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Foundations of Empire – 32.

Modern Imperialism

- Western world holding power over land in the world

- Business, and investments used to profit from the subjects

Modern Colonialism

- Set up political and economic structures

- Europeans controlled the lands policies
- European country sends people to colonize new lands and control the native people

Economic Motives of Imperialism

- Colonies controlled by European countries provided materials not found in Europe

- Used for European factories
- Rubber, tin, cotton, copper

Political motives of Imperialism

- Argued that more colonies would gain popularity

- Colonies were placed to be used as ports

Cultural Justification of Imperialism

- Missionaries were sent to different lands to spread religion as well as exercise control
- Believed that westernizing countries helped them by making them more civilized

Imperial Medical Technologies

- Malaria affected the tropical and subtropical regions

- Quinine treated malaria which allowed Europeans to continue their conquests
- Cinchona bark from trees was used by the Spanish and spread to the rest of Europe

Transportation Technologies

- Steamboats and railroads

- Used steam power to create warships
- Creation of the Suez and Panama Canal

Military Technologies

- New types of muskets

- Increased military efficiency
- Created a type of machine gun called Maxium

Communication Technologies

- Steamships allowed for faster travel as well as communication

- Telegraph lines that were laid during land
- Could cut down trips across the ocean
33.2 – European Imperialism

Company Rule

- Doctrine Lapse which gave power to the East Indian Company

- After the death of the emperor, states started to become independent from the Mughal

Indian Rebellion

- Usage of pig and cow fat in ammo cartridges sparked rebellion from Hindus and Muslims
- Started war from rebellion which ended the East Indian company.

British Imperial Rule

- Dismantled Mugahls
- British control extended to Sri Lanka
- Built railroad and telegraphs

The Great Game

- WW1 led to tsarist state being dissolved

- Russians used imperial expansion to control some of Central Asia
- Lasted till the end of the USS

British Colonies in Souteast Asia

- colonial officials had confliucts with Burma Kings

- Thomas Raffles founded Singapore, became busy trade center

French Indochina

- French introduced European culture to natives

- Encouraged conversion to Christianity
- Thailand served as a zone for the British to control burma

European Explores in Africa

- Missionaries went to africa, looking for posts

- Leopold developed a colony in congo
- Brutal conditions with high tax and abuse of workers and natives

South Africa

- East India company made cape town as a station for ships to asia
- Started using land to farm
- Warfare over land with sickness and enslavement led to extinction a few

Berlin Conference

- Conference of europeans, american, and ottoman states

- Created agreements for disputes over land and future claims
- New technolgy for military led to clear advantages for more deveolopepd sides

Systems of Colonial Rule

- Private companies claimed terriotries for their own benefit

- Europeans took charge of taxing
- Usage of direct rule got rid of strong kings and rulers

Settler Colonies in the Pacific

- Sent prisoners to pacific islands to make colonies

- Disease brought by europeans wiped out natives and indigenous
- Encouraged maori leaders to sigb treaty of waitangi

Imperialist in Paradise

- Merchants in pacific took sandalwaood and sea slugs which were high in demand in china
- Sought stations for ships
- USA claimed the rest of the pacific islands, while tonga was claimed by the British

32.3 - Emergence of new imperial powers

Monroe Doctrine

- Warned Europeans to leave latin america alone

- Issued the monro doctrine to stay away from the western hemisphere
- Hawaii monarchy overthrown by farmers and businessmen

Spanish Cuban American war

- US battle ships were sunk and started war agianst spain

- Destroyed spanish troops in manilaa
- Supported filipino revolt against the spanish

Early Japanese Expansion

- Japan declared war against China

- Took control over yellow sea, destroyed chinese flee, and took over korea

Legacies of Imperialsim – 32. 4

Economic abd Social Changes

- Colonial people took use of cotton from india and sent it to europe
- Colonial rule and imperial expansion led to more goods, sickness, and spread of western culture

European Migration

- Migrants left europe to america for better conditiions

- Drove american industrialization
- Migrants worked as miners, factory workers and farmers.

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