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School: Trento National High School


Teaching Dates February 10, 2020
Grade/Level: Science 8 (Jupiter &Saturn)
Learning Area: Biodiversity
DETAILED LESSON Quarter: 4th Quarter
PLAN Session: M-F 9:40-10:40 & 1:00-2:00

A. Content Standards: The learners should demonstrate an understanding of the species as

being further classified into a hierarchical taxonomic system

B. Performance Standards:
The learners shall be able to report (e.g., through a travelogue) on the
activities that communities engage in to protect and conserve
endangered and economically important species

C. Learning Competencies
The learners shall be able to classify organisms using the hierarchical
taxonomic system (S8LT-IVh-20)

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the session, students must be able to:

A. identify the different phyla of non-vascular plants;
B. describe the contribution of non-vascular plants in animals and
humans; and
C. conduct a short tour inside the school premises to observe the
habitat of some non-vascular plants
Plant Kingdom: Non-vascular Plants

A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide Pages

Science 8 Teacher’s Guide. Pp. 176

2. Learner’s Materials Pages

Science 8 Learner’s Module. Campo, Pia C., et al. 2013. Pp. 240-241

3. Text book Pages

4. Additional Materials from


5. Materials Realia, Chalk, Charts

B. Other Learning Resource


A. Preparatory Activities
a. Prayer
Everybody, please stand. May I
request Nestor to lead the
prayer? Yes, Ma’am.
Everyone let us pray.

Good morning, class! Good morning, Ma’am!

Good morning, classmates!

You may now take your seats. Thank you, Ma’am.

How are you today? We’re great!
That’s good to know.

b. Checking of
I will check your attendance
according to your seat plan.

c. Checking of
Please pass your assignments.

d. Setting of Standards
Okay. Before we will start our
lesson this morning, and to have
a productive discussion, please
read aloud with sincerity our
house rules. Go! HOUSE RULES

I will …

H – elp to the discussion.

E – njoy the 1 hour Science
L – essen any unnecessary
L – ouder my voice when
conveying ideas.
O – rderly follow instructions.

I’ll look forward that you’ll follow

our house rules this morning. Yes, Ma’am!

A. Reviewing Previous A. Review

Lesson or Presenting
the New Lesson Last meeting, we discussed about
the Fungi Kingdom. Right? Yes, Ma’am!

The Fungi Kingdom has 6 phyla.

What are these phyla?
Yes, Paul? Ma’am, Phylum Glomeromycota,
Phylum Basidiomycota, Phylum
Ascomycota, Phylum
Deuteromycota, Phylum
Zygomycota and, Phylum
Yes, you are right, Paul!
Thank you.

Now, what do you call a fungi that

fed on decaying matter?
Yes, Charlo? Saprophytes, Ma’am.

You are correct, Charlo. Have a


What is the reason why fungi

grows upward?
Yes, Daychyl? For spore dispersal, Ma’am.

Any clarifications? Questions?

From our previous topic? None, Ma’am.

B. Motivation

Are you familiar with mosses? Yes, ma’am.

Now, let’s have a short tour
outside the class. Let us find out
where we can find mosses inside
the school premises.
Let’s not make any noises that
can disturb other classes. Am I
understood? Yes, Ma’am.

Processing Questions:
1. What kind of environment
do mosses grows?
2. Does mosses grows as
tall as a tree?

B. Establishing the This morning, we will be

Purpose for the Lesson discussing about the Non-
vascular Plants of the Plant
And for this session, please read
aloud our lesson objectives.
A. identify the different
phyla of non-vascular
B. describe the contribution
of non-vascular plants in
animals and humans;
C. conduct a short tour
inside the school
premises to observe the
habitat of some non-
vascular plants

C. Presenting Examples Unlocking of Difficulties

/Instances of the New
Lesson Before we proceed to our
discussion this morning, let us
first define the uncommon words
that we’re going to meet along in
our discussion. Read!
1. Non-vascular Plants –
plants without a vascular
system consisting of a
xylem and phloem.
2. Phylum Bryophyta – the
3. Phylum Hepatophyta – a
non-vascular plant
commonly referred to as
4. Phylum Anthocerophyta
– non-vascular plants
referred to as hornworts.

D. Discussing New Let us divide the class into 3

Concepts and groups. Please arrange your
Practicing New Skills #1 chairs into 3 columns now and
choose a group leader.

Are you with your groupmates Yes, Ma’am.


Listen. Each group will be

assigned to discuss each phylum
of the non-vascular plants.

G1: Bryophyta
G2: Hepatophyta
G3: Anthocerophyta

Inside these envelopes are

handouts, metacards and sample
Each group will be given 3
minutes to arrange their chart and
discuss their chart with their
groupmates. Afterwards, each
group are given 2 minutes to
discuss the groups output to the Yes, Ma’am.
class. Am I clear?

You will be graded with these

Time Management – 5 pts.
Presentation – 10 pts.
Content – 10 pts.
Cooperation – 5 pts.

(Distributing of envelopes)

(Group Activity)
Your 3 minutes starts now!

E. Discussing New Phylum Bryophyta is a non-

Concepts and Let us have the first group. vascular plants that are
Practicing New Skills #2 seedless and without
specialized water-conducting
tissues. Example of this are the

Thank you, Group 1. Let us give (5 Claps)

the first group a 5 claps.
Phylum Hepatophyta means
What about the second group? “liver plants” and refers to the
body of some species of
liverworts, whose lobing is
reminiscent of a liver. They grow
in a wet or humid habitats. They
are simple kind of plants with
leaflike structures. Their leaves
lack of vascular tissue.
Liverworts form small, flat mats.
Thank you second group. Let’s (5 Claps)
give the second group 5 claps
also. Phylum Anthocerophyta are any
of several small green
Lastly, the third group. nonvascular plants having a flat
thallus from which elongated,
horn-like spore producing
structures grow.

(5 Claps)
Very good, Group 3! Let’s give
the third group a 5 claps also.

None, Ma’am.
Any clarifications, questions so

F. Developing Mastery For our next activity, and still with

your groupmates. I will be
presenting a picture of a non-
vascular plants.
What you are going to do is to
recognize what phylum does it
belong and write it on a bond
paper and, pass it to me.
I will read aloud the answers of
each group for you to know if your Yes, Ma’am.
answers are correct or wrong. Am
I understood?

Let’s start! Phylum Hepatophyta

Phylum Anthocerophyta
-Liverworts Picture- Phylum Bryophyta
-Hornworts Picture-
-Mosses Picture-

G. Finding Practical
Application of Concepts
and Skills in Daily Processing Questions:
1. Based from our
discussion, what are the
contribution of these non- Non-vascular plants may be
vascular plants to animals small but they come in large
and humans? numbers that contributes
oxygen to living organisms.

Mosses help decompose dead

2. Describe some uses of wood.
mosses? Mosses help prevent erosion.
Mosses provide shelter for
insects and small animals.
Peat moss is burned and turn
into fuel.

H. Making Generalization
and Abstractions about What are the 3 phyla of non-
the Lesson vascular plants? Phylum Bryophyta, Phylum
Yes, Amity? Hepatophyta and, Phylum

Very good, Amity.

Mosses is under what phylum of

non-vascular plants? Phylum Bryophyta, Ma’am.
Yes, Ralph?

Correct, Ralph!

Are there still any questions? None, Ma’am!


I. Evaluating Learning
Since you’ve fully understand our
topic for today, please get a ¼
sheet of paper and we will have a
quiz. You are given 5 minutes to
answer the following questions.

1. Non-vascular plants are

plants without a vascular Xylem and Phloem
system consisting of?
2. Give the 3 phyla of non- Phylum Bryophyta, Phylum
vascular plants. Hepatophyta and, Phylum

3. Give an example of Mosses

Phylum Bryophyta.
4. Give an example of Liverworts
Phylum Hepatophyta.
5. Give an example of Hornworts
Phylum Anthocerophyta.
6. The plants that are small,
large in numbers and has
no vascular system is Non-vascular Plants
7. Give at least one (1) Mosses help decompose dead
usage of mosses. wood.
Mosses help prevent erosion.
Mosses provide shelter for
insects and small animals.
Peat moss is burned and turn
into fuel.

J. Additional Activities for

Application or Directions: Read in advance
Remediation/ pages 242-248 about the
Assignment Vascular Plants.

Good bye, Ma’am.

Good bye, class!

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