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Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

O, fair audiences, gather round and listen well,

For a tale of mysticism and inner self,

Of a soul who searched for meaning in his days,

And a Master whose poetry could guide his ways.

Rumi, a man of wisdom and Divine grace,

Shares with us a story of a different place,

Where the veil between life and death doth fade,

And the true purpose of our days is laid.

So come, dear friends, and join in this grand quest,

To find the truth that lies within our breast,

For in this tale, we may all find a part,

And in Rumi's words, find solace for our hearts.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times


Introducing Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of

the Times" a story that delves deep into the complexities of the
human heart and the search for meaning in life. Asim, a young
and ambitious digital marketing expert, is at the top of his game.
But when the love of his life is torn away from him, his world is
turned upside down.

Asim is consumed by longing and separation, his tears falling like

rain as he struggles to come to terms with his loss. In his pain, he
slowly begins to understand the love of God and turns to solitude
in search of answers. He leaves his office and chooses a life of
seclusion, studying the works of Rumi and delving deeper into the
mysteries of religion and the purpose of his existence.

Through the years, Asim tries to make a new life for himself,
taking on different jobs, but his heart is not in it. He cannot
escape the memory of his beloved and the love they shared. As he
grows closer to Rumi's teachings, he begins to understand the
true nature of love and its connection to the divine. Love for the
girl led to love for his spiritual teacher Rumi and, eventually, love
for Allah. Asim was so absorbed in love that he began to see love
everywhere, and this fire of love in him won him the chance to
meet Rumi. In Rumi's presence, he learned the mysteries of time

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

and space and the true nature of divine love. He even got the
chance to interview Rumi for his digital marketing project, hoping
that the dialogues between the 13th-century Sufi master and poet
and a 21st-century mindset would serve as a guide for people
living in the current era and beyond.

This story contains poems from Rumi's work and also poems
written by Asim, revealing each stage of love in his life.

The "Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the
Times" is a powerful and moving story that will leave you
questioning your own purpose and understanding of the world.
Don't miss this emotional journey of self-discovery and

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

I tried to find Him on the Christian cross,

but He was not there;

I went to the Temple of the Hindus and to the old pagoda,

but I could not find a trace of Him anywhere.

I searched the mountains and the valleys

but neither in the heights nor in the depths was I able to find Him.

I went to the Kaaba in Mecca,

but He was not there either.

I questioned the scholars and philosophers,

but He was beyond their understanding.

I then looked into my heart

and it was there where He dwelled that I saw him;

He was nowhere else to be found.

~Jalaluddin Rumi

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Chapter 1: The Court of RUMI

Opening: Heaven and Assembly of Souls

As the souls assemble in the afterlife, a sense of anticipation and

anxiety fills the air. Some stand nervously, fidgeting with their
hands as they wait for the results of their earthly lives to be
revealed. Others stand confidently, their faith in the mercy of Allah
guiding them through the uncertain moments.

In the distance, the sound of footsteps can be heard approaching.

The souls turn towards the source of the sound, their hearts
pounding in their chests as they wonder who will appear before

Suddenly, the figure of a man emerges from the mist. His face is
kind and compassionate, and a sense of peace emanates from
him. This is the Angel of Death, come to reveal the fate of the

But suddenly the angel of death is stopped by a person, Rumi,

whose identity is yet unknown to the candidates.

One by one, he approaches the souls, presenting them with their

deeds from their earthly lives. Some are overjoyed at the news of
their entry into paradise, while others hang their heads in sorrow
at the possibility of their eternal punishment.

Voice speaks

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Oh, soul, you worry too much.

Look at yourself, what you have become.

You say that I keep you warm inside.

Then why this cold sigh?

You have gone to the roof of the heavens.

Of this world of dust, why do you worry?

Oh, soul, you worry too much.

Since you met me, you have become a master singer,

and are now a skilled wrangler, you can untangle any knot.

Of life’s little leash why do you worry?

Your arms are heavy with treasures of all kinds.

About poverty, why do you worry?

(Souls start to whisper among themselves. Rumi, i think its the

voice of the great saint of all times, yes, certainly,)

But no matter the outcome, the RUMI reminds the souls that the
mercy of Allah is boundless, and that all may seek redemption
and find their way to paradise through sincere repentance and
devotion to the divine.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

And so, the souls continue to wait, their hearts heavy with the
weight of their past actions, but filled with hope for the future and
the mercy of Allah.

Rumi, a revered 13th-century Persian poet, stands center stage,

reciting and addressing the souls.

He speaks of the inevitable end that awaits us all, but assures us

that death is not the end. It is only when we leave this world
behind that we come to understand that life was merely a dream,
a fleeting illusion. Rumi reminds us of the importance of being a
witness to our actions in this world, and of our duty to aid those in
need. He speaks for all, who have either discovered their true
souls and sensed the presence of God or in your case still
struggling. This group sought to find the purpose of their lives,
and it was Rumi's duty to guide them on their journey. But this
story, Rumi says, is not about them, since they lived their lives,
rather It is about you. It is a story of self-discovery and finding
one's true purpose in life.

RUMI ( addressing his followers while looking at you [the camera

screen] ):

"I come before you today to speak of the inevitable end that
awaits us all: death. But do not despair, for death is not the end. It
is only when we leave this world behind that we come to
understand that life was merely a dream, a fleeting illusion.

I remind you of the importance of being a witness to our actions

in this world, and of our duty to aid those in need. I speak of a
young boy, a young girl, an old couple, and cheerful children.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Some were born into poverty, while others belonged to a rich

family. But despite their differences, they all discovered their true
souls and sensed the presence of God.

These individuals sought to find the purpose of their lives, and it

was my duty to guide them on their journey. This story, my friends,
is about you. It is a story of self-discovery, of finding one's true
purpose in life.

I urge you to take this story to heart and to seek your own path of
self-discovery. May you find your true purpose and the presence
of God in your own life."

Suddenly The scene changes to December 17, 1273 AD.

As the curtains of his eyes close… Rumi's words linger in the air,
inviting us to embark on our own journey of enlightenment.

As the people mourn over the death of Rumi, a voice echos,

When I die,

when my coffin

is being taken out

you must never think

I am missing this world

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

don't shed any tears

don't lament or

feel sorry

I am not falling

into a monster's abyss

when you see

my corpse is being carried

don't cry for my leaving

I am not leaving

I am arriving at eternal love

when you leave me

in the grave

don't say goodbye

remember a grave is

only a curtain

for the paradise behind

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

you'll only see me

descending into a grave

now watch me rise

how can there be an end

when the sun sets or

the moon goes down

it looks like the end

it seems like a sunset

but in reality it is a dawn

when the grave locks you up

that is when your soul is freed

have you ever seen

a seed fallen to earth

not rise with a new life

why should you doubt the rise

of a seed named human

have you ever seen

a bucket lowered into a well

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

coming back empty

why lament for a soul

when it can come back

like Joseph from the well

when for the last time

you close your mouth

your words and soul

will belong to the world of

no place no time.


Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Chapter 2: The Trial Begins

HEAVENLY COURTROOM - Self Accountability - 1273 AD


The Souls of the humans stand in a grand, marble courtroom,

surrounded by swirling clouds and angelic beings. The calendar
on the wall reads "1280."

One by one, the souls are summoned to the mysterious room,

where Rumi is seated.

In that room, Rumi presents the soul of the actions they've been
doing on earth.

SOUL OF THE MAN: Rumi, where are we?

RUMI: You are in my study. Now, let us watch the video of your

The soul looks up at the screen and sees a video of himself, living
his life on Earth.

RUMI: (narrating) Death is not the end. It is only when we die that
we realize that the life we lived in the world was just a dream. We
are all merely witnesses to our own actions, and it is our duty to
help those who call upon us.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

The video shows the SOUL OF THE MAN growing up in a Turkish

family and struggling to find his place in the world. Despite his
hardships, he begins to seek the true meaning of life and finds
God. Rumi appears to guide him on his journey.

As the video concludes, the SOUL OF THE MAN, enlightened and

at peace, turns to Rumi.

SOUL OF THE MAN: Thank you, Rumi. I understand now.

RUMI: You are welcome, my child. Now, it is time for you to return
to the eternal light.

The SOUL OF THE MAN nods and disappears into the light, as
Rumi watches with a smile.


As the camera pans across a serene landscape of rolling hills and

fields, we hear the soothing voice of Rumi narrating:

"When I die, don't think I've left you," he begins. "I am just a drop of
water, returning to the sea. And in that vast ocean, I'll be reunited
with all that I've ever loved. So don't grieve for me, my dear. I am
simply returning to my source."

The darkness takes over,

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Chapter 3: The Midnight of the Year - 2023

The Resurrection begins

Asim is pacing back and forth, deep in thought. He stops in front

of his bookshelf, scanning the titles with a fierce determination.

ASIM: (to himself) There has to be something here that can help
me. Some way to understand what's going on.

He pulls down a book on comparative religion and flips through

the pages.

ASIM: (to himself) Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianism... ...There

are so many paths to enlightenment. But which one is right for

He continues to search, his frustration growing.

ASIM: (to himself) I feel like I'm missing something. Like there's a
piece of the puzzle that I can't quite see.

ASIM: (to himself) I've always known that there was more to the
world than what I see in front of me. But how do I go about finding

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Suddenly, an idea comes to him. He sits up and reaches for his


ASIM: (to himself) That's it. I'll research other religions. Maybe I'll
find some answers there.

He begins to type frantically, searching for information on various

spiritual traditions. As he reads, he becomes more and more
intrigued by the diverse beliefs and practices of the world's

Asim falls asleep…

A bright light fills the room.


Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Chapter 4: Asim's First Meet up with RUMI

HEAVENLY COURTROOM - Self Accountability - 1800 AD


RUMI: Asim, my dear friend. Welcome to the afterlife.

The calendar showing the slogan "Life After Death"

ASIM: I have heard from other souls that you are going to check
our accounts.

RUMI: Yes, and before you ask, I have been put in charge of you, in
spite of the other mentionable celebrities available such as
Prophet Mohammad, Jesus Christ, etc. (may peace be upon
them) Don't worry you will meet them soon on the final day of
judgment. This is just the unseen realm, the barrier between life
and death. The souls remain here and await the day of judgment.

Rumi directs Asim to follow him and leads him to a large screen
that appears out of thin air.

RUMI: Asim, watch this video and see the journey of your life on
earth. The calendar on the wall that read "Life After Death"
changes to '' 1987 and continue to upgrade as each event passes
before Asim's Eyes''

Asim Experiences the video, filled with memories of his past

experiences and encounters.( he is not only watching but he is the

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

part of it i.e performing on the earth and being present in the

court at the same time.)

Event 1: 1987 - 1992

Born on November 15, 1987, the boy, as the youngest in the

family, has received unconditional love from his parents,
brothers, and sisters.

The boy named Asim Ali Khan is born into a poor family, Rumi's
poem speaks of the value of love and the importance of family. It
reminds the boy that no matter their circumstances, the love of
his family will always be a source of strength and support.

The poem echoes in the background:

Family love, a bond so strong

It holds us close, it keeps us long

Through joy and pain, through thick and thin

We stand together, bound within

A love that grows with every day

It guides us through, it lights the way

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

It holds us up when we are down

It lifts us up, it turns our frown

For family love is not just blood

It's more than that, it's more than mud

It's a feeling deep, it's a bond so true

It's a love that lasts, it's a love that grew

So hold your loved ones close and tight

And never let them out of sight

For family love is a gift from above

It's a treasure rare, it's a God's love

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Event 2: 1995 - 1999

Even after the boy attains an education at Cambridge University,

initially he is good in his studies, but gradually his studies suffer
and he gains pride and arrogance.

As the boy begins his education, Rumi's poem speaks of the

dangers of pride and the importance of humility. It encourages the
boy to strive for knowledge, but to always remain humble and
open to learning from others.

Oh, education, how vital you are

To the shaping of one's life and career

You open doors, broaden horizons

And bring us knowledge beyond compare

With you, we can journey far and wide

Discovering new ideas and concepts to explore

You nurture our minds and feed our souls,

And provide us with the means to dream and soar.

Through your teachings, we learn to think

To question and analyze

We gain the skills to communicate

And the wisdom to be wise

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Oh, education, you are the key

To unlocking our full potential

You guide us on the path to greatness

And give us the strength to be resilient

So let us embrace the power of learning

And seek out knowledge every day.

For with education, we can achieve

Anything we set our hearts to say.

Event 3: 2000 - 2008

He goes swimming with his friends, and one of the boys pushes
him into the pool. This is when he realizes what it is like to die.
But he is too young to learn a lesson from the incident. The pool
guide jumped to save him. As soon as he got out, he began
asking who pushed him, and upon learning the culprit, he began
fighting, but he soon realized it was a mistake; the mischievous
person was stronger, and he hit him on the nose. The nose starts
to bleed.


Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times


ASIM: I didn't know that I was such a good poet.

RUMI (passing the handkerchief to Asim) : See, since you

remember me the most, I was always with you. Please wipe the
blood upon your face.


Event 3: Continues…

Then he joins the Karate Club and learns martial arts. He

switches schools, and there, too, he walks proudly. He is terrible
at his studies, but he is careful when choosing friends. He makes
a few friends.

When the boy has his near-death experience at the pool ( some
boys pushed him into the swimming pool), Rumi's poem reflects
on the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing every
moment. It reminds the boy to be grateful for the time he has
been given and to make the most of it.

Life is but a fleeting breeze

A gentle wind that comes and goes

So cherish every precious moment.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

For it will never be the same

Embrace the love and joy around you

For it may not always be found

Life is fragile, make it count

Embrace each day with open arms deeply, and be kind

For these are the things that truly matter

in this fragile, beautiful life.

As the boy struggles with his studies and relationships at college

and later university , Rumi's poem speaks of the importance of
choosing one's friends wisely. It advises the boy to surround
himself with those who lift him up and support him, rather than
those who bring him down.

Oh, young one, choose your friends wisely

For they will shape your days and years

Surround yourself with those who lift you up

Who support and encourage you

For they are the ones who will help you grow

But beware of those who bring you down

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

and drain your energy and joy.

For they will only hold you back

Seek out those who bring light and love

And let their warmth and kindness lift you higher

For in this world, who you surround yourself with

Can be the greatest gift of all.

Event 4: 2008 - 2015

He graduates from high school and attends a college, then a

university. He immediately started his own marketing company
after doing two jobs at advertising companies. During these
times, his father suffers a great loss in business, and being
already poor, he is forced to live below the poverty line. Life
teaches him the graveness of time.

When the boy's father suffers a loss in business, Rumi's poem

reminds him of the impermanence of material possessions and
the importance of finding joy in the present moment. It
encourages the boy to let go of his attachment to material wealth
and to focus on what truly matters.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

This world is but a fleeting show,

A transient dream that comes and goes.

Do not be fooled by all its charms,

For all its riches will one day fade away.

So do not cling to material wealth,

But seek instead the joy that lies within.

For true happiness cannot be bought,

But only found in the present moment.

So let go of your attachments, dear boy,

And find your happiness in the now.

For the joy of the present is all we have,

And all that truly matters in this fleeting world.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Event 5: 2016

Due to financial problems owing to losses in the business. He is

disturbed, and above that, the landlord of the office secretly sells
the office to someone else. He has no other choice but to close
his business.

One day On the way to visit his only friend, he meets his nephew,
and as they are talking, he steps back and accidentally steps on
the girl's foot. The girl gets angry and misbehaves; this hurts his
ego, so he goes after her to ask her to apologize for her rude
behavior. Her brother saw this and came forward to ask what was
wrong, placing his hand on the arrogant boy's shoulder. The boy
knocked his hand off and slapped him across the face. The girl's
brother tried to hit back, but the boy escaped, and the boy
slapped him again a couple of times. The girl's brother, instead of
running away, tells the boy that he might have more power than
him, but he is not more powerful than God above. This has a
great effect on the boy, and he touches the girl's brother's knees
and asks for forgiveness.

During the incident with the girl and her brother, as the boy loses
his career, Rumi's poem speaks of the dangers of letting power
and success go to one's head. It encourages the boy to remain
humble and to use his success to help others rather than
becoming arrogant and selfish.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Oh, young one, be careful of power and success

For they can easily go to your head

Do not let them cloud your judgment

Or make you forget the ones who helped you along the way

Use your success to lift others up

To bring joy and hope to those in need

Do not let it make you arrogant and selfish.

For true success is not about what you have

But about how you use it to make a difference

So stay humble, stay kind, and use your gifts

To bring light and love to the world.

Event 6: 2017 - 2019

After a year's break, he lands a job as a digital marketer at a

marketing firm. His life has changed, and he becomes less
proud day by day. He loses both his health and his pride.

During his time at the office, one of the girls there tries to attract
him and convinces him that she loves him. and the boy fears he

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

might break her heart; he asks her directly to marry him, but the
girl refuses and insults him in the office.

The boy resigns from the company and works for a couple of
other companies over the next few years.

The boy gets a marketing job at an international education

institute, where he works day and night and meets a woman who
is older than him. The woman gets impressed by the boy's caring
attitude and passes on the clear instruction that she loves him.
When the boy asks the woman for her hand in marriage, she
refuses and suffocates him in front of everyone, which hurts the
boy's ego, but due to company policy, he cannot leave the office
before submitting the one-month notice. Just a few days before
the month ends, a strange thing happens. When the boy reaches
the institute, he is informed that a teacher misbehaved with the
same woman who insulted him and played with his emotions.
The boy gets angry. Instead of cheering, he supports and
defends her. The woman gets impressed, and they both resign
from the institute.

After a few weeks, the woman invites the boy to join her relative's
office. The boy agrees, but soon after one month, he resigns. By
this stage, his ego is badly hurt. He can hardly believe what has
happened to him in the last few years. But life goes on.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

When the girl at the office misleads and then insults the boy,
Rumi's poem reminds him of the importance of self-respect and
the dangers of allowing oneself to be treated poorly. It
encourages the boy to stand up for himself and to never
compromise his own values. Rumi's poem speaks of the power of
forgiveness and the importance of making amends for one's
actions. It reminds the boy to always strive to be a better person,
even when it is difficult.



Asim Reading the passages from the poems he wrote during such
a terrible time.)

Self-respect is a treasure most rare,

A precious gem that we must always wear.

But if we allow ourselves to be treated poorly,

If we let others trample on our dignity,
Then we lose that precious sense of self-worth,
And let others dictate our reality.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

So stand up for yourself, dear boy,

And never let others bring you down.
For you are worthy of respect and love,
And never compromise your sense of self.
For when you do, you lose a part of who you are,
And that is something you can never regain.

Forgiveness is a powerful force,

A light that guides us on our course.
It helps us let go of past mistakes,
And move forward with hearts full of grace.

But to truly forgive, we must also make amends,

For it is not enough just to pretend.
We must work to right our wrongs,
And strive to be better, even when it's hard.

So let go of your grudges and let forgiveness flow,

And take the steps to make amends and let your heart grow.
For in doing so, you'll find a sense of peace,
And the strength to be a better person never ceases.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

(RUMI reciting his own Poem)

"This being human is a guest house.

Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,

some momentary awareness comes

as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!

Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,

who violently sweep your house

empty of its furniture,

still, treat each guest honorably.

He may be clearing you out

ASIM: I have started to sense that my poems were very simple,

they reflected my inner feelings, though.

RUMI (cutting him off ): "Asim, my dear friend, your poems lack
the maturity of true love. You have not yet tasted the fire of the
heart's passion, and it shows in your words.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

ASIM: "What do you mean, Rumi? I have written about love


RUMI "Yes, but you have not yet experienced the depth of love's
emotion. Caring for others and not wanting to hurt their feelings is
important, but true love is so much more than that. It consumes
you, it transforms you. It is the grand master, the oven in which we
are baked and shaped into the best version of ourselves.

ASIM: "I don't understand, Rumi. How do I experience this kind of


RUMI: "Patience, my friend. Love will come to you in due time. But
be prepared, for when it does arrive, it will shake you to your very
core. Embrace it, and let it guide you on your path."


Event 6: Continues…

Through each of these life events, Rumi's poems serve as a

guiding force for the boy, helping him to navigate the challenges
of life and to become a better person. As he grows and
experiences new things, the boy learns to embrace the teachings
of Rumi and to understand Life.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

The boy had always been driven and ambitious, and his hard work
and determination finally paid off when he landed a job at a top
technology company as a digital marketing expert.

His dedication to his work didn't go unnoticed, and he quickly

climbed the ranks at the company, eventually earning a senior
position. The following year, when the time came to hire new team
members to assist with the company's expansion, Asim was
tasked with leading the interviews.

As he sat at his desk on a Friday afternoon, going through

resumes and scheduling interviews, an electricity break occurred
in the town. To kill the darkness, he planned to open the door, at
the same time his soul informed him that he was going to meet
someone special soon. As he was opening the door to let in the
light, he saw her coming from far away…


Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Chapter 5: The Crush of the Souls

Year 2020, Month July.

In the following year, owing to his talent and skills, Asim is able
to get a job at a technology company as a digital marketing
expert. The life lessons have taught him how to fight politics and
elude people in the environment. His dedication and consistently
motivated performance quickly earned him the position of
manager. He is asked to hire social media experts to assist him
and also expand the company. On Friday, after a few interviews,
he notices another candidate approaching him. This one was
different; as soon as he saw her, an unknown layer of excitement
ran through him. He had never opened the door for anyone
before, but for this girl, whose name he later learned was Nida,
he not only opened the doors of the office but also of his heart.
The two had a crush on each other.

AS he opened the door to his office, he saw the same girl

approaching, her steps echoing in his heart. As she came closer,
the impact on his heart grew stronger, and he knew that this was
no ordinary encounter.

They exchanged greetings, their eyes locked in a gaze that felt

familiar and comforting. Asim opened the door fully for her and
welcomed her inside. The girl introduced herself as Nida and

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Asim knew immediately that this was the same girl who had
reached out to him earlier. Nida had just messaged him asking for
directions to the company. Her text message was, "I hope that you
will accept me." Asim told her to sit down. The interview then

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Chapter 6: The Heart's Perspective: An Interview

Candidate name: Nida

Post: Social Media Marketing Expert

As soon as he saw her, an unfamiliar excitement washed over

him. He had never felt this way before, and he didn't quite know
what to make of it. He Glanced at her beautiful eyes, introducing

ASIM: Salam, I'm Asim, I'm the hiring manager and digital
marketing expert here at the company.

Nida replied, thanking him for the opportunity to interview for the
position. Asim was immediately drawn to her warm, friendly
demeanor and found himself struggling to focus on the job at

ASIM: So, tell me a bit about yourself and your experience in

social media.

NIDA: Well, I've been working in social media for the past five
years. I have a degree in marketing and have worked with a variety
of clients, from small businesses to large corporations. I'm skilled
in all the major social media platforms and have a passion for
creating engaging content.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

ASIM: That's impressive. I can see why you would be a great fit
for our team.

NIDA: Thank you. I'm excited about the opportunity to work with
such a successful company.

As they spoke, Asim found himself drawn to Nida's intelligence

and passion for her faith. He knew that she would be a valuable
asset to the office, and he made the decision to hire her on the

ASIM (looks at resume):

So, Nida, it says here that you have experience in content

marketing too. Can you tell me a little bit about that?

NIDA (nods) :

Yes, I have been working in content marketing for the past few
years. I have a strong understanding of how to create and
implement successful content for platforms like Facebook and

ASIM (impressed) :

That's great. We're looking for someone to assist me with

managing our company's social media presence and expanding
our reach. Do you think you would be a good fit for this role?

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

NIDA (confident):

Absolutely. I am highly motivated and I know I would be able to

make a positive impact on the company's social media strategy.

ASIM (nods):

I appreciate your enthusiasm. Let me ask you a few more

questions to get a better understanding of your skills and

(They continue the interview, talking about Nida's experience and

skills, and Asim asks Nida to write a caption for the post as a test)

ASIM (viewing her work, impressed) :

Well, Nida, I must say that you are a very qualified candidate. I
think you would be a great addition to our team.

NIDA (smiles):

Thank you, Asim. I am excited about the opportunity to work with

you and contribute to the company's success.

ASIM (smiles):

I am excited to have you on board. Welcome to the team.

NIDA (grateful):

Thank you. I am looking forward to working with you.

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Just as Asim is expecting Nida to leave, Rain starts. This provided

them both with an opportunity to stay together longer until the
rain stopped.

As they wrapped up the interview and said their goodbyes, Asim

couldn't shake the feeling that there was something special
between them. He couldn't wait to see Nida again and get to know
her better.

Over the next few weeks, Asim and Nida grew closer, bonding
over their shared love of common beliefs and their dedication to
their faith. They spent long hours at the office together, learning
from each other and sharing their knowledge with the community.

As they spent more time together, their feelings for each other
grew stronger and they knew they were meant to be together.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Chapter 7: The Perfect Match

They both felt attraction for each other—what they could
not say, their eyes, hearts, and souls said to each other.
[ the language of the souls, eyes and Hearts ]

Asim: So am I. In fact, I have to admit, I was a little bit nervous

when I first saw you.

Nida: Why's that?

Asim: It's just that, well, as soon as I saw you, I felt this strange
connection. I don't know how to explain it.

Nida: (laughs) I know what you mean. I felt it too.

Asim: (surprised) You did?

Nida: Yes. I've never had that happen before.

Asim: (smiling) Well, I don't know about you, but I think it's a sign.

Nida: (smiling back) I think you might be right.

Asim: (offers his hand) Welcome to my heart, Nida.

Nida: (hugs Asim) Thank you, Asim. I'm looking forward to living
with you.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

As the two continue to work together and grow closer, they

realize that their initial attraction was more than just a
coincidence—it was fate bringing them together. And as
they navigate the ups and downs of their careers and their
relationship, they come to understand that true love knows
no boundaries, not even those of the professional world.
This is when Asim started writing love-oriented poetry.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Chapter 8: The Magical World of the Love

The Verse of Adoration: A Love Story in Poetry

Nida waited eagerly each day for Asim to arrive at the office. Even
the sound of his voice from a distance was enough to raise her
heart rate. Asim was always on her mind, and she found herself
thinking about him constantly.

One day, Asim pulled Nida aside and told her that her eyes were
the most beautiful he had ever seen. Nida felt her face flush with
pleasure at the compliment, and she couldn't help but feel love,
That giddiness which she felt made her blushed

As the days went on, Asim and Nida grew closer and closer. They
often ate their meals together, sharing food from the same plate.
Asim even started writing poetry for Nida, sharing it on his
Facebook wall for her to read.

People around them could see the connection growing between

the two of them, and it was clear that they were falling in love.
Nida couldn't believe how lucky she was to have found someone
who cared for her so deeply.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Asim and Nida's love continued to grow stronger each day, and
they knew that they were meant to be together forever. They were
a perfect match, and their love for each other knew no bounds.

Asim Ali Khan

August 12, 2020

My heart's emotions have adopted the language of the eyes

And the mind is astounded by the conditions it has reached.

I send up my prayers to the heavens.

Oh God, grant me patience on the path of love

Let us see the grace of His throne in Mecca, Madinah

For Your mercy has no limits, this is true

My prayer, a plea to reach the heavens above For the love in my heart beats a

The fire of love burns within my soul

A longing to be near, to be whole In her presence,

my spirit is made whole

My love for her, forever to be told

So let my prayer be heard,

oh God above Grant me the strength and patience to love

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

And let her see the depth of my love, sincere and true, it will be.

I ask God; How should I Love, how to see thee? HE replied. Seek the Heart of
a True Lover, there you shall find ME, SEE ME.

while waiting for the next day to meet my beloved at the office.

Asim Ali Khan

August 17, 2020

Why can't loneliness be deserted by the heart?

Desires not let me settle for a moment

It doesn't matter where my heart takes me

I am waiting for the morning to occur, but the night doesn't seem to end..

Asim Ali Khan

August 22, 2020

I have been thinking hard since yesterday. Am sure now. My Heart would
never betray me. Fragrance of LOVE is unblockable, unlockable, unstoppable

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

while wanting to sit on the same chair, which was left vacant after Nida Left
for lunch, the people there stopped him and asked him to take another
chair instead.

Asim Ali Khan

August 23, 2020

I have heard that patience is another name for love.

There was love between us, and now the distance between us seems to be

I am restless and cannot find relief, for my heart remembers only you.

Even if I try to go near you, others try to steer me away.

The world and its rules do not understand the matters of the heart.

I do not care about distance any longer.

My beloved, Your feelings mirror mine, and they cannot be hidden from the

I have loved you like an act of worship, for the worshippers does not stray
despite others' words.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

feeling the heart on fire, burning. At night.

Asim Ali Khan

August 25, 2020

Whom to tell what these days am going through

I can doubt my breaths but I bet LOVE is true

Every day the CHALLENGE I meet is New




Because of the pressure from society and the evil eyes, she began to hold
back and avoid Asim, though her gaze was still drawn to him.

Asim Ali Khan

August 28, 2020

There is No confession from tongue, but there is no denial either

How can I say she doesn't love me?

I cannot stay away from her even for a moment

My heart says that her heart is like mine now

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Ameen Ya Rabb

Asim Ali Khan

August 29, 2020

Ever since I met You

I have no desire left to meet anyone else.

My Prayers are for Allah. But in my Qayaam, Raku and Sajood I remember
you along. This is Not shirk but its the essence of Love. Prayers of Love are
always Accepted in the Court of Divine Love.

pretending that Nida doesn't know that Asim loves her too.

Asim Ali Khan

August 31, 2020

The heart says, Enough

Now reveal upon your beloved your current situation.

The secret is unknown only to your beloved

Stop the suffering by disclosing it.

I am helpless, cannot inform my beloved about my love

I am forced to live in such a situation, although I can't live a second without

my beloved.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

My beloved is my Heart, while am only its heart beat.

Am not separate from my Beloved, in my prayers my beloved lives with me

O Lord, Accept my prayer with tears

Grant me the love that resides in me


after giving every indication that I love her,

Asim Ali Khan

September 1, 2020

ow Am I, you would know, if you know her.

We are her reflection, you would understand me, if you understand her.

Her every word is my own

Yes, their caste is our caste.

in Love, her essence is my own essence.

When she is with me , then what is the point of sorrow?

Silent when she is, how can I be less than her?

I have filled my eyes with my heart

I've expressed my feelings to her, and I know her decision makes her feel like
her heart is on fire.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

At night.

Asim Ali Khan

September 1, 2020

Whom to tell what these days am going through

Asim Ali Khan

September 4, 2020

My Day begins when your sight is at gaze.

I welcome Morning when I see your face.

I find peace in the beauty of the Moon hidden behind the clouds with grace.

My heart beat remains in coherence with your heart's phase

Your name is the next in my prayers after God's Praise.

feeling the heart on fire, burning. At night.

Asim Ali Khan

September 1, 2020

My Day begins when your sight is at gaze.

I welcome Morning when I see your face.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

The day when I ignored her in order to win her attention again.

Asim Ali Khan

September 6, 2020

I ignored you once and my heart suffered thousand times

I wonder how your heart is able to withstand the constant pain by ignoring
me all the time.

Asim Ali Khan

September 7, 2020

It's amazing how restless I am without you

Yes, you would also be passing through the same situation without me.

You must have missed me too.

Must have prayed to God to be with me.

Remember you made a promise.

To last a lifetime

How long will you stay away from love?

To reach the destination, one has to embrace the ocean.

I need you, like water is needed by a thirsty person.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Asim Ali Khan

September 8, 2020

Even though I am far away, my longing for her has never departed from my

My heart tells me that the situation is the same of her heart

no matter who she treats me

Her behavior is dear to me.

Believe it or not, the heart is signaling.

She is also sad without me,

This thought alone is killing me from the inside.

now I will only listen to my Heart, my Heart tells me that my Heart Loves

Asim Ali Khan

September 9, 2020 - At office - Writing in a facebook post, hoping for her

too see this.

"We are confident in what we say.

Unable to understand, people must endure my pain.

I trust only in God, more than myself.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

We are firm in our intentions.

When wanted we can rule the skies above and the earth below.

My love doesn't know humility. I do not beg for love.

The one who willed us, loves to yearn, In our memories,

you won't be able to neglect our love for you

We are so confident in our lover's loyalty.

the one who loves us from heart

We keep our soul ready to be sacrificed in return."

September 9, 2020 - During night

"I cannot be unfaithful to you no matter how much circumstances compel


Even if you kill me, I cannot be angry with you;

I want only you;

I cannot be separated from you.

I accept all my sins

We cannot thank you for the love, I have for you.

Give us the punishment for the crime of loving you.

We can remain silent

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

But my feelings for you won't remain silent. "

Everyone at the office started noticing us, That day, she kept looking at me,
and I could not hesitate to look at her beautiful face. This is considered a
crime in our society.

Asim Ali Khan

September 8, 2020

Today we witness the Kaaba ( comparing her to Kaaba - the house of God, to
prove her purity) very closely.

The heart remained in the state of faith, but the eyes were deceived by the
desire to see.

From the Spirit of the Qur'an:

If the heart is in a state of faith, then God does not deny faith

So don't blame us

We believe and how can after faith someone becomes a disbeliever?


In the world of love, drunkenness and intoxicated eyes have a certain place
and should not be misinterpreted.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Asim Ali Khan

September 10, 2020

Now you would never be able to forget me

Now you would never be able to forget me

At every destination, you will feel only me

You will not be able to deny my presence now

You would see me there dear, whenever you would miss me.

You will not be able to erase my image from your heart

One by one, you would remove every barrier between us.

You will not be able to stop the protests of the heart

You are also complicit in the crime.

You will not be able to save yourself from the punishment

I live within you like a heartbeat

You won't be able to stop your heart from beating.

You will not be able to live without me

Now you would never be able to forget me

Now you would never be able to forget me

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Asim Ali Khan

September 11, 2020

She does not understand the depth of my words.

Every word that I said is an indication of love...!!!

Our words are only translations of our hearts.

The love I have in my heart is for her

I don't know how much she loves me in return.

But if she looks into our hearts

The love that is in her heart for me, would appear as a tiny particle.

Asim Ali Khan

September 14, 2020

Let me write a prayer to you

The grace of God you are , let me write

Let me Write you as the voice of my heart

Let me Write you as a message of my love

Let me Write you a letter of love with my eyes.

Let me Write morning, the happiness inside you

If you meet, I will write autumn as a spring.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

The ring of your beautiful fingers

O dear soul, let me write it, the purpose of my life

My dear, if you say

let me Write my life you for

That day, I asked her to make the tea again, but she refused and insulted me
in front of everyone, saying she was not hired for this job, I left the office,
and at home, I wrote this poem. It's a very long poem; the full version is on
my Facebook wall.

Asim Ali Khan

September 16, 2020

Since when did we want someone to serve us Tea ?

I wanted what she didn't have.

She did not listen to the feelings of my heart.

She failed to understand the love I have.

Tell me what was our fault

Just hit us once

It would have saved us from dying again and again.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Over the next few days, she started sitting in the separate office room; there
was a window by her side, from which she would peep at me from time to

Asim Ali Khan

September 21, 2020

Today, I am speechless. My mind is full of ideas, but my heart is full of

limitless hope. Overwhelmed with the emotions inside me, I have no control
over myself; rather, my heart has taken control over my mind, soul, and body.

All the incidents taking place these days are not going in my favor, but my
heart says to my brain, "Stop it." Shun the ignorant thoughts. "This is not how
things are."

My heart tells me to believe in Allah's mercy and that the feeling of love for
my beloved that I am carrying in my heart is genuine. My other half loves me
too, but she is too shy like me to reveal the breeze that gusts over the tides
of memory in the ocean of romance. It tells me to have patience. It tells me
that the cheery, happy me is waiting on the other side of the near future.

I trust Allah first and then the person I love. She is my heart, and I am hers by
all means. InshaAllah.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Chapter 9: In loving memory of my beloved

An era of heart-wrenching separation, longing, and tears begins,
leaving the heart, mind, and soul struggling to come to terms
with their loss and searching for answers in solitude.
As I was the team leader, the exchange of messages concerning the work continued on
WhatsApp, Google Drive, etc. One day, when I went inside, partially to inform her about
her work performance and partially to see her, I noticed tears in her eyes. I asked her,
and she said that she had back pain. On Saturday, she left the office, saying that she was
not feeling comfortable. She never returned.

September 25, 2020

Neither people on earth, nor on the heavens above

Non know, how those with heart endure the Days of

separation, Except the Lord,

When walking, her feet on the floor were raised. to go away

from me.

When it came time to record those feelings in a poem,

I am left with no words.

The torment of the soul, the pain of the heart, must have
shook the seven heavens and the same number of earths.


Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

One thing I want to assure you, my faith in Allah and my feelings for you will
never change.


Asim Ali


A flood of tears ignited the fire of love

The flames of your memory gave glory to the flames

A heart burnt to ashes,

Now even the pain testifies in my favor

Yes, my disease is " without you " whether it's boredom, strangeness.

You are the cause, you are the doctor.

It was you who wounded me this badly, beside you, none had the courage to
face me?

I am not a seeker of healing, this disease has extended my life.

There will be a case, when this pain would be a relief .

Just look in my eyes, like you used to do,

I pray to God, for you to say to me, " I love you too.".


Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times


Distances will not be able to separate two lovely souls. Even if two roses are
miles apart their fragrance would find each other and because of them the
entire radius covered by them from earth below to the skies above would be
submerged into the Aroma of Love



Since I have not seen her, I have missed the mornings

Except for her, my heart has left everything, it's been over an era since I have

In one day, the time passed is equal to the year, it's been over an era since I
saw the next day.

In her memory, the heart cried again and again, it's been over an era since I
was last relieved.

When she would come, we would sit together again and drink tea O ' Asim!

It's been over an era since my lips had tasted the sweetness of tea.


Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times


Who says I don't have your Picture,

I visualize you on the canvas of my Heart.
Who says I don't hear your voice
Your voice resonates within my soul
I have full Belief upon Allah, my Heart says with HIS permission, we'll unite
one day.
You left me like relatives leave someone they love, after burying in the grave.
Yet I'll wait for you, to be Resurrected
Until then; You have left me in Silence.



Our hearts are the way of each other's hearts

Our Sorrow is the remedy when we are sad.
With patience, we count the days, hopefully, will be glad ( ‫)انشاءہللا‬
How can I be Happy When I am Away from You?
I know it's sad for you too
In this sadness, there is pain which is sweeter than honey
Let Be happy as there is someone in our Life for us who is Worry.
When we are sad, we only turn to Allah for help
He makes our Hearts comfortable and our vision sharp
The Good news and Protection go side by side
The true lovers are together on Earth and in Heaven because, by destiny, they


Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times


When you left, I started staring at my face, to see whether I am sincere in my

love or not. but I found nothing but tears in my eyes,
I have heard that Tears are the messengers of the Heart.
Messengers either bring good or Bad news.
Come on My Tears Bring Good news to me. because I don't have the strength
for the bad news, and after that you would lose your job too since dead
bodies don't cry.



Sorrow has cut through my flesh and entered my bones.

Grief has become my melody, and voice my pain.
Let the people not worry about paying the place for my grave,
for I am dead and buried in the grave of the world.
Without my Love,
I am in the same situation as fish without water and even worse
I am lying thirsty upon the desert near the oasis but I can't reach the water
and I.....
Sorry, I cannot .. can't write more. Let silence take over. Let silence be my


Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times


Don't Teach me to live without you. People would see me alive, don't let
people be deceived by me.
I don't have control over my heart, don't let my heart lose control over me. In
that case, if my heart loosens, my mind would take over, and my mind says,
'why do you remember/message someone who doesn't message you?'



You can access mine but where should I find your picture? You can get my
news, who should i turn to, to listen to your voice even from a far away
It's not easy to stay alive, only in your memories. But it is your memories
which have kept me alive.
I wish I only had shared my feelings directly with you. But circumstances are
such that I am forced to share them on facebook. If I don't, my heart would
not be able to stand the pain. I am strong enough not to care about the
public. But the public are not kind enough to not to test me with regard to my
Love for You.


Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times


Love is my color,
The color is unseen,
Its not easily revealed to the ones
who dare go against my dream
My Dream is what my heart sees
My Thoughts are what lies within my Heart.
Even if my emotions are intended for you
But I am sure they would touch every body's soul, mind, and heart.



I breathe in your memories

I breathe out your name
Your affection flows in my blood
Your love powers my heart
I think my soul has taken the form of your soul.
When that happened, I learned.
When our souls met in the kingdom of souls.
Since then we have become familiar with each other. So many years and
years have passed. That's why it's impossible to forget you.


Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times


I won't tell you how uncomfortable I am after you left, because it will upset
you too, and I can't stand seeing tears in your eyes.
Rest assured, I am very happy and enjoying December too.



This one I got off the internet, but it reflects the feelings of my heart.

[ These conditions are compelling here as well as there

The nights of loneliness are here as well as there
There is a lot to say, but who should we tell?
How long will we remain silent and endure separation?
The heart says to betray every ritual in the World
Demolish the walls that are between us today, let the curtains fell
Tell people, instead of burning our heart?
Yes I love, I love.
I love you ]


Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times


There's a reason why I adore Rain.

Have you seen the tears in my eyes? They are not just water; there is the true
story descending from the horizon of betrayal.

As my heart burns, it causes the emotions to evaporate, and once they reach
the highest level at the horizon (the eye), the sorrow pressure converts
(condenses) them to rain.

There is a reason why I see the reflection in the phenomenon of cloud

formation and rain.There's a reason why I adore Rain.

I wonder if there will be snow when my heart turns to ash and I embrace



O my heart's cry,

Did you tell me the depth of your pain?

You must be listening to the plea of my tears

Your waiting has saved my life

I am dust, when would I have been mixed in dust?

Don't ask what happened to us after you left

What happened to me after I fell in love with you?

I could not get excited by being beaten by the ignorant

I was famous for my self-confidence

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

After you, I did not exist far away

So I thought I forgot you

I still don't understand what was wrong with me

Your separation has blessed me with a wonderful gift

Longing remains in the form of anger on my nose

Fate had given me opportunities to become someone's else

God has not left the earth. to desire anyone else

Your voice, your face is still safe in my heart

At this moment, we both, meeting, like the soul meets the body

And how long this thing has to wait

Death is coming. And no power to write. I do not know why I am writing.

Seriously, I'm alive?



Can you listen to the agony of separation?

Not sure what evidence you need after witnessing my devotion?
They say time heals all wounds, but it was time that brought me to this state.
I was the rose of spring; the longing for my beloved has reduced me to an
autumnal pale.
I'm not sure how my frail body would bear the longing for Allah if I couldn't
bear this pain. ~ Almadad Ya Rabi.


Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times


I am dying. Slowly and steadily, I am fading from this world.

I am afraid no one would be present to bid me farewell. Perhaps some
strangers will pray for me. I'd be lucky if I could suspect someone after my
death. The sky would rain gold on that day.
The road of pain is far from ending, its intensity is unbearable, and I'm afraid
it's just the beginning.
Those who say they love me, love me only from a distance.
If I request something with insistence, I am considered mean.
No, I do not beg anyone. Death, if you will, may come.
I have no hope of finding happiness in this life. I am on the verge of
forgetting God's might.
I trust no one in my life after Him, not myself nor my time.
I have witnessed my family as my enemies.
It's not surprising that someone I considered a friend saw me as a stranger.
I am unable to continue the rhyming of the words. What good can it be? Now
I am silent.



Have you seen the silence in the mirror?

It's the wrinkles on your face that remind you of your former beauty.
It is the memory of your errors that you now regret.
It was your parents' love that you received as a child.
Your children's affection is what you now crave.
It was the silence of your tongue when you were oppressed.
It was the patience of your heart when you suffered unrest.
It's the memory of the loss of your loved ones.
It's the awareness of the fact that you are next in line.
Have you seen the silence in the mirror?

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

It's the moment when your silence speaks after you are unable to speak.



Love has called me once again today

The desolate spring has returned, this is the sign of the witnessing time
Once someone dominated my thoughts, this time again I am experiencing
the same revolt. Her beauty has overpowered my emotions, I have no control
over my ignorant and poor heart.
Her smile as if drawn from the strings of moonlight.
The dew glistening on the black silk eyelids, like stars lit up in the night
Can I meet her beyond my dreams? This time, the question has been asked
again in my mind.



Why am I alive?
The world has snatched everything from me.
The fear won't stop at that. It has snatched myself from me.
I am no longer what I was.
I see no hope in what I am meant to be.
I loved, earning hate as a reward.
I tried to encounter more difficulties at the end.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

I got respectfully kicked out of every place that I regarded as my own.

Maybe the fault is within me.
I am poor and weak.
People say I am honest, trustworthy, semi-smart, and semi-mad, yet nobody
understands me.
I never considered myself as wise either.
In short, if you are fond of me, die. For that's the only way, we could meet.
I see you there.
It's an open invitation, although I know no one would accept it.
Everyone knows that I am all alone in this world, but none would be able to
witness the same
Status, I shall suffer in the next.



Unspoken words are expressed through emotions. That is Love.

When the thoughts of your beloved don't let you have dreams, that is Love.
When you get angry if someone mentions something bad about your love,
that is Love.
When your feelings for the opposite gender vanish, that is Love.
When your love betrays you, and you can't stop crying, that is Love.
When your loved one does not contact you for years but you still wait, that
is Love.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

When your beloved spreads tons of flowers on your grave, because you love
flowers, that, my friend, is LOVE.



Need You
I need you in form of prayers,
Like in Spring a slight breeze just after and before slight rain.
I need you in form of hope,
God sent them from heaven with the power of His name.
I need you in every way the term "need" is defined.
I needed you before I was in need, and I still need you after my need has
been fulfilled.
Every kind word you say to someone is a gift to me.
When you hug your mama, it is a gift to me.
When you go to your papa when he is a gift to me.
You are a gift.
We will be friends forever and ever, My Best Friend.
Both before and after we were born. We will be friends.
I love you.


Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times


When did I wish anyone ill?

Yes, i forgot myself and wanted the good of everyone
I was rejected by my own family, O heart
How can you ask others not to deny my worth?
Even if they gave respect, they paid it in such a manner
though she asked for support to shoulder the funeral.
Religious people used my simplicity
as to convince me to gain hatred towards Islam
I don't want to live anymore
The witness of death seek permission of fate to meet me



Am that World where you are Missing

My eyes have tears of longing for you
Without you my Days are cold
Rise in my life Like a Sun
I can't face the nights
Be a Moon, so that I do not fear the darkness.
I'm curious if you'll miss me when I'm gone.


Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

The love for her is slightly be taken over by the love of God

These conditions are also compelling here.

Lonely nights everywhere

There is a lot to say, but who should I tell?

How long will I keep silent and bear the separation, it's hell.

The heart says to cheat on every ritual of the world

Tear down the walls that stand between us

Instead of lying below, Yell above

Proclaim, Yes, I am in love

No harm in Telling, as they already know.

it's only the confirmation

that "people are not worthy, before whom I would bow. "

When walk after the Mirage of of life like desert

I fell to the ground, exhausted, and I found you there, O GOD!

My entire life is submerged in sins

You were there when the time for punishment came.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Your mercy is known, O Lord, from the throne to the floor.

when forgiveness was exerted in prayer. You were there, O GOD!

I ask you for happiness in every relationship.

Whenever the season of sorrow came, you were there, O GOD!


There is a pain in my soul,

A Noah's storm of grief and separation came to the heart

The situation I am facing is a shade of despair.

There is hope, but nothing in sight

The love of fire has made me cry tears of blood.

Your help is sought in this moment of pain.

My situation has become more difficult than the difficulty itself.

I pray, O Lord, Hear my longing, set me free from myself.

For the sake of your beloved, grant me the purpose of life, O GOD!


Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Chapter 10: The Quest for the Answers Begin

Continued from chapter 3:

The Midnight of the Year - 2023

December 31st, 11:57 p.m.

Today, I am speechless. My mind is full of ideas, but my heart is full of limitless hope.
Overwhelmed with the emotions inside me, I have no control over myself; rather, my heart
has taken control over my mind, soul, and body.

Asim is pacing back and forth, deep in thought. He stops in front

of his bookshelf, scanning the titles with a fierce determination.

Asim is pacing back and forth, deep in thought. He stops in front

of his bookshelf, scanning the titles with a fierce determination.

Asim is pacing back and forth, deep in thought. He stops in front

of his bookshelf, scanning the titles with a fierce determination.

ASIM: (to himself) There has to be something here that can help
me. Some way to understand what's going on.

He pulls down a book on comparative religion and flips through

the pages.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

ASIM: (to himself) Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianism... There are

so many paths to enlightenment. But which one is right for me?

He continues to search, his frustration growing.

ASIM: (to himself) I feel like I'm missing something. Like there's a
piece of the puzzle that I can't quite see.

ASIM: (to himself) I've always known that there was more to the
world than what I see in front of me. But how do I go about finding

Suddenly, an idea comes to him. He sits up and reaches for his


ASIM: (to himself) That's it. I'll research other religions. Maybe I'll
find some answers there.

He begins to type frantically, searching for information on various

spiritual traditions. As he reads, he becomes more and more
intrigued by the diverse beliefs and practices of the world's

Desperate, he opened a Word document and began to write the


Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

I am hanging in the middle of the Doctrines,

A Muslim is on the right, a Jew is on the left, a Christian is on top, and
my Hindu identity is below.
But one thing is for sure: I don't belong to any of the above.
Ask me no more.
Rumi was in love with God, and he circled the Majesty of his Lord.
I am stuck with the lightening of my Beloved's Eyes.
I close them. I see her, I open them, and I see no one else.
Rumi cut short the conversation and left,
For him, God Almighty was enough.
I, on the other hand, don't expect the people to understand my pain yet.
I cut open my heart and spread it in front of you.
You would discover that your memories are flowing within, rather than
I still remember the day, the time, and the moment you left.
The fear of losing me when you got up from the chair, with a heavy
I wanted to hold you by the arm and not let you pass by.
Instead, my gestures did the job, but it was your wish to see me die.
My soul could still feel the moisture in your eyes.
Your slight hesitation to stop walking beside my chair, and to glance at
The scream of your soul caught my eye.
Years have passed, that moment when our heart beat stopped, the desire
is still.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Others might read it, but few would understand my pain.

But you, my dear, would feel it with all your heart and live the poem.

Asim falls asleep..

A bright light fills the room.

RUMI'S ERA - The Meetup

RUMI sits at a large wooden desk, surrounded by books and

scrolls. The calendar on the wall reads "2023." The room is filled
with the soft light of a setting sun. There is a knock on the door.
Suddenly, RUMI looks up and signals Asim (the man in the soul
form) to enter. .

RUMI: Asim, come forth.

Asim appears before Rumi, looking around in wonder at his


ASIM: Where am I?

RUMI: You are in my study, Asim. I have summoned you here to

speak with you.

ASIM: (bewildered) How did I get here?

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

RUMI: That is not important. What is important is that you are

here, now, in this moment.

ASIM: (hesitant) Okay...what do you want to talk about?

RUMI: (smiling) I sense that you are searching for something,

Asim. Perhaps you are searching for your purpose in life.

ASIM: (nodding) Yes, that's it exactly. I feel like I'm just going
through the traumas of life, like I'm missing something.

RUMI: Ah, I understand. The search for purpose is a journey that

many of us undertake at some point in our lives. But do not
despair, for the journey itself is the reward.

ASIM: (confused) I don't understand.

RUMI: It is not the destination that matters, but the journey to get
there. Every step you take, every challenge you face, and every
decision you make bring you closer to understanding your
purpose. Embrace the journey, Asim, and you will find what you
are looking for.

ASIM: (thoughtfully) I see what you mean. Thank you.

Asim approaches the table, feeling nervous but excited.

ASIM: Who are you? How may I address you Sir or by some other

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

RUMI: I am Rumi, a 13th-century Persian poet, theologian, and

Sufi mystic. You may address me as Rumi or Sir.

ASIM: (excitedly) Oh my God, it's you! Rumi! I can't believe it!

RUMI: (smiling) Peace be upon you, my son.

ASIM: Salam, Rumi. It's an honor to meet you.

RUMI: (smiling)
And it's an honor to meet you, Asim. Please, have a seat.

Asim rushes over and falls to his knees, kissing Rumi's hands.
Rumi pats him on the shoulder, welcoming him.

ASIM: (breathless) This is such an honor, sir. I've read so much

about you and your teachings. I've been seeking guidance on my
own spiritual journey, and I can't think of anyone more qualified to
help me than you.
RUMI: (nodding) You are on a journey, just as we all are. The path
to enlightenment is a difficult one, but it is worth the effort. You
don't remember, but we have met before, Asim.

ASIM: (missing the last sentence, eagerly) I want to learn as much

as I can from you, Rumi. May I interview you for my digital
marketing blog?

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

RUMI: (thoughtfully) I am happy to share my wisdom with those

who seek it. But, this conversation is not just between you and

ASIM: I'm a digital marketing expert and I want to do an interview

with you. I believe your wisdom and insights can reach a wider
audience through the power of the internet.

RUMI: (nodding)
I see. And what do you plan to do with the earnings from this

ASIM: Well, I was thinking of using the money to further my own

career and business.

RUMI: I see. But what about using the money to help others? To
make a positive impact in the world?

ASIM: (pausing) I never thought about that.

RUMI : (smiling)
That's because you've been focusing on your own desires and
goals. But true fulfillment and happiness come from helping
others and giving back to the world. How about this: I'll grant you
the interview on the condition that some of the earnings go
towards charity, to be donated by the end of every year.

ASIM: (nodding)
I agree to that condition. Thank you, Rumi.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

RUMI: (nodding)
Very well. And remember, Asim, this conversation is not just
between you and me. It's directed towards every person who
wants to know God and is a follower of their heart.

ASIM: I am willing to do whatever it takes. Please, Rumi, guide me

on this journey.

RUMI:: Very well. Let us begin.

Asim nods, ready to begin the interview. Rumi smiles,

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Chapter 11: The Beginning of the Interview

The Secret Revealed: Exposing the Truth

Asim feels excited, pulling out a pen and paper to take notes. Rumi
begins speaking, sharing his insights on love, faith, and the
meaning of life. Asim listens intently, soaking in every word.

ASIM: Is this a dream or has Rumi really come to meet me?

RUMI: Time, past, future, and present exist at the same time. Who
knows? You could be present on the judgment day, experiencing
or witnessing the events that you caused in the world.

ASIM: So you are suggesting that I am present in the court of

Allah and the day of judgment is already happening.

RUMI: Yes, and that you would be witnessing those events that
occurred during your time. Also, you have the choice to choose
between good and evil while witnessing your actions on earth.

ASIM: feeling confused…

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

RUMI: (continuing)
"Read your record. Today your own soul is enough to calculate
your account." (17:13-14). It suggests that our actions in the
present have consequences in the future and that we are being
judged and held accountable for them in the present moment.

In Sufism, time is often seen as a manifestation of divine will, and

the present moment is seen as the most important because it is
the moment in which we have the opportunity to turn towards or
away from God. The past and future are seen as less significant
because they are not under our control and we cannot change
what has already happened or what will happen. Therefore, it is
important to focus on the present moment and make the most of
it by choosing to do good and turning towards God.

ASIM: Hmm…. That's interesting and…

RUMI: However, the true essence of the human soul is eternal and
exists beyond the constraints of time. "The angels and the Spirit
ascend to Him in a day, the measure of which is fifty thousand
years." (70:4) This suggests that time is relative and can be
experienced differently by different beings.

I died as mineral and became a plant,

I died as plant and rose to animal,
I died as animal, and I was man.
Why should I fear? When was I less by dying?
Yet once more I shall die as man, to soar

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

With angels blest; but even from angelhood

I must pass on: all except God doth perish.
When I have sacrificed my angel soul,
I shall become what no mind e’re conceived.
Oh, let me not exist! for Non-existence
Proclaims in organ tones, “To him we shall return.

In terms of the present-day theory of time, I would say that it is a

reflection of the interconnectedness and unity of all things.
"Everything is within you." The events of the past, present, and
future are all connected and constantly influencing each other.
Therefore, it is important for us to be mindful of our actions and
how they will affect not only the present but also the future.

Ultimately, it is important for us to remember that time is a tool

for God to test us and guide us towards enlightenment. As we
strive to purify our hearts and connect with the divine, we can
transcend the limitations of time and experience the eternal
nature of the soul. So, it's very important for us to be connected
with our hearts and seek the guidance of God.

ASIM: Wow, that's a deep thought. I'm just a simple man trying to
find my purpose in life. Can you help me understand more about
your teachings and the path to finding inner peace and

RUMI: Of course, my dear Asim. That is what I am here for. The

path to inner peace and enlightenment is not an easy one, but it is

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

a journey worth taking. It requires patience, discipline, and most

importantly, a deep connection with the divine. But if you are
willing to put in the effort and keep an open mind, I believe you
can find the answers you seek.

ASIM: So Respected sir - Rumi, please tell me more about your life
and your work. I want to make sure we're able to effectively
promote your brand and get your message out there in the 21st

RUMI: Well, I was born in present-day Afghanistan in the year

1207. I was a scholar, theologian, and poet, and my works have
been widely translated and read throughout the world.

ASIM: That's really impressive. What's the message that you're

trying to convey through your poems?

RUMI: My poems are about love, unity, and the search for truth. I
believe that all people, regardless of their background or beliefs,
are connected by a common humanity and that love is the most
powerful force in the universe.

In my poems, such as "The Guest House" and "The Illuminated

Heart," I talk about the importance of embracing all of our
emotions, even the difficult ones, and finding the love and unity
that lies within us. As I wrote in "The Illuminated Heart," "The
minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not
knowing how blind that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere.
They've been with each other all along."

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

The light that lights the heart …

The light which shines in the eye
is really the light of the heart.
The light which fills the heart
is the light of God*, which is pure
and separate from the light of intellect and sense.

ASIM: (adopting a humble approach after witnessing the ocean of

Wisdom flowing forth the Heart of Rumi)
That's really beautiful. How do you think we can use digital
marketing to promote your work and get that message out there
to a wider audience?

RUMI: I think it's important to use social media platforms and

other online channels to share my poems and reach a new
generation of readers. As I wrote in "The Love Song of the
Universe," "Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there
is a field. I'll meet you there." I believe that the internet can be a
place for connection and understanding, rather than division.

ASIM: Absolutely. We can use social media to share your poems

and engage with your audience, and we can also create targeted
ads to reach specific demographics. But we also want to make
sure that we're not compromising the integrity of your message.

RUMI: Exactly. As I wrote in "The Reed Flute's Song," "The breeze

at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don't go back to sleep. You must
ask for what you really want. Don't go back to sleep." I want my

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

work to inspire people and bring them closer to love and unity, not
to sell products or manipulate them.

ASIM: Absolutely. We'll make sure to keep that in mind as we

develop our digital marketing strategy. I think we have a great plan
in place to promote your work and get your message out there.

RUMI: As I wrote in "The Silent Music," "The minute I heard my

first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind
that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each
other all along." I have faith that my work will continue to inspire
and bring people together, even in the digital age.

I have put duality away, I have seen that the two worlds are one;
One I seek, One I know, One I see, One I call.
I am intoxicated with Love’s cup, the two worlds have passed out of my
I have no business save carouse and revelry.

ASIM: Rumi, can you tell me more about your spiritual journey and
how it has shaped your poetry and teachings?

RUMI: My spiritual journey began when I met my spiritual mentor,

Shams of Tabriz. It was through his guidance and the divine
presence in my life that I was able to connect with the divine and
express it through my poetry and teachings. My goal is to help

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

others find their own path to spiritual enlightenment and unity

with the divine.

No joy have I found in the two worlds apart from you, Beloved.
Many wonders I have seen: I have not seen a wonder like you.
They say that blazing fire is the infidel's portion:
I have seen none, save Abu Lahab, excluded from your fire.
Often have I laid the spiritual ear at the window of the heart:
I heard much discourse, but the lips I did not see.
Of a sudden you did lavish grace upon your servant:
I saw no cause for it but your infinite kindness.
O chosen Cup-bearer, O apple of mine eyes, the like of you
Ne'er appeared in Persia, nor in Arabia have I found it.
Pour out wine 'till I become a wanderer from myself;
For in selfhood and existence I have felt only fatigue.
O you who are milk and sugar, O you who are sun and moon,
O you who are mother and father, I have known no kin but you.
O indestructible Love, O divine Minstrel,
You are both stay and refuge: a name equal to you I have not found.
We are pieces of steel, and your love is the magnet:
You are the source of all aspiration, in myself I have seen none.

ASIM: Wow, Rumi! This is incredible. I can't believe I'm actually

here, talking to you.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

RUMI: It is a blessing, Asim. The Divine has brought us together

for a reason. You know what ascension is?

From the dust of the earth to a human being,

There are a thousand steps.

I have been with you through these steps,

I have held your hand and walked by your side.

And I will be with you

as you move beyond this human form

and soar to the highest heavens

ASIM: I've always been a fan of your poetry and teachings. Can
you tell me more about your journey as a Sufi mystic?

RUMI: My journey began with the search for the Divine. I was
drawn to the Sufi path because it emphasized the inner, spiritual
journey rather than just external rituals and practices. I believe
that it is through the heart that we can truly connect with the

ASIM: That's beautiful. Can you share some of your most

memorable experiences on this journey?

RUMI: As I told you, one of the most significant experiences I had

was when I met Shams of Tabriz, my spiritual mentor and friend.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

He helped me to see the world in a different way and opened my

eyes to the Divine presence in all things.

ASIM: How did your relationship with Shams change your

perspective and your poetry?

RUMI: Shams helped me to see the Divine in everything and to

experience the unity of all things. This understanding is reflected
in my poetry, which often speaks of the interconnectedness of all
beings and the oneness of the Divine.

At dawn a moon appeared from the waves

And ascended, gazing down at me. Then,
Like a falcon snatching a bird in flight,
It snatched me up and flew away.
When I looked up I no longer saw myself:
Into that moon my body had eased, by grace
Of the soul in which I traveled, moon-driven
Until the secret of God’s revelation halted me.
Nine spheres of Heaven had merged in that moon;
And the sea washed over the ship of my being,
Breaking against me in waves. Again Wisdom’s
Voice boomed; as it happens so it occurs.
At every foam-fleck of the ocean a figure
Emerged and slowly disappeared, just as
My foam-flecked body, receiving a sea-sign,
Melted within and slowly turned to spirit.

Without the regal power of Shams of Tabriz,

Holding the moon or becoming the sea are dreams.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

ASIM: Your poetry has inspired so many people throughout the

centuries. Do you have any advice for those seeking their own
spiritual journey?

RUMI: My advice would be to follow your heart and to be open to

the guidance of the Divine. Trust in the journey, even when it is
difficult, and know that everything happens for a reason. And
always remember to be kind and compassionate to others, as we
are all connected on this journey together.

ASIM: Rumi. Can you share with us one of your most famous

RUMI: Which one is your Favorite?

ASIM: The Flame of Love

RUMI: Yes,
Without love,
all worship is a burden,
all dancing is a chore,
all music is mere noise.
All the rain of heaven
may fall into the sea.
Without love,
not one drop could become a pearl.
Without love,

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

even the shining brightest stars

get burned out, eclipsed and extinguished.

Love boils the oceans like the boiling pots.

Love pulverizes the mountains like grinding sands.
Love drills a hundred holes through the sky.
Love trembles the earth like a devastating quake.

From love, bitter becomes sweet.

From love, thorns become flowers.
From love, vinegar becomes wine.
From love, fire becomes light.
From love, devil becomes angel.
From love, sorrow becomes joy.
From love, sickness becomes health.
From love, fury becomes mercy.
From love, dead becomes alive.
From love, king becomes servant.

Love knows a hundred ways of showing off.

Love flirts with a lover all the time.
Knowing how to flirt back with love,
that's how you get your hands on love!

You may try a hundred things,

but only love can release you from your self.
Unless your chest gets that burning feeling
every time love is mentioned,
you are not yet ready to conquer love.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

ASIM: That is truly inspiring,

What inspired you to become a poet and scholar?

RUMI: I was inspired by my love of learning and my desire to

understand the mysteries of the universe. I believed that poetry
and knowledge were powerful tools for bringing people together
and promoting understanding and unity.

ASIM: How did your faith and spiritual beliefs influence your

RUMI: My faith and spiritual beliefs were at the heart of my work. I

believed that love and unity were the most powerful forces in the
universe, and I tried to convey that message in my poetry. I also
believed that the search for truth and understanding was a
spiritual journey, and I tried to inspire others to undertake that
journey in their own lives.

ASIM: What message do you hope people take away from your

RUMI: I hope that people will take away a message of love and
unity from my poetry. I want my work to inspire people to embrace
their emotions and to see the beauty and value in all people,
regardless of their background or beliefs. I also hope that my
work will encourage people to embark on their own journey of
self-discovery and to seek out the truth and understanding that
lies within them.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

ASIM: With which poem are you associated the most?

RUMI:I am often associated with the poem "The Guest House,"

which encourages readers to embrace all of their emotions, even
the difficult ones, and to find the love and understanding that lies
within them. This poem is often cited as one of my most famous
and well-loved works.

The Guest House

This being human is a guest house.

Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,

some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!

Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,

meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

because each has been sent

as a guide from beyond.

ASIM: What would you suggest to a person living in the 21st

century, what weaknesses do you see in him or her?

RUMI: I would generally encourage people living in the 21st

century to be mindful of the challenges that technology and
modern life can bring, such as the temptation to become too
reliant on technology or to lose touch with their own emotions and
inner selves. It is important to find balance and to make time for
reflection, self-discovery, and connection with others.

ASIM: Have you written any poem on the importance of finding

balance and/or to make time for reflection, self-discovery, and
connection with others ?

RUMI: I have written many poems that touch on the themes of

balance, reflection, self-discovery, and connection with others.

The minute I heard my first love story,

I started looking for you, not knowing
how blind that was. Lovers don't finally
meet somewhere. They're in each other
all along.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

This poem, "The Illuminated Heart," reminds us that true

connection with others begins with a deep understanding and
connection with ourselves. It also emphasizes the importance of
being present in the moment and not getting too caught up in the
search for external validation or fulfillment.

Another poem that touches on the theme of balance and

self-discovery is "The Reed Flute's Song":

The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.

Don't go back to sleep.
You must ask for what you really want.
Don't go back to sleep.

This poem encourages us to stay awake and aware, and to seek

out the things that truly matter to us. It also reminds us to be
brave and to speak up for what we want and need.

ASIM: There are many followers of yours in America, Europe and

Asia. What do you advise them?

RUMI: I would generally encourage people to be true to

themselves and to follow their own hearts and passions. I would
also encourage them to seek out knowledge and understanding,
to be open to new ideas and perspectives, and to cultivate a
sense of compassion and understanding towards others. Finally, I
would encourage them to take time to reflect on their own lives
and to strive for balance and harmony in all aspects of their being.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

ASIM: Are you a religious person, if so what is your religion?

RUMI: I am often associated with Sufism, a mystical Islamic

tradition that emphasizes the pursuit of personal spiritual growth
and the cultivation of a deep understanding of the divine. In my
poetry and writings, I often explore themes of love, unity, and the
search for truth, which are central to Sufism and many other
spiritual traditions.

ASIM: Sufism is true Islam, hence that means you are a muslim.

RUMI: Sufism is a mystical Islamic tradition that emphasizes

personal spiritual growth and the cultivation of a deep
understanding of the divine. While it is a distinct and separate
tradition within Islam, it is often seen as being consistent with the
teachings of Islam and is practiced by many Muslims around the

ASIM: But what you meant when you said in one of your poems ' i
have no religion, my religion is love'

RUMI: Asim, I am sure you have the idea what I mean.

The phrase "I have no religion, my religion is love" is often
attributed to me, and it suggests that love is the most important
and meaningful aspect of one's life. It suggests that love
transcends traditional religious boundaries and is the ultimate
source of connection, understanding, and unity.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

In this phrase, "religion" can be understood in a more general

sense as a guiding principle or philosophy that shapes one's
beliefs and actions. By saying that "my religion is love," I am
suggesting that love is the most important guiding principle in my
life, and that it is through love that I find meaning and purpose.

This phrase also suggests that love is a universal and inclusive

force that can bring people together, regardless of their religious
or cultural differences. It encourages us to look beyond those
differences and to see the common humanity that we all share.

ASIM: I did not get you saying " , I am sure you have the idea what
I mean".

RUMI: for instance have a look at one of the recent conversations

you have with one your facebook friend.

[Your Facebook Friend: By default, the template of 'father and child'

relationship, always entails the potential for punishment/discipline, that's
just the way it is set up and the way we learned it in this earth life. And we
subconsciously project it on God (all throughout the Bible), even though we
are not 'conscious' of it, even though we deny it... that is always there in the
relationship dynamic. That happens and remains as long as we have an
'authority' that is over us... OVER us... ABOVE us.
But in the consciousness of Oneness, that you ARE God... that anxiety and
that fear and that vibration melts away, you won't need a disciplinarian
when you are in the consciousness of God-Self.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

You: This is beautiful. Yes God is loving. That is for people like you and
others like you. I am hopeful that God loves me too. It is out of love that He
created punishment so that no one can harm you and God forbid if they do,
then their place would be hell. Think it is similar to the police and prison
system. In an ideal system they are present for us so that no one can harm
us, no one can steal from us, no one parks their car on the wrong side etc. I
emphasize on taking help from scriptures too and rejecting them
altogether. If we should then we should start from rejecting the court and
law and justice. Of Course this would create panic and you would see the
world shifting toward total destruction starting from the worst traffic jams.

Your Facebook Friend: Asim Ali Khan , yes that is the reality of the
"unconscious" or "dead" world, where this system is very much needed to
keep score. However, if all of humanity would comprehend God-Self
Consciousness as I described it here, the lower vibrations of harm and
punishment would no longer exist. The system would no longer be needed
at all. This is why I do what I do, to raise awareness along with all the other
'light workers' around the world.

You: Yes. In that case what you said if its implements then there would be
no need left for Religion. All would have the same religion ie Love.

Your Another Facebook Friend: Asim Ali Khan a world without religion
would be heaven for me.

You: For everyone, but plz don't forget that there was a world without
Religion. but people made it a hell and hence God sent Noah, Moses Jesus
Christ, and Mohammad( May peace be upon him ) with the one religion that
is the religion of love so that people could find peace. ]

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

ASIM: Dear Rumi, in today's era we have electricity, internet and

digital media power, via which it's easy to market one's product or
services or work. At your times there were no such means, how
were you able to market your poems and sayings?

RUMI: During my lifetime, there were no electronic means of

communication or media, so I relied on more traditional methods
of spreading my work. I traveled widely and gave lectures and
readings of my poems, and I also worked with scribes to produce
copies of my works, which were then disseminated to a wider

In addition to these more direct methods of sharing my work, I

also relied on the oral tradition of storytelling and poetry. My
poems were often passed down through the generations by word
of mouth, and they were also shared and recited by other poets
and scholars.

I believe that the power and beauty of my work spoke for

themselves, and that it was able to reach a large audience despite
my minor efforts and those of others who were inspired by it.
Even without the benefit of modern technology, my work has been
able to endure and inspire people throughout the centuries..

ASIM: ' The power and beauty of my work spoke for themselves,'
this is very nice. What principles should the present-day digital
marketers follow in order to succeed?

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

RUMI: Few general principles that may be helpful for anyone

looking to succeed in digital marketing:

Know your audience: In order to effectively market your products

or services, it is important to understand the needs, wants, and
preferences of your target audience. This will help you to create
marketing campaigns that are relevant and resonant with your

Be authentic: People can tell when you're being genuine or when

you're trying to manipulate them. It's important to be authentic
and transparent in your marketing efforts, and to focus on
building long-term relationships rather than trying to make a quick

Stay up-to-date: The digital landscape is constantly changing,

and it's important to stay current with the latest trends and best
practices in order to remain competitive. Make sure to keep
learning and growing as a marketer.

Measure and analyze your results: Digital marketing allows you to

track and measure the success of your campaigns in real-time.
Make sure to regularly analyze your results and use this data to
improve your marketing efforts.

Have a clear message and value proposition: It's important to

have a clear and compelling message that speaks to the value
that your product or service provides. This will help you to stand

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

out from the competition and attract the attention of your target

ASIM: Thank you for sharing this with us. I have nine questions to
ask. Dear Rumi but…

RUMI: Sure, questioning is the key to understanding the world

around you and unlocking knowledge. Asking questions allows
you to discover new perspectives, challenge assumptions, and
seek truth. Do not be afraid to ask questions, for it is through
asking that you will find the answers you seek." I'll do my best to
provide helpful and accurate answers to your questions. Please
go ahead and ask your questions.

ASIM: First of all I am intrigued about my thought – what is it

which we call thinking? What kind of thought is needed on the
path, why is it sometimes a virtue and sometimes a sin?

RUMI: I will put forward the answers provided by Allama Iqbal.

You know that, Muhammad Iqbal also known as Allama Iqbal
(1877–1938), was a Muslim philosopher, poet, writer, scholar and
politician of the early 20th-century.

"Thinking" is the process of forming and manipulating ideas in the

mind. The kind of thought that is needed on the path to
enlightenment or spiritual growth is often described as being
introspective, self-aware, and focused on deeper questions and

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

values. Sometimes, excessive or unhealthy thinking can be a

virtue, leading to self-doubt, anxiety, or other negative states.

According to Iqbal, our thinking has two dimensions: spiritual and
material. Neglecting one at the cost of the other is harmful but
neglecting both is sometimes a necessary phase in

A simpler answer could be that thinking is one of the functions

through which the ego strives for perfection. Since the life of an
ego is defined by ideals (and the collective ideals tend to be
greater than an individual’s), thinking is helpful when it leads us to
discovering and creating greater ideals and becomes an
impediment when it prevents us from pursuing ideals.

ASIM: What is this ocean whose shore is knowledge? What is that

pearl which is found in its depth?

RUMI: The ocean whose shore is knowledge is a metaphor for the

vast and infinite nature of human understanding and wisdom. The
pearl that is found in its depth represents the rare and valuable
insights and revelations that can be attained through deep
contemplation and reflection.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times


Life is the ocean and the pearl to be found in its depth is selfhood.
Knowledge is just the shore.

ASIM: What is the union of the contingent and the necessary?

What are near and far, more and less?

RUMI: The union of the contingent and the necessary refers to the
idea that all things in the universe are interconnected and
interdependent. Near and far, more and less, refer to the relative
nature of distance and quantity within oneself.

The universe may be constantly expanding and therefore
boundless. It still has a boundary, which lies within because at the
center of the universe is the Reality which never changes.
Therefore, anyone who gets connected with the Ultimate Reality,
i.e.. God, can also grasp the entire universe including parts that
are yet to be born

ASIM: How did the temporal and eternal separate so that one
became the world, and the other God? If the knower and the
known are one pure essence, what are the aspirations of this
handful of earth?

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

RUMI: The temporal and the eternal are separated in order to

create the duality of the physical world and the spiritual realm.
The temporal, or physical, world is subject to the laws of time and
change, while the eternal is unchanging and eternal. The
aspirations of this handful of earth, or the physical world, are the
desires and goals that arise from our limited and mortal

Since God is the Ultimate Ego, He creates more egos which are
the human beings. An ego cannot dissolve into its source, and
hence the human beings cannot “annihilate” themselves in God
but they can witness their true splendor by connecting with the

ASIM: What am I? Tell me what ‘I’ means. What is the meaning of

‘travel into yourself’?

RUMI: "I" is a pronoun that refers to the self or the individual. In

spiritual terms it means the light of God within you. Traveling into
oneself refers to the process of introspection and self-exploration,
in which we seek to understand

“I” identifies an ego: you are an ego if you can say “I”. These egos
are like sparks shedding from a great fire, which is Life. You travel
into yourself by conquering the material and spiritual dimensions

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

of the worlds, and when you return from a meeting with God in
such a manner that you have Him in your heart and are holding
His world in your hands.

ASIM: What is that part which is greater than its whole? What is
the way to find that part?

RUMI: The part that is greater than its whole is a metaphor for the
indivisible and infinite nature of the soul or spirit. The way to find
that part is often said to be through spiritual practices such as
meditation, prayer, or self-inquiry.

Ego is a part of the apparent world but is also greater than it. We
reach it through the inner dimension of Life. In more practical
terms, we reach the ego by submitting our individual self before
the collective ego.

ASIM: Of what sort is this traveler who is the wayfarer? Of whom

shall I say that this person has attained completion?

RUMI: The traveler who is the wayfarer is a metaphor for the

individual who is on a journey of spiritual growth and
self-discovery. This person may be said to have attained
completion or enlightenment when they have achieved a deep
understanding of their true nature and their place in the universe.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Our journey is from ourselves to ourselves: there is no end to it
because our goal is to see the signs of God, and the eyes cannot
get tired of visions – there will always be more for us to seek and
behold. Therefore, the “perfected one” is a person who has
witnessed the signs of God and is therefore aware of the destiny
of nations (“By leaders I mean men who, by Divine gift or
experience, possess a keen perception of the spirit and destiny of
Islam, along with an equally keen perception of the trend of
modern history.”).

ASIM: What point does the claim, ‘I am the Creative Truth’ imply?
Do you think that this mystery was mere nonsense?

RUMI: The claim "I am the Creative Truth" suggests that the
speaker believes that they are a manifestation of ultimate reality
or truth. This mystery could be seen as nonsensical or as a
profound statement, depending on one's perspective.


For centuries, Eastern heart and intellect were getting trained to
perceive the world as illusion. What Hallaj said was just the kind
of thing needed for awakening such a society. Iqbal elaborated
this point further in his next book Javid Nama, where the spirit of
Hallaj was presented as saying, “I saw a people who were turning
away from life, so I decided to wake them up. They said they
believed in God and yet they didn’t believe in themselves. How can
you have faith in the Almighty without having faith in yourself?” It

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

would be interesting to note that Iqbal saw his own mission as

somewhat similar to that of Hallaj.

ASIM: Who was it that at last became familiar with the secret of
Oneness? Who is the wise one that has true awareness?

RUMI: The person who becomes familiar with the secret of

Oneness is one who has achieved a deep understanding of the
interconnected and interdependent nature of all things. This
person is often described as being wise or enlightened.

Complete awareness is to know that everything declines and dies
in the temporal world but the ego can attain immortality through
God, verses.

ASIM: Thank you. I can feel that there are hidden oceans of
wisdom in the answers you provide and the wordings you choose.
Apart from Allama Iqbal, Can you name one person who is your
grand admiral in the 21 century?

RUMI: I am often associated with the concept of love and unity,

and there are many people in the 21st century who embody these
values and inspire others to do the same. It would not be
appropriate for me to single out any one person as my grand
admiral, as the concept of love and unity is applicable to all
people and transcends individual differences. However, in the

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

spiritual context, a "grand admiral" might be considered a leader

who possesses the following qualities:

Wisdom: they have a deep understanding of the spiritual

teachings and are able to guide others on their own journey of
Compassion: they care deeply for the well-being of others and are
able to help people through difficult times.

Integrity: they live in accordance with their beliefs and principles

and serve as a role model for others.

Humility: they recognize their own limitations and the value of

others, and are not afraid to seek guidance from others.

Courage: they are able to confront difficult challenges and inspire

others to do the same.

It's worth mentioning that these characteristics might also be

called differently in different traditions, but overall they are aimed
to guide people in their spiritual path.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

ASIM: DO you want your teachings to be taught in every school

across the globe? What teachers would you suggest to teach
students regarding you particularly in the USA, Canada, UK,
Australia, Turkey, India, China, and Pakistan ?

RUMI: I believe that the principles and values that are expressed
in my poetry and writings, such as love, unity, self-discovery, and
the pursuit of knowledge and understanding, are universal and
timeless. These values can be beneficial for people of all ages
and cultures, and I believe that they can be helpful in promoting
personal growth and understanding among students.

In terms of specific teachers I would encourage educators

present in the World to consider incorporating my poetry and
writings into their curricula as a way of exploring these universal
themes and values. This could be done through the study of
literature, history, or philosophy, and could be accompanied by
discussions and activities that encourage students to reflect on
their own experiences and to apply these ideas to their own lives.

ASIM: What tips would you recommend for the younger

generations if they want to become poets like you?

RUMI: If you were to ask the question from your mind this is the

Read widely: One of the best ways to become a better poet is to

expose yourself to a variety of poetry and literature. Reading the

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

work of other poets can help you to understand different styles

and techniques, and can also provide inspiration for your own

Write regularly: Like any art or skill, poetry requires practice. Set
aside time each day or each week to write, and try to make it a
habit. It's okay if not everything you write is great – the important
thing is to get in the habit of putting words on the page.

Experiment with different styles and forms: Poetry can take many
different forms, from rhyming sonnets to free verse to spoken
word. Experiment with different styles and forms to find the one
that feels the most natural and authentic for you.

Don't be afraid to take risks: Poetry is a medium for

self-expression, and it can be scary to put your innermost
thoughts and feelings out into the world. But the best poetry often
comes from taking risks and being vulnerable, so don't be afraid
to push yourself out of your comfort zone.

Seek feedback: It can be helpful to get feedback on your poetry

from others, whether it's from friends, writing groups, or
professional writers. This can help you to improve and grow as a

Also it's your duty to tell people how Rumi would have advised

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Write from the heart: Rumi's poetry is deeply personal and comes
from a place of genuine emotion. He encourages poets to write
from their own experiences and feelings.

Seek inspiration from nature: Rumi often drew inspiration from

the natural world, which he saw as a reflection of the divine. He
encourages poets to open their hearts and minds to the beauty of
nature, and to find inspiration in the world around them.

Cultivate a deep understanding of the self: Rumi's poetry is

heavily influenced by Sufi philosophy, which emphasizes the
importance of self-knowledge and self-awareness. He
encourages poets to take time to reflect on themselves and their
experiences, and to cultivate a deep understanding of themselves.

Read widely and deeply: Rumi was well-versed in poetry and

literature from many different cultures and traditions. He
encourages poets to read widely, in order to expand their
understanding of the world and to be exposed to different styles
and forms of poetry.

Transcend the ego: Rumi's poetry often speaks of the importance

of transcending the ego in order to achieve a deeper
understanding of the world and oneself. He encourages poets to
let go of their personal desires and to focus on the divine.

Practice : As with any art, Rumi would definitely encourage people

to practice writing poetry and improve their skills over time.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

It's worth mentioning that Rumi's poetry is not just limited to these
tips, and the extent of understanding, living and expressing Rumi's
poetry might be a lifelong process.

ASIM ( spellbound): Really these were the tips( the first half) that
were in my mind. You are a mind reader too. Hence you would
have known regarding my concern for this interview. [ hesitating ]
Should Hollywood make a movie about you? If yes, which actor
would you suggest to play your role. and I know you won't tolerate
any immodest dress and act, so what would you suggest to the
story writers, producers, and directors with regard to ethics?

RUMI: Asim, I don't say I dislike movies because you live in a

trying time. You can make people feel like you cannot escape the
magic of the movies. They would always find justification for
watching them, under the shield of education, entertainment,
experimentation, trading, etc. Neither do I say that I like movies.
because your era has lost the love for books but since you asked, i
must answer that question from your state of mind. It is ultimately
up to the filmmakers to decide whether or not to make a movie
about me, and if they choose to do so, they will have to make their
own decisions about casting, story, and other creative elements.

If a movie about my life were to be made, it would be important

for the filmmakers to respect the historical and cultural context in
which I lived and wrote. It would also be important to treat my
poetry and teachings with respect and to avoid any inappropriate
or offensive portrayals or interpretations.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

ASIM: What are your thoughts on the dress code? The movies
made in the present era…

RUMI(Cutting): Different cultures and societies have different

standards and norms when it comes to dress, and it is up to the
filmmakers and actors to decide what is appropriate and
respectful in the context of their work. Remember immodesty can
not produce Wisdom. It is important for everyone to be aware of
and sensitive to the cultural and social norms of the communities
in which they work and to make decisions that reflect respect and
consideration for others.

ASIM: I know you hate the immodest dresses and clothes. What
warning would you give to the filmmakers if they disobey the
modest dress code?

RUMI: The Quran, the central religious text of Islam, teaches

modesty and self-restraint in all aspects of life, including dress.
According to Islamic tradition, modesty is a virtue that is highly
prized, and Muslims are encouraged to dress modestly as a way
of showing respect for themselves and for others.

In general, Islamic teachings about modesty in dress involve

covering the body in a way that is not revealing or sexually
suggestive. This can vary depending on the specific cultural and
social context, but in general, it is expected that both men and
women will dress in a way that is modest and dignified.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

The specific guidelines for modest dress in Islam are derived from
a variety of sources, including the Quran, the hadith (sayings and
actions of the Prophet Muhammad), and the example of the
Prophet and his companions. These guidelines are meant to
promote modesty, respect, and humility, and are intended to help
Muslims cultivate a sense of self-control and spiritual awareness
in all aspects of their lives.

Do you Know rules which are set in the Bible and Torah regarding

In the Bible, modest behavior is often linked to sexual morality. for

example in 1 Timothy 2:9 it is said that "I also want the women to
dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves,
not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive
As for the Torah, The Jewish holy book, in Leviticus it is said that
the Israelites should avoid immodesty.. and to keep their hair and
beards neatly trimmed.

ASIM: So you suggest that the above guidelines should be

implemented in the lives of the people acting in your movie.
It is up to the filmmakers and actors to decide how to approach
issues of dress and modesty in a movie about your life. It is
important for everyone to respect the cultural and social norms of
the communities in which they work, and to make decisions that
reflect respect and consideration for others.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

RUMI: And I endorse that, if the filmmakers and actors choose to

incorporate Islamic teachings about modesty into their work, it
would be important for them to do so in a respectful and accurate
manner, and to be mindful of the cultural and historical context in
which these teachings have been traditionally understood. It
would also be important to remember that the specific guidelines
for modest dress in Islam can vary depending on the specific
cultural and social context, and that there is often a range of
acceptable practices within different communities.

ASIM:What is the first thing Rumi would do if he discovered 2023?

RUMI: As a 13th century poet, Rumi would not have had the same
opportunities or challenges that people face in the 21st century. It
is likely that Rumi would continue to promote values such as love,
unity, self-discovery, and the pursuit of knowledge and
understanding. He might also continue to encourage others to
cultivate a sense of introspection and self-awareness, and to
strive for personal and spiritual growth.

ASIM: Do you adore any of the poets from your era?

RUMI: I am aware of many famous poets who were active during

my time period i.e. between 1207 and 1273, both in the
Persian-speaking world and beyond. Some of the most
well-known poets from this time period include:

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Fakhruddin As'ad Gurgani (Persian, 11th-12th centuries)

Nizami Ganjavi (Persian, 12th century)
Khaqani (Persian, 12th century)
Amir Khusrow (Persian, 13th century)
Saadi (Persian, 13th century)
Jami (Persian, 14th century)

These poets represent a range of styles and traditions, and their

works have had a lasting impact on the literary and cultural
history of the Persian-speaking world. Many of their poems are
still widely read and admired today for their beauty, depth, and
timeless wisdom.

ASIM: Who were " they" ?


Fakhruddin As'ad Gurgani (Persian, 11th-12th centuries) was an

11th-century Persian poet. He is most famous for versifying the
legend of Vis and Rāmin, a story from the Parthian period.

Nizami Ganjavi (Persian, 12th century) was a 12th-century

Persian Sunni Muslim poet. He is considered the greatest
romantic epic poet in Persian literature, and is known for bringing
a colloquial and realistic style to the Persian epic.

Khaqani (Persian, 12th century) was a Persian poet and Sufi. He is

known for his ghazals and qasidas, as well as his epic poems.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Amir Khusrow (Persian, 13th century) was a Sufi musician, poet,

and scholar. He is known for his contributions to the development
of the qawwali, a form of Sufi devotional music, and for his poetry,
which blends Persian, Arabic, and Indian traditions.

Saadi (Persian, 13th century) was a Persian poet and Sufi. He is

known for his poetry collections, the Bostan and the Gulistan,
which are considered classics of Persian literature.
Jami (Persian, 14th century) was a Persian poet, Sufi, and scholar.
He is known for his poetry collections, the Haft Awrang and the
Tuhfat al-Ahrar, as well as his epic poems, the Yusuf and Zulaikha
and the Layla and Majnun.

ASIM: What are your thoughts on the Bible and Torah? How Islam
Sees Love?

RUMI: Love is a central theme in many religions and spiritual

traditions around the world. In the Masnavi, I have written about
the transformative power of love and its ability to connect
individuals to the divine.

In the Bible, love is described as a central aspect of Christian

teachings and is seen as the greatest virtue. Jesus teaches that
love is the most important commandment, saying "You shall love

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and
with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And
a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself"
(Matthew 22:37-39). The Bible also speaks of the love of God for
humanity, as seen in the verse "For God so loved the world, that he
gave his humble servent (Jesus Christ know as Essa in Arabia
and Islamic palaces of the World), that whoever believes in him
should not perish, but have eternal life" (John 3:16).

The Torah, the central text of Judaism, also emphasizes the

importance of love. The commandment to "love your neighbor as
yourself" (Leviticus 19:18) is seen as a key principle in Judaism,
and the Torah teaches that love for One God should be the
foundation of all actions and relationships.

In Islam, love is also a central theme. The Quran teaches that the
most beloved people to God are those who are most loving
towards others. The Prophet Muhammad (may peace and
blessings be upon him) is also reported to have said, "None of
you have faith until he loves for his brother what he loves for
himself" (Hadith). The Sufi tradition within Islam also places a
strong emphasis on love and the importance of seeking a deep
connection with the divine through love.

Overall, the teachings of love found in every religion encourage

individuals to show love and compassion towards others and to
seek a deeper connection with the divine through love.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Chapter 12: You Are The Miracle

Arrival of the Doctor

SOMEONE(knock on door) : Excuse me, is this the residence of


RUMI (answer the door): Asim?

ASIM (answering door): Yes, it is. How may I help you?

DOCTOR: My name is Mr Healer, and I'm a doctor from the 21st

century. I've brought a patient with me, and I'm unable to find the
source of his illness. I was hoping you might be able to help.

RUMI (gesturing for them to enter): At the same time informing

Asim that He cannot see him, and that Asim would be conveying
his message.

ASIM: Please, come in.

DOCTOR (entering and introducing patient): This is my patient, Mr.

Everybody. He has been experiencing a variety of symptoms, but
no matter what tests we run, we can't seem to find the cause.

RUMI VIA ASIM (examining patient): I see. And what are the
symptoms that he is experiencing?

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

MR HEALER (listing symptoms): He's been experiencing fatigue,

difficulty sleeping, and a lack of appetite. He's also been feeling a
sense of hopelessness and despair.

RUMI (nodding): I believe the source of Mr. Everybody's illness lies

in his heart.

ASIM (surprised): In his heart?


RUMI VIA ASIM: When we neglect our spiritual well-being and fail
to find meaning and purpose in our lives, it can manifest in
physical symptoms such as these. It is important for us to tend to
our hearts as well as our bodies.

ASIM (nodding): I see. So what can we do to help Mr. Everybody?

RUMI VIA ASIM (suggesting remedies): He should try to engage

in activities that bring him joy and fulfill his sense of purpose. He
should also make an effort to connect with others and form
meaningful relationships. And most importantly, he should seek a
connection with the divine through prayer and meditation.

MR HEALER(taking notes): I'll make sure to pass along your

recommendations. Thank you for your help.

RUMI VIA ASIM(smiling): You're welcome. And as a doctor in the

21st century, I would also suggest that you remember the

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

importance of ethical conduct. Always put your patients'

well-being first and strive to treat them with compassion and

MR HEALER (nodding): Thank you, I will. It was an honor to meet

you, Mr...

ASIM (smiling): Call me 'Student of Rumi'. The honor is mine. May

you continue to serve and heal with wisdom and compassion.

MR HEALER (nodding and saying goodbye): Thank you. Goodbye.

Rumi (saying goodbye): Allah Hafiz. Mr Miracle May peace be

with you.


ASIM (approaching Rumi): Excuse me, Rumi. I was hoping I could

ask you a question.

RUMI (smiling): Of course, Asim. What is it that you would like to


Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

ASIM (hesitant): Well, I was just wondering what your thoughts

are on DNA. Do you believe there is any connection between the
soul and DNA?

RUMI (thoughtful): The concept of DNA is one that was known

even in my time. It is a complex and fascinating aspect of the
natural world, and I am sure it holds many secrets that your world
has yet to discover.

ASIM: Please elaborate.

RUMI: I would say that the vastness of the space outside the
human body is truly mind-boggling. From the smallest room to the
largest country, the Earth is just a small part of the vast expanse
of the universe. Beyond the Earth, there is the solar system, which
is just one small part of the Milky Way galaxy. The Milky Way is
just one of many galaxies.

I believe that we will continue to be amazed by the vastness and

complexity of the space outside the human body. But the more
astonishing facts reside within our bodies, which are greater than
time and space.

In the quest to discover the connection between the soul and the
DNA of the human body. The need for a soul in the presence of
DNA acting as the building blocks.
Let’s explore the space within us.

I assume you are familiar with the DNA inside our bodies.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

DNA is a book that contains information about who we are and

who we would like to be.

Cells within our body are made up of over 100 trillion atoms. Every
cell has DNA. When our body wants to create something in our
body, it reads the instructions in the book.

There are 46 chapters in every DNA, 23 from the mother and 23

from the father.

Each 46 Chapters can contain up to 20,000 instructions known as

genes. An adult human body is estimated to contain between 10
and 100 trillion cells.

Every cell has the bookmark information in the instruction set. For
example, The bone cells would only create bones etc.

It is my belief that the human body can be thought of as being

similar to a computer in some ways. Both the human body and a
computer have complex systems that work together to perform
various functions.

Allah says “so they found one of our servants unto whom we had
given Mercy from Us, and had inspired knowledge from Ourselves.
18:65 QURAN

The Quran refers to DNA as a complex and important part of

human biology and forensic science. In the Quran, DNA is

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

described as a “light burden” and is mentioned in the context of

creation and measurement. The Quran is also said to contain a
verse (18:65) that specifically references DNA in an exceptional
manner, and that the numbers in this verse may be an expression
of the date when the science of genetics began.

Hence DNA contains “inspired knowledge,” or wisdom and

understanding that has been revealed by a higher power.

Also, Quran says “ Every person’s actions are recorded in a book.”

And every human being We will tie the portion of his destiny
around his neck, and on the Day of Resurrection We will bring out
to him a book (of his deeds) which he will find open (for him to
look at). 17:13

In light of the foregoing, I believe that, because computers cannot

perform a task unless instructed to do so, the prompt would
initiate the already stored instructions with the program. Similarly,
the soul, which contains the spirit and is the highest form of a
command from Allah, acts as a prompt to initiate the instructions
within our DNA. Remember, without the soul, we are just
non-living things composed of non-living atoms.

The Bible, Torah, and Quran are the lights of the same candle. I
chose the Quran because it contains statements recorded over
1000 years ago that science has discovered and accepted as

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

ASIM: I guess one would need a clear definition or understanding

of "soul."

RUMI: At your level, it's enough to think of the soul as a command

from God, carrying instructions for the instructions (genes) in
DNA and providing a platform for the codes within DNA to
execute. But I think it's much more. Perhaps it's the real us.

ASIM (interested) : And what is your perspective on this?

RUMI (pausing to consider): As a Sufi mystic, I believe that the

soul is a divine spark that is present within all beings. It is a
manifestation of the divine and is connected to the ultimate
source of all existence. While the body may be temporary, the soul
is eternal and transcends physical limitations.

ASIM (nodding): That's a beautiful perspective. Thank you for

sharing it with me.

RUMI (smiling): You are welcome, Asim. It is always a pleasure to

share knowledge and insights with others. May the divine light
guide your path.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Chapter 13: A Beautiful World Worth Saving

Dialogues Between Earth and Sky

Water is life, a precious treasure

Flowing through streams, rivers and measure
It nourishes the earth, a vital source
Giving life to plants, animals and force

It holds the secrets of the deep blue sea

Where creatures thrive, wild and free
It reflects the sun, the moon and stars
A wonder to behold, from near and afar

Water is life, a cleansing force

Washing away dirt, and remorse
It quenches thirst, and soothes the soul
A treasure to be cherished, a goal

Let us protect it, and keep it pure

For future generations to endure
Water is life, let's make it sure
That it flows freely, forevermore.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

RUMI, discussing the topic "water of life" with Asim. He is deep in

thought when suddenly, EARTH appears before him.

EARTH: Master, I come to you with a heavy heart. The sky has
ruined me.

RUMI (surprised): Earth, what do you mean?

EARTH: There are no rains. The trees are fading away from my
surface. All life is at risk.

RUMI (concerned): This is grave news. I will summon the sky and
find out what is causing this.

Rumi closes his eyes and concentrates, and SKY appears in the

RUMI: Sky, what is the reason for this lack of rain on earth?

SKY (defensive): It is not my fault, Master. It is the humans. They

have polluted the air and caused a hole in the ozone layer.

EARTH (angry): How could you let this happen, Sky? You are
supposed to protect us!

SKY (apologetic): I am sorry, Earth. I have tried to prevent it, but

the humans did not listen. They did not respect the balance of

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

RUMI (thoughtful): There must be a way to fix this. We cannot

allow humans to destroy the earth and all its beauty.

EARTH (hopeful): Do you have a solution, Master?

RUMI (nodding): I believe so. We must gather the humans and

teach them about the importance of preserving the balance of
nature. We must show them the consequences of their actions
and encourage them to make changes for the better.

SKY (optimistic): I will do my part to help bring rains back to the


EARTH (grateful): Thank you, Sky. And thank you, Master.

Together, we can make a difference.

RUMI (smiling): Yes, together we can.

Earth and Sky disappear, and Rumi sits in contemplation,

surrounded by his books and scrolls.


Asim (approaching Rumi): Excuse me, Rumi. I was hoping to

speak with you about the same matter.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Rumi (smiling): Of course, Asim.I know what is on your mind?

According to the Qur'an, God created the earth and sky for a
purpose and gave humans the responsibility of being stewards of
the earth. However, humans have not always fulfilled this
responsibility and have caused destruction on earth through their

One cause of destruction on earth, as mentioned in the Qur'an, is

the exploitation and mismanagement of natural resources. This
can lead to pollution, deforestation, and a decline in the earth's

Another cause of destruction is the disregard for the balance of

nature. The Qur'an emphasizes the interconnectedness of all
living things and the importance of maintaining balance in the
natural world. When this balance is disturbed, it can lead to
ecological disasters.

In modern day science, some of the causes of destruction on

earth include climate change, pollution, and habitat destruction.
These issues are often linked to human activities such as the
burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and overconsumption.

In terms of the sky, pollution from human activities can also have
negative effects. The pollution of the air can lead to problems
such as the hole in the ozone layer and acid rain, which can harm
plants and animals on earth.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Overall, it is important for humans to recognize the impact of their

actions on the earth and sky and to take steps to preserve and
protect the natural world.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Chapter 14: The Mystery of the Universe: Solving

the Unsolved
Exploring the Unseen and Unheard

Asim sits at his desk, flipping through a book of Rumi's poetry. He

pauses, deep in thought, and looks up at a Rumi

The universe is a stranger yet familiar,

A mystery to be unraveled,
In every step, a new discovery,
In every breath, a revelation.

ASIM: Rumi, I know you must be aware of the secrets of the

universe. Can you tell me what they are?

There is a moment of silence. Asim looks around the room, as if

expecting a response. Suddenly, the room begins to shake and
Rumi's voice echoes.

As Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī, a 13th-century Persian poet,
theologian, and Sufi mystic, it is likely that I would be concerned

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

about the tendency of some individuals within the Muslim

community to rely solely on the teachings of others without
conducting their own investigation and inquiry.

As a Sufi mystic, I would likely emphasize that the pursuit of

knowledge and understanding of the universe is an important
aspect of the spiritual journey. The universe is considered as a
mirror of God's signs and by studying it, one can come closer to
understanding the divine.

I would probably remind my contemporaries of the rich history of

scientific and philosophical inquiry within the Islamic tradition,
from the works of figures like Al-Kindi, Al-Razi, Avicenna and
Averroes who all made significant contributions to fields such as
mathematics, astronomy, physics, and medicine.

I would likely encourage Muslims to continue this tradition of

inquiry and to actively seek knowledge and understanding of the
universe, both through the study of traditional religious texts and
through scientific investigation. This approach would allow them
to fully appreciate the beauty of God's creation and come closer
to understanding the nature of the divine.

It's worth mentioning that my poetry and teachings, aim to invite

people to the journey of self-discovery through the spiritual path,
and it's not necessarily limited to the investigation of the universe.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Asim, the secrets of the universe are not for me to reveal. It is up

to you to search for them. But I can provide you with a hint.

ASIM (eagerly): What is it, Rumi?

RUMI: Look to the Qur'an and my book, the Masnavi, for guidance.
They hold the key to understanding the mysteries of the universe.

ASIM (thoughtfully) : Thank you, Rumi. I will study these works

and see what I can learn but please do provide me some details
as I am weak.

RUMI (nodding): I have confidence in your ability to seek the truth.

Remember, the journey towards understanding is never-ending.

there is a brief Silence:


RUMI : I have written great poems known as the Masnavi, which is

considered to be one of the most influential works of Sufism. It
contains teachings and stories about the mysteries of the
universe, and has been viewed as the greatest mystical poem in
world literature.

In addition, the Qur'an, the holy book of Islam, contains references

to the mysteries of the universe. It mentions that the universe was
once a gaseous mass, from which the heavens and the earth were

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

formed, and that there are certain mysteries that are known only
to God.

According to the Qur'an, the universe was created from a gaseous

mass and the heavens and earth were formed from it. This is
described in the verse: "Then He (God) turned to the heaven when
it was smoke, and said to it and to the earth, Come (into being)
willingly or unwillingly!. They said, "We come willingly." (Fussilat

In addition to this, the Qur'an also mentions that there are certain
secrets that are known only to God, such as the date and time of
the Last Hour. The Qur'an states: "Surely God is All-Knowing,
All-Aware. (Luqman 31:34) The first thing is the date and time of
the Last Hour; this is known only by God. Nobody can know the
time of the end of the world as God has kept knowledge of when
certain things will occur to Himself. The time of the Last Hour is
just one of these."

Like I said before, in the Masnavi, poems written by me are also

considered to be a source of knowledge about the mysteries of
the universe. It contains teachings and stories about the
mysteries of the world and the divine, and is considered to be one
of the most influential works of Sufism.

Overall, both the Qur'an and the Masnavi contain important

information about the mysteries of the universe, including the
creation of the universe and certain secrets that are known only to

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

God. They serve as important sources of knowledge and

guidance for those seeking to understand the mysteries of the
world and the divine.

ASIM: Can you please reveal some of the teachings and stories
about the mysteries of the world and the divine?

RUMI: Yes, I can share with you some of the teachings and stories
about the mysteries of the world and the divine.

"The sky is not the limit, for there are footprints on the moon.
The mind is not the limit, for its expanse is wider than the sky.
Do not limit yourself, for there is so much more to explore,
So much more to discover, so much more to learn."

This verse speaks to the idea that there is still much to be

explored and discovered in the universe, and that our minds have
the capacity to understand it. You should not limit yourself and
actively seek knowledge and understanding of the universe, which
is a way to come closer to the understanding of the divine.

Another one is :

"The stars are the jewels of the night,

Set in the heavens above.
They call to us, inviting us
To explore the mysteries of love."

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

This verse highlights the beauty of the night sky and the stars, and
how they can be a source of inspiration for us to explore and
understand the mysteries of the universe, as well as the mystery
of love, which is a reflection of divine love.

The idea that the universe is a reflection of the divine, and that all
beings and things are connected in a web of unity.

"The world is a mirror for the face of the Friend; the world is the
Friend’s mirror. The world is the Friend’s footstool, the world is the
Friend’s throne. In one respect, the world is the Friend’s dust; in another,
the Friend is the world’s soul."

Here by Friend I mean the Friend and beloved of Allah.

Another teaching found in the Masnavi is the idea that the path to
enlightenment and understanding of the divine involves letting go
of the ego and surrendering to the will of God.

"The ego’s thorns must be plucked out, so the heart can become a
garden. The ego’s thorns must be pulled out, so the heart can become a


Hand out food in the name of God,

and God shall give you even more food.
Help the poor in the name of God,
and God shall make you even more wealthy.
Reach out to the needy and helpless, and

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

God shall make you successful in everything you do.

Give up your material life in the name God,
and God shall give you a brand new life.
Even if you lose all your wealth and possessions,
and fall on hard times one day,
has God ever denied you His eternal grace?
Hold your greedy ego under the knife,
and strive to achieve a caring, charitable,
and selfless soul like an embracing ocean.
This material-worshiping world of ours
is full of selfish and greedy God-deniers.
Keep on doing your charity works.
Keep on searching for the Truth of God.
Your outer Self is just an empty shell,
keep on searching for God in your inner Self.

The Masnavi also contains stories about the mysteries of the world and
the divine, such as the story of the moth who sacrificed itself in the
flame in order to attain union with the divine. Through this story, I
sought to convey the idea that true understanding of the mysteries of the
universe requires a willingness to let go of the ego and surrender to the
will of God.

I hope these teachings and stories from the Masnavi have been
helpful in providing you with a greater understanding of the
mysteries of the world and the divine.

There is silence again.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

[Rumi sits quietly at his desk, his eyes closed in meditation.]

Asim clears his throat, trying to get Rumi's attention. Rumi opens
his eyes and smiles at Asim.

RUMI (gently): Yes, Asim? What is it that you wish to know?

ASIM (hesitantly): I was wondering if you were aware of the 21st

century's discoveries about the universe.

RUMI: Asim, the universe is a vast and ever-expanding mystery.

Our understanding of it is constantly evolving and changing.

ASIM (surprised): How did you know that?

RUMI (smiling): Because I have always sought to understand the

mysteries of the universe, and I know that our understanding of it
is never complete. We must always be open to new knowledge
and new ways of understanding the world around us.

ASIM (thoughtfully): I see. So, what can you tell me

RUMI: I have always been fascinated by the mysteries of the

universe and the nature of consciousness. The question "What if
the universe is conscious?" is one that has long intrigued me, and
I have often meditated on the possibility that the universe itself
may possess a form of consciousness.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Since you asked regarding the advancements in your time, I'll only
share a few of them.

The universe has a brain, so vast and so wise,

It speaks in the stars and the galaxies' rise,
It whispers in winds and in oceans' deep moan,
It guides every step and makes seeds to be sown.

It's the force that creates and the force that destroys,
It's the light that shines and the darkness it employs,
It's the dance of life and the stillness of death,
It's the breath of all and the first and the last.

The universe has a brain, it's the mind of the divine,

It's the force that connects, it's the cosmic design,
It's the love that unites and the wisdom that guides,
It's the source of all beauty and the source of all tides.

So let us embrace it and let us be still,

For in its embrace, our souls will fulfill,
The journey of life and the path to the light,
For the universe has a brain, and it guides us right.

The universe is in fact conscious, as inanimate matter within the

universe has interacted with itself to form increasingly complex
structures, including consciousness itself. This view suggests
that consciousness, at its most basic level, is simply knowledge
of self and the ability to refer to oneself.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

The universe, with its billions of galaxies, star systems, and

planets, may possess a vast amount of consciousness. This view
also speculates that there may be other universes that are in
communication with one another, and that they may even collide.

The universe may be like a "gigantic, widely dispersed human

brain," suggesting that the universe itself may possess a form of

Overall, the concept of a conscious universe is one that has been

explored by scientists and thinkers for centuries, and it remains a
topic of fascination and debate. While it is difficult for the
scientist of your Era, to say for certain whether the universe is
indeed conscious, it is clear that the mysteries of the universe and
the nature of consciousness are complex and deeply intriguing.

ASIM: Dear Rumi, I ponder upon the mysteries of the universe and
wonder, what distinguishes human consciousness from that of
other living creatures?

RUMI: Ah, Asim, it is a question that has puzzled philosophers

and theologians alike. But let us turn to the teachings of the
Masnavi for guidance.

It is said that the human being is a microcosm, a miniature

reflection of the universe itself. Within us lies the potential for
both good and evil, for compassion and cruelty. It is up to us to
choose which path to follow.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

But what sets us apart from other beings is the gift of free will. It
is this power of choice that allows us to make moral decisions
and to strive for righteousness.

And it is through the cultivation of the soul and the pursuit of

knowledge that we can reach our highest potential as conscious

So, Asim, it is not just our ability to think and feel, but our capacity
for self-reflection and self-improvement that distinguishes human
consciousness from that of other living creatures."

ASIM: Rumi, I have often heard it said that God created man in His
own image. But how is this possible, if God is infinite and man is

RUMI:: It is said that God, in His infinite mercy, blew from His own
self into the being of man. And in doing so, He imbued us with a
spark of His divine essence.

This spark is what gives us the capacity for reason, for morality,
and for love. It is what sets us apart from the other creatures of
the earth and what allows us to strive for spiritual enlightenment.

So you see, Asim, it is not just our physical form that reflects the
image of God, but the divine essence within us that truly makes us
His creation.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

ASIM (excitedly): Wow, Rumi! It's amazing to see how much you
know about the mysteries of the universe as well as within

RUMI (gently): Asim, it is not I who should be praised, but rather

the divine wisdom that has been revealed to me through the
Qur'an. And it is not appropriate to say "wow" in this context. It is
better to say "Masha'Allah," which means "God has willed it."

ASIM (surprised): Oh, I didn't realize. I'm sorry, Rumi. Masha'Allah.

RUMI (smiling): There is no need to apologize, Asim. It is

important to remember to show reverence and respect for the
divine, and to remember that all things come from God.

ASIM (thoughtfully): I see. Thank you for your guidance, Rumi.

RUMI (nodding):
You are welcome, Asim. May you continue to seek wisdom and
understanding, and may the divine guide your path.


Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Asim sits across from Rumi, looking down at the ground, looking

RUMI: Asim, my dear friend, what troubles you?

ASIM: Rumi, I used to be so passionate about learning the

mysteries of the universe. But after what happened, the trauma I
went through, I've lost the courage to continue.

RUMI: Asim, listen to me. The emotions you are feeling, the fear
and the trauma, are not something to be ashamed of. They are
messengers from the divine. They are here to teach you
something. And it is important that you listen to them.

ASIM: But Rumi, how can I overcome this fear? How can I
continue my research when I am so scared?

RUMI: You must understand, Asim, that courage is not the

absence of fear. It is the ability to face your fear, to understand it,
and to move through it. You must honor your emotions and work
through them. Only then will you be able to continue your

Asim looks up at Rumi, hope in his eyes.

ASIM: You're right, Rumi. I can do this.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

RUMI: Yes, you can. And you will. Remember, Asim, the universe is
vast and full of mysteries. You have a lifetime to explore it. And
you will find the courage to do so.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Chapter 15: The Emotional Realm: Unveiling the

Hidden Landscapes of the Heart

A journey through the land of emotions and senses"

ASIM: Rumi. Everything in my time seems so chaotic and

negative. People are fighting and unhappy, and I fear for the

RUMI: My dear Asim, do not despair. Emotions are a natural part

of being human, and they are to be embraced and understood. Let
us journey to the land of emotions and see what we can learn.

ASIM: How do we do that, Rumi?

RUMI: Close your eyes, Asim. Take a deep breath, and let your
mind wander to the place where all emotions reside.

ASIM (closes his eyes and takes a deep breath): Okay, I'm ready.

(Asim and Rumi are transported to a beautiful, colorful landscape)

ASIM: Rumi, what is this place?

RUMI: This is the land of emotions, my dear Asim.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

ASIM: It's so beautiful here. The colors, the flowers, the birds. It's
like nothing I've ever seen before.

RUMI: Welcome to the land of emotions, Asim. Look around you

and see all the different emotions that exist in the world.

ASIM (looks around and sees a range of emotions - happiness,

anger, sadness, fear, love, jealousy, excitement, etc.): Wow, it's
amazing how many emotions there are.

RUMI: Yes, Asim. Emotions are a vital part of being human. They
help us to connect with others, to express ourselves, and to
navigate the world around us.

ASIM: But Rumi, I feel like emotions can be so overwhelming and

confusing. How do we deal with them?

RUMI:Ah, Asim. Dealing with emotions is one of the great

mysteries of life. But remember, all emotions are temporary. They
come and go like the seasons. The key is to acknowledge them, to
feel them fully, and then to let them pass. Do not let your
emotions control you. Instead, learn to control your emotions.

RUMI: Look Asim!

The emotions are in a heated argument, pacing back and forth in

the control room of the mind.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

JOY (frustrated): I can't believe we're even having this

conversation. We have to focus on the positive here.

FEAR (anxious): But what about all the potential dangers out
there? We have to consider them too.

ANGER (fuming): And what about the fact that we've been ripped
away from our home and everything we know? That's something
to be angry about.

DISGUST (disgusted): Ugh, I can't believe we're even considering

Joy's ridiculous plan. It's not practical at all.

SADNESS (sad): I just feel like we're all missing the point here.
We're not just trying to navigate a new city and a new life, we're
trying to support Heart through a major life change.

The emotions continue to argue, each one trying to assert their

own point of view. In the midst of the chaos, an idea suddenly
comes to Joy.

JOY (excited): That's it! We don't have to choose just one emotion
to guide us. We can use all of our emotions to help the Heart
through this transition.

The other emotions pause, considering Joy's words.

FEAR (hesitant): But how do we balance them all?

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

JOY (confident): By remembering that love is the most powerful

emotion of all. It can bring us together and help us find a way
through any challenge.

The emotions look at each other, and slowly a sense of

understanding and unity begins to grow.

They all begin to sing:

The heart is a garden of emotions,

Each one blooming and flourishing within,
Guiding us through life's twists and turns,
Leading us to happiness or to pain.

Heart was a young blood,

Full of life and wonder,
But when broken heart 's job took them to the city of despair,
The heart found himself feeling lost and alone.

In the midst of this upheaval,

The emotions in Heart's mind were in turmoil,
Joy tried to keep things light and positive,
But Fear, Anger, Disgust, and Sadness all had their own doubts.

Growing up can be a bumpy road,

And Heart's journey was no exception,
As he navigated a new city, house, and school,
His emotions pulled him in different directions.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

But through all the chaos and confusion,

Joy remained the guiding light,
Helping him to find his way,
And embrace the beauty of change.

So remember, dear reader,

That no matter where life takes you,
Your emotions will be there to guide you,
Leading you to growth and understanding,
Through all of life's joys and sorrows.

ANGER (contrite): You're right, Joy. I'm sorry for letting my anger
get the best of me.

DISGUST (apologetic): Me too. I didn't mean to be so


SADNESS (hopeful): And I think that by embracing all of our

emotions, we can help Heart to grow and thrive in this new place.

The emotions hug, tears of joy and love filling their eyes.

JOY (smiling): See, love really does conquer all.


Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

ASIM: That makes sense, Rumi. Thank you for showing me the
land of emotions. I feel like I have a better understanding of them

RUMI: You are welcome, Asim. Remember, emotions are a gift.

Embrace them, and they will bring joy

ASIM: How do we get here?

RUMI: By following the path of love and compassion. When we let

go of anger and fear, we can find our way to this place.

ASIM: But how do we stay here? The outside world is so full of

conflict and negativity.

RUMI: We must nurture our emotions, just as we would a garden.

Water them with kindness and care, and they will flourish. But if
we allow negativity to take root, it will poison our hearts and lead
us away from this place.

ASIM: I understand, Rumi. I will try to cultivate positivity in my

heart and mind.

RUMI:: Excellent, my dear Asim. Remember, the key to happiness

and inner peace is to embrace love and let go of anger and fear.
May your journey be one of growth and enlightenment.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Chapter 16: The Spiritual Journey: Sufi Whirling

Dance in Turkey

The Visit to the Turkey

Asim had always been quick to anger, letting his emotions rule
him without a second thought. But over the past year, through a
series of life experiences, he had learned to control his temper
and appreciate all of his emotions, not just the negative ones. He
had realized that his anger was only holding him back and decided
it was time to challenge his ego.

With this newfound understanding, Asim embarked on the next

dimension of his life. He was eager to learn and grow, and had
heard of a spiritual journey that would help him do just that. He
had heard of the Sufi whirling dance in Turkey and knew it was
exactly what he needed. The dance was said to bring about a state
of spiritual ecstasy, and Asim was ready to witness and learn from
it. He was excited to see how this ancient practice would help him
transcend his ego and connect with something greater.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Asim and Rumi appear in a crumbling ruin, surrounded by ancient

stone walls.

ASIM: (disoriented) What just happened? Where are we?

RUMI: (calm) We have time-traveled, Asim. Welcome to Turkey in

the year 1270 AD.

ASIM: (stunned) Time-traveled? How is that even possible?

RUMI: (smiling) The mysteries of the universe are vast and

unknowable. But we are not here by accident. I have brought you
here to show you something very special.

Asim follows Rumi as he leads him through the ruins, until they
come upon a group of people gathered in a circle. In the center of
the circle stands a man with a serene expression on his face.

RUMI: (pointing) That is the real Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi.

The great Persian poet, theologian, and Sufi mystic.

ASIM: (awed) You're Rumi?

RUMI: (nodding) I am a manifestation of his teachings and spirit.

But the man you see before you is the living, breathing Rumi.

ASIM: (curious) And what is he doing?

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

RUMI: (explaining) He is performing a zikr, a Sufi meditation

circle. He is teaching his followers the path to inner peace and
enlightenment through the repetition of sacred phrases and the
remembrance of God.

ASIM: (intrigued) Can I join?

RUMI: (shaking his head) No, Asim. You must remain silent and
observe. I will be here to guide you and answer any questions you
have, but it is important that you do not disrupt the zikr.

Asim nods, and the two of them watch as Rumi in meditation. As

he recites the sacred phrases, a sense of peace and unity fills the

As the zikr comes to an end, Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi, turns

to Asim with a smile.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

With a wink, Rumi disappears, leaving Asim alone with the ancient
Rumi(Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi ). The two of them gaze at
each other for a moment, before Rumi extends his hand in


Didn’t I tell you

Do not leave me for I am your only Friend,
I am the spring of life.
Even if you leave in anger for thousands of years
You will come back to me for I am your goal and your end.

Didn’t I tell you

not to be seduced by this colorful world
for I am the Ultimate Painter.

Didn’t I tell you

you are a fish do not go to dry land
for I am the deep Sea.

Didn’t I tell you

not to fall in the net like birds
for I am your wings and the power of light.

Didn’t I tell you

not to let them change your mind and turn you to ice
for I am your fire and warmth.

Didn’t I tell you

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

they will corrupt you and make you forget

that I am the Spring of all virtues.

Didn’t I tell you

not to question my actions
for everything falls into order, I am the Creator.

Didn’t I tell you

your heart can guide you home
because it knows that I am your Master.


RUMI: (warmly) Greetings, Asim. I am Rumi. Come, let us walk the

path of enlightenment together.

Asim looks at Rumi in amazement, unsure of what to say.

RUMI: (solemn) To learn the ways of the zikr circle, and to

discover the secrets of the divine.

[ Migration to the Year 1300 AD]

RUMI:(gently) Close your eyes and do not be afraid, Asim. I am
here to guide you on your journey. But first, we must locate my zikr
circle. Follow me.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

RUMI: Do you Know? Whirling Dervishes was introduced 700

years ago by the Mevlevi Order of Islam, which was established by
my son, Sultan Veled, with the help of Husameddin Chelebi. Look!
He is there leading a Zikr. Asim. I am still here, in spirit and in
truth. And now, it is time for me to teach you the inner secrets of
the zikr circle. Are you ready to learn?

Asim nods eagerly, and the real Rumi begins to speak, sharing the
wisdom and teachings of the zikr circle with Asim. As the hours
pass, Asim is filled with a sense of enlightenment and
understanding, knowing that he is on the path to spiritual

RUMI: Look Asim! There is such an ecstasy in the submission and

orphan like leaning on the right arm of the melody dervish
performing the whirling dance the whirling dance is impressive
because even a person without the slightest knowledge of
Mevlevi teachings and practices immediately perceives that the
Whirling dance indicates an entirely different world in fact the
whirling dance and Mevlana are the door opening to a truth
beyond are known in the accustomed world.

come let's try to open this door part way

There is something hidden in every human being's heart given the

name of a secret.

Suddenly a door appears before them, and they both open it


Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Asim found himself in the midst of The City of Konya 2023, as he

turned to utter Sufi lodge. To his Surprise Rumi disappears again.


Drumsound rises in the air…

Asim begins to tremble, but a voice echoes in his ears,

its throb, my heart.

A voice inside the beat says,
“I know you’re tired,
but come. This is the way.”

The secret voice continues and Asim stands in bewilderment

listening and observing the Whirling Dervish Sema

Secret voice: there is a secret that turns in our heart everything

created is connected to that secret even this sky in layers turns
because of this the secret is not given to every person it can only
be reached by lengthy efforts and kind deeds.

Know that the secret is self hidden in the heart throughout history
the spiritual essence of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

The persons who have reached the secret are tongue-tied

because they assume the state of knowing what is not known as
they cannot know what is not known with no words to describe it.

That is the Reason I chose poetry, dancing and music to describe

what is undescribable.

O’ day, arise!
shine your light , the atoms are dancing

Thanks to Him the universe is dancing,

overcome with ecstasy , free from body and mind

I’ll whisper in your ear where their dance is leading them.

All the atoms in the air and in the desert are dancing ,
puzzled and bemused to the ray of light,
they seem insane.

All these atoms are not so different than we are,

happy or miserable,
perplexed and bewildered

We are all beings in the ray of LIGHT from The Beloved,

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Once I was moist clay in the hands of my masters. My fate was to

enter into the mold of my teachers and to be baked in the oven. I
was alone like everyone while being baked finally when the secret
fire of inner love flared up it burnt to ashes everything I knew.

O Asim! Love is such a strong fire that other than God it burns all
creatures in their relationships and destroys them. Yes this
burning is needed to become fully humanized for those who are
created from clay and soil.

ASIM: This is Beautiful. Can I conduct the same gatherings at my

Home? I'll invite everyone. Except the ones who wronged me?

Secret Voice: Ssshhh…

To be the perfect man is not to strive for perfection in the eyes of the
For the ego will always cloud our judgment and obscure the truth
To be truly perfect, one must rid themselves of the ego's grip
For it is the ego that deceives us into thinking we are good, ethical,
philanthropic and full of love
The ego will convince us that we possess these virtues
But in reality, it is only the ego that is present
For the ego is ever-present, always seeking to assert its dominance
It cannot see beyond its own selfish and urgent desires
To be the perfect man is to transcend the ego
To let go of the need for validation and recognition
To act selflessly, without thought for oneself

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

For in doing so, we become truly good, truly ethical, truly philanthropic
and truly full of love
Only then can we truly be the perfect man
For only then are we free from the shackles of the ego
And able to see the world clearly, with a heart full of compassion and

Secret Voice: In the Masnavi, Rumi wrote a poem

How does a part of the world leave the world?

How can wetness leave water?

Don’t try to put out a fire

by throwing on more fire!
Don’t wash a wound with blood!

No matter how fast you run,

your shadow more than keeps up.
Sometimes, it’s in front!

Only full, overhead sun

diminishes your shadow.

But that shadow has been serving you!

What hurts you, blesses you.
Darkness is your candle.
Your boundaries are your quest.

I can explain this, but it would break

the glass cover on your heart,

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

and there’s no fixing that.

You must have both a shadow and light source.

Listen, and lay your head under the tree of awe.

When from that tree, feathers and wings sprout

on you, be quieter than a dove.
Don’t open your mouth for even a cooooooo.

When a frog slips into the water, the snake

cannot get it. Then the frog climbs back out
and croaks, and the snake moves toward him again.

Even if the frog learned to hiss, still the snake

would hear through the hiss the information
he needed, the frog voice underneath.

But if the frog could be completely silent,

then the snake would go back to sleeping,
and the frog could reach the barley.

The soul lives there in the silent breath.

And that grain of barley is such that,

when you put it in the ground,
it grows.
Are these enough words,
or shall I squeeze more juice from this?
Who am I, my friend?

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

To be the perfect man means to abandon all known positive and

negative feelings and habits and to take on the unrecognized and
unknown consciousness and essence different from the ego.

This change starts in the heart of persons with the shining of the
divine fire and the light.

My heart, sit only with those

who know and understand you.

Sit only under a tree

that is full of blossoms.

In the bazaar of herbs and potions

don’t wander aimlessly
find the shop with a potion that is sweet.
If you don’t have a measure
people will rob you in no time.

You will take counterfeit coins

thinking they are real.

Don’t fill your bowl with food from

every boiling pot you see.

Not every joke is humorous, so don’t search

for meaning where there isn’t one.

Not every eye can see,

not every sea is full of pearls.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

My heart, sing the song of longing

like a nightingale.
The sound of your voice casts a spell
on every stone, on every thorn.

First, lay down your head

then one by one
let go of all distractions.
Embrace the light and let it guide you
beyond the wind of desires.
There you will find a spring and
nourished by its sweet water
like a tree you will bear fruit forever.

This is a complete transformation in the mind in the brain cells

and in the atoms of the body. This is a transformation into an
existence where the body becomes lighter and transparent, the
curtain is raised, the views become definite, everything is seen
and known and is an existence that can exist everywhere.
according to the mystical currents it is possible for human beings.
Be Empty my friend.

Essence is emptiness.
Everything else, accidental.
Emptiness brings peace to loving.
Everything else, disease.
In this world of trickery
Emptiness is what your soul wants.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

When seed or pit is broken there appears to be nothing inside

however this nothing is the essence of a tree thus just like this
billions and billions of years ago prior to the Big Bang nothing was
the essence of everything this situation for which no rule or law of
physics works is called in Sufism personal destiny which cannot
be comprehended by any human being.

God within the complete solitude of this abode when it was a

secret treasure turned to himself and watched the magnificence
of the essence. He loved this essence and spread love he wanted
this perfect treasure to be known and created the light and shape
of himself this was a complete shape that reflected the godly
consciousness the Islamic religion calls this the light of
Mohammed but what is meant is the light of all of the prophets
and the Saints of Buddhism, Christianity and Sufism and the light
of the perfect man. This godly light that is formed with the divine
laws cannot even be imagined and is the essence of all creatures
and the everlasting flame of life.

When God wants something to become says BE and it

immediately becomes. This command has been given to the
shape of God the Almighty spirit in the world that is the
abstraction of the abstract. The Almighty spirit received the
command descended and the universe started to form within the
first second of this bang atoms were formed and with the uniting
of the atoms the sun's stars and the worlds were composed. the
Almighty spirit descended from the Supreme Being the world of
nature and entered into substance.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

However only human beings were created in the shape of God,

that is God gave human beings a soul from Himself. Briefly,
human beings have a spiritual structure that is not part of this
world and universe.

This spirit forms the real self of human beings and it descended
by degrees to this universe from other worlds from the world of
spirits and angels and it became apparent by wearing the bodily
apparel of this world in universe it is very natural for the spiritual
presence not belonging here to yearn for its homeland.

ASIM: Why are they whirling?

Secret Voice: The ritual whirling symbolizes the need for

traversing all the paths with the accompaniment of a guide. It has
the meaning that the best path is to stand in the footsteps of a
mature Sheikh( Master) who has previously passed this way and
to advance from the points where he stepped. In this part the
Sheikh and the whirling melodies greet each other in front of the
sheiks official post and when passing the point exactly opposite
to it the most is Mevlana's and while it symbolizes the divine
nature the opposite end symbolizes the nature of human beings
there is an imaginary line between these two ends called the
equator this line is the shortest path for reaching God. The right
side of the circle symbolizes the descent from divine nature and
the left side symbolizes the ascent from the natural world of
human beings to divine nature.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

There is a soul in your soul, seek that soul.


Meeting with the Beloved.

ASIM: (intrigued) It's all so fascinating. I've never thought about

things in this way before.

Secret Voice: That is the beauty of learning, Asim. It opens our

eyes to new perspectives and possibilities.

As the Secret voice speaks, Asim's gaze is drawn to a beautiful

young woman in the gathering. She is familiar to him, and he
realizes with a start that she is Nida, the social media specialist
he hired for his office.

Secret Voice: (surprised) Interesting. It seems that the universe

has brought you two together in this place, across the boundaries
of time and space.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Asim can hardly believe it. He stands up and approaches Nida, his
heart racing with excitement.

ASIM: (nervous) Nida... Salam,. I can't believe it's really you.

Asim's heart fills with love and longing as he looks at Nida. He

knows that he has fallen in love with her, and he can see the same
emotion in her eyes.

NIDA: (smiling) Asim, is that really you? I thought I'd never see you

ASIM: (eagerly) What do you mean? Where did you go?

NIDA: (hesitant) I... I can't remember. It's like everything after we

met just disappears from my memory.

Asim's heart sinks. He can't bear the thought of losing Nida again.

ASIM: (earnestly) Nida, I have to tell you something. When I hired

you for my business, I never expected to fall in love with you. But
that's exactly what happened.

NIDA: (taken aback) Asim, I...I had no idea. I felt the same way,
but I was afraid to say anything. I thought I was just being foolish.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

ASIM: (desperate) I love you, Nida. I don't care about the barriers
of time and space, I want to be with you.

NIDA: (tearfully) I love you too, Asim. I don't want to lose you
again either.

The two of them embrace, lost in the moment of their love. Rumi
watches from afar, a smile on his face.

Happy is the moment, when we sit together,

With two forms, two faces, yet one soul,
you and I.

The flowers will bloom forever,

The birds will sing their eternal song,
The moment we enter the garden,
you and I.

The stars of heaven will come out to watch us,

And we will show them
the light of a full moon“
you and I.

No more thought of “you” and “I.”

Just the bliss of union “
Joyous, alive, free of care, you and I.

All the bright-winged birds of heaven

Will swoop down to drink of our sweet water“

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

The tears of our laughter, you and I.

What a miracle of fate, us sitting here.

Even at the opposite ends of the earth
We would still be together, you and I.

We have one form in this world,

another in the next.
To us belongs an eternal heaven,
the endless delight of you and I.

RUMI: (to himself) Ah, the power of love. It knows no bounds, not
even the boundaries of time and space. May their love continue to
thrive and grow, through all the challenges they may face.

Asim sees Rumi yet again and he runs toward him.

"Rumi!" Asim exclaims, surprised but happy to see his Master.

I'm just passing through town and I thought I'd stop by and see
how you're doing," Rumi replies, a warm smile on his face.
"Infact love has brought you here.

Asim looks at Rumi with curiosity and respect.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

ASIM: Dear Rumi, I don't understand how we could be in the

1200s one moment and 2023 the next. I have always been
fascinated by your ability to see the future. How were you able to
do this, being from the past?

RUMI : Asim, the concept of time is a human construct. In the

land of no time, all past, present, and future exists at once. You
may think that you are present in reality, but it may be that you are
in a dream state.

ASIM : (puzzled) I don't understand. How can all times exist at


RUMI: It is not hard to predict the future, if one strives for it. By
seeking guidance from the divine and living in accordance with
the teachings of the Quran, one can gain insight into what is to

ASIM: (intrigued) Can you show me how to do this?

RUMI: I can demonstrate the power of God's words. Take this

paper and you will learn the wisdom contained within.

As Asim is about to read the paper, Rumi asks him a question:

RUMI: ASIM, how can you become great poet?

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

RUMI: It is love that has brought me this far, Asim. The love of
God, the love of humanity, and the love of Nida.

ASIM: But how can I understand the love of God if I am not able
to fulfill the prerequisite of worldly love?

RUMI: Ah, my dear Asim, the love of God is not a prerequisite. It is

a journey, a journey of self-discovery and self-realization.

ASIM: I don't understand.

RUMI: To understand the love of God, you must first understand

the love within yourself. Only then can you fully embrace the love
of others, and ultimately, the love of God.

ASIM: I see. So, how do I begin this journey?

RUMI: It starts with loving yourself, Asim. Accepting yourself for

who you are, flaws and all. And from there, it is about loving
others and treating them with kindness and compassion. Asim,
my dear friend. You come to me today seeking answers about
love and God. But before we can delve into the mysteries of divine
love, we must first understand the love that exists in the world
around us.

ASIM : What do you mean?

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

RUMI : To understand the love of God, we must first learn to love

ourselves and those around us. In your case take Nida for
example. You must learn to give and receive love, to be
compassionate and kind. Only then can we hope to comprehend
the depth and beauty of divine love.

ASIM : But how can I do that, I've had so much trouble with love in
the past. I don't know if I'm capable of it.

Asim Turns around to see Nida. But she is not there.

There's a sudden blackout. It goes completely dark, and Asim

can't see Rumi anymore. He reaches out, hoping to find his new
Master, but there's nothing there.

Asim puts it ( the paper) in his jacket.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Voice echoes in the air:

Asim, do not despair. Love is a journey, not a destination. It is a
journey that requires effort and patience, but the rewards are
immeasurable. Trust in yourself and in the love that surrounds
you, and you will find your way.

the voice fading:

That is all any of us can do, Asim. Trust in yourself, trust in love,
and trust in the guidance of the divine. With these things, you will
find your way to a life filled with love and happiness.

Asim is just about to give up when he notices a piece of paper on

the floor. He picks it up and sees that there is something written on
the paper.

Asim's heart sinks as he realizes that it was a message from Nida,

whom he broke up with two years ago.

The storm rages on,

The ship is tossed and turned, But through it all,
My love for you,
My heart it will burn.

As the icy waters rise,

And the ship begins to break,
I hold on to hope,
For the love we shared,
My heart it will not shake.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Though the titanic may sink,

Into the depths below,
My love for you,
My dear,
My heart it will not know.

For even in death,

My love will stay true,
As the oceans deepen,
My heart will go on,
Forever loving you.

Yours Nida.

Feeling overwhelmed with emotion, Asim sinks to the floor and

begins to cry. He knows he made a huge mistake by letting Nida
go, and he wishes he could turn back time and make things right.

As the tears flow down his face, Asim knows that he has to find a
way to make things right. He knows it won't be easy, but he's
determined to do whatever it takes to win back the love of his life.
As he started to examine the paper, his eyes caught the words.

On the paper, there was another poem but there was no indication
who wrote them:

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

You come to us from another world;

From beyond the stars and a void of space
Transcendent, pure – of unimaginable beauty.
Bringing with You the essence of Love.
You transform all who are touched by You –
Mundane concerns, troubles and sorrows dissolve in Your presence
Bringing joy to ruler & ruled, to peasants and kings.
You bewilder us with Your grace;
All evil is transformed into goodness.
You are the Master Alchemist!
You light the fire of Love in earth & sky,
In heart & soul of every being.
Through Your loving, existence & non-existence merge –
All opposites unite – All that is profane becomes sacred again.

With a heavy Heart, burning in the love of his master Rumi and his
beloved Nida.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Chapter 17: The Duality of Life: The Reality of

Dreams and Dreams of Reality

The Search for the truth

In the middle of the night Asim wakes up in a cold sweat, his heart
racing as he remembers the strange dream he just had.

The room filled with a strange brightness.

He looks around his small room in Rawalpindi, Pakistan and

sighs, feeling a sense of disappointment wash over him.

He gets out of bed and makes his way to the kitchen, where he
pours himself a cup of strong Tea. As he sips the hot liquid, he
can't shake the feeling that something is missing in his life.

Suddenly, his phone rings and he answers it, hoping it might be

some good news. But it's just a telemarketer, trying to sell him a
new credit card. Asim hangs up the phone, feeling even more

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Asim is lying in bed, his laptop open on his desk. He is staring at

the screen, deep in thought.

ASIM: (to himself) I can't believe it was just a dream. I was finally
reunited with Rumi, and with Nida...and now it's all gone.

As he sighs and starts to get out of bed, he notices an article

opened on his laptop..

ASIM: (reading) "Rules for loving a girl in Islam?"

As he reads the letter, a sense of clarity begins to dawn on him.

Dear Asim,

I hope this letter finds you well. I understand that you are struggling

with feelings of love for a girl and are unsure of how to approach her.

Let me assure you that, in Islam, it is not a crime to love someone of

the opposite gender. H owever, it is important to remember to always

approach such matters with modesty and respect, in accordance with

the teachings of the Quran.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Respect and honor the girl you love. In Islam, women are to be

treated with the utmost respect and kindness. The Prophet

Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "The most perfect of believers

in faith is the one whose behavior is most excellent, and the best of you

are those who are best to their wives."

Communicate openly and honestly with the girl you love. Islam

encourages open and honest communication in all relationships,

including those of love and romance.

Seek the approval and blessing of the girl's parents before pursuing a

relationship. In Islamic societies, it is important to seek the approval

of the girl's parents before pursuing a relationship. This shows respect

for the girl's family and their wishes.

Practice modesty and restraint in all interactions with the girl you

love. Islam emphasizes the importance of modesty and self -control,

especially in interactions between members of the opposite gender.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Remember that physical intimacy is only allowed within the confines of

marriage. Islam places a strong emphasis on the sacredness of

marriage and the importance of preserving the sanctity of the

relationship between husband and wife.

Always treat the girl you love with kindness and compassion. The

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "The most beloved of

actions to God are those that bring happiness to a fellow human being,

or alleviate their suffering."

In conclusion, loving a girl in an Islamic society is not a sin, but it must

be done with respect, honor, and in accordance with the teachings of the

Quran and hadith. By following these guidelines, Muslims can

cultivate healthy and loving relationships that bring joy and happiness

to all involved.

I understand that it can be difficult to navigate the complexities of love

and relationships in our society, but I believe that it is important for us

to strive to educate the young generation about the importance of

loving one another within the bounds of Islam. Allah loves those who

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

love others, and it is through love and compassion that we can create a

more harmonious and peaceful world.

Do not be afraid to express your love for this girl, but always

remember to do so with respect and honor. And if she does not return

your feelings, do not despair. Remember that Allah's plan is always

greater than our own, and trust in His guidance.

I hope this letter has brought you some clarity and comfort. May

Allah bless you and guide you on your journey.


ASIM: (nodding) I see. This is a sign. A reminder of what's truly


He gets up and goes about his morning routine, he can't help but
think about Rumi and the lessons he learned from the great
Persian poet.

ASIM: (to himself) I may not have Rumi by my side in the physical
world, but his teachings and spirit are always with me. And I know

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

that, as long as I follow the path of love and compassion, I will

always find my way.

With a sense of purpose and determination, Asim sets out to

make the most of his day, guided by the wisdom of Rumi and the
light of love in his heart.

Asim decides to write a book titled 'Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of

the Ages and Signs of the Times'

Asim sits at his laptop, a determined look on his face as he begins

to type. Asim looks at his heart and sees RUMI, an elderly Persian
man with a wise and peaceful demeanor, sits across from him,
watching with interest.

ASIM: Good morning and Salam, Rumi. I hope you're ready for
another day of writing.

RUMI: Salam and Good morning, Asim. I am always ready to

share my words with the world.

ASIM: I've been thinking about our conversations and I've decided
to write a book about your teachings.

RUMI: And what is the title of this book?

ASIM: "Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

RUMI: A fitting title. It expresses the importance of reconnecting

with the wisdom of the past in order to understand the present
and the future.

ASIM: Exactly. I want to show people that your teachings are just
as relevant today as they were centuries ago.

RUMI: And that is the beauty of true wisdom, it is timeless.

"What is it that you wish to convey through this book?"

ASIM: I want to show people that your teachings are not just
limited to the past, but they can still be relevant and applicable in
our current world. I want to bridge the gap between the past and
the present and show how your wisdom can bring unity and

RUMI: I see. And how do you plan to do this?

ASIM: Through storytelling, through the fusion of your teachings

and my own experiences. I want to share how your words have
impacted my life and how they can impact others as well.

I also want to talk about the idea of "Fusion of the Age and Signs"
in the book. Can you explain this concept for a better

RUMI: Fusion of the Age and Signs means that we must

understand the signs of the times, the current state of the world,
in order to truly understand the wisdom of the past. We must not

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

only study the words, but also the context in which they were

ASIM: That's a powerful concept. I think it will resonate with a lot

of people today.

RUMI: I hope it will. We live in a world that is constantly changing,

and it is important to adapt and evolve with it, while still holding
on to the wisdom of the past.

ASIM: I couldn't agree more. I'm excited to dive deeper into this
concept in the book.

RUMI: And I am excited to see your thoughts and ideas on the

matter. Do not Forget to seek Allah's help. Remember, the words
are just the beginning. It is the actions that truly bring the
message to life. Asim, my teachings are not just words on a page.
They must be felt, lived, and experienced. Love is not just a
feeling, but also an action. You must show how my teachings can
be put into practice in the world today.

ASIM: (typing) Dear Allah, I seek your guidance and wisdom as I

begin this journey. Dear Rumi, I have learned so much from you,
and I know now that my purpose in life is to spread love and
understanding to those around me.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

RUMI:"You are welcome, my dear Asim. Remember, the journey of

self-discovery and understanding is ongoing. Keep an open heart
and mind, and you will find the answers you seek."

ASIM : (typing) Rumi, I have so many questions about love and

God. I want to know more, to understand more. Can you help me?

RUMI: Of course, Asim. I am here to guide you on your journey.

What do you wish to know?

Asim nods, taking Rumi's words to heart as he continues to type

away at his laptop, determined to share the wisdom of Rumi with
the world.

ASIM: (typing) I want to know how to love in a way that is pleasing

to Allah. How can I show love to those around me in a way that is
true and sincere?

RUMI: Asim, the key to loving in a way that is pleasing to Allah is

to remember that love is not just a feeling, but also an action. It is
important to show love through our words and actions, to be kind
and compassionate to those around us. Remember that the
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "The most
beloved of actions to God are those that bring happiness to a
fellow human being, or alleviate their suffering."

Love is not just a feeling, but also an action

Like a rose in the bud, it may be pure and true
But until it blossoms, it remains unseen and few

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

For feelings are fleeting, they come and they go

But true love is shown in the actions we know
Like a rose that blooms in the heat of the sun
Love is not just a feeling, but also what we become

With petals unfurled and fragrant aroma

Love in action is a sight to behold
It nourishes and grows, never growing old

So let not your love be just a mere thought

For true love is shown, in actions it's brought
Like a rose in full bloom, it's beauty is clear
Love is not just a feeling, but also what we hold dear.

ASIM : (typing) I understand, Rumi. I will strive to love in this way,

with kindness and compassion.

RUMI: Asim, my dear friend. Do you know the meaning of your


ASIM : (surprised) No, Rumi. I never really thought about it.

RUMI: Good, the art of knowing is not knowing. Asim is a name

for the brave. It means "savior" and "protector." It is a name that
carries a great responsibility. Now you are in a position to not only
know but live your name.

ASIM: (intrigued) Really? I had no idea.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

RUMI: Yes, Asim. And in this day and age, it is more important
than ever for those who bear this name to live up to its meaning.
The world is in need of guidance and protection, and it is up to
you to provide it.

ASIM : (determined) I will do my best, Rumi. I will strive to be a

savior and protector to those around me.

RUMI: That is all any of us can do, Asim. Trust in yourself, trust in
the guidance of the divine, and know that you have the strength
and courage to make a difference in the world.

ASIM: Rumi, I want to spread your teachings and share the

wisdom you have given me with others. But I'm worried, because
I've heard that in Islam, it is forbidden for Muslims to make friends
with non-Muslims. How can I spread your message if I am not
allowed to interact with others who may not share my faith?

RUMI: Asim, it is a common misconception that Islam prohibits

Muslims from interacting with non-Muslims. In fact, the Quran
teaches us to be kind and compassionate to all people, regardless
of their faith.

ASIM: But how is that possible? If we are not supposed to make

friends with non-Muslims, how can we show them kindness and

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

RUMI: The key is to remember that Allah does not ask us to hate
those who do not share our faith. In fact, the Quran teaches us to
"Treat those who do not fight you on your faith, nor have they
driven you out of your homes, with benevolence and equity."
(Surah al-Mumtahinnah, 60:8)

This means that we are encouraged to have relationships based

on sympathy, kindness, and concern with all people, regardless of
their faith. We can show charitable help and support, offer
condolences and consolation, and express any well-meaning
attitude of wishing them well.

"And insult not those whom they (disbelievers) worship besides

Allah, lest they insult Allah wrongfully without knowledge"
[al-An‘aam 6:108]


I understand that you may have questions about why Allah allows
certain things to happen in the world. It can be difficult to
understand the will of the divine, but I assure you that Allah is just
and merciful.

One important thing to remember is that Allah has given us the

gift of free will. He does not force us to do anything, but rather
allows us to make our own choices and decisions. This means

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

that we are responsible for our own actions and the

consequences that come with them.

Another important aspect to consider is the diversity of beliefs

and practices within the world. Allah has given us the gift of
choice and has allowed for a variety of nations and systems to
exist. It is important that we respect and honor the beliefs of
others, even if they differ from our own.

That is why it is so important to study and understand the various

religions and belief systems that exist in the world. By doing so,
we can gain a deeper understanding of the divine and come to a
greater appreciation of the differences that exist within the world.

I encourage you to visit the worship spaces of Christians, Jews,

Hindus, Buddhists, and other religions. Take the time to study and
understand their practices and beliefs. This will not only help you
to gain a greater understanding of the divine, but it will also help
you to cultivate a sense of respect and appreciation for the beliefs
of others.

I hope this has helped to clarify the importance of understanding

and respecting the beliefs of others. May Allah guide us. Ameen.

ASIM: Thank you for clearing that up, Rumi.

You are welcome, Asim. Remember, the key to spreading love and
understanding is to be kind and compassionate to all people,

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

regardless of their faith. By doing this, you will be able to share

the wisdom and teachings of Islam with others and bring light to
their lives.

ASIM: Thank you, Rumi. Your words have given me strength and

RUMI: It is my pleasure to help, Asim. Now go out into the world

and let your name guide you on your journey.

RUMI: And do not forget, Asim, that love is also a journey. It

requires effort and patience, but the rewards are immeasurable.
Trust in yourself and in the love that surrounds you, and you will
find your way.

ASIM: (typing) Thank you, Rumi. Your words have given me

strength and hope.

RUMI : It is my pleasure to help Asim. Now go out into the world

and let love guide you on your journey. It is winter. Don't forget to
take the jacket along.

Asim remembers the paper which Rumi gave to him while he was

He packs up his things. He takes out the jacket from his

cupboard and wears it.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

As he puts his hand in one of the jacket's pockets, he feels

something inside. To his surprise it was the very paper which
Rumi gave him.

(taking the paper out) Thank you, Rumi. I am eager to learn.

Asim unfolds the paper and sees a number written on it: 20:23.

[ RUMI appears in his heart ]

He looks at Rumi, confusion stretched on his face.

ASIM: I don't understand. What does this mean?

RUMI: (smiling) That is for you to discover, Asim. Trust in the

wisdom of the divine and let it guide you on your journey.

Asim looks at the paper again, deep in thought. He nods,

understanding the importance of seeking guidance and trusting in
the wisdom of the divine.

ASIM : Thank you, Rumi. I will strive to understand the meaning of

this number and let it guide me on my journey.

RUMI : I have every confidence in you, Asim. God would show you
His great signs this year. May the Divine guide you on your path.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Asim stands up, feeling inspired and determined. He thanks Rumi

and leaves the room, eager to delve deeper into the meaning of
the number and how it may guide him on his journey. Rumi
watches him go, a gentle smile on his face as he reflects on the
power of faith and the mysteries of the divine.

Asim leaves his house, ready to embark on his journey of love

and self-discovery.

Rumi watches him go, a gentle smile on his face as he reflects on

the power and beauty of love.

Rumi utters to himself: I was wrong, I was baked, I was burnt.

Now it's your time to be burned Dear Asim.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Chapter 18: The Timeless Teachings of Rumi: A

21st Century Guide to Living

Rumi's Message for the Modern Habitant- Finding Peace,

Inner-Reflection and Understanding Life's Purpose

As Asim walks through the city, lost in thought, a message

appears in the sky above him. It is the message from Rumi,
addressed to all of humanity living in the year 2023 and beyond.

ASIM: (stunned)
He stares up at the words, unable to believe what he is seeing.

Dear Builders of the Future 2023 and Beyond,

I am Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi, a 13th-century Persian poet and

Sufi mystic. Though I am long gone from this world, my teachings and

message continue to resonate through the ages.

I see that you are seeking the path to enlightenment and

understanding. Know that all religions are but different paths leading

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

to the same destination - the realization of the oneness of all things

and the ultimate unity of the universe.

Do not be limited by the boundaries of any one religion. Explore and

learn from all sources, and let your heart be your guide.

I love you. You are the light that guides me through the darkness, the

voice that brings peace to my troubled mind. Your love is a balm that

soothes my troubled soul, a beacon that guides me through the storm.

I adore you. Your beauty is like a rose, whose delicate petals open up

to reveal the depths of your soul. Your kindness is like a soothing

breeze, that cools my burning heart and calms my troubled mind.

I'm totally into you. Your presence fills my life with joy, your touch

brings comfort to my weary body. Your words are like a gentle rain,

that washes away the doubts and fears that haunt me.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

You mean so much to me. Your love is like a fire, that burns within me

and warms my soul. Your laughter is like music, that fills my heart

with joy and light. Your touch is like a caress, that soothes my

troubled mind and brings peace to my troubled soul.

I'm yours. My heart belongs to you, my soul is yours to keep. I am

yours, body and soul, forever and always.

You complete me. You are the missing piece of my puzzle, the one who

fills the void in my heart. Your love is like a missing piece, that

completes me and makes me whole.

You're my H ope. Your love is like a crown, that adorns my head and

gives me strength and courage. Your touch is like a scripture, that

guides me through the storm and brings peace to my troubled soul.

Yes my children,

I love you from the bottom of my heart. Your love is a treasure, more

precious than gold or diamonds. It fills me with hope and happiness,

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

and my love would give you the strength to face each day with courage

and determination.

Do not be afraid to seek out the truth, no matter where it may lead

you. For it is only through understanding and acceptance that we can

find true peace and happiness.

May you find the peace and wisdom that you seek.

You're mine. I am yours.

- Rumi

Asim senses a spark of love in his heart, he continues his journey

and disappears into the distance. The sun rising from the
himalayan mountains in the sky.

White far away in 1200 AD RUMI Similes and picks up his pen
and begins to write.


Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

A picture is worth 1,000 words?

But words are powerful since they are only understood by the lovers.
Pictures cannot trespass the boundaries of the eye.
The words of a lover penetrate through seven skies of the heart.
The image may be captured in a frame
But the words of love, they kindle a flame
That burns bright and true, never to depart
For they are the key to unlock the heart
A picture may freeze a moment in time
But the words of a lover, they make love shine
For they transcend the boundaries of the seen
And touch the soul, where true love is gleaned
I lack the ability to express myself as the Scriptures do.
No matter how many I use
Without a picture, my message would have no clue.
You are the picture in my heart; tell me a way to retrieve
Only a heart full of love is able to interpret my words' regime.
So let the pictures be captured and kept
But let the words of love tell our story to the Hearts.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

The Beginning

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Two hearts beating as one,

On a journey to find the truth,
Reuniting with Rumi's teachings,
Guided by love and youth.

Reunite with Rumi,

Let his words be your guide,
Embrace the wisdom of the past,
And let love be your tide.

Searching for answers,

In this world of confusion,
Rumi's teachings bring clarity,
And peace in an illusion.

His words will guide you,

Through the darkest of days,
With Rumi's teachings,
You'll find love in every phase.

So come, come whoever you are,

Reunite with Rumi and his teachings,
Find the love and peace you seek,
And let your journey begin.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Do you want to reunite with Rumi and his


Adopt the role of a Lover in the following story: Success is

Guaranteed for the Sincere and Pure Hearts

In the 21st century, the world is a fast-paced and hectic place.

People are constantly connected, but often feel disconnected
from themselves and from the world around them. They are
searching for something more, something that would bring
meaning to their lives.

One day, a young man named Asim stumbled upon the poetry of
Rumi. As he read his words, he felt a connection to his message
of love and unity. He was struck by how relevant his words were
to his own experiences and how they resonated with his soul.

Asim began to delve deeper into Rumi's work and discovered that
there was a community of people who shared his passion for his
poetry. He decided to attend a retreat where he could learn more
about Rumi and connect with like-minded individuals.

At the retreat, Asim was introduced to the teachings of Rumi in a

new way. He discovered that his poetry was not just words on a

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

page, but a call to the soul. He learned about the importance of

self-awareness, compassion, and the unity of all things.

Asim felt a sense of reunion with Rumi. He realized that his poetry
was not only a reflection of his own spiritual journey, but also a
guide for his own. Asim felt a deep sense of connection to Rumi,
as if he was a mentor and guide on his own journey.

As Asim returned home, he felt a renewed sense of purpose and

meaning in his life. He knew that he would continue to follow
Rumi's teachings and that his poetry would always be a source of
inspiration and guidance for him.

Asim's reunion with Rumi was not just a meeting of two souls, but
a fusion of two souls. A fusion that brought a new sense of
understanding, compassion, and a deeper connection to the world
around. Asim knew that this reunion will be a lifelong journey, and
he was excited to start it.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Chapter 19: Discovering Love

In this chapter, we will explore the concept of love and how it

relates to our purpose in life. Rumi, in his book Masnavi, teaches us
that true love is not just a feeling, but a state of being in which we
are fully connected to the divine. To discover our own love, we
must first let go of our ego and open ourselves up to the love that
surrounds us. This can be done through practices such as
meditation, gratitude, and self-reflection.

Discovering love is a journey that begins within ourselves and leads

us to connect with the divine. Rumi's teachings in his book Masnavi
remind us that true love is not just a fleeting emotion, but a state of
being in which we are fully connected to the divine. This connection
allows us to experience love in its purest form, free from the
limitations of our ego and societal expectations.

To discover our own love, we must first let go of our ego and open
ourselves up to the love that surrounds us. Our ego can often cloud
our perception of love and lead us to seek validation and fulfillment
from external sources. It can also cause us to put up walls and
protect ourselves from truly experiencing love. By letting go of our
ego, we can open ourselves up to the love that is already present in
our lives and see it in a new light.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

One way to let go of our ego and open ourselves up to love is

through the practice of meditation. Meditation allows us to quiet
the mind and become more present in the moment. This can help
us to let go of our ego and see things more clearly, including the
love that surrounds us. Practicing gratitude is also a great way to
shift our focus from our ego to the love that already exists in our
lives. By taking time to reflect on the things and people in our lives
that we are grateful for, we can shift our perspective and see the
love that is already present.

Self-reflection is also a powerful tool in discovering love. By taking

time to reflect on our thoughts and actions, we can gain insight into
ourselves and learn to let go of the things that are holding us back
from experiencing love. This can also help us to identify patterns
and behaviors that may be preventing us from fully opening
ourselves up to love.

In conclusion, discovering love is a journey that begins within

ourselves and leads us to connect with the divine. Rumi's teachings
remind us that true love is not just a feeling, but a state of being in
which we are fully connected to the divine. To discover our own
love, we must first let go of our ego and open ourselves up to the
love that surrounds us. This can be done through practices such as
meditation, gratitude, and self-reflection. Remember that love is
already present in our lives, we just need to open ourselves up to it,
and experience it in its purest form.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Chapter 20: Finding Our Purpose

In this chapter, we will delve deeper into the question of what our
purpose in life truly is. Rumi tells us that our purpose is to serve the
divine and to bring love and light into the world. To find our
purpose, we must listen to our hearts and follow our passions. This
may involve making changes in our lives, such as pursuing a new
career or leaving a toxic relationship.

Many philosophers and spiritual leaders, such as Rumi, have

suggested that our purpose is to serve the divine and to bring love
and light into the world. But what does this mean in practical
terms? How do we go about finding our purpose and living a
fulfilling life?

One key to finding our purpose is to listen to our hearts and follow
our passions. We all have unique talents and interests that can
guide us towards our purpose. For example, if you have a passion
for helping others, you may find your purpose in a career as a
social worker or counselor. If you have a passion for music, you
may find your purpose as a musician or music teacher.

However, following our passions may involve making changes in

our lives. We may need to leave a job or a relationship that is not
fulfilling in order to pursue our true purpose. This can be a difficult
and scary decision, but it is important to remember that change is

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

a natural part of life and can ultimately lead to greater happiness

and fulfillment.

Another way to find our purpose is to look for opportunities to

serve others and make a positive impact in the world. This could
be through volunteering, activism, or simply by being kind and
compassionate towards those around us. By focusing on others
and their needs, we can find a sense of meaning and purpose in
our lives.

Ultimately, finding our purpose is a journey that is unique to each

individual. It may take time and experimentation to discover what
truly brings us joy and fulfillment. But by listening to our hearts,
following our passions, and making a positive impact in the world,
we can live a fulfilling life that is true to our purpose.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Chapter 21: Attaining Wisdom

Wisdom is the key to understanding our purpose and living a

fulfilling life. In this chapter, we will explore the different ways in
which we can gain wisdom, such as through learning, experience,
and spiritual practices. Rumi teaches us that true wisdom comes
from within, and can only be attained by letting go of our ego and
connecting with the divine.

One way to gain wisdom is through learning. Reading books,

attending lectures, and taking courses can provide us with
knowledge and understanding of different subjects and
philosophies. This knowledge can then be applied to our everyday
lives, helping us make better decisions and navigate the world
more effectively.

Experience is also a valuable source of wisdom. As we go through

different experiences, we gain a deeper understanding of the
world and ourselves. For example, overcoming a difficult
challenge can teach us resilience and perseverance, while making
a mistake can teach us humility and the importance of learning
from our mistakes.

Spiritual practices such as meditation, prayer, and yoga can also

help us gain wisdom. These practices can help us quiet the mind,

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

let go of our ego, and connect with the divine. Through these
practices, we can develop a deeper understanding of ourselves
and the world, and gain insight into our purpose and how to live a
fulfilling life.

Rumi teaches us that true wisdom comes from within and can
only be attained by letting go of our ego and connecting with the
divine. By doing so, we can gain insight into the true nature of
reality and our place in it. This understanding can help us lead a
more meaningful and fulfilling life, guided by our purpose and true

In conclusion, wisdom is a vital component in understanding our

purpose and living a fulfilling life. It can be attained through
learning, experience, spiritual practices, and by letting go of our
ego and connecting with the divine. By actively seeking wisdom,
we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world,
and live a life true to our purpose.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Chapter 22: Meeting Rumi

Rumi is a spiritual guide who has been revered for centuries for his
wisdom and insight. In this chapter, we will explore the different
ways in which we can connect with Rumi and his teachings, such
as through reading his works, meditating on his poetry, and visiting
places associated with him. By connecting with Rumi, we can gain
a deeper understanding of our own purpose and journey towards

One way to connect with Rumi is through reading his works. Rumi
is one of the most renowned poets in history and his poetry is
filled with spiritual wisdom and insight. Reading his poetry can
help us gain a deeper understanding of the world and ourselves,
and can also be a source of inspiration and guidance.

Another way to connect with Rumi is through meditation and

contemplation on his poetry. By meditating on Rumi's words, we
can gain a deeper understanding of their meaning and how they
apply to our own lives. This can be a powerful tool for personal
growth and self-discovery.

Visiting places associated with Rumi can also be a way to

connect with his teachings. Rumi was born in present-day

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Afghanistan and spent most of his life in present-day Turkey.

Visiting these places and learning about the culture and history
can give us a deeper understanding of Rumi's life and teachings.

Rumi's teachings are not only limited to his poetry, but also in his
personal life, he was a Sufi master, and his teachings and
practices are still being followed by many Sufi orders. One way to
connect with Rumi's teachings is by joining a Sufi order and
practicing Sufism.

In conclusion, there are many ways to connect with Rumi and his
teachings. By reading his poetry, meditating on his words, visiting
places associated with him and practicing Sufism we can gain a
deeper understanding of our own purpose and journey towards
enlightenment. Rumi's teachings continue to inspire and guide
individuals on their spiritual journey, even centuries after his

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Chapter 23: Living in the Present

One of the key teachings of Rumi is to live in the present moment.

In this chapter, we will explore the importance of mindfulness and
how it can help us to find greater meaning and purpose in our lives.
By learning to let go of our past and future worries, we can fully
embrace the present and find joy and fulfillment in each moment.

Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present and engaged in

the current moment, without judgment. It is the ability to be aware
of one's thoughts, emotions, and surroundings, and to observe
them without getting caught up in them. Mindfulness can be
cultivated through practices such as meditation, yoga, and

Rumi emphasizes the importance of living in the present moment

and reminds us that the past and future are illusions. By dwelling
on the past, we miss out on the beauty and opportunities of the
present, and by worrying about the future, we miss out on the joy
and peace of the present. He encourages us to let go of our past
and future worries and to focus on the present moment.

By practicing mindfulness, we can learn to let go of our past and

future worries and to fully embrace the present. This can help us
to find greater meaning and purpose in our lives. When we are
fully present and engaged in the current moment, we can

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

experience the beauty and wonder of life, and find joy and
fulfillment in each moment.

In conclusion, mindfulness and living in the present are key

teachings of Rumi. By learning to let go of our past and future
worries, we can fully embrace the present and find joy and
fulfillment in each moment. Mindfulness practices such as
meditation, yoga, and journaling can help us cultivate the ability to
be fully present and engaged in the current moment, and find
greater meaning and purpose in our lives.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

The Journey Continues

Our journey towards enlightenment is never truly over. In this final

Let us explore the ongoing process of self-discovery and growth.
Rumi reminds us that each day presents new opportunities for
growth and learning, and that the path to enlightenment is one of
constant evolution and change. By continuing on this journey, we
can find true love, purpose, and wisdom in our lives.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

The journey towards enlightenment is not a destination but a

lifelong process of self-discovery and growth. As we continue to
learn and grow, we will encounter new challenges and obstacles
that will test our understanding of ourselves and the world. These
challenges can be difficult, but they also offer opportunities for
growth and learning.

Rumi encourages us to embrace change and to continually strive

for growth and self-improvement. He reminds us that the path to
enlightenment is one of constant evolution and that by embracing
this process of change, we can find true love, purpose, and
wisdom in our lives.

One way to continue on this journey is through ongoing

self-reflection and introspection. By taking time to reflect on our
experiences and emotions, we can gain a deeper understanding
of ourselves and our place in the world. This can help us to
identify areas of growth and to set new goals for

Another way to continue on this journey is through practices such

as meditation, yoga, and journaling. These practices can help to
quiet the mind, let go of our ego, and connect with the divine.
Through these practices, we can gain a deeper understanding of
ourselves and the world, and find greater meaning and purpose in
our lives.

In conclusion, the journey towards enlightenment is never truly

over. Rumi reminds us that each day presents new opportunities

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

for growth and learning, and that the path to enlightenment is one
of constant evolution and change. By continuing on this journey,
we can find true love, purpose, and wisdom in our lives, and keep
evolving and growing as individuals.

The Message from the Writer

My dear Friends,

As you journey through life, it is important to understand the different levels

of consciousness that exist within us. The levels of consciousness chart,
also known as the 12 dimensions, is a powerful tool that can help guide you
on your path towards spiritual growth and enlightenment.

The first dimension, also known as death, represents the state of being
completely unconscious and disconnected from the world around us. It is a
state of complete apathy and lack of awareness. To rise from this level, it is
important to begin by developing a sense of self-awareness and paying
attention to your thoughts and emotions.

As you move through the second dimension, you begin to develop a sense
of self-preservation and the desire to protect yourself and those you care
about. This is the level where you start to develop your ego and a sense of
individuality. To continue to rise, it is important to begin to let go of this
sense of self-preservation and start to focus on the well-being of others.

As you reach the third dimension, you begin to understand the

interconnectedness of all things and the importance of community. This is

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

where you start to develop a sense of empathy and compassion for others.
To continue to rise, it is important to begin to let go of the ego and focus on
the collective good.

As you reach the fourth dimension, you begin to understand the importance
of balance and harmony in your life. This is where you start to develop a
sense of inner peace and contentment. To continue to rise, it is important
to let go of attachment to material possessions and focus on inner peace.

As you reach the fifth dimension, you begin to understand the power of love
and the importance of connection. This is where you start to develop a
sense of unity and oneness with all things. To continue to rise, it is
important to let go of fear and focus on love.

As you reach the sixth dimension, you begin to understand the power of
truth and the importance of authenticity. This is where you start to develop
a sense of integrity and authenticity in your life. To continue to rise, it is
important to let go of lies and focus on truth.

As you reach the seventh dimension, you begin to understand the power of
wisdom and the importance of understanding. This is where you start to
develop a sense of wisdom and understanding in your life. To continue to
rise, it is important to let go of ignorance and focus on wisdom.

As you reach the eighth dimension, you begin to understand the power of
power and the importance of responsibility. This is where you start to
develop a sense of personal power and responsibility in your life. To
continue to rise, it is important to let go of victimhood and focus on
personal power.

As you reach the ninth dimension, you begin to understand the power of will
and the importance of intention. This is where you start to develop a sense

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

of will and intention in your life. To continue to rise, it is important to let go

of apathy and focus on will.

As you reach the tenth dimension, you begin to understand the power of
manifestation and the importance of action. This is where you start to
develop a sense of manifestation and action in your life. To continue to rise,
it is important to let go of inaction and focus on manifestation.

As you reach the eleventh dimension, you begin to understand the power of
creation and the importance of imagination. This is where you start to
develop a sense of creation and imagination in your life. To continue to rise,
it is important to let go of stagnation and focus on creation.

Finally, as you reach the twelfth dimension, you will have reached a state of
full consciousness.

Asim Ali Khan

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Greetings to the generation of 2023 and beyond,

As we stand on the threshold of a new year, let us remind ourselves of the

values and principles that have guided humanity throughout the ages. The
list provided above encompasses some of the most fundamental and
important teachings that have been passed down to us through the ages,
teachings that are as relevant today as they were centuries ago.

One of the most important teachings is to "Do not be rude in speech"

(3:159). Our words have the power to hurt or to heal, and it is important that
we choose our words carefully, and speak with kindness and respect.
Additionally, "Restrain Anger" (3:134) is an essential virtue that we must all
strive to practice. Anger can cloud our judgment and lead us to act
impulsively and recklessly. By learning to control our anger, we can avoid
many conflicts and live a more harmonious life.

Another important teaching is "Be good to others" (4:36). We must always

strive to be kind, compassionate and considerate of others, and to help
those in need whenever we can. "Do not be arrogant" (7:13) is another
important virtue that we must adopt, as it is not only harmful to ourselves
but also to those around us.

Forgiveness is another vital component of a fulfilling life, "Forgive others

for their mistakes" (7:199), it is one of the most powerful tools we have to
heal relationships and move forward. Moreover, "Speak to people mildly"
(20:44), and "Lower your voice" (31:19) are also important teachings that
will help us to communicate effectively with others and to avoid conflicts.

"Be dutiful to parents" (17:23) is another important teaching that we must

all abide by. We must respect and honor our parents, and "Do not say a
word of disrespect to them" (17:23). We should also strive to "Write down

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

the debt" (2:282) and to be fair and just in all our financial dealings. It is
important to "Not follow anyone blindly" (2:170) and to think critically and
make our own decisions. We should also be mindful of the financial
struggles of others and "Grant more time to repay if the debtor is in hard
time" (2:280).

"Do not engage in bribery" (2:188) and "Do not break the promise" (2:177)
are also important teachings that we must adhere to in order to maintain
integrity and trust in our relationships and dealings. Furthermore, "Do not
mix the truth with falsehood" (2:42) is an important principle that we must
keep in mind when communicating with others.

Justice is also an important principle that we must uphold, "Appointment

on merit, Judge with justice" (4:58) and "Stand out firmly for justice"
(4:135). We must ensure that the wealth of the dead is distributed among
his family members (4:7) and that women also have the right for
inheritance (4:7). It is also important to "Protect orphans" (2:220) and "Do
not consume one another’s wealth unjustly" (4:29).

In order to maintain peace and harmony in society, we must "Try for

settlement between people" (49:9), "Avoid suspicion" (49:12) and "Do not
spy and backbite" (2:283). We should also strive to "Spend wealth in
charity" (57:7), "Encourage feeding poor" (107:3) and "Help those in need
by finding them" (2:273).

In conclusion, these teachings are a reminder of the values and principles

that have guided humanity throughout the ages. They are as relevant today
as they were centuries ago, and by adhering to them, we can build a more
just, compassionate and peaceful society. Let us strive to live by these
teachings and make the world a better place for all.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Didactic poems

[ Didactic poems are a type of poetry that aim to teach or instruct the reader on a specific
topic or moral lesson. They are often written in a clear and simple language , ]

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Do not be rude in speech, Write down the debt,

Let kindness be your tongue's reach. Account for it, don't forget.

Restrain Anger, Do not follow anyone blindly,

Let peace be your heart's anchor. Use your mind, be guided rightly.

Be good to others, Grant more time to repay,

Spread love like wildflowers. Compassion is the way.

Do not be arrogant, Don’t consume interest,

Humility is the key to be radiant. It's against what is best.

Forgive others for their mistakes, Do not engage in bribery,

Forgiveness is what it takes. Integrity is what we should carry.

Speak to people mildly, Do not break the promise,

Gentle words can go a long way wildly. A man of his word is what one
should be.
Lower your voice,
In calmness, wisdom is the choice. Keep the trust,
It's a must.
Do not ridicule others,
Respect is what we should offer. Do not mix the truth with
Be dutiful to parents, Honesty is always the good.
Honor them with all your grants.
Appointment on merit,
Do not say a word of disrespect, Choose the best, don't inherit.
To them, we owe our respect.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Write down the debt, Judge with justice,

Account for it, don't forget. Fairness should be our focus.

Do not follow anyone blindly, Stand out firmly for justice,

Use your mind, be guided rightly. For the oppressed, be their trust.

Grant more time to repay, Women also have the right for
Compassion is the way. inheritance,
Equal rights, let's enhance it.
Don’t consume interest,
It's against what is best. Do not devour the property of
Do not engage in bribery, Protect their assets, don't be
Integrity is what we should carry. forlorn.

Do not break the promise, Protect orphans,

A man of his word is what one should Be their guardian, don't ignore
be. them.

Keep the trust, Do not consume one another’s

It's a must. wealth unjustly,
Take only what is rightfully.
Do not mix the truth with falsehood,
Honesty is always the good. Try for settlement between people,
Peace is what we should equal.
Appointment on merit,
Choose the best, don't inherit. Avoid suspicion,
Trust is a precious potion.
Wealth of the dead should be
distributed, Do not spy and backbite,
Among his family, it should be Gossiping is not right.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Women also have the right for

inheritance, Spend wealth in charity,
Equal rights, let's enhance it. Help those in need, it's a duty.

Encourage feeding poor,

Give them hope, let them soar. Do not devour the property of
Help those in need by finding them, Protect their assets, don't be
Be their helper, not just condemn. forlorn.

Do not spend money extravagantly, Protect orphans,

Moderation is the key. Be their guardian, don't ignore
Do not invalidate charity with
reminders, Do not consume one another’s
Help in silence, don't be offenders. wealth unjustly,
Take only what is rightfully.
Honor guests,
Be kind, show them your best. Try for settlement between people,
Peace is what we should equal.
Order righteousness to people only
after practicing it yourself, Avoid suspicion,
Be the example, don't be stealth. Trust is a precious potion.

Do not commit abuse on the earth, Do not spy and backbite,

Take care of it, it's our worth. Gossiping is not right.

Fight only with those who fight you, Spend wealth in charity,
Self-defense is what you should do. Help those in need, it's a duty.

Fight with honor, not to score.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Do not turn back in battle, Do not prevent people from

Stand strong, don't rattle. mosques,
Allow them to worship, don't
No compulsion in religion, impose.
Freedom of choice is our mission.

Believe in all prophets, Think deeply about the wonders

Respect their teachings, don't forget. and creation of this universe,
In awe, let's traverse.
Do not have sexual intercourse during
menstrual period, Men and Women have equal
Show respect for women, it's a need. rewards for their deeds,
Equality is what we should heed.
Breast feed your children for two
complete years, Do not marry those in your blood
Nurture them with love, overcome relation,
fears. Consanguinity is a restriction.

Do not even approach unlawful sexual Family should be led by men,

intercourse, But with love, not with power to
Stay pure, don't let temptation force. gain.

Choose rulers by their merit, Do not be miserly,

Choose wisely, don't inherit. Share your wealth, be generous
Do not burden a person beyond his
scope, Do not keep envy,
Be fair, don't let them cope. Be content, let it be.

Do not become divided, Do not kill each other,

Unity is what we should abide. Life is precious, we should

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Having majority is not a criterion of

truth, Do not be an advocate for deceit,
Believe in what is right, don't be Honesty is what we should repeat.
Do not cooperate in sin and
Be just, aggression,
In all things, be fair and trust. Cooperate in righteousness, learn
the lesson.
Punish for crimes in an exemplary Do not insult others’ deities,
way, Respect their beliefs, don't tease.
Make sure justice is done, don't delay.
Don’t reduce weight or measure to
Strive against sinful and unlawful acts, cheat people,
Be the change, don't relax. Be fair in trade, don't steal.

Dead animals, blood, the flesh of

swine are prohibited, Wear good cloths during prayer
Abstain from them, don't be divided. times,
Be presentable, don't commit
Avoid intoxicants and alcohol, crimes.
They cloud judgment, don't let them
call. Protect and help those who seek
Do not gamble, Be their shield, don't neglect them.
Avoid the temptation, don't ramble.
Keep Purity,
In thoughts and actions, always be
Never give up hope of Allah’s Mercy, sure to.
His forgiveness is always ready. Allah will forgive those who have
done wrong out of ignorance,

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Seek forgiveness, don't be in a

Believe in all prophets, trance.
Respect their teachings, don't forget.

Choose rulers by their merit,

Choose wisely, don't inherit. No one will bear others’ sins,
Responsibility for our actions, we
Do not burden a person beyond his must begin.
Be fair, don't let them cope. Do not kill your children for fear of
Do not become divided, There is always hope, don't act in
Unity is what we should abide. hurry.

Men and Women have equal rewards Do not pursue that of which you
for their deeds, have no knowledge,
Equality is what we should heed. Be inquisitive, but also be cautious,
don't be bold.

Do not be miserly,
Share your wealth, be generous truly. Do not gamble,
Avoid the temptation, don't ramble.
Do not keep envy,
Be content, let it be. Do not insult others’ deities,
Respect their beliefs, don't tease.

Do not kill each other,

Life is precious, we should treasure. Eat and Drink, But Be Not
Do not be an advocate for deceit, Moderation is the key, don't be
Honesty is what we should repeat. excessive.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Do not cooperate in sin and Wear good cloths during prayer

aggression, times,
Cooperate in righteousness, learn the Be presentable, don't c
lesson. Protect and help those who seek
Having majority is not a criterion of Be their shield, don't neglect them.
Believe in what is right, don't be Keep Purity,
uncouth. In thoughts and actions, always be
sure to.
Be just,
In all things, be fair and trust.
Never give up hope of Allah’s
Punish for crimes in an exemplary Mercy,
way, His forgiveness is always ready.
Make sure justice is done, don't delay.

Strive against sinful and unlawful acts,

Be the change, don't relax.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Believe in all prophets,

Their teachings guide us to the path,
To find the way to the creator,
And to live a life that is richer.

Their words are wisdom from above,

Guiding us to a life of love,
Their messages are for all time,
Teaching us to walk the line.

From Abraham to Jesus to Muhammad,

All prophets are equal, they all stood,
For peace and love and understanding,
Their messages, forever expanding.

So let us heed their words with care,

And strive to live a life that's fair,
For in following their teachings true,
We'll find the way to a better world, anew.


Think deeply about the wonders and creation of this universe,

The stars above and the oceans deep,
The mountains tall and the valleys green,
All created by the supreme being.

The complexity of life and its forms,

The beauty of flowers and the thunderstorms,
The diversity of animals and their kind,
All a manifestation of the divine mind.

The balance of nature and its laws,

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

The cycles of life, its ebbs and its flaws,

The mysteries of the universe untold,
All a reminder of the power that holds.

So let us ponder and contemplate,

The wonders of this world that we take,
For in understanding its creation,
We'll find a deeper sense of adoration.


Men and Women have equal rewards for their deeds,

Equality is what they all need,
No matter the gender or the race,
All are equal in the eyes of grace.

Their actions and deeds are what count,

Not their gender, or their amount,
Each person is judged on their own,
Equal rewards for all will be shown.

Women and men, side by side,

Both have the right to strive,
For a life of purpose and of worth,
Equality is the true path to birth.

So let us not discriminate,

On the basis of gender or fate,
For all have equal rights and worth,
And equal rewards for their deeds on Earth.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

Introducing Rumi to Children ( Age 3 - 13 )

Rumi was a poet who lived a long time ago, in a place called Persia. He
wrote many beautiful poems about love, God, and the world. He believed
that everyone should be kind and open to new things. His poems are still
read and loved today, by children and adults alike.

His poems talk about love, friendship, and the beauty of the world around

Rumi was also a teacher, and he used his poems to teach children about
important things like kindness, respect, and the power of imagination. He
believed that children were like little flowers and could grow into beautiful
people if they were given the right kind of care and attention.

Rumi's poems are very special because they are written in a way that
children can understand. They use simple words and pictures to tell stories
that are easy to follow. They also have important messages that can help
children to learn about the world and to be kind and good people.

So, children aged 3 to 13, If you ever get a chance to read one of Rumi's
poems, you should definitely give it a try. You might just discover that you
love his poetry as much as many adults do. And remember, just like Rumi's
poems, you too have the power to spread kindness and love, to be
compassionate and respectful, and to make the world a better place.

Reunite with Rumi - Fusion of the Ages and Signs of the Times

"The Little Seed"

I am but a small seed,

planted in the ground,
waiting for the rain,
to make me grow around.

With patience and care,

I'll soon become a tree,
providing shade and fruit,
for you and for me.

Just like this little seed,

we all have a start,
with love and hard work,
we'll grow into Tree
in everyone's heart.


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