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Ahmed Shafai
Biology IGCSE
Reproduction in Humans


Seminal vesicle Nutritive fluid 7

Ability of living organism, to make more of the same kind,
producing fertile offspring

Erectile tissue
Male gamete Male reproductive hormone

Testis: Produce sperms and testosterone semen

Epididymis: Storage of sperms till ejaculation
is ii
Scrotum: Protect the testis from physical damage, keep the testis at a temperature 2-3 degree celecius
lower than the body temperature for optimum survival of sperms
Sperm duct/ Vas deferance : transport sperm from testis (epididymis) to urethra
Seminal vesicle and prostate gland: they produce seminal fluid to provide nutrients for sperms to swim and
stay alive, alkaline p H to neutralize the acidity of the vagina Urethra
Urethra: Carry semen from the sperm duct to tip of penis , and carries the urine out of the body.

Urine and semen never mix… as a ring of muscle close during sexual intercourse preventing urine and semen
to mix so they never get out of urethra at the same time

What happen if… reduction in the diameter of the urethra? popymathgopause

Difficulty and pain during urination and ejaculation
Increase the risk of urinary bladder infection

Female gamete
pregnancy Site of growth
and development
Ovary: production of egg cell (ovum) eg. Site of ovulation Site of fertilization

Production of oestrogen and progesterone hormones

Oviduct/ Fallopian tube: site of fertilization Female sex hormones
Moving of ovum/zygote through the oviduct by: -
Cillia lining oviduct
Uterus muscle prestalsis Site of
Uterus: Site of growth and development of embryo into fetus implantation
Cervix: Muscular ring close during pregnancy to keep baby in
place and dilate during birth to get baby out.
Vagina: Site of coopulation (sexual intercourse) where sperms is
deposited and it is the birth canal

Oestorgen=uterus lining



Baby futying




haplojacent cellphone
flagall me

Larger in size
Smaller in size
Flagellum offhaploids
Less in number (once per month) mitochondria
No flagellum
Less dense cytoplasm without food storage
No acrosome
No jelly like layer
Dense cytoplasm with large food storage
Has X-Y chromosome
Jelly like layer (fertilization membrane)
Mobile/Motile Male is responsible for sex
Has only X chromosome
Move by flagellum determination, because
Not mobile/motile
Many per ejaculation male sperm carry X and Y
Move by cilia lining oviduct or perstalsis chromosomes and egg cell
carry XX only


Males: testosterone released from testes Devleopment of secondary sexual characterstics

Female: Oestrogen released from ovary

Boys: Voice deepens Girls: Hip widen

Shoulder gets wider Menstruation starts

Testes stimulated to begin production of sperm cells Breasts develop and enlarge

Hair grows in face, chest, arm pits and pubic areas Ovaries release egg cells
Hair grows in arm pits and pubic areas

Common in boys and girls

Hair grow in arm pits and pubic areas

Growth spurt
Body smell increase
1.Build up of 1.Release of egg cell out
uterus lining of follicle in the oviduct
Progesterone…Maintain thickness
2.Stimulate 2.Stimulate release of

release of LH progesterone

u Inhibit r
Inhibit 1.Maintain thickness of
uterus lining
1.Development 2.Inhibit LH
of follicle to
allow Stimulate Stimulate n Stimulate a
maturation of release of release of release of
release of

Sperm survive for 3 days

Egg cell survive 2 days

Dr. Ahmed Shafai Repair


trait or

Breafifhffearoger GE
1 fort ovulation
III 14 28
Repair and build up of uterus Ovulation stimulated by LH,
Bleeding due to menstruation 2. 3.
lining to be ready for implantation. cause release of egg from follicle
from day 1-4 due to drop in
Oestrogen level increases to in ovary to the oviduct to be
level of oestrogen and
repair uterus lining from day ready for fertilization, and follicle
4-13 is now corpus luteum to release
progesterone for first 3 months
until development of placenta

6. Zygote divides by
mitosis to form ball Fertilization where 4.
Implantation of embryo in the of cells called
fusion between haploid
uterus lining embryo Sexual intercourse
male nuclei and haploid
during fertile period
female nuclei forming
diploid zygote

Placenta formation to allow
exchange of substances with Fertilization
the fetus through umbilical Sperm reach the egg in the oviduct and release
cord enzymes from the acrosome in the head of the sperm
to digest the jelly coat around the egg causing
hardening of jelly coat forming fertilization membrane
that prevent entry of further entry of another sperms,
haploid male nuclei fuse with haploid female nuclei
forming diploid zygote

Compare the development of fetus in early stages of pregnancy to its development

in late stage of pregnancy?
1.Growth and development happen through all stages of pregnancy
2.Growth involved permanent increase in number of cells and size of cells
3.Development is increase in complexity involving differentiation and
4.More development in early stage of pregnancy
5.More growth in late stages
Placenta: Allow exchange of substances between fetus and mother


Has finger like projection to increase surface area for exchange of substances between fetus and mother


1.Allow exchange of substances

Between mother and her fetus as oxygen, glucose, amino acids from mother to fetus through
umbilical vein, and Co2 and urea from fetus to mother through umbilical artery

2.Act as barrier
Reduce risk of passage of pathogen from mother to fetus
Prevent mixing of mother and fetus blood as they may have different blood group
Protect delicate blood vessels of baby from high blood pressure of mother

3.Secrete progesterone
Amniotic Sac
Secrete amniotic fluid and holds it to:
To maintain thickness of uterus lining so prevent uterine contraction
1. Act as mechanical shock
4.Transfer antibodies 2. Prevent fluctuation of
From mother to the fetus providing passive immunity temperature
3. Allow baby movement
4. Provide sterile environment for

Umbilical Cord fetus

Join fetus with placenta

Contain blood vessels, umbilical vein and umbilical artery to allow exchange of substances between
mother and fetus

Umbilical artery: carry deoxygenated blood with waste and urea from fetus to mother
Umbilical vein: carry oxygenated blood with glucose and amino acid from mother to fetus

Umbilical vein
Mother’ Fetal

s blood blood

Umbilical artery
Calculation of fertility period +2

-3 +2
11 Survival days of sperm
14 survival days of the egg 16


Exam Question: 5/8 menstruation

Menstruation 5/3
Ovulation= Menstruation+14 = 19/3
Fertility period= 16/3….21/3 5+14= 19
Sexually Transmitted Diseases

HIV causes AIDS

HIV destroys T lymphocyte over long period of time

So less stimulation of other types of lymphocytes and phagocytes
Less antibodies released from lymphocytes
Less phagocytosis by phagocytes
Weakening of immune system
Patient is more liable/prone to opportunistic infection causing AIDS (Group of
infection diseases)


No treatment only preventive methods

Unprotected sexual intercourse
Use condoms to prevent body fluid mixing
Sharing contaminated needles !
Avoid breast feeding for infected mother
Blood " transfusion
Use disposable syringes
From mother to fetus through placenta or during birth time
Abstinence of sexual intercourse
Through breast feeding #
Checking or heating of blood before transfusion
Dr. Ahmed Shafai
Infertility Treatment

Causes of infertility In females

In Males

1.No ovulation treat using

1.Low sperm count FSH and
2.Low FSH and LH
2.Weak sperm and unable to swim ! LH drugs
efficiently 3.Oviduct is blocked
3.Unable to produce sperms by testis
4.Blocked sperm duct

Infertility Treatment

First by using infertility drugs

1.Inject FSH during early days of the Second, If fertility drugs was not successful
menstrual cycle… to stimulate development 1. Give infertility drugs as mentioned before (FSH
of follicle and maturation of egg cell and LH)
2.At the mid of the cycle (day 11-13) inject 2. Carry out artificial insemination or In vitro
LH…to stimulate ovulation (super fertilization
ovulation) release of egg from follicle
3.Progesterone maybe given…To maintain
thickness of uterus lining through the
process to be ready for implantation of

Artificial Insemination IVF (In Vitro Fertilization)

1.Collect sperms from a male in test tube Egg cell and sperms are mixed externally in petri dish or test tube.
2.Could be frozen and stored over many Zygote formed allowed to divide by mitosis forming embryo (ball of

months cells), many embryos produced are inserted in the uterus

3.Screening to select sperm with no

disease Implications
4.By using a syringe " insert it into
1.Very expensive
cervix as much close to the uterus… to
2.May not treat infertility successfully,
increase chance of fertilization of the so process maybe repeated again
egg 3.May lead to multiple birth…increase
5.This process is done at near to the population
time of ovulation 4.Allow infertile couple to have
5.Allow the study of embryonic stem
Exam Question: Explain why semen is injected in uterus not vagina? cells + allow genetic screening
To increase the chance of fertilization at the oviduct, as the sperm survive only few days
in the oviduct so sperm less likely to die, and to shorten distance for sperm to reach the
egg cell
Menstrual Cycle
Thickness of
uterus lining
Progesterone maintain
thickness of uterus
lining, and inhibit FSH
and LH
Break down of
uterus lining IT
(Bleeding) 1.Oestrogen
increase the
Menstruation thickness and repair
the uterus lining to
Drop in the level be ready for
of progesterone implantation
and oestrogen 2.Inhibit FSH
3.Stimulate LH

1 4 14 28

3 The menstrual cycle is coordinated by hormones secreted by the pituitary gland and hormones
secreted by the ovaries.

1 Fig. 3.1 shows some of the events that occur during the menstrual cycle.

H FSH is secreted by the pituitary gland

J oestrogen stimulates repair and growth of the
lining of the uterus
K one or more follicles start to develop in an ovary F..E..L..P
L ovulation occurs
M oestrogen is secreted by follicle cells
N LH is secreted by the pituitary gland
O oestrogen inhibits secretion of FSH

Fig. 3.1

(a) Put the stages into the correct sequence. Two have been done for you.

H K. M. J. O. N. L

(b) (i) Describe what happens at ovulation.

Release of an egg cell once per month from a follicle into the oviduct





(ii) Name the cell produced at fertilisation by the fusion of two gametes. Sperm+Egg cell


Dr. Ahmed Shafai

(c) If an embryo implants in the uterus, the embryo secretes a hormone known as hCG that
stimulates the reproductive organs of the woman to continue to secrete progesterone.

Describe what happens after fertilisation until the time that the embryo secretes hCG.


The sperm fertilizes the egg cell forming a diploid zygote, where the zygote
undergoes mitosis forming a ball of cell named embryo (blastocyst) . The embryo
moves down the oviduct through cilia lining oviduct to reach the uterus lining which is
the site of implantation. The follicle containing the egg cell forms corpus luteum

(yellow body) which secretes progesterone for the first 3 months until development
of placenta. Placenta develops secreting progesterone to maintain thickness of
uterus lining, preventing menstruation, and inhibiting LH and FSH.





(d) State two places where progesterone is produced during pregnancy.

1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................

(e) (i) Fertility drugs are taken to increase the chance that a woman may become pregnant.

Describe and explain how these drugs improve the chances of becoming pregnant.


The fertility drugs taken in the early menstrual cycle, with high concentration
of FSH stimulating production of many follicles containing egg cells. Where
LH injected to stimulate ovulation and egg release into oviduct.




Dr. Ahmed Shafai

(ii) Outline two social implications of using fertility drugs. Mix of advantages and disadvantages

Problems with multiple birth so increasing human population

1 ........................................................................................................................................


Allows infertile couples to have a baby

2 ........................................................................................................................................

High cost

[Total: 17]

5 The growth and development of an embryo begins immediately after fertilisation. 0610/32/M/J/15

(a) Fig. 5.1 shows some of the events (S to Y) between fertilisation and birth.

1 S development of the heart Increase in complexity

T placenta forms
U hormones are released by mother to start contractions Oxytosin
V implantation of the embryo in the lining of the uterus
W embryo forms into a ball of eight cells
X development of sex organs
Y fertilised ovum divides into two cells by mitosis

Fig. 5.1
(i) Put the events into the correct sequence. Two have been done for you.
Y W. V. T. S. X U.
Fig. 5.2 shows a developing fetus and part of the reproductive system of the mother.



Fig. 5.2

Dr. Ahmed Shafai

(ii) Table 5.1 shows some functions and names of parts of the developing fetus and pregnant

Complete the table. One row has been done for you.

Table 5.1

letter from Fig. 5.2 name function during pregnancy

P amniotic sac encloses the amniotic fluid

Q. Umbilical cord attaches the placenta to the fetus

N amniotic fluid Protection, allow constant temperature

contracts to push the baby through the birth

M. Uterus canal

Allow exchange of substances/ Provide

R placenta
immunity/ Secretes progesterone

O Cervix widens during labour to allow the head of the

baby to pass

(b) Mothers are often given nutritional advice for their newborn babies. Scientists compared
breast-feeding to bottle-feeding with formula milk. Their data is shown in Table 5.2.

Table 5.2

breast milk formula milk

lipid / g per dm3 37 38
lactose / g per dm3 73 72
protein / g per dm3 8.7 12.9
energy / kJ per dm3 680 690
volume of milk taken / g per day 448 732

Use the data in Table 5.2 to describe one difference and one similarity between the nutritional
value of breast milk and formula milk.

difference ..................................................................................................................................
Different protein content
Same lactose
similarity ....................................................................................................................................
Same lipid
Dr. Ahmed Shafai
same energy

(c) The scientists measured the growth of the babies fed with breast milk and babies fed with
formula milk described in Table 5.2. The mass of the babies from birth until they were
15 months old is shown in Fig. 5.3.


mass / kg 6

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
age / months
breast-fed formula-fed

Fig. 5.3

(i) Define the term growth.


Permanent increase in dry mass due to increase in number of

cells, or size of cells or both


...................................................................................................................................... [2]

(ii) Using the information in Table 5.2 and Fig. 5.3, describe and explain the changes in the
mass of the babies that were breast-fed and babies that were bottle-fed with formula milk.

Babies fed with breast feeding has a lower body mass than babies where fed with
formula milk. Both babies body mass shows the same trend. As the age increases
from 0 months, the baby body mass that were fed with breast feeding increased

from 3.6 kg to reach 9.8 kg at 15 month, while the baby fed with formula milk
reaches 10.6 Kg at the same time period. The baby fed with formula milk has higher
protein content so more growth and tissue repair, and drunk more volume of milk
732 g/day

...................................................................................................................................... [4] 153

Dr. Ahmed Shafai

5 The menstrual cycle involves monthly changes in the ovary and the uterus. 0610/33/M/J/15

(a) Fig. 5.1 shows the sequence of changes within the ovary that occur during the menstrual

Fig. 5.1

(i) Name structures R and S.

Corpus luteum
R ........................................................................................................................................
S ........................................................................................................................................

(ii) State the name of the process that is occurring at T.


(b) The ovary secretes hormones that control the growth and maintenance of the lining of the

Name the hormone that stimulates:

(i) the growth of the lining of the uterus during the first half of the menstrual cycle

(ii) the maintenance of the lining of the uterus during the second half of the menstrual cycle.



Dr. Ahmed Shafai

(c) Fig. 5.2 is an electron micrograph showing a sperm cell on the surface of an egg cell.

Fig. 5.2

(i) State three ways in which a sperm cell differs from an egg cell.

1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
3 ....................................................................................................................................[3]
No food store
(ii) Human body cells have 46 chromosomes. Human egg and sperm cells have
23 chromosomes each.

What term is used to describe the number of chromosomes in a gamete, such as an egg
cell or a sperm cell?

(iii) State the organ in which fertilisation occurs in humans.


(iv) Describe what happens between the event shown in Fig. 5.2 and implantation in the
Acrosome of sperm secretes digestive enzymes to breakdown the jelly coat
surround the egg cell. The head of the sperm containing the haploid nucelus
enters the egg cell. The egg cell produce fertilization membrane to prevents
entrance of any other sperms. The haploid sperm nuclei fuses with the haploid
egg cell nuclei producing diploid zygote. The zygote divides by mitosis forming a
ball of cell (embryo), which moves through oviduct by cilia lining oviduct reaching
the site of implantation which is the uterus lining


Dr. Ahmed Shafai


(d) Clomiphene citrate is a fertility drug that has been available for over 50 years. As part of a
fertility treatment clomiphene citrate is taken once a day (daily dose) for about five days.

Researchers investigated the use of the drug in Denmark between 1974 and 1993. The
results of their study are shown in Fig. 5.3.





total number of 1000

daily doses of
citrate per year



1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994

Fig. 5.3

(i) Describe the change in the use of clomiphene citrate in Denmark between 1974 and
1993. Use data from Fig. 5.3 in your answer.


There was a slight change at the first, then an expotential increase

reaching the peak at 1992 which is 1600 daily dose compared to 180
dose at 1974



Dr. Ahmed Shafai

(ii) Clomiphene citrate is used as part of a treatment cycle to help women become pregnant.
Often this involves artificial insemination (AI).

Describe how a treatment cycle involving fertility drugs and AI would be carried out.

Fertility drugs are injected in the early stages of menstrual cycle (FSH), where
follicles develop and ovulation takes place at day 14 of the cycle. The sperm
collected from the male is injected into the uterus of the female around the time
of ovulation




[Total: 19]

5 Hormones are secreted by glands or made artificially by drug companies. 06_0610_42_2016_1.10

(a) (i) Name the gland that secretes testosterone.

1 Testis
................................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) State why testosterone can improve sporting performance.

Increase the muscle mass



................................................................................................................................ [1]

(iii) Describe the role of progesterone in the menstrual cycle.

Maintain the thickness of the uterus lining



................................................................................................................................ [1]

(iv) Synthetic progesterone is found in oral contraceptives.

Name one other hormone often found in oral contraceptives.

................................................................................................................................ [1]
Dr. Ahmed Shafai

6 (a) Fig. 6.1 is a diagram of the human female reproductive system.

1 S



Fig. 6.1

(i) Complete Table 6.1 by stating the letter from Fig. 6.1 that identifies the structure where
each process occurs.

Table 6.1

process letter from Fig. 6.1

meiosis R

fertilisation S

implantation V


(ii) State the name of the part of the female reproductive system labelled S in Fig. 6.1.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

Dr. Ahmed Shafai

(b) Fig. 6.2 is a diagram of a human sperm cell.



Fig. 6.2

(i) Write the formula that would be used to calculate the magnification of the diagram.



(ii) The actual length of the sperm cell in Fig. 6.2 is 0.055 mm.

Convert this value to micrometres (μm).

Space for working.


.................................................... μm [1]

(c) Explain why the nuclei of sperm cells differ from those of other cells in the male.

Sperm cell nuclei is haploid containing one set of chromosomes (23), so to


maintain number of chromosomes constant from a generation to the next

preventing doubling of number of chromosomes



Dr. Ahmed Shafai

(d) Explain the roles of the flagellum, the mitochondria and the acrosome in sperm cells.


Flagellum: -
Allow sperm to swim to the oviduct reaching egg cell


Mitochondria: -
Allow aerobic respiration and energy/ATP release


Release digestive enzymes to breakdown the jelly coat surrounding the egg cell






(e) Explain why the sex of a child is determined by its father.

Male sperm contains XY chromosme while female egg cell contains XX

chromosome, so only male sperm could provide Y chromosome



[Total: 16]

Dr. Ahmed Shafai

5 (a) The testes are part of the endocrine system because they produce hormones. 0610/42/M/J/19

(i) State the name of the hormone released from the testes.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) The testes are also part of the reproductive system. This means that the testes are part
of two organ systems.

Complete Fig. 5.1 by stating two other organs that also belong to two organ systems.

One has been completed for you.

organ organ system

male reproductive system

endocrine system

male reproductive system

endocrine system

Fig. 5.1


Dr. Ahmed Shafai

Fig. 5.2 is a photomicrograph of part of a mammalian testis.

Fig. 5.2

(b) The cells labelled M in Fig. 5.2 are undergoing meiosis.

Explain why meiosis is necessary in the testes.







............................................................................................................................................. [3]

Dr. Ahmed Shafai

(c) Fig. 5.3 is a photomicrograph of a section through a sperm.

Fig. 5.3

Table 5.1 shows information about the sperm shown in Fig. 5.3.

Complete Table 5.1.

Table 5.1

letter on Fig. 5.3 name of the structure function

haploid nucleus

releases energy




Dr. Ahmed Shafai

(d) Draw and label one human egg cell.

Include at least one labelled feature that is not found in a sperm cell.


(e) Describe what happens to a fertilised egg cell before implantation in the uterus.







............................................................................................................................................. [3]

[Total: 18]

Dr. Ahmed Shafai

(ii) In humans, the placenta is connected to the amniotic sac which contains amniotic fluid.

State two functions of the amniotic fluid.






1 An in vitro fertilisation (IVF) procedure is outlined in Fig. 1.1.

E embryo

not drawn to scale

Fig. 1.1


Dr. Ahmed Shafai

(a) (i) Name structures A, B and D.

A ........................................................................................................................................

B ........................................................................................................................................

D ........................................................................................................................................

(ii) State the purpose of syringe C.



(b) (i) Name a hormone that would be injected to stimulate egg cell development.


(ii) State when, during the menstrual cycle, this hormone should be injected.


(iii) Draw an X on Fig. 1.1 at the position where the embryos should be placed.

(c) Discuss the social implications of IVF.










[Total: 11]

Dr. Ahmed Shafai


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