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Tyisha Woodcock

Professional Learning Networks in my school and district.

Looking into my school’s PLN, it doesn’t look like there is a great presence on Twitter or
Facebook. The school’s Twitter page hasn’t had a post since May 2022. Following the principal and
several assistant principals, they post more frequently, but the post are only positive school related
events. The connections to be made here are really community focused. I would not consider the tweets
to be professional learning. For Cobb County district, they have @Cobb_PL and @CobbInTech. The Cobb
Professional Learning has not sent out a tweet since January 2022. The CobInTech Twitter page is
described as “Cobb County School District Instructional Technology Team.” The Instructional Technology
team seems to tweet every few days. There are tips on using Microsoft tools,, CTLS, and more.
The team does seem to put forth good information for teachers/educators to use. Many of the tweets
are about MIE since the county uses Microsoft. Most of the tweets seem to be connected to the
programs that the county encourages teachers to use and that the county pays for. They are giving tips
and comments about using these programs. I find it beneficial since I am trying to learn how to best
utilize these tools.

I don’t use Twitter. I only have an account because I was required to get one when I went
through my master’s program. I do have a social media presence, but it is about my family and silly
things. I have been wanting to learn how to make effective videos on TikTok for some school related
ideas that I have, but I haven’t had time to learn it yet. My plan is to learn how to make quick and
engaging TikTok videos to post on my page. I feel that most of the PLNs that I find are for elementary
educators. I do look for specific ELA and middle or high school account.

My plan is to follow the @CobbInTech Twitter account. I will follow their account and document
what they post as well as try to utilize the tips that they give and participate in sessions that they
advertise. I want to see if what they are sharing is helpful.

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