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Template for Summary Data from the EITI Report

Version 1.1 as of 05 March 2015

According to the EITI Standard §5.3.b:

“Summary data from each EITI Report should be submitted electronically to the International Secretariat according to the standardised reporting format provided by the International Secretariat”

This template should be completed in full and submitted by email by the national secretariat to the International EITI Secretariat following the publication of the report.
The data will be used to populate the global EITI data repository, available on the international EITI website.

The form has 3 parts (worksheets):

Part 1 covers the basic characteristics about the report
Part 2 addresses availability of contextual data, in line with requirements 3 and 4
Part 3 covers data on government revenues per revenue stream and company. An example of this part using Norway's 2012 EITI Report is available in a final worksheet

Fields marked in orange are required.

Fields marked in yellow are optional.

The International Secretariat can provide advice and support on request. Please contact
Entry Comments
Country Peru
Fiscal Year Covered in the Report Start Date 2004-01-01
End Date 2004-12-01
Independent Administrator Ernst and Young
Date that the EITI Report was published (i.e., made publically available) 2009-09-14
Sectors Covered Oil Yes
Add rows as necessary to add other sectors Gas Yes
Mining Yes
Web links to EITI Report, on the national EITI website PDF
If multiple files, add rows as necessary. Electronic data file (CSV, excel) Not available
Other file, link
Number of reporting government entities 5
Number of reporting companies 33
Reporting currency ISO currency code PEN
Conversion rate utilised. US $ 1 = 3.395849
Disaggregtion of Data By Revenue Stream Yes
Add rows as necessary to add other disaggregations By Company Yes
By Project No
Contact details to person who has completed this template Name Christoffer Claussen
Organisation EITI International Secreatariat
Email address
Contextual information
Entry Unit Direct URL to source, or to section in EITI Report Comments
Contribution of extractive industries to economy (3.4) Gross Domestic Product - extractive industries (Gross Value Added) Not available USD
Modify entry in "unit" column if other than default. Gross Domestic Product - all sectors Not available USD
Government revenue - extractive industries Not available USD
Government revenue - all sectors Not available USD
Exports - extractive industries Not available USD
Exports - all sectors Not available USD Ministerio de Energía y Minas. Instituto
Production volume and value (3.5.a) Oil, volume 5,476,805 Sm3
Nacional de Estadística e Informática -
Ministerio de Energía
Dirección Nacional de yCuentas
Minas. Nacionales
Modify entry in "unit" column if other than default. Gas, volume 865,229 Sm3 o.e.
Nacional de Estadística e Informática -
de Energía
Dirección de yCuentas
Minas. Nacionales
Copper, volume 868,576 Tonnes
Nacional de Estadística e Informática -
de Energía
Dirección de yCuentas
Minas. Nacionales
Zinc, volume 1,209,006 Tonnes
Nacional de Estadística e Informática -
Ministerio de Energía
Dirección Nacional de yCuentas
Minas. Nacionales
Silver, volume 3,060 Tonnes
Nacional de Estadística e Informática -
de Energía
Dirección de yCuentas
Minas. Nacionales
Iron, volume 4,315,129 Tonnes
Nacional de Estadística
de Energía
e Informática -
Dirección de yCuentas
Minas. Nacionales
Lead, volume 306,211 Tonnes
Nacional de Estadística e Informática -
Ministerio de Energía
Dirección Nacional de yCuentas
Minas. Nacionales
Gold, volume 173 Tonnes
Nacional de Estadística e Informática -
de Energía
Dirección de yCuentas
Minas. Nacionales
Tin, volume 41,613 Tonnes
Nacional de Estadística e Informática -
de Energía
Dirección de yCuentas
Minas. Nacionales
Tungsten, volume - Tonnes
Nacional de Estadística e Informática -
Ministerio de Energía
Dirección Nacional de yCuentas
Minas. Nacionales
Molybdenum, volume 14,246 Tonnes
Nacional de Estadística e Informática -
Dirección Nacional de Cuentas Nacionales
Oil, value Not available Tonnes
Gas, value Not available Tonnes
Copper, value Not available Tonnes
Zinc, value Not available USD
Silver, value Not available USD
Iron, value Not available USD
Lead, value Not available USD
Gold, value Not available USD
Tin, value Not available USD
Tungsten, value Not available USD
Molybdenum, value Not available USD
Export volume and value (3.5.b) Oil, volume Not available Sm3
Modify entry in "unit" column if other than default. Gas, volume Not available Sm3 o.e.
Copper, volume Not available Tonnes
Zinc, volume Not available Tonnes
Silver, volume Not available Tonnes
Iron, volume Not available Tonnes
Lead, volume Not available Tonnes
Gold, volume Not available Tonnes
Tin, volume Not available Tonnes
Tungsten, volume Not available Tonnes
Molybdenum, volume Not available Tonnes
Oil, value Not available Tonnes
Gas, value Not available Tonnes
Copper, value Not available Tonnes
Zinc, value Not available USD
Silver, value Not available USD
Iron, value Not available USD
Lead, value Not available USD
Gold, value Not available USD
Tin, value Not available USD
Tungsten, value Not available USD
Molybdenum, value Not available USD
Distribution of revenues from extractive industries (3.7.a) Are EI revenues recorded in the government accounts/budget? Not applicable
Add rows as necessary If no, provide a brief explanation.
If yes, link to government's accounts, where revenues are recorded
Link to other financial reports, where revenues are recorded
Register of licences (3.9) Public registory of licences, oil Not applicable
Add rows if necessary, per registry Public registory of licences, mining Not applicable
If incomplete or not available, provide an explanation
Allocation of licences (3.10) Information about awarding and transfer of licences Not applicable
Beneficial ownership (3.11) Publicly available registry of beneficial ownership
Contracts (3.12) Does the report address the government's policy on contract disclosure? Not applicable
Add/remove rows as necessary, per registry Are contracts disclosed? Not applicable
Publicly available registry of contracts
Registry 2

Entry. If yes, provide a reference to the relevant section in the EITI Report.
Sale of the state’s share of production or other sales collected in-kind (4.1.c) Does the report address the issue? Not applicable
Modify entry in "unit" column if other than default. Total volume sold? (indicate unit, add rows as needed) million Sm3
Total revenue received? USD
Infrastructure provisions and barter arrangements (4.1.d)? Does the report address the issue? Not applicable
Social expenditures (4.1.e) Does the report address social expenditures? Not applicable
Modify entry in "unit" column if other than default. If yes, what was the total revenue received? USD
Transportation revenues (4.1.f) Does the report address transportation revenues? Not applicable
Modify entry in "unit" column if other than default. If yes, what was the total revenue received? USD
Sub-national payments (4.2.d)? Does the report address sub-national payments? Not applicable
Modify entry in "unit" column if other than default. If yes, what was the total revenue received? USD
Sub-national transfers (4.2.e)? Does the report address sub-national transfers? Not applicable
Modify entry in "unit" column if other than default. If yes, what was the total revenue received? USD
Government revenues from extractive companies, per revenue stream Currency unit C. Companies
This worksheet covers (A) identification of whether a revenue stream is included in the EITI Report, (B) listing the revenue streams according to their corresponding classification, PEN Enter companies included in the EITI Report. Add columns as necessary.
(C) listing the companies that are reporting, (D) recording the payments per revenue stream and company, and (E) any notes to explain the information provided.

Maple Gas Companies with Companies with Inversiones

Corporation del Petrobras Energia aggregate aggregate Mineras del Sur
Legal name Peru S.R.L. Peru S.A. information (S/) information (US$) S.A.
Identification # Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available

Commodities Oil, Gas Oil, Gas Oil, Gas Oil, Gas Mining
A. GFS classification of revenue streams B. Revenue streams (including non-reconciled) D. Reconciled revenue streams per company
Indicate if revenue stream is "included and reconciled", "included and partially reconciled", "included and not reconciled", Enter revenue streams included in EITI Report. If more than one revenue streams fall under the same GFS classification, copy the row and paste it as a new row. Record figures as reported by government, corrected after reconcilation.
"not applicable" or "not included" in the EITI Report. If included, enter the revenue streams in the box titled "Revenue Only payments to governments from companies on their own behalf are to be included. Payments to governments from companies on behalf of their employees are to be excluded (for example, withheld
streams". personal income tax/PAYE, employee social security contributions). In the third column, enter total figure of each revenue stream as disclosed by government, including also revenues that were not
The letter E in the GFS codes means that these are the codes used for the revenues from extractive companies. The digits reconciled.
to the left of an E are actual GFS codes. The digits to the right of an E are subcategories created exclusively for revenues
from extractive companies.
GFS codes of revenue streams from extractive companies Revenue, as
Included in EITI
Name of revenue stream in country Name of receiving government agency disclosed by
government Subtotals 11,303,697 125,138,642 283,596 730,630,160 14,072,074
11E Taxes 0
111E Taxes on income, profits and capital gains 0
1112E1 Ordinary taxes on income, profits and capital gains Included and
Impuesto a la Renta Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y de Administracion Tributaria (SUNAT) 14,279,522 14,279,522 5,816,032 8,179,894 283,596 - -
1112E1 Ordinary taxes on income, profits and capital gains Included and
Impuesto a la Renta - converted from USD Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y de Administracion Tributaria (SUNAT) 116,621,357 116,621,357 - - - 116,621,357 -
1112E2 Extraordinary taxes on income, profits and capital gains Included and
Impuesto Especial a la Mineria Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y de Administracion Tributaria (SUNAT) 1,296,354,699 1,296,354,699 - - - - 12,610,996
1112E2 Extraordinary taxes on income, profits and capital gains Included and
Impuesto Especial a la Mineria - converted from USD Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y de Administracion Tributaria (SUNAT) 766,090,179 766,090,179 - - - - -
1112E2 Extraordinary taxes on income, profits and capital gains Not included Gravamen Especial a la Mineria Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y de Administracion Tributaria (SUNAT) 0
112E Taxes on payroll and workforce Not included 0
113E Taxes on property Not included 0
114E Taxes on goods and services 0
1141E General taxes on goods and services (VAT, sales tax, turnover tax)
Not included 0
1142E Excise taxes Not included 0
1145E Taxes on use of goods/permission to use goods or perform activities
114521E Licence fees Included and
Derechos de Vigencia - converted from USD Instituto Geologico, Minero y Metalurgico (INGEMMET) 14,609,428 14,609,431 - - - - 541,444
114522E Emission and pollution taxes Not included 0
11451E Motor vehicle taxes Not included 0
115E Taxes on international trade and transactions 0
1151E Customs and other import duties Not included 0
1152E Taxes on exports Not included 0
1153E1 Profits of natural resource export monopolies Not included 0
116E Other taxes payable by natural resource companies Not included 0
12E Social contributions 0
1212E Social security employer contributions Not included 0
14E Other revenue 0
141E Property income 0
1412E Dividends 0
1412E1 From state-owned enterprises Not included 0
1412E2 From government participation (equity) Not included 0
1413E Withdrawals from income of quasi-corporations Not included 0
1415E Rent 0
1415E1 Royalties Included and
Regalias Mineras Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y de Administracion Tributaria (SUNAT) 64,120,194 64,120,194 - - - - 919,634
1415E1 Royalties Included and
Regalias Petroleras - converted from USD Perupetro S.A. 736,455,216 736,455,216 5,487,665 116,958,748 - 614,008,803 -
1415E2 Bonuses Not included 0
1415E Production entitlements (in-kind or cash) 0
1415E31 Delivered/paid directly to government Not included 0
1415E32 Delivered/paid to state-owned enterprise(s) Not included 0
1415E4 Compulsory transfers to government (infrastructure and other) Not included 0
1415E5 Other rent payments Not included 0
142E Sales of goods and services 0
1421E Sales of goods and services by government units Not included 0
1422E Administrative fees for government services Not included 0
143E Fines, penalties, and forfeits Not included 0
144E1 Voluntary transfers to government (donations) Not included 0

TOTAL, disclosed by government TOTAL, reconciled

E. Notes 3,008,530,594 3,008,530,597
Southern Peru
Pan American Copper Anglo American Rio Tinto Minera Rio Tinto Mining Companies with Companies with
Compania Minera Compania Minera Silver S.A.C. Mina Compania Minera Empresa Minera Minera Bateas Minera Yanacocha Corporation, Anglo American Anglo American Exploration Peru Peru Limitada and Exploracion aggregate aggregate
Cedimin S.A.C. Antamina S.A. Argentum S.A. Quiruvilca Raura S.A. Los Quenuales S.A. Perubar S.A. S.A.C. S.R.L. Minsur S.A. Sucursal del Peru Xstrata Tintaya S.A. Michiquillay S.A. Quellaveco S.A. S.A. S.A.C. S.A.C information (S/) information (US$)
Not available 20330262428 20507845500 Not available 20100163552 20332907990 Not available Not available 20137291313 20100136741 20100147514 Not available 20516023318 20137913250 Not available Not available 20213053915 Not available Not available
Copper, Zinc,
Mining Molybdenum Silver Silver Zinc, Lead, Copper Zinc, Lead Mining Mining Gold, Copper Tin Copper Mining Copper Copper Mining Mining Mining Mining Mining

2,209,890 131,637 6,200,073 469,701 763,568 3,533,458 243,262 0 617,386,336 262,745,009 938,323,363 64,919,053 0 333,014 281,278 0 1,367,821 136,406,798 91,788,168

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1,392,701 - 5,754,667 - - 2,956,130 - - - 250,437,265 891,799,271 - - - - - - 131,403,669 -

- - - - - - - - 616,173,083 - - 63,422,136 - - - - - - 86,494,960

589,255 131,637 68,454 28,641 148,463 577,328 - - 1,119,999 829,134 1,802,839 1,496,917 - 333,014 281,278 - 1,367,821 - 5,293,208

227,934 - 376,952 441,060 615,105 - 243,262 - 93,255 11,478,610 44,721,253 - - - - - - 5,003,129 -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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