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The genes are linearly distributed on chromo-

somes at fixed positions (loci).
Inheritance 3. Genes that may replace one another at the
same locus are called allelomorphic genes or
and alleles. Alleles are genes responsible for
alternate or contrasting characters. Usually one
Mutations allele is inherited from father and the other from
4. When both alleles carry the same defect, it is
said to be homozygous.
5. When one allele is normal, and the counterpart
is defective; it is called heterozygous.
It is estimated that more than 6% of all infants born alive 6. Genes on the same chromosome are linked; and
suffer from genetic diseases and 1% from chromosomal the linkages are more pronounced in the nearby
aberrations. The former conditions involve minor alterations in
DNA make up, e.g. phenylketonuria. The latter ones are due to genes.
major changes in chromosomes; e.g. Down's syndrome, 7. The observed character expressed by the gene
Turner's syndrome. Gregor Johann Mendel (1822-84), who was is called phenotype.
Abbot of Brun, described the principles of heredity in 1866. As 8. The genotype represents the set pattern of
it was printed in an obscure journal, it remained unnoticed for
genes present in the cell.
many years. In 1900, Hugo de Vries and C. Correns,
rediscovered and confirmed Mendel's theory. Walter Flemming
demonstrated chromosomes in 1882. In 1902, Walter Sutton 1. Dominant Inheritance
showed that chromosomes are in pairs and are the carriers of i. It is characterized by the phenotypic expression
Mendel's Unit of heredity. The word ‘Gene' was coined by
Wilhelm Johannsen in 1909. According to Mendel's law, if “A”
of the disease, even if one allele is abnormal or
represents a dominant character and “b” recessive or latent in heterozygous state. In the example shown in
character in parents, then (A+b)2 = A2+2 Ab +b2, i.e. one-half Figure 42.1, the father has the defective gene,
of progeny will have mixed parental characters (2Ab); one-fourth marked as D. The possible permutations of
will have dominant (A2) and one-fourth will have recessive (b2)
characters. All genes are not equal in the eyes of evolution. gametes are shown in the figure.
Evolutionarily relevant mutations tend to accumulate in ‘hotspot ii. Affected men and women transmit the abnormality
genes’ and at specific positions within genes. Genetic evolution to their children. When an affected heterozygote
is constrained by gene function, the structure of genetic
(Dd) marries a normal spouse (dd), half of the
networks, and population biology.
progeny can have the disease.
Basic Principles of Heredity iii. Examples of diseases with autosomal dominant
1. Heredity is transmitted from parent to offspring inheritance are chondrodystrophy (dwarfism)
as individual characters. and some types of porphyrias.

Fig. 42.1. Autosomal dominant inheritance Fig. 42.2. Autosomal recessive inheritance

2. Autosomal Recessive Inheritance vii. Most of the inborn errors of metabolism are
i. Phenotype or a particular character is controlled recessively transmitted. A few examples are
by a pair of alleles located on a specified area phenylketonuria, albinism, galactosemia and
on the chromosomes. sickle cell anemia.
ii. If the disease is manifested only in homozygous 3. Sex-linked (X-linked) Recessive Inheritance
state (not expressed in heterozygous condition), i. In the autosomal conditions, the disease occurs
it is known as recessive transmission. in both sexes with equal frequency. But in sex-
iii. For example, in a person suffering from sickle linked conditions, X-chromosome carries the
cell anemia, both the alleles for beta globin gene abnormal gene. See Figure 42.3.
have mutated. Hence all beta globin chains will ii. In a wedding between a normal male and a
be abnormal. He is homozygous for sickle cell carrier female, the probabilities are that one-
disease. quarter is male with disease; one-quarter is
iv. In certain cases, the carrier state may be female carrier; one-quarter normal male and
identified biochemically, then it is referred to as one-quarter normal female.
the trait of the disease. For example, in sickle iii. If an affected male marries a normal female,
cell trait, one beta globin gene (allele) is normal; male children will be normal, but all female
while the other one is abnormal (carrier state). children will be carriers, because they all inherit
Such individual is heterozygous to that character. the abnormal X from their father (Fig. 42.3).
Therefore, normal gene produces normal Hb iv. In X-linked recessive condition, normal X
and abnormal gene produces HbS. Thus inside dominates over abnormal X; but abnormal X is
the RBC, 50% of hemoglobin molecules are expressed when present with Y.
abnormal. This can be identified by electro- v. Hemophilia, glucose-6-phosphate dehydro-
phoresis. genase deficiency, pseudo-hypertrophic
v. When both father and mother are carriers, one- muscular dystrophy (Duchenne type), and red
quarter of siblings express the disease (both green color blindness are examples of sex-
alleles abnormal), another one-quarter of linked recessive inheritance.
siblings are normal, and half of the children are Population Genetics
carriers (Fig. 42.2). This chance factor is acting A law stating the frequency of abnormal genes in population
was discovered in 1908 independently by Hardy (mathe-
on each progeny.
matician) and Weinberg (physician). The Hardy-Weinberg law
vi. If only one parent is carrier and the other is states that, if there are "p" gametes of ‘A' type and "q" gametes
normal; then there will be no affected child, but of ‘a' type and when p + q = 1 in one generation, the genotypes
50% children are carriers. and their frequency will be:

Fig. 42.3. Sex-linked recessive inheritance

Genotype AA Aa aa been eliminated. But the heterozygous persons

relative frequency p2 2pq q2 carry RBCs having 50% normal Hb and 50%
abnormal hemoglobin. So, the oxygen pressure
The law states that (p2 + 2pq + q2) = 1 and the genotypes
in the population from one generation to another generation inside the RBC is lesser than normal individuals.
will be in equilibrium. Or, p2 : 2pq : q2 ratio is maintained in all Hence, malarial parasites do not multiply easily in
generations (the ratio of normal and abnormal gene is heterozygous individuals (Chapter 22). Therefore,
maintained in all generations).This law is useful to calculate in the malarial endemic areas, the lethal nature of
the frequency of a harmful gene in a population. It is known the gene in the homozygous state is counter-
that 1 in 20,000 live births is an albino, which is inherited
balanced by the advantage in heterozygous state.
recessively. Let us say, they are ‘aa' genotypes. Thus the
remaining 19,999 are ‘AA' or ‘Aa' genotypes. The frequency of This is called balanced polymorphism. Genes for
q of the recessive albino gene can be calculated as follows: q2 thalassemia, GPD deficiency, etc. are also
= 1/20,000. Therefore q = 1/141. Since p + q = 1, in this maintained in the population by such a mechanism.
particular example, p = 140/141. Therefore the ‘Aa' genotype,
or 2pq = 1/70. Thus 1 out of 70 individuals, carries the abnormal Marriages with Close-cousins are Inadvisable
gene for albinism. In other words, 1.4% of all persons are The probability of two carriers getting married is
heterozygous for albino allele. So, there are 280 carriers for
each albino patient.
increased in consanguinous marriages. (Latin, con
= with; sanguis = blood). So, there is increased
Spontaneous Mutations
frequency of genetic diseases in their children. For
The abnormal genes are produced by natural mutations and example, phenylketonuria has an incidence of 1 in
deleted by Darwin's natural selection mechanism, e.g. 25,000 in general population; but it is 13 / 25,000 in
phenylketonuria patient is mentally retarded and therefore children of first cousin marriages.
lesser chances to procure a child. The law essentially states
that the rate of new mutation equals the elimination. That Cytoplasmic Inheritance
means, spontaneous mutation is taking place on that gene in This follows a maternal line of transmission, e.g. mitochondrial
successive generations. inheritance. Transmission of mitochondrial genes ends with
each son, because son does not pass the mitochondrial genes
to his offspring. Mothers are heteroplasmic and are therefore
Law of Selection Applied to Genes unaffected, e.g. Leber's optic neuropathy (Table 41.6),
However, an abnormal gene need not always be myoclonic epilepsy, etc.
eliminated from a population, if there is a selective
advantage for heterozygous state. The best Chromosomal Recombination
example is the sickle-cell anemia trait. The During meiosis (reduction division), exchange of genetic
geographical distribution of sickle-cell anemia fairly information between homologous chromosomes is taking
place. Homologous chromosomes are exactly aligned so that
well overlaps with malaria endemicity. Sickle-cell respective genes oppose. Then a process of crossover
anemia is a lethal disease; patient dies before the occurs, so that reciprocal exchange of genetic information is
reproductive age, and therefore the gene must have obtained. Such a recombination can explain the fact that the

Table 42.1. Genes in human chromosomes Genetic Disorders

Chromo- The locations of many genes have been identified on
some No. Gene specific chromosomes. A small selected list is given
in Table 42.1. Genetic disorders are of different types:
1 : Alkaline phosphatase (liver, bone, kidney); A. Chromosomal disorders. These are identified by
Salivary amylase; Apoprotein A-II
karyotyping, e.g. 21 trisomy.
2 : Alkaline phosphatase (placental), Apolipoprotein-
B. Single gene defect, sometimes identified by
B;Immunoglobulin Kappa chain
3 : Transferrin biochemical methods, e.g. phenylketonuria.
4 : Alcohol dehydrogenase; Fibrinogen; Interleukin- C. Mitochondrial abnormalities.
2; Huntington's chorea (disease) D. Multifactorial disorders.
5: HMG CoA reductase; Acute myelogenous
Treatment Policies of Genetic Diseases
1. Replace the end-product of the missing enzyme,
6 : MHC (Major histocompatibility) locus
7 : Urea cycle enzymes; Cystic fibrosis (disease)
e.g. administer thyroxine in familial goitre.
8 : Carbonic anhydrase 2. Limit the substrate of the missing enzyme. In
9 : Interferon phenylketonuria, reduce phenyl alanine in diet.
11: Hemoglobin β, γ and δ chains; Proinsulin; In galactosemia remove lactose from diet.
Pepsinogen; Parathyroid hormone 3. Replace missing protein, e.g. administer AHG
12 : Alpha-2-macroglobulin; Glyceraldehyde-3-P- (anti-hemophilic globulin) in hemophilia.
dehydrogenase 4. Activity of abnormal enzyme is enhanced, e.g.
13 : Adenosine deaminase large quantities of vitamin B12 is useful in methyl
14 : Immunoglobulin heavy chains; α1-antitrypsin malonic aciduria.
15 : Cytochrome P-450 5. Induction of enzyme; in Crigler-Najjar syndrome,
16 : Hemoglobin α-chain; polycystic kidney disease; glucuronyl transferase enzyme can be induced
Breast cancer, Prostate cancer by phenobarbitone.
17 : Growth hormone
6. Gene therapy is still in experimental stages, but
18 : Prealbumin
may become common in the next generation.
19 : Carcinoembryonic antigen; β chain of hCG;
Creatine kinase M chain; LDL receptor MUTATIONS
20 : Adenosine deaminase
i. A mutation is defined as a change in nucleotide
21 : Superoxide dismutase
sequence of DNA. This may be either gross,
22 : Immunoglobulin, lambda chain
X : Glucose-6-P-dehydrogenase; Antihemophilic so that large areas of chromosome are
globulin; HGPRTase; Duchenne type changed, or may be subtle with a change in
muscular dystrophy one or a few nucleotides.
ii. Mutation may be defined as an abrupt spon-
taneous origin of new character.
characteristics of offspring are not exactly like those of their iii. Statistically, out of every 106 cell divisions, one
parents. Often a genius is born to ordinary parents. The pattern
mutation takes place.
of fingerprints will be different even in siblings.
Rarely, the alignment of chromosomes may not be exact; 1. Classification of Mutations
then recombination results in unequal exchange of genes.
A point mutation is defined as change in a single
There may be deletion in one chromosome, while the other
one receives an insertion. A good example of unequal nucleotide. This may be subclassified as (a) sub-
recombination is the Lepore hemoglobin, where instead of stitution, (b) deletion, and (c) insertion. All of them
normal delta and beta hemoglobins a chimeric delta-beta may lead to mis-sense, nonsense or frameshift
hemoglobin is produced (Chimera is a Greek demon, similar effects.
to Narasimha, with lion's head and body of other animals).
1-A. Substitution
Transposon Replacement of a purine by another purine ( A to G
It is a DNA sequence able to insert itself at a new location in or G to A) or pyrimidine by pyrimidine (T to C or C to
the genome; these are jumping genes or movable genes.
T) is called Transition mutation. If a purine is
Retroposon is a transposon that mobilizes via an RNA form;
the DNA element is transcribed into RNA, and then reverse-
changed to a pyrimidine (e.g. A to C) or a pyrimidine
transcribed into DNA, which is inserted at a new site in the to a purine (e.g. T to G), it is called a transversion.
genome. The point mutation present in DNA is transcribed

and translated, so that the defective gene produces beta chain in which the 6th position is changed to
an abnormal protein. valine, instead of the normal glutamate. Here, the
normal codon GAG is changed to GUG (trans-
1-B. Deletion version). HbS has abnormal electrophoretic mobility
Deletions may be subclassified into– and subnormal function, leading to sickle-cell
i. Large gene deletions, e.g. alpha thalassemia anemia. Details are given in Chapter 22.
(entire gene) or hemophilia (partial)
ii. Deletion of a codon, e.g. cystic fibrosis (one 2-D. Mis-sense; Unacceptable Mutation
amino acid, 508th phenyl alanine is missing in The single amino acid substitution alters the
the CFTR protein. properties of the protein to such an extent that it
iii. Deletion of a single base, which will give rise becomes nonfunctional and the condition is
to frameshift effect. incompatible with normal life. For example, HbM
results from histidine to tyrosine substitution (CAU
1-C. Insertion to UAU) of the distal histidine residue of alpha chain.
Insertions or additions or expansions are sub- There is met-hemoglobinemia.
classified into–
i. Single base additions, leading to frameshift 2-E. Nonsense; Terminator Codon Mutation
effect. A tyrosine (codon, UAC) may be mutated to a
ii. Trinucleotide expansions. In Huntington's termination codon (UAA or UAG). This leads to
chorea, CAG trinucleotides are repeated 30 to premature termination of the protein, and so
300 times. This leads to a polyglutamine repeat functional activity may be destroyed, e.g. beta-
in the protein. The severity of the disease is thalassemia. Or, a terminator codon is altered into
increased as the numbers of repeats are more. a coding codon (UAA to CAA). This results in
iii. Duplications. In Duchenne Muscular Dys- elongation of the protein to produce "run on
trophy (DMD) gene is duplicated in the disease. polypeptide" (Hb Constant spring) (Chapter 22).

2. Effects of Mutations 2-F. Frameshift Mutation

2-A. Silent Mutation This is due to addition or deletion of bases. From
A point mutation may change the codon for one that point onwards, the reading frame shifts. A
amino acid to a synonym for the same amino acid. "garbled" (completely irrelevant) protein, with altered
Then the mutation is silent and has no effect on the amino acid sequence is produced. An example:
phenotype. For example, CUA is mutated to CUC;
both code for leucine, and so this mutation has no Normal mRNA AUG UCU UGC AAA......
effect. Normal protein Met Ser Cys Lys.......

2-B. Mis-sense but Acceptable Mutation DeletedU mRNA AUG CUU GCA AA.........
A change in amino acid may be produced in the Garbled protein Met Leu Ala .............
protein; but with no functional consequences. For
example, in the normal hemoglobin A molecule, the In this hypothetical example, deletion of one
67th amino acid in beta chain (HbA β-67) is valine. uracil changes all the triplet codons thereafter.
The codon in mRNA is GUU. If a point mutation Therefore, a useless protein or no protein is
changes it to GCU, the amino acid becomes alanine; produced. Frame shift mutation can lead to
this is called Hb Sydney. This variant is functionally thalassemia due to premature chain termination and
normal. A conserved mutation occurs when the run-on-polypeptide that are non-functional.
altered amino acid has the same properties of the
original one; e.g. Glutamic acid to Aspartic acid. 2-G. Conditional Mutations
Most of the spontaneous mutations are conditional;
2-C. Mis-sense; Partially Acceptable Mutation they are manifested only when circumstances are
In this type, the amino acid substitution affects the appropriate. Bacteria acquire resistance, if treated
functional properties of the protein. HbS or sickle- with antibiotics for a long time. This is explained by
cell hemoglobin is produced by a mutation of the spontaneous conditional mutations. In the normal

circumstances, wild bacilli will grow. In the medium artificially selected in agriculture. Normal maize is
containing antibiotic, the resistant bacilli are deficient in tryptophan. Tryptophan-rich maize
selected. In a tuberculous patient, a lung cavity may varieties are now available for cultivation. Micro-
harbor about 1012 bacilli. This may contain about organisms often have antigenic mutation. These are
10 6 mutations, out of which a few could be beneficial to micro-organisms (but of course, bad
streptomycin resistant. Therefore if only one drug to human beings).
is given, there will be overgrowth of drug resistant
bacilli. To avoid this, a combination of two anti- 4-D. Carcinogenic Effect
tuberculous drugs is given. So, drug-1-resistant The mutation may not be lethal, but may alter the
mutants are killed by drug-2 and drug-2-resistant regulatory mechanisms. Such a mutation in a
mutants are removed by drug-1. The statistical somatic cell may result in uncontrolled cell division
probability of a single bacillus acquiring resistance leading to cancer. Any substance causing increased
against both drugs is negligible. rate of mutation can also increase the probability of
cancer. Thus all carcinogens are mutagens.
3. Mutagens and Mutagenesis
Any agent which will increase DNA damage or cell
proliferation can cause increased rate of mutations
also. Such substances are called mutagens. X-ray,
gamma-ray, UV ray, acridine orange, etc. are well
known mutagens. Muller (Nobel Prize, 1946)
showed that the rate of mutation was proportional
to the dose of irradiation. Beadle (Nobel Prize, 1958)
showed that the effect of X-irradiation on metabolism
was due to mutations of genes. Tatum (Nobel Prize,
1958) further showed that a mutation of a single
gene resulted only in a single chemical reaction,
which gave evidence to the concept of "one gene,
one enzyme".

4. Manifestations of Mutations
4-A. Lethal Mutations
The alteration is incompatible with life of the cell or
the organism. For example, mutation producing
alpha-4 Hb is lethal, and so the embryo dies.

4-B. Silent Mutations

Alteration at an insignificant region of a protein may
not have any functional effect.

4-C. Beneficial Mutations

Although rare, beneficial spontaneous mutations are
the basis of evolution. Such beneficial mutants are

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