Lyman Case Analysis

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Lyman Rey U.


1.First and foremost, I would approach my friend privately and express my concerns about their
drinking behavior and its impact on the company. I would offer support and assistance in finding
resources or seeking help to address their issues with alcohol.

However, if my friend's behavior continues to negatively affect the company despite my efforts
to intervene, I would have a responsibility to report the situation to appropriate authorities within
the company, such as HR or management. This decision might be difficult and could strain the
friendship, but it is crucial to prioritize the well-being of the company and its employees.

By taking action to address the problem openly and transparently, I uphold ethical values such as
integrity, accountability, and concern for the welfare of others. Additionally, by intervening early,
there is a chance to support my friend in getting the help they need to overcome their struggles
with alcohol and prevent further harm to themselves and the company.
2.Firstly, I would reflect on the potential consequences of my actions. Taking credit for someone
else's work not only undermines their contributions but also erodes trust and damages
relationships within the team. It also violates the basic principle of fairness, as credit should be
given where it is due.

Despite the fear of being fired or facing conflict, I would confront the situation with honesty and
transparency. I would acknowledge the work of my colleagues and ensure that they receive the
recognition they deserve. Additionally, I would take responsibility for my own contributions and
strive to improve my skills and performance rather than resorting to dishonesty.

While addressing the situation may involve uncomfortable conversations or potential

repercussions, prioritizing ethical values over personal fears is essential for maintaining integrity
and fostering a positive work environment. Ultimately, acting with honesty and integrity builds
trust, respect, and credibility, which are invaluable assets in any professional setting.
3.Firstly, I would assess the accuracy of the information regarding the false marketing practices.
If confirmed, I would consider the potential consequences of remaining silent versus speaking
up. While confronting the issue may entail risks such as conflict with superiors or even
termination, the ethical imperative to uphold honesty and integrity outweighs personal fears.
With honesty as my guiding principle, I would gather evidence to support my concerns and
approach relevant stakeholders within the company, such as management, HR, or legal
department, to address the issue. I would express my concerns respectfully and advocate for
corrective action to rectify the false marketing practices and prevent future occurrences.

Furthermore, I would explore avenues for anonymously reporting the misconduct, such as
whistleblower hotlines or external regulatory agencies, if internal channels prove ineffective or

By taking a stand against false marketing practices, I uphold ethical values such as honesty,
transparency, and accountability, even in the face of personal fears. While the decision to speak
up may entail risks, it is essential for preserving the integrity of the company, protecting
consumers, and maintaining trust in the marketplace.

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