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Effective Communication Skills-II

Sample Qs

Subjective Questions:

1. Write a post-event report about the freshers’ party conducted in your college.
2. You applied for a ration card six months back and haven’t heard from the department so
far. Write a letter under the RTI Act seeking reasons behind the delay.
3. Write a press release on behalf of the municipal corporation of your city informing us
about a cleanliness campaign to be organized by them. The campaign will be supported
by celebrities like Rahul Bose and Nandita Das.
4. What are the qualities of an efficient copywriter?
5. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper presenting the lack of security faced by elderly
6. Identify the brand of the following slogans:
i. I’m Loving it
ii. Because you’re worth it
iii. An idea can change your
iv. Daag Acche hain
v. Kya Aapke Toothpaste Mein Namak Hai?
7. Draft a sales letter to promote the sales of a newly launched brand of ready-to-eat food
8. Explain ‘Letter to the editor”. Write a letter to the editor of ‘Times of India’ criticizing the
contemporary state of news presentation in electronic media.
9. Which linguistic tools help us in summarizing texts?
10. How can one avoid plagiarism while paraphrasing a text?
11. Summarize the following passage:
"The Northern Lights"

The aurora Borealis, often called the northern lights, is a breathtaking natural spectacle
that lights up the night sky in certain parts of the world. Picture this: bands of colourful
light stretching across the darkness, almost like giant curtains hanging from the
heavens. These bands shimmer with delicate hues of yellow, pink, green, blue, and even
red, creating a mesmerizing display.

For centuries, people have marvelled at the beauty of the Aurora Borealis, but its origins
have remained a mystery. Scientists have been studying them for years, trying to
understand what causes these captivating lights. Some think it has to do with
interactions between solar winds and Earth's magnetic field, but the exact reasons are
still unclear.

In ancient times, before the age of science, people had their interpretations of the
northern lights. Some believed they were dragons breathing fire across the sky, while
others feared that the heavens themselves were ablaze. These fantastical explanations
show just how captivating and mysterious the Aurora Borealis has been throughout
history, sparking wonder and curiosity in all who behold its beauty.
12. Mention One-Word Substitution of the following:
i. To change a solid into a liquid
ii. Enlarge a picture
iii. Follow an order
Effective Communication Skills-II

iv. To turn oneself in

v. Something not final
13. What is the significance of logic in a write-up?
14. What are the principles of editing?
15. Elaborate on different types of Report writing.
16. How can we achieve competency in writing?
17. Draft a letter of complaint as a customer about the bad services provided by the Health
Fitness Club. Use semi-block format.
18. Draft a letter to sell organic vegetables and fruits. Create a fictitious name for your
company and discuss some innovative ideas related to your work in the letter.
19. Draft a petition in the form of a letter to be presented to the District Forum about a
branded laptop purchased from a reputed store and which you now find falling short of
promises made in the manual. Explain how the retailer and company have ignored your
20. What are the essentials of hard news/soft news?
21. Interpret the following pie diagram and write a paragraph on the usage of Social Media.

22. What is Slogan? Explain its relevance and importance while giving examples of some
well-known slogans in popular advertisements.
23. Write down any 10 tips that must be followed while editing a newspaper.
24. Write a summary of the passages mentioned below:

North American walnut sphinx moth caterpillars (Amorpha juglandis) look like easy meals
for birds, but they have a trick up their sleeves — they produce whistles that sound like
birds’ alarm calls, scaring potential predators away. At first, scientists suspected birds
were simply startled by the loud noise. But a new study suggests a more sophisticated
mechanism: the caterpillar's whistle appears to mimic a bird alarm call, sending avian
predators scrambling for cover. When pecked by a bird, the caterpillar whistled by
compressing its body like an accordion and forcing air out through specialized holes in its
sides. The whistles are impressively loud — they have been measured at over 5O dB from
5 cm away from the caterpillar — considering they are made by a two-inch-long insect.

25. Summarize a novel you read recently in approximately 100 words.

26. Define ‘précis’. What are the points you take into consideration while making one?
27. What are the features of a notice? Differentiate between the Minutes and agendas of a
28. Differentiate between editing and summarizing a passage. Give suitable examples to
support this statement.
Effective Communication Skills-II

29. Differentiate between Routine/Periodic, Informational and Interpretive Reports. Support

your answer with a suitable example of each type of report.
30. You are Rahul/ Riddhi of ABC College, Delhi. Your college has adopted a village as a
social responsibility. Students are being taken to teach the children of that village
regularly. Write a report, for your college magazine ‘Vihaan’, on the various other
programmes organized there in 120 – 150 words.
31. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper regarding the frequent breakdown of
electricity in your area.
32. Write a letter under the RTI Act to RTO asking them the reason for the delay in issuing
your license.
33. Read the following sentences and identify and correct the errors.
i. Many peoples attended the funeral of the great man.
ii. The shepherd took the cattles to the field.
iii. Sita could not understands what the teacher was saying.
iv. Do you know the importance for clean water?
v. Laugh is the best medicines.
vi. The flock of sheeps blocked the road.
vii. The children was playing in the Giant’s garden.
viii. The children decided to surprise Miss Holmes on teacher’s day.
ix. I saw Richard when I’m on the flight.
x. Man have depended on nature for a long time.
34. As the President of Gokuldham Residents Club, write an email to the members inviting
them to participate in the cleanliness drive to be launched at the central park and
surrounding on Sunday at 9:00 am. Send the email to multiple recipients.
35. Interpret the following Table about Cricket Rankings in One Day Internationals (Year
2016) and write a paragraph about it:
ICC ODI Ranking

Team Matches Points Rating

India 48 5906 123
Australia 34 3861 114
England 38 4257 112
Sri Lanka 49 5435 111
South Africa 34 3584 105
Pakistan 42 4294 102
New Zealand 29 2593 89
West Indies 41 3639 89
Bangladesh 23 1754 76
Zimbabwe 23 1205 52

36. How does one achieve clarity in an article?

37. Read the paragraphs. Rewrite all the sentences. Correct the writing mistakes.

did you no that bats are mammals. we no they are mammals just lik us becaus they are
warm blooded they are the only mammals that no how to fly bats are Nocturnal which
means thay sleep during the day and are awak at nite?
Effective Communication Skills-II

January 21, 1976 was an historic day. On that day, two supersonic Concorde aircraft
made there first flights. One took of from London and the other from paris. Later that
year, the first Concorde flew to New York. The flight from 10 London to New York took
about three ours. Other planes took twice the time to make that flight! The fleet of
Concorde's was retierd in 2003. Over the years, the planes had carryed more then 2.5
million passengers.
38. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the
incorrect word and the correction highlighted in each line.
England has been long famous for her dramatist, a)……………
the greatest of who was William Shakespeare. b)……………
It is hard to find the educated man in c)………………
the English-speaking world whom has not heard d)………………
for his name. The actor and playwright e)……………
born more than 400 years ago had f)………………
become not only for Englishman but for g)……………
the whole world chief symbol for h)……………
British culture. He is a dramatist and a poet.
39. Make a précis of the passage.

It is physically impossible for a well-educated, intellectual, or brave man to make money

the chief object of his thoughts just as it is for him to make his dinner the principal object
of them. All healthy people like their dinners, but their dinner is not the main object of
their lives. So, all healthy-minded people who like making money ought to like it and enjoy
the sensation of winning it; it is something better than money. A good soldier, for instance,
mainly wishes to do his fighting well. He is glad of his pay—very properly so and justly
grumbles when you keep him ten years without it—till, his main mission of life is to win
battles, not to be paid for winning them. So, of clergymen. The clergyman's object is
essentially to baptize and preach, not to be paid for preaching. So, of doctors. They like
fees no doubt—ought to like them; yet if they are brave and well-educated the entire
object to their lives is not fees. They overall, desire to cure the sick; and if they are good
doctors and the choice is fair to them, would rather cure their patient and lose their fee
than kill him and get it. And so, with all the other brave and rightly trained men: their work
is first, their fee second—very important always; but still second.
40. Differentiate between editing and summarizing.
41. Answer the following
42. Who is a copywriter? What is the difference between copywriting and copyright?
43. Mention and explain all the features of a sales letter about AIDA.
44. Write short notes on:
i. Descriptive Intro
ii. Parts (any TWO) of an Ad copy
iii. Copywriting
iv. Coherence and Cohesion
v. Slogans
vi. Body copy
vii. Coherence and Cohesion
viii. Interpretive report
ix. Right to Information (RTI)
x. Notice
Effective Communication Skills-II

xi. Headlines
xii. Postscript
xiii. Agenda of a meeting
xiv. Inverted pyramid
xv. Body Copy

Objective Questions

45. Match the following:

Column A Column B
a. Types of news 1. receiver’s address
b. Routine report 2. magazines and journals
c. Trade news 3. I'm Lovin' It
d. A summary intro mentions 4. one who appreciates good food
e. Attention Line 5. Har ek friend zaroori hota hai
f. The inside address is also called 6. Optional part of a letter
g. Tools of Print Media 7. The gist of a news story
h. Slogan 8. business
i. Airtel 9. formal
j. Gourmet 10. soft and hard news
k. Discussion of current topics and write- 11. 100 to 200 words
ups by reputable personalities
l. Part of a report 12. is called plagiarism
m. A news report begins with 13. Tenant
n. AIDA 14. print media
o. Cinema is a tool of 15. Terms of reference
p. An ideal copywriter must always be ready 16. Editorial Page
q. A flyer is a tool of 17. A headline
r. One who lives in someone’s house by 18. Sales tool
paying rent
s. Using someone’s words without consent 19. Advertising

t. A precis should not exceed 20. learn

46. State True or False:

i. It takes one attempt to write a report.

ii. The headline should be descriptive.
iii. There are many kinds of news reports.
iv. The list of issues to be discussed in a meeting is called an agenda.
v. The head address is an optional part of a letter.
vi. The attention line is a compulsory/mandatory part of a letter.
vii. A jingle is a short story.
viii. Either "who" or "whom" may appear as the first word in a question.
ix. A clause is a group of words containing a subject and verb and used as part of a
x. Grasping the main idea makes summarizing easy.
47. Fill in the blanks:
i. analytical
__________ reports are informational as their raw material is facts and data.
Effective Communication Skills-II

ii. headline
__________ is the title given to a news report.
iii. An eight-column headline placed at the top of the Front Page is called a
banner headline headline.
iv. carbon copy
CC in an email stands for __________.
v. __________
trademark is the trademark of the company.
vi. Writing the content of an ad is called copywriting
__________ in media.
vii. __________
slogan is a catchy sentence that sums up the product and stands out.
viii. question
mark mark is used at the end of a direct question.
ix. summary
__________ is 1/3 of the original text.
x. plagiarism
__________ is the act of copying another person’s ideas, words or work and
pretending they are your own; something that has been copied in this way.
48. Choose the Correct Answer:
A. What is the purpose of the BCC field?
i. To send copies of the business e-mails to co-workers without the knowledge of the boss
ii. To respect the contact's privacy
iii. To keep e-mail looking clean
iv. To send copies to anyone you want
B. Identify the optional component of a business letter.
i. Date
ii. Enclosures
iii. Signature
iv. Salutation
C. _________ reports describe ongoing projects.
i. Periodic reports
ii. Situational reports
iii. Progress reports
iv. Compliance reports
D. RTI Act came into force in __________.
i. 2001
ii. 2003
iii. 2005
iv. 2007
E. Identify the correct main verb:

“Paper was first made by the Egyptians.”

i. was
ii. by
iii. the
iv. made
F. Which of the following should NOT be included in the heading of an agenda?
i. Organization Name
ii. Location of Meeting
iii. Name of the person who keyed Agenda
iv. Date and Time
G. Which of these words contains a silent letter?
i. Public
ii. Station
iii. Clothing
iv. Sword
H. Find the correctly spelt word.
i. Adulation
Effective Communication Skills-II

ii. Adlation
iii. Aduletion
iv. Addulation
I. Choose the brand name of the below tagline mentioned:
The Ultimate Driving Machine
i. Audi
ii. Mercedes
iii. BMW
iv. Rolls Royce
J. Choose the future perfect tense form of the given sentence.

“Charlie is the head boy of our school.”

i. Charlie will be the head boy of our school.
ii. Charlie has been the head boy of our school.
iii. Charlie had been the head boy of our school.
iv. Charlie would have been the head boy of our school.

K. When should one respond/reply to an e-mail?

i. When one gets around to it
ii. After one day. It reflects that you are occupied and working hard.
iii. It doesn't matter
iv. As soon as one can; no longer than 24-48 hours.
L. __________ reports strive to be accurate and correct.
i. Oral
ii. Written
iii. Presentation
iv. Informal
M. __________ is a suggestion made for a future course of action.
i. Terms of Reference
ii. Procedure
iii. Findings
iv. Conclusion
N. Which of the following is the best possible paraphrasing of this statement?

We were able to save the day thanks to teamwork and innovative thinking.
i. We saved the day with teamwork and creative thinking.
ii. We made it work because we worked together and used innovation.
iii. Thanks to innovative thinking and teamwork, we were able to save the day.
iv. We were able to save the day together.
O. Which of the following is NOT a rule of precis writing?
i. Always have a heading
ii. Use as extensive vocabulary as possible
iii. Remove any irrelevant information present in the original passage
iv. Do not use any short forms or abbreviations
P. ‘A’ in AIDA stands for
i. Action
ii. Acquire
iii. Adhere
iv. Altar
Select the correct tagline used for Asian Paints.
i. Daag Acche Hai
Effective Communication Skills-II

ii. Eat Fresh

iii. Taste the Thunder
iv. Har Ghar Kuch Kehta Hai
Q. A good summary is generally ______ of the length of the original passage.
i. Half
ii. One-third
iii. A quarter
iv. Two-third
R. Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning to the word EMBRACE.
i. Disobey
ii. Contradict
iii. Reject
iv. Obscure
S. Choose the sentence below with the correct punctuation.
i. Ted and Janice, who had been friends for years, went on vacation together every
ii. Ted and Janice, who had been friends for years, went on vacation together, every
iii. Ted, and Janice, who had been friends for years, went on vacation together every
iv. Ted and Janice who had been friends for years went on vacation together every summer.

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