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GE 1 - UTS

Module 7

Student’s Name: Reymart T. Marinda

Course, Year & Section: BSECE-3A Date Submitted: 04-04-24

Ask yourself:
 What turns you on? What turns you off?
I enjoy stimulating conversations and learning new things. Feeling valued for my
efforts and working with others are big motivators for me. What turns me off are
repetitive tasks, false information, being ignored, and negative interactions.
 Is what turns you on or off leading more on physical attributes or the behavioral
traits of the person?
For me, what turns me on or off is primarily based on the behavioral traits of the
person rather than physical attributes. Stimulating conversations, collaboration, and
appreciation are what really get me going. Conversely, repetitive tasks,
misinformation, feeling ignored, or encountering negativity are major turn-offs,
regardless of someone's physical appearance.
 How important are these traits in selecting a partner or in entering into a
In relationships, these traits are super important. It's like finding someone who really
gets you and treats you well. Sure, looks might catch your eye, but it's how they talk
to you, support you, and make you feel that truly matters. When you connect on a
deeper level and share similar values, it makes the relationship stronger and happier
in the long run. So, paying attention to these traits can make a big difference in
finding the right person for you.

Ask yourself:
 As viewed by philosophy, masturbation is a natural activity. Do you agree or
not? What makes you view it otherwise?
I do agree with the philosophical view that masturbation is a natural activity. It's
something that many people do and has been practiced throughout history. From a
philosophical perspective, it can be seen as a way for individuals to explore their
own bodies and desires, without harming others. However, some may view it
differently due to cultural or religious beliefs that consider it taboo or sinful. These
perspectives might lead to a different viewpoint on the naturalness of masturbation.
 A lot of reports of premarital and extramarital sex are being reported regardless
of their sexuality. Do these incidents reflect that premarital and extramarital sex
is already considered a norm in the society? Does it imply people engaged in
these activities are not bound by their religious beliefs?
The rising number of people having sex before or outside of marriage suggests it's
becoming more accepted in society. However, it doesn't mean everyone ignores
their religious beliefs. Some might struggle to balance their personal desires with
what their religion teaches. So, while these behaviors are more common, it doesn't
mean religious beliefs are completely disregarded.

 How does society shape the sexuality and sexual behaviors of an individual?
Society has a big influence on how we think about and express our sexuality. From
a young age, we're surrounded by messages about what's considered "normal" or
acceptable in terms of sex. Cultural norms, media portrayals, and religious
teachings all play a role in shaping our attitudes and behaviors towards sex. For
example, conservative societies might emphasize abstinence until marriage, while
more liberal ones might encourage sexual exploration and openness. Additionally,
social pressure, peer influence, and family attitudes can also impact how we
navigate our sexuality. Overall, society provides the framework within which
individuals develop their understanding of sex and make choices about their sexual

Ask yourself:
 What practices do you do to keep your reproductive organs healthy and to
prevent acquisition of sexually transmitted diseases?
To ensure the health of my reproductive organs and mitigate the risk of contracting
sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), I prioritize adherence to safe sex practices.
This entails consistently and correctly utilizing condoms during sexual intercourse,
as they serve as an effective barrier against the transmission of STDs.
Furthermore, I uphold a policy of open and honest communication with my sexual
partners regarding our respective sexual health statuses and histories. Regular
screening for STDs is deemed imperative, as it facilitates prompt detection and
subsequent treatment interventions when necessary. In addition to these measures,
I advocate for the maintenance of optimal overall health through practices such as
maintaining proper hygiene, adhering to a balanced diet, engaging in regular
physical activity, and abstaining from deleterious substances such as tobacco and
excessive alcohol. Ultimately, assuming personal accountability for my sexual
health and demonstrating proactive engagement in preventive strategies are
paramount to safeguarding my well-being.

Ask yourself:
 Can we associate the lack of awareness on contraceptive methods to the
increase in unwanted pregnancy?
Yes, there's definitely a connection between the lack of awareness about
contraceptive methods and the rise in unwanted pregnancies. When people don't
know about or understand contraception options, they're more likely to engage in
unprotected sex, which increases the risk of unintended pregnancy. Lack of
knowledge about contraceptives can lead to misconceptions or myths, which may
prevent individuals from using them effectively or at all. Additionally, cultural or
societal taboos around discussing sex and contraception can further contribute to
this lack of awareness. Therefore, improving education and awareness about
contraceptive methods is crucial in reducing the incidence of unwanted pregnancies
and empowering individuals to make informed choices about their reproductive
Reproductive system 1. What is the body system responsible for the procreation of
Puberty 2. What do you call the period of life when the reproductive organs grow to their adult
size and become functional under the influence of the rising levels of gonadal hormones?
Menopause 3. What is the period in a woman when ovulation and menstruation stop,
impending pregnancy entirely?
Erogenous Zones 4. This refers to the parts of the body that are primarily receptive and
increase sexual arousal when touched in a sexual manner.
Sexual Behavior 5. It is any activity that induces sexual arousal.
Orgasm 6. What is the phase of sexual response where the climax is reached?
Libido 7. What is another term for lust or sex drive which is defined by Freud as a form of
internal psychic energy?
Masturbation 8. What is the sexual behavior that can be done by an individual to oneself?
HIV/AIDS 9. What is one of the leading STDs worldwide that attacks the immune system?
Condom 10. What is the most commercialized method of contraception that prevents STIs and
can be bought over-the-counter?

It is natural to feel attracted to another person. What are the factors that “turn you on” to another
person? List down the physical and attitudinal or behavioral traits that you find appealing. How
important are these traits in selecting a partner or in entering into a relationship? Explain your
When I'm attracted to someone, it's not just about looks. Sure, a nice smile or a fit body can
catch my eye, but what really matters are their personality and how they treat others. I'm drawn
to people who are kind, funny, smart, confident, and positive. These qualities make it easier to
connect and build a good relationship. So, while physical attraction is important, it's the attitude
and behavior that really count when it comes to finding the right partner.

Rate your learning experience in using this module according to the following scale.
Put a check mark on your response.
 4 – I learned a lot from this module.
 3 – I learned just right.
 2 – I still need guidance on certain topics.
 1 – I did not understand anything.

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