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Quinto, Nicole E.


The Bishop's Candlesticks

Written by Victor Hugo

The title of the play ``The Bishop's Candlesticks” plays an important role because the main
course of action is centered around it. The candlesticks revolve round the life of both the Bishop
and the convict. The bishop is a saintly figure. He is very generous to the poor and the suffering.
He can comfort others for the good of others. The candlesticks are the last gift from his dying
mother. They have great sentimental value for him. They remind him of his mother. So, he does
not want to sell the candlesticks. the middle of the night, Persome was worried when his brother
he's not coming on their home and it is already midnight then and the bells in the doors bell then
Persome sees his brother and sad that it is really cold outside so that he enters the house then.
But when he sees that the convict has stolen his candlesticks. But when he sees that the
convict has stolen his candlesticks, he feels very bad. However, he also thinks that he should
not have been so attached to them. He realizes that it is a sin to be too much attached to
worldly things. Their theft is just punishment for him. Luckily, he gets his candlesticks back when
the convict is caught by the police. He gives his candlesticks to the convict to start a new life.
Therefore, it reveals that the bishop is very generous. He does not want to send the convict
back to jail. And let the convict, free to his life and start a new journey. Thus, the title of the play
is quite appropriate as the drama is deeply associated with the emotions attached with the

7 Literary Standards

1. Artistry
● This literature reveals the aesthetic appealing in the scene of Bishop and the
convict. It is not difficult for anyone to enter the bishop`s house as its doors and
windows are never shut. He seizes the Bishops from behind and demands food
at the point of a long knife. He threatens to kill him if he raises an alarm. This
situation reveals the true intentions of the convict and what is the real
characteristics of a Bishop to this human who is demanding for something and
pointing a knife at him.
2. Intellectual Beauty
● In this literary standard, the intellectual beauty is exposed when the Bishop tries
to talk and consider the situations of the convict even when he is in a critical
situation. This had an impact on the audiences who read the book because we
never knew what would happen if the convict killed the bishop or he would listen
to the bishop's words of wisdom on him to make him calm and put the knife
down. The intellectual beauty possesses on how the Bishop manages his actions
with critical thinking in conducting a decision with emergent situations like this.
3. Suggestiveness
● When associated with the Bishop of Digne, the candlesticks and light they
represent would especially represent spiritual awakening. Thus, the candlesticks
represent the Bishop's mercy shown to Valjean, as well as humility and goodness
in the Bishop's lack of interest in beautiful possessions and wealth. In this literary
standard, the story shows the dramatic emotions between the convict, bishop
and Persome ( the sister of Bishop). It is difficult to see your family member was
in the tragic situation that can be dead in just a seconda because of the man who
experienced the different struggles he felt in the jail and the emotions he stated
by stating the discriminations and claiming for justice for his life.
4. Spiritual Value
● Love can demolish the feeling of hatred and can make a person good. Like in this
story, the bishop with his generosity, kindness turned the thief who was no less
than a beast into a normal and a good person. In this spiritual value, nowadays
people must have this kind of character not only if you are a member of the
church like a bishop, priest and nun. It gives the message that the human body is
the temple of God. No human being is beyond redemption and improvement.
Thus, the Bishop`s conduct has taught us the lesson of love and kindness. The
reason why I state this statement is because this literary standard focuses on the
moral which it is suggested in the story.
5. Permanence
● For the two kinds of this literary standard, the timelessness is what the story is all
about. The reason why is because it shows the enjoyment where in the ending of
the story shows the forgiveness of the bishop and health and having the helping
hand to the convict and these actions of the bishop lead him to change his real
life and pot and to be a good person inside and out. From this we can say the
fresh insights and ideas and hit the criteria were in the convict says about the
different problems he faced in jail because of finding solutions for his wife from
having experienced discrimination down to injustice. This timelessness literary
standards occur on time which it invariably remains and I am amazed until now
for having this kind of literature that marks in the mind and soul of the people with
different stability of living.
6. Universality
● This literary standard shows in the story wherein the appreciations between the
culture of the Bishop letting anyone to have his good hands for helping other
people and giving a chance to change and be a good person. This universality
occurs in the story of the humiliations that are revealed by the convict on what
happened to him in the jail and the reason why he needs to steal the candlesticks
in the bishop's house.
7. Style
● The language used in the story is literal language because the sequence of the
beginning to the end was perfect, easily understood and can be portrayed in the
mind of the audience. Literal language expresses thoughts and ideas in a clear
and specific manner that is why this story is easy to comprehend and what is the
story all about. From the setting down to the ending of the story.

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