vulgarity of life stretches beyond understanding and
Hope starts fading away into utter darkness.
A vacuum created in this sordid mind cannot be filled
With another void.
But the chase must go on till the soul rests in peace
And we wake up slowly into the madness that won’t cease.

5) Succumb to the system,

Your feeble might,
Cannot endure the blunt force trauma,
Cannot survive the heat of the moment.
Behind stands a mass as deluded as you
Waiting for the illusion to be true.
A domino effect is on its way
And it starts with you.
Fall behind your schedule,
Fail and spoil making your blood boil.
Creating a divide so you can collide.
The puppeteers watch the afterglow
Of the aftermath which is to follow.
Conform or die and death you choose
To hide your lie?
You were raised this way,
It began way before you know,
The chain that takes you to the gallows,
Is the path that your mind follows.
Break the chain, try it in vain
What’s the gain with all this pain?
Now you cry fallen behind
And look upon yourself in disdain.
The system will have its last laugh
To which you are a slave.

6) A curse that has befallen,

On the commodity called common man,
Money, matter and lustful possessions
Are the adulteries of this commodity.
So easy to buy, so easy to corrupt,
A commodity that replicates stupidity

7) I open my eyes
To a falling humanity,
That seeks validation for living
That reeks of pretence and conformity
Heaving to survive in simplicity
Searching for closure and comfort
In an illusion of accomplishments
A System that it follows,
Thrives in and breeds in
To complete a cycle of
Falsehood and hypocrisy
The system gives it a false security.
So much detached from itself,
Connected with lies
Deformed and worthless.

8) What’s the reason for my existence in this mortal form?

I am everything, you are here because I am here.
I am the creator, I am the creation,
I am the only reason that you are here.
Is reality, in its duality, a reality indeed?
Question my existence to understand myself
The answer is I am nothing, I was never here,
I was never created, I cannot be destroyed.
You are no one. You do not exist
The grand illusion

9) How do you account

For the blood running so vile in you?
For the blood burned to feed your
Undying lust
Where is the human lost,
That was supposed to be?
Maybe your greed to conquer all
Has consumed it.
Consume the world and you walk away
Leaving a trail of innocent blood you fed on
Where is the justice you keep calling out?
Where is your faith and morality?
Where is the answer to your existence?
One day, we rise again, one day we feed on you
One day you burn with us
One day we delete you
10) Pretty boy doesn’t get it,
He must smell of lavender oil,
His hair must shine like silk
His smile must resemble the crescent
His eyes must be greener than the deep sea.
Pretty boy doesn’t get it,
His arms should be rock solid
His body must withstand all the forces of nature
His limbs must be stronger than the might of the earth.
Why society why?
To sell your fucking hair gel? Face wash? Cream shit? Sunscreen? False protein?
And false food?
Pretty boy is a lie, stop believing it. Embrace all, embrace thoughts, grow united and love
Fuck you pretty boy

11) Completely incomplete. There is a hunger within us to grow, to love, to succeed and to be
complete. Toiling in a 9-5 job, restless, bleeding inside and getting crushed under our
own "perceived" ambitions, we are incomplete. We are going nowhere with this. How
disconnected are we as humans. We are very far away from completeness. How often do
we look within and see what we are made of? Why don’t we trust our primordial instincts
anymore? What is the reason of this grand delusion? We all can see through this shit but
the acceptance is marred by our ego. Let’s tell ourselves the truth for one day.
Truth: we are all one entity. We are all complete together. The divisions are created they
never existed before. Let’s join hands and grow together as one complete being.


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