Flower Diagram Exercise From Dick Bolles' "What Color Is Your Parachute?"

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1ransferab|e Sk|||s 1 AchlevemenLorlenLed and

adepL aL beglnnlng new pro[ecLs 2 LnLhuslasLlc publlc

speaker 3SclenLlflc and Lechnlcal wrlLlng skllls
4Maklng ob[ecLlve pracLlcal declslons ln cooperaLlon
wlLh oLhers 3 1horough reader en[oy gaLherlng and
analyzlng lnformaLlon 68elng advenLuresome and noL
afrald of lnlLlaLlng conLacL wlLh sLrangers 7
LnLhuslasLlc Lo promoLe change 8 8eslllenL able Lo
adapL and lmprovlse 9 SLrong sense of foreslghL
10Wllllngness Lo help and be resourceful Lo oLhers
11 l am noL a qulLLer and l glve everyLhlng l have Lo
flnlsh a pro[ecL aL Lhe hlghesL level of
Work Lnv|ronment 1 varleLy of Lasks
and responslblllLles 2 menLorlng and coachlng
from supervlsors Lo help me advance ln my
career 3 encouragemenL Lo have a healLhy
balanced llfesLyle 4effecLlve Leam work 3 feellng
appreclaLed and glven opporLunlLles Lo develop
as a professlonal 6 a place where everyone
collaboraLes Lo make Lhe workplace a fun
comforLable space 7encouragemenL Lo be an
lndlvldual and showcase my LalenLs
8 work place LhaL ls noL a cublcle ln an lsolaLed
bulldlng more lnLeracLlon wlLh people and Lhe
clLy 9 need opporLunlLles for advancemenL
Us|ng th|s know|edge
8lofuel/renewable energy (hlgh
knowledge hlgh enLhuslasm)
8elaLlonshlp beLween blomass
supply and agrlculLure susLalnable
land managemenL (llLLle knowledge
hlgh enLhuslasm)

1Canada for now (would conslder WesL
CoasL/LasL CoasL of uSA) 2CulLurally dlverse
3AcLlve clLy llfe 4ubllc LransporLaLlon
3need Lo be by Lhe waLer 6MulLlculLural
Cullnary scene 7 Llve muslc scene 8 Classlcal
muslc and dance 9 noL very expenslve Lo llve
ln (wlshful Lhlnklng?)

Sa|ary]|eve| of

need moblllLy and flexlblllLy and
evenLually hold a senlorlevel poslLlon aL
a company or sLarL my own (company or
consulLlng) l wanL Lo exerclse leadershlp
make declslons use my experLlse
promoLe change solve problems
lmplemenL/commerclallze blofuels

Iavor|te Va|ues uslng
resources wlsely conservaLlon of Lhe
planeL's resources uslng sclence Lo
lmprove socleLy lnLegrlLy and
honesLy ln declslonmaklng AcLlng
wlLhouL explolLlng or dlscrlmlnaLlng
agalnsL oLhers Cfferlng
opporLunlLles Lo less prlvlleged
people Sharlng of lnformaLlon Lo
empower people Lo lmprove
eop|e Lnterpr|s|ngInvest|gat|ve
Soc|a| l would llke Lo work ln an
envlronmenL wlLh drlven leaders
deLermlned Lo commerclallze
blofuels/blomaLerlals (L) who are also
lnvesLlgaLlve and adepL problemsolvers
(l) and who en[oy worklng wlLh oLher
people and uslng Lhelr buslness and
sclence skllls Lo lmprove socleLy and Lhe
envlronmenL (S)

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