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QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH AND ABM - do people with disabilities experience emotional

labor differently from those without disabilities?

- It correctly determine its customers and their
preferences, establish the enterprise in the most QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH IN EDUCATION
feasible location, deliver quality goods and services, - often used in evaluating social problems
analyze what the competitors are doing and find
- suppose a researcher as invented the technique
ways on how to continuously satisfy the growing
for improving reading comprehension among third
and varied needs of the clients.
- It is concerned with exploring connections - underlying assumptions of positivism include the
simultaneously, amidst cultural differences, belief that the social world can be studied in the
alternatives and identity. same way as the natural world, there is a method
QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH AND COMMUNICATION for studying the social world that is value-free, and
that explanations of a causal nature can be provided
- an understanding of a particular communication
phenomenon might generalized to a larger QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH AND STEM
population. - obtain significant information about diseases
Example trends and risk factors, results of various health
interventions, patterns of care and health care costs
- What communicative behaviors are associated end-use
with different stages in romantic relationships? - provide complementary insights, determine the
- what communicative behaviors are used to effectiveness and even side effects of drugs and
respond to coworkers displaying emotional stress? therapies in different populations and various
- providing designs which are creative and more
- used to analyze how sports may be used as an convenient and efficient as they utilized modern
alternative way of medicating an illness technology to adapt to the ever-changing society
Example Range of research topics in the area of inquiry

- analyze certain effect of physical activity in weight - Narrow down your topics which you are most
control interested in
- Make sure you have enough resources for your
- Check references from the library
- predominantly observational research based on - Master the skill of finding the right research topic
surveys and correlational studies
How to design research that is useful in daily life
- the design test interventions like curriculum,
teaching-learning process for assessment with an  Business research paper topics
experimental group  Crime and law research paper
QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH AND BEHAVIORAL  Drug and drug abuse research paper
SCIENCES  Education research paper topics
 Environmental research paper
- tend to explore how one behavior exhibited by
 Family issues research topic
people is related to other types of behavior
 Health research paper topic
- explore questions of differences or questions of  Political issues research topic
relationships, in an attempt to uncover certain  Psychology research topic
patterns of behavior. And when they found one  Business related research
then they are in the position to draw generalizations  Women and gender research
about patterns expected of human behavior
 Local problems and issues
Examples The Nature of variables
- verbally aggressive behaviors related to physical VARIABLE
- a measurable characteristic that varies and - it has two or more categories but does not imply
change from group to group, person to person, are ordering of cases
within one person over time Examples
- It is something we can control or manipulate
 Eye color
- the word is derived from the root word vary,  Business type
meaning changing in amount, volume, number,  Religion
form, nature or type.
 Biological sex
Type of variables  Political affiliation
- a subtype of nominal scale with only two
categories just like sex is known as dichotomous
- can take infinite number on the value that can
occur within the population
- Represent categories that can be ordered from
greatest to smallest
 Age - Has two or more categories which can be ranked
 Height
 Temperature
a. INTERVAL VARIABLES  Education level
 Income brackets
- has values that lie along an evenly dispersed range c. DICHOTOMOUS VARIABLE
of numbers
- are nominal variables which have only two
- a measurement where the difference between
categories or level
two variables does have meaning
Examples Examples

 A person's net worth  Gender

 Difference between a temperature of Kinds of variables
degrees and 50 degrees
- those probable cause, influence, or affect
- has values that lie along an evenly dispersed
range of numbers when there is absolute zero
- possesses the properties of interval variable and - invariably called treatment, manipulated,
has a clear definition of zero, indication that there is antecedent, or predictor variables
none of the variable. - the cause variable or the one responsible for the
Examples conditions that act on something else to bring about
 Height
 Weight
 Distance - a study on the relationship of study habits and
2.. DISCRETE VARIABLES academic performance of UTNHS shs students.
Study habits is the independent variable because it
- also known as categorical work classification influence the outcome or the performance of the
variable students
- any variable that has limited number of distinct
values and which cannot be divided into fractions 2. DEPENDENT VARIABLE
like sex, blood group, and number of children in - those that depend on the independent variables
-are the outcomes or results of the influence of the
- represent categories that cannot be ordered in - called outcome variable
any particular way
A study on the relationship of study habits and Step 2
academic performance of UTNHS shs studentsm Use your answers to list key words
academic performance is there dependent variable
Step 3
because it if depending on the study habits of the
students. Create a sentence that includes the keywords you
Step 4
-variables that and between the independent and
Delete all unnecessary / repetitive words and linked
dependent variables
the remaining
-they show the effects of the independent variable
Step 5
on the dependent
Delete non essential information and re word the
-Even if farm production is good, if the attitude Note. You should capitalize all words in your title
towards payment is negative, loan repayment except prepositions, articles and conjunctions.
wouldl be low, whereas, if the attitude towards Numbers should be spell out. Scientific names
repayment is positive or favorable, loan repayment should be italicized.
would be high
The Background of Research
A. What is the "Background Research"
-special types of independent variables that are
measured in the study because they potentially - includes a review of the area being research,
influence the dependent variable current information surrounding the issue, previous
studies on the issue and relevant history on the
- use statistical procedures to control variables like issue
demographic or personal variables
- help you to prove the relevance of your research
5. CONFOUNDING VARIABLES questions and to further develop your research
- are not actually measured or observed in a study - describes why the study had to be in undertaken
and may be the cause or result of an unexpected
- influence cannot be directly detected in a study as
event for situation or of repeated occurrence of a
they were not or could not be easily assessed
certain problem/ issue
B. How to describe the Background Research
- an almost infinite numberof extraneous variables
1. Describe the field you will be researching
exists that might conceivably affect a given
relationship 2. Tell us why this field is important

-: confounding factors is another used name for 3. Describe the current (relevant) hot topics in the
extraneous variable field
How to write a research title 4. Describes the specific area will you be with
searching in the field
- it must be something you are interested in
5. Tell how your research will add to the field
Guide in making research topics
6. Describe your research as answers to research
1. Discovering, narrowing, and focusing a questions you have been assigned to research
researchable topic
7. Explain what you will do in your research to test
2. Finding, selecting and reading sources your hypothesis or demonstrate your model
3. Groupings, sequencing undocumented 8. Summarize your the current research base in
information your specific area of interest and highlight any gaps
A. Five simple steps to write a good title in the research that you plan to address with your
Step 1
Characteristics of a good background of the study
Ask yourself about the basic questions and note
your answers 1. Concise
- not be written too long How to structure quantitative research question
- avoid including too many citations4 including Step 1
detailed tables graph or figures unless necessary. Choose the type of quantitative research question
2. Clearly written given descriptive, comparative, or relationship you
are trying to create.
- going straight to the point
Step 2
- should be written using simple, easy to understand
Identify the different types of variable you are trying
words with a minimum of complicated terminology
to measure, manipulate, and/or troll as well as any
or jargon.
group you may be interested in
3. Persuasive
Step 3
- should be written in a way that will convince Select the appropriate structure for the chosen type
readers that the study is interesting, important, and of quantitative research question based on the
worth reading variable or groups involved
- avoid overly making your study appear overly
Step 4
complicated or exaggerating its importance
Write out the problem or issue you are trying to
A. What are Research Problem
address in the form of a complete research question
- fundamental core of a research is the research Common types of research question and
question quantitative search
- focuses the study , determines the methodology, A. Descriptive research questions
and guides all stages of inquiry, analysis, and
- seek to objectively describe particular
characteristics or attributes of a person, group,
- statement that identifies the phenomenon to be institution, or phenomenon
Question : How many calories does the average
What resources are helpful to new and minority american consume per day?
drug abuse researchers? Variable : daily intake of calories
Group : a sample group of 1,200 americans,
adjusted for gender, race, and generational
1. What is a good research question?
- sets out what you hope to learn about the topic B. Comparative research questions
and will guide and structure this choice of data to
- compare two or more characteristics or attributes
be collected and analyzed
of two or more persons, groups, institutions, or
2. Tips in creating a research question phenomenon.
- involve comparing the similarities or differences
 Relevant
between variables, or determining which has a
 Manageable in terms of research and in
greater value or lesser value
terms of your own academic abilities
 Substantial and with original dimension Example
 Clear and simple Question : despite similar socio-economic and
 Interesting political growth trajectories in the 1970s how was
B. How to state the research question south korea able to sustain it's rise in economic
Step 1 development

Ask yourself questions about the basics Dependent variable : economic development
Step 2 Group : South korea and Philippines
A strong research ideas should pass the "so what" C. Relational research questions
- seek to understand the relationship between two
Step 3 or more aspects or characteristics of one or more
A research focus should be narrow and not broad persons, groups, institutions, or phenomenon
- being investigated can be simple association, 1. Outline the basic facts of the problem
interaction, or causation 2. Explain why the problem matters
Example 3. Pinpoint a solution as quickly and directly as
Question : does a Filipino's socio-economic class possible
affect the likelihood of supporting the What is the goal of a statement of a problem?
implementation of death penalty in the country?
- to transform a generalized problem into a targeted
Dependent variable : attitude towards death well-defined problem one that can be solved
penalty through focused research and careful decision
Independent variable : respondent's socio- making
economic class - will help you identify the purpose of the project
Group : a sample size proportionally representative you will propose
of the Philippine population - serves as the basis for the introductory section of
What makes a good research question? your final proposal
- research question is the heart of the study - should not be long and windy emphasize that one
Characteristic page is more than enough

1. It should clarify what information needs to be What are the key characteristics of a statement of
gathered the problem

2. It should be empirical 1. address a gap

3. It's a b complex and not terminal 2. Be significant enough to contribute to the existing
body of research
4. It should be relevant
3. Be one that will lead to more research
5. It should be practical
4. Render itself to be investigated via collection of
The scope and delimitation of the study
A. What is scope and limitation of study
- are two elements of research that inform the
5. Be interesting to the researcher and suit one's
reader what information is included in the research
skills, time and resources
and explain why the author chose that information
6. Be ethical
1. Scope
Elements of SOP
- a section of a research paper that explains what
information or subject is being analyzed 1. Main tasks

2. Delimitation 2. Main or major variables

- explanation why certain aspects of a subject were 3. Participants

chosen and why others were excluded 4. Specific setting
Indicating the scope and delimitations 5. Coverage date
Things to consider 6. For development research, the intended output
1. Major variable such as an intervention program, module, policies
among others
2. Sub variable
3. Indicators
Note. the scope of the study is determined by the
major variables of the study while sub variables
and their, attributes, or indicators serves as the
Statement of the problem
- a brief piece of writing that usually comes at the
beginning of a report or proposal to explain the
problem or issue the document is addressing to the

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