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Formationof liver glycogenfrom lactic acid is thus seento establish

an importantconnectionbetweenthe metabolismof the muscleand

that of the liver.Muscle glycogenbecomesavailableas blood sugar
throughthe interventionof the liver,and blood sugarin turn is con-
vertedinto muscleglycogen.Thereexiststhereforea completecycle
o f t h e g l u c o s em o l e c u l ei n t h e b o d y . . . E p i n e p h r i nw e asfoundto
a c c e l e r a t et h i s c y c l e i n t h e d i r e c t i o no f m u s c l eg l y c o g e nt o l i v e r
glycogen. . . Insulin,on the other hand, was found to acceleratethe
cycle in the directionof blood glucoseto muscleglycogen.
-C. F.Cori and G. T.Cori,
articlein Journalof BiologicalChemistry,1929

Princi Regulation
15.1 Regulation
Pathways570 be partially degradedto provide acetyl-CoAfor fatty
acid and sterol synthesis. And the bacterium .os-
15.2 Analysis ofMetabolic (ontrol 577 cheri,chi,acoli, can use glucose to produce the carbon
skeleton of euery one of its severalthousand types of
15.3 (oordinated RegulationofGlycolysisand
molecules.When any cell usesglucose6-phosphatefor
Gluconeogenesis 582 one purpose,that "decision"affectsall the other path-
15.4 TheMetabolism ofGlycogen inAnimals 594 waysfor which glucose6-phosphateis a precursoror in-
termediate: any change in the allocation of glucose
15.5 (oordinated RegulationofGlyrogenSynthesis 6-phosphateto one pathway affects, directly or indi-
andBreakdown602 rectly, the flow of metabolitesthrough all the others'
Suchchangesin allocationare conunonin the life of
a cell. Louis Pasteurwas the first to describethe more
etabolicregulation,a centraitheme in biochem- than l0-fold increasein glucoseconsumptionby a yeast
istry, is one of the most remarkablefeaturesof culture when it was shifted from aerobic to anaerobic
Iiving organisms.Of the thousandsof enzyme- conditions.This "Pasteureffect"occurswithout a signif-
catalyzedreactionsthat can take place in a cell, there is icant changein the concentrations of ATP or most of the
probablynot one that escapessomeform of regulation. hundredsof metabolichtermediatesand productsde-
This need to regulateevery aspectof cellularmetabo- rived from glucose.A similar effect occursin the cells of
Iism becomesclear as one examinesthe complexityof skeletat muscle when a sprinter Ieavesthe starting
metabolicreactionsequences. Althoughit is convenient blocks. The ability of a cell to carry out all these inter-
for the student of biochemistry to divide metabolic lockingmetabolicprocessessimultaneously-obtaining
processesinto "pathways"that play discreterolesin the every product in the amount needed and at the right
cell's economy, such separation exists i.n the living time, in the face of major perturbationsfrom outside,
cell. Rather,every pathway in
we discuss this book is and without generatingleftovers-is an astoundi'ng
inextricably intertwined with all the other cellular accomplishment.
pathwaysin a multidimensionalnetwork of reactions In this chapterwe use the metabolismof glucoseto
(FiS. 15-1). For example,in Chapter14 we discussed illustrate somegeneralprinciplesof metabolicregula-
four possiblefatesfor glucose 6-phosphate in a hepato- tion. First we look at the generalroles of regulationin
cy[e: breakdownby glycolysisfor the production of AIP, achievingmetabolichomeostasisand introduce meta-
breakdorn"'ri in the pentose phosphate pathway for the bolic control analysis,a system for analyzingcomplex
production of NADPH and pentosephosphates,use in metabolic interactions quantitatively.We then describe
the sl,nthesisof complexpolysaccharides of the extra- the speciflc regulatory properties of the individual en-
cellularmatrix, or hydrolysisto glucoseand phosphate zymes of glucose metabolism;for glycolysisand gluco-
to replenishbloodglucose.In fact, glucose6-phosphate neogenesis, we described the catalyticactivitiesof the
has other possiblefates in hepatocytes,too; it may,for enzyrnes in Chapter 14. Here we also discussboth the
example,be used to synthesizeother sugars,such as catalytic and regulatory properties of the enz;.'rnesof
glucosamine, galactose,galactosamine, fucose,and neu- glycogen synthesis and breakdowrl, one of the best-
raminic acid, for use in protein glycosylation,or it may studied cases of metabolic regulation. Note that in
T l
569 I
ICttl Principtes

FIGURE 15-1 Metabolismasa three-dimensional meshwork.A typical (KyotoEncyclopedia of Cenesand Cenomes)PATHWAYdatabase

eukaryoticcell has the capacityto make about 30,000 differentpro- (www genomead jplkegg/pathway/map/map0.l 100 html). Eacharea
teins,which catalyzethousands of differentreactions involvingmany can be furtherexpandedfor increasingly
detailedinformation,to the
hundredsof metabolites,most sharedby more than one ,,pathway.,, levelof specificenzymesand intermediates.
Thisoverviewimageof metabolicpathways is from the onlineKECC

selectingcarbohydratemetabolismto illustratethe prin- ensurethat metabolitesmove through each pathway in

ciples of metabolic regulation,we have artificially sepa- the correct direction and at the correct rate to match
rated the metabolismof fats and carbohydrates. In fact, exactly the cell's or the organism'schangingcircum-
these two activities are very tightly integrated, as we stances.By a variety of mechanismsoperatingon differ-
shallseein Chapter23. ent time scales,adjustmentsare made in the rate of
metaboliteflow through an entire pathway when exter-
Pathways nal circumstances change.
Circumstancesdo change,sometimesdramatically.
The pathways of glucose metabolism provide, in the For example,the demandfor ATP in insect flrght muscle
catabolic direction, the energy essential to oppose the increases100-foldin a few secondswhen the insect
forces of entropy and, in the anabolic direction, biosyn- takes flight. In humans,the availability of oxygen may
thetic precursors and a storage form of metabolic en- decreasedue to hypoxia (diminisheddelivery of oxygen
ergy. These reactions are so important to survival that to tissues)or ischemia(diminishedflow of blood to tis-
very complex regulatory mechanisms have evolved to sues).The relativeproportionsof carbohydrate, fat, and
M e t a b oP
1 5 . 1R e g u l a t ioof n l i ca t h w a y[st t t - l

protein in the diet vary from mealto meal,and the sup- BoththeAmount Activity
ply of fuels obtainedin the diet is intermittent, requiring ofan (an
Enzyme BeRegulated
metabolicadjustmentsbetweenmealsand during peri-
ods of starvation.Woundhealingrequireshuge amounts The flux through an enzyrne-catalyzedreaction can be
of energyand biosyntheticprecursors. modulatedby changesin the number of enzymemole-
cules or by changesin the cataLgticacti'ui'tAof each
a Dynamic
State enzyrnemoleculealreadypresent.Such changesoccur
on time scalesfrom millisecondsto many hours, in re-
Fuels such as glucoseenter a cell, and wasteproducts sponseto signalsfrom within or outside the cell' Very
suchas CO2leave,but the massand the grosscomposi- rapid allostericchangesin enzl'rneactivity are generally
tion of a typical cell, organ, or adult animal do not triggered locally, by changesin the local concentration
changeappreciablyover time; cells and organismsexist of a small molecule-a substrate of the pathway in
in a dynamicsteadystate.For eachmetabolicreaction which that reaction is a step (say, glucosefor glycoly-
in a pathway,the substrateis providedby the preceding sis), a product of the pathway(ATPfrom glycolysis),or
reaction at the same rate at which it is convertedto a key metabolite or cofactor (such as NADH) that indi-
product. Thus, althoughthe rate (u) of metaboliteflow, cates the cell's metabolic state. Second messengers
or flux, through this step of the pathway may be high (such as cyclic AMP and Ca2*) generatedintracellularly
and variable,the concentrationof substrate,S, remains in response to extracellular signals (hormones, cy-
constant.So,for the two-stepreaction tokines, and so forth) alsomediate allostericregulation,
u', on a slightly slower time scale set by the rate of the
A ") s P mec e-Chapter12).
when ai : az, [S] is constant.For example,changesin Extracelluiar srgnals @) maybe hormonal
a1 for the entry ofglucosefromvarioussourcesinto the (insutin or eptnephrine, for example) or neuronal (acetyl-
blood are balancedby changesin u2 for the uptake of choline),or maybe gowth factorsor c1'tokines. The num-
glucosefrom the blood into varioustissues,so the con- ber of moleculesof a given erzyme in a cell is a function of
centrationof glucosein the blood ([S]) is held nearly the relativerates of q,nthesis and degradation of that en-
constantat 5 mnt.This is homeostasis at the molecular 25.'rne.The rate of syrrthesiscanbe adjustedby the activa-
level. The failure of homeostaticmechanismsis often at tion (in responseto someoutsidesrgnal)of a transcription
the root of human disease.In diabetesmellitus,for ex- factor (Fig. l5-2,@; descnbedin more detail in Chapter
ample,the regulationof blood glucoseconcentrationis 28). Tbanscription factors are nuclear proteins that,
defective as a result of the lack of or insensitivity to in- whenactivated,bind speci-flc DNA regions(response ele-
sulin,with profoundmedicalconsequences. ments) near a gene'spromoter (its transcriptionalstartirg
When the external perturbation is not merely tran- point) andactivateor repressthe transcriptionofthat gene,
sient,or when onekind of cell developsinto another,the leadingto increasedor decreasedsyrrthesisofthe encoded
adjustmentsin cell compositionand metabolismcan be protein. Activationof a transcriptionfactor is sometimes
more dramatic and may require signiflcant and lasting the result of its binding of a specificligand and sometimes
changesin the allocation of energy and synthetic pre- the result of its phosphorylationor dephosphorylation.
cursorsto bring abouta new dynamicsteadystate.Con- Eachgeneis controlledby one or moreresponseelements
sider, for example, the differentiation of stem cells in that are recognizedby speciflctranscription factors. Some
the bone marrow into erythrocytes.The precursorcell geneshave severalresponseelementsand are therefore
containsa nucleus,mitochondria,and little or no hemo- controlled by severaldifferent transcription factors, re-
globin, whereasthe fully differentiatederythroclte con- spondingto severaldifferent signals.Groupsof genesen-
tains prodigiousamountsof hemoglobinbut has neither codingproteinsthat act together,suchas the enz1rnesof
nucleus nor mitochondria;the cell's compositionhas glycolysisor gluconeogenesis, often share cornmonre-
permanentlychangedin responseto externaldevelop- sponseelementsequences,so that a singlesignal,acting
mental signals,with accompanyingchangesin metabo- through a particulartranscriptionfactor,turns all ofthese
lism. This cellular differentiation requires precise geneson and off together.The regulationof carbohydrate
regulationof the levelsof cellularproteins. metabolismby speciflctranscriptionfactorsis describedin
In the courseof evolution,organismshaveacquireda Section15.3.
remarkablecollectionof regtrlatorymechanismsfor main- The stabilityof messengerRNAs-their resistanceto
taininghomeostasis at the molecular,cellular,and organis- degradationby cellular ribonucleases(Fig. 15-2, @)-
mal levels,as reflected in the proportion of genesthat varies, and the amount of a given mRNA in the cell is a
encoderegulatorymachinery.In humans,about 4,000 function of its rates of synthesisand degradation(Chap-
genes(-12% of all genes)encoderegulatoryproteins,in- ter 26). The rate at which an mRNA is translatedinto a
cludinga variety of receptors,regr.rlators of gene expres- protein by ribosomes(Fig. l5_2, @) is also regulated,
sion,and morethan 500differentprotein kinases!In many and dependson severalfactors describedin detail in
cases,the regulatorymechanismsoverlap:one erz5.'rne is Chapter27.Note that ann-fold increasein an mRNAdoes
subjectto regulationby severaldifferentmechanisms. not alwaysmeanan z-fold increasein its protein product'

j72- P r i n c i p loefsM e t a b oR
l i ce g u l a t i o n

Protein degradation
mRNe translation on ribosome (ubiquitin; proteasome)

FIGURE15-2 Factorsaffectingtheactivityof enzymes. Thetotalactiviry through@), or by modulatingthe activityof existingmolecules(@

of an enzyme canbe changed by alteringthenumberof itsmolecules through @), asdetailedin the text.An enzymemay be influencedby
in the cell,or iIs effective
activityin a subcellular
compartment (@ a combinationof suchfactors.

Once synthesized, protein molecules have a finite Yet another way to alter the elfectzueactivity of an
lifetime, which may range from minutes to many enzymeis to sequesterthe enz}rmeand its substratein
days (Table_15-1). The rate of protein degradation different compartments(Fig. I5-2, @).In muscle,for
(Fig. 15-2, @; Aiffers from one enz).rne to another and example,hexokinasecannot act on glucoseuntil the
depends on the conditions in the cell. Some proteins are sugarentersthe myocytefrom the blood, and the rate at
tagged by the covalent attachment of ubiquitin for which it entersdependson the activityof glucosetrans-
degradation in proteasomes, as discussed in Chapter 2g porters (see Table 11-3) in the plasma membrane.
(see, for example, the case of cyclin, in Fig. 12_46). Within cells,membrane-bounded compartmentssegre-
Rapid turnover (s;,nthesis followed by degradation) is gate certain enzymesand enzyme systems,and the
energetically expensive, but proteins with a short half_ transport of substrateacrossthese intracellularmem-
life can reach new steady state levels much faster than branesmay be the limiting factor in enzlirneaction.
those with a long half-life, and the beneflt of this quick By these severalmechanismsfor regulatingenz),Tne
responsiveness must balance or outweigh the cost to level, cells can dramaticallychangetheir complementof
the cell. en4,.rnesin responseto changesin metabolic circum-
stances.In vertebrates,liver is the most adaptabletis-
sue; a changefrom a high-carbohydrateto high-lipid
diet, for example,affects the transcription of hundreds
of genesand thus the levels of hundreds of proteins.
fissue Half-life (days) Theseglobal changesin gene expressioncan be quanti-
Liver 0.9 fled by the use of DNA microarrays (seeFig. g-22) that
Kidney I7
display the entire complement of mRNAs present in a
given cell type or organ (the transcriptome) or by two-
Heart 4.7 dimensionalgel electrophoresis(see Fig. B-21) that
Brain 4.6 displaysthe protein complementof a cell type or organ
Muscle t0.7 (its proteome). Both techniquesoffer great insights
into metabolic regulation. The effect of changesin the
M e t a b oP
R e g u l a t ioof n l i ca t h w a ylst t {

proteome is often a change in the total ensemble of low

molecular weight metabolites, the metabolome.
Once the regulatory mechanisms that involve pro-
tein synthesis and degradation have produced a certain
number of molecules of each enzyme in a cell, the
activity of those enz).rnes can be further regulated in Requiredchangein [S]
several other ways: by the concentration of substrate, Hill coeffieient to increase76from
the presence of allosteric effectors, covalent modiflca- (nn) l0o/otog0%V^n*
tions, or binding of regulatory proteins-all of whrch can
0.5 x6,600
change the activity of an individual enz;rme molecule
(Fig. l5-2, @ to @). 1.0 x81
All enzymes are sensitive to the concentration of 2.0 X9
their substrate(s) (Fig l5-2,@). Recall that in the sim- 3.0 x4.3
plest case (an enzyme that follows Michaelis-Menten ki- 4.0 X3
netics), the initial rate of the reaction is half-maximal
when the substrate is present at a concentration equal
to K- (that is, when the enz;'rne is half-saturated with to sigmoidkinetics,or vice versa (see Fig. 15-14b,for
substrate). Activity drops off at lower [S], and when [S] example).In the steepestpart of the sigmoidcurve, a
11 K^, the reaction rate is linearly dependent on [S].
small changein the concentrationof substrate,or of
This is important because intracellular concentrations allostericeffector,can have a large impact on reaction
of substrate are often in the same range as, or lower rate.Recallfrom Chapter5 (p. 164)that the cooperativ-
than, K-. The activity of hexokinase, for example, ity of an allostericenzymecan be expressedas a Hill
changeswith [glucose],and intracellular [glucose]varies coefficient,with higher coefficientsmeaning greater
with the concentration of glucose in the blood. As we
cooperativity.For an allosteric enzyme with a Hill
will see, the different forms (isozymes) of hexokinase coefflcientof 4, actiletyincreasesfrom 10%o V^u*to 90o/o
have different K- values and are therefore differently I/.,u, with only a 3-fold increasein [S], comparedwith
affected by changes in intracellular [glucose], in ways the 81-fold rise in [S] needed by an enzymewrth no
that make sense physiologically. cooperativeeffects(Hill coefflcientof l; Table15-2).
Covalentmodificationsof enz;.'mesor other proteins
15-1 Activityof
aGlucose (Fig. 15-2,@) occurwithin secondsor minutesof a reg-
Transporter ulatory si.gnal,fupicallyan extracellttlarsignal.By far the
If K, (the equivalentof K-) for the glucosetransporter most commonmodiflcationsare phosphorylationand de-
in liver (GLUT2) is 40 mlt, calculate the effect on the phosphorylation(Fig. f 5-3); up to half the proteinsin a
rate of glucoseflux into a hepatocyteof increasingthe eukaryotic cell are phosphorylatedunder somecircum-
bloodglucoseconcentrationfrom 3 mu to 10 mu. stances.Phosphorylationby a specific protein kinase
may alter the electrostaticfeaturesof an enz}rme'sactive
Solution:We use Equation11-1 (p. 393) to find the ini- site, causemovementof an inhibitory region of the en-
tial velocity (flux) of glucoseuptake. in-
z;.'rneprotein out of the active site, alter the enz}.'rne's
V-.*[SJo16 teraction wrth other proteins,or force conformational
- changesthat translate into changesin 7^u* or K-. For
"o K, I [sL*
At 3 mu glucose Protein
Vo : V-"* (3 mu)/(40 mlr + 3 mttl)
' Ser/Ihr/Iyr;OH
: V-., (3 mrt/43 mu) : 0.07V-.*

At 10 mvt glucose

Vo: V^u' (10 mn'l)/(40mn + 10 mu)

: V-^* (10 mu/50 mu) : 0.20V-"*

So a rise in blood glucose from 3 mlt to 10 mM increases

the rate ofglucose influx into a hepatocyte by a factor of
0 . 2 0 / 0 . :037 o-
FIGURE 15-3 Protein phosphorylationand dephosphorylation. Pro-
Enzy'rneactivity canbe either ircreasedor decreased tein kinasestransfera phosphorylgroupfrom ATPto a Ser,Thr,orTyr
by an allostericeffector (Fig. 15-2, @; se" Fig. 6-34). residuein an enzymeor otherproteinsubstrate.Proteinphosphatases
Allosteric effectorstypically convert hyperbolickinetics removethe phosphorylgrouPas P;.
l:,1 P r i n r i p loefsM e t a b oR
l i ce g u l a t i o n

covalentmodi-flcationto be useful in regulation,the cell changesin the net rate, and can even changethe direc-
must be able to restorethe altered enzyrneto its original tion of the net flow We can identify these near-equilib-
activity state.A family of phosphoproteinphosphatases, rium reactionsin a cell by comparingthe mass action
at least someof which are themselvesunder regulation, ratio, @,with the equilibrium constantfor the reaction,
catalyzesthe dephosphorylation of proteins. K!o. Recallthat for the reaction A + B -+ C * D, Q :
Finally, many enzyrnesare regulatedby association tcltDl/tAltBl.WhenI andKlo are within I to 2 ordersof
with and dissociationfrom another,regulatoryprotein magnitudeof eachother,the reactionis near equil_rbrium.
(Fig. 15-2,@;. f'or example,the cyclicAMP-dependent This is the casefor 6 of the 10 stepsin the glycolS,'tic
protein kinase(PKA; seeFig. 12-6) is inactiveuntil cAMP way (Table15-3).
binding separatescataly'ticfrom regulatory subunits. Other reactions are far from equilibrium in the
These several mechanismsfor altering the flux cell. For example,K'.o for the phosphofructokinase-l
through a step in a metabolicpathway are not mutually (PFK-1) reactionis about 1,000,but Q ([fructose 1,6-
exclusive.It is very corrunonfor a single enz;rmeto be bisphosphatel[ADP]/[fructose 6-phosphate][ATP]) in a
regulatedat the level of transcriptionand by both al- hepatocytein the steadystateis about0.1 (Table15-3).
losteric and covalent mechanisms.The combination It is becausethe reaction is so far from equilibrium that
providesfast, smooth,effectiveregulationin response the processis exergonicunder cellularconditionsand
to a very wide array of perturbationsand signals. tendsto go in the forwarddirection.The reactionis held
In the discussionsthat follow,it is usefirlto think of far from equilibrium because,under prevailing cellular
changesin enzl'rnatic activity as serving two distinct conditionsof substrate,product, and effector concen-
though complementaryroles.Weusethe term metabolic trations,the rate of conversionof fructose6-phosphate
regulation to refer to processesthat serveto mamtarn to fructose1,6-bisphosphate is limited by the activity of
homeostasis at the molecularlevel-to hold somecellular PFK-1,which is itself limited by the number of PFK-1
parameter(concentrationof a metabolite,for example)at moleculespresentand by the actionsof allostericeffec-
a steadyIevel over time, even as the flow of metabolites tors. Thus the net forward rate of the enzyme-catalyzed
through the pathwaychanges.The term metabolic con- reaction is equalto the net flow of glycoly-ticintermedi-
trol refers to a processthat ieadsto a changein the out- atesthrough other stepsin the pathway,and the reverse
put of a metabolicpathwayovertime, in responseto some flow throughPFK-1remainsnearzero.
outside signal or changein circumstances.The distinc- The cell cannot allow reactionswith large equilib-
tion, althoughuseful,is not alwayseasyto make. rium constantsto reachequilibrium.If [fructose6-phos-
phatel, [ATP],and [ADP]in the cell were held at typical
Are levels (low millimolar concentrations)and the PFK-1re-
(ommonPointsofRegulation action were allowedto reach equilibrium by an increase
in [fructose 1,6-bisphosphate], the concentration of
For some steps in a metabolicpathway the reaction is fructose 1,6-bisphosphate would rise into the molar
closeto equilibrium,with the cell in its dynamic steady range,wreakingosmotichavocon the cell. Consideran-
state (Fig. 154). The net flow of metabolitesthrough other case:if the reaction ATP -+ ADP * P, were al-
these steps is the small differencebetweenthe rates of lowed to approachequiiibrium in the cell, the actual
the forward and reverse reactions, rates that are very free-energychange (AG') for that reaction (AGo; see
similarwhen a reactionis near equilibrium.Smallchanges Worked Example I3-2, p. 503) would approachzero,
in substrateor product concentrationcan produce large and ATP would lose the high phosphorylgroup transfer
potential that makesit valuableto the cell. It is therefore
essentialthat enzS,.rnes catalyzingATP breakdown and
o@@ other highly exergonicreactionsin a cell be sensitiveto
y: 10.01 v : 200 y: 500 regulation, so that when metabolic changesare forced
by externalcircumstances, the flow through these en-
v=0.01 v=190 V=490
zymeswill be adjustedto ensurethat [ATP] remainsfar
net rate: 10 10 10 above its equilibrium level. When such metabolic
FIGURE 15-4 Near-equilibriumand nonequilibriumstepsin a meta- changesoccur, the activities of enz;rmesin all intercon-
bolicpathway. Steps@ and@ of thispathwayarenearequilibriumin
nectedpathwaysadjustto keepthesecriticalstepsaway
the cell; for each step,the rate(V) of the forwardreactionis only from equilibrium. Thus, not surprisingly,many enzlnnes
slightlygreaterthan the reverserate,so the netforwardrate(10) is rel- (such as PFK-I) that catalyzehighly exergonic reac-
ativelylow and the free-energy change,AC,, is closeto zero.An in- tions are subject to a variety of subtle regulatory mech-
creasein [C] or [D] can reversethe directionof thesestepsStep@ is anisms.The multiplicity of theseadjustmentsis so great
maintained in the cell far fromequilibrium;itsforwardrategreatlyex- that we cannot predict by examiningthe properties of
ceedsits reverserate.The net rateof stepO ftO) is much largerthan any one enzyrnein a pathway whether that enzymehas
the reverserate(0 01) and is identicalto the net ratesof steps@and@ a strong influence on net flow through the entire path-
when the pathwayis operatingin the steadystate.Step@ hasa large, way.This complexproblem can be approachedby meta-
neeativeAC' bolic controlanalysis,as describedin Section15.2.
M e t a b oP
15 . 1R e g u l a t ioofn
l i ca t h w a yLs ) / ) l

ne&r AG'
Massactionratio,0 equilibrium LG'" (kJ/tnol)
Enzyme KLs Liver IIeart in vivo?* (kJ/mol) in heart

Hexokinase 1x103 2 x l0-2 8 x 10-2 No _1t7 -27

PFK-1 1 . 0x 1 0 3 g x 10-2 3 x 10-2 No 1l -

Aldolase 1 . 0x 1 0 - 4 1 . 2x 1 0 - 6 g x 10-6 Yes LDA -6.0

Tliose phosphateisomerase 4 x 1.0*2 2.4 x l0*r Yes +7.5 +3.8
phosphoglyceratekinase 2x103 6x102 9.0 Yes -13 f it.D

Phosphoglyceratemutase 1 x 10-1 1 x 10-1 1 . 2x 1 0 - 1 Yes LAA +0.6

Enolase 2.9 1.4 Yes -6.d -0.5
Pyruvatekinase 2xr04 7 x 10-1 40 No _DI -17
isomerase 4 x 10-r 3 . 1x 1 0 - 1 2.4 x r}-L Yes Ta.a
+ PEP carboxykinase 7 1 x 10-3 No -D.U -23
Glucose6-phosphatase 8 . 5x 1 0 2 1.2 x r02 Yes -17 -D.U

Source:K:qandQ fromNewsholme, E.A.& Start,C.(1973)Regulationin Metabolism,WtleyPress,NewYork, fromthesedata.

pp.97,263.AG' andAG'' werecalculated
forwhichtheabsolutevalueof thecalculated nearequilibrium.
AG' is lessthan6 is considered

Play Roles
Special in determinesthe magnitudeand sign of AG' and therefore
Regulation the drivingforce,AG', of the reaction:
After the protection of its DNA from damage,perhaps AG':AG'"+ft?ln
nothing is more important to a cell than maintaininga lATPllglucosel
constant supply and concentrationof ATP. Many ATP- Becausean alteration of this driving force profoundly
using enzyrneshave K* values between 0.1 and I mrr,t, influences every reaction that involves ATP, organ-
and the ATP concentrationin a typical cell is about5 mtr,l. isms have evolved under strong pressure to develop
If [ATP]were to drop significantly,these enzyrneswould regulatorymechanismsresponsiveto the IATPI/tADPl
be lessthan fully saturatedby their substrate(ATP), and ratio.
the rates of hundreds of reactions that involve ATP AMP concentration is an even more sensitiveindi-
woulddecrease(FiS. f 5-5); the cellwouldprobablynot cator of a cell'senergeticstate than is [ATP].Normally
survivethis ki,netzceffect on so many reactions.
There is also an important thermodynamzc effect
of lowered tATPl. BecauseATP is convertedto ADP !1
or AMP when "spent" to accomplish cellular work, d

the [ATP]/[ADP]ratio profoundly affects all reactions h

that employ these cofactors. (The same is true for h

other important cofactors,such as NADH/NAD* and

NADPHI\TADP*.)For example,considerthe reaction
catalyzedby hexokinase:
ATP + glucose-----+ADP f glucoseG-phosphate

IADPI 6-phosphatel
KLq "nlglucose "o : 2 x 1 0 3
Note that this expressionholds true only when reac-
AIP concentration [mu]
tants and products are at their equi,Li,bri,umconcentra-
tions,where LG' : 0. At any other set of concentrations, FIGURE 15-5 Effectof ATPconcentrationon the initial velocityof a
AG' is not zero.Recall(from Chapter13) that the ratio typicalATP-dependent enzyme.Theseexperimental datayield a K- for
of products to substrates(the mass action ratio, Q) ATPof 5 mv. Theconcentrationof ATPin animaltissuesis -5 mtt.
EZt- P r i n c i p loefsM e t a b oR
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before Concentrationafter
Adenine ATP depletion ATP depletion
nueleotide (ntu) (mu) Relativechange
ATP 5.0 4.5 I0o/o
ADP 1.0 1.0 0
AMP 0.1 0.6 600o/o

cells have a far higher concentration of ATP (5 to by a reducednutrient supply or by increasedexercise.

10 mu) than of AMP (<0.1 mtr). When sorrreprocess The actionof AMPK (not to be confusedwith the cycli,c
(say,musclecontraction) consumesATP,AMP is pro- AMP-dependentprotein kinase;see Section 15.5) in-
duced in two steps.First, hydrolysisof ATP produces creasesglucosetransport and activatesglycolysisand
ADP,then the reaction catalyzedbyadenylate kinase fatty acid oxidation,while suppressingenergy-requiring
producesAMP: processessuch as the synthesisof fatty acids,choles-
terol, and protein (Fig. f 5-6). We discussAMPK fur-
2ADP ------+
AMp + ATp
ther, and the detailed mechanismsby which it effects
If ATP is consumedsuch that its concentrationdrops thesechanges,in Chapter23.
10%, the reLatiue increasein [AMP] is much greater In addition to ATP,hundreds of metabolicinterme-
than that of [ADP] (Table I5-4).It is not surprising, diates also must be present at appropriateconcentra-
therefore,that many regulatoryprocessesare keyed to tions in the cell.To takejust one example:the glycolytic
changesin [AMP].Probablythe most importantmedia- intermediates dihydroxyacetone phosphate and 3-
tor of regulation by AMP is AMP-activated protein phosphoglycerate are precursorsof triacylglycerolsand
kinase (AMPK), which responds to an increase in serine,respectivelyWhen these products are needed,
[AMP] by phosphorylatingkey proteinsand thus regu- the rate of glycolysismust be adjustedto providethem
lating their activities.The rise in [AMP]may be caused without reducing the glycolytic production of ATP.The

Brain r IAMP]
adiponectin Exercise

Skeletal muscle


lFood intake Fatty acid uptake, oxidation

Heart Mitochondrial biogenesis

Pancreatic B cell


Fatty acid oxidation


Fatty acid synthesis

Cholesterol svnthesis

FIGURE15-6 Roleof AMP-activated proteinkinase(AMpK)in carbo- varietyof tissuesawayfrom energy-consuming processes suchas the
hydrateand fat metabolism.AMPK is activatedby elevated[AMp] or synthesisof glycogen, fattyacids,andcholesterol;shiftsmetabolism in
decreasedIATPI,by exercise,by the sympatheticnervcrus sysrem extrahepatic tissuesto the use of fatty acidsas a fuel; and triggers
or by peptidehormones producedin adiposetissue(leptinand gluconeogenesis in the Iiverto provideglucosefor the brain In the
describedin moredetailin Chapter23).Whenactivated, hypothalamus, AMPK stimulates feedingbehaviorto providemore
AMPK phosphorylates targetproteinsand shiftsmetabolismin a dietaryfuel.
15.2Analysis Control
ofMetabolic frrr)

sameis true for maintaining the levels of other impor- In multistepprocessessuchas glycolysis,certain
tant cofactors,such as NADH and NADPH:changesin reactionsare essentiallyat equilibrium in the
their massaction ratios (that is, in the ratio of reduced steadystate;the ratesofthese reactionsrise and
to oxidized cofactor) haveglobal effects on metabolism. fall with substrateconcentration.Other reactions
Of course, priorities at the organi,smaLlevel have are far from equilibrium;these stepsare typically
also driven the evolution of regulatory mechanisms,In the points of regulationof the overallpathway.
mammals,the brain has virtually no stored source of Regulatorymechanismsmaintain nearly constant
energy,dependinginstead on a constant supply of glu- levels of key metabolitessuch as ATP and NADH in
cosefrom the blood.If bloodglucosedropsfrom its nor- cells and glucosein the blood, while matchingthe
mal concentrationof 4 to 5 mv to half that level, mental use or productionof glucoseto the organism's
confusionresults,and a fivefoldreductionin blood glu- changingneeds.
cose can lead to coma and death. To buffer against
changesin blood glucoseconcentration,releaseof the The levelsof ATP and AMP are a sensitive
hormonesinsulin and glucagon,elicited by high or low reflection of a cell'senergystatus,and when the
blood glucose,respectively,triggersmetabolicchanges [ATP]/[AMP]ratio decreases, the AMP-activated
protein kinase (AMPK) triggers a variety of cellular
that tend to return the blood glucoseconcentrationto
normal. responsesto raise[ATP]and lower [AMP].
Other selectivepressuresmust also have operated
throughout evolution, selecting for regulatory mecha- "15,2Analysis Control
nismsthat accomplishthe following:
Detailed studies of metabolic
1. Maxrmizethe efficiencyof fuel utilization by regulation were not feasible
preventingthe simultaneousoperation of pathways until the basic chemical steps
in oppositedirections(suchasglycolysisand in a pathwayhad been clarified
gluconeogenesis). and the responsibleenzymes
2. Partitionmetabolitesappropriatelybetween characterized.Beginning with
alternativepathways(such as glycolysisand the Eduard Buchner's discovery
pentosephosphatepathway). (c. 1900) that an extract of
broken yeast cells could con-
3. Draw on the fuel best suitedfor the immediate
vert glucose to ethanol and
needsof the organism(glucose,fatty acids,
CO2, a major thrust of bio-
glycogen,or aminoacids).
chemicalresearchwas to de-
4. Slow down biosyrrtheticpathwayswhen their EduardBuchner, duce the steps by which this
productsaccumulate. 1860-1917 transformation occurred and
The remaining chapters of this book present many ex- to purify and characterizethe enzyrnesthat catalyzed
amplesof eachkind of regulatorymechanism. eachstep. By the middle of the twentieth century,all 10
enz).rnesof the glycolytic pathway had been purified
and characterized.In the next 50 years much was
S U M M A R1Y5 . 1 R e g u l a t i o on f learned about the regulation of these enzyrnesby intra-
M e t a b o l i cP a t h w a y s cellular and extracellular signals,through the kinds of
r In a metabolically active cell in a steady state, allosteric and covalentmechanismsdescribedin this
intermediates are formed and consumed at equal chapter. The conventionalwisdom was that in a linear
pathway such as glycolysis,catalysisby one enzyme
rates. When a transient perturbation alters the rate
of formation or consumption of a metabolite, must be the slowestand must therefore determine the
compensating changes in enz;.rne activities return rate of metaboliteflow, or flux, through the whole path-
the system to the steady state. way. For glycolysis,PFK-I was consideredthe rate-lim-
iting enzyme, because it was known to be closely
r Cells regulate their metabolism by a variety of regulatedby fructose 2,6-bisphosphateand other al-
mechanisms over a time scale ranging from less Iostericeffectors.
than a millisecond to days, either by changing the With the advent of genetic engineeringtechnology,
activity of existing enzyrne molecules or by it becamepossibleto test this "single rate-determining
changing the number of molecules 6f 3 snonifie step" hypothesisby increasingthe concentrationof the
enzyme. enz).rnelhat catalyzesthe "rate-limiting step" in a path-
r Various signals activate or inactivate transcription way and determiningwhether flux through the pathway
factors, which act in the nucleus to regulate gene increasesproportionally.Most often it doesnot; the sim-
expression. Changesin the transcriptome Iead to ple solution (a singlerate-determiningstep) is wrong. It
changes in the proteome, and ultimately in the hasnow becomeclear that in most pathwaysthe control
metabolome of a cell or tissue. of flux is distributed among several enzyrnes,and the
578 Principles

extent to which each contributes to the control varies When increasing amounts of purified hexokinase IV
with metaboliccircumstances-the supplyof the start- (glucokinase) were added to the extract, the rate ofgly-
ing material (say,glucose),the supply of oxygen,the colysis progressively increased. The addition of purrfied
need for other productsderivedfrom intermediatesof PFK-1 to the extract also increased the rate of glycoly-
the pathway (say,glucose6-phosphatefor the pentose sis, but not as dramatically as did hexokinase. Purifled
phosphatepathway in cells synthesizinglarge amounts phosphohexose isomerasewas without effect. These re-
of nucleotides),the effectsof metaboliteswith regula- sults suggest that hexokinase and PFK-I both con-
tory roles, and the hormonal status of the organism tribute to setting the flux through the pathway
(such as the levels of insulin and glucagon),among (hexokinase more than PFK-l), and that phosphohex-
other factors. ose isomerase does not.
Why are we interested in what limits the flux Similar experiments can be done on intact cells or
through a pathway?To understandthe action of hor- organisms, using specific inhibitors or activators to
monesor drugs,or the pathologythat resultsfrom a fail- change the activity of one enzyrne while observing the
ure of metabolic regulation, we must know where effect on flux through the pathway. The amount of an
control is exercised.If researcherswish to developa enz).rne can also be altered genetically; bioengineering
drug that stimulates or inhibits a pathway, the Iogical can produce a cell that makes extra copies of the enz}.'rne
target is the enz;.'rnethat has the greatestimpact on the under investigation or has a version of the enzyrne that is
flux through that pathway.And the bioengineeringof a less active than the normal enzyrne. Increasing the
microorganismto overproducea product of commercial concentration of an enzyrne genetically sometimes has
vaiue (p. 312) requiresa knowledgeof what limits the significant effects on flux; sometimes it has no effect.
flux of metabolitestowardthat product. Three critical parameters, which together describe
the responsivenessof a pathway to changesin metabolic
a circumstances, Iie at the center of metabolic eontrol
Measurable analysis. We turn now to a qualitative description of
these parameters and their meaning in the context of a
There are several ways to determine experimentally living cell. Box 15-1 pror,rdes a more rigorous quantita-
how a change in the activity of one enz).me in a pathway tive discussion.
affects metabolite flux through that pathway. Consider
the experimental results shown in Figure 15-7. When a
(oefficient theEffect
Quantifies ofaChangein
sample of rat liver was homogenized to release all solu-
ble enz5,'mes,the extract carried out the glycolytic con-
Flux through
a Pathway
version of glucose to fructose 1,6-bisphosphateat a Quantitative data on metabolic flux, obtained as de-
measurable rate. (This experiment, for simplicity, fo- scribed in Figure 15-7, can be used to calculatea flux
cused on just the first part of the glycolytic pathway.) control coefficient, C, for each enzyrnein a pathway.
This coefficientexpressesthe relative contribution of
0.10 each enz;.rneto setting the rate at which metabolites
flow through the pathway-that is, the flux, J. C can
have any value from 0.0 (for an enz).rnewith no impact
0.08 on the flux) to 1.0 (for an enzyrnethat wholly determines
the flux). An enzyrnecan also have a negatiue flux con-
trol coefficient.In a branchedpathway,an enzyrnein one
0.06 branch, by drawing intermediatesaway from the other
branch, can have a negativeimpact on the flux through
that otherbranch(Fig. f5-8). C is not a constant,andit
6 004 E
c4: -o.2ll
Cr : 0.3 Cz:0.0 C : r: 0 . 9
0.00' tIGURE15-8 Flux control coefficient,C, in a branchedmetabolic
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Enzymeadded(arbitrary units) pathway,In thissimplepathway,the intermediate B hastwo alternative
fates.To the extentthat reactionB --+EdrawsB awayfrom the pathway
FI6URE15-7 Dependence of glycolyticflux in a rat liver homogenate A + D, it controlsthat pathway,which will resultin a negativellux
on addedenzymes.Purifiedenzymesin the amountsshownon the x controlcoefficientfor the enzymethat catalyzesstepB --+E.Notethat
axiswereaddedto an extractof livercarryingout glycolysis in vitro. the sum of all four coefficientsequals1 0, as it mustfor any defined
in flux throughthe pathwayis shownon the y axls. svstemof enzvmes.
A n a l y s i s o f M e t a b o l i cFC
t tol n t r o l

The factors that influence the flow of intermediates .)

(flux) through a pathwaymay be determinedquantita- y -:t::- S,- /-er!'.t"1-y jgf-* So.-*r!!!t!st--- Z
4'"" \
tively by experimentand expressedin terms usefulfor
predicting the change in flux when some factor in- tIGURE
1 Fluxthrougha hypothetical pathway
volvedin the pathwaychanges.Considerthe simplere-
actron sequencein Figure 1, in which a substrate X This equation suggestsa simple graphical means for
(say,glucose)is convertedin severalstepsto a prod- determining the flux control coefficient: Ct';93is tfre
uct Z (perhapspyruvate,formedglycolytically).An en- slope of the tangent to the plot of ln Jya1versus ln
zyme late in the pathway is a dehydrogenase(ydh) .O"u.",which can be obtainedby replotting the experi-
that acts on substrateY. Becausethe action of a dehy- mental data in Figure 2a to obtain Figure 2b. Notice
drogenaseis easilymeasured(seeFig. lB-24), we can that C{#Eis not a constant;it dependson the starting
use the flux (J) through this step (JvarJto measure .O*u."from which the change in enzyme level takes
the flux through the wholepath. We manipulateexper- place. For the casesshown in Figure 2, Ct"X#is about
imentally the level of an early enzyme in the pathway 1.0at the lowest.E"""",but only about 0.2 at high.O*r"".
(xase,which acts on the substrateX) and measurethe A valuenear 1.0for CIXBE meansthat the enzyme'scon-
flux through the path (JvorJ for several levels of the centration wholly determines the flux through the
enzymexase. pathway;a valuenear 0.0meansthat the enzyme'scon-
The relationship between the flux through the centrationdoesnot limit the flux through the path. Un-
pathwayfrom X to Z in the intact cell and the concen- less the flux control coefficient is greater than about
tration of each enzymein the path should be hyper- 0.5, changesin the activity of the enzlirnewill not have
bolic, with virtually no flux at infinitely low enzyme a strong effect on the flux.
activity and near-maximumflux at very high enzyme The elasticity, e, of an enz).Tneis a measureof how
activity. In a plot of Jya1againstthe concentrationof that enz;.'rne'scataly'ticactivity changeswhen the con-
xase,Errr", the changein flux with a small changein centrationof a metabolite-substrate,product,or effec-
enzymelevel is AJydhfAExase, which is simply the slope tor-changes. It is obtained from an experimentalplot
of the tangent to the curve at any concentrationof en- of the rate of the reaction catalyzedby the enzymever-
zyme,E*^"., and which tends toward zero at saturating sus the concentrationof the metabolite,at metabolite
.o*ase.At low ,E*u.",the slope is steep; the flux in- concentrationsthat prevail in the cell. By arguments
creaseswith eachincrementalincreasein enzymeac- analogous to thoseusedto deriveC, we canshowe to be
tivity. At very high .O*u.",the slope is much smaller; the slopeof the tangentto a plot of ln Z versusIn [sub-
the systemis lessresponsiveto addedxasebecauseit strate,or product,or effector]:
is alreadypresentin excessover the other enzymesrn
dv*u".. s
the pathway. e.s___:
aS y*
To show quantitatively the dependence of flux
through the pathway,dJyor,,on dE"u.",we could use _ d ln iV""".l
the ratio 0Jy4n/dE*u"u. However, its usefulness is dlnS
limited becauseits value dependson the units used to
expressflux and enzyme activity. By expressingthe For an enzyme with typical Michaelis-Mentenkine-
tics, the value of e rangesfrom about 1 at substrate
JractzonaL changes in flux and enzyme activity,
dJy6n/Jyon, and \E*u""fE*u"e,w€ obtain a unitless ex- concentrationsfar below K^ to near 0 as 7*u* is ap-
pressionfor the flux control coeffieient, C, in this proached. Allosteric enzJ,rynes can have elasticities
caseC{5gi: greater than 1.0, but not larger than their Hill coeffi-
cient (p. 164).
Finally,the effect of controllersoutsidethe pathway
c*as - $q/gtt" i'r\
" J"an / E*u". itself (that is, not metabolites)canbe measuredand ex-
pressedas the response coefficient, R. The changein
This canbe rearrangedto flux through the pathwayis measuredfor changesin the
concentration of the controlling parameterP, and .R is
- g*'+*
" dE*.". J"ar,
definedin a form analogousto that ofEquation 1, yield-
ing the expression
which is mathematically identical to
(contznued on nert page)
580 P r i n c i pol ef M
s e t a b oRl i ec g u l a t i o n



Concentration of enzyme, E*u"" In E*u""

FIGURE 2 Theflux controlcoefficient. (a)Typicalvariation of the pathwayflux,/161,measured by the

at the stepcatalyzed
enzymeydh,asa functionofthe amountofthe enzymexase,f"",., whichcatalyzes an earlierstepin the pathway.Theflux
andthe ratio(scalingfacto0el
controlcoefficientat (el ) is the slopeof the productof the tangentto the curve,0lr6tnl6E*a5s,
(b) On a double-logarithmic plotof thesamecurve,the flux controlcoefficient isthe slopeof thetangentto thecurve.

Using the same logic and graphicai methods as de- Thus the responsiveness of eachenzyrnein a pathwayto
scribedabovefor determiningC, we can obtainfi as the a changein an outsidecontrollingfactor is a simplefunc-
slopeof the tangentto the plot of ln J versusln P. tion of two things: the control coefflcient,a variablethat
The three coefficientswe have describedare re- expressesthe extent to which that enzlrne influences
lated in this simpleway: the flux under a given set of conditions,and the elastic-
ity, an intrinsic property of the enz;rne that reflects its
sensitiutvto substrateand effectorconcentrations.

is not intrinsicto a singleenzi,me;it rs a functionof the Michaelis-Menten kinetics shows a hyperbolic response
whole systemof enzJ,'mes, and its vaiue dependson the to increasing substrate concentration (Fig. 15-9). At
concentrations of substratesand effectors.
Whenreal datafrom the experi.ment on glycolysisin
a rat Iiver extract (Fig. i5-7) were subjectedto this kind V-"" -
of analysis,investigatorsfound flux control coefflcients
(for en4.'rnes at the concentrations foundin the extract)
of 0.79for hexokinase, 0.21for PFK-I, and 0.0for phos-
phohexoseisomerase.It is not just fortuitousthat these
valuesadd up to 1.0;we can showthat for any complete
pathway, the sum of the flux control coefficientsmust

TheElasticity lsRel*ted
{*effreiesrt tnanHn;yrne's
t{.} iruMetabolite
{haffifies nr K^ tsl
FIGURI15-9 Elasticitycoefficient,e, of an enzymewith typical
A second parameter, the elasticity coefficient, €, ex- Michaelis-Menten kinetics.At substrateconcentrationsfar below the
presses quantitatively the responsiveness of a single K-, eachincrease in [S]producesa correspondingly largeincrease in
enzyme to changes in the concentration of a metabolite the reactionvelocity,v Forthisregionof the curve,theenzymehasan
or regulator; it is a function of the enzyme's intrinsic ki- s of about1.0.At tsl ) K-, increasing [SJhaslittleeffecton v; s here
netic properties. For exampie, an enzyme with typical i s c l o s et o 0 . 0 .
A n a l y s i s o f M e t a b o l i cI sCgornI t r o l

Iow concentrationsof substrate(say,0.1 K-) each in- PFK-1 fivefold led to a changein flux through glycolysis
crementin substrateconcentrationresultsin a compa- of lessthan 10%,suggestingthat the real role of PFK-I
rable increasein enz;.'rnaticactivity, yielding an a near regulationis not to control flux through glycolysisbut to
1.0.At relativelyhigh substrateconcentrations(say,10 mediate metabolite homeostasis-to prevent large
K-), increasingthe substrateconcentrationhas little changesin metabolite concentrationswhen the flux
effect on the reaction rate, becausethe enzymeis al- through glycolysisincreasesin responseto elevated
ready saturatedwith substrate.The elasticity in this blood glucoseor insulin. Recallthat the study of glyco-
caseapproacheszero.For allostericenzymesthat show lysis in a liver extract (Fig. 15-7) alsoyielded a flux con-
positivecooperativity,e may exceed1.0,but it cannot trol coefficient that contradicted the conventional
exceedthe Hill coefflcient,which is typically between wrsdom;it showedthat hexokinase,not PFK-I, is most
1.0and4.0. influential in setting the flux through glycolysis. We
must note here that a liver extract is far from equivalent
ofan to a hepatoclte; the ideal way to study flux control is by
a Pathway manipulatingone en4/rneat a time in the living cell. This
is alreadyfeasiblein many cases.
We can also derive a quantitative expression for the rel- Investigatorshave used nuclear magneticresonance
ative impact of an outside factor (such as a hormone or (NMR) as a noninvasivemeansto determinethe concen-
growth factor), which is neither a metabolite nor an en-
tration of glycogenand metabolitesin the flve-steppath-
z;'rne in the pathway, on the flux through the pathway. way from glucosein the blood to $ycogen in myocytes
The experiment would measure the flux through the (Fig. 15-f0) in rat and human muscle.They found that
pathway (glycolysis, in this case) at various levels of the the flux control coefflcient for $ycogen syrthase was
parameter P (the insulin concentration, for example) to smallerthan that for the steps catalyzedby the $ucose
obtain the response coefficient, R, which expresses transporter and hexokinase.(We discussglycogens1n-
the change in pathway flux when P ([insulin]) changes. thase and other en4.'rnesof glycogen metabolism in
The three coefflcients C, e, and .R are related in a Sections15.4and 15.5.)This finding contradictsthe con-
simple way: the responsiveness (l?) of a pathway to an ventionalwisdom that $ycogen slmthaseis the locus of
outside factor that affects a certain enz).rne is a function flux controland suggeststhat the importanceof the phos-
of (1) how sensitive the pathway is to changesin the ac- phorylatiorVdephosphorylation of glycogen s;mthaseis
tivity ofthat enz).rne (the control coefflcient, C) and (2) related rnsteadto the maintenanceof metabolitehome-
how sensitive that speciflc enzyme is to changes in the ostasis-that is,regulation, not control. TWometabolites
outside controlling factor (the elasticity, e): in this pathway,glucoseand $ucose 6-phosphate,are key
R:C.E intermediatesin other pathways,including$ycolysis,the

Each enzyme in the pathway can be examined in this

way, and the effects of any of several outside factors on
flux through the pathway can be separately determined. Plasma Myocyte
Thus, in principle, we can predict how the flux of sub-
strate through a series of enz;'rnatic steps will change
when there is a change in one or more controlling fac-
tors external to the pathway. Box 15-1 shows howthese
qualitative concepts are treated quantitatively.
Metaboliccontrol analysisprovides a framework within
which we can think quantitatively about regulation, in-
terpret the significanceof the regulatory properties of
each en4rme in a pathway,identifii the steps that most
affect the flux through the pathway,and distinguishbe-

tween regulatory mechanismsthat act to maintain . lgly"og"t

metaboliteconcentrations and controLmechanisms that Jsvnthase

actually alter the flux through the pathway.Analysis of Glycogen
the glycolytic pathway in yeast, for example,has re-
vealed an unexpectedlylow flux control coefflcient for tIGUREl5-10 Control of glycogensynthesisfrom blood glucosein
PFK-l, which,aswe havenoted,hasbeenviewedasthe muscle.Insulinaffectsthreeof the five stepsin this pathway,but it is
main point of flux control-the "rate-determining the effectson transportand hexokinaseactivity,not the changein
step"-in glycolysis.Experimentallyraisingthe level of glycogensynthaseactivity,that increasethe flux towardglycogen.
rG'l P r i n c i p loefsM e t a b oRl i ce g u l a t i o n
pentose phosphatepathway, and the syrrthesisof glu- r The responsecoefflcient,R, is a measureof the
cosamine.Metaboliccontrol analysissuggeststhat when experimentallydeterminedchangein flux through
the blood $ucose levei rises,insulin actsin muscleto (1) a pathwayin responseto a regulatoryhormone
increase$ucose transportinto cellsby conveyingGLUT4 or secondmessenger. It is a function of C and e:
to the plasmamembrane,(2) inducethe synthesisof hex- R:C'e.
okinase,and (3) activateglycogensyrthase by covalent r Someregulatedenz).rnescontrol the flux through
alteration(seeFig. 15-39).The first two effectsof insuhn a pathway,while othersrebalancethe level of
increase$ucose flux through the pathway (control), and metabolitesin responseto the changein flux. The
the third servesto adaptthe activity of $ycogen syrrthase first activity is control; the second,rebalancing
so that metaboLiteIevels(glucose6-phosphate,for exam- activity is reguLat'ion.
ple) will not changedramaticallywith the increasedflr.x
(regulation). r Metabohccontrol analysispredicts,and experiments
have confirmed,that flux toward a speci-flcproduct
is most effectivelyincreasedby raising the
Suggests Method
aGeneral for
concentrationof all enz).rnesin the pathway.
a Pathway
How could an investigatorengineera cell to increasethe
flr.rxthrough onepathwaywithout alteringthe concentra-
15.3Coordinated ofGlycolysis
tions of other metabolites or the fluxes through other andGluconeogenesis
pathways?More than three decadesago Henrik Kacser
predicted,on the basisof metaboliccontrol analysis,that In mammals,gluconeogenesis occurs primarily in the
this conld be accomplishedby increasingthe concentra- liver, where its role is to pronde glucosefor export to
tions of every en4,nnein a pathway.The prediction has other tissueswhen glycogenstoresare exhaustedand
been con-firmedin severalexperimentaltests, and it also when no dietary glucoseis available.As we discussedin
flts with the way cells normally control fluxes through a Chapter14,gluconeogenesis employsseveralofthe en-
pathway.For example,rats fed a high-proteindiet dispose zymesthat act in glycolysis,but it is not simply the re-
versalofglycolysis.Sevenofthe glycoly'ticreactionsare
of excessaminogroupsby convertingthem to ureain the
urea cycle (Chapter 1B). After such a dietary shifl, the freely reversible,and the en4'rnesthat catalyzethesere-
urea output increasesfourfold, and the amount of all actionsalsofunction in gluconeogenesis (Fig. 15-1f ).
eight enzy'rnes Three reactionsof glycolysisare so exergonicas to be
rn the urea cycle ircreasestwo- to three-
fold. Similarly, when increased fatty acid oxidation is essentiallyirreversible:those catalyzedby hexokinase,
triggered by activation of peroxisome proliferator- PFK-I, and pyruvatekinase.All three reactionshave a
activatedreceptor 7 (PPAR7,a ligand-activatedtran- Iarge, negative AG' (Table 15-3 shows the values in
heart muscle). Gluconeogenesis uses detours around
scriptionfactor;seeFig. 2I-22), synthesisof the whole
set of fatty acid oxrdativeenz).rnesis increased.With the each of these irreversiblesteps;for example,the con-
growinguse of DNA microarraysto study the expression versionoffructose 1,6-bisphosphate to fructose6-phos-
phate is catalyzed by fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase
of whole sets of genesin responseto various perturba-
(FBPase-1).Each of these bypassreactionsalso has a
tions, we should soon learn whether this is the general
mechanismby which cellsmakelong-termadjustmentsin large,negativeLG'.
flux through speci-flcpathways. At eachof the three pointswheregiycol:,'ticreactions
are bypassedby alternative,gluconeogenicreactions,
simultaneousoperationof both pathwayswould consurne
1Y5 . 2 A n a l y s iosf ATP without accomplishingany chemical or biological
M e t a b o l i(co n t r o l work. For example,PFK-I and FBPase-l catalyzeoppos-
ing reactions:
r Metaboliccontrol analysisshowsthat control of
the rate of metaboliteflux through a pathwayis ATP + fructose 6-phosphate
distributed amongseveralof the enzymesin that ADP + fructose 1,6-bisphosphate
path. Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate f H2O
r The flux control coefficient,C, is an experimentally fructose 6-phosphate + P1
determinedmeasureof the effect of an en4.rne's The sum of thesetwo reactionsis
concentrationon flux through a multienzy'rne
pathway.It is characteristicof the whole system, ATP + H2O -----+ADP + P1* heat
not intrinsic to the enz;.'rne. that is, hydrolysis of ATP without any useful metabolic
r The elasticity coefflcient,e, of an en4.'rneis an work being done. Clearly, if these two reactions were al-
experimentallydeterminedmeasureof its lowed to proceed simultaneously at a high rate in the
responsiveness to changesin the concentration same cell, a large amount of chemical energy would be
of a metaboliteor reAulatormolecule. dissipated as heat. This uneconomical process has been
15 . 3C o o r d i n aR
t eedg u l a t ioofG
n l y c o l yasni sdG l u c o n e o g e n [etsuirs- - ]


(2) 1,3-Bisphosphoglycerate

I ohosohorlvcerat
e k i nase
(2) 3-Phosphoglycerate

l l p h o s p h o g l v c e r a tm
e ulase
(2) 2-Phosphoglycerate

\ PEPcarboxvkinase
(2) Oxaloacetate
T pyruvate carboxylase

FIGURE 15-11 Glycolysisand gluconeogenesis. Opposingpath- (the"bypassreactions") sevenstepsarecatalyzedby

and glycolysis;
ways of glycolysis(pink) 1n6 gluconeogenesis
(blue)in rat liver. the sameenzymesin the two pathways. Cofactorshavebeenomit-
Threestepsare catalyzedby differentenzymesin gluconeogenesis ted for simplicity.

called a futile cycle. However, as we shall see later, havefour isoz;rmes(designatedI to IVJ, encodedby four
such cycles may provide advantagesfor controlling different genes.Isoz;.'rnes
are different proteins that cat-
pathways,and the term substrate eycle is a better de- alyze the same reaction (Box 15-2). The predominant
scription. Similar substrate cycles also occur with the hexokinaseisozSrme of myoc),'tes(hexokinase II) has a
other two sets of blpass reactionsof gluconeogenesis high affinity for glucose-it is half-saturated at about
(Fig.15-11). 0.1 mnr.Becauseglucoseentering myocytesfrom the
We look now in somedetail at the mechanismsthat blood (where the glucose concentrationis 4 to 5 mu)
regulate glycolysisand gluconeogenesis at the three produces an intracellular glucose concentration high
points where thesepathwaysdiverge. enoughto saturate hexokinaseII, the enzlrne normally
acts at or near its maximal rate. Muscle hexokinase I
AreAffected and hexokinaseII are allosterically inhibited by their
product, glucose6-phosphate,so wheneverthe cellular
concentrationofglucose6-phosphaterisesaboveits nor-
Hexokinase,which catalyzesthe entry of glucose into mal level, these isozSrmesare temporarily and reversibly
the glycolytic pathway,is a regulatory enzyrne.Humans inhibited, bringing the rate of glucose 6-phosphate
584 P r i n c i p loefsM e t a b oR
l i ce g u l a t i o n

The four fonns of hexokinasefound rn mammaliantissues the bloodlevelof total LDH increases,and there is more
are but one exampleof a corunon biologicalsituation:the LDH2than LDH1.After 12 hours the amountsof LDHI
samereactioncatalyzedby two or more different molec- and LDH2 are very similar, and after 24 hours there is
ular forms of an enzy'rne.These mr-rltipleforms, called moreLDHI than LDH2.This switchin the [LDH1]/[LDH2]
or isoenzy'rnes,may occurin the samespecies, ratio, combinedwith increasedconcentrationsin the
in the sametissue,or evenin the samecell. The differ- blood of anotherheart enzyrne,creatinekinase,is very
ent forms (isoforms) of the enz;rne generally differ in strong evidenceof a recent myocardialinfarction. r
kinetic or regulatoryproperties,in the cofactorthey use The different LDH isozymeshave signiflcantly dif-
(NADH or NADPH for dehydrogenaseisoz;rmes,for ex- ferent values of 7-u* and K-, particularly for pyruvate.
ample), or in their subcellulardistribution (solubleor The propertiesof LDHafavor rapid reduction of very low
membrane-bound). Isozymesmay have similar,but not concentrationsof pyruvate to lactate in skeletalmuscle,
identical,aminoacid sequences, and in many casesthey whereasthoseof isozymeLDHI favorrapid oxidationof
clearly sharea conunonevolutionaryorigin. lactate to pyruvate in the heart.
One of the first enzymesfound to have isozymes In general,the distribution of different iso4.rnesof a
waslactatedehydrogenase (LDH;p.547), which in ver- given en4rmereflects at least four factors:
tebrate tissues exists as at least five different isoz;.'mes
separableby electrophoresis. All LDH isozl'rnescontain 1. Di,fJerentmetabol'icpatterns i,n di,fJerentorgans.
four polypeptidechains(eachof M,33,500), eachtype For glycogenphosphorylase, the isozl'rnesin skele-
containinga different ratio of two kinds of polypeptides. tal muscleand liver have different regulatoryprop-
The M (for muscle) chain and the H (for heart) chain erties,reflectingthe differentrolesof glycogen
are encodedby two differentgenes. breakdownin thesetwo tissues.
In skeletalmuscle the predominantisozl,rnecon-
2. Di,fJerentlocat'ionsand metaboli,crolesfor
tains four M chains, and in heart the predominant 'isozymeszn the same cell The isocitrate dehydro-
containsfour H chains.Other tissueshavesome genaseisozymesof the cytosoland the mitochon-
combinationof the five possibletypesof LDH isozy'rnes:
drion are an example(Chapter16).
Tfpe Composition Location 3. Di,fJerentstagesoJdeue\opmenti,n embryonic or
LDHl HHHH Heart and erythrocy'te Jetal ti,ssuesand i,n adult t'issues For example,
LDH2 HHHM Heart and erythrocyte the fetal liver has a characteristicisoz;'rnedistribu-
LDHs HHMM Brain and kidney tion of LDH, which changesas the organdevelops
LDH4 HMMM Skeletalmuscleand liver into its adult form. Someenzymesof glucosecatab-
LDH5 MMMM Skeletalmuscleand liver olism in malignant (cancer) cells occur as their
fetal, not adult, isoz;.'rnes.
The differences in the isozyme content of tissues 4. Di,lferent responsesof i,sozymesto allosteri,cmod-
can be used to assess the timing and extent of ulators. This differenceis usefulin fine-tuningmeta-
heart damage due to myocardial infarction (heart at- bolic rates.HexokinaseIV (glucokinase)of Jiverand
tack). Damageto heart tissue resultsin the releaseof the hexokrnaseisoz;rmesof other tissuesdiffer in
heart LDH into the blood. Shortly after a heart attack, their sensitivrtyto inhibition by glucose6-phosphate.

formation into balancewith the rate of its utilization and the usual concentrationof glucosein the blood. Be-
reestablishingthe steadystate. causean efficient glucosetransporter in hepatoc;,tes
The different hexokinase isozymes of liver and (GLUTZ) rapidly equilibratesthe glucoseconcentra-
musclereflectthe differentroles of theseorgansin car- tions in cytosoland blood (seeFig. 11-30for the kinet-
bohydratemetabolism:muscle consumesglucose,us- ics of the sametransporter,GLUT2,in erythrocytes),
ing it for energy production, whereasliver maintains the highK^ of hexokinaseIV allowsits direct regulation
blood glucosehomeostasisby consumingor producing by the level of bloodglucose(F'ig. f 5- 12) . Whenblood
glucose,dependingon the prevailingbloodglucosecon- glucoseis high, as it is after a meal rich in carbohy-
centration. The predominant hexokinaseisozyme of dtates,excessglucoseis transportedinto hepatoc;,'tes,
liver is hexokinase IV (glucokinase),which differs in where hexokinaseIV converts it to glucose 6-phos-
three importantrespectsfrom hexokinasesI-III of mus- phate.BecausehexokinaseIV is not saturatedat l0 mlt
cle. First, the glucoseconcentrationat which hexoki- glucose,its activity continuesto increaseasthe glucose
naseIV is half-saturated(about 10 mu) is higher than concentrationrisesto 10 mnror more.Under conditions
1 5 . 3C o o r d i n aR
t eedg u l a t ioofG F"l
n l y c o l yasni sdG l u c o n e o g e n e s i s

afler a carbohydrate-rich meal,whenblood$ucoseis high,

glucoseenters the hepatoclte via GLUT2 and activates
hexokinaseIV by this mechanism.During a fast, when
blood$ucosedropsbelow5 nM, fTuctose6-phosphate trig-
gers the inhibition of hexokinaseIV by the regulatorypro-
tein, sothe liver doesnot competewith otherorgansfor the
scarce$ucose.The mechanismof intribitionby the regula-
o tory proteinis interesting:the protein anchorshexokinase
xN IV insidethe nucleus,whereit is segregated from the other
enzyrnesof glycolysisin the cytosol(Fig. 15-13).Whenthe
Hexokinase IV $ucose concentrationin the cytosolrises,it equilibrates
(glucokinase) with $ucose rL the nucleus by transport through the nu-
clear pores.Glucosecausesdissociationof the regulatory
protein,andhexokinaseN entersthe cytosolandbeginsto
phosphorylate glucose.

Hexokinase andGlucose
05101520 Transcriptionally
Are Regulated
Glucoseconcentration(mM) HexokinaseIV is also regulated at the level of protein
FIGURE15-12 Comparisonof the kineticproperties
of hexokinasetV
synthesis.Circumstancesthat call for greater energy
and hexokinasel. Notethe sigmoidicity
for hexokinase
production(low [ATP],high [AMP],vigorousmusclecon-
lV andthe muchlowerK. for hexokinase l. Whenbloodglucoserises traction) or for greaterglucoseconsumption(high blood
above5 mv, hexokinase lV activityincreases, but hexokinase I is al- glucose,for example)causeincreasedtranscriptionof
readyoperatingnearV-u* and cannotrespondto an increase in glu- the hexokinaseIV gene.Glucose6-phosphatase, the glu-
c o s ec o n c e n t r a t i o H
n e x o k i n a s eI ,s l l , a n d l l l h a v es i m i l a rk i n e t i c coneogenicenzlrne that bypassesthe hexokinasestep of
propenres. glycolysis,is transcriptionallyregulated by factors that
call for increasedproductionof glucose(low blood glu-
cose,glucagonsignaling).The transcriptionalregulation
of low bloodglucose,the glucoseconcentrationin a he- of thesetwo enzl.rnes(alongwith other enz),Tnes of gly-
patoc),teis low relativeto the K- of hexokinaseIV, and colysisand gluconeogenesis) is describedbelow.
the glucosegeneratedby gluconeogenesis leavesthe
cell beforebeingtrappedby phosphorylation.
Second,hexokinaseIV is not inhibited by glucose
6-phosphate,and it can therefore continueto operate AreReciprocally
when the accumulationof $ucose6-phosphatecompletely As we havenoted,glucoseG-phosphate can flow either
inlLibitshexokinasesI-III. Finally,hexokinaseIV is subject into glycolysisor through any of severalother pathways,
to inhibition by the reversiblebindmg of a regulatory pro- including glycogensynthesisand the pentosephosphate
tein specificto liver (Fig. 15-13). The bindrngis much pathway.The metabolicallyirreversible reaction cat-
tighter in the presenceofthe allostericeffectorfructose6- alyzedby PFK-I is the step that commitsglucoseto gly-
phosphate.Glucosecompeteswrth fructose 6-phosphate colysis.In addition to its substrate-bindingsites, this
for bindingand causesdissociationof the regulatoryprotein complex en4rrne has several regulatory sites at which
from the hexokinase,relieving the inhibition. Immedtately allostericactivatorsor inhibitors bind.


FIGURE 15-13 Regulationof hexokinase

lV (glucokinase)by sequestrationin the
nucleus.The proteininhibitorof hexoki-
naselV is a nuclearbindingproteinthat
drawshexokinase lV intothe nucleuswhen
the fructose6-phosphateconcentrationin
liver is high and releasesit to the cytosol
when the glucoseconcentration is high.
586 P r i n c i p loefsM e t a b oR
l i ce g u l a t i o n

FIGURE 15-14 Phosphofructokinase-l (PFK-I)and its regulation.

(a) Ribbondiagramof E coli PFK-I,showingtwo of itsfour identical
subunits (PDBID .lPFK).Eachsubunithasitsown catalyticsite,where
theproducts ADPandfructose1,6-bisphosphate (blueandyellowball-
and-stick models,respectively) arealmost in contact,
and itsown bind-
ing sitesfor the allosteric
regulatorADP (blue),locatedat the interface
betweensubunits(b) Allostericregulationof musclePFK-Iby ATP,
shownby a substrate-activity curve.At low IATP],the Ke,5for fructose
6-phosphate is relativelylow, enablingthe enzymeto functionat a
highrateat relatively low [fructose6-phosphatel. (RecallfromChapter
6 that K05 is the K. term for regulatoryenzymes.) When [ATP]is high,
Ke5 for fructose6-phosphateis greatlyincreased, as indicatedby the
sigmoidrelationship betweensubstrate concentration andenzymeac-
tivity.(c) Summaryof the regulators affectingPFK-1activity.

production, act allostericallyto relieve this inhibition

by ATP.These effects combineto produce higher en-
zyme activity when ADP or AMP accumulatesand lower
activity when ATP accumulates.
Citrate (the ionized form of citric acid), a key in-
(a) termediatein the aerobic oxidation of pyruvate, fatty
acids,and aminoacids,is alsoan allostericregulatorof
PFK-1; high citrate concentrationincreasesthe in-
hibitory effect of ATR further reducingthe flow of glu-
cose through glycolysis.In this case, as in several
others encounteredlater, citrate servesas an intracel-
lular signalthat the cell is meetingits cunent needsfor
energy-yieldingmetabolism by the oxidation of fats
and proteins.
The correspondingstep in gluconeogenesis is the
J conversionof fructose 1,6-bisphosphate to fructose 6-
phosphate(Fig. 15-15). The enzymethat catalyzes
this reaction,FBPase-l,is stronglyinhibited (allosteri-
cally) by AMP;when the cell'ssupply of AIP is low (cor-
respondingto high [AMP]),the ATP-requiringsynthesis
of glucoseslows.
fFructose6-phosphateJ Thustheseopposingstepsin the glycolyticandgluco-
neogenicpathways-PFK- 1 andFBPase- 1-are regulated
(b) in a coordinatedand reciprocalmanner.In general,when
sufflcient concentrationsof acetyl-CoA or citrate (the
Fructose6- + ATP Fructose 1,6- + ADP
citLte fJuctose 2,6-


ATP is not only a substratefor PFK-1but alsoan

end product of the glycolytic pathway.When high
cellular [ATP] signals that ATP is being produced
faster than it is being consumed,ATP inhibits PFK-1
by binding to an allosteric site and lowering the affin- FIGURE 15-15 Regulation of fructose1,6-bisphosphatase(FBPase-l)
ity of the enzymefor its substratefructose 6-phos- and phosphofructokinase-l (PFK-I). The importantrole of fructose
phate (Fig. 15-f4). ADP and AMP,which increase 2,6-bisphosphate
in the regulation
of thissubstrate
cycleis detailedin
in concentrationas consumption of ATP outpaces subsequentfigures.
t eedg u l a t ioofG
1 5 . 3C o o r d i n aR Itt'j
n l y c o l yasni sdG l u c o n e o g e n e s i s

product of acetyl-CoAcondensationwith oxaloacetate) The rapid hormonalregulationof glycolysisand glu-

are present,or when a hrghproportionof the cell'sadeny- coneogenesisis mediated by fructose 2,6-bisphos-
late is in the form of ATP, gluconeogenesisis favored. phate, an allostericeffector for the enzlirnesPFK-1 and
Whenthe levelof AMPincreases,it promotesglycolysisby FBPase-l:
stimulatingPFK-I (and, as we shall see in Section15.5, o o
promotes glycogen degradationby activating glycogen -o-T-o-fH, o-P-o-
phosphorylase). I
o- o-
lsa Potent Regulator
The specialrole of liver in maintaininga constantblood
glucoselevel requiresadditionalregulatorymechanisms
to coordinate glucose production and consumption. When fructose 2,6-bisphosphate binds to its allosteric
When the blood glucoselevel decreases,the hormone site on PFK-I, it increasesthe enzyme'saffinity for
glucagon signalsthe liver to produce and releasemore its substrate fructose 6-phosphateand reduces its
glucoseand to stop consumingit for its own needs,One affinity for the allosteric inhibitors ATP and citrate
sourceofglucoseis glycogenstoredin the liver; another (Fig. 15-f6). At the physiologicalconcentrationsof
sourceis gluconeogenesis, usingpyruvate,lactate,glyc- its substrates,ATP and fructose6-phosphate, and of its
erol, or certain amino acids as starting material. When other positive and negative effectors (ATP, AMR
blood glucoseis high, insulin signalsthe liver to use glu- citrate), PFK-I is virtually inactive in the absence of
coseas a fuel and as a precursorfor the synthesisand fructose 2,6-bisphosphate. Fructose 2,6-bisphosphate
storageof glycogenand triacylglycerol. has the opposite effect on FBPase-l: it reduces its

100 100

> 80
960 h 60
:E 't



0 0.050.1 0.2 0.4 0.7 1.0 2.0
lFructose6-phosphatel lFructose 1,6-bisphosphate]krlrr)
(a) (b)


FIGURE l5-16 Roleof fructose2,5-bisphosphate in regulationof gly- ThusF26BPactivates PFK-1by increasing itsapparent affinityfor fruc-
colysisand gluconeogenesis. Fructose 2,6-bisphosphate(F268P)has tose6-phosphate (seeFig. 15-14b\. (b) FBPase-1 activity is inhibited
oppositeeffectson the enzymaticactivitiesof phosphofructokinase-1 by aslittleas1 pu F26BP and is stronSly inhibited by 25 1t'u.Intheab-
(PFK-1,a glycolyticenzyme)andfructose1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase- senceof this inhibitor(bluecurve) the K65 for fructose 1,6-bisphos-
1, a gluconeogenic (a)
enzyme). PFK-I activityin the absenceof phateis 5 pu, but in the presence ol 25 p'uF26BP(redcurve)the K65
F26BP(bluecurve)is half-maximal whentheconcentrationof fructose is >70 1tu.Fructose 2,6-bisphosphate alsomakesFBPase-1 moresen-
6-phosphate is 2 mv (thatis, K6s = 2 mv). When 0.13p,uF26BPis sitiveto inhibitionby anotherallosteric regulator, AMP (c) Summary of
present(redcurve),the K6r for fructose6-phosphateis only 0.08 mv. by F26BP.
iroul P r i n c i p loefsM e t a b oRl i ce g u l a t i o n

\\ | I | //
\ f-:

trzoepr :-l Ei'":;!,

Stimulates glycolysis,
inhibits gh--- - - --- - --'- | (rnacrrve, |

(+ tcAMPl)


l I 1 t t

FIGURIl5-17 Regulationof fructose2,6-bisphosphate level.(a) The (PFK-2)and itsbreakdownby fructose2,6-bisphosphatase(FBPase-2).

of the regulator (F26BP)
fructose2,6-bisphosphate (b) Bothenzymeactivitiesarepartof the samepolypeptidechain,and
is determinedby the ratesof its synthesisby phosphofructokinase-2 theyarereciprocallyregulated by insulinand glucagon.

affinity for its substrate(Fig. t5-16c), thereby slowing Xylulose

lsa KeyRegulator
gluconeogenesis. (arbohydrate
The cellularconcentrationof the allostericregu-
lator fructose2,6-bisphosphate is set by the relative Another regulatory mechanismalso acts by controlling
rates of its formation and breakdown (F'iS. the level of fructose2,6-bisphosphate. In the mammalian
15-l7a). It is formed by phosphorylationof fruc- Iiver,xylulose5-phosphate(seep. 560),a productofthe
tose 6-phosphate,cata\yzedby phosphofructoki- pentose phosphatepathway (hexose monophosphate
nase-2 (PFK-2), and is broken down by fructose pathway), mediates the increasein glycolysisthat fol-
2,G-bisphosphatase(FBPase-2). (Note that these lows ingestion of a high-carbohydratemeal. The xylu-
enzymesare distinct from PFK-I and FBPase-l, lose5-phosphateconcentrationrisesasglucoseentering
which catalyze the formation and breakdown, re- the liver is convertedto glucoseO-phosphate and en-
spectively,of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate.) PFK-2 and ters both the glycolytic and pentosephosphatepath-
FBPase-2are two separateenzymaticactivitiesof a ways. Xylulose 5-phosphateactivatesphosphoprotein
single, bifunctional protein. The balance of these phosphatase2A (PP2A; Fig. 15-18), which dephos-
two activities in the liver, which determines the cel- phorylates the bifunctional PFK-2/FBPase-2enzyme
lular level of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate, is regulated (Fig. 15-17). DephosphorylationactivatesPFK-2 and
by glucagonand insulin (Fig. 15-17b). inhibitsFBPase-2,and the resultingrise in fructose2,6-
As we sawin Chapter12 (p. 431), glucagonstim- bisphosphateconcentrationstimulatesglycolysisand
ulatesthe adenylylcyclaseof liver to synthesiz e 3' ,b'- inhibits gluconeogenesis.The increased glycolysis
cyclic AMP (cAMP) from ATP. Cyclic AMP then boosts the production of acetyl-CoA,while the in-
activates cAMP-dependentprotein kinase, which creasedflow of hexosethrough the pentosephosphate
transfers a phosphorylgroup from ATP to the bifunc- pathway generatesNADPH. Acetyl-CoA and NADPH
tional protein PFK-2/FBPase-2. Phosphorylationof are the starting materialsfor fatty acid synthesis,which
this protein enhancesits FBPase-2 activity and in- has long been known to increasedramaticallyin re-
hibits its PFK-2 activity. Glucagonthereby lowers the sponseto intake of a high-carbohydrate meal.Xylulose
cellularlevel of fructose2,6-bisphosphate, inhibiting 5-phosphatealso increasesthe syrrthesisof all the en-
glycolysisand stimulatinggluconeogenesis. The re- zymes required for fatty acid synthesis,meeting the
sulting production of more glucose enablesthe liver prediction from metaboliccontrol analysis.We return to
to replenishblood glucosein responseto glucagon. this effectin our discussionof the integrationof carbo-
Insulin has the opposite effect, stimulating the activ- hydrateand lipid metabolismin Chapter23.
ity of a phosphoprotein phosphatasethat catalyzes
removal of the phosphoryl group from the bifunc-
tional protein PFK-2/FBPase-2,activating its pFK-2
activity,increasingthe level of fructose2,6-bisphos- Allosterirally
phate, stimulatingglycolysis,and inhibiting gluconeo- At least three isozymesof pyruvate kinaseare found in
genesis. vertebrates,differing in their tissue distribution and
G l y c o l yasni sdG l u c o n e o g e n leCsti {s
t eedg u l a t ioofn
1 5 . 3C o o r d i n aR




A subunit

their responseto modulators.High concentrationsof

ATP, acetyl-CoA, and long-chain fatty acids (signs
of abundant energy supply) allosterically inhibit all
isozymesof pyruvate kinase (FiS. 15-19). The liver Holoenzyme 1 Holoenzyme 2
isozyme (L form), but not the muscle isozyme (M
FIGURI15-18 Structureand action of phosphoproteinphosphatase
form), is subjectto further regulationby phosphoryla- 2A (PP2A).(a) Thecatalyticsubunithastwo Mn2* ionsin its active
tion. When low blood glucosecausesglucagonrelease, site,positionedcloseto the substraterecognitionsurfaceformedby the
cAMP-dependentprotein kinasephosphorylatesthe L interfacebetweenthe catalyticsubunitand the regulatorysubunit
isozymeof pyruvate kinase,inactivatingit. This slows (PDBlD 2NPP).Microcystin-LR, shownherein red, is a specificin-
the use of glucoseas a fuel in liver, sparingit for export hibitorof PP2A The catalyticand regulatorysubunitsrestin a scaffold
to the brain and other organs In muscle,the effect of (theA subunit)that positions them relativeto eachotherand shapes
increased[cAMP]is quite different.In responseto epi- the substraterecognitionsite.(b) PP2Arecognizesseveraltargetpro-
nephrine, cAMP activates glycogen breakdown and providedby the regulatory
teins,itsspecificity subunit.Eachof several
glycolysisand providesthe fuel neededfor the flght-or- regulatory subunitsfits the scaffoldcontainingthe catalyticsubunit,
flioht roqnnnqo and eachregulatory subunitcreatesits uniquesubstrate-binding site.

Liver only All glycolytic tissues, including liver

I F16BP------
+ 1l
A-DP C ATP | | 6 steps

l ltransamination
|| i
A l a n i n e- - - - - /

FIGURE 15-19 Regulation of pyruvatekinase.

Theenzymeis allosteri- cAMP-dependent proteinkinase(PKA;seeFig.15-35),which phos-
callyinhibitedby ATP,acetyl-CoA, fattyacids(allsigns
and long-chain phorylates the pyruvatekinaseL isozyme,inactivating it. When the
of an abundantenergysupply),and the accumulation of fructose1,6- glucagonleveldrops,a proteinphosphatase (PP)dephosphorylates
bisphosphate triggersits activation.
Accumulation of alanine,which pyruvatekinase,activating it. Thismechanism preventsthe liverfrom
can be synthesized from pyruvatein one step,allostericallyinhibits consuming glucoseby glycolysis when bloodglucose is low; instead,
pyruvatekinase,slowingthe productionof pyruvate by glycolysis.
The the liverexportsglucose.The muscleisozyme (M form) is not affected
liverisozyme(Lform)isalsoregulated hormonally.
Clucagonactivates by thisphosphorylation mechanism
1 5 9 0] P r i n c i p l0ef sM e t a b 0R
l i ce g u l a t i o n

C0nversion to Phosphoenol allowing conversionof excesspyruvate to oxaloacetate
TypesofRegulation (and,eventually,glucose).
Oxaloacetateformed in this way is converted to
In the pathway leading from pyruvate to glucose,the phosphoenolpy'ruvate(PEP) in the reaction catalyzed
fust control point determinesthe fate of pyruvate in the by PEP carboxykinase(Fig. 15-11). In mammals,the
mitochondrion:its conversioneither to acetyl-CoA(by regulation of this key enz}rmeoccurs primarily at the
the pyruvate dehydrogenasecomplex) to fuel the citric level of its synthesisand breakdown,in responseto di-
acid cycle (Chapter16) or to oxaloacetate(by pyruvate etary and hormonal signals.Fasting or high glucagon
carboxylase)to start the processof gluconeogenesis levels act through cAMP to increase the rate of tran-
(Fig. f 5-20). When fatty acidsare readilyavailableas scription and to stabilizethe mRNA. Insulin, or high
fuels, their breakdown in liver mitochondria yields blood glucose,has the oppositeeffects.We discussthis
acetyl-CoA,a signalthat further oxidation of glucosefor transcriptional regulation in more detail below. Gener-
fuel is not necessary. Acetyl-CoAis a positiveallosteric ally triggeredby a signalfrom outsidethe cell (diet, hor-
modulator of pyruvate carboxylaseand a negativemod- mones), these changestake place on a time scale of
ulator of pyruvate dehydrogenase,through stimulation minutesto hours.
of a protein kinasethat inactivatesthe dehydrogenase.
When the cell'senergyneedsare being met, oxidative Transcriptional
phosphorylationslows, NADH rises relative to NAD+
and inhibits the citric acid cycle,and acetyl-CoAaccu-
mulates.The increasedconcentrationof acetyl-CoAin-
hibits the pyruvate dehydrogenasecomplex,slowingthe Most of the regulatory actions discussedthus far are
formation of acetyl-CoAfrom pyr"uvate,and stimulates mediated by fast, quickly reversiblemechanisms:al-
gluconeogenesisby activating pyruvate carboxylase, losteric effects, covalentalteration (phosphorylation)
of the enz;rme,or binding of a regulatory protein. An-
other set of regulatoryprocessesinvolveschangesin
the number of molecules of an enzyme in the cell,
Glucose through changesin the balanceof enzyme synthesis
tI and breakdovm,and our discussionnow turns to regu-
lation of transcription through signal-activatedtran-
I scriptionfactors.
S1";""""g"""ri. ] In Chapter 72 we encounterednuclear receptors
and transcription factorsin the context of insulin signal-
II ing. Insulin actsthrough its receptorin the plasmamem-
brane to turn on at leasttwo distrnct signalingpathways,
Oxaloacetate each involving activation of a protein kinase.The MAP

---,o Ora.r
carbox) tuse
kinaseERK, for example,phosphorylatesthe transcrip-
tion factorsSRFand EIkl (seeFig. 12-15),which then
I stimulate the synthesis of enzymesneeded for cell

--'I '""'iii;il.", growth and division. Protein kinaseB (PKB; also called
Akt) phosphorylatesanother set of transcription factors
l.* Acetyl-CoA
(PDX1,for example),and these stimulate the syrrthesis
of enz;.'rnesthat metabolizecarbohydratesand the fats
II formed and storedfollowing excesscarbohydrateintake
I in the diet. In pancreaticp cells, PDX1 also stimulates
+ the slnthesis of insulin itself.
More than 150 genesare transcriptionallyregulated
Citric acid cycle
by insulin; humanshave at least sevengeneraltypes of
I insulin responseelements,eachrecognizedbya subset
I of transcription factors activated by insulin under vari-
ousconditions.Insulin stimulatesthe transcriptionof the
genesthat encodehexokinasesII and IV, PFK-1, pyru-
FIGURE 15-20 Two alternativefates for pyruvate.pyruvatecan be vate kinase,and PFK-2lFBPase-2(all involvedin glycol-
converted to glucoseandglycogenvia gluconeogenesisor oxidizedto ysis and its regulation); several enzyrnesof fatty acid
acetyl-CoAfor energyproduction.Thefirstenzymein eachpath is reg- synthesis;and glucose6-phosphatedehydrogenaseand
acetyl-CoA,producedeitherby fatty acid oxida- 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase,enzpnes of the
tion or by the pyruvatedehydrogenase complex,stimulatespyruvate pentose phosphatepathway that generatethe NADPH
carboxylase and inhibitspyruvate
dehydrogenase. required for fatty acid synthesis.Insulin also slows the
1 5 . 3( o o r d i n a tR
eed g u l a t ioof n
G l y c o l yasni sdG l u c o n e o g e n [etsnits l

Changein geneexpression Pathway

Increased expression
HexokinaseII Glycolysis
HexokinaseIV Glycolysis
1 (PFK-1)
Phosphofructokinase- Glycolysis
Pyruvatekinase Glycolysis
PFK-2/FBPase-2 Regulationof glycolysis/gluconeogenesis
Glucose6-phosphatedehydrogenase Pentosephosphatepathway (NADPH)
dehydrogenase Pentosephosphatepathway (NADPH)
Py'ruvatedehydrogenase Fatty acid synthesis
Acetyl-CoAcarboxylase Fatty acid synthesis
Malic enzyme Fatty acid synthesis(NADPH)
ATP-citratelyase Fatty acid slmthesis(providesacetyl-CoA)
Fatty acid synthasecompiex Fatty acid s5.'nthesis
Stearoyl-CoAdehydrogenase Fatty acid desaturation
Acyl-CoA-glyceroltransferases Tfiacylglycerolsynthesis
Decreased expression
PEP carboxykinase Giuconeogenesis
Glucose6-phosphatase(cataly'ticsubunit) Glucosereleaseto blood

expressionof the genesfor two enz).rnes of gluconeoge-

nesis:PEP carboxykinaseand glucose 6-phosphatase
(Table15-5) Glucose Plasma
One transcription factor important to carbohydrate J GLUT2 membrane
metabolismis ChREBP (carbohydrate response ele- 'll
ment binding protein; Fig. 15-2f ), whichis expressed I Cytosol
primarily in liver, adiposetissue,and kidney.It servesto Glucose
coordinatethe synthesisof enzl'rnesneededfor carbohy-
drate and fat s;,nthesis ChREBPin its iractive state is
phosphorylated,and is locatedin the cy'tosol When the Glucose
phosphoprotein phosphatase PP2A(Fig. I 5-18) removes J
a phosphorylgroup from ChREBP,the transcriptionfac-
tor can enter the nucleus.Here,nuclearPP2Aremoves .@@
anotherphosphorylgroup,and ChREBPnow joins with a _ Xylulose dhREBF)
partnerprotein,Mlx, andturns on the synthesisof several
enzynes: pyruvate kinase, fatty acid s;mthase, and
acetyl-CoAcarboxylase,the first enzyrnein the path to
fatty acid syarthesis (Fig. 15-21).

FIGURE 15-21 Mechanismof gene regulationby the transcription Nucleus

factorChREBP. WhenChREBP in the cytosolof a hepatocyte is phos-
phorylatedon a Seranda Thrresidue, it cannotenterthe nucleusDe-
phosphorylation of @Ser by protein phosphatase PP2A allows
ChREBP to enterthe nucleus,wherea seconddephosphorylation, of
@Thr, activatesChREBPso that it can associate with its partner
protein,Mlx. ChREBP-Mlx now bindsto the carbohydrate response
element(ChoRE) in the promoterand stimulates transcription PP2Ais
allosterically by xyluloseS-phosphate, an intermediate in the
592', Principles

Controllingthe activity of PP2A-and thus, r.rltimately,

the synthesisof this groupof metabolicen4,'rnes-is xylu-
lose5-phosphate,an intermediatenot of glycolysisor glu-
coneogenesisbut of the pentose phosphate pathway.
Whenblood$ucose concentrationis high, $ucose enters
the liver and is phosphorylatedby hexokinaseM The gu- ,/,membrane
cose 6-phosphatethus formed can enter either the gly- Cytosol
cobtic pathwayor the pentosephosphatepathway.Ifthe It-i'i i i.- /\
latter,two initial oxidationsproducexylulose5-phosphate, J cp
which servesasa signalthat the glucose-utilizugpathways
arewell-suppliedwith substrate.It accomplishes
I Proteasomy'
this by al- Y
lostericallyactivatingPP2A,which then dephosphorylates \ PKBI
ChREBRallowingthe transcriptionfactorto tum on the ex-
pressionof genesfor enz;..rnes of glycolysisand fat ryrrthe- (;;;;i'
>/,- 7
Pi_.,!"- -l,ts'P
sis(Fig. l5-2I) . Glycolysisyieldspyruvate,and conversion ".'--j-f o_
of pyuvate to acetyl-CoAprovidesthe starting material
for fatty acid syrthesis:acetyl-CoAcarboxylaseconverts
acetyl-CoAto malonyl-CoA, the first committedintermedi-
ate in the path to fatty acids.The fatty acid s1r-rthasecom-
plex producesfatty acidsfor export to adiposetissueand
storageastriacylglycerols(Chapter21). In this way,excess DNA
dretarycarbohydrateis storedasfat. mRNA
Another transcriptionfactor in the liver, SREBP- carboxykinase
lc, a member of the family of sterol response ele-
ment binding proteins (see Fig. 2l-43), turns on the
syrrthesisof pyruvatekinase,hexokinaseId lipoprotein FIGURE 15-22 Mechanismof gene regulationby the transcription
lipase,acetyl-CoAcarboxylase,and the fatty acid syn- factorFOXO1.Insulinactivates the signalingcascade shownin Figure
thase complexthat will convert acetyl-CoA(produced 12-.1 6, leadingto activation
of proteinkinaseB (PKB).FOXOI in the
from pyruvate)into fatty acidsfor storagein adipocytes. cytosolis phosphorylated by PKB,and the phosphorylated transcrip-
The symthesis tion factoris taggedby the attachmentof ubiquitinfor degradationby
of SREBC-1cis stimulatedby insulinand
proteasomes. FOXOl thatremainsunphosphorylated or isdephospho-
depressedby glucagon.SREBP-1calso suppressesthe
rylatedcan enterthe nucleus,bind to a response element,and trigger
expressionof severalgluconeogenicenzymes:glucose
transcription of theassociatedgenes.Insulinthereforehastheeffectof
6-phosphatase, PEP carboxykinase, and FBPase- 1 turningoflthe expression of thesegenes,which includePEPcarboxy-
The transcriptionfactor CREB (cyclic AMp re-
kinaseand glucose6-phosphatase
sponse element binding protein) turns on the syr-r-
thesisof glucose6-phosphatase and PEP carboxykinase
in responseto the increase in [cAMP] triggered by Multiple transcription factors can act on the same gene
glucagon.In contrast,insulin-stimulatedinactiuati,on promoter; multiple protein kinases and phosphatases
of other transcription factors turns off severalgluco- can activate or inactivate these transcription factors;
neogenicenzyrnesin the liver:PEP carboxykinase, fruc- and a variety of protein accessory factors modulate the
tose 1,6-bisphosphatase, the glucose 6-phosphate action of the transcription factors. This complexity is
transporterof the endoplasmicreticulum, and glucose apparent, for example, in the gene encoding PEP car-
6-phosphatase. For example,FOXOf (forkhead box boxykinase, a very well-studied case of transcriptional
other) stimulatesthe synthesisof gluconeogenicen- control. Its promoter region (Fig. 15-23) has 15 or
zymesand suppressesthe syrrthesisof the enzyrnesof more response elements that are recognized by at least
glycolysis,the pentosephosphatepathway,and triacyl- a dozen known transcription factors, with more likely to
glycerol synthesis(Fig. 15-22) In its unphosphory- be discovered The transcription factors act in combina-
latedform,FOXOl actsasa nucleartranscriptionfactor. tion on this promoter region, and on hundreds of other
In responseto insulin,FOXO1leavesthe nucieusand in gene promoters, to flne-tune the levels of hundreds of
the cytosolis phosphorylatedby PKB,then taggedwith metabolic enzymes, coordinating their activity in the
ubiquitin and degradedby the proteasome.Glucagon metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. The critical im-
preventsthis phosphorylationby PKB, and FOXO1re- portance of transcription factors in metabolic regulation
mainsactivein the nucleus. is made clear by observing the effects of mutations in
Complicatedthough the processesoutlined above their genes. For example, at least flve different types of
may seem,regulationof the genesencodingenz}rmes of maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODYI are asso-
carbohydrateand fat metabolismis proving far more ciated with mutations in speciflc transcription factors
complex and more subtle than we have shor,r,n here. (Box 15-3).
Regulation andGluconeogenesis
ofGlycolysis I sol I


H NF-36
TSR J +**t- -t mRNA

Tlanscription factors Response elements and regulatory

FOXO1 forkhead box other 1 binding sites in promoter
PPAR72 peroxisomeproliferator-activated receptor,y2 dAF2 distal accessoryfactor2
HNF-38 hepatic nuclear factor-3B dAFl distal accessoryfactor 1
SREBP-I sterol regulatory element binding protein-l SRE sterol regu.latory element
HNF-4cy hepatic nuclear factor-4o Atr'1 accessoryfactor 1
COUP-TF chicken ovalbumin upstream AF2 accessoryfaclor2
promoter-transcription factor GRE glucocorticoid regulatory
RAR retinoic acid receptor element
GR glucocorticoid receptor TRE thynoid hormone regulatory
TsR thyroid hormone receptor element
C/EBP CAAT/enhancebindingprotein CRE cAMP regulatory element
HNF-I hepatic nuclear factor-l
NF1 nuclear factor 1
ATFS activating transcription factor 3
CREB cAMP regulatory element binding protein
NFrB nuclear factor rB
TBP TATA-box binding protein
Med. mediator
TFIIH transcription factor IIH

FIGURE 15-23 The PEPcarboxykinase promoterregion,showingthe whichcan reflecttheavailability

factors, of nutrients, bloodglucoselevel,
complexityof regulatoryinputto thisgene.Thisdiagramshowsthetran- andotherfactorsthatgo intomakingup the cell'sneedfor thisenzymeat
scriptionfactors(smallericons,boundto the DNA)knownto regulate the this particulartime. Pl, P2, P3l, P3ll,and P4 are proteinbindingsites
transcriptionof the PEPcarboxykinase gene.The extentto which this identifiedby DNaseI footprinting (seeBox26-1).TheTATA box istheas-
geneis expressed dependson the combinedinputaffectingall of these semblypoint for the RNA polymerase ll (Polll) transcription

The term "diabetes"describesa variety of medicalcon- of obesityin the more developedcountriesbrings with it
ditionsthat havein commonan excessiveproductionof the promise of an epidemic of NIDDM, providing a
urine. In Box 11-2 we describeddiabetesinsipidus,in strongincentiveto understandthe relationshipbetween
which defectivewater reabsorptionin the kidney results obesityand the onsetof NIDDM at the geneticand bio-
from a mutation in the gene for aquaporin. "Diabetes chemicallevels.After completingour look at the metab-
mellitus" refers speciflcallyto diseasein which the abil- olism of fats and proteins in later chapters,we will
ity to metabolizeglucoseis defective,due either to the return (in Chapter 23) to the discussionof diabetes,
failureof the pancreasto produceinsulinor to tissuere- which has a broad effect on metabolism:of carbohy-
sistanceto the actionsof insulin. drates,fats, and proteins.
There are two common t5,pesof diabetesmellitus. Here we consideranother type of diabetesin which
Tlrpe 1, also called insulin-dependentdiabetesmellitus carbohydrateand fat metabolismis deranged:mature
(IDDM),is causedby autoimmuneattackon the insulin- onset diabetesof the young (MODY), in which genetic
producing B cells of the pancreas.Individuals with mutation affects a transcription factor important in car-
IDDM must take insulin by injection or inhalation to rying the insulin signalinto the nucleus,or affectsan en-
compensatefor their missingB cells.IDDM developsin 4nne that respondsto insulin. In MODY2,a mutation in
childhoodor in the teen years;an older name for the the hexokinaseIV (glucokinase)gene affects the liver
diseaseis juvenile diabetes.Tlrpe 2, also called non- and pancreas,tissuesin which this is the main isoform of
insulin-dependentdiabetesmellitus (NIDDM), typically hexokinase.The $ucokinase of pancreaticB cells func-
developsin adultsover 40 yearsold. It is far more com- tions as a glucosesensor.Normally,when bloodglucose
mon than IDDM,and its occurrenceh the populationis
strongly correlated with obesity.The current epidemic (conti,nued on nert pa'ge)
rEr-l P r i n c i p loefsM e t a b oRl i ce g u l a t i o n

rises,so doesthe glucoselevel in B cells,and because condition(MODY2)is generallydiscoveredby accident

glucokinasehas a relativelyhigh K* for glucose,its ac- duringroutine bloodglucoseanalysis.
tivity increaseswith risingbloodglucoseIevels.Metabo- There are at least flve other types of MODI each
Iism of the glucose6-phosphateformedin this reaction the result of an inactivating mutation in one or another
raisesthe ATP level in B cells,and this triggersinsulin of the transcriptionfactors essentialto the normal de-
releaseby the mechanismshown in Figure 23-28. In velopmentand function of pancreaticF cells.Individu-
healthyindir,rduals, bloodglucoseconcentrationsof -b als with these mutations have varying degrees of
mu trigger this insulin release.But individualswrth inac- reducedinsulin production and the associateddefects
tivating mutations in both copies of the glucokinase in blood glucosehomeostasis.In MODY1and MODY3,
gene havevery high thresholdsfor rnsulinrelease,and the defectsare severeenoughto producethe long-term
consequently,from birth, they have severe hyper- complications associatedwith IDDM and NIDDM-
glycemia-permanent neonataldiabetes.In individuals cardiovascular problems,kidney failure,and blindness.
with one mutated and one normal copy of the glucoki- MODY4,5, and 6 are lesssevereformsof the disease.Al-
nasegene,the glucosethresholdfor insulinreleaserises together,MODYdisordersrepresenta smallpercentage
to about 7 mu. As a result theseindividualshaveblood of NIDDM cases.Also very rare are individualswith mu-
glucoselevels only slightly abovenormal: they generally tations in the insulin gene itself; they have defects in
have only mild hyperglycemiaand no syrnptoms.This insulin signalingof varying severity.

S U M M A R1Y5 . 3 C o o r d i n a t eRd e g u l a t i o n about phosphorylationof the bifunctional enzyrne

o f G l y c o l y s iasn d PFK-2/FBPase-2. Insulinincreases[fructose
Gluconeogenesis 2,6-bisphosphatelby activatinga phosphoprotein
phosphatasethat dephosphorylatesand thus
r Gluconeogenesisand glycolysis share seven activatesPFK-2.
enzlmes, catalyzing the freely reversible reactions
Xylnlose5-phosphate,an intermediateof the pentose
of the pathways. For the other three steps, the
forward and reverse reactions are catalyzed by
phosphatasePP2A,which dephosphorylates several
different enzymes, and these are the points of
target proteins,includingPFK-2/FBPase-2,tilting the
regulation of the two pathways.
balancetoward glucoseuptake,glycogenslnthesis,
r Hexokinase IV (glucokinase) has kinetic properties and lipid s;,nthesisin the liver.
related to its special role in the liver: releasing
glucose to the blood when blood glucose is low,
SREBP,and FOXO1act in the nucleusto regulate
and taking up and metabolizing glucose when blood
glucose is high. the expressionof specificgenescodingfor enz;rmes
of the glycolytic and gluconeogenicpathways.
r PFK-I is allosterically inhibited by ATP and citrate. Insulin and glucagonact antagonisticallyin
In most mammalian tissues, including liver, fructose activatingthese transcription factors, thus turning
2,6-bisphosphateis an allosteric activator of this on and off largenumbersof genes.
Pyruvate kinase is allosterically inhibited by
ATP, and the liver isozyme also is inhibited r.ry
15.4 TheMetabolism
of Glycogen
in Animals
cAMP-dependent phosphorylation. Our discussionof metabolic regulation, using carbohy-
Gluconeogenesisis regulated at the level of drate metabolismas the primary example,now turns to
pyruvate carboxylase (which is activated by the synthesisand breakdownofglycogen.In this section
acetyl-CoA) and FBPase-l (which is inhibited by we focuson the metabolicpathways;in Section15.5we
fructose 2,6-bisphosphateand AMP) turn to the regulatorymechamsms.
In organismsfrom bacteriato plants to vertebrates,
To limit substrate cycling between glycolysis and
excess$ucose is convertedto poly.rnericforms for stor-
gluconeogenesis,the two pathways are under
age-$ycogen in vertebratesand many microorganisms,
reciprocal allosteric control, mainly achieved by
starchin plants.In vertebrates,glycogenis for.rndprimarily
the opposing effects of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate
in the liver andskeletalmuscle;it mayrepresentup to 10%
on PFK-1 and FBPase-1.
of the weightof liver and lo/oto 2o/oof the weightof muscle.
Glucagon or epinephrine decreases[fructose If this much glucosewere dissolvedin the cytosolof a he-
2,O-bisphosphatel,by raising [cAMP] and bringing patocyte,its concentrationwould be about 0.4 nl, enough
15.4TheMetabolism | 595i

this is especiallyimportant for the neurons of the brain,

which cannot use fatty acids as fuel. Liver glycogencan
be depleted in 12 to 24 hours. In humans, the total
amountof energystoredas glycogenis far lessthan the
amount stored as fat (triacylglycerol) (see Table 23-5),
but fats cannotbe convertedto glucosein mammalsand
cannotbe catabolizedanaerobically.
Glycogengranulesare complexaggregatesof glyco-
gen and the enz5'rnes that synthesizeit and degradeit, as
well as the machineryfor regulatingthese enz5.'rnes. The
generalmechanismsfor storing and mobiLizingglycogen
are the samein muscleand liver' but the erzSrmesdiffer
in subtle yet important ways that reflect the different
rolesof glycogenin the two tissues.Glycogenis alsoob-
tained in the diet and brokendorvnin the gut, and this in-
tlGURt15-24 Glycogengranulesin a hepatocyte.Clycogen,a stor-
volvesa separateset of hydrolytic enzymesthat convert
ageform of carbohydrate, appearsaselectron-denseparticles,oftenin
glycogento free glucose.(Dietary starchis hydrolyzedin
aggregatesor rosettes.In hepatocytesglycogenis closelyassociated
with tubulesof thesmoothendoolasmic reticulum.
a similar way.) We begin our discussionwith the break-
arealsoevidentin thismicrograph.
dou'n of glycogento glucose1-phosphate(glycogenoly-
sis), then turn to synthesisofglycogen(glycogenesis)'

to dominate the osmotic properties of the cell. When by

storedas a large pol),mer($ycogen),however,the same
massof $ucosehasa concentrationof only 0.01pM.Glyco-
gen is storedin large cltosolic granules.The elementary In skeletalmuscleand liver,the glucoseunits of the outer
particleof glycogen,the B-particle,is about21 nm in diam- branches of glycogen enter the glycoly'tic pathway
eter and consistsof up to 55,000glucoseresidueswith through the action of three enzymes:glycogenphospho-
about2,000nonreducingends.TWentyto 40 ofthese par- rylase, glycogendebranchingenzyrne,and phospho$u-
ticles clustertogetherto form a-rosettes,easilyseenwith comutase.Glycogenphosphorylasecatalyzesthe reaction
the microscopein tissue samplesfrom well-fed animals in wluch an (a1-+4) glycosidiclinkagebetweentwo glu-
(Fig,. 15-24) but essentiallyabsenta^ftera 24-hourfast. cose residuesat a nonreducingend of $ycogen under-
The glycogenin muscle is there to provide a quick goes attack by inorganic phosphate (P), removing the
sourceof energyfor either aerobicor anaerobicmetab- terminal glucoseresidue as c-D-glucose l-phosphate
olism.Muscleglycogencanbe exhaustedin lessthan an (Fig. 15-25). This phosphorolgszsreactionis different
hour during vigorousactivity. Liver glycogenservesas a from the hAd,rolAsi'sof glycosidicbondsby amylasedur-
reservoirof glucosefor other tissueswhen dietaryglu- ing intestinaldegradationof dietary glycogenand starch.
coseis not available(betweenmealsor during a fast); In phosphorolysis,some of the energy of the glycosidic

Nonreducing end
6cH2oH cH2oH

Glycogen chain
--l * scrr
", p rhor vlast
Nonreducing end

FIGURE 15-25 Removalof a glucoseresidue

from the nonreducing end of a glycogen
O- chain by glycogen phosphorylase'This
processis repetitive;the enzyme removes
successive glucoseresiduesuntil it reaches
Glucose 1-phosphate Glycogen shortened
by one residue the fourth glucoseunit from a branch point
(glucose)", t ( s e eF i 8 . 1 5 - 2 6 ) .
1596 Principles

bond is preservedin the formationof the phosphateester, Nonreducing

glucosel-phosphate(seeSection14.2). ends

Pyridoxalphosphateis an essentialcofactorin the

glycogenphosphorylasereaction;its phosphategroup
actsasa generalacid catalyst,promotingattackby p1on
the glycosidic bond. (This is an unusual role for pyri-
doxalphosphate;its more typical role is as a cofactorin
aminoacid metabolism;seeFig. 18-6.)
Glycogenphosphoryiaseacts repetitively on the lrhosphorvlase
nonreducingendsofglycogenbranchesuntil it reaches
a point four glucoseresiduesaway from an (a1-+6)
branch point (see Fig. 7-14), where its action stops. o
Further degradationby glycogenphosphorylase can oc- o
cur only after the debranching enzyme, formally Glucose 1-phosphate
known as oligo (a1--+6) to (a1-+4) glucan-trans-
ferase, catalyzestwo successive reactionsthat transfer tr unsler trstr
irctr\ lt\. 0t
branches(Fig. l5-26). Oncethesebranchesarerrans- c k r l r r l u r c hI n g
etn zvul('
ferred and the glucosylresidue at C-6 is hydrolyzed,
glycogenphosphorylase activity can continue.

I -Phosphate
Glucose (anEnter
Glucose {a1l )61
Glucosel-phosphate,the end product of the glycogen at t il itr, ol
tlebr trnchilg
phosphorylase reaction,is convertedto glucose6-phos- ctlzvllle
ffi cln.or"
phate by phosphoglucomutase, which catalyzesthe
Glucose l-phosphate =+ glucose G-phosphate

at a Serresidue,the enz)ryne do-
natesa phosphorylgroup to C-6 of the substrate,then phosphorylaseaction
acceptsa phosphoryigroup from C-1 (t'ig. t5-27). FIGURI15-26 Gtycogenbreakdownnear an (at-+6) branch point.
The glucose6-phosphateformed from glycogenin Following
removalof terminalglucoseresidues
by glycogen
skeletalmusclecan enter glycolysisand serveas an en- (seeFig.I 5-25),glucoseresidues
phosphorylase neara brancharere-
ergy source to support muscle contraction. In liver, movedin a two-stepprocess that requires a bifunctional
glycogenbreakdownservesa different purpose:to re- enzyme.First,the transferaseactivityof the enzymeshiftsa block of
Ieaseglucoseinto the blood when the blood glucose threeglucoseresidues from the branchto a nearbynonreducing end,
level drops,as it doesbetweenmeals.This requiresthe to which they are reattachedin (a1--+4)linkageThe singleglucose
enzyrneglucose6-phosphatase, presentin liver and kid- residueremainingat the branchpoint,in (a1--+6) linkage,is then re-
ney but not in other tissues.The enzymeis an integral leasedas freeglucoseby the debranching enzyme,s (a1--+6)glucosi-
membraneprotein of the endoplasmicreticulum, pre- daseactivity.
Theglucoseresidues areshownin shorthand form,which
dicted to containnine transmembranehelices,with its omitsthe-H, --{H, and-{H2OH groupsfromthe pyranose rings.
active site on the Iumenalside of the ER. Glucose6-
phosphateformedin the cytosolis transportedinto the
Becausemuscleand adiposetissuelack glucose6-
ER lumen by a speciflctransporter(T1) (Fig. fE-28) phosphatase,they cannot convert the glucose6-phos-
and hydrolyzedat the lumenai surfaceby the glucose6- phate formed by glycogenbreakdownto glucose,and
phosphatase. The resultingPi and glucoseare thought thesetissuesthereforedo not contributeAlucoseto the
to be carried back into the cytosol by two different blood.
transporters(T2 and T3), and the glucoseleavesthe he-
patoc).tevia the plasmamembranetransporter,GLUT2.
Notice that by havingthe activesite of glucose6-phos-
phataseinsidethe ER lumen,the cell separatesthis re- forGlycogen
actionfrom the processof glycolysis,which takesplace Many of the reactionsin which hexosesare transformed
in the cy'tosoland would be aborted by the action of or polymerizedinvolve sugax nucleotides, compounds
glucose6-phosphatase. Genetic defectsin either glu- in which the anomericcarbon of a sugaris activatedby
cose6-phosphatase or T1 lead to seriousderangement attachment to a nucleotide through a phosphate ester
of glycogenmetaboiism,resulting in type Ia glycogen Iinkage.Sugarnucleotidesarethe substratesfor polymer-
storagedisease(Box 15-4). izationof monosaccharide s into disaccharides,glycogen,
G l y c o giennA n i m a l s
1 5 . 4T h eM e t a b o l i os fm

FIGURE 15-27 Reactioncatalyzedby phosphoglucomutase.

Phosphoglucomutase The reactionbeginswith the enzymephosphorylated on a Ser
'r/rt residue.In step @, the enzymedonatesits phosphorylgroup
to glucose1-phosphate,
(green) producingglucose1,6-bisphos-

\{a HHO
phate.In step@, the phosphorylgroupat C-1 of glucose1,6-
bisphosphate (red)istransferred
backto the enzyme,re-forming
Glucose 1-phosphate thephosphoenzyme andproducingglucose6-phosphate.



Glucose 6-phosphate

FIGURE l5-28 Hydrolysisof glu-

cose 6-phosphateby glucose6-
G6P G-phosphatase phosphatase of the ER,Thecatalytic
G6P siteof glucose6-phosphatase faces
transporter the lumenof the ER.A glucose6-
caniesthe substrate from the cy-
tosolto the lumen,and the prod-
ucts glucoseand P; passto the
cytosolon specifictransporters
lumen and T3) Clucoseleavesthe cell
via the CLUT2 transporter in the
blood glucose

o-Glucosyl group

starch, cellulose, and more com-

plex extracellular polysaccharides.
They are also key intermediates in o
the production of the aminohex-
oses and deoxyhexoses found in
some of these polysaccharides,
and in the synthesis of vitamin C
(l-ascorbic acid). The role of
sugar nucleotides in the biosyn-
thesis of glycogen and many other
carbohydrate derivatives was dis- OH OH
covered in 1953 by the Argentine UDP-glucose
Luis Leloir, 1906-1987 biochemist Luis Leloir. (a sugar nucleotide)
[rrd P r i n c i p loef sM e t a b oR
l i ce g u l a t i o n

Much of what is written in present-daybiochemistrytext- demonstratedthe conversionof glycogento lactate in

books about the metabolismof glycogenwas discovered tissues,movementof lactate in the blood to the liver,
betweenabout1925and 1950by the remarkablehusband and, in the liver, reconversionof lactateto glycogen-
and wife team of Carl F. Cori and Gerty T. Cori. Both a pathwaythat cameto be known asthe Cori cycle (see
trained in medicrneir Europe at the end of World War I Fig. 23-20). Pursuing these observationsat the bio-
(shecompletedpremedicalstudiesandmedicalschoolin chemicallevel, they showedthat glycogenwas mobi-
oneyear!).Theyleft Europetogetherin 1922to establish Iized in a phosphorolysisreaction catalyzedby the
researchlaboratoriesin the United States,first for rune enzyme they discovered,glycogen phosphorylase.
years in Buffalo, New York, at what is now the Roswell They identified the product of this reaction (the "Cori
Park MemorialInstitute, then from 1931until the end of ester") as glucose l-phosphate and showed that it
their lives at WashingtonUniversityin St. Louis. could be reincorporatedinto glycogenin the reverse
In their early physiologicaistudies of the origin reaction.Althoughthis did not prove to be the reaction
and fate of glycogen in animal muscle, the Coris by which glycogenis synthesizedin cells, it was the
first in vitro demonstrationof the synthesisof a macro-
moleculefrom simple monomericsubunits,and it in-
spired others to search for polymerizing enzymes.
Arthur Kornberg, discoverer of the first DNA poly-
merase,saidof his experiencein the Coris'lab, "Glyco-
gen phosphorylase,not basepairing, was what led me
to DNA polymerase."
ffi Gerty Cori becameinterestedin human genetic
II diseasesin which too much glycogenis stored
in the liver. She was able to identify the biochemical
defect in severalof these diseasesand to show that
the diseasescould be diagnosedby assaysof the en-
zymesof glycogenmetabolismin small samplesof tis-
sue obtainedby biopsy.Table I summarizeswhat we
now know about 13 geneticdiseasesof this sort. I
Carl and Gerty Cori sharedthe Nobel Prize in Phys-
iologyor Medicinein1947with BernardoHoussayof Ar-
gentina, who was cited for his studies of hormonal
regulationof carbohydratemetabolism.The Cori labora-
toriesin St. Louisbecamean internationalcenterof bio-
chemicalresearchin the 1940sand 1950s,and at least
six scientistswho trained with the CorisbecameNobel
laureates:Arthur Kornberg (for DNA synthesis,1959),
SeveroOchoa (for RNA synthesis,1959), Luis Leloir
(for the role of sugarnucleotidesin polysaccharidesyn-
T h e C o r i s i n C e r t y C o r i ' s l a b o r a t o r y ,a r o u n d 1 9 4 7 thesis, 1970), Earl Sutherland (for the discovery of

The suitability of sugar nucleotides for biosynthetic actual free-energy change in the cell is favorable.
reactions stems from several properties: In effect, rapid removal of the product, driven by
the large, negative free-energy change of PP,
1. Their formation is metabolically irreversible,
hydrolysis, pulls the synthetic reaction forward,
contributing to the irreversibility of the slnthetic
a conunon strategy in biological poll'rnerization
pathways in which they are intermediates. The
condensation of a nucleoside triphosphate with a
hexose 1-phosphate to form a sugar nucleotide 2. Although the chemical transformations of sugar
has a small positive free-energy change,but the nucleotides do not involve the atoms of the
reaction releasesPP1,which is rapidly hydrolyzed nucleotide itself, the nucleotide moiety has many
by rnorganic pytophosphatase (Fig. lE-Zg), groups that can undergo noncovalent interactions
in a reaction that is strongly exergonic with enzyrnes; the additional free energy of binding
(AG'' : - 19.2 kJ/mol). This keeps the cellular can contribute signiflcantly to catalytic activity
concentration of PP1low, ensuring that the (Chapter 6; see also p.297).
1 5 . 4T h eM e t a b o l iosfm
G l y c o gi enA
n n i m a l s[rrol

cAMP in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, 1974),and Edwin Krebs (for the discoveryof phospho-
1971),Christiande Duve (for subcellular fractionation, rylasekinase,1991).

Primary organ
Tlpe (name) Enrymeaffected affected Symptoms
I}pe o Glycogenslnthase Liver Low bloodglucose,high
Tlpe Ia (von Gierke's) Glucose6-phosphatase Liver Enlargedliver, kidney failure
$pe Ib Microsomalglucose Liver As in Ia; alsohigh
6-phosphatetranslocase susceptibiiityto bacterial
Tlpe Ic MicrosomalP1 Liver As in Ia
lVpe II (Pompe's) Lysosomalglucosidase Skeletaland Infantile form: death by age2;
cardiacmuscle juveniie form: muscle defects
(myopathy); aduit form: as
in musculardystrophy
Tlpe IIIa (Cori'sor Forbes's) Debranchingenz,'rne Liver, skeletal Enlargedliver in infants;
and cardiac myopathy
Dpe IIIb Liver debranching Liver Enlargedliver in infants
enzlme (muscle
enzlme normal)
Dpe IV (Andersen's) Branchingenzyrne Liver, skeletal Enlargedliver and spieen,
muscle myoglobinin urine
15pe V (McArdie's) Musclephosphorylase Skeletalmuscle Exercise-inducedcrampsand
pain; myoglobinin urine
Tpe VI (Hers's) Liver phosphorylase Liver Enlargedliver
Tlpe VII (Tarui's) MusclePFK-I Muscle, As in type t also hemoMic
!r,t !r!r vvJ
vvv anenua
T},pe\4b, VIII, or IX Phosphorylasekinase Liver, Ieukocy'tes, Enlargedliver
T\rpeXI (Fanconi-Bickel) Glucosetransporter Liver Failure to thrive, enlarged
(GLUT2) liver, rickets, kidney

3. Like phosphate,the nucleotidyigroup (UMP or can be derived from free glucose in a reaction cat-
AMP,for example)is an excellentleavinggroup, alyzedby the isozymes hexokinase I and hexokinase II
facilitating nucleophilicattack by activatingthe in muscle and hexokinase IV (glucokinase) in liver:
sugarcarbonto which it is attached. o-Glucose+ ATP -----+l-glucose 6-phosphate+ ADP
4. By "tagging"somehexoseswith nucleotidylgroups, However, some ingested glucose takes a more round-
cellscan set them asidein a pool for one purpose about path to glycogen. It is first taken up by ery4hro-
(glycogensynthesis,for example),separatefrom c1'tes and converted to lactate glycolytically; the lactate
hexosephosphatesdestinedfor anotherpurpose is then taken up by the liver and converted to glucose
(suchasglycolysis). 6-phosphateby gluconeogenesis.
To initiate glycogen synthesis, the glucose 6-phos-
Glycogensynthesistakes place in virtually all ani-
phate is converted to glucose l-phosphate in the phos-
mal tissuesbut is especiallyprominentin the liver and
skeletal muscies.The starting point for synthesisof
glycogenis glucose6-phosphate. As we haveseen,this Glucose6-phosphate+ glucosel-phosphate
P r i n c i p l eo sf M e t a b o l R
i ce g u l a t i o n

FIGURE 15-29 Formationof a sugarnucleotide.A con-

densationreactionoccursbetweena nucleosidetriphos- o
I | \ll
phate (NTP) and a sugar phosphate.The negatively
@o-r P-O- + o-P* o f q, f-or ntu"."-[s"!q
chargedoxygenon the sugarphosphateservesasa nucle- I I vl
o ooo-
ophile, attackingthe a phosphateof the nucleoside
Sugar phosphate
triphosphate and displacingpyrophosphate. The reaction
is pulledin the forwarddirectionby the hydrolysis
by i norganicpyrophosphatase
of PP;

oo oo
o-P--o-P-o r o-f -o-f -o-lTtnoseJ s.*
oo oo-
Pyrophosphate(PP1) Sugar nucleotide
pyrophospha "I
- oI

Net reaction: Sugar phosphate + NTP -----+ NDP-sugar -t 2Pi

The product of this reactionis convertedto UDP-glucose glucoseformation,becausepyrophosphateis rapidly hy-

by the action of UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, in a drolyzedby inorganicpyrophosphatase(Fig. 15-29).
key step of glycogenbiosymthesis: UDP-glucoseis the immediate donor of glucose
residues in the reaction catalyzedby glycogen sJrn-
Glucosel-phosphate+ UTP -----+UDP-glucose
* PPi
thase, which promotes the transfer of the glucose
Noticethat this enz),rneis namedfor the reversereaction; residue from UDP-glucoseto a nonreducingend of a
in the cell, the reactionproceedsh the direction of UDP- branchedglycogenmolecule(Fig. 15-30). The overall

6cH2oH FIGURE l5-30 Glycogensynthesis. A glycogenchain is elongatedby

glycogensynthase. Theenzymetransfers the glucoseresidueof UDP-
glucoseto the nonreducingend of a glycogenbranch(seeFig.7-14) to
makea new tal -+4) linkage.

o o-cH2


Nonreducing end of
a glycogen chain
with n residues
(n> 4)

New nonreducing

Elongated glycogen
15.4TheMetabolism inAnimals

.iCI"JCI"f I "f ;L"f [ "fI.

Nonreducing (aI---+4)

(a1--+6) Branch
-r\, pornt

Nonreducing -Z\- crycogA.Sg

end cofq"'t'r

FIGURE 15-31 Branchsynthesisin glycogen.The glycogen-branchingenzyme(alsocalledamylo (1+4)

to (1-+6) transglycosylase, forms a new branch point during glycogen
or glycosyl-(4-+6){ransferase)

equilibrium of the path from glucose 6-phosphateto glucoseresidues,each derived from UDP-glucose;the
glycogenlengthenedby one glucoseunit greatly favors reactions are catalyzedby the chain-extendingactivity
synthesisof glycogen. of glycogenin.At this point, glycogensynthasetakes
Glycogensynthasecannotmakethe (a1-+6) bonds over, further extending the glycogenchain. Glycogenin
found at the branch points of glycogen; these are remains buried within the B-particle, covalently at-
formed by the glycogen-branchingenzyme,also called tachedto the singlereducingend of the glycogenmol-
amylo (l-+4) to (1-+6) transglyeosylase, or glyco- ecule(Fig. 15-33b).
syl-(4-+6)-transferase.The glycogen-branchingen-
zyme catalyzestransfer of a terminal fragment of 6 or 7
glucoseresiduesfrom the nonreducingend of a glyco-
gen branch having at least 11 residuesto the C-6 hy-
droxyl group of a glucoseresidue at a more interior
position of the same or another glycogenchain, thus
creatinga new branch (Fig. 154f ). Further glucose
residuesmay be addedto the new branch by glycogen
slmthase.The biologicaleffect of branchingis to make
the glycogenmoleculemore solubleand to increasethe
number of nonreducingends.This increasesthe num-
ber of sites accessibleto glycogenphosphorylaseand
glycogensSmthase, both of which act only at nonreduc-
ing ends.

Residues FIGURE 15-32 Glycogeninstructure.(PDB1D 1LL2)Muscleglyco-
inGlycogen genin(M, 37,000)formsdimersin solution.Humanshavea second
isoformin liver,glycogenin-2. Thesubstrate, UDP-glucose (shownasa
Glycogen synthase cannot initiate a new glycogen
red ball-and-stickstructure), is bound to a Rossmann fold near the
chain de novo. It requires a primer, usually a pre- from the Tyrlea residues
amino terminus and is some distance
formed (a1-+4) polyglucosechain or branch havingat (turquoise)-15 A from theTyrin the samemonomer,12 A from theTyr
Ieasteight glucoseresidues.So,how is anew glycogen in the dimericpartner.EachUDP-glucose is boundthroughits phos-
moleculeinitiated?The intriguing protein glycogenin phatesto a Mn2* ion (green)that is essentialto catalysis.Mn2* is be-
(Fig. 15-32) is both the primer on which new chains lievedto functionasan electron-pairacceptor(Lewisacid)to stabilize
are assembledand the enzy'rnethat catalyzesthef as- the leavinggroup, UDP.The glycosidicbond in the producthas the
sembly.The first step in the synthesisof a new glyco- sameconfiguration aboutthe C-1 of glucoseasthe substrate UDP-glu-
gen moleculeis the transfer of a glucoseresiduefrom cose,suggesting thatthe transferof glucosefrom UDP toTyrreaoccurs
UDP-glucoseto the hydroxyl group of TVrt" of glyco- in two steps.The firststepis probablya nucleophilicattackby Aspr62
genin, catalyzed by the protein's intrinsic glucosyl- (orange),forming a temporaryintermediatewith invertedconfigura-
transferaseactivity (Fig. 15-33). The nascentchain tion. A secondnucleophilicattackbyTyrreathen restoresthe starting
is extendedby the sequentialaddition of sevenmore configuration.
Iuul P r i n c i p loef sM e t a b o R
l i ce g u l a t i 0 n

(a) (b)


UDP-glucose -o-P-o-P-o-
d o--@-lE;EIl



G glycogenin third tier

I primer fourth tier

outer tier
secono[rer (unbrancned)

FIGURE 15-33 Glycogeninand the structureofthe glycogenparticle.

(a)Clycogenin catalyzes two distinctreactions.
Initialattackby the hy-
droxylgroupolTyrleaon C-l of the glucosylmoietyof UDP-glucose
resultsin a glucosylatedTyrresidue.TheC-1 of anotherUDP-glucose
moleculeis now attackedby the C-4 hydroxylgroupof the terminal
glucose,and this sequencerepeatsto form a nascentglycogenmole-
culeof eightglucoseresidues attached by (a1-+4)glycosidiclinkages.
(b) Structureof the glycogenparticle.Startingat a centralglycogenin
molecule,glycogenchains(12 to.l4 residues) extendin tiers.Inner
chainshavetwo (a1--+6) branches each.Chainsin theoutertierareun-
Repeatssix times branched. Thereare 12 tiersin a matureglycogenparticle(only5 are
shownhere),consisting of about55,000glucoseresidues in a mole-
culeof about21 nm diameterandM. -1 x 1O7.

1Y5 . 4 T h eM e t a b o l i somf r The sugarnucleotideUDP-glucose donatesglucose
G l y c o g ei n A n i m a l s residuesto the nonreducingend of glycogenin
r Glycogenis storedin muscleand liver as large the reaction catalyzedby glycogensynthase.A
particles.Containedwithin the particlesare the separatebranchingenzyrneproducesthe (a1-+6)
enzyrnesthat metabolizeglycogen,aswell as linkagesat branch points.
regulatory enzyrnes. r New glycogenparticles begin with the autocataly'tic
r Glycogenphosphorylase catalyzesphosphorol;,tic formation of a glycosidicbond betweenthe glucose
cleavageat the nonreducingends of glycogen of UDP-glucose and a Tlr residuein the protein
chains,producingglucose1-phosphate. glycogenin,followed by addition of severalglucose
debranchingenzyrnetransfersbranchesonto main residuesto form a primer that can be actedon by
chainsand releasesthe residueat the (a1-+6) glycogens;.'rLthase.
branchas free giucose.
r Phosphoglucomutaseinterconvertsglucose 15.5Coordinated
1-phosphateand glucose6-phosphate.Glucose
6-phosphatecan enter glycolysisor, in liver, Synthesis
can be convertedto free glucoseby glucose As we haveseen,the mobilizationof storedglycogenis
6-phosphatase in the endoplasmicreticulum, brought about by glycogenphosphorylase,which de-
then releasedto replenishblood glucose. gradesglycogento glucosel-phosphate (Fig. 15-25).
15.5Coordinated andBreakdown
Synthesis I 60

Glycogenphosphorylaseprovides an especiallyinstruc- epinephrineor glucagonthrough a seriesof stepsshovm

tive case of erzyme regulation. It was one of the first in Figure 15-35. Sutherland discoveredthe second
knovm examplesof an allostericallyregulated enzyrne messengercAMP,which increasesin concentrationin
and the first enz;.rneshownto be controlledby reversible responseto stimulation by epinephrine (in muscle) or
phosphorylation.It was alsoone of the first ailostericen- glucagon(in liver). Elevated [cAMP] initiates an en-
zyrnesfor which the detailed three-dimensionalstruc- zJ'rnecascade, in which a catalyst activatesa catalyst,
tures of the active and inactive forms were revealedby which activatesa catalyst(seeSection12.1).Suchcas-
x-ray crystallographicstudies. Glycogenphosphorylase cades allow for Iarge amph-flcationof the initial signal
is also another illustration of how isoz}.'rnesplay their (seepink boxesin Fig. 15-35). The rise in [cAMP]acti-
tissue-speciicroles. vates cAMP-dependent protein kinase,also calledpro-
tein kinase A (PKA). PKA then phosphorylatesand
lsRegulated activatesphosphorylase b kinase, which catalyzesthe
andHormonally phosphorylationof Ser residuesin eachof the two iden-
tical subunits of glycogen phosphorylase,activating it
In the late 1930s, Carl and and thus stimulating glycogen breakdown. In muscle,
Gerty Cori (Box 15-4) discov- this provides fuel for glycolysisto sustain muscle con-
ered that the glycogenphos- traction for the flght-or-flight responsesignaledby epi-
phorylase of skeletal muscle nephrine.In liver, glycogenbreakdowncountersthe low
exists in two interconvertible blood glucosesignaledby glucagon,releasingglucose.
forms: glycogen phosphory- These different roles are reflected in subtle differences
lase a, which is cataly'tically in the regulatory mechanismsin muscle and liver. The
active, and glyeogen phos- glycogen phosphorylasesof liver and muscle are
phorylase b, which is less ac- isozl'rnes,encoded by different genes and differing in
tive (Fig. f5+4). Subsequent their regulatoryproperties.
studies by Earl Sutherland In muscle,superimposedon the regulationof phos-
EarlW. Sutherland,
Jr., showed that phosphorylaseb phorylaseby covalentmodification are two allosteric
1915-1974 predominatesin resting mus- control mechanisms(FiS. 15-35).Ca'*, the signalfor
cle, but during vigorousmus- muscle contraction, binds to and activates phosphory-
cular actMty epinephrinetriggers phosphorylationof a Iaseb kinase,promotingconversionof phosphorylase b
speci-flcSer residuein phosphorylase b, converthg it to to the active a form. Ca2+binds to phosphorylaseb
its more active form, phosphorylasea. (Note that glyco- kinase through its 6 subunit, which is calmodulin (see
gen phosphorylaseis often referred to simply as Fig. 12-11).AMP,which accumulatesin vigorouslycon-
phosphorylase-so honored becauseit was the first tracting muscle as a result of ATP breakdown,binds to
phosphoryIaseto be discovered;the shortenedname and activatesphosphorylase,speedingthe releaseof
has persistedin commonusageand in the literature.) glucosel-phosphatefrom glycogen.When ATP levels
The enzyme (phosphorylaseb kinase) responsi- are adequate,ATP blocks the allostericsite to which
ble for activatingphosphorylaseby transferring a phos- AMP binds, inactivatingphosphorylase.
phoryl group to its Ser residue is itself activated by Whenthe musclereturns to rest, a secondenzlirne,
phosphorylase a phosphatase, also called phospho-
protein phosphatase I (PPl), removesthe phospho-
Ser14 OH OH Serl4
side side ryl groups from phosphorylaseo, converting it to the
chain QHz 9Hz chain Iessactive form, phosphorylaseb.
Like the enzyme of muscle, the glycogen phos-
(lessactive) phorylase of liver is regulated hormonally (by phos-
phorylation/dephosphorylation)and allosterically.The
dephosphorylatedform is essentiallyinactive.Whenthe
-. (liver)
blood glucoselevel is too low, glucagon(acting through
the cascademechanismshownin Fig. 15-35) activates
p h o s p h o rr l a s c o phosphorvlasc6
phosphatasc klnase
epinephrine, FIGURE 15-34 Regulationof muscleglycogenphosphorylase by cova-
--f tc^'-l,
(muscle) lent modification.In the moreactiveform of the enzyme/phosphory-
lasea, Serla residues,one on each subunit,are phosphorylated'
Phosphorylase a is convertedto the lessactiveform, phosphorylaseb,
o / ,o by enzymaticlossof thesephosphorylgroups,catalyzedby phospho-
cr-Iz 9H, rylasea phosphatase (alsoknown as phosphoprotein phosphatase 1,
PPi). Phosphorylase b can be reconverted (reactivated)
to phosphory-
(active) lasea by the actionof phosphorylase b kinase,(SeealsoFig.6-36 on
glycogen phosphorylase regulation.)
L604l Principles
0f Metab0lic

FIGURE 15-35 Cascademechanismof epinephrineand -.,.

t.-. -.. - -.-- - - _ t- - _
Epinephrine i*moleculesl
---"-*--*-r G gon
glucagonaction. By binding to specificsurfacereceptors, Myocyte | Hepatocyte
either epinephrineacting on a myocyte(left)or glucagon ruIl l
actingon a hepatocyte(right)activatesa CTP-bindingpro- I

tein G,o (seeFig.12-4).ActiveC.o triggersa risein [cAMP], tl

activatingPKA.Thissetsoff a cascadeof phosphorylations;
PKAactivatesphosphorylase b kinase,which then activates I
glycogenphosphorylase. Suchcascadeseffecta largeam-
plificationof the initialsignal;the figuresin pink boxesare
probablylow estimatesof the actualincreasein numberof ATP Cyclic AMP
moleculesat eachstageof the cascade. Theresultingbreak- izii;i:t:@l
down of glycogenprovidesglucose,which in the myocyte
can supplyATP(via glycolysis)for musclecontractionand
Inactive PKA Active PKA
in the hepatocyteis releasedinto the blood to counterthe
low blood glucose.
phosphorylase b
--- kinase
; : ^ ^ molegules
, ; ,
iluujr I
Inactive Active
glycogen glycogen
phosphorylaseb phosphorylase o
I f--' -^ -' ^ -"--

IIAMP] t 11,000s molecules j

r. :--.-"......"....."

Glycogen Glucose1-phosphate


Blood glucose

phosphorylaseb kinase, which h turn converts phos- the phosphorylatedSer residues to PPl, which cat-
phorylaseb to its active o form, initiating the releaseof alyzestheir dephosphorylationand inactivatesthe phos-
glucoseinto the blood.Whenblood glucoselevelsreturn phorylase(Fig. f5-36). The allostericsite for glucose
to normal, glucose enters hepatocytesand binds to an allows liver glycogen phosphorylaseto act as its own
hhibitory allosteric site on phosphorylased. This bind- glucosesensorand to respondappropriatelyto changes
ing alsoproducesa conformationalchangethat exposes in bloodglucose.

o O Insulin
I Ir
QHz c

phosphorylase o

sites empty

FIGURE 15-35 Glycogenphosphorylase of liver as a glucosesensor. phosphatase convertsphosphorylase a to phosphorylase

b, sharplyre-
Clucosebindingto an allosteric
siteof the phosphorylase a isozymeol ducingthe activityof phosphorylase
and slowingglycogenbreakdown
liverinducesa conformationalchangethatexposesits phosphorylated in responseto highbloodglucose.lnsulinalsoactsindirectlyto stim-
Serresiduesto the actionof phosphorylase a phosphatase (ppl). This ulatePPl and slow glycogenbreakdown.
t eedg u l a t ioofn
1 5 . 5C o o r d i n aR e ynn t h e a
G l y c o gS s insdB r e a k d 0 w[ n

lsAlso byPhosphorylation which addsphosphorylgroupsto tluee Ser residuesnear
andDephnsphorylation the carboxylterminusof glycogens),nthase,
tivating it. The action of GSK3is hierarchical;it carmot
Like glycogenphosphorylase,glycogen synthasecan phosphorylateglycogensynthaseuntil anotherprotein ki-
exist in phosphorylatedand dephosphorylatedforms nase,casein kinase II (CKII), hasfirst phosphorylated
(Fig. 15-:37).Its activeform, glycogen s5,'nthasea, is the glycogens),Trthase on a nearbyresidue,an eventcalled
unphosphorylated.Phosphorylationof the hydroxyl priming (FiS. 15-38a).
side chainsof severalSer residuesof both subunitscon- In liver,conversionofglycogensynthaseb to the ac-
verts giycogen synthase a to glycogen synthase b, tive form is promoted by PP1, which is bound to the
which is iractive unless its allosteric activator,glucose glycogenparticle.PPl removesthe phosphorylgroups
6-phosphate,is present.Glycogensyrrthaseis remarkable
for its ability to be phosphorylatedon variousresiduesby
at least 11 different protein kinases The most rmportant
regulatorykinaseis glycogen s5mtlnse kinase 3 (GSK3), I

3ADP 3AIPlo"
Phosphoserines (}SK3
FIGURE 15-37 Effectsof GSK3on glycogensynthase activity.C lycogen near carboxyl
synthase a, the activeform, hasthreeSerresiduesnearitscarboxylter- terminus

minus,whicharephosphorylated by glycogen synthase kinase3 (CSK3)

Thisconvertsglycogensynthase to the inactive(b)form CSK3actionre- I

quiresprior phosphorylation (priming)by caseinkinase(CKll) lnsulin

triggersactivationof glycogensynthaseb by blockingthe activityof
CSK3(seethe pathwayfor this actionin Fig. 6) and activating a
phosphoprotein (PP1
phosphatase in muscle,anotherphosphatase rn lnactive

liver).In muscle,epinephrine activates PKA,whichphosphorylates the

glycogen-targetrng proteinCv (seeFig.15-40)on a sitethatcausesdis-
sociationof PPl from glycogen Clucose6-phosphate favorsdephos-
phorylationof glycogensynthase by bindingto it and promotinga
conformationthat is a good substrate for PP.l. Clucosealso promotes
dephosphorylation; thebindingof glucose to glycogen phosphorylase a
forcesa conformational changethatfavorsdephosphorylation to glyco-
genphosphorylase b, thusrelievingitsinhibition of PP.l(seeFig 15-39)

Active site

Priming site

o- phosphorylated
-o-P:o kinase II
H i
o o

Ser residues
(a) glycogensynthase (b) Pseudosubstrate

tIGURE 15-38 Primingof GSK3phosphorylation of glycogensynthase. zymemovesdown the proteinto phosphorylate the Serresidueat posi-
(a) Clycogensynthase
kinase3 firstassociates (glyco-
with its substrate tion -4, and then the Serat -8. (b) CSK3 has a Serresiduenearits
gen synthase) by interactionbetweenthreepositivelychargedresidues amino terminusthat can be phosphorylated by PKA or PKB(seeFig.
1Arge6,Arg180,Lys2os)anda phosphoserine residueat position+4 in the 15-39) Thisproducesa "pseudosubstrate" regionin CSK3thatfoldsinto
substrate(Fororientation,theSerorThrresidue to be phosphorylated in theprimingsiteandmakestheactivesiteinaccessible to anotherprotein
the substrateis assignedthe index0 Residues on the amino{erminal substrate, inhibitingCSK3until the primingphosphoryl groupof its
sideof thisresidue arenumbered -1 , -2, andsoforth;residues on the pseudosubstrate regionis removedby PP1. Otherproteinsthataresub-
carboxyl{erminal sidearenumbered +1, +2, andsoforth)Thisassoci- stratesfor CSK3alsohavea primingsiteat position+4, which mustbe
ationalignstheactivesiteof theenzymewith a Serresidue at position0, phosphorylated by anotherproteinkinasebeforeCSK3canacton them
which it phosphorylates Thiscreatesa new primingsite,and the en- (SeealsoFigs6-37 and12J2b on glycogensynthase regulation.)
f l
606 Principles

from the three Ser residuesphosphorylatedby GSK3. dergo a priming phosphorylationby another protein ki-
Glucose6-phosphatebindsto an allostericsite on glyco- nasebeforethey canbe phosphorylated by GSK3.
gen synthaseb, making the enz}.'rnea better substrate
for dephosphorylationby PPI and causingits activation. Phosphoprotein 1ls(entral
Phosphatase to
By analogywith glycogenphosphorylase, which acts as
a glucosesensor,glycogenslmthasecan be regardedas
a glucose 6-phosphatesensor.In muscle, a different A single enzyme,PPl, can removephosphorylgroups
phosphatasemay have the role played by PPl in liver, from all three of the enzymesphosphorylatedin re-
activatingglycogensynthaseby dephosphorylatingit. sponseto glucagon (liver) and epinephrrne (liver and
muscle): phosphorylasekinase, glycogenphosphory-
ofthe lase,and glycogensyrrthase.Insulin stimulatesglycogen
ofInsulin synthesisby activating PP1 and by inactivating GSK3.
Phosphoproteinphosphatase1 doesnot exist free in
As we saw in Chapter 12, oneway in which insulin trig- the cytosol,but is tightlybourd to its targetproteinsby one
gers intracellular changesis by activating a protein ki- of a family of glycogen-taxgeting proteins that bind
nase [PKB) that in turn phosphorylatesand inactivates $ycogen and each of the tlree enzymes,$ycogen phos-
GSK3(Fig. 15-39; seealsoFig. 12-16).Phosphoryla- phorylase,phosphorylasekinase,and $ycogen synthase
tion of a Ser residuenear the aminoterminus of GSK3 (Fig. 15-40). PPI is itsel-fsubject to covalentand al-
convertsthat regionof the proteinto a pseudosubstrate, lostericregulation:it is inactivatedwhen phosphorylatedby
which folds into the site at which the priming phospho- PKA and is allostericallyactivatedby gucose6-phosphate.
rylated Ser residuenormallybinds (Fig. 15-38b). This
prevents GSK3 from binding the priming site of a real (arbohydrate
substrate,thereby inactivating the enzymeand tipping
the balancein favor of dephosphorylationof glycogen Metabolism
synthaseby PPl. Glycogenphosphorylasecan also af- Having looked at the mechanismsthat regulate individ-
fect the phosphorylationof glycogensynthase:active ual enz;.'rnes,
we can now consider the overall shifts in
glycogenphosphorylasedirectly inhibits PPl, prevent- carbohydratemetabolismthat occur in the well-fed
ing it from activatingglycogens;mthase(Fig. 15-37). state,during fasting,and in the flght-or-flightresponse-
Although flrst discoveredin its role in glycogenme- signaledby insulin, glucagon,and epinephrine,respec-
tabolism (hence the name glycogenslmthasekinase), tively. We need to contrasttwo casesin which regulation
GSK3 clearly has a much broader role than the regula- servesdifferent ends:(1) the role of hepatocytesin sup-
tion of glycogen synthase.It mediates signalingby in- plying glucoseto the blood,and (2) the selfishuse of car-
sulin and other growth factors and nutrients, and it acts bohydratefuelsby nonhepatictissues,typiied by skeletal
in the specificationof cell fates during embryonicdevel- muscle(myoc1'tes),to supporttheir own activities.
opment.Amongits targetsare cytoskeletalproteinsand After ingestionof a carbohydrate-richmeal,the ele-
proteins essential for mRNA and protein synthesis. vation of blood glucose triggers insulin release
These targets, Iike glycogensynthase,must first un- (FiS. 15-41, top). In a hepatocy'te,insulin hastwo imme-


FIGURE 15-39 The path from insulinto GSK3and

glycogensynthase.Insulinbindingto its receptor
activatesa tyrosineprotein kinasein the receptor,
which phosphorylates insulinreceptorsubstrate-1
(lRS-1). The phosphotyrosine in this proteinis then
b o u n d b y p h o s p h a t i d y l i n o s i3t o- kl i n a s e( p t - 3 K ) ,
which convertsphosphatidylinosirol 4,S-bisphos-
phate(PlP2)in the membrane to phosphatidylinosi-
tol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PlP3).A protein kinase
(PDK-I)that is activatedwhen boundto plp, acti-
vatesa secondproteinkinase(pKB),which phos-
phorylates glycogensynthase kinase3 (CSK3)in its
pseudosubstrate region,inactivating it by the mech-
anismsshownin Figure15-38b.The inactivation of
CSK3allowsphosphoprotein phosphatase 1 (PP.l )ro
dephosphorylate and thus activateglycogensyn-
thase In thisway,insulinstimulates glycogensynthe-
sis (SeeFig.12-16for moredetails on insulinaction.)
1 5 . 5C o o r d i n aR G l y c o g5eynn t h e sainsdB r e a k d o w[na t l
t eedg u l a t ioof n

FIGUREl5-40 Glycogen-targetingprotein G,u. The

glycogentargeting proteinCv isoneof a familyof proteins
that bind otherproteins(includingPP1)to glycogenpafti-
cles.Cu can be phosphorylated at two differentsitesin re-
sponseto insulinor epinephrine. @ Insulin-stimulated
phosphorylation of Cv site1 activatesPPl, whichdephos-
phorylates phosphorylase kinase,glycogenphosphorylase,
and glycogensynthase(not shown). @ Epinephrine-
stimulated phosphorylation of Cv site 2 causesdissoci-
ation of PP.lfrom the glycogenparticle,preventingits
accessto glycogenphosphorylase and glycogensyn-
thase.PKA also phosphorylates a protein(inhibitor1)
that,when phosphorylated, inhibitsPP.l By thesemeans,
insulin inhibits glycogenbreakdownand stimulates
glycogensynthesis, and epinephrine (or glucagonin the
liver)hasthe oppositeeffects.

High blood

llnsulin GLUT2

f Insulin-sensitive lPKB Synthesis of
protein kinase hexokinase II,
PFK-I, pyruvate ,
kinase ,u
,IPPl ,l.GSK-3 ' t lclucosel6"i6"

JPhosphorylase t Glycogen
kinase synthase
'f Glycogen


t Glycogen


FIGURE 15-41 Regulationof carbohydratemetabolism

in the liver.Arrowsindicatecausalrelationshios
the changesthey connect.Forexample,an arrowfrom JA
to 18 meansthata decrease in A causesan increase
in B.
Pink arrowsconnecteventsthat resultfrom high blood
glucose;blue arrowsconnecteventsthat resultfrom lol.
608 Principles

diate effects:it inactivatesGSK3,actingthrough the cas- Epinephrine

cadeshownin Figure 15-39,and activatesa protein phos- Glucagon
phatase,perhaps PPl. These two actions fully activate
glycogens;mthase.PPl also inactivatesglycogenphos-
phorylasea and phosphorylasekinaseby dephosphory-
Liver Muscle

lating both, effectively stopping glycogen breakdown.

Glucoseentersthe hepatocy[ethrough the high-capacity Glycogen Glycogen
transporter GLUT2,alwayspresent in the plasmamem- t tGlycogenolysisf I
brane,and the elevatedintracellularglucoseIeadsto drs- Y Y
Blood - Glucose Glucose
sociationof hexokinaseIV (glucokinase)from its nuclear glucose - 6-phosphate 6-phosphate
regulatoryprotein(Fig. 15-13).Hexokinase IVentersthe
c;4osoland phosphorylatesglucose,stimulatingglycoly- A {Glycolysist I
I lGluconeogenesis V
sis and supplyingthe precursor for glycogensy'nthesis.
Pyruvate Pyruvate
Undertheseconditions,hepatocytesuse the excessglu-
cosein the bloodto sy'nthesize glycogen,up to the limit of FIGURE 15-42 Differencein the regulationof carbohydratemetabo-
about 10%of the total weight of the liver. lism in liver and muscle.In liver,eitherglucagon(indicatinglow
Betweenmeals,or during an extendedfast, the drop bloodglucose) or epinephrine(signaling
the needto fightor flee)has
in blood glucosetriggers the releaseof glucagon,which, the effectof maximizingthe outputof glucoseinto the bloodstream.
acting through the cascadeshown in Figure 15-35, ln muscle,epinephrine increasesglycogenbreakdown andglycolysis,
activatesPKA. PKA mediatesall the effects of glucagon which togetherprovidefuel to producethe ATPneededfor muscle
(Fig. 15-41, bottom). It phosphorylatesphosphorylase contraction
kinase,activatingit and leadng to the activationof $yco-
gen phosphorylase.It phosphorylatesglycogens;mthase,
inactivatingit and blocking glycogensyrrthesisIt phos- neuronal stimulation of muscle contraction, cytosolic
phorylatesPFK-2/FBPase-2, leadingto a drop in the con- rises briefly and activates phosphorylase kinase
cen- tration of the regulatorfructose2,6-bisphosphate, through its calmodulinsubunit
which hasthe effect of inactivatingthe glycolyticenzyrne Elevatedinsulin triggersincreasedglycogensynthe-
PFK-I and activatingthe gluconeogenicenzyrneFBPase- sisin myocytesby activatingPPi and inactivatingGSK3.
1.And it phosphorylatesand inactivatesthe glycolltic en- Unlike hepatocytes,myocyteshavea reserveof GLUT4
zyrnep),'ruvatekinase.Under these conditions,the liver sequesteredin rntracellularvesicles.Insultntriggerstheir
producesglucose6-phosphateby glycogenbreakdown movement to the plasma membrane (see Fig. 12-16),
and by gluconeogenesis, and it stopsusing$ucose to fuel wherethey allowincreasedglucoseuptake.In response
glycolysisor make $ycogen, maximizingthe amount of to insulin, therefore, myocytes help to lower blood
glucoseit canreleaseto the blood.Thisreleaseofglucose glucose by increasingtheir rates of glucose uptake,
is possibleonly in liver and kidney,becauseother tissues glycogens;mthesis,and glycolysis.
lack glucose6-phosphatase(Fig. 15-28).
The physiologyof skeletalmuscle differs from that (arbohydrate
of liver in three ways important to our discussionof
metabolicregulation(Fig. 15-42): (1) muscleusesits Hormonal
stored glycogenonly for its own needs; (2) as it goes As complexas the reguiationof carbohydratemetabo-
from rest to vigorous contraction,muscle undergoes lism is, it is far from the whole story of fuel metabolism.
very large changes in its demand for ATP, which is The metabolism of fats and fatty acids is very closely
supportedby glycolysis;(3) musclelacks the enz}..rnatic tied to that of carbohydratesHormonalsignalssuch as
machineryfor gluconeogenesis. The regulationof carbo- insulin and changesin diet or exerciseare equally im-
hydratemetabolismin musclereflectsthesedifferences portant in regulating fat metabolismand integrating it
from liver. First, myocy[eslack receptorsfor glucagon. with that of carbohydrates.We return to this overall
Second,the muscleisozymeof pyruvatekinaseis not metabolic integration h mammalsin Chapter 23, after
phosphorylatedby PKA, so glycolysisis not turned off first consideringthe metabolicpathwaysfor fats and
when [cAMP]is high. In fact, c.\IVP,increosesthe rate of aminoacids(Chapters17and 18).The message we wish
glycolysisin muscle, probably by activatingglycogen to convey here is that metabolic pathwaysare overlaid
phosphorylase. When epinephrineis releasedinto the wrth complex regulatory controls that are exquisitely
blood in a flght-or-flight situation, PKA is activated by sensitiveto changesin metaboliccircumstances. These
the rise in [cAMP] and phosphorylatesand activates mechanismsact to adjust the flow of metabolites
glycogenphosphorylase kinase.The resultingphospho- through various metabolic pathways,as needed by the
rylation and activation of glycogen phosphorylasere- cell and organism,and to do so without causingmajor
sults in faster glycogenbreakdown.Epinephrine is not changesin the concentrationsof intermediatesshared
releasedunder low-stress conditions,but with each with other pathways
F u r t h eRre a d i n g 6 0 9 ]

1Y5 . 5 C o o r d i n a t eRde g u l a t i o n fructose2,6-bisphosphatase UDP-glucose
(FBPase-2) 588 pyrophosphorylase 600
o f G l y c o g eSny n l h e s i s amylo (1-+4) to (1-+6)
a n dB r e a k d o w n elementbindingprotein trans$ycosylase 601
r Glycogenphosphorylaseis activatedin responseto (chREBP) 591 glycogenin 601
glucagonor epinephrine,which raise [cAMP]and ctornl raqnnnqp glycogen
activatePKA. PKA phosphorylatesand activates alemont hindino phosphorylaseo 603
phosphorylasekinase,which convertsglycogen protein (SREBP) 592 glycogen
phosphorylaseb to its activeo form. Phosphoprotein cyclic AMP response phosphorylaseb 603
phosphatase1 (PPl) reversesthe phosphorylation elementbinding enzyme cascade 603
of glycogenphosphorylaseo, inactivatingit. Glucose protein (CREB) 592 phosphorylaseb kinase 603
of glycogenphosphorylase
binds to the liver isozSrme forkheadbox other phosphoprotein
a, favoringits dephosphorylationand inactivation. (FOXO1) 592 phosphatase1 (PPI) 603
glycogenolysis 595 glycogens5mthasea 605
r Glycogensynthaseo is inactivatedby
glycogenesis 595 glycogenslrrthaseb 605
phosphorylationcatalyzedby GSK3.Insulin
glucose1-phosphate 595 glycogensynthasekinase3
blocksGSK3.PP1,which is activatedby insulin,
debranchingenzlrne 596 (GSK3) 605
reversesthe inhibition by dephosphorylating
oligo (a1-+6) to (a1-+4) caseinkinaseII (CKn) 605
glucantransferase 596 priming 605
r Insulinincreasesglucoseuptakeinto myocytesand phosphoglucomutase596 glycogen-targeting
adipoc;,tesby triggering movementof the glucose sugarnucleotides 596 proteins 606
transporterGLUT4to the plasmamembrane. freeze-clamping 611
r Insulin stimulatesthe synthesisof hexokinases
II and IV, PFK-I, pyruvate kinase,and several
enzyrnesinvolvedin lipid synthesis.Insulin Further
stimulatesglycogensynthesisin muscleand liver.
Regulation of Metabolic Pathways
r In liver, glucagonstimulatesglycogenbreakdov,n
Desvergne, 8., Michalik, L., & Wahli, W. (2006) T[anscriptional
and gluconeogenesis while blockingglycolysis, regulationof metabolism.Physi,ol Reu. 86, 465-514
thereby sparingglucosefor export to the brain Advancedand comprehensivereview.
and other tissues. Gibson, D. & Harris, R.A, (2001)Metabolic Regulati'on i'n
MammaLs,Taylor & Francis,New York.
r In muscle,epinephrinestimulatesglycogen
Excellent,readableaccountof metabolicregulation.
breakdownand glycolysis,providing ATP to
Storey, K.B, (ed.). (2004)Functinnal Metabolism: Regulati'on
supportcontraction. and Adaptati,on, Wley-Liss,Inc., Hoboken,NJ.
Excelient discussionof the principles of metabolicregulation,
signaltransduction,transcriptionalcontrol, and energymetabolismin
KeyTerms health and disease.

Tenns i,n bold are defined i,n th,eglossarg Analysis of Metabolic Control
Fell, D.A. (1992) Metaboliccontrol analysis:a surveyofits theoreti
glucose6-phosphate569 flux control cal and experimentaldevelopmentBi'ochem.J 286, 313-330
flux 57\ coefflcient,C 578 Clearstatementof the principiesof metaboliccontrol analysis.
homeostasis 57I flux,J 578 Fell, D.A, (1997) Und,erstand'i'ngthe Control oJMetaboli'sm,Port-
eellular elasticity land Press,Ltd , London
differentiation 571 coefflcient,e 580 An excellent,clear expositionof metabolicregulation,from the
If you read only one treat-
point of view of metaboliccontrol ana"lysis.
transcriptionfactor 57I responsecoefflcient,-B 581
ment on metaboliccontrol analysis,this shouldbe it.
response element 571 gluconeogenesis 582
Heinrich, R. & Rapoport, T.A' (1974) A linear steady-statetreat-
turnover 572 futile cycle 583 ment of enzjrmaticchains:generalproperties,controi and effector
transcriptome 572 substratecycle 583 strength Eur J. Bi,ochem 42,89-95.
proteome 572 hexokinaseII 583 Early statementof principlesof metabolc control analysis.See
metabolome 573 hexokinaseI 583 alsothe paperby Kacser& Burns,Iisted below
metabolicregulation 574 hexokinaseIV 584 Jeffrey, F.M.H., Rqiagopal, A., Maloy, C.R.' & Sherry' A.D.
metabolic control 574 (1991) r3C-NMR:a simpleyet comprehensivemethod for analysisof
GLUTz 584
intermediarymetabolism.Ttends Bi'ochem Sci'. 16, 5-10.
mass action glucagon 587
Brief, intermediatelevel review.
ratio, @ 574 fructose
Kacse4 H. & Burns, J.A' (1973) The control of flux. Sgm'p Soc
adenylatekinase 576 2,6-bisphosphate587 Erp 8i,o1.32,65-104.
AMP-activatedprotein phosphofructokinase-2 A classicpaper in the field. Seealsothe paper by Heinrich &
kinase (AMPK) 576 (PFK-2) 588 Rapoport,listed above
10 l P r i n c i p l eo sf M e t a b o l R
i ce g u l a t i o n

Kacser, H., Burns, J.A., & Fell, D.A. (1995) The control of flux: Classicdescriptionof this regulatorymolecuieand its role rn
21 yearson.Bi,ochemSoc Tlans.z8, 341-366. regulatingcarbohydratemetabolism
Schilling, C,H., Schuster,S., Palsson, B.O., & Heinrich, R. Hue, L. & Rider, M.H. (1987)Roleof fructose2,6-bisphosphate in
(1999) Metabolicpathwayanalysis:basic conceptsand scientiflcap- the control of glycolysisin mammaliantiss;rtesB'inchem.J. 245,
plicationsin the post-genomicera.Biotech:nol Prog 15, 296-303. 3t3-324
Short, advanceddiscussionof theoreticaltreatmentsthat attempt Jorgensen, S.8., Richter, E.A., & IVojtaszewski, J.F.P, (2006)
to find ways of manipulatingmetabolismto optimizethe formation of Role of AMPK in skeletalmusclemetabolicregulationand adaptation
metabolicproducts. in relationto exercise.J. PhEsioI 674,17-3I
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tion of metabolicpathwaysuseful for systematicorganizationand AMP-activatedprotein kinase:ancient energygaugeprovidesclues
analysisof complexmetabolicnetworks Nat Bi,otechnol.18,
to modern understandingof metabolism.CeLL Metab. L,15-25
326-332 Well-illustrated,intermediate-levelreview.
An interestingand provocativeanalysisof the interplay between
the pentosephosphatepathwayand glycolysis,from a theoretical Long, Y.C. & Zierath, J.R. (2006) AMP-activatedprotein kinase
standpoint. signalingin metabolicregulation.J. Cli,n Inuest l16, 1776-1783.
Advanced,short review of AMPK role in metaboiism,including
Westerhoff, H,V., Hofmey'r, J.-H.S., & Kholodenko, B.N. (1994)
data on knockout mice
Getting to the inside of cells using metaboliccontrol analysis.Bzo-
phgs Chem 60,273-283. Nordlie, R.C., Foste4 J.D., & Lange, A.J. (1999)Regulationof
glucoseproduction by the hver.Annu Reu Nutr. f 9, 379-406.
Coordinated Regulation of Glycolysis and Advancedreview.
Gluconeogenesis Okar, D.A., Manzano, A., Navarro-Sabate, A., Riera, L.,
Bartrons, R., & Lange, A.J. (2001)PFK-2/TBPase-2: makerand
Armoni, M., Harel, C., & Karnieli, E. (2007) T[anscriptional
breaker of the essentialbiofactor fructose-2,6-bisphosphaleT?ends
regulationof the GLUT4gene:from PPAR-gamma and FOXOI to B'inchem Scz.26, 30-35.
FFA and inflammation.Tfends Endocrinol Metab 18, 100-107.
Pilkis, S.J. & Granner, D.K. (1992) Molecularphysiologyof the
Barthel, A,, Schmoll, D., & Unterman, T.G. (2005) FoxO proteins
regulationof hepaticgluconeogenesisand glycolysis.Annu Reu
in insulin action and metabolism.Tiends Endocrino| Metab 16,
Physiol.64, 885-909.
Intermediate-levelrevrewof the transcriptionfactor'seffectson Postic, C., Dentin, R., Denechaud,P.-D.,& Girard, J. (2007)
carbohydratemetabolism. ChREBRa transcriptionalregulatorof glucoseand lipid metabolism.
Annu Reu Nutr 27,179-192.
Brady, M.J., Pessin, J,8,, & Saltiel, A.B. (1999)Spatialcompart-
Advancedreview of the role of transcriptionfactor ChREBPin
mentalizationin the regulationof giucosemetabolismby insulin.
Ttends Endocri,nol Metab 10, 408-413.
Intermediate-1evelreview. Schirmer, T. & Evans, P.R. (1990) Structural basisof the allosteric
behaviorof phosphofructokinase.
Nafzre 343, 740-l4b
Carling, D. (2004) The AMP-activatedprotein kinasecascade-a
unifying systemfor energycontrol. Tlends Bi,ochem Sci,.29, 78-24 Towle, H.C. (2005) Glucoseas a regulator of eukaryoticgenetran-
intermediatelevel review of AMPK and its role in energy scription Ttends Endocrinol Metab 16, 489494
metabolism Intermedlatelevel review.
de la Iglesia, N., Mukhtar, M., Seoane, J., Guinovart, J.J., & Towler, M.C. & Hardie, D.G. (2007) AMP-activatedprotein kinase
Agius, L. (2000) The role of the regulatoryprotein of glucokinasein in metaboliccontrol and insulin signaling.Ci,rc. Res.100, 328-341.
the glucosesensorymechanismof the hepatocyte.J. Bi,ol Chem, van Shaftingen, E. & Gerin, I. (2002) The glucose-6-phosphatase
275, 10,597-10,603 sysLem.
Bi,ochem J. 362, 513-532.
Report of the experimentaldeterminationof the flux control Veech, R.L. (2003) A humble hexosemonophosphatepathway
coefflcientsfor glucokinaseand the glucokinaseregulatoryprotein metaboliteregulatesshort- and long-term control of lipogenesis.
in hepatocytes Proc Natl Acad Sci, US,A100,5578-5580
Dean, L. & McEntyre, J. (2004) The GenetzcLandscape oJ Short review of the work from K. Uyeda'slaboratoryon the role
Dza,betes,NationalCenterfor BiotechnologyInformation, of xylulose5-phosphatein carbohydrateand fat metabolism;Uyeda's
www.ncbi.nim.nih. gov/books/bvfcgi?rid=diabetes. papersare cited in this rer,rew.
An excellent,highly readable,downloadablebook (free) Yamada, K. & Noguchi, T. (i999) Nutrient and hormonairegula-
It includesan introduction to diabetes,a history of studiesof dia- tion of pyruvatekinasegeneexpression.
Bzochem J. 337, 1-11.
betes,and chapterson the geneticfactorsin IDDM, NIDDM, and
MODY The Metabolism of Glycogen in Animals
Desverne,8., Michalik, L., & Wahli, W (2006) Tianscriptional Whelan, WJ. (i976) On the origin of primer for glycogensynthesis
regulationof metabolism Phgsi,ol Reu 86,465-514 Tlends Biochem Sci L, 13-75.
Extensive,advancedreview of transcriptionfactors,including Intermediatereview of the discovery,propertiesand role of
those that regulatecarbohydrateand fat metabolism glycogenin
Hardie, D.G. (2007) AMP-activatedprotein kinaseas a drug target
Annu Reu PhaymacoL Tori,col.47, 185-210 Coordinated Regulation of Glycogen Synthesis
Advancedreview,with emphasison the possiblerole of this and Breakdown
enz).rnein t5,peII diabetes.
Aiston, S., Hampson, L., Gomez-Foix, A.M., Guinovart, J.J., &
Herma.n, M.A. & Kahn, B.B. (2006) Glucosetransport and sensing Agius, L. (2001) Hepatlcglycogensynthestsis highly sensitiveto
rn the maintenanceof glucosehomeostasisand metabolicharmony. phosphorylaseactivity: evidencefrom metaboliccontrol analysis
J. Clin Inuest 116,1767-1775. J. Btol. Chem 276,23,858-23,866.
Jope, R.S. & Johnson, G.V.W.(2004) The glamourand gloom of
Hers, H.G. & Van Schaftingen, E. (1982)Fructose2,6-bisphos- glycogenslrrthasekinase-3 Ttends B,iochem Sci, 29, 95-702
phate 2 yearsa"fterits discovery.Briochem J. 2O6,1-12. Intermediatelevel,well-illustratedreview

Problems 3. Effect of O2 Supply on Glycolytic Rates The regulated

steps ofglycolysis in intact cells can be identifled by studying
l. Measurement of Intracellular Metabolite Concentra- the catabolism of glucose in whole tissues or organs. For ex-
tions Measuring the concentratlons of metabolic intermedlates ample, the glucose consumption by heart muscle can be mea-
in a living cell presents great experimental difflculties-usually a sured by artiflcially circulating blood through an isolated intact
cell must be destroyed before metabolite concentrations can be heart and measurlng the concentration of glucose before and
measured Yet enz5,'rnes catalyze metabolic interconversions very after the blood passes through the heart If the circulating
rapidly, so a conunon problem associated with these t5,pes of blood ls deoxygenated, heart muscle consumes glucose at a
measurements is that the findings reflect not the physiological steady rate When oxygen is added to the blood, the rate of
concentrations of metabolites but lhe equilibrium concentra- glucose consumption drops dramatically, then ls maintained at
tions A reliable experimental technique requires all enzr,.,rne-cat- lhe new, lower rate Explain
alyzed reactions to be instantaneously stopped in the intact
4. Regulation of PFK-I The effect of ATP on the allosteric
tissue so that the metabolic intermediates do not undergo
enzyme PFK-1 is shown below. For a given concentration of
change. This objective is accomplished by rapidly compressing
fructose 6-phosphate, the PFK-1 activity increases with in-
the tlssue between large aluminum plates cooled with liquid m-
creasing concentrations of ATP, but a point is reached beyond
trogen (-190'C), a process called freeze-clamping. After
which increasing the concentration of ATP inhibits the enz;'rne.
freezing, which stops enzyne action ir-rstantly,the tissue is pow-
dered and the enzJ,lnesare inactivated by precipitation with per-
chloric acid. The precipitate is removed by centrifugation, and
[he clear supernatant extract ls analyzed for metabo]ites. To ca1- S80
culate intracellular concentrations, the intracellular volume is
determined from the total water content of the tissue and a
measurement of the extracellular volume .t 40
The intracellular concentratlons of the substrates and
products of the phosphofructokinase-1 reaction ln isolated rat i20
heart tissue are given in the table below.
Metabolite Concenhation(prvr)- (a) Explain how ATP can be both a substrateand an in-
Fructose6-phosphate 87.0 hibltor of PFK-1 How is the enzyrneregulatedby ATP?
Fructose1,6-bisphosphate 22.0 (b) In what ways is glycolysisregulatedby ATP levels?
ATP 11 , 4 0 0 (c) The inhibition of PFK-1by ATP is diminishedwhen the
ADP 1,320 ADP concentrationis high, as shown in the illustration. How
can this observationbe explained?
Source:FromWilliamson, J R (1965)Glycotytic
inhibitionof glycolysis
byacetate andpyruvate 5, Cellular Glucose Concentration The concentrationof
in the isolated, rat
heafi.J. Biol.Chem.240, 2308-2327.
glucosein human blood plasmais maintainedat about 5 mu
*Calculated as rrmol/mLof intracellular
The concentrationof free glucoseinside a myocyteis much
(a) CalculateQ, [fructose 1,O-bisphosphate][ADP]/[fruc- lower Why is the concentrationso low in the cell? What hap-
pens to glucoseafter entry into the cell?Glucoseis adminis-
tose 6-phosphatel[ATP], for the PFK-1reactionunderphysio-
tered intravenously as a food source in certain clinical
(b) Givena AG'ofor the PFK-1reactionof -I4.2 situations.Giventhat the transformationof glucoseto glucose
6-phosphateconsumesATP,why not administer intravenous
calculatethe equilibrium constantfor this reaction.
glucose6-phosphate instead?
(c) Comparethe valuesof Q andKio. Is the physiological
reaction near or far from equilibrium?Explain What doesthis 6. Enz5'rneActivity and Physiological Function The Z^u*
experimentsuggestabout the role of PFK-1 as a regulatory of the glycogenphosphorylasefrom skeletal muscle is much
enzl'rne? greaterthan the 7-u" of the sameenzlme from [ver tissue.
(a) What is the physiologicalfunction of glycogenphos-
2. Are All Metabolic Reactions at Equilibrium?
phorylasein skeletalmuscle?In liver tissue?
(a) Phosphoenolpy'ruvate (PEP) is one of the two phos-
(b) Whv does the 7^u* of the muscle enzyrneneed to be
phoryl groupdonorsln the synthesisof ATP duringglycolysis.
greater than that of the liver enzyme?
In humanerythrocytes,the steady-state concentrationof ATP
ts 2.24 mM, that of ADP is 0 25 mu, and that of pyruvateis 7. Glycogen Phosphorylase Equilibrium Glycogenphos-
0 051mn. Calculatethe concentratlonof PEP at25"C, assum- phorylasecatalyzesthe removalof glucosefrom glycogen.The
ing that the pyruvatekinasereaction (see Fig 13-13) is at AG'ofor this reactionis 3 1 kJ/mol
equilibrium in the cell. (a) Caiculatethe ratio of [P1]to [glucose1-phosphate]
(b) The physiological concentrationof PEPin humanery- when the reaction is at equilibrium. (Hint: The removal of
throcyiesis 0 023mu. Comparethis with the valueobtainedin glucoseunits from glycogendoes not changethe glycogen
(a) Explain the slgniflcanceof this difference. concentration.)
4 6 1 2 , P r i n c i p loefsM e t a b oR
l i ce g u l a t i o n

(b) The measuredratio [P1]/[glucose l-phosphate]in my- CaseB The patient developsvomiting and diarrhea after
ocytes under physiologicalconditions is more than 100:1. ingestion of milk. His blood is found to have a low concentra-
What doesthis indicate about the direction of metaboliteflow tion of glucosebut a much higher than normal concentration
through the glycogenphosphorylasereaction in muscle? of reducing sugars.The urine tests positivefor galactose.Why
(c) S&y are the equilibrium and physiologicalratios dif- is the concentrationofreducing sugarin the blood high?Why
ferent?What is the possiblesigniflcanceof this difference? doesgalactoseappearin the urine?
Case C The patient complainsof painful muscle cramps
8. Regulation of Glycogen Phosphorylase In muscle tis-
when performing strenuousphysicalexercisebut hasno other
sue,the rate of conversionof giycogento glucose6-phosphate
symptoms A muscle biopsy indicates a muscle glycogen
is determinedby the ratio of phosphorylasea (active) to phos-
concentrationmuch higher than normal. Why does glycogen
phorylaseb (lessactive).Determinewhat happensto the rate
of glycogenbreakdou'nif a muscle preparationcontaining
CaseD The patient is lethargic,her liver is enlarged,and
glycogenphosphorylaseis treated with (a) phosphorylaseki-
a biopsy of the liver showslarge amounts of excessglycogen.
naseandATP;(b) PPl; (c) epinephrine.
She also has a Iower than normal blood glucoselevel. What is
9. Glycogen Breakdown in Babbit Muscle The intracellu- the reasonfor the low blood glucosein this patient?
lar use of glucoseand glycogenis tightly regulatedat four DefectiueEnzyme
points To comparethe regulationof glycoiysiswhen oxygenis (a) MusclePFK-I
plentiful and when it is depleted,considerthe utilizationof (b) Phosphomannose isomerase
glucoseand glycogenby rabbit Ieg musclein two physiological (c) Galactose1-phosphateuridylyltransferase
settings:a resting rabbit, with low ATP demands,and a rabbit (d) Liver glycogenphosphorylase
that sights its mortal enemy,the coyote, and dashesinto its (e) Ttiose kinase
burrow. For each setting, determine the relative levels (high, (f ) Lactasein intestinal mucosa
intermediate,or low) of AMP,ATP,citrate, and acetyl-CoAand (g) Maltasein intestinai mucosa
describe how these levels affect the flow of metabolites (h) Muscledebranchingenzy'rne
through glycolysisby regulating speciic enz)'rnesIn periods Tteatmnnt
of stress,rabbit leg muscleproducesmuch of its ATPby anaer- 1. Jogging5 km eachday
obic glycolysis(lactate fermentation) and very little by oxida- 2 Fat-free diet
tion of acetyl-CoAderivedfrom fat breakdown 3. Low-lactosediet
10. Glycogen Breakdown in Migrating Birds Unlike the 4. Avoidingstrenuousexercise
rabbit with its short dash, migratory birds require energy for 5. Largedosesof niacin (the precursorof NAD')
extended periods of time. For example, ducks generally fly 6. Frequent feedings (smaller portions) of a normal diet
severalthousandmiles during their annual migration. The 12. Effects of Insufficient Insulin in a Person
flight musclesof migratory birds have a high oxidative capac- with Diabetes A man with insulin-dependent dia-
ity and obtain the necessaryATP through the oxidation of betes is brought to the emergencyroom in a near-comatose
acetyl-CoA(obtainedfrom fats) via the citric acid cycle Com- state.While vacationingin an isolatedplace,he lost his insulin
pare the regulation of muscle glycolysisduring short-term in-
medicationand has not taken any insulin for two days.
tense activity, as in the fleeing rabbit, and during extended (a) For each tissue listed below, is each pathway faster,
activity, as in the migrating duck. Why must the regulation in slower,or unchangedin this patient, comparedwith the nor-
these two settingsbe different? mal level when he is getting appropriate amounts of insulin?
11. Enzyme Defects in Carbohydrate Metabolism (b) For eachpathway,describeat least one control mech-
Summariesof four clinical casestudiesfollow.For each anismresponsiblefor the changeyou predict
casedetermhe which enzyrneis defectiveand designatethe ap- ?issue and Pathways
propriate treatment, from the lists provided at the end of the 1. Adipose:fatty acid sSmthesis
problem.Justi-fyyour choices.Answer the questionscontahed 2. Muscle: glycolysis;fatty acid synthesis;glycogen slm-
in each case study. ffou may need to refer to information in thesis
Chapter14.) 3 Liver: glycolysis;gluconeogenesis; glycogen synthesis;
Case A The patlent develops vomiting and diarrhea fatty acid synthesis;pentosephosphatepathway
shortly after milk ingestion A lactosetolerancetest is admin-
13. Blood Metabolites in Insulin Insufficiency
istered.(The patientingestsa standardamountof lactose,and
For the patient describedin Problem 12, predict the
the glucoseand galactoseconcentrationsof blood plasmaare
levels of the following metaboiites in his blood bejore ireat-
measuredat intervals In individualswith normal carbohydrate
ment in the emergency room, relative to levels maintained
metabolism,the levelsincreaseto a maximum in about t hour,
during adequate insulin treatment: (a) glucose; (b) ketone
then decline.)The patient'sblood glucoseand galactosecon-
bodies; (c) free fatty acids.
centrationsdo not increaseduringthe test.Why do bloodglu-
coseand galactoseincreaseand then decreaseduringthe test 14. Metabolic Effects of Mutant Enz5rrnes Predict and ex-
in healthy individuals?Why do they fail to rise in the patient? plain the effect on glycogen metabolism of each of the foliowing
A n a l y sPi sr o b l e mlsa t f

defectscausedby mutation: (a) loss of the cAMP-bindingsite (c) \VhVwould a degree of branching that was too high
on the regulatorysubunitof protein kinaseA (PKA); (b) lossof also reduce the rate of glucose release?(Hint: Think of the
the proteh phosphataseinhibitor (inhibitor 1 in Fig. 1b-40); physicalconstraints)
(c) overexpressionof phosphorylaseb kinasein iiver; (d) de- Mel6ndez-Heviaand colleaguesdid a seriesof calculations
fective glucagonreceptorsin liver and found that two branchesper chain (see Fig. 15-33b) was
15. Hormonal Control of Metabolic Fuel Between your optimai for the constraints described above. This is what is
found in glycogenstored in muscleand liver.
eveningmeal and breakfast,your blood glucosedrops and
your liver becomesa net producerrather than consumerof To determine the optimum number of glucose residues
glucose.Describethe hormonalbasisfor this switch,and ex- per chain,Mel6ndez-Hevia and coauthorsconsideredtwo key
parametersthat define the structure of a glycogenparticle:
plain how the hormonalchangetriggersglucoseproduction by
I : the number of tiers of glucosechainsin a particle (the mol-
the liver.
eculein Fig. 15-33bhas five tiers);9" : the number of glu-
16. Altered Metabolism in Genetically Manipulated coseresiduesin eachchain.They set out to find the valuesof
Mice Researcherscan manipulate the genes of a mouse so t and g. that would maximize three quantities: (1) the
that a singlegenein a singletissueeither producesan inactive amount of glucosestored in the particle (Gr) per unit vol-
proteln (a "knockout"mouse) or producesa protein that is ume; (2) the numberofunbranchedglucosechains(Cj per
always (constitutively) active. What effects on metabolism unit volume (i.e., number of chains in the outermost tier,
would you predict for mice with the following geneticchanges: readily accessibleto glycogenphosphorylase);and (3) the
(a) knockout of glycogen debranching enzyrnein the liver; amount of glucose available to phosphorylasein these un-
(b) knockout of hexokinaseIV in liver; (c) knockout of branchedchains(Gp1).
FBPase-2in liver; (d) constitutivelyactiveFBPase-2in liver; (d) Show thaLCo: 2t 1. This is the number of chains
(e) constitutively active AMPK in muscle; (f) constitutively availableto glycogenphosphorylasebefore the action of the
active ChREBPin liver? debranchingenzyme.
(e) Show that C1, the total number of chainsin the parti-
c l e , i s g i v e n b y C r : 2 ' - 1 T h u sG r : Q " ( C " i : g . ( 2 t- 1 ) ,
Problem the total number of glucoseresiduesin the particle.
(f) Glycogenphosphorylasecannot remove glucosefrom
17. Optimal Glycogen Structure Musclecells need rapid glycogen chains that are shorter than flve glucose residues.
accessto large amounts of glucoseduring hear,yexercise Showthat Gpr : (Q. - 4)(2' t). This is the amountof glu-
This glucoseis storedin liver and skeletalmusclein pollrneric
cosereadily availableto glycogenphosphorylase.
form as particles of glycogen. The typical glycogen particle (g) Basedon the sizeofa $ucose residueand the location
contains about 55,000glucoseresidues (see Fig. 15-33b)
of branches,the thicknessof onetier of $ycogenis 0.129"nm *
Mel6ndez-Hevia, Waddell,and Shelton(1993) exploredsome 0.35nm Showthat the volume of a particle, 7", is givenby the
theoreticalaspectsof the structureof glycogen,as described ,|
in this problem. equationV": |nf(O.I2g" + 0.35)3nm3
(a) The cellular concentrationofglycogenin liver is about
Mel6ndez-Heviaand coauthorsthen determined the opti-
0.01pu What cellularconcentrationof free glucosewouldbe
mum valuesof I andg"-those that gavethe maximumvalueof
required to store an equivalentamount of glucose?Why would
a quality function, f, Ihat maximizes Gr, Co, and Gp1,while
this concentrationof free giucosepresenta problemfor the
GrC oGo.
cell? minimizingVs:J : -;-.They found that the optimum
Glucoseis releasedftom $ycogen by glycogenphosphory-
value ofg" is independeniof I
lase,an enzl'rnethat canremove$ucosemolecules,oneat a time,
(h) Choosea value of f between 5 and 15 and find the op-
from one end of a $ycogenchain.Glycogenchainsare branched
timum value of 9". How doesthis comparewith the g" found in
(seeFigs 15-26and 15-33b),and the degreeof branchmg-the
liver glycogen(seeFig. 15-33bX (Hint: Youmay find it useful
number of branchesper chain-has a powerful influence on the
to usea spreadsheet program.)
rate at which $ycogenphosphorylase canrelease$ucose.
(b) WhV would a degree of branching that was too low Reference
(i.e.,below an optimumlevel) reducethe rate of glucosere-
E., Waddell,T.G., & Shelton, D.D. (1993)
lease?(Hint: Considerthe extremecaseof no branchesin a Optimization of molecular design in the evolution of metabolism: the
chainof 55,000glucoseresidues.) glycogen molecrle. Biochem J. 295,477483.

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