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Felicita G.

Bernardino Memorial Trade School, Lias Rd, Lias, Marilao, 3023 Bulacan



Submitted By
Vashti De Leon
Angellene San Pedro
Erica Donasco
Trishia Espino
Joshua Corpuz
Jeremy Mahilom
Lawrence De Jesus
Mhalcolm Consad

Submitted To
Sir Floren Geronimo

June 19 2023
Chapter 1

The Problem and its Background


Students academic performance plays a vital role in assessing the academic standing of a learner.

It is a precise evaluation used by educators to assess their students performance and is used to

make subsequent improvement when necessary.

There are a lot of factors that can affect the academic performance of the learners. Nutrition or

health, family support, student learning activity and too much school workload are the most

common factor that might increase or even decrease the performance of a learner.

For this study, the researchers focused on the effects of too much school workload on the

academic performance if trade teachers specifically those in grade 10 which is considered as the

transition stage to senior high school.

According to Dorothy Draper "Too much of anything is the beginning of a mess". Excess in

everything is bad is also an old proverb which works as a guide for doing anything in

moderations. Anything that is way too much, be it –money, relationships, emotions, ego and

even workload causes problems and issues or bad things.

For this study, the researcher will prove that too much workload has negative effect on the

academic performance of the learners. This caused burden, stress and depression to learners

especially this with low emotional quotient.

Those students were the ones who also aims to be on top of their classes but fails to balance their

workload due to excessive activities that they have.

Furthermore, the unstable schedule due to pandemic still affects the learners. The two-year

academic gap also contributed to the academic performance of the learners. This is very evident

on the scores and performance that they get when teachers let them to take home loads. One

subject for example may give at least four to six activities. Therefore if a learner has 9 academic

subjects times 6 activities and performance task is equal to 54 activities that the learners will

perform at home without the aide of a teacher. Then an additional workload during their face-to-

face classes.

This leads to the tremendous amount of activities the students need to accomplish. Not to

mention, the daily activities that they have during class-hours. It is understandable that this will

be a preparation when they enter the higher level of learning and later on prepare them to the

world of adulthood and workplace.

But as of the moment, following effect of the two-year gap brought by the COVID-19 wherein

most of the learners have learning-gap, too much giving of workload will only result to quantity

accomplishment while forgetting the essence of quality of work. Thus, students will only give

what they can for the sake of compliance, whereas, if they will be given enough workload, they

can maximize their full potential and can come up with the best performance that they can give.

This reminds us that quality is determined by accuracy and completeness, therefore, achieving

the best academic performance requires activities on hand that is SMART bound. That is

specific, for them to allot ample time to finish. Attainable because of lesser number of task
Resources oriented for them to utilize all possible means to accomplish their given load and

time-bound which sets the target date of achieving their goal in finishing their task.

Therefore, as this study goes on further, the researcher will stick to its argument that having too

much workload is indeed have higher negative effect on the academic performance of the


Assemblywoman Felicita G. Bernardino Memorial Trade School as we all know is a technical

Vocational School. It has an additional two subjects making it 10 subjects as compared to the

normal secondary school.

Unlike regular school, this two subjects are prerequisite to all students of the school. Having 10

subjects with a limited time frame due to shorten periods and half day sessions, teachers resort to

take home activities aside from the activities inside the classroom.

Everyone is aware that the two year pandemic had a big impact to the academic performance of

the learners. Having a two-year education gap also plays a big challenge to the students to cope

up with all the activities that need to be completed.

This two-year gap becomes a hindrance to the students in completing their assigned task because

of the absence of the teachers during those time. It is a given fact that due to this reason, learners

were incapable of dealing other school activities because of the lack of mastery on the academic

performance already is on the verge of declining.

Balance and time management plus the proper scheduling of activities and giving only those

most essential learning competencies to the students will better help them to achieve higher

academic performance.
Giving emphasis and focus on the most essential learning competencies will lessen the number

of activities and task that the learners need to accomplish. These will not only maximize their

time management, this will also help them improve their mastery of the learning competencies.

Cramming, and half-blended performance are some of the major issue that needs to be addressed

because of too much workload of the students. When faced with multiple task and numerous

deadlines, a student will tend to finish and pass their task only for compliance. Neglecting the

quality of performance while focusing on the quantity that they need to meet and submit at the

same time the quality of their performance is at risk because they will have this mindset of


This research strongly believe that in order to achive high academic performance with quality

graduate, the giving of numerous task must be eliminated and in-exchange just focus on the life

skill and most import competencies that will help then for the pace of a challenging and full of

dates and deadlines world.

The purpose of the study "Factors Affecting Too Much School Workload Towards Academic

Performance of Trade Students" is to investigate and identify the various factors that contribute

to an excessive workload among trade students and how this workload impacts their academic

performance. The study aims to explore the potential reasons behind the heavy workload, such as

curriculum requirements, teaching methods, assessment practices, extracurricular activities, and

other related factors. By examining the relationship between excessive workload and academic

performance, the study intends to shed light on the potential challenges faced by trade students

and how these challenges may affect their ability to succeed academically. The findings of the

study can inform educational institutions, policymakers, and educators about the potential

consequences of an overwhelming workload on trade students and help them develop strategies
to mitigate these effects. Overall, the study seeks to provide insights into the factors influencing

the workload of trade students and their subsequent academic performance, with the goal of

improving educational practices and supporting the success of trade students.


1. how much does a huge amount of school works impact the academic performance of students

in grade 10?

2. how does the presence of too much school works contribute to stress, burden, and depression

among students in grade 10?

3. In what ways does a huge amount of school works affect the ability of students in grade 10 to

produce high-quality work and maintain a balance between different academic activities?


There is a significant factors who experience the too much school works of grade 10 students in

Assemblywoman Felicita G. Bernardino Memorial Trade School.

There is no a significant factors who experience the too much school works of grade 10 students

in Assemblywoman Felicita G. Bernardino Memorial Trade School.

A hypothesis is, very simply, a guess one makes about what will happen. For example, if one

were asked to predict which students would obtain higher achievement scores on a test, a group

who used cooperative learning or a group who received lecture-only, most would guess--

hypothesize--that the cooperative learning group would obtain the higher achievement scores. In

most research situations, a hypothesis represents an educated, an informed, guess.

Often the hypothesis is based on theory or logic; sometimes it is based on prior experience or

data. When formulating a hypothesis, there are characteristics that will make it reasonable and

acceptable to most readers. Hypotheses may be either directional, non-directional, or null. The

specific wording of the hypothesis will depend upon whether the independent variable in

question is qualitative or quantitative. In general, if the independent variable is qualitative, the

hypothesis refers to group differences. For example, there will be differences between boys and

girls in reading achievement. If the independent variable is quantitative, the hypothesis is written

in the format of relationships among variables rather than group differences. For example,

reading achievement is related to verbal recall ability. Specific differences among directional,

non-directional, and null hypotheses are presented below, but first it is necessary to explain the

types of relationships one may find among quantitative variables.

Academic performance/ achievement is the extent to which a student, teacher, or institution has

attained their short or long-term educational goals and is measured either by continuous

assessment or cumulative grade point average. A correlational study among vocational high

school students in Assemblywoman Felicita G. Bernardino Memorial Trade School found that

students who had good academic achievements have higher income, better employment benefits,

and more advancement opportunities. Besides, academically successful students have higher

self-esteem and self-confidence, low levels of anxiety and depression, are socially inclined, and

are less likely to engage in substance abuse, alcohol and khat. However, a cross-sectional study

in Assemblywoman Felicita G. Bernardino Memorial Trade School in higher learning

institutions reported that an increasing number of students still do not graduate on time,

suggesting that they did not perform well in their studies


In this study, the theory that will direct the factors affecting too much school workload towards

trade students is the Lazarus and Folkman's Cognitive Appraisal Theory from 1984. Lazaruz

stated that cognitive appraisal occurs when a person considers two major factors that majorly

contribute in his response to stress. It includes: the threatening tendency of the stress to an

individual and the assessment of requires to minimize, tolerate, or indicate the stressor and the

stress it produces. In general, cognitive appraisal is divided into two types of stages: primary and

secondary appraisal. This means that there are two different ways of how a trade student will

response to school workload. Students may perceive the workload as overwhelming and beyond

their control; they may interpret the idea of an inability to complete the work as leading to

failure, resulting in a feeling of depression and low self-esteem. If this is how a student response

to school workload, it is the first type of stages in cognitive appraisal called Primary Appraisal.

In this stage, students tend to ask questions such as, "What does this number of schoolwork

mean?" and "How can it influence me?" The typical answers to these questions are, "This is not

important" and "This is stressful," but they will end up still doing the schoolwork because they

see it as a threat; they view it as something that will cause future harm, such as failing. On the

other hand, the second stage, called secondary appraisal, usually happens simultaneously with

the primary appraisal. In fact, there are times when secondary appraisal becomes the cause of

primary appraisal. If students tend to utter statements such as, "I can do it if I will do my best," "I

will try whether my chances of success are high or not," and "If this way fails, I can always try

another method," it is a positive secondary appraisal where the student sees the school workload

as a challenge. They develop a positive stress response because they expect the school workload

to lead to a good academic performance or a higher class ranking.

Nevertheless, statements like "I can't do it; I know I will fail," "I will not do it because no one

believes I can," and "I won't try because my chances are low" indicate negative secondary

appraisal, where students see the school workload as harm-loss. They won't try to do any of their

tasks because they think that the results would be wrong; they will just cause damage to their

academic performance, and it's going to be too late for them to prevent it because something

already happened. Overall, the cognitive appraisal theory contends that excessive amounts of

schoolwork might affect students' cognitive appraisals and coping mechanisms, which can lead

to stress, burden, and depression. Schools can assist students in managing their workloads and

lessen the detrimental effects on their mental health and general wellbeing by addressing these



The result of this will benefited the following:

School. This study will help the school to be more understanding and give more time to students

to do their assigned task. For instance, to start new program affecting factors of workload

towards students performance for students.

Teachers. The teacher also can gain more knowledge about this study to understand students

acquiring crucial background knowledge about workload of performances. Teachers can give

exact time for students to do their task.

School. This study will help the school to be more understanding and give more time to students

to do their assigned task. For instance, to start new program affecting factors of workload

towards students performance for students.

Parents. Parents can also gain from this study in order to keep focused and monitor their children

on how they struggle with their workload of performances. Future Researcher. Future researchers

will benefit from this study to gain more knowledge about having apparent time of doing their

performances to be more convenient for the students who will be affected.


This study focuses on the effects or struggles that trade students may encounter from too much

school work load as it gives stress by having their school works being piled up through a short

period of time, despite having other school activities to finish and having no proper time to do

other school works.

The process of our research have lasted 1 month, we have gathered the opinions and thoughts

about our study. Our respondents of our research, the effects of factors affecting too much school

work load towards academic performance of trade students research of group 4 are from 10

bonifacio of assembly woman felicita g bernardino memorial trade school.

The scope of our study are the trade students, though some other school may experience the

same problem. However, we have based our research on our experience when it comes to too

much school work loads. We have come to the realization of knowing the condition and effects

of the school work loads when it comes to our school and our fellow trade school mates.

Other people may experience the same struggle of having too much work loads, however school

work loads only relates and talks about the struggles of our fellow students.

School Workload – This refers to the one of the reasons why school is hard for students of trade.

Also this affects students and their academic performance

Students – Refers to the people whose academic performance is being affected due to too much

school workload. Too much of it can cause them stress which affects their academic


Stress – In this research this is the thing that every students of Assembly Woman Felecita G

Bernardino Memorial Trade School have in common.

Academic Performance – As used in this research, this is the variable that is being affected by

the school workloads. This refers on how well the students do in class and how often they


Teachers – Refers to the one who gives the students school workloads. They also measure the

students academic performance.




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