Goal Exploration Questionnaire

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Goal Exploration Questionnaire

About You:

What is your name?

How old are you?

What are some activities you enjoy doing in your free time?

Immediate Interests:

What is something you would like to accomplish or experience in the next few weeks?

Is there a hobby or activity you've been wanting to try out recently?

Are there any skills you would like to learn or improve upon in the near future?

Present Abilities:

What are some things you're good at or enjoy doing right now?

Can you tell me about a time when you felt proud of something you accomplished recently?

What do you like most about yourself or the things you do?

Exploring New Opportunities:

Have you ever thought about trying something new or different? What is it?

Is there a class, workshop, or club you've heard about that interests you?

Are there any places in your community you've been curious to visit or explore?

Immediate Goals:

What is one thing you would like to achieve by the end of this month?

Can you think of a small project or task you'd like to work on in the coming weeks?

How would you like to spend your time in a way that makes you happy and fulfilled right now?

Imagine yourself five years from now. What would you like to be doing or achieving by then?

How do you imagine your ideal life when you grow up?
Daily Activities:

What are some things you enjoy doing on a typical day?

Are there any routines or habits you would like to develop or change?

How do you like to spend your time when you have free moments during the day?

Personal Growth:

What is something you would like to learn more about or understand better?

Can you think of a way you'd like to challenge yourself or step out of your comfort zone?

How do you imagine yourself growing or developing as a person in the near future?

Support System:

Who are some people you can turn to for help or encouragement when trying new things?

How can your family and friends support you in pursuing your interests and goals?

Do you have anyone you admire or look up to for inspiration?

Celebrating Achievements:

How do you like to celebrate when you accomplish something you've been working on?

What is one way you can reward yourself for making progress towards your goals?

Who can you share your successes with and how would you like to share them?

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