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Patricia Laine D.

BSHM 3-7
A day in my life
I live in a condominium, so my everyday life is mostly indoors. Whenever I don't have face-to-face
classes, I usually wake up around 7 to 8 a.m. My routine starts with boiling water so I can drink milk
or coffee, depending on my preferences that day. My father is a construction worker assigned to far
places, so he's at home at weekends only. Therefore, I must prepare my food every day. Usually, I
don't eat breakfast, so I eat brunch and have snacks later. Since I'm just indoors, I spend my time
watching television, watching movies and series on Netflix, and playing some music on Spotify or
YouTube. I have a lot of free time, so I spend my whole afternoon browsing the internet, playing
games, or talking to my friends online. At around 6 p.m., I start to prepare my dinner, and I prefer
to eat while watching something, so I always do that. Around 10 p.m., I am already setting up my
bed. I always sleep with lights off, but I have a night lamp for comfy sleep. Usually, I'm not that
productive if there are no assignments or activities. However, whenever I have classes, I spend my
day at the university and with friends during vacant hours.
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