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Blood Donation;

One day, the following special announcement was heard on Radio Ghana;

‘’The Korle Bu Blood Bank urgently requires 15 pints of blood to enable the hospital to carry out
emergency operations. Prospective donors who fall within the group ‘O’ Rhesus ‘D’ Positive and
Group’ AB’ Rhesus ‘D’ Negative are very kindly requested to contact the Bank immediately. Donate
a pint of blood today and save a live.’’

This announcement sparked off a flood of questions about blood and blood donations in Mr
Asuman’s class. As he could not answer all the questions, he decided to invite a medical officer to
help. Let us now read what happened when the medical officer came.

Mr Asumanu; Good morning, young ladies and gentlemen. I am happy to introduce to you Dr
Turkson of the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital who has kindly agreed to explain to us what blood
donation involves. As he would have to return to the hospital in time to treat patients, we shall not
waste time.

I, therefore, call on Dr Turkson to tell us what he has.

Dr Turkson; Good morning, my young friends.

Class; Good morning, Dr Turkson.

Dr Turkson; Mr Asumenu tells me that you have of late been asking many questions about blood
and blood donation.

So, instead of giving you a talk, I would like you to ask me questions about the topic.

Andani; please, Dr Turkson, is it dangerous to donate blood

Dr Turkson; No, it isn’t.

Andani; can i, therefore, donate blood now;

Dr Turkson; You cannot donate blood now because you are too young. You are under 18. To donate
blood, you must normally be between 18 and 50 years of age

Adobea; is that all, Dr Turkson,,’’

Dr Turkson; No, there are other conditions. One is that you must be in good health. Besides, you and
the person for whom you are donating blood must belong to the same blood group.,

Sambea; Please doctor, I don’t quite understand what blood group means. Don’t we all have the
same blood in us ;

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