Guyana Patient Charter-2020

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Patient Charter

Chief Medical Officer

August 2020
Patients Charter

Ministry of Health
Lot 1 Brickdam, Stabroek


I am pleased to issue this third edition of the Patient Charter developed jointly by the Ministry
of Health, Guyana and several stakeholders including patients advocacy groups, professional
associations and none-governmental organization. This publication comes on the backdrop of
the Ministry’s efforts as outlined in its health strategy, “Health Vision 2020” to ensure that a high
quality of health service is delivered to all persons who seek care and aims to build confidence
in the public health care system and improve the health of all in Guyana.

Health Care Facilities in Guyana, have many functions to perform, including the enhancement of
health status of patients, health promotion, and the prevention and treatment of injury and
disease; the immediate and ongoing care and rehabilitation of patients; the education of health
professionals, patients, and the community and research. All of these activities must be
conducted with an overriding concern for the values and dignity of patients.

This Charter supports safe, effective and quality health care by setting out the rights,
responsibilities and obligations of patients seeking healthcare at any of the Public Health Care
Facilities in Guyana. Accordingly, in this Charter the word “patient” means any person
attending the Health Care Facility for in-patient or out-patient care.

The purpose of Guyana’s Patient Charter is to ensure that every Guyanese, regardless of age,
gender, religion, national origin, social class or geographical location is aware of his or her rights
to access health care services and their rights while in the care of a health professional. It
further outlines the rights of every patient to receive services from health care providers that is
based on courtesy, human dignity, patience, empathy and tolerance and their obligation to
cooperate with health workers and to actively participate in his/her own health care.

Dr. Shamdeo Persaud

Chief Medical Officer

1. Right to Care and Treatment

Every patient has the right to receive safe and effective medical and nursing care from registered
professional health care workers.
1.1 The patient has the right to medical care appropriate to the needs of his or her health.
These services shall be available and accessible to everyone on an equal basis without regard
to age, race, colour religion, disability, sex, sexual orientation, national origin and according
to the financial, human and material resources which the Public Health Care System is in a
position to make available.
1.2 The patient has the right to have emergency procedures done without unnecessary delay.
1.3 Whenever circumstances call for a selection among patients for specific medical care, this
shall be made without discrimination, in a fair manner and shall be based on medical criteria.
1.4 The patient has the right to be relieved of anything that making him or her (such as pain or
distress) uncomfortable according to the available scientific knowledge.
1.5 The patient has the right to safe care and treatment according to the available local medical
technical advancement

2. Right to Information

Every patient has the right to access all information regarding their state of health, the health services
available and how to use them.
2.1 The patient has the right to receive clear information from the Health Care Provider in
order to make informed decisions about his or her health care. This should include
information about their diagnosis, prognosis, proposed medical procedures, different
treatment choices, risk and advantages of every alternative procedure and treatment and
possible effect of the non-use of medical treatment. This information should particularly
take into account the religious and ethnic orientation and language understood by the
2.2. The patient has the right to view his or her clinical file and medical records, to photocopy,
to ask questions about the contents and obtain the correction of any errors the records
might contain.
2.2 The patient has the right to know the name and position of their health care provider; the
health care provider should have visible identification containing his/her name and area of
specialization if any.
2.3 The patient has the right to be informed about rules and policies of the hospital or health
center that he/she visits
2.4 The patient has the right to receive information on self-care that will help to relieve
symptoms, recover and will reduce risk of complications.

3. Right to Respect
All patients shall have their dignity respected.

3.1 The patient has the right to considerate and respectful care at all times. The care of the
patient includes consideration of the physical, spiritual, psychosocial, religious and cultural
background of the patient and how these might influence the patient’s health and illness.
3.2 In the spirit of compassion and respect, care and comfort are provided to the patient with
low prognosis and their families.
3.3 The patient has the right to be free from all forms of verbal, physical, sexual abuse,
harassment or neglect or the intentional and non-therapeutic infliction of physical pain or
injury, or any persistent course of conduct intended to produce mental or emotional
3.4 The patient has the right to be free from the use of seclusion and restraint, unless medically
authorized by the physician. Restraints and seclusion will be used only as a last resort and in
the least restrictive manner possible to protect the patient or others from harm and will be
removed or ended at the earliest possible time.

4. Right to Choice
Every patient has the right to make choices about utilizing available health services on the basis of
adequate information.
4.1 The health services have the duty to provide the patient with information on the various
centers and health practitioners available to provide certain preventative, diagnostic and
treatment services so that the patient can make a choice about a facility to attend for a
particular health problem.
4.2 The patient has the right to discuss with the physician the treatment options, including the
use of oral medications in cases where they would be equally effective as injections. They
may seek and obtain a second opinion.
4.3 The patient has the right to decide seeking a second opinion if he/she has doubts about the
diagnosis or proposed treatment.
4.4 The patient has the right to have his or her moral and cultural beliefs as well as his religious
and philosophical convictions respected.

5. Right to Consent
Every patient has the right to actively participate in the decision regarding his or her health.

5.1 The patient should be given all information about needed treatment or operation,
including any associated risks and discomfort, side-effects and alternatives when necessary.
This information should be given with enough advance time and using a language that is
clear and understood to enable the patient to actively participate in the therapeutic choices
regarding his/her state of health.
5.2 The patient has the right to refuse any drugs, treatment or procedures to the extent
permitted by law after hearing the medical consequences of refusing the drug, treatment or
5.3 The patient has the right to refuse information about his or her health status until he/she
is prepared to handle it.
5.4 The parent/guardian of a child or adolescent patient has the right and responsibility to be

involved in decisions about the care of the child. A child or adolescent has the right to have
his or her wishes considered in the decision-making as limited by law.
5.5 In the case of an adult in an unconscious state or unable to understand, consent shall be
obtained from the closest relative with the authority to do so.
5.6 In the case of an emergency, when waiting for consent from a relative would delay urgent
treatment, an exception can be made in allowing the responsible physician to take the
decision regarding treatment in the best interest of the patient.
5.7 A patient shall only be included in medical research with informed consent. The patient
should be given clear information on the aims, methods and potential hazards or discomfort
associated with participation in the research project. Every patient has the right to refuse
participation and the right to withdraw consent at any time. Any refusal to participate in a
research program will not affect the patient’s access to care.

6. Right to Privacy and Confidentiality

Every patient has the right to the confidentiality of personal information, including information regarding
his or her state of health and potential diagnostic or therapeutic procedures, as well as the protection of
his privacy during the performance of diagnostic exams, specialist visits and medical/surgical treatment
in general.

6.1 The patient has the right to privacy with respect to his or her medical condition.
Information of a patient’s health status or treatment can only be disclosed to anyone not
directly involved in the patient's care, with the patient’s written informed consent or that of
a legally authorized representative, except in cases such as suspected abuse or public health
hazards, when reporting is permitted or required by law.
6.2 The patient’s medical information such as the medical condition of the patient, the diagnosis,
the prognosis and the treatment as well as any other information of a personal nature shall
be kept confidential even after his or her death and shall not be revealed to any person or
authority except as provided by any law or court order.
6.3 All data and information of the patient shall be kept in secured archives that are only
accessible to authorized persons.
6.4 The patient has the right to be interviewed and examined discretely in surroundings that
provide privacy and with no other persons present who are not directly involved in the
patient’s care.

7 Right to Health Promotion and Preventative Services

Every patient has the right to receive health education and health promotion and preventative services
that may help them to stay healthy.
7.1 All patients have the right to education and counselling services to raise awareness about
relevant modifiable risk factors and disease prevention

7.2 All patients have the right to patient-centered processes that promotes trust and
recognizes patients’ self-directed roles and responsibilities in maintaining health.

7.3 All patients have the right to receive information and benefit from the results of scientific
research and available technological innovation.
7.4 Every patient has the right to utilize preventive health services (such as vaccination and
7.5 Ever patient has a right to comply with approved health measures that can reduce their risk
of disease or prevent transmission to others.

Patient’s Obligations and Responsibilities

1. The Responsibility to provide information

1.1 Patients are responsible for providing correct and complete information about their health
and past medical history including, any complaints, medication, previous diseases and
previous hospitalizations or visit to health care providers.
1.2 Patients shall inform the health professional of any current care by another health
professional or traditional healer in connection with the same complaint.
1.3 Patients are responsible for reporting if they do not understand the planned treatment or
their part in the treatment.
1.4 Patients are responsible to provide information on any change in their conditions or
adverse reactions of medicines.

2. The Responsibility to comply with agreed treatment or rehabilitation


2.1 Patients are responsible for following the recommended treatment plan agreed to, including
instruction from doctors, nurses and other health personnel and seek and obtain
clarifications on any issue related to their care.
2.2 Patients are obligated to notify and discuss with the Health Care provider, reasons for
change of opinion about continuation of the treatment given.

3. The responsibility to accept consequences of one’s own informed decisions

3.1 Patients are responsible for any decisions they take, including the consequences of refusal of
treatment, care and prevention.
3.2 Patients are responsible for following facility rules regarding smoking, alcohol consumption
noise, and use of illegal substances.
4. The responsibility to respect the rights of other patients and of health providers

4.1 Patients are obligated to conduct themselves in such a way that it does not interfere with
the well-being or rights of other patients or the rights of the health staff.
4.2 Patients shall not offer to or pay in any way a health professional to provide false certificates
with incorrect information.
4.3 Patients are responsible for assisting in the control of noise and the number of visitors in
the hospital ward or room

5. The responsibility to utilize the health care system properly and comply with
5.2 Patients are responsible to treat with respect the property of the hospital or health center.
5.2 Patients are obligated to comply with the regulations for visiting and following the rules
concerning patient conduct.
5.3 Patients are responsible for not waste medical resources and supplies unnecessarily.

6. The responsibility to accept all preventive measures sanctioned by policy and

6.1 Patients and all Guyanese are subjected to comply with all prevention and control measures
issued under the Public Health Ordinance (1934) and the subsequent periodic Extraordinary
Orders issued by the Ministry of Health in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Such
measures include that all persons in Guyana are subjected to prevention and control
measures including but not limiting to social distancing, wearing of a face mask in public and
practicing good hygiene measures including hand hygiene and sanitation. In addition Persons
in Guyana are subjected to control measures including contact tracing, quarantine and
isolation depending on the risk and susceptibility of each individual.
6.2 All Children (by age 3 years) in Guyana are required under provisions of the Public Health
Immunization Act Chapter 35:02 of 1974 to be vaccinated against selected diseases
according to schedule approved by the Minister of Health.
6.3 No Pupil/Student will gain entry to school if not fully immunized. Parents and guardians
must ensure that all children are fully immunized by 3 years 9 months of age.
6.4 All Boys and girls (Age 9 to 16) must be vaccination against the Human Papilloma Virus
6.5 All Citizens are obligated to avail themselves to Mass Drug Treatment (MDA) against
infection with parasites that may cause filariasis and intestinal worms
6.6 All Citizens are responsible for obtaining any other prophylaxis treatment approved by the
Ministry of Health to reduce the risk of infectious diseases.
6.7 All Citizens have the right to general preventative measures such as screening, diagnosis
and treatment for risk factors and disease conditions that can lead to poor health and
For further information or to address concerns of Patients Right
please contact:
Chief Medical Officer, Ministry of Health.
Lot 1 Brickdam, Stabroek Georgetown
Tel: 226 1224, or visit us at
Facebook or Twitter8 or at gy

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