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Pictures Description Stage of Domain Typical or

Development Atypical
At this stage, the first year of life of the baby, they learn to Infancy Physical Typical
focus their vision, explore and learn things independently.
In this picture, it represents the physical development that
refers to the improvement and growth of motor skills in a
child's first year.
The development is divided into two main categories, the
gross motor development and fine motor development.
Gross motor development involves the larger muscles
used for sitting, standing, crawling, and walking; and fine
motor development involves the smaller muscles used for
precise activities like grasping objects or moving fingers
and toes, and waving.

At this stage, children learn to understand and manage Early Socio- Typical
their feelings, develop empathy and sympathy for others, Childhood Emotional
establish and maintain relationships, and learn to express
their emotions in appropriate ways. They start to form
friendships and learn to cooperate with other children. It
is also the stage where children starts to recognize what is
right and wrong, starts to have a self-awareness, feel
complex emotions such shyness, shame, embarrassment,
At this stage, there are significant growth in social Middle Socio- Typical
interactions, emotional understanding, and self-regulation Childhood Emotional
of every children. During this stage, children may begin to
experience stress related to school and academic
responsibilities. Children may start to feel stressed about
school and their academic performance, may start to
worry about achieving expectations.
At this stage, children undergo significant and crucial Adolescence Socio- Typical
socio-emotional changes. They become more vocal about Emotional
their feelings and opinions, and conflicts with parents can and
arise more frequently in which they may resist parental Language
authority, leading to conflicts over issues such as curfews,
academic choices, or social activities and also, their drive
for independence can lead to conflicts with parents.
Adolescents may strive to be heard and understood, and
they may communicate their emotions more assertively
than in previous stages. Despite conflicts, adolescents still
need parental support and guidance in order to maintain
open lines of communication, active listening, and
validating their feelings which can help foster a positive
parent-adolescent relationship as they only wants to be
understood and heard.
Puberty is a significant stage in adolescence marked by Physical, Typical
physical, hormonal, and psychological changes. It involves socio-
the development of secondary sexual characteristics, such emotional,
as breast development in girls and facial hair growth in language,
boys, as well as hormonal fluctuations that can impact and
emotions and sexual awareness. Adolescents experience cognitive
cognitive and psychological shifts, including self-reflection
and identity exploration. They develop a high interest in
romantic and sexual relationships, and their relationships
with parents may involve a balance between seeking
independence and needing guidance. Also, at this stage,
they can already communicate clearly and show more
passion about things they wanted to do and love.

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